Ordinance No. 10,480ORDIN,A-la�K,J,', NC"), 10,480 AN ORDINANCL OF "HH", 01"� OFTHU', ("TFYOF RAY-IOWX I'FXAS AU'ri-foRIZING 'FHE OF 'Y1-1(A.JSAN1) SFAJ' ,N HUINDREJ) it It-, PCHACE 1 ", RUN't CrUDWI "I'l- 1EVRC)L1,,,T; MAKIN("J (YF1 !FH FINCYVISUNS RFLATWAFRE11): AND PROVH)fN(,,-.j FOP,11 DAT1.`THFIZFOF V, �, * J, � * �,J k * 4� :� * V,* L* �, 'J", * A *. , "'8 * k IK W, A,. � .� EP ;d� t 4, v�, .j,, If***** **4� ** ej; * 4; , *< P4 * * � .ry , i�, J, ,g, [,,, �° ** � 'P. * yr* * y, *,, *4r � WHEREAS. We (Ty Cowwd oflair C11 of Bqtown has approved an Interlocal Agreeax,,ra which audwhzes the Housian0alvesumi ANa ComwH to take bids Arcertain AnNon NAM('rrd W 0yotAbyw"n: aml WIIERF'AS, pursuant to wh agreentani. the HousuWAvemon P a ti`" mned has taken Wison one BY °f Cl I"VC(AINCIL OF VIE CH Y(')J-'BAY'1'()WN.'1'EXAS: Salon 1: 1tat Me (1y Chu,wH or le Cly of 13ar),Iown hereby, authorizes the payinent ol SFVEN HUNDRED SEVI,-,'N-IY-fACd1 I'AND NWOO 1)0t.I..,ARS (520,77 .00) u) 1he flouston-G"fl"vesron Arc a ("OLWICO i'rff thC PUMW Ot'one (I) 2007 ("hevrolet Impaki f6r dv Police fi-om Aw"Al AMMY che"Dw, SeSmi 2: That purwant to Me pnwkkms of 1'eus [mad (Ovartmog Qde AnnWated § 252148, Q Clq Matutger is henwhy granted general awhWy to approve any chinge order nivolvrnl.,E a decrease (x an increase in cosN orlIVEN'r�'-FIVI",'['tl( )I,ISANI) AND NO1100 EX)LLARS (S25,("100.00) oj'" lest provAled that thu Wginul coruraeL price in rKH be Kewased by more than w,,,enr y- ,e percent (2594) or decreased by rnore than twenqOve percent (,251/'d,) "Alta. a Ow cotmort of Me cmumawo atch dmrxmse SMIAn 3: Ws (Whutnce shil We e&o Wmelmdy Som "'Ind after ils passap"C t)y the City ofthe City of'H aykpwn I�r1rlr�t�a %y9ttcd�a�ytkrt E REA and ASS by the uAirma6ve vote or wexy, Counuil or the Q, of Baytowi "'''��a °vItrrrl�a�r.I"'lt�bt�t,I:t , / :,/ A PPR0%'FDAS TC) "N 11, DONCARI ()S, Mayor rr "TZ!1NACK) )cpt do(: