Ordinance No. 10,4650Rt)I,NIA!',X-,`E NO 10,465 ANI 010,)INANCE (HI THh (IT'V(,:'0UN(,AI- 0F THE EXAS, AUTHC)RIZIN(J THE, PAYNJI-iN F ()F"FIIH<Tt"- l'�\70 I'll0l,JSANL) L'IGHTHUNDRED 12/100 D(AT,t NP, .S 0532,8',.,9,1) 1'() BR0OKSIDE E,0UJPMf!NI' SALES ]OR THE 14JRCIIASE 0F A H00M REAC,11 MOWER FQUIIIN/lENT ANT) ACCESS010 "s I° €:.t Ttlf', P-AP4,,S AW RECREATWN DETARTMENT; MAKING OTHFIZ III C)VISIC)NS RLI,,,VTEDTTHTET0: ANO PFU)VIDIN(3 DATE ITIFITE(W WHEREAS, the Cray, Cbwwd of die (Ay of Bay= Ism aRxmvd an huakwd Agmznmm "Wh amhomm me I CXas I-ocal Goverlintent Su,,ne,,,v,�de Pwvhskg (bol)erative to take bids cerl-am iwms on OuLy d,A'Bayiown: and WHEREAS, piwwam to such aymme, Q Ws, 1AWal (,T'(,WeTMIICW Statewidc Purchasing has ullxn I�ods �,)n able purchase of a boom rench mtywr (-,,quiprnent and accessorics for Me PatTs and Recreation Department and ha,,; d,nvurdc,d the"bli to Hrooksis,.le Equipmcnt Siflcs; NOWTHERF',FORE BE ITC)RDAINEI) B)"I'l IE (II "a' (T)UNCT. Section I r That die 1,0y Cormed of We Cly of Baymn QvQ aUthmizes the payment of "HiGUSAND ING111" 12/100 D0J,LARS (S32,8311 2) w Brookside Equupmenl Saks dim he pur,chme Wa bumn reach acccssorues f6r ihe Parks and Recreation Deparunclit, Seenon 2: That pursuant u) Me pnwamns of Was Local 6overnment Code Annota[ed 252JW8. Me Cly N art' ng7ci is heielray gmawd gnwnd aulorby to approve any change order invok,ing as dcurewman increase B'110�,,�Si\NDj,\Nl..)NO/100!)OLIJ%RS($25XDOAM)o� less, provided that the Wginal conhud pnee may not he Awmawd by niore thart tvvcnty-five pcircent (25'�,,, ) or rn�,:wc than, uvtmiy fivc perceni (2511) wAhm Me emmom of le muractor to stsh decrease. Sajon I 'Ibis Wmmwe W tale enha hummhWdy num and arena is passage by the C!, Cotincil ofthe CIry of"Baylown, JNIRODLCFD READ. aml PASSFD by Qu Wnymwe vow of t - Chy (bumd of Ge City Of "m Wis the 23" day of(Imobm 2006, APPRCA/F,J) AST0 F0RNt P RAWmMy Dmumms CwmdNb-07 0 cwher 2nd PLaCK"cBoun;RYwhNIuwcPdm,-