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Ordinance No. 10,440
()IZ1D1N.zN,>4C'E N(D. 10,440 AN ORMNANCE OF THE CITY COUN4CIL OF TETE CI'T'Y (--)F BA-YT(:)\VN, -r'EXAS, AL-1-1-HORIZING FIVE SYTE LE/\SEACITZEEMEN'TS WITH T`-MOF3[LF TEXAS, I -, P,,, Fc-)R'rHE EREC-1710,N AND N/fAIN'l-ENANCE OF AN"FET,JNA FACIL-ITIES AT CITV HALL, LNIC✓L-ROY PARK, BARK.AL,00 PARK, EAST LI.-F-FLE LEAGUE PARK, ANL> PROPE Imo. T"Y 'NEAR, 1113NEHURST AIN-D STA.TE HIGHWAY 146', AND PROVIDINCI FORTHE. EFFECTIVE DA TRH TFIEREOF. * 4- At * * 4,- * tt-- * * * * * * * -*- * * * * -* *- *x 44. :k'.:* 4- * * * 4, *: tv 4 .0c, * tov:* *. *t Mc �Ot * -* vat 14. �4c * 41 ne- * C&' NK A- * 4- 4 * W. * A-' -* * * * * * * * 41 * * *1 A, W * * *,- * * 4, t+, * * A- BF,, rr OIL T,3AINFIE) RYTHE"CIT'N" C(::)LJNC'1L OF THE CTTY OF B,A.%.,'TOW'N, TEXAS- Section, 1: That tic, cit, cc)k,,,L:.H of the City, of Bay tc) wn, 'I"'exas, hereby atithorizes the Cit� y eXCCLIte, V1 Site Lt�,-zise Texas, L-P-, fc)r the erectic-m ancin-jainteriance cif alitenria Gacflitin'sat City Hall. A coj-i,y ofs;aid agreernent isattachcd lvereto., rilarked Exhibit "A" and made a ➢,-)art hen of fcm- ail intciits and Section 2: That the City Council cwt the City of Rf1ytcfi'vvT-1' Texas, heretly authorizes the City wf<araan *ten to eXeCUte a S-itC'Le,-,ise Agreettient Nvith T'-Tv1c-)bi➢e -1-ex-as, L-13., for the erection and unaintenance ofarltent-ia facilities at McElroy Park. jN, copy c)F:,,uid agreentent 'is attached . hereto,, t-narked Exhibit "B" and unade a mart ftereoffbrall intents and purposes- Section 3 That the City , Cotmcfl of the City, of Bzlytovvn,'Tcxas, hel-Cby aUthorizes tile City N4anagcr to execute a Site Lease Agrecit-iont witli L-P., for th,c: crection and unaintenance of antemia facilities at Barkaloo Park. N cc3py cif said ag -eernent is attached hereto, n-mr-ked Exhibit "'C'" and unade as pail liercof for all iratcnt-,z; and puirpo.ses. S I ,ecdon 4: That the City Council c)T the City of Baytc)wn." Tcxas, hereL,)y authorizes, tile (77ity Vaniaai en 10 e,-XeCtIte as Site .Lipase Agreentent with T-Mobile Texas, I—P., fcar the crectit.-)n attd tataintel.-larice of antenna facilities at East 1-ittle L-cague Park. A copy, ofsaid agreement is, attached het-eto, nlarked Exhibit "L)"' and rnadc an part hen-ccrfor ',III inten't's ancl [-'mrposes' Sectiol-1 5: That the City Council of the City of' Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes the City- !'vIarlagcr to, execute as ite Lease Agreernent with T-N4o1-.)i1e'Tcxas, L.P., f the erection arid miaintenance (31- antenna facilities at near Pinehul-Sit ilTld State, 1-1 igh%V Xy 146., A copy of said agreelium-It is aIUaIC,hed 1-ter-eto, mark-ed Exhibit "E" and madtf a j:.-)art hereof for all intents and purl.-)oses. Section 6: This ordinance shall take effeca in-trulecliately I Pi and after its passage by thtz!, ofthe City of Baytovvn. J.-N'TRO- DUCEn, R-EA D and PASSED by DDB the affirtnative vo I- the City/ COLIflei] Of tile City 09' cif day of 2006. -E ' S I 14 E N lf. D,ONCART-OS, Mayor A..T L-ORIZI CC ODY",-'C ily Clerk APPROVEL) AS 70 FORM- RA NTIREZ- SR., r' i I Attorney R:%K aren"J'i CC I n 2 1 ' - SITE LEASE WITH OPTION THIS SITE LEASE WITH OPTION (this "Lease ") is by and between City of Baytown ( "Landlord ") and T- Mobile Texas, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership ( "Tenant "). 1. Option to Lease. (a) In consideration of the payment of ONE THOUSAND AND NO 1100 DOLLARS ($1,000.00) (the "Option and Application Fee ") by Tenant to Landlord, Landlord hereby grants to Tenant an option to lease the use of a portion of the real property described in the attached Exhibit A (the "Property "), on the terms and conditions set forth herein (the "Option "). The Option shall be for an initial term of twelve (12) months, commencing on the Effective Date (as defined below) (the "Option Period "). (b) During the Option Period, and during the term of this Lease, Landlord agrees to cooperate with Tenant in obtaining, at Tenant's expense, all licenses and permits or authorizations required for Tenant's use of the Premises (as defined below) from all applicable government and/or regulatory entities (including, without limitation, zoning and land use authorities, and the Federal Communications Commission ( "FCC ") ( "Governmental Approvals "). Landlord agrees to cooperate with and to allow Tenant, at no cost to Landlord, to obtain a title report, and apply for zoning approvals, variances, and land -use permits. Landlord expressly grants to Tenant a right of access to the Property to perform surveys, soils tests, and other engineering procedures or environmental investigations (collectively "Investigations") on the Property necessary to determine that Tenant's use of the Premises will be compatible with Tenant's engineering specifications, system design, operations and Governmental Approvals. After the performance of any Investigations on the Property, Tenant shall promptly restore the Property to the same or better condition that the Property was in prior to such Investigations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant may not seek to change the zoning classification of the Property without first obtaining Landlord's prior written consent and all requests for Governmental Approvals shall be subject to the Landlord's review and approval prior to their submission. During the Option Period, Landlord agrees that it will not interfere with Tenant's efforts to secure other licenses and permits or authorizations that relate to other property; provided such licenses, permits and authorizations are consistent with the purpose of this Lease which is to erect and maintain tower facilities for use by the Landlord and the Baytown Area Water Authority. During the Option Period, Tenant may exercise the Option by so notifying Landlord in writing, at Landlord's address in accordance with Section Il hereof. (c) If Tenant exercises the Option, then, subject to the following terms and conditions, Landlord hereby leases to Tenant the use of that portion of the Property sufficient for placement of the Antenna Facilities (as defined below) together with all necessary space and easements for access and utilities, as generally described and depicted in the attached Exhibit B (collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Premises "). Prior to the installation of any tower and related infrastructure or any substantial modification thereof on the Premises, Tenant shall submit a metes and bounds description of the site location and site specific design, construction and installation plans to Landlord in writing. Tenant shall not install until•the•submitted plans and lists have been approved in writing by Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld but may contain improvements necessary or desired by the Landlord to further the purposes of the Property and the Landlord's use of the same. Tenants mounting_ location on the New Tower will be at the height of 160', and Landlord shall have the right to mount at any other height structurally feasible which will not interfere with Tenant's or preexisting uses. The height of the New Tower shall be 160' AGL (Above Ground Level). 2. Term. a. The initial term of this Lease shall be five (5) years commencing on the date of the exercise of the Option (the "Commencement Date "), and terminating at midnight on the last day of the initial term (the "Initial Term "). b. Tenant shall have the right to extend this Lease for five (5) additional, five -year terms (each a "Renewal Term "); provided that the Tenant is not in default of any of the provisions of this Lease at the time of renewal. Each Renewal Term shall be on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein, except that Rent shall be increased by fifteen percent (15 %) of the Rent paid over the preceding term This Lease may be renewed by the Tenant for the successive Renewal Terms. In each case, the option to renew may be exercised only if (i) Tenant gives Landlord written notice of Tenant's intention to renew the Lease at least ninety (90) days before the expiration of the then - current term, and (ii) Tenant is not in default of any provision under this Lease at the time such notice is given and at the time of renewal. All of the terms and Site Number: A3130 158 Version 10.2 -01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall �EMU A A Market: ftoustan J SITE LEASE WITH OPTION THIS SITE LEASE WITH OPTION(this"Lease")is by and between City of Baytown("Landlord")and T-Mobile Texas,L.P.,a Delaware Limited Partnership("Tenant"). 1. Option to Lease. (a) In consideration of the payment of ONE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS($1,000.00)(the"Option and Application Fee")by Tenant to Landlord,Landlord hereby grants to Tenant an option to lease the use of a portion of the real property described in the attached Exhibit A (the "Property"), on the terms and conditions set forth herein (the "Option"). The Option shall be for an initial term of twelve(12)months, commencing on the Effective Date(as defined below)(the"Option Period"). (b) During the Option Period, and during the term of this Lease, Landlord agrees to cooperate with Tenant in obtaining, at Tenant's expense, all licenses and permits or authorizations required for Tenant's use of the Premises (as defined below) from all applicable government and/or regulatory entities (including, without limitation, zoning and land use authorities, and the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") ("Governmental Approvals"). Landlord agrees to cooperate with and to allow Tenant,at no cost to Landlord, to obtain a title report,and apply for zoning approvals,variances, and land-use permits. Landlord expressly grants to Tenant a right of access to the Property to perform surveys, soils tests, and other engineering procedures or environmental investigations (collectively "Investigations") on the Property necessary to determine that Tenant's use of the Premises will be compatible with Tenant's engineering specifications, system design,operations and Governmental Approvals. After the performance of any Investigations on the Property,Tenant shall promptly restore the Property to the same or better condition that the Property was in prior to such Investigations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant may not seek to change the zoning classification of the Property without first obtaining Landlord's prior written consent and all requests for Governmental Approvals shall be subject to the Landlord's review and approval prior to their submission. During the Option Period, Landlord agrees that it will not interfere with Tenant's efforts to secure other licenses and permits or authorizations that relate to other property; provided such licenses, permits and authorizations are consistent with the purpose of this Lease which is to erect and maintain tower facilities for use by the Landlord and the Baytown Area Water Authority. During the Option Period,Tenant may exercise the Option by so notifying Landlord in writing,at Landlord's address in accordance with Section 11 hereof. (c) If Tenant exercises the Option,then,subject to the following terms and conditions,Landlord hereby leases to Tenant the use of that portion of the Property sufficient for placement of the Antenna Facilities(as defined below)together with all necessary space and easements for access and utilities,as generally described and depicted in the attached Exhibit B (collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Premises"). Prior to the installation of any tower and related infrastructure or any substantial modification thereof on the Premises, Tenant shall submit a metes and bounds description of the site location and site specific design,construction and installation plans to Landlord in writing. Tenant shall not install until the-submitted plans and lists have been approved in writing by Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld but may contain improvements necessary or desired by the Landlord to further the purposes of the Property and the Landlord's use of the same. Tenant's mounting location on the New Tower will be at the height of 160', and Landlord shall have the right to mount at any other height structurally feasible which will not interfere with Tenant's or preexisting uses. The height of the New Tower shall be 160'AGL(Above Ground Level). 