Ordinance No. 10,454() P , D l N A, N C E 1 0, 10, l.54 AN ORDINANCE OF'FHE COUNCIL OFTHE CIT'N" 01,BAYTOWN, TEXAS, YMENI" 01- ONE HUNDRED 1"IFTY-NINE—r1-OUSAND ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN AND 40/100 DOLLARS ($159,111.40) TO HOUSTON-GALV-ESTON AR 1 -';0L.JNCJL, FOR '"HIE PURCHASE OF ONE 2007 TYMC,O MODEL 600 Rf,"GENI`RATIVE AIR STREE"I" SWEEPER FROM TYMCO IN'1'1,"RNA'I'IONAI.,I,T'll);,N�IAKIN(.",io,rl-IERPROV,ISI()NSREI,A'I' El) 'F'fiERE"I'O; ANA ) PROVI DING FOR II I E EFFE"("'I" IVE DATE "F'HER,,E.0F, \VHEREAS, the City Council ofthe 01y of Baytown has approved an hiterlocal Agreement which MAIIOI-iZeS thiC HOLI'StOli-Galveston Arei CC) Lill C,i I to take bids for certain iteins on behalf offfie CIty of Baytoww, ivid WHEREAS, pursuallt tO SUCII the Hoti'morl-GAvesion Area Council has taken bids mi vehicles for vari(J us cit y depa rtmei its � N('W I'HEREFORE B: E ITORDAINED BYTI'M CITY COIJNCIL O17'THE,'CT'lA' OF B,NYTOWN, TE"XAS: S,ection t: That [lie City Council of the City of"Baywwn herebyauthorizes the paynient of0NE I I UNDRE1.) TFIOLJSAND ONE, H UNDRED ELEVENAND 40/100 DOLLAR-S ($159,11 L4()) o,',) the tiotistoit�aGaivestoti,,\,I-C,",'I C110MICH fb - dIC, l)Ijrchase of'one Tvlodel 6001 Rqenerat 'e Air k. ix Street Sweieper From TYINICO International, 1"'11), Section I That puuisuint lcii the, provisions, ot" "I'mas Loud Government Code Annotated § 151048, [lie City Manager is hereby granted general authorily to approve any change order involving as deereasc or an in in costs of"IAVI,,,NI'Y FIVE THOUSANI.) AN D NC. d 00, DOLLARS (; 25,000,00) or less, provided that the original contract pdce may not be increased by niore than t%venty-five percent (2 ''?A") or decre�,aced by rnore than owenty-five per,:,ent (2511/0') Mthout the clonsent ofthe contractor to such decrease, Section I Th s ordinance shall take effev immediately from and after its passage by the City, Council of the City of Baytown. INTRC)DU��ED ., READ and PAS.SED by the affinnative vote o flie City Council of the City of` as cvwn this the ay of October, 21()06, APPROVED ASTO FORNL e CIITINACK) RAMIREZ, SR., Cn, Attorney. STEPHY,N H IIONCA R LOS, May L I 0' IGA C Purchasco ES't r oci S wee lie r Acw