Ordinance No. 10,426ORDINANCENO, 1.0,42(i AN ORI)IN A NCE, 01" THE C]TYCOUNCIL OF THE CI TV OFBAYTOWN, TI `,N AS, AUTHORIZIN(3 C11ANC3E, ()R DE NO. a wrri-i TF,XAS Df,,PARTNII:,,,NT OF TRANSPORTAVON FOR PHASE III OF THE GOOSE CREEK . IREAM GREENBELT TRAIL, AIJIII()R]Zf?N(:,j PAYME vr BY THE CITY (W BAYTOWN,Ttl[,' SUM OF NINF, lIIJNDRf',.,D TWF,NTY AND 77/100 DOLA.ARS ($92177), MAKING (MIER 11R,WSIONS R F LA FfJ)TI I E' R E"TO :,A N D PRO V]DIN CA' 1-0 R 1111, EFJ`TC`Tf\/'E DAT]"'i THE REOR * * " * * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * A, A, * * * * * * * * *he ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * �, aV. 1q, * 'k, rk r, * * tia * 4 av 1c "V, r. * * pj� *' * � BE VFORDAINED BY 714E CM! COUNCIL COFTFLE (-ATV 0FBAY`T()\VN, T['.XAS. SaMon 1: That Bu City, Council dws herby airthcuize Change Wer 1& 13 Wi Was Depamnwnt of''I"ransportation for Me IH of le Close Creek Sre,,,,vrn Greenbeh Tr-ad coj',cy of'said cl-mlige Order isatuwhcd herew, rnalrd ExIbb and rnadea part Itereoffor all iroenr s arid purposes, Won iiry4 Ila! the City Wuncil of Te C. of Baywwn hereby authorizes the payntent of' YO NE HUNDRED T"TENTYAND MOO DOLIARS (S92177) to Texas DepammufTnumporindon Y Change Order No. 13 for Phase III of the Goose Creek Streani Greet'ibelt'rnail. Swion 3: "" "hat pummmi to die pmvW&ns of Was Loe,,d Goverru-nera (,"ode Annotated §252b48, die City tManager is hereby granted gerwral awhady to ,ipprove any change order invc,flving a decreasecuan increase in costs ofTVWI--.`,N'T)�`-FIN7E THOUSAND AND N0/100 EE O'[,,[.ARS,(,$25,000.(,)0,)oi- less, Wdect to We pro%�ision fliat the orig"inal Contract j-')rVe array am be increase(,] by niore than trvcrtty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (250,'�)'%vithout the consevil of the conh'actor M suet decrease. Section 4, 1"his omikame Mmil take 610 inuwediare y fron,i and as Comwil of We Cly of Baymm 1N:T1R01.)1J(A-,'D, READ and PASSED by tare affinnitive vote ofthe laVloN I A its e 2"qy Sep,er, 2 4`1 S TTIM F11 f"', I! ...... . .... .... ........ . ............ ft'hy Clerk 'w, I APPROVED ASTO 1,ORM: IIIIEZ 5111110ey WE wMAR01 I raiCNmwj I hfiw lair uge by dw City C'ouncil of the city of ONCARLOS,,Mayor TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 13 (Supporting Supplemental Agreement No. NIA Advance Funding Agreement (Third Party Funding) Information 20.00% of S4.129.02 This form is used when the subject change order involves funding by a source other than TxDOT/U.S. DOT. 1. Outside funding provided by: City of Baytown (Outside Entity's Legal Name) 2. Type of outside funding agreement for this change: [ Check one J Q Existing ❑ Amended ❑ New 3. Indicate the type and amount of funding: ❑ Fixed Price (Lump Sum) (Estimated Amount: Actual Cost (Estimated Amount: Contract Items (Bid Items): E&C ( m5% ), Subtotal Indirect Cost ( 0.0% )" TOTAL CD ^A 77 1 S825.80 S94.97 5920.77 S0.00 $920.77 CCSJ: 0912.71 -429, Etc. Project: STP 94 (227) TE, Etc. Highway: VA Limits: From Arizona St. to S. of Market From S. of Market St. to W. Texas City CIP No: County: Harris District: HOU Contract Number. 09043217 I hereby approve the modifications covered by Form CO for this Change Order and agree to finance the additional costs, if any, as reflected by this form. Advance Funding Date By Typed/Printed Name Typed /Printed Title The percentage ( %) for E&C (engineering and Contingencies) charges varies from project to project from approximately 6% to 11 % depending on the contract amount of the project. Projects with higher contract amount will have the lower rate of E&C charge. For a specific project, E&C rate ( %) can be derived from the cost of "Engineering and Contingencies" in the "Estimated Cost" of the project. Use the statewide district rate as established by Finance Division each year. This line is for Service Project only, unless otherwise specified in the Advance Funding Agreement. See Stand Alone Manual Notice 98 -2 for instructions. Advance Funding for this Change Order has been arranged: District Engineer Date ITyped /Printed Name: Gary K. Trietsch, P.E. TXDOT Form CO -AFA 5 -98R (Modified for Houston District use, 3/99) f11; 11:11 W St. Ave. 1%p0- _ ,,.... „........