2. Term. a. The initial term of this Lease shall be five(5)years commencing on the date of the exercise of the Option (the "Commencement Date"), and terminating at midnight on the last day of the initial term (the "Initial Term"). b. Tenant shall,have the right to extend this Lease for five (5) additional, five-year terms (each a "Renewal Term"); provided that the Tenant is not in default of any of the provisions of this Lease at the time of renewal. Each Renewal Term shall be on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein,except that Rent shall be increased by fifteen percent(15%)of the Rent paid over the preceding term This Lease may be renewed by the Tenant for the successive Renewal Terms. In each case, the option to renew may be exercised only if(i)Tenant gives Landlord written notice of Tenant's intention to renew the Lease at least ninety (90) days before the expiration of the then-current term, and (ii) Tenant is not in default of any provision under this Lease at the time such notice is given and at the time of renewal. All of the terms and Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall Market: Houston conditions hereof shall apply during the Renewal Terms,unless otherwise modified in writing by the parties hereto. c. Within thirty(30)days after the expiration of this Lease,Tenant shall surrender to the Landlord possession of the Premises and Tenant shall remove the antennas and other personalty owned by Tenant which is not required to be conveyed to the Landlord in accordance with Section 16. Tenant shall leave the surrendered portion of the Premises, including the improvements thereon,in a good condition subject to ordinary wear and tear as determined at the sole discretion of the City Manager. Tenant shall be responsible for all damage to the improvements and the Premises occasioned by such removal. All property that Tenant is required to surrender shall become Landlord's property at the expiration of the Lease. All property that Tenant is not required to surrender but that Tenant fails to remove within thirty (30)days after expiration of this Lease shall be deemed abandoned,and Landlord,at its election,has the right to take possession of such property or charge Tenant for the removal or demolition of the same. Any holding over by Tenant after expiration shall not constitute a renewal or extension or give Tenant any rights in or to the Premises. If Tenant and Landlord are in good faith negotiations for an extension of the Lease or for a new lease,which negotiations shall in no event exceed sixty (60) days, Tenant shall pay, as liquidated damages, the then current fair market rental value of the Premises and the improvements thereon,as determined by the Landlord,calculated on a per diem basis,multiplied by two(2)for the period during which Tenant possesses the Premises beyond the expiration hereof. Such amount is reasonable in the light of the anticipated or actual harm to Landlord caused by the Tenant's holding over, the difficulties of proof of loss, and the inconvenience of otherwise obtaining an adequate remedy. d. Within thirty(30)days after the termination of this Lease,Tenant shall surrender to the Landlord possession of the Premises and Tenant shall remove the antennas and other personalty owned by Tenant which is not required to be conveyed to the Landlord in accordance with Section 16. Tenant shall leave the surrendered portion of the Premises, including the improvements thereon, in a good condition subject to ordinary wear and tear as determined at the sole discretion of the City Manager. Tenant shall be responsible for all damage to the improvements and the Premises occasioned by such removal. All property that Tenant is required to surrender shall become Landlord's property at the termination of the Lease. All property that Tenant is not required to surrender but that Tenant fails to remove within thirty(30)days after termination of this Lease shall be deemed abandoned,and Landlord,at its election,has the right to take possession of such property or charge Tenant for the removal or demolition of the same. 3. Permitted Use. The Premises may only be used by Tenant for the transmission and reception of radio communication signals and for the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, removal or replacement of related facilities, tower and base, antennas, microwave dishes, equipment shelters and/or cabinets. No other uses shall be permitted on or within the Premises. It is expressly understood and agreed that the Tenant shall not use the Premises for any unlawful purpose in violation of any valid and applicable law,regulation,or ordinance of the United States,the State of Texas,or the City of Baytown or other lawful authority having jurisdiction over the Premises,but rather shall conform to all such laws,regulations and ordinances. Tenant shall not cause,permit or suffer any waste,damages,or injury to,any portion Of the Premises. Tenant shall not use the Premises unless and until the Landlord has approved in - writing the Tenant's improvements and Antenna Facilities.If Landlord fails to approve the initial plans or subsequent plans in such a manner that Tenant's intended use of the Premises will be materially impaired,Tenant may terminate this Lease without further liability to Landlord. 4. Rent. (a) Tenant shall pay Landlord, as rent, SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($750.00)per month("Rent"). Rent shall be payable within twenty(20)days following the Commencement Date prorated for the remainder of the month in which the Commencement Date falls and thereafter Rent will be payable monthly in advance by the fifth day of each month to City of Baytown at Landlord's address specified in Section 11 below. If this Lease is terminated at a time other than on the last day of a month for a reason other than a default by the Tenant,Rent shall be prorated as of the date of termination and all prepaid Rent shall be refunded to Tenant. (b) If Tenant subleases space within the Premises to any additional Carrier,the monthly Rent that Tenant pays Landlord shall be increased by FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($500.00)per additional Carrier, prorated for any partial months,and any such Rent increase shall be effective as of the commencement date of the additional Carrier's sublease with Tenant. Tenant shall provide written proof, satisfactory to the Landlord's City Manager, of the additional Carrier's sublease with Tenant and of the effective date of the same within ten(10)days of such effective date.If Tenant's sublease with any additional Carrier expires or terminates for any reason,the monthly Rent that Tenant pays Landlord pursuant to this provision solely with Site Number: A3D0158 Version 10.2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 2 Market: Houston respect to such expiring or terminating Carrier's sublease shall cease effective as of the termination date of the sublease or the date that the Carrier's antenna facilities are removed from the Premises, whichever is later. Tenant shall provide written proof of the termination,satisfactory to the Landlord's City Manager,of the sublease of any additional Carrier. As used herein, "Carrie?' shall mean any PCS, Cellular, or ESMR provider or paging company,but shall not mean any governmental entity. Any additional third-party Carrier shall be bound by the terms and conditions of Section 5 of this Lease and shall in no way interfere with the use of the Property by the Landlord,or lessees or licensees of the Landlord with rights in the Property prior in time to this Lease. Tenant may sublease the Premises without Landlord's consent to any Carrier(as defined herein),but Tenant will provide Landlord written notice of any such sublease. Any other sublease of the Premises by Tenant will be subject to Landlord's prior written consent. (c) Tenant's right to possession and all of Landlord's obligations hereunder are expressly contingent upon the prompt payment of Rent,and the use of the Premises by Tenant is obtained only on the condition that Rent is paid on time. Payment of Rent is an independent covenant and all monies received by Landlord shall be applied first to non-rent obligations of Tenant and then to Rent regardless of any notation on the check. At any time after Landlord's receipt of a check from Tenant for Rent or for a maintenance fee,such check is not honored by the drawing financial institution due to insufficient funds or is otherwise dishonored twice for any reason, Landlord may at any time thereafter, at Landlord's sole option, require that all Rent, maintenance fees,and other sums due from Tenant hereunder be paid by electronic funds transfer. Failure to pay any Rent or maintenance fee as and when required will not only be considered a breach of this Lease,but also result in interest, as specified in Section 4(d), being charged on the delinquent rental and/or maintenance payments commencing on the date the payment first becomes overdue. (d) If Tenant is delinquent in the payment of any rental fees for 10 days or more,after receipt of written notice from Landlord,Tenant agrees to pay in addition to such rental,interest on the delinquent amount at the rate established by Section 2251.025 of the Texas Government Code. 5. Interference. Tenant and its sublessees shall not use the Premises in any way which interferes with the use of the Property by Landlord, or lessees or licensees of Landlord with rights in the Property prior in time to this Lease. Furthermore, Tenant shall not permit any interference with the Landlord's antenna facilities placed on the any of Tenant's tower facilities, whether by Tenant or any sublessee. Similarly,Landlord shall not use, nor shall Landlord permit its Iessees, licensees, employees, invitees or agents to use, any portion of the Premises in any way which unreasonably interferes with the operations of Tenant. An unreasonable interference shall be deemed a material breach by the interfering party,who shall,upon written notice from the other,be responsible for terminating said interference. In the event any interference as prohibited herein does not cease within 72 hours,the parties acknowledge that continuing interference may cause irreparable injury and,therefore,the injured party shall have the right,in addition to any other rights that it may have at law or in equity,to bring a court action to enjoin such interference or to terminate this Lease immediately upon written notice. 