Ordinance No. 10,463ORDINANCE NO. 10,463 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE RATE AND TAX LEVY FOR GENERAL FUND MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION AND DEBT SERVICE FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2007, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF BAYTOWN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CHARTER PROVISIONS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE: CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE: AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS. the City's tax rate consists of the following two components: 1. the rate that. if applied to the total taxable value, will impose the amount of taxes needed to pay debt service; and 2. the rate that, if applied to the total taxable value, will impose the amount of taxes needed to fund maintenance and operation expenditures of the City for the next year: and WHEREAS, the proposed tax rate of $0.45700 per $100 valuation for maintenance and operations together with the proposed tax rate of 50.28003 per $100 valuation for debt service exceeds the effective tax rate although it is the same tax rate that the City has adopted since 1992; and WHEREAS, after complying with all the requisites contained in Sections 26.06 and 26.065 of the Texas Tax Code, the City Council of the City of Baytown held two public hearings regarding the proposed tax rate on September 28, 2006. and October 12. 2006; and WHEREAS, at the public hearings, proponents and opponents of the tax increase were afforded an adequate opportunity to present their views; and WHEREAS, at the public hearings, the City Council announced that it would vote on the proposed tax rate in the City Council Chambers of the Baytown City Hall on October 23, 2006.. at 6:40 p.m., which is within sixty (60) days after the date the City received the certified appraisal roll; and WHEREAS. after each public hearing, the City Council gave also notice as required by law of its meeting, at which it would vote on the proposed tax rate; and WHEREAS, after considering the testimony received at the public hearings and the budget adopted on September 14. 2006. the City Council finds that the tax hereinafter levied is necessary to provide the revenue requirements of the budget for Fiscal Year 2006 -2007: and WHEREAS, in making a motion to approve this ordinance, Council Member Capetillo stated "I move that property taxes be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of $0.73703" and Council Member Caskey seconded the motion; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS: Section 1: That the facts and matters set forth in the recitals of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby adopts and sets for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, an ad valorem tax rate of S 0.45700 for each ONE HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS (SI00.00) of assessed value of property located within the city limits of the City of Baytown on January 1. 2006, made taxable by law, which said taxes, when collected, shall be apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown for the purpose of General Fund Maintenance and Operation. THIS TAX RATE WILL RAISE MORE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THAN LAST YEAR'S TAX RATE. THE TAX RATE WILL RAISE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ON A S100,000 HOME BY APPROXIMATELY S0.00. Section 3: The ad valorem tax rate of S 0.45700, as set forth in Section 2. is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on one hundred percent (100 %) of each ONE HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($100.00) worth of property located within the city limits of the City of Baytown on January 1. 2006. as valued by the Harris County Appraisal District or the Chambers County Appraisal District and made taxable by law. Section 4: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby adopts and sets for the fiscal year ending September 30. 2007, an ad valorem tax rate of S 0.28003 for each ONE HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS (S100.00) of assessed value of property located within the city limits of the City of Baytown on January 1, 2006, made taxable by law, which said taxes, when collected, shall be apportioned among funds and departments of City Government of the City of Baytown for the purpose of Debt Service. Section 5: The ad valorem tax rate of S 0.28003, as set forth in Section 4, is hereby levied and shall be assessed and collected on one hundred percent (100 %) of each ONE HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS (SI00.00) worth of property located within the city limits of the City of Baytown on January 1. 2006, as valued by the Harris County Appraisal District or the Chambers County Appraisal District and made taxable by law. Section 6: The Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Baytown is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the Tax Rolls of the City of Baytown, Texas, for the current year the amounts and rates herein levied, and to keep a current account of same. All collection of such taxes. as well as collection of taxes owed for prior years, to include penalty and interest thereof, shall be deposited in the official depository of the City of Baytown to be distributed 2 belween the —Alenmal Fund and the M1 See on as bads MnWned by the peNenmge that Cach bear to the tol"'d tax as Section 7: that the (1crk is hereby MOM to incM on Be harne page of the Internet webske opamod by die m or nayrown the Allowhig: J'HE CITY OF AJ`AX RATE THAT WILL FOR NMAINT1,'NANCE AND OPERATIONS '11 Lk N LA ST Yf,,,,A R'S T AX R,A'T' E ® TI-1 E J'A X R A711",, W I I � L RA I S E "rivas FOR N4A1NTENANCI,',-. AM-) 0131",,RATIONS ON A $100,()00 11OM1:-, BY APPRC')XtN4ATEf,,,�,` S,'OM somdon 8: AA MArinces or parts or ordiriances inconNislent "Th the terms of this (nditimnce are 1wreby mpealed; pmMed however, that such rqieal sliall be only to the extent A' such inconsistency and in all mher respects this ordinance shall be cuandative or ower oahnances reguhting and governing, IhC SUbjCC1 innuer covered by this ordim,,ince. Scctaon 9: If any provisionc mAn exception, subsecticm, sera CnCle, clause or phnise of this ombnance or the applicadon of' same to any person or set of" 61-CLUITSUARCCS, shaH Ar any reason be hdd uncmMonal, voRl or &M, such invAiTty shall not anict the vaddify of the renstining prom ons of Us ashnance cm—their appHcmion to other Imms or am orchnummances and too dabs end all pnwkions of this oadnance are decbred to be seva-aMe. Section 10: TIAs oahnmce shall take 0% immediately frain and aner A Imsmge by the CJty Council of the City ofBayto�vn. INTR(tDUCED, READ aml PASSED by the afftnmdve vote 'Uthe (1t Councd of the City ofBaytom Tk the 23" day of Omber. 2006, Y6 TO F'ORM� 00. "or4e.4ce Y Nuofllt7� STF41611 l N I 1, DC) NIC', AR LOS, N1 ayor 11" ( mwo (;:1 jm I m � 200h I, a`., effw , (, ,, I I t�a N!a I atcnx I cQ&A IV I CV20,00 dm: I