Ordinance No. 10,478()R,I)INAINCE NO 1('.),4,78 AN ORDINAPS"17 OF T1111 (11AKU �N(AL OF T1 IF,, CITY OF l3AY`FOWN,TI'.,..X,AS, AUTHORIBNGTHE (")NEIR-INDRED ELEVEN AND 15110'.) D(A,I.ARS (07,11 TO 1101," (70NIPAINY (70 J. TYLER SERVICI'S. IN(7, FOR THE ➢URUEASH OF FUF,'Nl'FtJR1-- FOR THE NEW EMERGENCY OPFRATIONS'C'EN FEW,,N-IjWNG 0T111,P,, PROVISIONS REJ,, ATED THERETO: AN"D Pft()VIDINIG F-(-')R 'H [h EFf-,T,,k'T1VE DATE .,,, ., �, o�, : J; * V� * '0, * * € * .q. j �� * * * Cc :j, * 4� * * *, * e k �r, j,�, V. * ,p, * * * * * * *** *** ** *KV ** * ** * * W*** *1P * * ** * *** * * * * * * * * NQUEREAS. the Cly CowwH of aw CIV uf By,unvn has apprmTd an Mterlocal Apvemm wh4h authorizes ffie4cvis BU11(fingand PTumment, Commislow Ono Ric Swte PumhaWng and Qneml Semins, Unankshm. under 1heTXMAS Ciovernnvnt Pumhkng PTOPMUL to tAw lids Rn cenahAletvs on behmi, the Cdy of Baylo%W,11: and ANWEREAS. pursuant to such agreement the"rexas Buddilq2,and Procummmucammomaj un&r Te TX. EA Goveminent Purchasing Propmm. has Wen bKs on Awnhirc for ilte new Emergency Operahons Qnwr and has awaMed the bid to J. Tyer SeKces. lnc-', BE ITORDAINFI) I3Y 11 IF (7FY'U()(JNC1l,, 01' FHE CITY OF 13AYTOWN,TEXAS: Sechon 'l: TIMI the CM),! CCRUJOI Of We City of Balown hemb), Ulthfflri7e,,S the payn-wnt of TH IRTY-SEV [W] TIOUSA ND ONE I KTA)RI71) EI..,,EVF`N AND 15/100 D0LI,AJZS (S37,1 11. 15) Lo I ION C,ornpall.y t`/o J, Ty r Sen1cm Erna;., Rw the purOmse of UK= Rw Me new Emequixy QeWms Cemm Scolon 2: TUa pray suarn io the provilm of Uxas Wal Government Code Ammuned §252.048, the City NiNfianager is hemby gmnwd guncral WSJ to aRnove mty change order involving a decrease or tart increase AND NO/100 1)(A-1-ARS fS25,000,(9001- ls. ss, Providod that die Wginal convact price may not be Amawd by nwe thm rventy-fi ve pereen! 4? 1R) or- a. e ro ased by more than tweno-live percent (2511) withow the co➢wnt of dw commum-to smh demast,. Sechon 3: Tks oitkwwe W We enki inswediatAy mvm and afia W pmEje by We Uy Courcj9 ofthe Bayro%vn. ,I ivirm)DUCER U.'AD, ,,md PASSED by (he alfinna0ve me of 1h,01 Counwil of the (AW of' 1hymn ON the 90 day of Nuvernber, 2000, APPROVED AS "F0 FCA(NI: Z.. A-TU) RANCREZ, S City A4Kqmey R JaLfl[CflL C16-07 I L DONCARI-0& Mayor