6. Improvements;Utilities;Access. (a) Tenant shall have the right and obligation, at its expense, to erect and maintain on the Premises, in accordance with good engineering practices and with all applicable FCC rules and regulations, improvements, personal property and facilities necessary to operate its communications system, including, without limitation,radio transmitting and receiving antennas,microwave dishes,tower and base,equipment shelters and/or cabinets and related cables and utility lines and a location based system, including,without limitation, antenna(s), coaxial cable, base units and other associated equipment(collectively,the"Antenna Facilities"), as such location based system may be required by any county, state or federal agency/department. Tenant's installation of the Antenna Facilities shall be done according to plans developed by an engineering firm that is knowledgeable in tower construction, sealed in accordance with State of Texas requirements, and approved in advance in writing by the Landlord. Upon completion of construction, Tenant shall provide the Landlord with as-built drawings of the Antenna Facilities and the improvements installed on the Premises,which show the actual location of all equipment,transmission lines and improvements consistent with the plans approved by the Landlord. The drawings shall be accompanied by a complete and detailed inventory of all equipment,personal property, Antenna Facilities and any other items of Tenant's on the Property. Tenant may with the prior written consent of the Landlord alter,replace, expand,enhance and upgrade the Antenna Facilities at any time during the term of this Lease. Tenant shall cause all construction to occur lien-free and in compliance with all applicable laws and ordinances. Landlord acknowledges that it shall not unreasonably interfere with any aspects of construction,except as required to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, codes,and Lease terms. All Antenna Facilities erected by the Tenant shall remain the exclusive property of Tenant until the expiration or termination of this Lease. Subject to the provisions of Section 16, below, upon expiration or termination of the Lease and unless Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 3 Market: Houston otherwise directed by the Landlord,ownership of the Tenant erected New Tower(as defined below)shall be • conveyed by bill of sale by Tenant to Landlord with all facilities free and clear of any or all liens occasioned by the activities of the Tenant. (b) Tenant, at its expense,may restrict a third parry's access to the Antenna Facilities in a manner which has been approved in advance in writing by the Landlord. However,Tenant shall not have the right to prohibit or otherwise restrict,the Landlord's access to the Antenna Facilities, as Landlord has the right to access and inspect the Premises at all times during the Initial Term and any Renewal Terms; provided that Landlord shall make no hard electrical connections to Tenant's equipment. (c) Tenant, shall, at Tenant's expense, keep and maintain the Antenna Facilities now or hereafter located on the Property in good repair and in a manner acceptable to the Landlord during the term of this I ,normal wear and tear and casualty excepted. Tenant shall keep the Premises free of debris and anything reasonably determined by the Landlord to be of a dangerous,noxious,or offensive nature or which would create a hazard or undue vibration, heat,noise,or interference. Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord of any and all damages resulting from,arising out oi; or caused to the Premises and City property surrounding the Premises, including, but not limited to, structural damages,electrical damages,damages to fencing,irrigation systems or landscaping caused by Tenant's operations,or by Tenant,its officers,agents,employees and invitees.Tenant shall be solely responsible for the costs and the repair of all such damages and such repairs and/or replacements shall be completed within thirty(30) days or such other time as agreed to by the parties and be acceptable to Landlord. The failure to successfully complete repairs and/or replacements in a timely manner to the satisfaction of Landlord,and upon 30 days written notice,is grounds for termination of the Lease by Landlord. (d) At Tenant's expense, Tenant may, subject to the Landlord's prior written approval, install utilities, and improve the present utilities on the Property (including, but not limited to, the installation of emergency power generators). Landlord agrees to use reasonable efforts in assisting Tenant to acquire necessary utility service. Tenant shall install separate meters for utilities used on the Property by Tenant. The installation, maintenance and repair of such meters as well as the costs therefor shall be the responsibility of Tenant. The Tenant shall be responsible for and pay when due all bills or invoices for utilities used on the Property during the Initial Term and all Renewal Terms. (e) As partial consideration for Rent paid under this Lease, Landlord hereby grants Tenant a non-exclusive license to use the Property for ingress,egress,utilities and access(including access for the purposes described in-Section 1) to the Premises adequate to install and maintain utilities approved by the Landlord, which include, but are not limited to, the installation of power and telephone service cable, and to service the Premises and the Antenna Facilities at all times during the Initial Term of this Lease and any Renewal Term; provided however,the location of such utilities and access thereto is subject to the prior written approval of the Landlord's City Manager. The license provided hereunder shall have the same term as this Lease. (I) Tenant shall have 24-hours-a-day,7-days-a-week access to the Premises at all times during the Initial Term of this Lease and any Renewal"Tenn,except during atnandatpry evacuation of the area in which the Premises is located or other force majeure events. (g) If there is an existing tower on the Premises currently used by Landlord for radio transmissions("Existing Tower"), Tenant, upon written request of the Landlord, agrees to replace the Existing Tower with a new tower("New Tower"),at Tenant's sole cost and expense. Landlord shall have the option to keep the Existing Tower;otherwise,Tenant shall dispose of the Existing Tower at Tenant's expense. (h) Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, agrees to install Landlord's initial cabling and antennas ("Landlord's Facilities") on the New Tower on the Premises. The acquisition of such cabling and antennae shall be at Landlord's cost. (i) After the initial installation of Landlord's cabling and antennas on the Tenant's New Tower as provided in subsection(h)of this.section,Landlord shall be responsible for the maintenance of Landlord's cabling and, antennas. After the initial installation of Landlord's Facilities, Landlord and its contractors and subcontractors must notify Tenant before doing any installation,upgrades,modifications,repair,maintenance or other work on the New Tower. After the initial installation of Landlord's Facilities, Landlord shall be solely responsible for all costs and expenses relating to the operation,repair,maintenance and replacement of Landlord's Facilities, including, without limitation, utility service charges. Landlord's contractors and subcontractors who perform work on the New Tower must obtain and maintain the same types and amounts of insurance coverage that Tenant's contractors are required to maintain, and Tenant shall be named as an additional insured on all liability policies maintained by Landlord's contractors and subcontractors and be Site Number: A3D0158 Version10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 4 Market: Houston • provided certificates of such insurance. Landlord will not be required to pay Tenant rent with respect to • Landlord's Facilities. Landlord warrants and represents to Tenant that only Landlord's approved contractors, and not its employees or agents,will climb and perform any work on the New Tower on behalf of Landlord. 7. Termination. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Lease may be terminated, without any penalty or further liability as follows: (a) upon thirty(30)days'written notice pursuant to Section 11 by Landlord if Tenant fails to cure a default for payment of amounts due under this Lease within that thirty(30)day period; (b) upon thirty(30)days'written notice pursuant to Section 11 by Tenant,if Tenant notifies Landlord in writing of unacceptable results of any title report, environmental or soil tests prior to Tenant's installation of the Antenna Facilities on the Premises,or if Tenant is unable to obtain,maintain,or otherwise forfeits or cancels any license(including,without limitation,an FCC license),permit or any Governmental Approval necessary to the installation and/or operation of the Antenna Facilities or Tenant's business;or (c) upon ninety(90)days'written notice pursuant to Section 11 by Tenant if through no fault of the Tenant,the Premises or the Antenna Facilities are, or become unacceptable under Tenant's design or engineering specifications for its Antenna Facilities or the communications system to which the Antenna Facilities belong. 8. Default and Right to Cure. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary and without waiving any other rights granted to it at law or in equity,each party shall have the right,but not the obligation,to terminate this Lease on written notice pursuant to Section 11 hereof, to take effect immediately, if the other party(i) fails to perform any covenant for a period of thirty(30)days after receipt of written notice thereof to cure,or(ii)commits a material breach of this Lease and fails to diligently pursue such cure to its completion after sixty (60) days' written notice to the defaulting party. If Landlord is compelled or elects to pay any sum of money or do any acts that require the payment of money by reason of the Tenant's failure or inability to perform any of the provisions of this Lease after passage of any notice and cure period provided under any other provisions of this Lease,Tenant shall,within ten(10)days of the demand therefor, reimburse Landlord for such reasonable, actual sums, and all such sums shall bear interest at the rate specified in Section 2251.025 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, from the date of expenditure until the date of such reimbursement. Other sums payable under this Lease that are not paid by Tenant when due shall bear interest at the same rate from and after the payment due date until the date Landlord receives payment thereof. 9. Taxes. Tenant shall pay any personal property tax,real property tax or any other tax or fee which arises out of or in connection with the Tenant's use and occupancy of the Premises and/or the presence or installation of the Antenna Facilities of the Tenant or its sublessees until(i)the New Tower any related facilities are conveyed to and accepted by the Landlord, and (ii)Tenant removes its Antenna Facilities from the Premises in accordance with the terms of this . "lease; provided, however, that Tenant shall pay its pro rata share of any such taxes prior to'any•conveyance 3to • Landlord. For all purposes of this Lease,any tax assessment or charge imposed upon the Antenna Facilities,whether classified as real property or personal property, shall be considered personalty taxes. Tenant shall make all such payments directly to the charging authority prior to any delinquency and before any fine, interest or penalty shall become due or be imposed by operation of law for their nonpayment. Tenant may challenge any personal property or real property tax assessments that may affect Tenant. If Landlord receives notice of any personal property or real property tax assessment against the Tenant,which may affect Tenant and is attributable to Tenant's use and occupancy of the Premises and/or the presence or installation of the Antenna Facilities,Landlord shall provide timely notice of the assessment to Tenant sufficient to allow Tenant to contest to or challenge such assessment. Further,Landlord shall provide to Tenant upon request any public information requested by the Tenant subject to the fees specified in Section 2-616 of the Code of Ordinances,Baytown,Texas. If the Tenant contests any tax, assessment or charge,the Tenant may, unless otherwise required by law, withhold or defer only that portion of the payment, which is the subject of Tenant's contest,or pay under protest.Prior to the date any contested taxes,assessment,or charge shall become due,the . .Tenant_shall perfect its contest of any tax,assessment or and.ady+ise the Landlord in:writing that the.Tenant has. contested the same and the ground. 