Ordinance No. 10,385OR,DPNIANCE NO, 10,385 AN ORDINANCT'OF' 1111"," (1TYCOUNC",11., 01"' THE CIT Y OFBAY"FOWN, TT," AS, INC,, FOR "f r(\NNUAL �NS'FAJTAWN AND RERAIROF SI(,,3NA1- E,QUIPMEN]" C'0NTRA(':TA,ND AUTHORVIN(J PAYMEM" BY"FFIE (71TY OF"BAYTOWN,THE SUM 0[",' (f 11: IJLJNDRF,'D FOUITUMN TTIOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS §114300AXA; MAKING 01TIF�R PP,0%71,S`10NS RELATLD 111E'RY11"I"R1, AND PR(`)VLDIN(',; 1 (-)PT111, Fd'-'FFC`I]\/E DATETHERE,01,' r 0"V. *4 * * ,+,, *,* * *.rr, ** off: ***** **** ** 4, ** * * * * ** *44'* ** * ** ***4 ********* WHFAWAS, SowhwemQnd Signal Equipinent Cunhuctm AY(rML 102003. pursuantio compedivebidlnglii�()ce� lt�i-�ws, %vhich contract induded an option by Te pu6s we renew f0T addinonM one-year per�ods; and \IV 1-1 F scwth%vest sf�qlal Ran addkknM year Under the sanic ternisund condidur; and WHEREAS, the hws re, iewed ffic niarket C0nd01C)fPiand recornnwnds renewal as 1:wing in the bran interest of the C'iiy; NOkV" TI IF,'R1.,TC)RF, BF H (.'RDAI,NfA) 13YTFIF", CITY COU�N(,]L OF THE CITY ()F W\YTOWN,J] XAS: SulAn 1: ITM the cry Touwd of (hwe CkyoffAyumn hereby renews the contrael ot'Southwest Signal Supply, Inc, Rw Te Arrmwl InsidWon and Repairal'Traffic Signal L,,quiInnent (� ontract forthe sun'] of ONE HtJNDR,E[) F01JR11"m,'F'N THOUSAND AND NO 100 D(.)LLARS ($1 14,(k00M), and authori✓e"; paynient thereof" . Sechon 2: That J)Ursuanl to the provisions of Texas Local (icivernnicni Codc Annotated §251048, the Civy Nlanager is hcreby gmnwd gmwrM auMmMy to appD": my chwige oler KWAng a decrease w- an increase AND N(,)/10() DOL1,A16 (S25,000,00)or les%provided thanhe&ghml wnwacl price Tray not be increased by rnore than twenty-five law rcew (2516)or dcoreased by niore than twenjifivc perceni (25';,,u) Nvi0icwt the conseifl of the contractor` to such decreasc Section 3: Ths uMinance shall take effect irnrnecfiatehy froni and laRer ks pamage by the Cly, Cou ne i � o f the, C � t Y o f 13 ayl o wn INTR(r1)UC11), Ri-,M) and Pi,tSSFD by the Wnnarive v1se 05 ly (Iwwld of the City of 13,-,jytoWT1 lh,uS the 1 2006, . ......... ........ ... s, Mayor C! q C1 A AF1PMJvFD Ads "M F()]W: 114 19 : Of �,4A( W[000k�AMIREZ, SR., ty 6,orney (A kwokMy DuunwMwCawwH%5QQAyuM I sr RQno,, Amlufl T aflkSiw�maWUMMUdoc,' 1 �_ _�- _ \� -