Ordinance No. 10,481()RI)INANCT No 1 0,48 1, AN 01-U)IN.AN(,�F M Elk M)"MiNCIL Q1111,`> ('frY OF BAYT0WN,'V-EXA`,.,, ALYT1-R)RV1?N11(-J PAYMI`°.,NT M SEVFN'1'EFN'V1IOUSAND ONE 11'LJNT)PED SEVENTYAK0 AM") 551100 D()II-ARS (S 17,172,55)] 0 110US] 0N-GA1-V1,.',ST0N AREA (01-JWIL. MR ME PURMAK (11 GINI.-0) 2007 FORD F1,50 SUPL,'�R ('AB PK`K,UP'rRU'(`K FROM P111LPM7I'N4()'1'001 , L'I'D., 1"()R`11JE MOSQUI'YOC7ONTROL DIVISION OF '1]1E 1-11,,:AKIP DEPAMA]L,,Nf, N4AJ,,'JN('i 0111ER PROVISIONS AND PROVIDINCi 1,()RT11F, BA]E] 11ERF`,0F, * *ay, d * * * 1P,* * * * 4 4".a * * **ape* "r, 4, * * * * * 4t * *, * * * **4.* * * "r * 4r, * * * * ** *****,g.* *,, * * z I, * **A * * * A, * 4. 11c * v * � * • * W * *y< * ,J, �6 * 4t * .gt * �I * WHEREAS. the CAy t: ara.atM of aw (11 of Hymmi has approved ,in Inlerlocal Ageement, which inn Ihmixes the llousiorl-G"Ivestora Area t ° take Wds tbreerta in Rems on behalfoNhe CIO of llnylovvn_ and W11EPJ,-,AS, pursuant Cap stwh agreement. Wellousimi-Mvemon Ama (tuned haswknih0son one (1) 2007 Ford F150 Super Cab fIckup'lluck Win Phdpon Mom. Lit, Ruthe MrsquMMUPI Wsbn of Hie Fleahli Depammmu NC. AV 1EFRE1 ORE iTORDAIN"E1) BY 1EE (T IA' ('0UN C, H, 01 "]TIE (JIN 01' BNY]'0WNjEXAS: SCOW 1: Tsui dw cmy comwo of we coy or By,town hereby authorizcs the paymnt of' SF\NHNIfEP4TI1tAJSAIIDC)NFI-11.1�4f')l�Lf) S[,'Vk.'NTY-'TW0 AND55/100 DOLLARS ($17,17155) to the I fouston-Galveston Area (7ouncil Wr dw pumhoe of one (1) 2007 [Ord f`150 Super C'ab flickup'r'ruck M1 Philp oll y1010ro IAT, An le Mosquoo C `onr rol Mislon of the 1100 Depamment, Secrion 2: lbal purmmm io the provilons of Thus Locd Govermr-terit Code Annotated §252148, the Nfi'mal"!,er is hemby gmmed gawnd Mona to :41rove any change ordw Ovolving a decrease or-an increwie ki cost�,,; of-f �, TN'f IRM 00 DOLLARS (SUMMO) or less, provided thal the Wginal coraraul price may nm be Mmmed by rilore fh�,m Wrenty-flive pcivent (2511) or decreased Q move dmn nvmq-fivt pereent (29%) wilima dw comeld ref die C0]'n1`,]C10r tt) SUch decroase, Kim 3: 'this oahnmwe AM We Wht Wunahawly Gm and after is pm%je by We Cly (.'0L1r161 OfthC Cl'I OfBay[0a1111. READ and PA'SS1`1) by the aft`wmakvc vme of dw CTIT", (°owwfl crf tile ("ay of Bsiy mvn 0ns the 9 day ot'Norvenirev, 2006, S"I, ,11 i-1 I Al"PROV E'DASI 0 FORM: IGNAC'10 II,yy 1111 , SR., (,ity Altorney RANownMy LNcumnWCmmdNM-0TNooPWYr