10 Insurance,Release,and Indemnification. (a) Disclaimer of Liability: Landlord shall not at any time be liable for injury or damage occurring to any person or property from any cause whatsoever arising out of Tenant's construction, maintenance, repair, use, operation,condition or dismantling of the tower(s)or Tenant's Antenna Facilities. Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 5 Market: Houston (b) Indemnification: • TENANT SHALL, AT ITS SOLE COST AND EXPENSE, INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND LANDLORD, ITS OFFICERS, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, ATTORNEYS, CONTRACTORS (HEREAFTER REFERRED TO AS "INDEMNITEES"),FROM AND AGAINST: (I) ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, OBLIGATION, DAMAGES, PENALTIES, CLAIMS, LIENS, COSTS, CHARGES, LOSSES AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE FEES AND EXPENSES OF ATTORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AND CONSULTANTS),WHICH MAY BE IMPOSED UPON,INCURRED BY OR BE ASSERTED AGAINST THE INDEMNITIES BY REASON OF ANY ACT OR OMISSION OF TENANT, ITS PERSONNEL, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, CONTRACTORS, OR SUBCONTRACTORS (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "INDEMNITORS"), RESULTING IN PERSONAL INJURY, BODILY INJURY, SICKNESS, DISEASE OR DEATH TO ANY PERSON OR DAMAGE TO,LOSS OF OR DESTRUCTION OF TANGIBLE OR INTANGIBLE PROPERTY, LIBEL, SLANDER, INVASION OF PRIVACY AND UNAUTHORIZED USE OF ANY TRADEMARK, TRADE NAME, COPYRIGHT, PATENT, SERVICE MARK OR ANY OTHER RIGHT OF ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION, WHICH MAY ARISE OUT OF OR BE IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH 'TILE CONSTRUCTION,INSTALLATION, OPERATION,MAINTENANCE,USE OR CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY OR TENANT'S ANTENNA FACILITIES OR TENANT'S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL STATUTE, ORDINANCE OR REGULATION; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT THE INDEMNITIES PROVIDED BY TENANT HEREUNDER SHALL NOT EXTEND OR APPLY TO CLAIMS, CAUSES OF ACTION, DAMAGES, PENALTIES, LIENS, OBLIGATIONS, COSTS, LIABILITIES OR EXPENSES WHICH ARE CAUSED BY OR RESULT FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF LANDLORD'S CONTRACTORS WHILE WORKING ON LANDLORD'S FACILITIES ON THE NEW TOWER; (II) ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES, OBLIGATIONS, DAMAGES, PENALTIES, CLAIMS, LIENS, COSTS, CHARGES, LOSSES AND • EXPENSES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE FEES AND EXPENSES OF ATTORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AND OTHER CONSULTANTS), WHICH ARE IMPOSED UPON, INCURRED BY OR ASSERTED AGAINST THE INDEMNITIES BY REASON OF ANY CLAIM OR LIEN ARISING OUT OF WORK, LABOR, MATERIALS OR SUPPLIES PROVIDED OR SUPPLIED TO TENANT, ITS CONTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS, FOR THE INSTALLATION, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE OR USE OF THE PROPERTY OR TENANT'S ANTENNA FACILITIES, AND, UPON THE WRITTEN REQUEST OF LANDLORD, TENANT SHALL CAUSE SUCH CLAIM OR LIEN COVERING LANDLORD'S "'PROPERTY" TO BE ' DISCHARGED OR BONDED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FOLLOWING SUCH REQUEST; AND/OR (111) ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, OBLIGATION, DAMAGES, PENALTIES, CLAIMS, LIENS, COSTS, CHARGES, LOSSES AND EXPENSE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE FEES AND EXPENSES OF ATTORNEYS, EXPERT WITNESSES AND Site Number: A3DOI58 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 6 Market: Houston CONSULTANTS),WHICH MAY BE IMPOSED UPON,INCURRED BY OR BE ASSERTED AGAINST THE INDEMNITEES BY REASON OF ANY FINANCING OR SECURITIES OFFERING BY TENANT OR ITS AFFILIATES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE COMMON LAW OR ANY LAWS, STATUTES, OR REGULATIONS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS OR UNITED STATES,INCLUDING THOSE OF THE FEDERAL SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, WHETHER BY TENANT OR OTHERWISE. TENANT'S OBLIGATION TO INDEMNIFY INDEMNITEES UNDER THIS LEASE SHALL EXTEND TO CLAIMS, LOSSES, AND OTHER MATTERS COVERED HEREUNDER THAT ARE CAUSED IN PART OR CONTRIBUTED TO BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF ONE OR MORE INDEMNITEES. IT IS THE EXPRESSED INTENTION OF'THE PARTIES HERETO,BOTH TENANT AND LANDLORD, THAT THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS PARAGRAPH IS AN INDEMNITY BY TENANT TO INDEMNIFY, PROTECT AND DEFEND LANDLORD FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF (I) THE INDEMNITEES' OWN NEGLIGENCE WHERE THAT NEGLIGENCE IS A CONCURRING CAUSE OF THE INJURY, DEATH OR DAMAGE WITH ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY AND (II) THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE INDEMNITORS' NEGLIGENCE WHERE THAT NEGLIGENCE IS THE SOLE OR CONCURRING CAUSE OF THE INJURY, DEATH OR DAMAGE. THIS INDEMNITY SHALL CONTINUE NOTWITHSTANDING TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF THIS LEASE. THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL HAVE NO APPLICATION TO ANY CLAIM, LOSS, DAMAGE, CAUSE OF ACTION, SUIT AND LIABILITY WHERE THE INJURY, DEATH OR DAMAGE RESULTS FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF LANDLORD, ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR CONTRACTORS, UNMIXED WITH THE FAULT OF ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY. (c) Assumption of Risk: Tenant undertakes and assumes for its officers,agents,contractors,subcontractors and employees (collectively"Tenant" for the purpose of this section), all risk of dangerous conditions whether patent or latent, obvious or undiscoverable, and regardless of whether the Landlord should have known of such dangerous conditions, if any, on or about the Property. After the initial installation of Landlord's Facilities on the New Tower,and subject to the provisions of the last sentence of Section 6(i),in connection with any work being performed by Landlord or its employees on the Premises, Landlord undertakes and assumes for its officers and employees (collectively"Landlord"for the purpose of this section), all risk of dangerous conditions whether patent or latent, obvious or undiscoverable, and regardless of whether the Landlord should have known of such dangerous conditions,if any,on or about the Premises. Each party will notify the other party if it becomes aware of any dangerous conditions on the Premises and/or New Tower, but Landlord will have no duty to inspect the New Tower. TENANT HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND THE INDEMNITEES AGAINST AND FROM ANY CLAIM ASSERTED OR LIABILITY IMPOSED UPON THE INDEMNITEES FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE TO ANY PERSON ARISING OUT OF TENANT'S INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, CONDITION OR USE 'OP THE 'PROPERTY OR"TENANT'S ANTENNA FACILITIES OR TENANT'S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL STATUTE, ORDINANCE OR REGULATION. IT IS THE EXPRESSED INTENTION OF THE PARTIES HERETO,BOTH TENANT AND LANDLORD, 'THAT THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS PARAGRAPH IS AN INDEMNITY BY TENANT TO INDEMNIFY, PROTECT AND DEFEND INDEMNITEES FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 7 Market: Houston INDEMNITEES' OWN NEGLIGENCE WHERE THAT NEGLIGENCE IS A SOLE OR CONCURRING CAUSE OF THE ASSERTED OR CLAIMED LIABILITY AND (II) THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE INDEMNITORS' NEGLIGENCE WHERE THAT NEGLIGENCE IS THE SOLE OR CONCURRING CAUSE OF THE ASSERTED OR CLAIMED LIABILITY.THIS INDEMNITY SHALL CONTINUE NOT WITHSTANDING TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF THIS LEASE; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT '1'H.E INDEMNITIES PROVIDED BY TENANT HEREUNDER SHALL NOT EXTEND OR APPLY TO CLAIMS, CAUSES OF ACTION, DAMAGES, PENALTIES, LIENS, OBLIGATIONS, COSTS, LIABILITIES OR EXPENSES WHICH ARE CAUSED BY OR RESULT FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF LANDLORD'S CONTRACTORS WHILE WORKING ON LANDLORD'S FACILITIES ON THE NEW TOWER. (d) Defense of Indemnitees: In the event any action or proceeding shall be brought against the Indemnitees by reason of any matter for which the Indemnitees are indemnified in this Section 10 or Section 13,Tenant shall, upon notice from any of the Indemnitees,at Tenant's sole cost and expense,resist and defend the same with legal counsel reasonably acceptable to the Landlord,and Landlord acknowledges that such legal counsel may be selected by Tenant's insurer;provided,however,that Tenant shall not admit liability in any such matter on behalf of the Indemnitees without the written consent of Landlord and provided further that Indemnitees shall not admit liability for, nor enter into any compromise or settlement of, any claim for which they are indemnified hereunder,without the prior written consent of TENANT. (e) Notice,cooperation and Expenses: Landlord shall give Tenant prompt notice of the making of any claim or the commencement of any action, suit or other proceeding covered by the provisions of this Section 10. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent Landlord from cooperating with Tenant and participating in the defense of any litigation by Landlord's own counsel. Tenant shall pay all expenses incurred by Landlord in response to any such actions, suits or proceedings. These expenses shall include all out-of-pocket expenses such as reasonable attorneys' fees and shall also include the reasonable value of any services rendered by the Landlord's attorney, and the actual expenses of Landlord's agents, employees or expert witnesses, and disbursements and liabilities assumed by Landlord in connection with such suits,actions or proceedings but shall not include reasonable attorneys' fees for services that are unnecessarily duplicative of services provided Landlord by Tenant. If Tenant requests Landlord to assist it in such defense then Tenant shall pay all expenses incurred by Landlord in response thereto, including defending itself with regard to any such actions, suits or proceedings. These expenses shall include all out-of-pocket expenses such as attorney fees and shall also include the costs of any services rendered by the Landlord's agents, employees or expert witnesses, and disbursements and liabilities assumed by Landlord in connection with such suits, actions or • proceedings. (f) Insurance. During the Initial Term and any Renewal Term,the Tenant at its own expense shall purchase,maintain and keep in force and effect insurance against claims for injuries to or death of persons or damages to property which may arise out of or result from the Tenant's operations and/or performance of the work under this Lease, whether such operations and/or performance be by the Tenant, its agents,representatives, employees or subcontractors or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The Tenant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the Landlord and its volunteers and agents. