Ordinance No. 10,482ORDINANCE NO. 10,482 A N ()R DFNAINCE CA' TH E C TFV CT MR 01" Fff E CITY 01" O i A Y"F0 WN, TFXAS „ AU"ITIC)RIZINGTHE TI IOUS AND SEVEN MMED FIFTMI'VE ANr) 93,100 DOLLARS (S226 ,755.93) TC) C"OUNcii.- 20()7 1"O1 D POLICE INTERMPTORS FROM mosyn N401URS, LTD, MAKING PR'0\/1 W0NS 1.E1_ATFDTTlEPF'F0. ANI) PROViDINIG DAT[� THF1MOR ar 41 r011 J9 411 *1 * * * * 4, i, * 4, ;q, -, 4 * 4- * � * * w * * 414: * * * * * 4" * * I, * * 4, j", * * f. *,4 * 0 * * * * * ** * * *, * �� * ,J� * ;,J� 'Y' J. * �,, * * * t, * 4, * 1J., * * * 4� * *, * :� DV. * * 1, � * Ap * WHEREAS. le City Councfl ofthe Ciiy i-sfBa)llc)%vn has rapprovedarty MwHoul Agmemon mlich Mahorizes the I louslon-Galveston Area Council io take bids Ircertaki hernson behAfofle 0y cA'Baqnwn: and WHEREAS, J)LffSUCtM W SUCh ih� Area COU11H llaS taken bids on deven (11) 2007 Ford Police lnterccpurs Rum Mpan N/fotc)rs, 1,td; NOW THEREFORE BE ITORDAPNED HY 111FAIll" CUPOCIL 01" THE CITY (l9° BAYTOWN,'FEXAS: Sewn D. : T last dwGWC%u=dc&fhMyofl3ay(r)wii hereh); auQoKzesQcpqnwMor,rwo HLTJDREI) JIVEN'".1 dry SIX HUNDRFD FIFTIM"WE AIND 93/100 DOLLAR'S (S22175513) to the Houmn4jalv coat. n Area Counci� Or the purchase of ekwn (11) 2007 11rd Mike Inwivq%mi ('rwrn MQU Mm 101, Secusi 2: llat pursuant to the pnwhains of Was Loeil Governnient Code Announed §252A48, be My Mwmger is hereby granted guneml authority to approve any Wye oWer NvWvkg as decrease or rui increase in cots of 1AVEN11 -Y-FIVIE'll 1C)USANI-) AND NO/ 100 D01 LARS q$25§OOAO) or W pmvded tat the original waawl price nmy not be Owmand by more Wn hwnly4M peromt WO or decRmsed by nixe Omn r%venty-five percent (2511) Whow the con;'.; mt of t1w cmummu"o, smh decrease, Sewn T ThM Wk ance .okra H We eM irnmelmely dwni and as W pawage by the (1, Cowlcd ot, 11"le City of Baytown. INTRODUCID, READ and 10SSED by the alhrnwivu vote of thyfify Council of die 0q, of' ot'November, 2006, Bayfown dhis, the 9','daN , City Clerk, A I'll IMVEt) AS ]"C) F'ORNL R Ronmi war y In 07AMIN4pa :rsHareNorydoc f°,,'N 11. 1-X)NC'AJ,16,,()S, Mayr,-,)r. yk , City Clerk, A I'll IMVEt) AS ]"C) F'ORNL R Ronmi war y In 07AMIN4pa :rsHareNorydoc f°,,'N 11. 1-X)NC'AJ,16,,()S, Mayr,-,)r.