Ordinance No. 10,431WE ORDINANCE O. 10,-131 AN ORDIPTAPM! W" TFU! CA CCHJNCIL (w rm cra OF BAY1100A 11EXAS, RE'NEWING niu to wrRACTE M I)XI fr,4DUSTRIES, INC, [`,0R "I'Mir M,MJM-, S Ul Ll"', U R 1) 10.'% ID L" CO C� `F RA( " ['A-N1.) A UTI I (-)I�UZING PA YKI L,N'FB YTH : IJ Y ( )F BAYTO VN, TJ[L,,r, SUM OF 1-,`1YFV THOLTSAND HUNDRI","D AND NO/R)( ) D01 [,ARS (S50,800,00); MAK ING OTH ER PROVISK)NS R LATM141ERETO; AND P1 "tOVIDIN(,'.4 F(n)RJ'HE ['TTECTIVE DATETI-11�.,REOF, * *, * * *, * * *"4^* *!: 4 4� d nP � J, * M. * 4, * * pry, ,µ * * * 4� * * * * * * * * * * irk * * * * * * * * ** *,r.,-*' *** *;fah j, 4, � ,�, * * * r $� .P, * +P, 4, * :t, 'j, 9 j J, *. '4. * � w ,; 4 y. p; off„ 44', j * ,�, WBEREAT DX1 InduMnes, 1-tic ,swas onvarded Te Annwd SUI,fird- Dj(Ai& C(Altl`aJCA Of) October 26. 2004, pursuant, to cornpeli6vc bidding", procedures, Which Contract include'd an option by1he parlies to renew Rw MMMA sm,mr puM and D hidumres, fne., hns inlcmed is "Unigness to irnew the c�ontract foranadditional year Under the MUTW lenns and condhAms; and NVIIEREAS,the KinunwrWri has r-eCoMniendsrcnexval as Mng W Lhe hem Inwrem of le Cky TW%V 11 IEREFORE BE, H ORL)ALNEDATY THE CM CGUNCIL. OFTIJI.i CITY Sw[on 1 Putt the City Cownd of to ('.ivy, ofll�uywwn hcreLsy renews [he conlr,,,ict oft)XI Industries, In e., V*or the Annual SuMur Dioxide Contract fcw the SUM ofFIFTY 1110USAND VA61IT FRINDRED AND N(W100 DOLLARS 1$50.800,00)�, and authoruzes payrrient 0iereof, Swinn 2: 'rhat pursuaw to the 1woYsions of Texas Local Governi-nent Cbde Annotate,(] §2521MS. the City Manal.,,er is hemby grota Wd generd auloKy tompprove any change order &Mving a decrease (w rui increase in costs of"I "7E',P,4TWFBtE IMUSANE) AND NO/l 00, DOLLARS (S25,000.00) or less, pnwided dmt the Wginal emMuct price may noNe Acremed Q mom An iwveray-fivc perceni, (2551) or decreased byrnom then tweny,Rve percent (2551) wilout to emmeth of Te cw=wAo smh deanse, Sectlon 3: 1,11is ordinance shall take effict inunedbwly turn and aficr its pasqagc by fl-w (lily Council of [lie Cky of 13,"vy'town, READ and PASSED by de aMmadve vote of 1 6 (1q, (tuned (A he UY of Bayiowi this the 28'�'day of'ScImen-A-wr, 2006, / I I�MKNMMM Vf,,'D AS TO 1,0104: ,4ry Attorney R P1, . Jeauu,,My D0NCA1CL,0S,'N1ay()r