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by Landlord, its officials, employees or volunteers shall be considered in excess.:of the Tenant's insurance and shall not contribute to it. Further, the Tenant.. shall include all subcontractors as additional insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. The following is a list of standard insurance policies along with their respective minimum coverage amounts required in this contract: Site Number: A3D0158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 8 Market: Houston (1) Workers'Compensation Policy •Statutory amounts required by Texas law. •Employer's Liability:$500,000 (2) Commercial General Liability Policy •General aggregate of$2,000,000 •Owners'and Contractors'Protective Liability of$500,000 •Products and Completed Operations of$1,000,000 •Personal and Advertising Injury of$1,000,000 •Minimum of$500,000 per occurrence •Coverage shall be at least as broad as ISO CG 00 01 10 93. •No coverage exclusions shall be deleted from standard policy without notification of individual exclusions being attached for review and acceptance. (3) Automobile Liability Policy •Combined single limits of$1,000,000 •Coverage for"Any Auto." (4) Builder's Risk •At the start of and during the period of any construction, • Limit: 100%of insurable value,replacement cost basis • Landlord will be named a loss-payee • Include an installation floater or equivalent property coverage covering cables, materials,machinery and supplies of any nature whatsoever which are to be used in or incidental to the installation of the Antenna Facilities. (5) Hazardous Materials Insurance •in an amount satisfactory to the Landlord Prior to or upon the execution of this Lease and before commencing any of the work, the Tenant shall file with the Landlord valid Certificates of Insurance reasonably acceptable to the Landlord. Such Certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be canceled,suspended,voided, or reduced until at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice has been given to the Landlord via certified mail,return receipt requested. Prior to the end of each coverage period during the term of this Lease,new Certificates of Insurance must be filed with the Landlord evidencing continuation of coverage. The Tenant shall also file with the Landlord valid Certificates of Insurance covering all Subcontractors. The following are general requirements,which are applicable to all policies: a. All insurance coverage required herein, except for Workers' Compensation Insurance, shall be written by a carrier with an A.M. Best Rating of B+or higher in accordance with the current Best Key Rating Guide. b. Only Insurance Carriers licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Texas will be accepted. c. Deductibles shall be listed on the Certificate of Insurance. d. All policies other than those for Worker's Compensation shall be written on an occurrence and not on a claims made basis; e. All policies, except for employer's liability and worker's compensation policies, shall name the Landlord,its officials,employees,and agents as"Additional Insureds". The coverage shall contain no special limitation on the scope of protection afforded to the Landlord,its-officials,employees or volunteers. f. A waiver of subrogation in favor of the Landlord with respect to Workers'Compensation Insurance must be included. g. Review of Limits: Once during each calendar year during the term of this Lease,the Landlord may review the insurance coverages to be carried by Tenant. If Landlord determines that higher limits Site Number: A3D0158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 9 Market: Houston of coverage are necessary to protect the interests of Landlord or the Additional Insureds, Tenant shall be so notified and shall obtain the additional limits of insurance,at its sole cost and expense. h. If reasonably necessary to effectuate the provisions of this Section 10(f), Tenant will provide Landlord with endorsements evidencing the insurance coverage requirements hereof. In the event of any claim or litigation that involves or relates to the insurance that Tenant is required to maintain under this Lease,Landlord,at its sole cost and expense,may review Tenant's insurance policies at Tenant's headquarters in Bellevue, Washington; provided, however, that Landlord shall not disclose the terms or provision of any such policies to any third party unless required to do so by law or court order. 11. Notices. All notices,requests,demands and other communications shall be in writing and are effective three(3)days after deposit in the U.S.mail,certified and postage paid if properly addressed,or upon receipt if personally delivered or sent by next-business-day delivery via a nationally recognized overnight courier to the addresses set forth below. Landlord or Tenant may from time to time designate any other address for this purpose by providing written notice to the other party. If to Tenant,to: T-Mobile Texas,L.P. 2 Greenway Plaza,Suite 1100 Houston,TX 77046 Attn:Lease Administration Manager If to Landlord,to: City of Baytown Attn:City Manager 2401 Market Street Baytown,TX 77520 12. Acceptance of the Property. By taking possession of the Property,Tenant accepts the Property in the condition existing as of the Commencement Date. Except as otherwise expressly provided in Section 13 of this Lease,Landlord makes no representation of warranty with respect to the condition of the Property and the Landlord shall not be liable for any latent or patent defect in the Property. 13. Environmental Laws. Landlord represents that it has no knowledge of any substance,chemical or waste(collectively, "Hazardous Substance")on the Property that is identified as hazardous,toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal, state or local law or regulation. The Tenant represents and warrants that its use of the Property will not generate any Hazardous Substance, and it will not store or dispose on the Property, nor transport to or over the Property any Hazardous Substance in violation of any applicable law. TENANT AGREES TO HOLD LANDLORD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY, AND DEFEND LANDLORD AGAINST ANY RELEASE OF ANY SUCH HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE CAUSED BY TENANT OR BY ANY PERSON OR ENTITY ACTING FOR OR ON BEHALF OF TENANT AND ANY DAMAGE, LOSS, OR EXPENSE OR LIABILITY RESULTING FROM SUCH RELEASE, INCLUDING ALL REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES, COSTS AND PENALTIES INCURRED AS A RESULT THEREOF EXCEPT ANY RELEASE CAUSED BY THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF LANDLORD, ITS EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS OR AGENTS. "HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE" SHALL BE INTERPRETED BROADLY TO MEAN ANY SUBSTANCE OR MATERIAL DEFINED OR DESIGNATED AS HAZARDOUS OR TOXIC WASTE, HAZARDOUS OR TOXIC MATERIAL, HAZARDOUS OR TOXIC=`OR RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE, OR OTHER SIMILAR TERM BY ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW,REGULATION OR RULE PRESENTLY IN EFFECT OR PROMULGATED IN THE FUTURE, AS SUCH LAWS,REGULATIONS OR RULES MAY BE AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME; AND IT SHALL BE INTERPRETED TO INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, ANY SUBSTANCE WHICH AFTER RELEASE INTO THE ENVIRONMENT WILL OR MAY REASONABLY BE ANTICIPATED TO Site Number: A3D0158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 10 Market: Houston CAUSE SICKNESS, DEATH OR DISEASE. IT IS THE EXPRESSED INTENTION OF THE PARTIES HERETO,BOTH TENANT AND LANDLORD, THAT THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS PARAGRAPH IS AN INDEMNITY BY TENANT TO INDEMNIFY, PROTECT AND DEFEND LANDLORD FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE INDEMNITEES' OWN NEGLIGENCE WHERE THAT NEGLIGENCE IS A CONCURRING CAUSE OF THE DAMAGE, LOSS, OR EXPENSE OR LIABILITY AND (II) THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE INDEMNITORS' NEGLIGENCE WHERE THAT NEGLIGENCE IS THE SOLE OR CONCURRING CAUSE OF THE DAMAGE, LOSS, OR EXPENSE OR LIABILITY. THIS INDEMNITY SHALL CONTINUE NOTWITHSTANDING TERMINATION OF THIS LEASE UNTIL ALL SUCH CLAIMS ARE BARRED BY APPLICABLE STATUTES OF LIMITATION. 14. Assignment. Tenant may not assign this Lease and/or the license granted herein without the prior written approval of the Landlord;provided,however,that Tenant may assign the Lease without Landlord's consent to any parent,affiliate or subsidiary of Tenant,any party that merges or consolidates with Tenant or its parent,or any party that purchases all or substantially all of Tenant's ownership interest or assets. Upon an assignment approved in writing by the Landlord, or in the case of an assignment permitted without Landlord's approval, Tenant shall be relieved of all liabilities and obligations hereunder except for those liabilities arising prior to the Landlord's consent to the assignment or the effective date of the permitted assignment,as applicable. Assignment without the prior written consent of the Landlord (if required under this paragraph)shall be a material breach for which the Lease may be terminated. Additionally,Tenant may,upon notice to Landlord,mortgage or grant a security interest in this Lease and the Antenna Facilities, and may assign this Lease and the Antenna Facilities to any mortgagees or holders of security interests, including their successors or assigns(collectively"Mortgagees"),provided such Mortgagees agree to be bound by the terms and provisions of this Lease. In such event, Landlord shall execute a consent to leasehold financing as may reasonably be required by Mortgagees containing term and conditions satisfactory to the Landlord. 15. Successors and Assigns. This Lease and the license shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties,their respective successors,personal representatives and assigns. 16. Transfer of Ownership. Tenant agrees to convey, free and clear of all liens, the New Tower structure and related facilities to Landlord upon Lease expiration or termination.At such time,Landlord will have the right to negotiate new leases, licenses or other agreements directly with any Carriers who may still desire to occupy the Premises and New Tower. The Landlord may, at Landlord's option, require Tenant to remove the Antenna Facility including the New Tower if in the Landlord's discretion the Landlord does not desire the transfer of New Tower ownership to the Landlord upon expiration or termination of the Lease. If removed at the request of the Landlord at the expiration or termination of the Lease,Tenant shall be obligated to restore and repair the Property to the condition it was in prior to the erection of the New Tower,except for normal wear and tear as determined by the Landlord's City.Manager. 17. Miscellaneous. (a) Each party agrees to furnish to the other, within twenty (20) days after request, such truthful estoppel information as the other may reasonably request. (b) This Lease constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties regarding the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all offers, negotiations and other agreements. There are no representations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein. Any amendments to this Lease must be in writing and executed by both parties. (c) Each party agrees to cooperate with the other in executing any documents (including a Memorandum of Lease in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit C) necessary to protect its rights or use of the Premises. The Memorandum of Lease may be recorded in place of this Lease by either party. Tenant may obtain title insurance on its interest in the Premises. (d) Tenant,at its expense,comply with all present and future federal,state,and local laws,ordinances,rules and regulations including without limitation, laws and ordinances relating to health, marking and lighting requirements, radio frequency emissions, or other radiation and safety requirements in connection with the use, operation, maintenance, construction and/or installation of the Antenna Facilities and/or the Premises and Property. Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 11 Market: Houston (e) Neither the Tenant nor the Landlord shall be deemed in violation of this Lease if it is prevented from performing any of the obligations hereunder by reasons of strikes, boycotts, labor disputes, embargoes, shortage of material, acts of God, acts of public enemy, acts of superior governmental authority, weather conditions, floods, riots, rebellion, sabotage, or any other circumstances for which it is not responsible or which is not in its control, and the time for performance shall be automatically extended by the period the party is prevented from performing its obligations hereunder. (f) This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which the Property is located. Venue shall for all purposes be in Harris County,Texas. (g) If any term of this Lease is found to be void or invalid, such finding shall not affect the remaining terms of this Lease,which shall continue in full force and effect. Any questions of particular interpretation shall not be interpreted against the draftsman,but rather in accordance with the fair meaning thereof. No provision of this Lease will be deemed waived by either party unless expressly waived in writing signed by the waiving party. No waiver shall be implied by delay or any other act or omission of either party. No waiver by either party of any provision of this Lease shall be deemed a waiver of such provision with respect to any subsequent matter relating to such provision. (h) The persons who have executed this Lease represent and warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Lease in their individual or representative capacity as indicated. (i) This Lease may be executed in any number of counterpart copies,each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute a single instrument. (j) All Exhibits referred to herein and any Addenda are incorporated herein for all purposes. The parties understand and acknowledge that Exhibit A and Exhibit B (the Premises location within the Property),may be attached to this Lease and the Memorandum of Lease,in preliminary form. Accordingly,the parties agree that upon the preparation of final, more complete exhibits, Exhibits A and/or B, as the case may be, which may have been attached hereto in preliminary form,shall be replaced with a final,more complete exhibit(s)if approved by the Landlord. Tenant shall be responsible for all cost associated with the preparation of all Exhibits herein described. (k) If Tenant is represented by any broker or any other leasing agent, Tenant is responsible for all commission fee or other payment to such agent, and agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from all claims by such broker or anyone claiming through such broker. (1) Whenever Landlord's consent or approval is required under any provision of this Lease, such consent or approval will not be unreasonably withheld,conditioned or delayed. The effective date of this Lease is the date of execution by the Landlord(the"Effective Date" LANDLORD: City of B ownL '�et��•�P..... � Will— By: ��� �-�.. II ��A• , Printed Name: Gary .T c gnn IP4r Its: City Manager . : Date: Z'L? 0!9 = •• • �•� TENANT: T-Mobile Texas,L.P.,A Delaware limited ership By: T-Mobile West C oration,its General Partner By. 77� �e Printed Name: Jon 7fnmste Its: Area Director of Engineering and Operations Date: rer& Approved as to form Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall 12 Market: Houston EXHIBIT A Legal Description The Property is legally described as follows: PARENT TRACT Being that certain tract or parcel of land containing 29.84203 acres,more or less,situated in the William Scott Upper Survey,Abstract No. 66,Harris County,Texas and being out of an a part of that certain 31.836 acre tract of land out of said League conveyed to John M. Kilgore et all by deed dated 20 May 1948, recorded in Volume 1771,Page 136 of the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas, and being that same tract or parcel of land conveyed to the City of Baytown by Deed dated 3 November 1965 and recorded under Clerk's File C248242 of the Real Property Records of Harris County,Texas,and being more particularly described as follows,to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron pipe situated North 34 deg.29 min. 36 sec.East a distance of 211.69 feet from the Southwest corner of said 31.836 acre tract,described in the aforesaid deed recorded in Volume 1771 at Page 136 of the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas; THENCE North 81 deg.29 min.40 sec.East 365.50 feet to a 1"iron pipe for corner; THENCE North 34 deg 29 min.36 sec.East a distance of 201.31 feet to a point for corner,a 1"iron pipe; THENCE North 55 deg.30 min.24 sec.West a distance of 267.31 feet to a 1"iron pipe for corner; THENCE North 34 deg.29 min. 36 sec.East a distance of 263.50 feet to a 1"iron rod for corner in the Southeast right of way line of Market Street Road 100 ft.right of way; THENCE North 60 deg.09 min.41 sec.East along the Southeast right of way line of Market Street Road,a distance of 797.41 feet to a point for corner in the South right of way line of Houston-Northshore Railroad right of way; THENCE South 69 deg.49 min. East along the South right of way line of Houston-Northshore Railroad a distance of 164.33 feet to a'A"iron pipe for corner; THENCE South 34 deg. 08 min. 56 sec.East a distance of 855.14 feet to an old grate bar for corner; THENCE South 55 deg.30 min.24 sec. West 1002.48 feet to a 1"iron pipe for corner in the North right of way line of West Main Street,60 ft.right of way; THENCE along the North right of way line of West Main Street,North 77 deg. 59 min. West 260.64 feet; North 80 deg. 30 min. West 359.50 feet;North 80 deg. 59 min. West 130.32 feet;North 82 deg.25 min. 39 sec.West 288.35 feet to an iron pipe for corner; THENCE North 34 deg.29 min. 36 sec. East 211.69 feet to the Place of Beginning;containing 29.84203 acres of land,more or less. Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall Market: Houston EXHIBIT B The location of the Premises within the Property(together with access and utilities) is more particularly described and depicted as follows: PROPOSED 50'X50'LEASE TRACT Being the proposed location of a 2500 square foot wireless tower lease tract out of that certain tract or parcel of land containing 29.84203 acres,more or less,situated in the William Scott Upper Survey,Abstract No.66,Harris County,Texas and being out of an a part of that certain 31.836 acre tract of land out of said League conveyed to John M.Kilgore et all by deed dated 20 May 1948, recorded in Volume 1771,Page 136 of the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas,and being that same tract or parcel of land conveyed to the City of Baytown by Deed dated 3 November 1965 and recorded under Clerk's File C248242 of the Real Property Records of Harris County,Texas,said 2500 square foot wireless tower lease tract herein described being shown on plat of even date, is referenced to the US State Plane Coordinate System,Texas South Central Zone,NAD 1983 Datum,and is more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 1 inch iron pipe found for the South corner of the called 29.84203 acre City of Baytown tract,said 1 inch iron pipe also marking the West corner of a triangular tract of land conveyed to the City of Baytown(Vol.3601,Pg.299,R.P.R.H.C.),and lying in the North Right of Way line of West Main Street(60 feet in width),and having a Texas State Plane Coordinate System,South Central Zone value of X=3,239,016.07 and Y=13,832,992.61; THENCE North 13 deg 41 min 42 sec East,over and across a portion of the called 29.84203 acre City of Baytown tract,a distance of 605.94 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the South corner of the herein described tract and PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 33 deg 02 min 13 sec West,a distance of 50.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE North 56 deg 57 min 47 sec East,a distance of 50.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 33 deg 02 min 13 sec East,a distance of 50.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE South 56 deg 57 min 47 sec West,a distance of 50.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING,containing in all,2500 square feet or 0.057 acres of land,more or less. - PROPOSED 30'WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT Being the proposed location of a thirty(30)foot wide access easement out of that certain tract or parcel of land containing 29.84203 acres,more or less,situated in the William Scott Upper Survey,Abstract No.66,Harris County,Texas and being out of an a part of that certain 31.836 acre tract of land out of said League conveyed to John M.Kilgore et all by deed dated 20 May 1948,recorded in Volume 1771,Page 136 of the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas,and being that same tract or parcel of land conveyed to the City of Baytown by Deed dated 3 November 1965 and recorded under Clerk's File C248242 of the Real Property Records of Harris County,Texas,said thirty(30)foot wide access easement herein described being shown on plat of even date,is referenced to the US State Plane Coordinate System,Texas South Central Zone,NAD 1983 Datum,and is more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 1 inch iron pipe found for the South corner of the called 29.84203 acre City of Baytown tract,said linch iron pipe also marking the West corner of a triangular tract of land conveyed to the City of Baytown(Vol.3601,Pg.299,R.P.R.H.C.),and lying in the North Right of Way line of West Main Street(60 feet in width),and having a Texas State Plane Coordinate System,South Central Zone value of X=3,239,016.07 and Y=13,832,992.61; THENCE North 81 deg 03 min 21 sec West with the common South line of the called 29.84203 acre City of Baytown tract and the North Right of Way line of West Main Street(60'in width),a distance of 62.01 feet to a point for the Southernmost East corner of the herein described tract and PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 81 deg 03 min 21 sec West,continuing with the North Right of Way line of West Main Street(60'in width),a distance of 30.30 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 17 deg 00 min 58 sec East,a distance of 277.95 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 24 deg 28 min 32 sec East,a distance of 259.63 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 05 deg 48 min 36 sec East,a distance of 28.99 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 31 deg 45 min 15 sec West,a distance of 43.09 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 56 deg 57 min 47 sec East,a distance of 58.61 feet to a point in the Southwest line of a proposed 2500 square foot wireless tower lease tract,for corner; THENCE South 33 deg 02 min 13 sec East with the Southwest line of a proposed 2500 square foot wireless tower lease tract,a distance of 30.