Ordinance No. 10,392OR-L)INANCE NO, 10,392
AN C11 DfN2'%_NC7E OF -FTTF C71-l"N" C704-YNCIL, OF1-TIE CTI-Y OF B -,"N;7FOWN, -1'.EXkS_
.AC'C-'FP_TT?1,?G-FI-TE- 1_ LI-E)_
A1--',P11AL'Y 1NN11D ALYMC)RIZING f"/AY'N/1F.'N_r' BNT _T1117i CJ7r_1Y` OF
IMMUMMM, YHE SUM OF AJI�, ) "NO/ 100 13CJ1_L_%_F<S
Q984(DO.00); N4 4\1<_INCJ
P1101/1131140 FOR YHE
*4 *. 4 y: 'P_ * Ja lj- 4:c -,J� * * * * *_ * * * * *� -,h, 9- >k M. A- * 4,v * 4, -* *n *v 4: -k * --,& ,;.:.me -* *z 4, f, * *_-+, 4. J, 4 .4..8.. 4. . +� J� +, * &, -.41 ,& .[, * * W-j-: *_ -4, �f, �q,. * j -t- _& - 4..:.v J: * -4- m� - -J4 -F-, * •F. * .E". * * * �J- * -J� -4,
tile C_77ikyCcmncil of the (.'iqeofl3mytommi did aAAhtwize the Pmuhashigl3eparhment fbr We.-
C'i",od'13aytoxvii toadveHise for bids 16r Llac /�,nraua[ Asph alt C.ontracr
"\VPIER_E,2'"LS notive to bidW-s as W the tAne and placc , rvhmi and where the ccm-itract vvou,ld lac Ict'vvas,
f`)-U1)l3ShCC1 1.31-irsuarit to the o1 -Chap,Lcr 2.52 of the T'exas Lc "cal C3ovcrm-ncnt Code; and
WY-1E1 EY'k,S.: all bids N-vere opened and 1--mbficly rewl at City Ufall at MOO 1,.1-1-1., '17L.1CSdr_y, Atig-ust 8,
2006, as per pub-shed nntice to bidder-,, NOW 'I"'HER.EFOR.E
i3 :E IT C3R_17),1'\ANED B"i" -1-1-1 F (:7C)UN1Cl.L (Df,''Y"I I E C 1-1 x" C)F' BAV-FOWN, -FE_K,^,LS !!
section I Lhe City C."'ouncil. of flie C-7ity of Baytc)wn hereby accepts the bid c>f'CCv1tUry
A,>j,-)ha1t,L,td., for the Annual 1-lot-i-nix Aslyh�',Ilt C(.>Iltract li-n- tic SLITY! AN D
71,,1C,),/ 100 DC_)1J_AR_S (" ,000.C"t0) LITICI tt,1111C)rZeS jDaYf11t.'11t, thureof..
Sectic)n 2:: -1-hat pursuuxii tcm the provisk_s,ns of 'fes'a's 1-ocal IGOvernn-lent Code rkiirkcmntoct
§2'52.0-48, the Cit_y IN,Ianaaer is hereby, g :11ted gem-.A-u11 aUtllt-,Wit ' t(_3 any change order involvilig a
decrease oran increase in cons -IVR_)TJSAN1D.A114L) NO'/100 L),(DL,1ARS ($25,000,00) or
Icss, sulzoect to the pro� sion that the inriginal ccontract pHce tnay riot: be increased by rnove than t%ven(-y-f)N,e
percerit (25,,4)) or decrcrise by vriore 4laa,11 _)crcent (25",;�), w,vithc>ut flae corlsent ofthe ccmtractcw to
such decrease.
ticctucm 3: : 'I'his ordii-nince shall tzike elfect imriiecliaitely 1.7roiia and after its by the C y
('(_),LMCJ1 C)fth,C City of Baytovvn.
READ, and by Lhe affirm ative v,c-)te of Lhe t-r7 ev c7c)LIncil of the" CiLy C',,f
y t ow i i this th e 2 4 clam 0 f -A Ll g st, 2 0 0 6.
, Cit.y Clerk
AF,�P,Ro,vEr) AS "I.-C-) F(DRM�
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