Ordinance No. 10,345 ORDINANCE O. 10,34.5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF l3AY1O1vVN, TEXAS, MAKING A CHANGE IN THE CfTY OF BAYTOWN'S FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 BUDGET FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES IN ORDER TO REPROGRAM, FUNDS IN THE GENERAL FUND CAPITAL I'MPROVEMENTS PROGRAM FUND FOR THE EMERGENCY OPERA"I'TONS CENTER; AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 WITH FROST CONSTRUCTORS, INC., FOR Es\,IERGENCY OPERATIONS, CENTER AND POLICE ACADEMY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT; AUTHORIZING PAYNIENT13Y THE CITY OF BAY TOWN, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FIVE HUNDRED FIVE "I'l-IOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN AND NOC/100 DOLLARS ('5505,647.00); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TfIERE'ro; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. *******4;*A,**************************4****************************************** ,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BA'YTOWN,TEXAS: Section I: That the City Council of (lie City of Baytown hereby changes the City of Baytown's Fiscal Year 2005-2006 budget for municipal purposes to reprogram SIX HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($610,000.00) in the General Fund Capital Improvements Progratn Fund, as more particularly described in Exhibit `.A," which is attached hereto and incoillorated herein for all intents and pUrPOSeS. Section 2: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. 6 with Frost Constructors, Inc,, for the Emergency Operations Center and 1"ofice Academy Construction Project. A L, copy of sald change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B," and made a part hereof for afl intents and purposes. Section 3,- That the City Council of(lie City of Baytown hereby authorizes the payment of an anwUnt ]'lot to exceed FIVE H­(JNDRED FIVE THO-USAND SIX HTJNDRED FORTY-SEVEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS (,S505,647.00) to Frost Constructors, Inc., for Change Order No. 6 for the Emergency Operations Center and Police Academy COTIStRIC0011 PrQjeCt, Section 4: That pursuant to the provisions or Texas Local Government Code Arillwated § 2,52.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order invok,1110 a decrease or an increase in costs of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS (S25,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-Five percent (25"/(',I) without the collsent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 5: This ordinance shall take effect ininiediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. /17 INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED ley the affirmative vote of/t �Citv Council of tile Citv of day of June, 2006, STzEPHEN'H. DONCARLOS,Mayor L "RI Y, City Clerk APPRO ED A TO FORM: tor-ney General Capital Improvement Fund (CIPF) 351 Sun-unary of Budget Adjustments 2004-05 Allocation for Eniergericy Dernolition - Dangerous Buildings S 1,220,000 ZD 2005-06 Budget adjustnient - allocation for Emergency Operations Center (61 0,000�) 770-0-57-76 Revised Allocation for Ernergency Deniolition - Dangerous BUilding 610,000 2005-06 UPF Allocation for Einergency Operations Center S - -gency Operations Center 610,000 Bu etdg ad.uslnient - allocation for Emei� 2 005--06 Revised CHIF Allocation for Einergency Operations Center $ 6 10,002 MMIT A 1'twu�a��i CITY OF' BAYTOWN �Fk✓!��x fi �l uk ae Charge Order No. Ernergency Operations Center & Police 2006 Academy Jl A li/ ane Brief Description of Changes: `ms changer order is necessdaated due 4<.a variations un rfr.raantitres .and adslra+d iterns of work,, incfluding additional work due to the leakage in the,emerior masonry wvaHs and liter`s need da.ar addut'Nranah bracing for ffiose masonry walls. The City expressly I`e.:erves,et:a rights and @'emeM(ws concerning the necessity to pertu.lrnn Mis adtMtbnal word, InCiLiding the right to seek r a',,covery fr+:rn responsible,parties, Add or Delete Vtems: Iten�a"' Descri flon Unit ruan1fitw Unit P. race Total Material, Labor, and 1"rcAt for Preparing il'ae EOC l o sae Waterproofed, hntrr i;ar Struciural Bracing, rNem Dan pem and Louvers, tali E 1 5171 31 ,00 S 171,313,0c Apfahwcaflcn of the"Wrater"Waterproofing Materia, Nns„'l al8afion of Dcwels Through Coping Stones„and Minor Electrical u°epa,, k at the EOM. This Inckides Overhead and Profit, t,. FE 1 $212,15100 212,153,no 3 hnsw'ante and Bond T E 1 Sta 592'(.