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod marking the South corner of said proposed 2500 square foot wireless tower lease tract,for corner; THENCE South 56 deg 57 min 47 sec West,a distance of 29.27 feet to a point for corner; Site Number: A3D0158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall Market: Houston • Exhibit B(continued) THENCE South 31 deg 45 min 15 sec East,a distance of 23.96 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 05 deg 48 min 36 sec West,a distance of 44.12 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 24 deg 28 min 32 sec West,a distance of 262.61 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 17 deg 00 min 58 sec West,a distance of 271.74 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING,containing in all,19499 square feet or 0.448 acres of land,more or less. PROPOSED 5'WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT NUMBER ONE Being the proposed location of a five(5)foot wide utility easement out of that certain tract or parcel of land containing 29.84203 acres,more or less,situated in the William Scott Upper Survey,Abstract No.66,Hams County,Texas and being out of an a part of that certain 31.836 acre tract of land out of said League conveyed to John M.Kilgore et all by deed dated 20 May 1948,recorded in Volume 1771,Page 136 of the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas,and being that same tract or parcel of land conveyed to the City of Baytown by Deed dated 3 November 1965 and recorded under Clerk's File C248242 of the Real Property Records of Harris County,Texas,said five(5)foot wide utility easement herein described being shown on plat of even date,is referenced to the US State Plane Coordinate System,Texas South Central Zone,NAD 1983 Datum,and is more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 1 inch iron pipe found for the South corner of the called 29.84203 acre City of Baytown tract,said linch iron pipe also marking the West corner of a triangular tract of land conveyed to the City of Baytown(Vol.3601,Pg.299,R.P.R.H.C.),and lying in the North Right of Way line of West Main Street(60 feet in width),and having a Texas State Plane Coordinate System,South Central Zone value of X=3,239,016.07 and Y=13,832,992.61; THENCE North 10 deg 26 min 31 sec East over and across a portion of the called 29.84203 acre City of Baytown tract,a distance of 641.23 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod marking the West corner of a proposed 2500 square foot wireless tower lease tract,for the Northernmost East corner of the herein described tract and PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 33 deg 02 min 13 sec East with the Southwest line of said proposed 2500 square foot wireless tower lease tract,a distance of 6.24 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 86 deg 15 min 45 sec West,a distance of 235.84 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 37 deg 20 min 54 sec West,a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 42 deg 15 min 58 sec East,a distance of 25.56 to a point at the South wall of an existing brick building; THENCE North 52 deg 39 min 06 sec East along the South wall of said brick building,a distance of 27.74 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 42 deg 15 min 58 sec West,a distance of 47.29 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 86 deg 15 min 45 sec East,a distance of 228.02 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING,containing in all, 1358 square feet or 0.031 acres of land,more or less. PROPOSED 5'WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT NUMBER TWO Being the proposed location of a five(5)foot wide utility easement out of that certain tract or parcel of land containing 29.84203 acres,more or less,situated in the William Scott Upper Survey,Abstract No.66,Harris County,Texas and being out of an a part of that certain 31.836 acre tract of land out of said League conveyed to John M.Kilgore et all by deed dated 20 May 1948,recorded in Volume 1771,Page 136 of the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas,and being that same tract or parcel of land conveyed to the City of Baytown by Deed dated 3 November 1965 and recorded under Clerk's File C248242 of the Real Property Records of Harris County,Texas,said five(5)foot wide utility easement herein described being shown on plat of even date,is referenced to the US State Plane Coordinate System,Texas South Central Zone,NAD 1983 Datum,and is more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 1 inch iron pipe found for the South corner of the called 29.84203 acre City of Baytown tract,said linch iron pipe also marking the West corner of a triangular tract of land conveyed to the City of Baytown(Vol.3601,Pg.299,R.P.R.H.C.),and lying in the North Right of Way line of West Main Street(60 feet in width),and having a Texas State Plane Coordinate System,South Central Zone value of X=3,239,016.07 and Y=13,832,992.61; THENCE North 10 deg 26 min 31 sec East over and across a portion of the called 29.84203 acre City of Baytown tract,a distance of 641.23 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod marking the West corner of a proposed 2500 square foot wireless tower lease tract,for the Northernmost East corner of the herein described tract and PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 19 deg 23 min 35 sec West,a distance of 164.62 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 49 deg 49 min 55 sec West,a distance of 104.07 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 39 deg 35 min 34 sec West,a distance of 95.54 feet to a point for corner; Site Number: A3DO 158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall Market: .Houston Exhibit B(continued) THENCE North 31 deg 07 min 56 sec West,a distance of 117.21 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 22 deg 15 min 25 sec West,a distance of 124.79 feet to a point in the common North line of the 29.84203 acre City of Baytown tract and the South line of Market Street,for corner; THENCE North 56 deg 57 min 47 sec East with the common North line of the 29.84203 acre City of Baytown tract and the South line of Market Street,a distance of 5.09 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 22 deg 15 min 25 sec East,a distance of 125.31 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 31 deg 07 min 56 sec East,a distance of 116.55 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 39 deg 35 min 34 sec East,a distance of 94.68 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 49 deg 49 min 55 sec East,a distance of 104.98 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 19 deg 23 min 35 sec East,a distance of 164.68 feet to a point in the North line of a proposed 2500 square foot wireless tower lease tract,for corner; THENCE South 56 deg 38 min 56 sec West with the North line of a proposed 2500 square foot wireless tower lease tract,a distance of 5.16 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING,containing in all,3032 square feet or 0.070 acres of land,more or less. Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall Market: Houston EXHIBIT C Memorandum of Lease Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall Market: Houston Memorandum of Lease Between City of Baytown("Landlord") and T-Mobile Texas,L.P.("Tenant") A Site Lease with Option(the"Lease")by and between City of Baytown("Landlord")and T-Mobile Texas, L.P.,a Delaware Limited Partnership,("Tenant")was made regarding a portion of the following property: See Attached Exhibit"A"incorporated herein for all purposes. The Option is for a term of twelve(12) months after the Effective Date of the Lease(as defined under the Lease),with up to one additional twelve(12)month renewal("Option Period"). The Lease is for a term of five (5) years and will commence on the date as set forth in the Lease (the "Commencement Date"). Tenant shall have the right to extend this Lease for five(5)additional five-year terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have respectively executed this memorandum effective as of the date of the last party to sign. LANDLORD: City of Baytown '* �P.YTO(N. • -/-1. • •U •N� •1. �AI • By: •�� Printed Name: Gary kson : . •� City Manager Its: - *** r01� Date: [Z-2t-0(v TENANT: T-Mobile Texas,L.P.,A Delaware limited partnership By: T-Mobil rporat____i_9n,its General P er By: Printed Name: Jon st% Its: Area Dir ctor of Engineerin and Operations Date: /D Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall Market: Houston 1)11 [Notary block for Landlord] [Notary block for Corporation,Partnership,Limited Liability Company] STATE OF )ss. COUNTY OF ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on by [title] of a [type of entity], on behalf of said [name of entity]. Dated: Notary Public Print Name My commission expires (Use this space for notary stamp/seal) [Notary block for Tenant] STATE OF TEXAS ) )ss. COUNTY OF TRAVIS ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Jon Zumsteg is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Area Director of Engineering and Operations of T-Mobile Texas, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 10112-1 b •E JARED LEDET Notary Public + i % Notary public,Sided Task Print Na pr2 CGN/1 "= My Camiseion Expires ( me My commission expires t' (124 07 ''"'•,... NOVEMBER 12,2007 (Use this space for notary stamp/seal) Site Number: A3DO 158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall Market: Houston • Memorandum of Lease EXHIBIT A Legal Description The Property is legally described as follows: PARENT TRACT Being that certain tract or parcel of land containing 29.84203 acres,more or less,situated in the William Scott Upper Survey,Abstract No.66,Harris County,Texas and being out of an a part of that certain 31.836 acre tract of land out of said League conveyed to John M.Kilgore et all by deed dated 20 May 1948, recorded in Volume 1771,Page 136 of the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas,and being that same tract or parcel of land conveyed to the City of Baytown by Deed dated 3 November 1965 and recorded under Clerk's File C248242 of the Real Property Records of Harris County,Texas,and being more particularly described as follows,to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron pipe situated North 34 deg.29 min. 36 sec.East a distance of 211.69 feet from the Southwest corner of said 31.836 acre tract,described in the aforesaid deed recorded in Volume 1771 at Page 136 of the Deed Records of Harris County,Texas; THENCE North 81 deg.29 min.40 sec.East 365.50 feet to a 1"iron pipe for corner; THENCE North 34 deg 29 min.36 sec.East a distance of 201.31 feet to a point for corner,a 1"iron pipe; THENCE North 55 deg.30 min.24 sec. West a distance of 267.31 feet to a 1"iron pipe for corner; THENCE North 34 deg.29 min.36 sec.East a distance of 263.50 feet to a 1"iron rod for corner in the Southeast right of way line of Market Street Road 100 ft.right of way; THENCE North 60 deg.09 min.41 sec.East along the Southeast right of way line of Market Street Road,a distance of 797.41 feet to a point for corner in the South right of way line of Houston-Northshore Railroad right of way; THENCE South 69 deg.49 min.East along the South right of way line of Houston-Northshore Railroad a distance of 164.33 feet to a 3/4"iron pipe for corner; THENCE South 34 deg.08 min. 56 sec.East a distance of 855.14 feet to an old grate bar for corner; THENCE South 55 deg.30 min.24 sec.West 1002.48 feet to a 1"iron pipe for corner in the North right of way line of West Main Street,60 ft.right of way; THENCE along the North right of way line of West Main Street,North 77 deg. 59 min. West 260.64 feet; North 80 deg. 30 min. West 359.50 feet;North 80 deg. 59 min. West 130.32 feet;North 82 deg.25 min. 39 sec. West 288.35 feet to an iron pipe for corner; THENCE North 34 deg.29 min.36 sec.East 211.69 feet to the Place of Beginning;containing 29.84203 acres of land,more or less. Site Number: A3DO158 Version 10-2-01 Site Name: Baytown City Hall Market: Houston Flo Info:! ProjeCt.\Ir.,\T-rsw.1,5+oE,st nl yr T-roe4,Tempi*P&oaixe- Wean c:i,PLO i111.-16P1,const,u lia Rrr 2 p2-4e.06110015E6-0tr Non.e.q On. Ti. 200E - s:OIp„.«.eei - y u - 4 p p V a P P. 1• N P ip: igx !RIM itisx loutx I2xx gpx wax rgq¢ i I! 1 ,wiiwAgkvggets sg I! ;1 iEi - §yU A ^ ODy r i; leg IyqqIy{ m . 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Z� em s �, o$_ ,c�- = a �m Vol �2.$ ` �gZ 2r� w O net • m- 2 f m o ._. ror- raj 2 t1/ PI in i (inn , ,.,+I O n d rn m d m N Sz�,•Y, .r1 �'-• o • THIS DRAM IS COPYRTCRTED AND IS MR SOW PRDPPRIY DT TOE OINER R IS PRDDBCUS SOLELY In 176E 9Y 713 DENER AND ITS MUMS.mama OR 0EE DP flaS DRAM AND/OR TIE INFORMATION MANED IN R IS FORMINM217tThOVT YNE■MEN PION cy THE 01Ngit• I ro •CO 0 • r ■ rrMP �`I !1> zMobile■ Z coo z or p Z Z ==_ra.� w {a�ri E i o x>. � _., o m Get More From Life Yx =3 P p (71 a d rn ��� g i - Cb z N T-MOBILE TEXAS LP '' , z a = R g Ilk ^ O0 r 2 GREENWAY PLAZA mg 2 �Q 11TH FLOOR co p a HOUSTON, TX 7704E I$ M.corm fc\Projects\awn\T-uabiw\NowlonVIEltt T-klobit Tompioli sNas\XDrsee - Iwo. Gap rral (NL-i°rkeonur.iion\aw 2 02-0R-a67\ODlsee-et),man.a,g o.e t,, =cos-soto.•.neon 0 m z u L. n m'�! -. N ' « m�4no mro mnP pmroz ..... -'r 4 ya nn O 6C>R Cnl'N'0' Pr .S.' m• rfO• =a-f�7• C_ C 0O' am vf- N Net n U11-.1 nl 4. 