Ordinance No. 10,442Ai C. .D1 1.91T °" a �I "li.(IF 1 k1 C', I %, C'04J>N Il- C)F" "THE CAVY (,"W' I'VX''As,
wummu, mm mr-rism" IT) A CIDYTTR AC, F D,LK.W INC,- 'I'HE-
1111WITHURRY 1HZ/%1?QA0lT f"RWEC-K ()F: A SUM, N(-,)J' 7X-)
E, x ( A,:', 1,i' [I I•DUR 116,.M NDRUD 11IF'ri-mom wumusmAD 01WH HUNDRED 1""0111-Y-C)NE AND
040/100 NVIAI�,ANICS 01-HER PROVISICWS 141A.WFIND '1,,inw1m-m-
A140 PRE W"113ING 10011 '1 1412 DA- E- -Fl IERIVAl",
V%,'HL`AZ1:-.'.AS, the (Pity (AmnAl of the City or Ba5qo"m dAl mdvexiise R)r For the flit-Nehurst fKahiage
llmtmi io Ise received o" Friday, 0mo1'er tn 2=31 and
XV I I I � F-A, n(,ul acc tO bAcQrS as LO the Lh"c Ulm! 10 au C, whc,11 artd %v[set-c- t l a i n is '.N.' ould pub I ic N,
and read nkmd was publislied pursuant to 1"o% Wons of Thxas Lcmal Cio% ernment C Ayde A Ewtouiwd § 252.04 1: mw]
Vk"T Ml A,:111m"icd and PW`RhCl�,� rkt CAC I WH 2A1C) uVhAck pain, Widay, 0claher Ch XKW,
ris por published moice to 1xidderm; N0%%" -1111mRE110RF-
13 iH 1"1 c ) it i s 2,\ 1',4 1: , i",) ri Y "'1"!4F C I T N" C: 0 U 21 C IL. 01= - r uj iH c: Fr w" ( 11 "" 13 A WF 0 147 04, 'FIT X A S:
Sectiml 1 1 Imm the (703" (7mincil ol' thc, C'ity of Baytown herchy, accvqm the bid oV DWA7 CW=tmmors,
Inc, Wr 'Eh e Pinch um Drainage Pr(Iccl. acunmCling; 10 the loans and, i flen dons S rb"ir, t)y, the, ( vi , -, s i
,-ind ri udscmriz�-,s payinent of an amoLlm ncm to cx,cced FOUR HUNDJUND FIFA V--r1QtN I'l 1'jf(_)tjS,A 7, Nj C) 1N J_,,
I I UN WFA Rl 3 FC)RI-V F", A1 1D N0/ 1 00 1 RS Q45V 1 4 1 V(" lm•wl upon the unit pricer; specilled in The hAtf
and the, ',Md the C'ity C"la "rk (.)i' the are hereby mudwW&W mul dweemw ". execswe mid ntwst to a
corr"mcl Wjjjj f'(sl- Ch(a' abowe"Nscribod P"tcQu sn"d conumcl plans,
specilicadmin, nnd mquirements of thug and hon(A rcqt"rements in "icc-ordance avith the,
provNions nrj�Aas Clovenumera CluN, CAm"Ker 2253.
Sectig-)n 2 -Fh�at Imrsuaril t.o, the pTcn ishms of -rexas Local (lovertunent Cride Annotated § 252.048,
the City Ndmitalyur is 1wereby grmimd gwinral aulhosity to approve any, change order invokAng rm d,eercn-;e 4.�L an
irlcrc-asc- irl ccksts w, r 'I'l if,`')A Ir,F3 N0/ 1 ()() D()J-[ AWS ($25JA)0A)0) car WK Nu"ject to the
provis""; that t1w urigin"! ctminact In icu nywynot 1m; increased by mom, than twenq—fl,,,�e pct-cc-tit ( 25,"yn`i) car decreased
1 Ml(�tC" 0111H tX%AM11Y-1aNV jownent (25OW "Wwwt rhe consent cwfliw conaramw le such decrease.
11,Cction 3 I his sh",ffl u-tk,c, eAlle-cl immedhately 103m numl Wor im h.y' ffik, C 'n�Y C.'OLARICit
am) there~ City uWaytm"I.
1 N"F140DUCIA9, RF', AD aud I" NSSUD hW the anlnnwh°ar,c von, Wthe CAQ of the Chy or myto%vu,
141, tc3pplp q oF(Actober, 2=1,
=car R5:Si� 0 S,
5 X �R IL N1,1 Tot
1"ti w "m C.., fC_ "u� Iw.,N"m, � t 1�p rvN 1�= � C�..