`)f,1 S 8,59200 Dernolltion and Replaaf,fement or Drywall, ir%S1L;lakr0r, E'bcactric�ai P„arieis and lw'ecrrdud, a 4 kfu.amAster„;and AddiUonamaV Insurance Cools, l°f rE 1 $74,,1 1.11f1 ti 74 131,00 Kitchen Hood Including Cover, Louver„ _... � 5 EGerr'.frwcaD Work, NTE; 1 S27,11 mr 010 S 27,116.00 Adr'.totionah Railing on the North Side of dare EOC, Movable Parf'iifion Suppons,Additional Access E(crrring, Reconfiguration of th'ie S as,::mers, and ar Vent Pipe Reasokition 6 AOBr':aa^yar'aoe ff,.f'E 1 ::i12,34 ..U) 12,342,091 tal Not'To Exceed Ainount 7.0 Contract arrrrMar'~y f ecificaaP.ions for E eniewntit ous w aterprro.rc,rffri and cabling system,secondary C aan'a r aal exterior joint seahers, Is:rt.rver, kAchen hoe..-all, wall bracing and paaraalr0 wall„which consist cf 75 @:, odes are attar::herf hereto and iric,lo porated herein for all inients and purposes, ......._ _ ..__w... ............ Prr:viOLls h��rr g e Ora ey '„711 �5!I tt1 fr¢a',Baal ont �..... . 35 _� Orders "0 a,a, ra 1.a ei.Y t v i.. .._._�... ..... ...... ...._... _.... .„012r1ge Order rr a. tf Revised Rev' " "', ar'dPrect ter°sraea S ,3f32y174.9;l a rif,;inar arror act a Extensions Ca. radar Lr a .`_ .m . ...... = 11k Previous 't lr)is Change e Order' 901 Revised Contract Duration_ Calendar Days 400 conhr=ack3r Dafe a Director of 1pnpllneehnu;1 a'te Director'of Pccr.ance; Date City main agwar Efate EMBU CATY CHI RAYFOMA,TEXAS ENFRGI-,�N("Y OPERA"11ONS(TWER 1"EVkS SECTION 07165 CTMENMR(TUSS AWNTFEETRIPROOFENG ANN") CUVU�,,N STENI PART I - GFN1 VRAL JAI SUMMARY X Prnvide surlhce Pleparaliolt 1�,� existing 111asonry cc) rnu�Jtne,,s 41rld Unevenno",; Of exisdng surfice, B. Saw cul eximbg nysomT expansIn johns and AsAl primary and secomMy scaNni jAnts in. acc)rdarwe vviffi Section 07915 and Secticai 07920, Q Chind the ouWde ammus of CNO smils to pmvMe a Who at Qu comen of H2", It Rcn,wvc exisi:jn� lne cfl covus at M sc,,,uppers arid ins�,all sheet rneta,[ covers afictr mmisproofing systcm has been instaUed. E. Reiriwvc elecKeM pand Was and conduit 1-forn e-xterim v%f,d1s and reinstall after waaer� ,,iroofitrig syst�,mi has been insta]led- F. Remtwe rnechaiden! Wavers and inAOI nmv Onvi-s and ncvv sheel. inmal houing wAh meW AFUCALIFe affer watmproo6ng syswni has been OWN Re'n'lovo, exiaNg JuncM Concrete coping, stones at MOM vreas and KsWH ne", coping ,Stones pd(w Lo installing 1vaterprooCing system. K Dig as wench at Aw pc%uter of Ae WIng in aU areas where concre'le have nea altnady been placed to AM the nc", ivateMmWng sylem Lo e,, tend a rninhrnma onc� fbot belo"v thc', fivfishec flo(br flne L Au dic i.ipper Ovels of the r�,ct.,,sscd there are CONLUt peneirmions Am shall be, prqNred and scaled pOw to application of ihtv,,,,aLurproonng symc= I A the iWyr—Avel of We rece"ed em6eq seal the joint betwcai the top of the inamquy mid the Mom of&l ,- concrete deck vVith sflicor�t se"'llaw ill ac�c:ord'-'In".-c S,,�ctiou 0"920, T The semtd ChAU al We interior of recessed metric s shall bv, Jevek:d with rnaterials fi,orn ffic Moor to the concrae roof deck prior v) apM5dy the mmimpnmnng sysoni. L. The sc,"w" l (-NM J nt be ev of the en li-y zutas shA I rL,edve a I-U2" Ikkness of car ,)c,1t.n, repair unmiar as an over Lay u) fflo,", tt,.Itse %vall arms to pnQ4 ow 1)c,,yond the spht faced C NR i b UW N1, The spId ("Nit'; E-,s,tnds shall recci e a bkok Ner prif,)r to 1,he, o-Ow vvaierproofiiig niateriaL LIME NO TRU 5 WATE R,P R D(.'0,,0T,4(,'SA'STE M 01165-1 MY (Us BAYTOMIA TEXAS DIE'RGENCY OPEIUVrIONS BA)71-0WN,'rExAs 1. This work 51ral.l be peribri-ned at: all buddiiag wall areas and to both sides of [tic emergency generator set-ecii wall. N, J'he smooth faced CMU areas of walls shall receive a cementAms leveling coat prior to the application of the waterproofing material. 1. 