� .,,.............� CHANGE ORDER NBR. CONTRACT ID: 091271429 PROJECT: STP 94(227)TE CONTRACT: 09043217 CONTRACT PRICE: $1,626,057.24 CONTRACTOR: LONE STAR ROAD CONSTRUCTION, LTD. DESCRIPTION VEGETATIVE WATERING CO AMOUNT $4,129.02 3RD PARTY AMOUNT $825.80 EXPLANATION 13 REPORT DATE: 08/15106 HIGHWAY: VA DISTRICT: 12 COUNTY: HARRIS AREA ENGINEER: Quincy Allen AREA NUMBER: 052 REASON 1A - INCORRECT PS &E (TxDOT DESIGN) CO TYPE STATE LETTER OF AUTH - PARTICIPATING APPRV LEVEL Area Engineer PROVIDES FOR DELETING ONE ITEM OF WORK FROM THE CONTRACT AND ADDING THE SAME ITEM OF WORK TO THE CONTRACT AT A NEW UNIT PRICE TO PAY THE CONTRACTOR FOR iTEM 0168 -0501, VEGETATIVE WATERING. THE ESTIMATED QUANTITY FOR VEGETATIVE WATERING ON THE CONTRACT MUST BE ADJUSTED WHICH NECESSITATES CHANGING THE UNIT PRICE FOR THE ITEM OF WORK. THE THIRD PARTY PARTICIPANT IS THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. ALL WORK IS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS. The contractor must sign the Change Order and, by doing so, agrees to waive any and all claims for additional compensation due to any and all other expenses; additional changes for time, overhead and profit; or loss of compensation as a result of this change. r THE CONTRACTOR BY: DATE TYPED /PRINTED NAME: DATE TYPEDIPRINTED TITLE: DATE AREA ENGINEER: DATE AREA ENGINEER'S SEAL: DISTRICT ENGINEER: DATE DIRECTOR, CONSTRUCTION DIVISION: DATE AED For Eng. Operations: DATE FHWA: DATE CONTRACT ID 091271429 NEW CONTRACT ITEMS PRICE REV QTY THIS CO PROJECT NBR 091271429 MG 15,000.00000 CATG LINE ITEM SP DESCRIPTION NBR ITEM CODE NBR 170.500 001 0115 01680501 000 VEGETATIVE WATERING 001 0116 01680501 VEGETATIVE WATERING CO DESCR CO #13 CHANGE ORDER NBR. 13 Page 2 of 2 UNIT UNIT ORIG + PREV QTY NEW AMOUNT PRICE REV QTY THIS CO QTY THIS CO MG 15,000.00000 0.390 -0,389 0.000 - $5,835,00 MG 58.44000 0.000 170.500 170.500 $9,964.02 CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $4,129,02 0 I TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 13 Supporting Supplemental Agreement No. NIA ) Advance Funding Agreement(Third Party Funding) Information 20.00%of $17,001.30 This form is used when the subject change order involves funding by a source other than TxDOT/U.S. DOT. 1.Outside funding provided by: CCSJ: 0912-71-429,Etc. City of Baytown Project: STIR 94(227)TE,Etc. Outside Entitys Legal Name) Highway., VA Limits: From Arizona St.to S.of Market St. 2.Type of outside funding agreement for this change: [Check one]From S.of Market St.to W.Texas Ave. Existing Amended New City CIP No: County: Harris 3. Indicate the type and amount of funding: District: HOU Fixed Price (Lump Sum) (Estimated Amount:Contract Number. 09043217 Actual Cost Estimated Amount: $3,791.29 ) Contract Items (Bid Items):3,400.26 1 hereby approve the modifications covered by Form CO for this Change Order and agree to finance the E&C 11.5% )` 391.03 additional costs,ff any,as reflected by this form. Subtotal 3,791.29 Advance F ing Date - Z L-D 6 Indirect Cost ( 0.0% )"0.00 By TOTAL 3,791.29 G/}^• * So" Typed/Printed Name Ty ed/Printed Title The percentage(%)for E&C(Engineering and Contingencies)charges varies from project to project from approximately 6% to 11%depending on the contract amount of the project. Projects with higher contract amount will