Ordinance No. 10,445ORDINANCE NO. 10,445 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 "ADMINISTRATION," ARTICLE IV "BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS," DIVISION 11 "BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMISSION," SECTION 2 -561 "CREATED; MEMBERSHIP" AND SECTION 2 -562 "APPOINTMENTS: TERMS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BAYTOWN, TEXAS. TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS ON THE COMMISSION AND AMEND THE MANNER IN WHICH MEMBERS ARE APPOINTED: PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE: CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE: AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section l: That Chapter 2 '`Administration," Article IV "Boards and Commissions," Division 11 "Baytown Beautification Advisory Commission," Section 2 -561 "Created: membership" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 2. ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE 1V. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS DIVISION 11. BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY CO]1hIISSION Sec. 2 -561. Created; membership. There is created a nine- member advisory board which shall assist and advise the city council on the proper operation of the city's beautification efforts. The board shall be known as the Baytown Beautification Advisory Commission and shall have no rule - making authority. Section 2: That Chapter 2 "Administration," Article IV "Boards and Commissions," Division 11 "Baytown Beautification Advisory Commission," Section 2 -562 "Appointments; terms" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 2. ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE IV. BOARDS AND COI Ii1IISSIONS DIVISION 11. BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY CONEMISSION Sec. 2 -562. Appointments, terms. (a) Except as provided in subsection (c) hereof, the Baytown Beautification Advisory Commission shall consist of nine members, who are residents of the city. The members of the commission shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the city council and may be removed by the city council with or without cause. Members may be chosen from civic organizations, educational institutions. businesses, non -profit charitable organizations, governmental institutions, or the public at large. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) hereof: the terms of persons appointed as members of the commission shall be as follows: 1' l Four i-nenibus shall be appoWed dudng even4wmbued years and five men'ibers shall be appomledrAluring odd-numbered years. (2) Mernbers shall be, appointed to, serve two-year terns. (3) If vacmGes occur in the board, snch vacaiwics shall be filled in the sarne nianner as Original appointri-lents. Appoirilments to nzan6es shall be for the Linexpired terni of the position to which the appointment is, made. (4) Members shall serve until Breit successors have been appointed. dd Oil October 12. 2001, the Baytown Beautification Advisory Commission shall consist of ten niembers, who are rnklents of Me W, Ile Wt vacancy on the boated bat ocuum aher sudi date will not In filled. "Therefore, the number of incinbers on the board, shall be reduced to nine niembers, coirtsisient "Ah subsection (a), After this irrii(ial vacancy occurs, the council shall appoint rnerilers as their terms expire conkaeril m1h subsection (b); provided, that it' such a vacancy moms in an ewn-numhemd year, one of the appoktri-tems during die odd-nurnbered year shall be appolted to a onvyeu wrriL Themane" A appointrilents will be for mo-ye'ar terms consistent with Subsection (b), Sec on 3: AS o0nances cm- pans of ordinances inconimmit with the Ims of this c,)rdinance are hereby repealed; provNed. however Wil smh repeal sal be only 10 We Mult Of SLA incorisimency and in A oler respects this OAK= shall be cuivulaNe sat` curer ordinances regulating and govenAg the suNoct matter covmvd by % oVinatme, Section 4: If any pin vision, seckni, CXCCP iM, iLibsection, paragraph, sentence, clause oi- phruse of this ordWance or the applicadmi of swpe to any person or We set of chrunistancec shall for any rommi be held uncorimhutdorud, void or invalid, such filvah(lity shall not affect the validity of the immAning provishns of As ordiname or thek applintion to odwf persoris or sets of'circunistances and to dis end all proWons a ftNs ordinmwe am dedmvd to he sevvmble, Scahn I Ths Wiiiamv sAH We e0hel irrinwWdy Win and after is pamage by the City Council ofthe City of Baytown, INTRODUCED, READ and PASSEET by shwa: a0knative vow eat le C�"9Council of the City of Ba,towrt this the i 2'°'day ot'October, 2006. A I I I I RO V F,D Al.') TO F 0 K' M : <fIMACIO RANI I REZ, SR., City AHAT19Y VAawMFWChy ( A not NO names 140004uber I STPPHEN H. DONCARLOS,