'niis v,7ork shall lie perforrned at Al WHIng wall arch s including the roof side c4' dic parapet waHs and to hodi sides of ernergency gewratmnscreen wal.l. fhc pre-cast concrele cG)pjng shall receive a cementitiou,,,z, leveling i, oat to assist hi johms pr&r to the apphention of the watei7,rooflng, nlatori,,.d� R A cemzAtious waterproc)fiug rnaterial shall be apMied to all %vaH axnas including We lve- cam coping, the roof'side of the parapet Maliq how swes of[he walls at the entries, and, both sides of the walls at the emoluncy generator screen YvaLls, Q %Vkh the application of the wvalerproofing rnaterial, a slight c,,irit fi-.wr drainage AM! Ix Rwroed at We top of each of the spIR-Aced CNAU bands. F", "I'lic n'l'nterial ,,it the prcnast ctmcrNc Loping shil be embedded wit a rek0cing nash We, S. After the cemendtious waler-proofing has been applid to the split.-faced CM hands,, Oic pre- c is cop ng., and the roof We of the Parapet walls, "'i prinicr and nvo coats ofan elamneric wawrprmf smoM cohr coa6ng shall be apphed, "V. A Rer die cenanddous xvxWrproofling has been applied Lo dw srnne oth areas of C'NJU kind the area�, of scoreci CINMU Umcd "it cemmushus prodwns., textured colored wall coating, lradll hc� Lapl,)fied U After le wall coating,,'r; have b ,cn applied '-Liid alkrvcd itch reach AM cunq the meebaAcal h,)i,rve,rs and, related eal'1017)ieS ShLill be inmaded and scakl taw the new waterproofwall syswln, The perimewr of We hems hall be sealed w Te new wawrproofing sys(en'l with se,,.,danT in accordanec -with Sectim'i 07920. V Aftcr the wall coahngs have bean apphed and alm,ed to reach in.itial cure, raw,,v slwct, rne al covus at Te roof scuppers shall be fi,,rI)ricaled and insLalled and Seaj(�cj t() [he nc,,V �, wateMra4ing, systcrn w Oi sihenne Want K accudance "Oh Secdon 07920, \V A fltr co,'.aings have been apold and Mlowed u) reach HOW cure, AM& panel 1hrKe and relaed conduit shall IN: rwinstalh& AN supports aml f"'astc-ners shall be scalefi m thr,., wouqmDoin, systern with OR(= secilant in acc'urdnnue Mi Suckon 07920. X. ARer We WNH coatiri,,, s hwvc Worn aplAied and alluwed to rcwh initial cwq "to COMM puncimdons above the rmva&d entrks shil be suded Ui le new systeraw with Allc.rrriew sealant in acumkmce whh SectAn 079M, IMMECTOHBOXH-133 CEAIENIITWt$ WA'1'1�a�r,..r'ROOFI l,(; .�,,",t)(,'f,,),,,a,"t']','u(, SN'S"['EM OUM Ctl"'V'01;1'rAYTOMIN4,1 EXAS C"ENTER RAYTOMO,TEXAS Y, Affer the wall coating,s have been apphed and afloNved to readi Wal cun; the join Stween tlrc. shect ratio u'd counLernasbing at the roof and the new, xatelproofin,', symall an the fmral)ct shall be scalcd w tli sillccjne sealant in accordance with SAW 07920, Z ARer wnH coadings have been aF)phtd and aHowed Lo rewAi initial ckirc,, c0Il(.-,L'-ior hend uld downsym assernbils shAI be Walled and the anchorage ])hltes k'-'ind hoh."'s Shtd] l:�w Seale'"I to the nmv wnh ON= Want in accor-dance idth Secdon 07920, A. A Bar the wN coatings have been apphed and allowed U) anh Whial cum, die jAnt bevxeen thc ncx ,Araterp-oofing and the cchncrtte floor at the entries sll"ffl scalcd 'with sificone seaNnt in arcoMance Yvith Semion 07920. BB. Atien, the \v,,aH ct)'atings h"v,,c bcen apild and aHoxv"ec] to reach ini(I""fl care aInd colic rek' sideivalks havu been pKe! Me johA Wwemi le venical vvall and the concr,�-ne skkwaTs WA be seded with silicone sealant in accordwme Wh Seat& 079N), 1,02 RE'LAIIA) SEC,"VIONS A. Sec,'6on 07915 - Foam Scal K Section 07920 - E,xterjof-Joint Sealers IM3 SUBN4rrfALS A, Pndua Data: SAW InMYL11','LICMI-er's product data and hist,allation R)r each trlateria and l)Y(')a:filct used. H. sholi chamAgs of NOW demUs. C! SAW sample of manulcannKs warrany, for Architcct's and ConsidLant's review 10m- to w fit r)f WY.)rk, 11 S 11'urm "'vlalcrial Safety Data Sheys (MSDS) Or mawdms and lIroducts used in ccq�ullctron CA this qxyw- E. Sampky Nor to beginning NNIA, Archiie'cl ill calliLnIcIlon v�j�h (hvttcr v'ifl cc�lcsr chij)s fmr surl`a("`es u) be come? We representadve cAny when 1mvpWig and sKYANTIc! swnMus Rw Wmv tW cokw and ioxame ont% Prcside Sky of"nunedul anti ap§lcadon A raraclr coat of eatdl firfish F. 1'o.r ("'cdmod c(Wongm apoy a iqueseluative sample (apyrxirr'uzaely H), X, 10") To a"(Aol' �cxlwv, and Architect ""ind ()Wncl� Shall revic"k, th(.'sCSa1qAe."" J)rior to [)f-oceodirlt 'xilh wok irsampies am Qdet nmv sanqdes ski] be OMAN G. Final ctdor sdeuions AuT be calWay coordinaled With silicone cohrs th"."it 'xill he InMaHed and be 'at joints, PROJECT ORHONINT33 =613 CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS VvIERGEN0YOPERATIONS CENTER BAV'FONIFNI,lmx,�Ls [A.