have the lower rate of E&C charge. For a specific project,E&C rate(%)can be derived from the cost of"Engineering and Contingencies"in the Estimated Cost"of the project. Use the statewide district rate as established by Finance Division each year. This line is for Service Project only,unless otherwise specified in the Advance Funding Agreement. See Stand Alone Manual Notice 98-2 for instructions. Advance Funding f ange ha. 9G; arran ed: If -v 7 District Engineer Date Typed/Printed Name:Gary K. Trietsch, P.E. TXDOT Form CO-AFA 5-98R Modified for Houston District use, 3/99) Y nh:nr,w n cn.ny.unxer» A" CHANGE ORDER NBR. 13 REPORT DATE: 05/04107 CONTRACT ID: 091271429 HIGHWAY: VA PROJECT: STP 94(227)TE DISTRICT: 12 CONTRACT: 09043217 COUNTY: HARRIS CONTRACT PRICE: 1,626,057.24 AREA ENGINEER: Quincy Allen CONTRACTOR: LONE STAR ROAD CONSTRUCTION,LTD. AREA NUMBER:052 DESCRIPTION: VEGETATIVE WATERING REASON: 1B - INCORRECT PS&E(CONSULTANT DESIGN) CO AMOUNT: 17,001.30 CO TYPE: STATE LETTER OF AUTH-PARTICIPATING 3RD PARTY AMOUNT:3,400.26 APPRV LEVEL: Area Engineer TIME EXT.#: 3 and Days adjusted on the C.O. 17 DESCRIBE THE REASON FOR THE CHANGE ORDER AND WHAT IS BEING CHANGED. WHEN NECESSARY,INCLUDE EXCEPTIONS TO THIS AGREEMENT: PROVIDES FOR ADDING ITEM 0168-0501,VEGETATIVE WATERING,AT A NEW UNIT PRICE AND TIME EXTENSION NO.3 FOR 17 DAYS TO THE CONTRACT. THIS CHANGE ORDER WAS CREATED TO CORRECT A SIGNIGICANT ERROR IN THE QUANTITY FOR ITEM 168-0501,VEGETATIVE WATERING. THE BID PRICE FOR THIS ITEM WAS ADJUSTED AFTER THIS OFFICE AND DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION NEGOTIATED WITH THE CONTRACTOR A REASONABLE PRICE FOR THE WORK IN EXCESS OF 125%OF THE ORIGINAL QUANTITY. THIS ADJUSTED PRICE INCLUDES ALL ALLOWABLE MARK-UPS FOR THE WORK. THE THIRD PARTY PARTICIPANT IS THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AT 20 PERCENT. ALL WORK IS WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS. TIME ADJUSTMENTS EXPLANATION ADJUSTED DAYS CONTRACT CONTRACTOR DELAYS ASSOCIATED WITH VEGETATIVE WATERING. 17 CONCURRENT WITH NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE VEGETATIVE WATERING;TIME WAS BEING CHARGED AGAINST THE CONTRACT. THEREFORE,THE CONTRACT WAS IN 17 DAYS OF LIQUIDATED DAMAGES WHEN A SOLUTION WAS REACHED REGARDING THE WATERING. BECAUSE THESE TIME CHARGES WOULD NOT HAVE ACCRUED IF THE ORIGINAL PROBLEM WITH VEGETATIVE WATERING HAD NOT HAPPENED, THIS OFFICE AND HOUSTON DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION AGREED TO GRANT A TIME EXTENSION OF 17 DAYS. THIS TIME EXTENSION WILL ZERO THE TIME CHARGES ON THE CONTRACT AND RESOLVE THE SITUATION SO THE CONTRACT CAN BE CLOSED. By signing this change order,the contractor agrees to waive any and all claims for additional compensation due to any and all other expenses;additional changes for time, overhead and profit;or loss of compensation as a result of this change and that this agreement is made in accordance Item 4 and the Contract.Exceptions should be noted in explanation above." THE CO BY: 5 /DJ DISTRICT ENGINEER:0 D TE ^ 7 DATE TYPEDIPRINTED NAME: 3q4114& WCrrZ-C- Jr IOIO / DIRECTOR,CONSTRUCTION DIVISION: DATE DATE TYPED/PRINTED TITLE: M AED For Eng.Operations: DATE DATE AREA ENGINEER: L(iCX.d+► p E• 511 ?4ZOr77 FHWA: DATE DATE AREA ENGINEER'S SEAL: 4Cn a"'°CT'410,F. QIIINCI'• D,ALLEN p 70848 :.., 01VAL.• CONTRACT ID 091271429 CHANGE ORDER NBR. 13 Page 3 of 3 CONTRACT ITEMS i PROJECT NBR 091271429 CATG LINE ITEM SP DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT ORIG+PREV CITY NEW AMOUNT NBR ITEM CODE NBR PRICE REV CITY THIS CO CITY THIS CO 001 0116 01680501 VEGETATIVE WATERING MG 100.00000 0.000 170.013 170.010 $17,001.30 CO DESCR CO#13 CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT 17,001.30