Ordinance No. 10,469()FU-)1NAPx(`E NO. 1 (),4,69 AN ()R1,ANAN(-`E OF 11W urry mUNCI L OF III F CITY A UTHORIZINGTHF, SFATEN 1JUN'DRED T1 I IRTY-FIVF, AND 95000 FXMA.NRS (U1,735,95)TO JOHN I,. (:�OMPANV FOR ,riIf,,, ()F B,,%(,'K14(,*',, 1,C)ADER FOP, rp..l9dyr PARKS ANF) R [,,(,R ENTION DFFA RTM ENT N4AK IN(J(J'Fl d L, F, PROVV-'� IONS AND PROVIIANG FCAA ViE 111111FUIVE DATE WERE OF, * ", ,, *, * I * 4- * k �r *, 4r, ;k * 4, " * * *, F rg * *: * * * ,t, :4, "r, * a, q, (", *', * k, * * A, * 4 ** * ** 4 * * * W� �o, . J, * :4, A* * * * * "k g, * * *."41 * * * Ar * * * **, **r+' ***** . ** %V111WAS. the CAq ChwwK of WeLtyof Kywin has appinved an Interlocal Agreenicn)t which awhmhes Te Texas Local Gowrnwicm Statewide (,,00�perativeto is bids 661. certan itell'is on 1,rehaffofthe (,'ny and WHERp AS. puramia lo such agreenworti, Te Was Wal Goveninient Slatewide Purchasing C'oopme6ve has wken bids mi the purchase of one bacblwc, loader for the Parks and Recreation L)epartnient and has awaMed to bkJ to J(hin Deere ('ompany, N(WI 11ERFF()RF,' BF, 1 FC)RDAINTI) BY 11 W (UY (A)UN011. OF THE CITY (W BAYTOW11 IWAS: Action 1: Ilat me 0, ("UMH or we (my of Qylown hereby, aufficwizes 1he payniew of 11 1IRTY-SEV"EN TH(HiSAAH) SFVEN 11UNDRFI) "I'll1l'tTY-FIVEAND 95/100 D01 I-A k S (S 3 7,7 3 5. 9 5) to him lkere Cbmpmiy Ar Me pumbBe of one backhoe loader J"or 1he Parks and Recreation Deparinwill- Sek on 2: 11at pursuant to die [novinions 4 Tew I mcal Goverrintent ('ode Anno lawd § 252148. A C'Ity klanager is hemby grmued Benno seal atahoky to appiawe any change unia invuhing a decreuse (w urn increase in coms of 1AVENTY-FIVE l"I 101 ISAND AND, N0 /100 DOLLARS ($251)(WAT or less. provided that We ear hial corn met Irice rnay ram be Awm ass d by more than twenty -five percent (2500) or dccreascd by more than twetia-five perecrit (2501) vkhoul Me cNam of [lie contractor W such decrease. seclion ),a This Ordinance shall lake (11icct iinrnedimdy kurn and afta W pmmye by Me Clty ( oum,nt of the oi, llmylov%,M, INTROI )LVEJ), READ. and PASSIA) by the allOmmiAv vote of Me 1-Bal'u)VVp dw,,, Ilan, 23m day of C1a °t.W4 2006, I U 1F F, .... ...... ... . . ...... ... I Y,4 APPROT11) AS 11) F CN day A,\41k, F'Z, SR., doc 0iuncil of the of, I)0N('MW,()S,, NIkiyoi