- 71.1c fillial color selection and the number of required colors shall be similar- to that indicated u-11he Photo/rendering shovvii below. ,4 1. Final acceptance of colors shall tie from samples applied on the Job. 1.04 REFERENCES A. References for cc,nientitiotis ,waterpi-c)c)fiiig inembrame- L ASTIM D 4541, lull-Off Strenoth of Coan.1111-IS 2. ASTM D 412,Tensile Strength atad Elom-yation 3. A STM D 522, Maridrel Bend Flexibility, 4, AS"I'M D 4060, Abrasion Reslstance, U'sing tlit Taber Abraser 5, ASTNID 570,Water Absorption 6. ASTIM D E96, Water Vapor Transmission 7. DIN 1048, German. Industry Norm for Testing Hardened Com.-rete B. References for cementitious block filler and 1evt-�Img coat.- 1. ASI'm C 109, Compressive Strenoth ASTNI C 882. Bond Strength -T 3. ASTPA C 580, Flexural Strezi,gth 4. ASTM C 190, Tensile Strength 5. ASTM D 4541, Direct Tensile Bond 6. ASTMC30 , Sj�ec'tCicatioii fore Cui,iiicCc)iiipciLiiicis C. References for concrete overlay material: I. AS TM C 109. Compressive Strength 2. ASTIM C SS2, Bond Rrength ASTIM C 580, Flexural Simigill, 4. AS TM C 190, Tensile Stmic,t1i 5. ASTM D 4454-1, Direct Tensile BoLid 6� ASTNI C 309, Spt-CifiCaIIOP fC)I' CU.1-ill"C0111POLM& 7. ICI I Technical Guideline 'Nlo. 03732 Si-)tciflvirl� Concrete Surface Preparation .for- Sc ulcr s, Cuatii.uis, and Pol.ymer- Overlays 07167-4 CITY OF BrkYTONVN,TEX-AS EM1RGENCN'OPLRAT1ONS CENTER BA-i-FO)VIN,1"EXAS D References foi-Coating PrI.Mer: l. AST__N4 D 4541, Adhesion to Concrete 2. ASTM E 96, Water Vapor Pertneab.11ity 3, ASTM E 84, Surface Burning t�l E. References forText-ured Coating: 1. ASTM ESS4, Surface Burning 2. AS_.I'M D 522, Nfandrel Bend Flexibility 3. A__ST_N4E 96, NVater Vapor 'fmiisrniss.ion 4. ASTM G 53. Accelerated yVealhei-1112 5, AST NV D 4214, Chalk Rating 6. ASTM E 313, Yellowness Index 7. ETNIA 10 1. 01, Freeze-Thaw Resi stw-ice & ASTM D ,3273, N1.11dew Resistance 9. ASTM B H 7, Salt Spray Resistance 10 Fed TT-C-55513', Wind Driven Rain 11, A STIN4 D 2247, NVater Resistance 12. ASTM D 968, Abrasim Resistance 13. ASTM D 4541, Adhesion F. References fbr Smooth Elastomeric Coatili(-,: 1. ASTIM C 1305, Crack Biidguilg ASUM 1) 412. Tensile Strength, Elongation, and Recovery 3. ASTM. D 522, Nlandrel Bend Flexibiliry 4. ASTM D 2247, Moisture Rcsistance 5. ASTIM D '273, 'M I , oldResisLance 6. ASTM D 4541, Dilect Tensile Bond 7. ASTM E 96, Water Vapor Permeability, rvctzup method 8. EPA Method 24, VOC 9, 1.062, Carbon Dioxide Diffiasio'n. 10. Federal Specification TT 5 5 5­13 11. SIVRI Priority Property Profile ffir El""Istomeric Coati.1.1"'s G J(',R_1 Guide 03732.. Specifying Concrete Surface Prepai-atioii for Sealers, Coatirn-xs, and Po nicer Overlays H. References for Sheet Metal: 1, American SoCiet-l7 for T,Csiim, and Materials (ASTM). a. ASTM A 525 - Steel sh,'L'-eL z.tnc coaled (galvanized), general requirements b. ASTNI A 526 - Steel sh et, zine wated (galvaodzed), cormliercial quality AST-N.1 B 32 - Solder metal d. ASTM A 4,46 - Steel sheet. zitiC COatCd StIllemral quality t. ASTM D 2905 - Color consistency i. ASTJ%4 D 1737 - Fonriabllih7 ASTNI,D 714 - Accelerater] test for huilJditv h ASTM D 2247 - AcccleraLed ilest .f(,,)r '�.iu,,ii.icilt�7 i. ASTIVI A 0...F-506 - .Fl,.ix, Sotde.i7ing, Paste, and Liqui(i PR(.')J.F,C"I­#HB-0i-1H-133 0716-5-5 CIT-V OF BAN f'OWN,TEXAS EATERGENCN.'OPERATIONS CENTER BAYTOWN,TEXAS 2. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. (S1vL,'kC-1",JA): ,ki-chitectural. Sheet Metal Manual, Sixth ]wdltjcm., September, 2003 3. National Coil Coaters Asscciation a 7"celmical Bulletin-�-' 11-12, Hardness 7 b, Technical Bullet ill L11-5, Adhesion c!. Technical Bulletin M-6, Reverse impact; -4. -National Roofiric, Conti-,'ictor's Association a, NRCA Roofimy and \7atcrprcQfiqx Nlanual 1.05 QLJAJJTY ASSLYRAk-NCE A Qualifications: 1. Materials shall be applied by a contractor previously approved by the n'iaterial manufactL,rrer and listed as a pre-qualified. contractor. B. Manufacturers Technical Representative: I. V.1anufacturer's technical representative shall inspect site pnor to application and provide, A.rchitect and Congultant with notification of acceptance of suraices and surface preparation t0l"eCCIVe SpeCif-10(l PrOCILICtS. 2. -Manufacturer's technical representative shall Inspect application at intervals not exceeding rwenty-one. (21) days dUl-hTL' C011SLI'LICA1011 and one (1) at conil'.)letion of application and verin'y to Consialtant that application has been completed in accordallce ,,vith the specifications and manufacnrer's requiren-ionts and that Work complies -vitll. w-arraiit,y requirements. a. PTovide Consultant with written. rel-')ort including Job conditions, quality of Nk-'ork, and conformance of'Workxith ivarrait',-y requiremonts within five (5) days of site visit. b. Inspections shall include checking the thicimess of ctnaentitions materials and the, i.nil thickness of coatkigs. c, Final inspection shall be conducled NvIth Project Manager, Arcl:tiltect, and Consultzalt. 3, Simple Source Responsibllily; Provick stirfacc. preparation rnaterials, primers.. alld other undercoat rnaferial produced by same n'iam-Jacturer as finish coats. -I'Materials;used-'avithin the coating, system, including sea,]anL",, shall be approved by coaftn g manufacturer prior to applicatlon and used within Lhe recominnmdt-',d limits. L06 DELWER'N", smRAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver Products in original packaging-, hahe]ed with procR-)ct Identification,, rnarlufaacturcr, batch nurnber, and shelf I ife. B. Stare products in a dry area, off of the grouz-id. with tea-riperarure, mailitained betwten 50 and 85 de�zrees F Protect froin dircc't "'unlight aTid extreme heat 90 degrecs F.) and freezi.ns'3. C. Handle products in accoi ions.-dance �,vlth r-mritafaauror's prinftd recomndat' 07165-6 C[T'VOF 8,8YTMVN,TEXAS WERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER HAYTOMWQ TEXAS IM7 J013 1105N'DrrioNs J)o not apply sakee preparation materialq wate,00firig, material, or coatings, m,hen 11"ie ter nperame of surNees and the swunmdIg air temperatures exceed the limits established fi,:w hot or cold cond4ins with the maWrial mumMurer. B. Do not nj-,ipl,y roaterhals in rain., fcqg' or mist. or whcm refat9ve WanGy exceeds 80" or to clarnp ol-Wet surfetces, unless othenvise pennitted by imamdhoumes pdnwd AwnwaIns. C It iS LIMICI'SLOOd drat ,sale, teuiperartwe and stibst T,ate ,;Ljrfa('e tcrrrl�r rtttures could be above or belovv teniperriture rmgm qpWally PUMAWd as acccptable to the specified material The (','on,Lractor and the tilateri,'d :[,rr,rr"1,1rLlIaict-Lirc!a-',,�, 1cclinical work togeeor to esual-flish accept,,rble procedures. 1, h shall be, Comwactor's respCM1,10% to NoWn and necessary dimensil-rms by Wing the job sJto, and the (,,onmador shaH he J'L("Sj)ojjSjt)je fc)r the correctness of same, 1 C'()atractors shall ante a physical inspection of the fhCflitieS alld illClUde all work regAnd Rw Ow vvaWTnmMng system and %vall coati-fig in hid 1,08 NVAJ'%1..R.ANTY ,k. WaterprooNg and Coatiuq4 N1 nil Ld'".'K'Xurei`s I. PT°jor to Owner's acceptance of Work. conumcm shaH brKh a 1SUen wanuny hx)n:,i rm,'inufacturer covixing,total am of repah's or mplamment IVCpLdred vith wwatcrproofmg tr,0 coatings, lykarrmuy FmHod Or Base, Flid xvnk shAl be Wen (15) years coveriqu, labor and makrials to replace deficts due w VAQ mmerints t"or %Vork described in this SO% The mnufbaurer's wartanty shA1 mo iiielude Oic, coritractor-s worlananship, 13. 