Ordinance No. 10,42910,429 A-3N (-l: -)FNANC-E- CD,F'I'I-IE C11 "Y C,'O1JNC"1[.- (--),F THE C,J'T"'i' C-)17 BA".Y,"ITD%VNTEX-/�,S, FIC3LJSS'T'ON 13A'n'-'FOWN.', THE SIMI W SEVEN INJIMMEO AMID MO/ 100 DCDE 2\-RS (,S43,70,0.00); Net-AKINC! <-)TITER PROVISIONS NNF) PRO%,TF>rN0 FOR 1'HE -.17HEREOF. SAMEME/kS, dielioustsm Humane Society"aisn"mr-pled die Annual ,knirnal mi Nomember 12, 1998, pursuant to compatibve bidding procedures, which. co- nix act included an (--)plion I-,)y the pavves to rcne",.f(.')r additic'mal Periods;'and WHEMEAS, th,e Houston Humane Societj,has indheated Us %Wlhngness to renew the a1weenient Car a-1-1 addHion-al year under the sanit.: ter -ears and conditioris; and NVIIEFkEMS, the AdmunkWation has nwvievved the inarket conditions and Lis bein,g in the best interest of -the C7ity; NOW 'THEP,,E-,FQJ?,E im Yr wan umm En, C,(DLJ-: ,4C'1L, 0F'"TT-1E (-,ITY C-3F -BkY'FOWN, '1--E-X,2%-S: Section 1: "rhat the of the C-ity,of Baylovni hereby re anew s U-ie shin -muff Anirnal Res.j-,),t,-)i-isibi1Uy Kgreement with the HOUSE= Mnwane Society i1or the SL11-1-1 or -ruousAm KI) ANE) NO/100 13OLLAIRS (S43.700,00), and authurizes pays-i-tent thereof. SceLion 2: 'That pursuunt N) the proviNcuis of Texas Luca] Cicivernment C-7ode Annotated §252.048, the C`it�y Manager is hereby grarited general authority tc approi,,e any change order in volviri_g' a decrease caa an increase in costs of W %v E, N"I A", -F IV ETI f OUS ANT) AFHD WOO 00, F),01,1-ARS (S25,00().00) cm- less, pr(lvided tl-ka't Lhe 4-n-iginal owntract price may, not be irimmasud by i-riore thavi "venty-fi-ve percent (2591iv) cxr dfocre,nsed by rnore than twenty-fix,e p,a,rk:ent (259b) whhout the consmit of the conVactor to such decrease. Sectical 3: This ordinance shaH take WWI im-i-nedintely frorn and Lifter iLS passeige b�v the City C'ou-ncil of. the C,ity of-Bayto"Im- INTRODIJCEID, RETAW and PASSED b�y the at-firt-native vote of t 'itty Council ol the Cil.y of 2006. 1 "iI Fr1CC'1Lm( 4 N4viycm- 5-, —,k(771C) R.�N,111 TH 777� IZ, C' to NAM R;JcmncnWhAy 2nd\RcncwAruiuCt"hnudResponCbd"yContmcLduc