Ordinance No. 10,450EW ( - )R.Dft�x,/%NCE N(-X 10,45(-) N OFUDINANCER 017"FITE CUM COUNCIL. OF -1711F CrIA" OF BAYTOW 'TEXAS, F"/kYMEACY ov sismv.-Furo -rmcw.j,-,.,,\ND NINE HtYN,E)PI, FID FIFT'v'-FIVE MM 66/100 1-30L.I.ARS ($6,955.66) "M l'R(-)FwES,SIC-)NAL- 'T:k j fZ I ,Ir F'OR "T'l-M PURCHASE C-'),F A 580-D N4(-)WEF,,,; N4AKfN1G0-I"1-1ER PRO\71SIONS REL.A.1"EUVrinnuvwx AN PR.0V'I.DING FOR, E FF E C"T'I NTE FDA T E F I I E: R I I , * W** * * * ** *0 *M*W* *we* wo** * W* * 0 * *A ram air W**W* * * * 0 * * W* ***** **** ***11*****,**— * * * * ** ** WHEREM, the CAty CounNi orthe Ciqy of"Bzay1cnwn has approved am Klerlo,cal reeiriet it h , a"tharizcs the Texas Local Cio%, ern rn.4a ntt S~ atiu. 6'kr1Dr(.-1-h1']rS1h1a� tcj, take bids, for certain iu.n-ts on 1:3e1iaAfoi" O-w CAqv of EMytown; and NAMERETAS, pursuamL to such agrecnianQ the Tbxas Local Govenumeni Statenvide Purchasing has taken bids (,)n the purchase of as GinundmnasWr SSO-- D Mower and haq awarded, Ore hid, to ProWssional 1%rFProducts; NOW W! I lift ERFOREil BVi I'VORDAIN EE.) [AN' TJ I U CITY CXJLJNJCI I. OF wiirr, cvl'Y OF BAYT0XNTN, 'l-EXAS: Section 1: That the City (20uncil the City of Ba�,rto%n v ti'le of SIX 15"Ol'WO ) -1-lJ Ott ;SAN L3 NINIT I lL-TNF)P'JHD 66/1 ()0 DOL.L.ARS ProWssOnal TOM Maducts f•r the PLUchase or a Groundornagwr 5RD-D, VJOWerr, Section 2: -rhmt puxsuant to the provisOns or Toi, 1-ocal (3overnnient ArtMok"Ited § 252.048, the C:'it:,,, Manager is hereby granted ganeml audwri�y to Chttl1ge involvirq', a dommase or am, increase in costs oVTWr,,N-rNr-17IVET -FH01..JSA'N,[-,) v\,ND NO/I 00-EDCOL-LARS (S25,000.00) c)r less, provklod that the orighmi conn-act rwice inny iiot be Uncreasud by inore th.-im t,�,verity-five F-�ercent (25114)) rn- dt.r-(-reased b'y frWWO than twenty-fi✓e pervent (251a�6) m,ithoul the conwani orthe c rttraclor to, such decrease, S c, c t a a1 3 : -1-ths onlWance shall take Whet ininindialely 11CM11 and after its Passage 1-,Oy the (-ity 4, CY IL I I I C i l 0 f t h, 10' (-7i t - y' Clf B!L�Itowrl, R.E,,NLr) an,d mswo bty the anR"naHve this the 12th day oi'C)cto,ber, 2(-)W-,., A Q 1 91 , -W , :1�, Civy Cltr-,rk * -k A r -1 1", - AS T(.D III wizim, s C:Uy Alto"wn,, R KawnUqQACiqr (7aunWKC)rdWanceQ2006'0"o%w 17 111 C City .;GPU 11C i I C,) f I hC (" N t_)t 0 f- NC!ARL.(--)S, Ma