4.011tJ'aCt0r'S WalTanty: COntracum-simll f5rdsh m wduen munny, indkidualb, and sgamo,' huna manuMn-er"s WalTanty. %%Tanq POW shall be two (2) years Som die date of subsWnhal comMe6m, coveing IS mal cost of m1mirs arid rqflacement required extendiiig,, to rnateiial, and 1, l"he genend cowr.actor and (he vvn'terproobng cowramr stuffl both be requirud w provide individual and separrite txc ,,,car warran'tit"s C11"'wering this worl": VART 2 - PRODUCTS 2MI ACCT','PT,,VB1,E A. S R) Co rp 3800 Camp Creek Parkway BuiWing 1400, Suke 120 Mana, Worgia 30331 NUNN 4041443119 PROXECTAHT0111433 0 T 16,5-7 CITY OF FAA VFWVNl TEXAS EMERGf`,NCV OPERATIONS CENTER BAYFOWN,TEX AS B. Cerntrititious Waterproof Coating: I , Cementitious lwatcrproofing: Two-component flexIble niembrane, Containing portland cernerit and an acrylic emulsion with Fine fibers. Comply with the followin- a. CR242 Sto Watertiulit Coat 2, 1'ti-forniance and Physical Properties: N4eel- or exceed the following values for riialerlal cured at 73 degi-ces F (23 degr-,.,es C) and 50 percent relative hurnidity: C11 Zll� a. WorEng Time: 30- 90 minutes. b. Adhe.siort to Concrete: 150 psi (1 .05 'N/IPa) at 7 days., 6S'EM D4541, c. 1'ensile Strength: 470 psi (3.24 MPa) without mesh, 3800 psi (26.2 IMPa) °\vilh mesh. ASTNI D412 d. Flexibility Mandrel Bend: passes 1/8- (ii'll 77 dqn-ees F (2 5 dogi-ees Cu) at 28 days,,, AST NI D522 e. Abrasion Resistance. 0,99,' weiaht loss at 3 a 000 cycles, I-5'?o at 6,000 cycles, ASTM D4060, Taber CS-10 yNlieeL f, Water Absorption.: 4.51116 at 24,--lu-nrtrnersiori, ASTM D570 cT 'v Vatei-proofing (hydrostatic pressure resistance) Greater than 101.5 psi (0.7 MPa) c),ver concrete substrate, DEN 104& h, Vapwr Permeability: -1.85 US Penns 12.2xlO-7 g1fla ni s), ..ASTM E96 Procedure B i. Color: white j. Conibustibility: Non-corribustible, both before and after use. 3. Rein&)rcinCr Mesh: Polymer coated glass fiber interlaced reiii.forcing mesh, compatible with ceniciititious wateqvooflng material. Comply with Oic, a. C'1 18 Sto Repair N,fesh as furnished 1)), Sto (",Orp. C. Cernentitious, Block. Fitler and Levelinc, Cmt: I, Ceirient-based structural qui-face leveling: SM-le component, polymer-niodified, cement- based repaix mortar, containing PortImid cerneut, cyraded speclalty aggregates, di-v acrylic Polvillerand adrnimures, Corr ply ivitb the fbIlowin'(1- a- CR 216 Sto Skim Coal 2. Perfonnance and Physical Properties: Meet or exceed flic follcrving valUeS fOr ITEILerial cured at 73 degrees F (23 degrecs C) and 50 pereent relative h-unlidity- a, Application. Trowel b, VTorkinc, Tirne: 25-45 mmutes 4"D c. Compressive Streriolth: 1,200 psi (8.3 NI'Pa) at 3 days, 2,200,psi 15.2 NlPa) at 7 day,,s,, 000 psi (20.7 NII-I a) at 28 days., AS 7\4 CJ 09. d, Bond Strength,; 250 ps] (1.7 L\4Pa.i at 7 clays, 500 psi (3.4 is/Pa) at 28 days, AS"I'M C882 modified. t. Flexural Strength: 850 TDsi (5.9 P\/Ra) at 7 clays,, 1.030 psi (7.1 NIPa) at 28 days., Via.' TNI C580, f. Tensile Bond Strcngdj: 145 psi (I.O at 7 days, 220 psi (1.5 -PvfPa) at 2,8 ciay's, ASTN4 D454 1 to concrete. Ttmsilc Strencyth: 385 psi (2.6.-�,1.1='a) at 2-8 duys, AS'170 C 190 h. 1)-mvel-app[ication consistency j. C'olor: Concrete Gray J, Combusttbihiy: Non-ConahL1,15tibIC, both btf'cire and after us;c. MEN k - 7L FNJ -RaFECT-` ID-05-17M33, CE ND COATI'.NG SYS ' 0-11 CITY,0F 63AYT01,11N,TEXAS EINfERGENCY OPLRIXTIONS CENTER. BA-iTOWN,TEXAS D. Concrete Overlay Material: I Overhead repair naortar:� Sinc,le-compouent. '��n . polyrner-modif5ed., cement-based repair mortar, con[aill'ing Pordaud cement, Sracltd sp-Icialt)7 aggregates, dry acrylic polymer and achilixtures, Cornply with the follovving: a. CR702 Sian Overhead Mortar with intep,ral corrosion inEbitor Pet­Rzniance and Physical Properties, Meet or excetd the following values, for material cured at 73 degrees F (23 degrees C) and 50 percent relative hwaiicllt�y: a. 2\pplicatioii Trowe applied to a rriaxlmuin depth oftwo inches (2"), b, Working 'rilrle': 25-45 ni-inutes c. Coinpressive Strength� 5.500 psi (37,93 NTI?a) at 7 days, 6,500 psi (44.8 GvLPa) at 28 drys, ASTN4 C 10 9. d Flexw-al Strengtk: 1,085 psi (7.5 ?