Ordinance No. 10,470ORDINAANK-J.', NOl 10,47(t AN OU)INA114CL.-,,o OFYHE C Y ('()I ,VNCIL ri, -I-Exvs, Rt,'Nt,`NVING TIIF ARAMARK UNIFORNII SERVICTS, IN(%, FORTI 11H AMNI,JAL, UNI1 "()RN,1 Al, ,��NF) MISCELUNNHOUS SETVKTS CONIRACT ANED AU"I"HORIZIING PA%'NIf.`N'F LVY Tffl,, CITY BAYT(AVN,Tl1E SUNJ hat` S[VI"Y `171 JOUSAND AND WNWO D(41ARS 66(),00(00)� MAKING OTHER IT(WISIONS RI'l AT1.1)"ITIFTEST AND 1qU)V1FANG FOR T11F FF]+CTIVF WHFREAK Ararnirk Uniflorm Services, W, was awarded the Kinual WHAii Rental and Nhwelkinums SovKH Wtmct on Mentor 44 20M)�, pursuan I w con-ipeiitive biddingprocedu,res, vvI I ich wonract included an qmwn by the panks io rwenv for ffirce addinonal two-year periods: and NVHEREAS.Wmnxrrk thuRrm Sowle, law., s uWbated ils withrignessto rencvv the contract fi,,wan a,ddihomfl to as l,aar pawd un&r the snaw Unns and conlncmv mul in the beg inhiest ofthe I. W"'THTEFURF, LIE ITORDAINED Ilya' TTH! (111'UYNCIL C) F FHF,a(,TTY O' BAY'F0\N1NjFXAS: Sect= 1: 'rhat the (-",ity COLHICil cO the I it), offlaylo"s hov :ay nuvws dre emma ofAmrnarl,: Inc- for the Annual Whawni Rental and NIAMAmeous Services Cc)ntrao fiw the sami of SIXTY THCA,JSANH ,) AM-) NO/100 WATARS (SWWWWO" am! audurkes paynwnt WWI Secnori 2: 'I'llat pursualit to d-W plovisions of Tcxas kwal 6avernment Code Annotawd §25214S, 1he CC;, Manager is horeby granted genval aulo&Q to aRm)xv any change order involvir;g a decrease orsm increase incosvioff WE,,N TWIVE IMMSAND Al, L) N(.,)/l00T01 1 kRS (SWOOMOor less, provided that the miginal contruct price niaymw be increasea by rnore [hm kventy-five percent or decTeased Q more tan Vamnly-five 1wicent (25`�','") ,�ithout die Consent ofilhe contraclor to such decrease. Section 3: This ("w(fillancC Shall take efi cl innnediilely fron-i and after its pass,,,ige by the City Council of die Cify of Haytown9 19FRODUCLD, READ and PASSED by the allimmWe vM1 of dw My (Mumd ti Te (Ty of ---, "o-, 1,M"iwn- tear s the 23" stay ofl,)ciober, 2006, tW, L:N 11 fX)NCARIA)S—Mayor 1 1, RRI A I'll, R OVE 1) ASTO 1`0 --,T(` NAC101 SR-