Ordinance No. 10,43801�DfNANC E'�N'0, 1(),43'S AN ORDINANCE OF CITY COLIN("11L 0F'i,ia­, (.11'r ,,, oi,' RAY'ro"IN, 1"EXAS, RE.NIEWING '11111'," ADM, IN IS" RATPv-E, SERVWFS AGREEMENTWITI'l t,fNITED BEHAVIORAI..,, HEALTH Fi,-)R, THE (._,TYY'S EMPLOYJA,"" ASSfS"I'ANCE PR0GR,AN/1-,, AurtiORIZINIG PAYN/l 1IN'"F BY "I"HE CITY' OF BA)' TOWN, THE SIUN14 (A" TWENTY-FIVE T1101 �SAND ONE HUNI )RE, ' 1) Sl","\Il,,"NT'Y-ONE,ANf)20/10(')I)(-)I-,L2\]ZS(S25,171,2(t); A NI) ]--IR.ONTIDINGFoI EFFECTIVE * * * * * A14 .4u * 4"a * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *a4* * * # * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *� * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4" .a, * k * * * * * BF ("'I'I"')�'OFBAYTOWN,'I'l? X.Ay ; sectioll 1: That the City ("ouncil of the City, o1'BijytcmT11,Texas, hereby renew,s die Adw6nisft-ative Set-vices Agreement with Uniteld Behuloral I lealth loo the C y's En,iployee Asistance Program LUider the same ter-nisand conditions. Section X21 : That the City cc" uticd ofthe Clity mlthOriZeS P�I)fflmll tO Ullited of the sum ol"TWl',"INTY-FIVE THOUSANI') ONI"FlUNDRED SEVFNTY-W,,,11"J AND 20/100, DOLLARS (S25, l 7 I.10), PUBLKUlt to the Agreernent. Section 3� That the City Mamager is hereby urarited general authority to approve any c hI angc order involving at decrease or rain increase iti costs of JWl" NTY- FIVE THOUSAND AND Psl()/l 00 DOLLARS (S25,000MO , ) or less;, however, the ori gitW con I ract price may not be i ncreased by more than twenty--five percent (2511211'0 or decreased by iiiore than oventy-five percem (251,'41o) \vithout d"ic conseiit of the ccmtractor to such dect-ease, Section, 4: TN s aaa"clnaataaice shall take eft"ect iimriediate ly froiri aura caller its passage by the (`�.aLmcil of the City of' Baytown, INTWDUCED, READ and PASSED y the aff"Irtnative vote W, City Council of the Go,, of'13aytown this the 12'h day fOctober, 20()16, cyt N Do as :..I J) DONCARLOS, Mayor J"l Clerk A PPIZON/1'A.) AS TO FORM: .. I . ...... .... . . . ... . ...... f( 7A("A0 IZAN/TIT�EZ, C�ty, ,Nttcmic,,y R � Ka ren'Tj counefl ,,.Ord