Ordinance No. 10,466ORE)IN/kNCE M), 10.466 AN ORIANAIRY �77 1W (ITYKAOCIL OF THE CITY OF BAY"TOWN, TEXAS, 1013SAND I'OUR IHJNDRFl) SIX ONE AKA) 5WIM) DOL LARS 025A IVOTC) [.)0CflJ.`,Y TACI ,/\.BF.�,RRY, INC., FOR 11IF P1.JRC1 ASE CA- SCI,)TTAIR PACK AND PARTS 1"OR FIRE DEPAwninvir NIAKINCI 01 HIA? PROVISMNS YOU) PROV➢)ING 1'C)F,T1-1E FFTHOW DYVIE WE1~ E01", * "s w" * "4 " * * * * * .a:* * V, * A" , *r c [,,, 't, W �[,, t,: J, * ;�, * A, rr, * g:* * * * * * * * * * * * * * , k" 'j, * 4", * * * q� ,1r h , * �V,. .jn * �P� [, 1, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHIATEAS. the 01 Cbwwd of dw (My of Boy mm WB aMwoved an 1nwi1oQ,AgNenvnt "Tidl aw1iorizes tiie'rexas La cal Govenunou Sww"ide Puchmmgt Coc,petwOuto Wke W for caml Orns or� behal 1'of'the C'ny, rut aytciwn, and \NVE[~ EAS. pursuant zo mich agreeniern. tk Ww,,,is Locd (,iovei nment Simmide PLnIhmmg, (boperativehas t akxn hidson No awardod Te Idd to [Wey Tac4,,.aberry. lnc,„ N()✓ 13E IT ORDAINFE) 131" 141F UVY WUNCII. OF "aw CITY 01, bl,-%�-roWN, 1EXAS: Smuon k 11M the Ckv CUrnud of be Cly of Bapown hewhy awhoikes We plynent of' -FWE'N'I'Y-FIVF,,, THOUSAND ["CA-IR IHJNDR1-`.`D SIXTY -ONE AND 501100 DOLLARS (S25VUH W U) f)(w1ey"1 ackaberpq hn, Ar arc, jXWONC OFSCOH Ad PaCH(JUipmentand Imrts kw the F`ure Eta pal hnellt" Section 2: 111,11 1)U1`-,UM11 ((,,) the prcv"Isiow; or -rexas [,ocal Governnient Code AnnoiaEed § 252AQ the Oty, Nkinager is hureWy gmnwd general aulhwky to approve any change order Avok-ing .1 dccreasetran inurcome in cum s of 101rc,,'NTY -1, 1 VE'l] K-) [ SAND ANDNO/100 I)OLLARS (S25J)00.00)o� less, provided that the Wginal co,mract price may wq be memawd by nimv Waii nvoyd1w pacem (2510) or demased by more rhan nvenly-Aw percent (2511) wkhma We owboit w"the conti-actor [o such decrease, Senun 3: TO o4inwice shall rake enhet WuncOwdy hvm and aRa 0 pwsage by ke Clty, COMW of we (11 of QImm ,7 IN"YROINJC'ED, REAEk W PASSM) by the aMnswK vote ofthe(t "",�t, - v Councd of the ty of ...BuMm whis the 23''� daY ok)ctober, 2006, /1 1� C-40""", UOS, N'Ja,yor City APPRC)VEF) NST(..) FOR1\1 R