\,ILPa) at 7 days, 1,700 psi (11.72 NIPa) at 28 days, AST�M C78. e. Modulus of Elasticity in Compressloii: - 21.26: x I O'�psi (1.55 x 104 N/fPa) at 28 clays, ASTIM C469, modiffied. E Splitling Tensile Strength- 48S psi. ('134 Nl-'I?a) at 7 days, 565 psi (3.89 IMPa) at 28 clays, ASTM C496, mortar, Shi-i-rdcage: less than 0.05% at 7 days., less than O,10�% at 28 days, ASTM. C157, ELil- li. I,ow-sluinp, non-sagging. �7 i. Color: Concrete gray J. Combustibility: Non-combustible, bothlbefore and after use. E. Coatliw P i 1, Concrete and stucco substrate prinien Acrylic-based, tinted, higgh-pH compatible Primer/sealer. a. 805 Sto I'lot Prime 2. Performance and Physical Properties: Meet or exceed Lhe followlia- values for material cured at 73 degrees F (23 degrees C) and 50 pCTCCIlt I-Clati%'C hUraidit}' (MICSS OtheMdSe Z7� Ifi'Pec led): a. Applicatioir Spray, roller, or brush. b. Working time- 10-20 rninutes, cle 47 penditic, o.n anibietit conditions. c. Adhesion to concrete: 680 psi (4.69 NIP,a), AST-M D 4541, 1 d, Water vapor transi-nission: 30, perms (1720 w)'/Pa s in"-), tested at 3 dry mils applied in one coat. ASTM E 96, ivet cuP tuttliod, e. Flarne Spread Index: 0, AS"I'M E 84 Sinoke Developed.- 10, ASTM E 84 VOC: < 0.84 lb/gal (100 g/L), EPA 24 F. Textured Coatino': I. Silicone enhatictcl, trowel-applied,polyrner enhanced, textured -wall coating product shall Comply vJffi the Follwvillu: ,9. 157 StoS]Jco Lit I.5 2, R-n-forinance and Physical Properties: Meet or exceed the following values fcrr material cured ,it 73 de«r_--Us F' (23 degret s Q and 5O i?orcent relative humidity (unless other-wise specif reel,). CFM EN71110 U'S WATE RPROO F'D,G A-N D COA.-F ING SNVS'rF)T 07165-9 (A IN OF BAY TOMA.ITXAS CENTER BAVFMNNTEV S a. Apphcation. Stainless stc-(;l trowel. c)-r by ,.',,rax'i1,)'4eed hoppor-type spra;"'er fidlmvcd b .y ;j u-0NVej. Worl'J"n'(.", Tirne: L)p to 10 minutes depending, on a.rrnbient c. F&WAy AMaindre[ Ben& No cracking at 70 dqgum (21 degrees C) aind -1-1 degrees 1 1,-26 degrees AS FIN/1, D 522. I NhAsnmv Wsmmm: No deficts attAbutable to adhesion, discoloradom blimming, cracking, Onking, AS'FNI D 2247., 14 day exposure, Adhcsion tcc (,'onemly 120 pst ASTA4 1) 4541 Wale'r. Vapor jl".:a-mcabifity: 42 penms appNed in one coz'a, AS 1"N4 d. 96 28 days yn NATIes, lied. mmy No nfflde S; ,,rowth at 60 days, AS'"I'M 1) 3273 4 Sah Spmy WAsunce: No deletWous cHicts at 700 kKmr& ASTN413 117 Wind Drixm Rdn: No wmerpenemation in lvveroy f'our hmuq Rd 11W�555B j. Accelerated No deleterious tfteas at 5,000 hoars, ASTNI ("'i-53 k, ,'%brasion B-csistance: No cracking, Hecking,, or loss ol"flhn inl grity am 1.057 quails San? ASW D 96,8' G. Smamb Eksmawric Com1g: I. AcryHcOasecl- s0cone e.n.hanced, ��aeath.erproofing c,r'-)4)rcd Sin,,gle �xsnnponent naryHobasud, ";(rmtaining acryHc pdynwr, Mhums Wn cnvulshm. and colorad Qmenm PWIC.1 S11,111 compl'.y with the :foflowing: a. 222 StoShco lmsdc h. PeAnnance arid Properties: Meet or excaW the Nkming values Or materiM owed at 73 dcggrces F (23 ckgmes Q and 5O l')ercent re aive lmraidity (unless other\vise specified). I) Application Spnay, roller, or bmsh. 2) Wcm,king,Timer 20-20 ii-iimaes,'. 3) Cnick Bridging: No cr ail ng a"15 depses F ( 26 cKgrem CYASTM C 130-5 4) OWN Sumngl: 00 Q 12.75 Nfl'a)� minirnurn, D 4 12 5) Ringatkm 300';l, rninimurn, at br�ak, NSUN/f D 412 6) 1,"1cxibiHty Niandrel Bend: 11h.9 cracking; at -14 41 zya F (-2(,1 AS"I'M 1) 521 '7) Nlckiswrc R(;Amwme� No defOcts auribuiable U) adbusion, chsWorafil m. bKo1q, cracking, flaking, BLS'1`0 J-D 2247, l4 ciay uxposu,re, 8) !Aold Rcsist,'anc'e: No Mold Gro"K at 90 dqs. ASV NI 1) 3273 a)) Adhesion ii,.) Ccmcrctca 320 psi ((2,20 IMJ'a), .c\STNI D 4`54) 10)Water Vapor Pamwablyn 40penns (2290 nglamm;) wood ar6mdsapoindin 0m.", co !L anal 3,7 penns (2110 rq&a�s� m 2,) tesled at 22 ch-'v mfls, in -,wo (Aram, ASIA4 1196, wet cup muthod I �)VtK,: 1,1 lb/gal (134 gfL), EPA 24 12)Carbon DOxide L)illasion Wsmnce CA)HR&K 491 ATO. EW 1062, 13)Carbon Gmxide Difl"UsJon Resistance: 142 m,, L",N I Of,)2 14)ROSAtHrWL: U) wind-driven rain: Ni'.') penclr'�"Iticm' �vci' ht pataiar 1("SS 111'anc 0 '5 lb; (I.I k"I I 1115 5F), c- flrc'dn"-'t sliall xith SAVRI Pharly Property INKle R)r. Flastomeric Wall PROJECT YHBTU id 13 34 10 CITY 01, BAYTON)'N, ri,vks OPERATIONS CENTER SAYrOWN,TEXAS 102 SHEX'17NIFTA(l SCUPPERS A. Sheet Metal SmVpux G90 galvanized weL ndihnium 24 prefinished \viih cirie of"the 701;,� rninitnurn polyvinyhdene fluoride (f'DV-F) resin coatings. Architect shall select colors, 1. Kynar AD; ELRATTM.'HEN/l NORTIJAMERICA, INC. I HyLar 5000; AUS1t%l0N'1TUSA, INC 3, Wandicauvrs: GoiTir..)ration"'Pac-C.1ad" h. ColorICU c. BeuAge 13, ,%4eo1'iank*1 Fwner,',,;� I G'.')1nj1a1flflC �viih material, fastcned, flafficad, wire, barbed, sqafing type. For 'w'ashers use 1cad 0'r 1 SCMWy Syfltapping slicet 1-netal tyjle' stairdess stcel, Pan I'lead. 3. Exposed fasteners shall be sell sealhig or gasketed Ar a ivawdght Walladon. JA]] UXFR.')SCd MU be 5MAAms swel with naluene wasber. 