Ordinance No. 10,3860R.f)lNANCE,,.'N0, 10,386 AN ORDINANCE OF 11H! U Y CINACIL OF 114F CTTY OF h3, TEXAS, ACCF.`PT1N(:,'iTHE BIT) INC- FORTHI:, PURCTIASE, (A,;' COL,TR1111 I'ORTHE AU IORIZIN(3 PAYNtENTBYTHE CITY 01"BAY'l (,)W>111LE SUM NO/I 0() D()LLi\,RS ($26,790.00); NiAKING OTHF'R, I11)()VtS1()NS RELATED THERET(y„ A�NT)PROVU)YNCi FOWI I 1E EFFE(,'TR,E DATE THEREOF, * * * * * * * Av * ** * ** * t. 4, 4, * * * * * I, * *, ;O * 4, * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **'+ N** ** * * * A, * ** * * *, * * * po * 4,*: 4,* Pq� * *A, 4"j, * Jc * �c 1 WHEREAS, the (Ary(..`ouncil of the C)ty of Baq0"T0Vxa& dd awhwhe Ow PwvhMng Delmment l'or ffieCily of Baytown to advalke Or h ds f6r die pwe[mseoC(oft 6 Iles �br 0-ieBaytown Poficet)epartnient to be received July 25, 2()()(3, and WEEREAT nwice to bidders as w Ow We and placc., when and VVI'lel-e theCOTANKt WOUld be let kva,,, p,L6hshed INA'SLUI� 10 the provi I J I ons Ot'(UPWT 252 of aic"Texas Local Governnient Code; anti WHEREAS, all bids were opowd and publidyt-ead =11yQU at 2:00 p.ni-j'Liesday., Jtfly 25,2006, asperpWkhed notice, tea bidders�, Nt,')W'niFRYJ70RF, BE IT 0RI-)A,UNiFD BA"11111 C11 y" CTAJNCIL OFTHI.,,'C"'ITY ()FBA ,`TOWN, TEX�AS� SaWn 1: That Te CA, Cbwwd of Me Cly of Baytown limvby acceps the bid of M(% Inc., tT.,)r Ow purchse 41111 rffles' Cor the B.ryteww f4dice Depar rnent R,)r [tic sun-i oCT%VI`,N'rY- SfXTIR)USAND SEVEN HUNDIUSE) PUNIA"Y ANT) NO/100 D(A,LARS (S2(,,),790.00) and anthorizes paynient thcreoE Semi an 2: That purstlant w 111C provisiomi of Thus Wad Gowrnrnent Ade Awrites awd §252A48, the Cly A%Rgr is hereby ganwd govad mithmij to aMwow carry- change order Wvddng as decre,-,tse oran inere,.,rse n costs ANDNO/100 DOLLARS ($25MOOkO) or less, subject to die pmWMon W We obonal comract pike nmy rim be hwmand by nwrc thm memy6ve percent (2551) or decampal by nime thati twen q- 11 ve percent (2511) W Wit le emmms of Me coturamr to such decrease. Sedhon I This ordirtance shA takc effect in,iniediately, Froin and Wer W pamage by the C)q Cowicil c&ffie City of' Baytown� w,7 INTRODUC1,,J), REALI and PASSED by die Wnnmke me of (1iy of the CAQ of Baytown 11)is the 10"' day of AU6�Ust, 2006. //e S I "IT. D0N(.,ARL0S, �Mayor Y( ity Clerk, �Ot,�,j t W);�Wl A.PPPU')V+,'D AS'l-0 FOWO: 4,3 4CK) ''C"i"iDlowy QUunm6MyDwunwmQ(bmw?05-W0Vym I MAwmMW4QhR0n&c