Ordinance No. 10,483()RDINANCE NO. 10,483 AN 0R1,,)rNAN(_"E MAI IF CITY ("(" A.FNI(It, OFT] I 01"BAYTOWN,TEXAS, 1?,1,,NEXV1NG'1 I DEER PARK LUMB I," P, COPYII"'ANY, ANNUAL CONS ]"RUI("'LION MATEMALS CONTRACT AND At.YTHOR1ZING PA%"1\4F,,NT BY 1111,' (,'ITY OF B4A'Yl(,)%\7Nj SUM OF SEV1'.,.,N1'YWF1V1'., TI 10US,kNE) AND NCY 100 DOLLA RS ($75.00(1.00)� MAKIN(l 0"I'll ER PROVISIGNS RELATED 111011M AINED 11RC)NADING DATE. 'F HER EOF. ga A, * * * "',k * * k * * ** * * ** * 4, * * * * * *' * *.114, ** * 7' * * * ,,.A, . 0,* ** * ***�* * * �^* * 4" �; 4� 'J, *,I,* 4� 14� *�* �r�* * * 41 '?, * ' * ** * * '�' *13 'NHEREAS, Dur M lAmho, MImmy, M, "ms awnled the Aumua! Cbnskumiori MMMES (MM on Demniber 11, 2003, pumurint w campMve bAlng pnwedures, vdiich contract iridudcd an ()pnon by the jiarties tar renem" Or three addhAwmi onelear pmiody and 'X] 19 REAS, Deer Pw* Lmmba (bmpmy. lid. has indicated n, yvdhngness to renew the ccm ract t6" anaddnion,,d year under the,,�,arnc ternis and cond ions �and MIERFAS. theAdninwradon has i'e aJevxd we MaM Coll aJ i I ioa I Sw ad rccominends renewa V as bei ng in thc best interes',t of the Cwr, BE I'LOW)AI"NED BY ITIE (ITY (TRR411, OF T M CITY OF` BAYTOWN,'IT'XAS: SeSon 1: MaltheCkyCouncil (")fflie (__,'iiyo1'Baqomqi Park Lurnher ("'cimpany. Ltd. IN, the Annual Con,,nu6on N—laterials (Toraract 1°d r die sum of SEVENTY41VI.'-, 1-H(k,SANfit AND =100 DOI.LARS paynient thereof. Section 2: 1-01 pumunt us the Imadsums of' 'Texas Local Government Code Annotated §2451048. the (:'rty Manager is hereby gmmed gnieml audiorky to approve—any change order involving as dMI'Mewin increase in cosis o f"I'WHNT Y WAVE M0 USAND A N D NO/100 DOLLARS($2510M)or less, provided Mai dwotiond cmumct moretkan t4,vent.y-tl-avepereelit(25',,/�))ol- decreased I more than hvenV-five perc(:,,nt (25',,/6) withma aw conscm or we cwhructo"o swh deause. Section 3: This ordinance shaH take eftccf iminediately Rom and aRa is pospe by the City eat` the City of 'Llaytoyvn, INTRODUCED. READ and RASSED Ba,,,iown this the a,)'t'day eat` ''NoveniN'.n% 2006. . ...... .. . I Chy (IM" APPROVED jkS1,'0 1`0PA/L by the affirmata ',,°e vme C('wncil of the City of "i'FiE _11 DONCIARLOS. Ada a: ^r RA.MMEZ, SR Auorney IN 116'­'__" RJunwcMy tCon�' a=Qnkhn&a Mbna mcL doe