Ordinance No. 10,388ORDEVAP"M IM HL388 AN ORDIKANCE O1; THE CA Y COUNCIL OF THE C'FrY0F' BAY TOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY \,4 AN .,%G Ell To NEG(YnATE AND EXECUTE AN ENGAGEMENT LE1-1'F'AZWTHI CHAMBERLApN, HRIA-ACKA, VVI-ETE, kVILLIANISS-, NlAi�"I-IN F"()R ADf.)ITIONAL IA'-,GA1.. Si:RVICES CON(T',RNING THE DESIGN AND CONS"I'RUCTION 01`114E BAYTOWN I.Aff,R(JENCY 011FRAT I()NS CJ,,,,NTER AND, POI ACE ACADEVIVALYTHCHUZUqU PAYNIEN'r p N AN AN40UNT NCB TO EXCEED N'()/ 00 D01.1-.AR-S(S25,000-00); AND PROVIDING FORTHE DA-l'F'FI-fERl-,,0T'. * *** * &"*** * ** *4** ****** * * * * * * 44*** ***** ***'*A, 4,* *.*** ** BE FT ORDAINED rn, THE ("lTY COUNCIL OF T14E CITY 0F'J3AYT0WN,'I'F'XAS� Section 1: 'mat ow coy nam or we uy or amn Tew lwmhy authoikes Te City Manal',,er to negodWe and euxule an en; agernom Inter with Chwrledain, 1iM1Rkq "Tite, h0hianis & h4ardn Tear- legal sery ces concerning the desig'n and coflstruc6on of thin Baylown fmiergeucy Operations CoHowd PAK Awademy, undo- Wnus und condi0ons deen'wd acceptable to the City Attorney and the C'ily %nager. Section 2: Tht the Chy Cbmwd ofte Chy c&Bqytown aWhorizes paynwnt u) CharnivrhK 1-hAlickc While, Williams &'-, N1wHn in an addhhonal aniount not to IOUSAN D AN D, NO/100 D01-11-,ARS ($25,000.001, pursuani to Me enpgmnem lawr k%6 ad in Smi On I hem of". Sm6nn 3: That the City h4mm, is 1wreh, granted ge�ncral authority to approve ally chang'e oQr involving as decrease or an increase in cos[,s ot''I'VVEN'"FY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,00100) or Ins; ho"weq the orWinal contract price ni-,ay not be increased by more t[um Lweny-nve pewent (25''4,) ot- c.Jecrensed by mmv than lwenV-Ave percent (251r o) VVithOUt the WnSellt 01' 11e comacror to such decrease, Section 4: This a,)rdinance a,IuaaTl take eflVet ininiedhiely Yrn and aRer As pmage by the 0q, CowwH of dw CAW of Baytown, /, "7 INTRODUCED, READond PASSED by Te affinnatNe vote of JWCUY cbmwd of we CA, of Baytown thus fi'ie 10' day ol-'Augusr, 2006, ATTESIT 1�110WM APP Taw OVI",I) Ai TO FORNt R 44vmTH W) V COMCH I M I M am es AM YbAugw r 0 A U III o6ie(bwn�c� L6i u L ar F iE i n doQ,