Ordinance No. 10,451OFZDIN.%,NC-` C). 1(..1,45,1
A N CA K:0 fWAT,T 017 J-1-1 E 01 N4 1(,-,:, 11 (-�)U 'LTLI.,., BAYTOWN, '112.KAS,
MT111ORIZINCA "1"I:11 1-1 UN F)RI I I
ANE.) INCY100 DOI.WNRS Q136,282 00) ;TCD HO LTA S-f-ON7,
FEZ 1HIC31TYL.1 N L-,R-, S-11011.1140 XONI-) S I'ZUZ PUR-CULA.SIE, CiF UNIE�
(1) 2008 1WRIM. "I"RLJC'K "111,111 SIERVIC17 BCAD"i'; NL^,-KLNCj
WHERMW the, C"ity, C"oUnCil of 'the (. itynI-Bn)qx)mYn has appruved arl Intel-locol v"Ilich
the -Veu 'a,s L(:)cal (-ioverrument Swe"Ade thuchasmg Coop era t ivt to to b4ds For certain iterns airl
bee yal'croft the C"ity of- Baylc)Nvrl; and
WHERITENkS, IMUMLIant W SLICII agrecinenn the 'Texas Local 0overi-n-nerit SUlte%vide Purchasing
C oc)p,erative has taken lards cm oic purchase or one (1) 2008 Acrial EJII "I'inichk \A,ith Service f3cody and lizis
a"wrded the bid to ficniston FraighOirier, Stcrhns:wand NvVesteril SrtZli-; NT(7 '% -E`T f - -ZF
ICI, ; rr wwwAINEL) -I'J-JE C"IT"Y' (7(DA VNCAL CM C, 0,F B A X AS:
Seebon 1: 711M We (Pity (7ouncil ofthc 4 71ty o1°I3aYIO"`n tile 13ZI3,91lellt of'(JNE
i1u-Nr:)r-zEr3 T'i.imwy.sw '1=(_`t 18UNDIVOL3 ANF) NOA00
(';, 136,282.00) to Houston '4tcy-ling! and %V sign Sum Jbr the purchase oforte (1) 2008 MHal LAIR
Truck with Service Bc)d,,.
Section 2: TIvat purSLIUM to the prowilcois, W TeXCLS Local Onvernnient Clide ✓InnWated
§ 252,048, the C�'it_y Nhtnagcr is 1wreb.y g;rantcd generul authority to aj,'.)prove atny cl-i"Inge 'order iravol-%yrn4- 2
decrease or an increase in C'C)StS OCTWI-NNWN' FIVIE A.0013 NO/ 100 130I.I.AMS Q25ROOMO)or:
les� provided that ilia urional uonQrZtCt price rnz-ty not be inowased by imcwe thma "venty-five percent 125'r4)) tam_
pia by nwmw Thmi is enty-five peintom (25%) withcaut theconsent of the conumewar to such decrease,
Secdmi 3: WAs orMnance shan take onlact inmiechately VCHIA -111-1d 231-t Or rts pac;sa- c! b-),, tile C-ily
'I') U u C, c) t' I we i t y u I' B a, y ri,
fN'F'R0FA1..TC'J-,',1D, IM M), and IMSSEV by We MUrnwtive vote tar u hVIA.Y C'CILIFICil Of the CitNI UIT
Baylo""i this the 12"day "Metuboo 20INT
P 1 .1 ff. DONCARI-C->S, M