Ordinance No. 10,387OR,I)KANCE NO, 10,387 AN ORD F-N,VNCW) F TH E CTF%r CO U N Cl I ()F THE ('11-YOF BAYTOWN. I'F,'.XAS, ALJT[10R1ZFN(J TIJF 1'AYINIF.10 OF ONE THOUSAND IMNL HUM)RED N1N1,A'Y-1'1VF, AND NO/100 DOLL,ARS ( 132,995.00) 'ro f)FTR,E 650.1 LGP CRAWLER DOZIER: MAKING ()THER PROVISIONS RELATE'D THERM: AM PROVU)JOK] D F� THFREOF, WHEREAS. le Cly Cowwd M'the C11y ofBaywwn has approved an Interlocal Agreeineni which at.'ahorizes the i t_ okum! to take bids 11orcutak Omson behalfofthe Chyof HaytomTv,' and IMHERFA& pummmi icy suhagivetnBrat, the Houslon-Whowton AreaCouned has u ken bds on one (1) Jolmi Deere 650J 1133 CYawler Dwer KKAV IBEREFORE BE BYTIM CIT err "CULINC T. 0 FTTI [", (..'JTY GFBAY'roWN,'11.�,XAS: Section I 'ria We Oy Mud of aw Chy ofBaytawn hereby authorizes the pa.yrnent of ONt', NINE 11UNI)REF) NIT\dETY-FJVF". AM) N0/1001)()LLARS §131995M) to the 11 araton- (3,cfl v mon A rea Ci wncil fc)r the purchase of one (1) John 1)e ere 650J I Gill Wawler Dozer, Sedion 2: 17hal pwwmnt U) die pawlKs of Was Weal Cgovernnient Code A.�virwlatcd §251M. the C'it'y Nlwmgcr is her by,. gmnwd general alt'1101-1ty to approve any change order olvolving, a decrease or-an increase in costsofTIVENTY-ML, THOL)SAND AND NCH 00 D01.1-ARS (S25,000.0(1) or less, govided 1hal the Wginal convact price maymbe Mmoed In/ nwre than tivenq-0ne percent (2511) or decreased by inore Haan Avamy0ve pumas (25%) whNwt die consent ofthe contractor 1(.,) such decrease, Mon I Ibis orlimnee WH We etlho iwimelmdy hvrn and Wer is primage by the My Owned of the City of Bayto"m, INTRODUCID4 RF',AD and PASSED 1-sy 1he affirniabve vote (,.ouncfl of the City, of Raytown this 0w 10"' day of'Auggum, 2006. Na FTIHENILDONCARLOS, layor. r Chy Clerk APPROVED MST() FOI'Val: ;' - 4"� (' uloa-1 �a RNewwoMy Dmuuwn&Cuwwa U506 Mg wt I WF(MCPumhas,,,,,h dm[)ccu eCi awley-Do,,er M