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W 2co FIN'Lobi1e '° =oN+pn 00 e 1 4 Ei q z qi i g " o -4 m Get More From Life ▪�▪ x�g mgg �► a - go, r T-MOBILE TEXAS LPr. a ; o z a m I.m m r Z 2 GREENWAY PLAZA ��1 o n g r 1!TH FLOOR • co p HOUSTON, TX 77046 g $ 1 Fib lnlo;Xekfrojechkhon\T-,obis\11p.Nan\NEW T-Iloale Template S1tee\DOT -sap1rn,C,y Iron(nL-112PCa siruc0en\A..2 02-ate-o6)\ootsea-aky Ha11.1/.9 Dec I1. 2QC - Soeym'swum • Z i 1 , 4run ~ Ou o \ f f ? m Cat I ism \ �� j '1 �, /moNI o 7 -1 Mr \ u z l� m z \ a r ..."-----7----)s> rn I \\ oat Z;,'= j + CZp x8a \� ,91 A m 1 — f p� d , n . i _.-,„ ,- Q ....4..c.„..„....... .r 17c: � 24 co 7 \ nmoO� IIII� 1 m' � =Ng _ _ _ �� \ hg I�� ,� it+ ! zro� .. �c :::\..., -- i/� .gyp[` i x , .4 ...., , _, __ ..... , di _IP . '4 _ ,040, J ' al • /. 4 A `S g ,o 80 I P2 nzxz �g ' p' \ f s z 2 a A PIm�� A. ro *1 4. lC mz88 E M C6 .QY:, N `'� � 00 o • . ‘'v,„,,A #‘..)—/ `` .:.-e ?rn Qr...r�o O Z C f ; 3).7.., sr46-,-.....-% ..4. 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T1Il5 ORA11$C IS COPYRICH[RC MID IS 71111 SOIB MST/0l TN 01I1E0.17 IS P10WCm SOLELY Pill USE BY WI 0100!A11S ITS 011114113.RMPtR30UC IOJI OR US6 01 71QS D UERO AIN/OR THE MOWER COMO BTI III TT 1S FORMIDO=I WITHOUT THE RRII711?PERMIS9100 OP Tlt OEM xs � rn . , T , .Mobile � � li DD�D cl r.O • Z wino m egg e ° •I. OF 1 . o o Get More From Life 4x� a `° 7K 4.0 U to V ,.., Ngil " - o rat- z rn T-MOBILE TEXAS LP b y z g Lo r Z I' 2 GREENWAY PLAZA ag" o ' _ 7-1 11TH FLOOR coo C o HOUSTON, TIC 77046 s / / / ' Fly In7O:k:\1+07acti\M7an\T-WObi•\14wlan x T-rob;I.T.mm°pN.\CC sea- Basta n CO RN(RL-MP\Constry \e«2 02-0e-O 1 OI5e8-C7r Her.d.0 D.c I I. sore - &raven notion 5O m160'-O" TO TOP OF NEW MONOPOLE dr — -' — YQ . a'1TER Cr NEW T-M09:LE PANE' ANTENNAS r C - — 13O'-0" TO.CITY OF BAYTOWN .a+(r NNAS — - 120'-O" TO CITY OF BAYTOWN ANTENNAS Z 100'-0- TO CITY OF BAYTOWN ANTENNAS • .raffr_ TM•J,5_ F- - — 1 1 c=; 1�.g" 8'-0' - Ri'ooz z m[ 4 z 0 4 yz Z z*_ ppC. OZm� ZI• -IZC -I A AO 0, '12 0 41 111 ill 111: }; \\(n N ! Y IQ y z Q Noz A } }C z raO• 1- M., '+cc C) rY . o? O- Z en -1yy0 + YJrr z°yyS N my m ,K mm rt AXr ,i mmen in yz r EO g ' ;V � e cz A � m}en et~ ?.�- - 3) c . 1 } i0aa} 0p ° �m �1m� � nzzin n 7� 5a Z m� jRuKi ' y ov `"+ i O z oAC 2wz ''1 c s '^ ��1p ' rl� r' yA � f�Ia D O 00 �0 1' D "- mmm 2 5 1p = o � �~ " `'zA ~ "' z f0o om, m Ap > FIT s z g~n r, Zcpc P'- � m r� � gA gA Ing [1 gOOtNz E C c mcoc5` &y1 t n14Y ---J2 ' m b={Z AO oc = H G � ` nA g� m 0 2 l 0 Az ay m � z rw yA VQ nUy -i- -z 5 l0.6 4 Yzn m 1( so Q O 0 2 r4mj rzm 4 • gEt 'k'-0L, zp� mDZA'i�z000inz�i n a p 2 2ZIs� rih A r2 C7 �Z �r it$ yd In -1 -1 Jp 2 A xp Z x/a -. c z O ft,n r•1 D en^J O m 61 p v } az t�1..D ? M n v v�,lrlR o m;mmA RI S In rl A rn _ y r z z, _. Z MC 30)mii X . 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CO •t 00 DDT® R `0a r • ■ ■ Mobie• 2lAms$ I 2 C 171 -I ur (Al 41 4z44R 1 I a - -< c Get More From Life rw Q a I ;6ff 1 t a a A c„ z 0 --I m a� C S. w $ _ C" z O T-MOBILE TEXAS LP --.., a = c - SH pl CO I . Z 2 GREENWAY PLAZA m8 i 2 n 11TH FLOOR M oo - s HOUSTON, TX 77046 Pia Ink: \ kc1.\r.a1\T-Nosla\IIoa.Iar' W T.uaplla Trwatt SIt..\001300- Motown Ciy Hor(111.-I)\tamuvcr'an\x.r 2 ps-0 -0611 0isee-Gly nd1..q Bic 11. 2DQ -301pro,,..ten z z >= z -a Pel zo r �S `ie X Ain bin 0Al Vrl = R r • r `n liRigg ' c ; o i 6 i 1 IIII 1E1111 / 0 70 0 111111�-11.■ —1 r, 2 0 a Z .T1/ i �N. N �• Z lll=i1ll[1 fli 111 0e ee e e o o a a . 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I IQ Iq 40 {cpp Ip ra O Z pp!�y ZZ qqI�C Zx-.~ Z2 O O• O O O 0 Q 0 0 O O 0 O O 9 O AT E 7�p2 ?Q= S�� p�� I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I • •'N ' O O O O Q O o O O 0 O C O O o O P% N_ Q 14 — 173 TNN mom Ui WPYR[G1It AND IS THE Soli PNOPIk=T Of TO1 011118N.IT 13 P10011CT,P i.Y TON USt 6Y THE CINIR AM ITS APP1=1S.amouvriom on US!0P T105 twin AND/OR THE irumavirioN COMM IN R Is 70R81C0311■ITNCTR T f 11A1!1LN P6t1uss=0T TNf Mai I N a DDT w} a m m . • THVlobile"° !I > 1 r IC Co Xm i 1 f a -4 -4 Z Get More From Life 44% 2 11 M„P ii oo r -1./ T-MOBILE TEXAS LP U 2 GREENIIAY PLAZA 0I O - 11TH FLOORo f, o } Z HOUSTON, TX 77046 I I IN Wee X:\Prolwis\Ymn\T-No644\ IoANEw T-1Ioba.TrM*Nt,S'tes‘0013218- !Wow CAy NW IRL-NP}\Conot ueIion\Rre 2(12-06-OE)\.0015e8-G1y NoLdrq Ott 11. 2006 - S:02Pm melon / 1 6'-0 1/2* MAX. C 4'-O" MIN. .�/T 2" CROWN z 10 i 1' 0 z CO a 4'-6" (MIN.)'< 2" CROWN m • N •. V liiIIC- 1/1� �ro �0 ..ftl• �-r — z ic� m A 4 W h ro v, n s OCzU sir, V� ` " m Q A a :. 00o/ co `\�.i. � 4. I r— may~a„ Z \j yo LC� I II, likli e i „ e• "-S li ..... ill -n ... .E--_.:-. ----._. .IMIMIMOIlkIN _s\A\.. l.44'.,s \ . e rn e; ,�\ 441 N AN ON Na• A 4.�^ a. C) I -n a , O r0z . •- a �rr1ro� fv ry p1Y1 /� N Oro Z C~ �• ID� RpA"p' a ✓A/ �r"c c8 T gZ 0&i L. -% :'.'a y >Cc- !r Z r 08 m Po Zr' a's$z m m e trn r•1 111 y m ro .ZI A A r� z . • m 53 a S v1 C1 s < 10•1{' r�. o 0 r- �A Is -sv -.z cm rron 0 _ • �� q mm 0 1- �y ya ? g ,,b'g 3 ,1g ^E CA PZ . y a .. 4I`t N CIC�CC wC m Oral`im y �� Cr'-I Ao O yn Tr' `Oro Ay •_as [II n . A. zzmu, . i ANOa yz x�x OAvt G 0� v0 �, 01) Vi 4 !`r,. ^00 ,_O�v _, tcccr..0 c p2 sc;p+m O `tZ-, • O -1 y w` 4o y.N* O -, O 6D v•00 a� W �11 + A ma_ i§ •• m r� U�Ovz, r°Is v l�/�i 7'-0" MAX. z -a o m c S p 'n 2 m -4 1 ;'`0" MIN. ��\�\, 2" CROWN /_ > rr 00 LI0 VI--1-1 .. = ACM NI 1 N.,r/ .171 4. . 03 3>>.,i t • 3 0 o ! II O 1.1 Mali , *_\,_\..(/ • , r • o..ter= -`V�.� // 1 !•1 rn r.N 111111111 o P . . �QZ w I I z x m/ N�` �'\`/ 2 CROWN -O z x ` " n cQn N. /, c /f 9 a Z� ro m r' r -II b z , 'I' m - l\ II .ItII 5 1/2" .� 3•-t" 1 5 1/2" ` /4 11114L. Iz ; - —- • •• lm■; -I N E N el C— - • �� 'm dig ��If Q a n 1 c8 • S myy N� - A� �N '- ^ap 0S -m _.,x r ON o-�' �\ oa O ' O s + `rai 0� Ugz O yv Jj?Tm=p AX O O ss yp rn•. a,Po 0-.t �2 oC I ici- rA .N-O vS m(z�0C m rn 1y,ZsrnA C1c Oa m � �4 CmOg Ay + 0�Q 6~z 0_ e08 2 O zO -4 mc-' rroi ztl\Z rag. 2 [�I m Z m v P L 2 7p Cpp rat x r N 1.-0" 1'-0" , yaZX� .,x ....SA -3 RE o~PIy -em - Qg _ agiA2 C2O 1 Ir 5�On�� 0 0 +, V�+, %0 = n Y . � � ' m l — � kco Ofy11[�i� 0z z 0 a C � Q 74 v oo • liNt% \ >C C N. N. 13 r r A C ws 21A1ir1A a-z -in On pry p +l1c mC rnAim1ri12 2 O M +470*r m Z-" 2 I [O� 'i ZcO.Y C m pit ` m xi �1 C m C \ A i A 8 0 — A a , 1 to CC'f net OO�O ��.1p0 •\\ \` CC zc r N 1� / Q O A vx:OvC71 N.�v� \\ vy 1 OO t~/1CZ'11J1-1 O N ~ 1 • s — i • -I! ' - n a 0 .. ., • .. kw J. II 10 a c > . �.�_ rr "Cm y �\ c O ` NM/ c` 00Q/\ 0 -' rn o. 13C y I t/..44 II I`I am ii5ri n ..rll m` SB =nPz. n Tw OM3 I. 1 • _Eg v ,aecr - _ -1C: r� ¢ •^ .-. — Q - • -mion N _ N .P '_\.`/�Yj�\\ t>3 gumoc is CCFYRme um is TE ROIL PROD m'or TUB OWE.IT Is PRODUCED SO T FOR USE BY SFR Omrs AND fl MUMS.RIPRODUCmon OR USE Or MIS DRAATIJIM AND/SO TN 1RromutnRN CONTAmED 1n 1r IS FORBIDDEN MOUT nle IRITrMN mom or Fez owes. O o ! a T ■ . 7 OCR n 4 , Mo 11e�� z 1nr•,g G w 2a ; I :01 43,11E 1 I} a = a n Get More From Life w4 � = pp_ " s = oho r C0 T-MOBILE TEXAS LP '��o x z 91 i m 2 GREENWAY PLAZA a` w o - 3 0 11TH FLOOR a 0 ` s 0 Z HOUSTON, TX 77046 4 g g n.tax x:1<v o).aal,r.onkr-wooa.ltr+ouatan1,NEW r-Mobile Template 3Ia\WWISOB- Baylor,Cyr lal UP\Car tru i'I r 2(12-O5-13GACOI SSB-at,lal.a.1 O, 1. ZOOS - S ?p,.moon 3.-6' 30" MN. OR PER • L7 LOCAL UTILITY CO. 4- 1'-0" 8' 1'-0" 6" 0 REOVIREMENTS fl Z Z 1.-a. g C 0 0 C /'Ire fll z M • 4 '#' '° j ,o ;: sim 0 iI♦�►���/'%f�1/-l✓�♦J�• �: v `,.' 'tel'i.{ 0 O 4 , �23 �f�`!�f n m � p1I . �, 23 �  -0m `F A ,,,:..-0 ...,1 1,0 I' ��j � _ `i ir + '`'/�f i I- m C \•�'0; % ' ' :, , ✓/•l/ / am • H!' ; o° ' zO 'itV'' /#1 _ x1co ' I AI /.40• mC"! S ',, + a' I `✓ n� > '• roc� �rC IA 0 nnn v y �1 „ "n 22z y oN � /v/�` ; m ,�,,r.o`.` to smyLI n A 7F ` r'Ail V •Q wie RI Q 4 0 v re i tol A •\: A zo2 To A° *om m`"z$t^ o , III—III 1 CO •D ix • N� { „ace r > wX� m� Inn n (A - J..•. �; })} ea 0 rSk� ' �� 1--1 01 Z Xa;yy rm w�zrr m I =++ .��r� 1 m m z ' O nI �.. O z 7G y rn m m m t` :I 11I �ff`: h m � � A v i '^ i o -I L I � t O I sA O m- nr nrvp tip O III fff` � nr G� , f7'1 Za- n UC700 m�tziO AN t — Ik'�' •.. 6 , rn f` Ti r- '< �I '0 i0 O= xaz .EN CI 0 -4 N,yr.c0 �O �Illll%`` �!14. mX �8 v .� > E p 1 g I pI S S m 6-1 p �f�`-Vi pig Z XI + r� p r� -I= Y 2 1�1 �i/i m rRy E v 5,c me 2r,z. o c2o� vo f - 1 4.4,-e a x� PSI '� t7i '''rAij = ,OZC n s Z`` -I I �``� n m N D � 4... ng r p b t ymjE I= �`c1 Z COX 1 , ''ICtd r i '� i� O x ma n rQ+r r0i }t O z -_�►�y1+1�1� m Qs t �>`„ \ • A-1 m of a m j r7.r n t V_ RI o 0 Ai �� r,0 OA z 0 ( I'!I MIS yy z 1 = oo -III Gr•. ' CCI z co z O I o o ''v n i nc1 "•o t mrzn Np uxp �,� ; Q x -I! `r:x z i Z\�cS =A k N 1--1 I G�/I-y- • � y -,0e 23 grzl yp V 1' - 2N Z .� A p N� r;m Om l�llll ���+_ N } -or I m p f ` a �Y I 4 �° :III ����r,._: $g =- xn , 1-111,P� - , 2°v w x —I I I' � ' �, �111--1 _ R.O.W a g 1 cot. H rl I '. m ., ti rC‘. 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S.. 2 a a•.-' x cm 4 V -i Get More From Life -°P _ g � 40 3 m S O a C �„ e $ f i i t +L� T-MOBILE TEXAS LP ' '-� z 1 ° R g La a N =� 2 GREENWAY PLAZA i o `•� ;: 0 11TH FLOOR 02 43, o Z HOUSTON, TX 77048 - s y r re \A•OjtOtu\i V-YC6iN\14 cn\HEW T-31103,lonplpu Sil/p\00ISOB- Boolean Cky Hal (RL-11PheartiOucOon1,O r 2 I12-o6-os)\pcIS26-CIy HOILd.q O. II. 2006 - 5:01pm moon 0 m m z c.z cm Z rn rn 51 m P U + w M 7g ZW A�-�7 m O U O O O O ® orn �y -.$y ogi <P�' 1-[� f ' v vg r A Zg ";WZ X m0- cc wen) #0 ^N T yl 0^N ^+4 m O? P QS �m x D aY S rl �0 00,8 OCI0� pz a zw CO Oma 7m C I Z i0 'ds T. I I- A S r +N N r f y Ovl `� CS r- z� og . <}\ m AN <ya0 m o v o mme �005 A o�Y� zy y in y� xi p• so Q�._1 ! � �� r Z* Vf ! 20G I f I '+ �Z �SN y N fV 1�1 Q ri mnZrn rnyv7 , O O s err L .a D a O 20 m0 Ob O y.N�Z r0ix x Z ... 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A 0 ww`f = ,� . a M 1 -- 3 r i_ z '- m T-MOBILE TEXAS LP = z c o § m 1— 2 CREENWAY PLAZA -U 7 I n - - 11TH FLOOR m o HOUSTON. TX 77046 i F, Mr rafo:x:\Projects\r'.en T-WbA.\HoustVANEw I-Mot17.Template sitn\oa Isee - Eloylooei CO Hoe(Rl-UP)\eonskuclion\Rut 2 (2-os-O6)\noises-myNotio.9 Dom 11. 2006 - 5:02pm metal 6•-0" U 5.4 N 0 1'-0' 4•-0' T ro y E x c w%.m>n m 1'-D" B' � - '� -4 oa 'II a� riao �'� mmm m Z rn !! 4' 6` 5 1/2" 5 1/2" mmm ox mxtr w4- 8mTlN D-Qs 5w oz m m 4 , .L_ 3'-t" Sx� �a' -i �7m�o � xoi �-'U=`� y m o m z v ft - > o t l b 3 �, ��p z1Ct c� raw z '^ -`I I O a l A � � 2 �i(off2xrr lZ�� /V 0 -4L o6 p C6V., KW m A G I W 0 Nln-ru zE v'A'82 Som RAKV`{�my o + r =1� rn +^Y N�� 4 4 I_ -r r- a �n� _ lczil f)O y XI a III _ L J � o S� i= 2cdi m z D �s�i �� ^�� r ni +ram zr�z —I C) I z ln- oo y02 2r"yz� R7.13 n ll r c bg-m QrSi -ow nmgp, 5- -+V ' mmox m P M Cx z� { ri � � � 0EA I /�• I , O Nz mvn 11 op g p � � o �m -r�y�c ^_l x CJ2 y� ='g _Ii xi '71 O O g cri m-=O Z 1 73 --I n i cn M n $C'O �--- ---J Z tia r FPS— '^ —I f I o i P.I. _ I. 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P W g_ @ r' 3 2 GREENWAY PLAZA mow 0 `� 4 i 1TH FLOOR a o HOUSTON, TX 77046 a a Fie of.: %:\Prv06010 n\T-Y006.-h\itersl0n\1ETI T-Yon), Tmgbu 5i&OO1SCB -Oeylwo Glr Hu (RL-IAPr\Cam action\4w 2 02-003-06)\DOISDB-Gty)IILj. Ric ,I. nor - wont f•.40. 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W GI ■ ■ T "Ma r Q�11e■ z gA8 1/ x > a C ., o Io 1 o I lW i, 1 _D a -c -< .. c Get More From Life wvQg ; i l 4- a p� ,�� a V 1 m 34 co _ r- T-d10$I[.E TEXAS LP I u � m F WE 2 GREENWAY PLAZA �,$ o _ S1TH FLOOR - HOUSTOH, TX 77048 o 1 1 4 Fiu Into:%:\ReJegek•sa\T_Io \IbuNOn'I W T-IblobIa Tampld.&Yn OIS1n- BgAar1 Gay MCI(1L-11p)\Carulrorlion\fiN 2(12-06-06A001519-Glr 1b11.A.9 Oat 11. 2006 - 502p* rswlen n m ‘'� _�� p No �z � g 73 m0 ZO2 0 I r1 p C N°1'1w !-pSpASA A= m coNi2$ic z 4 ��i'�i ai'S4'4►�b•�d��**��.U*..� p g_o=rn g z o a to al z lir. p. v -ii� ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e ♦�♦ m ,.,o N �o 4 c-, ni\ ., 5Smv / co , z rn mr zI z �R II liminn0 rn IA n n� 1=1 fm m no co Xi CD Z ro C o—r• rom m PI z 5l!! ' NM o m C4A 53 coo o ♦ ocam ®O •4_." 41 H Ca o v I N •O �O ` h x z C m_,N A.' C90 �O Aw-x2c---,..m, #T1T , o 'Amy"®= O �O v naw n-1 � z y ®O �O .$ iIA C90 �O zx t.a �r �;O®C9O0 . � 4 03 VNniiii CPU z 0 , ". 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