4. ]Zivets: Su.,tinless steel ai'id cadn-iiL1111 Plated rnatcrial, type am] size a,'6s r C°(ca ininended by sheet rnmal nianutheturer. 5. Nla,.;onry Fasteners: Rcwnd-4-,iead stainless .steel screw and rickoprene washer with lea(l CN;'Pansion anchor. [ L FF-S-325, Group IV, Type 11. R.,awlphig, by P,tPVlj)hlg C�.-.)n'ipany. R.elaled Matcri�:tls: l. Solder ATIN B31 My grade 50A,5006 On, 501X�, lead. 1 aKid ITUHIUffiCAL11'er S slanda,r(E F'abrrcation': I. Ab6cme w(yk W a ccodance wit SNACNA AxchheuMrad Sheci Ma'fl and lc"')4C"vcd !""'J,a)p 2, Shop thbricato xwn* to the greatest emcni possible, Cor warerpn)of and weather rcsisuant per %vith cxpansi�')n' prct'visions suftickni to InTnianently prevera leakage. damagn (v dewQmOon of Te NA�ork, Forrn Abrk to W substrMus. A We an We bends mid filds 0- rntcrloc'kin"-'� Inetal "vilh fidl regard [6r c,,,q)ansion and connaMon U) avoid bucking or FAIness in rneml aRer WaHatian- 5, Forin %,Jifi sn-aight lines. sh&rp lcs, curves and cue levds. Avoid LocO niark:s� and oil canning, 6. Fold back edges on comeMed side of exposed vAge U) Wrni huni, a, ["leul a."xpos"'.d c rdtae,s ivith 1/2" heiii, I Sed and 6vetjoinb (al powis dwl are to be pwnmnw1ly and rQlo wswWded, Nlelm Fab&Won: Conipl'y dtla alydicable rquirements o1' SM..,ACNA "ATChitCCt'U1-,'d Sheet Waal Nlanual"' w-id other recoaz-"nized industry praclices. C'ornply rr[j',"jj(..j.jad nianufActurcr Asnuctiolis and 1-'bi- fa',)rn'J,ng ti,ialeriaL a. Mce ahcqu,,'ite provi!,',ion for imetal expansion and contnwdon Mom AM, or S M A 6 n',". FROjECUMBANIF413 CE54ENATKMS "ATIIRPR(30FINGANI)CX)AllNC3SN'gFEN't 016111 CITY017 BAYTO)A,�N.TEXAS EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER BAYTONY-S.TEXAS 2.03 ACCESSORIES A-, Mask nu: Clear Plastic and"rape 1. Ell,sLire tape 1111.11 11ot lea�ie residue on sun lace.. B. Cleaners: Deterclent or cleaners f(yr application on existijig materials, preparcd Substrate, alummurn, and surrouridinc, biiildl.ng materials. Test to ensure cleancrs are compatible vith new and txistino materials. C, Brushes and Rollers: Various sizes as needed. D. Clean and potable ,\vatcr. 104 NLk.TERLU� RREPARATION A General: (-."aTofully mix and jm-epare materials rn conipliance vvidi manufacturer's directions and recon-niiendations. B. Maintain contai-ners, used in m.1xing and applicaticm of materials In a clean condition, free of for eimi materials and residue. 105 EQU-1-PMENT A, Spray Equipme-Tat For Operafirn,is: Provide equip inertfor controlling spray application of water and quarter:Pr0S',;L11-C., measurred at spray tip, and for volume. rUl pressure pumps shall be equipped with v.,ork-inu pFeSSUT- Mll--TCS. Maximim spray III-CSSUI-1- shall be controlled to not damage existing finishes. Equipment shall. bet capable of achieving a Inim'-11I111,11 Pressure Spray Of"1.500 psi. P.,,g "dry 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXL,011NATION A. Ccuitractor shall examine project site. C'011-tractor shall vtrify conditions and rn,Casurernents at the existina building and be i7esponsible for the correcaness of that infonnati-oil. Contractor Z, shall satisfy himself as to existing conditions under which lie shall be required to z,A ork, 3.02 PF-EPAIZATTON A, Pror',tclion: I. The Conlractor shall prolect ex-isti-n- and ne,,x- surFaces mid bc, nosponsible f6r corm Cr]I oil. paytnc,�.,nt T'Or correctson, ofdaniage due his operatin.,)ias. 1 Prov�de. and maintall'i OSTIA I-CCILM-ed danger signs, guards, and obstructions necessary to p'rotect the ],-)ublic arid -,vork-,rs -,('rom danuers iiifiercn�L ,x,rith or created b_y jjje �7ork- Ftderal, Sizitc, and local rules ari.d reLjuire-,ulents pertainiii,g to and EPA sL,,mdards and OSH.A. standards per',aMi ii,g to safety sh,.-ill be.-ful'.11ed as ?,art of'this C0.r)trA,,:1. PROJEC F'17q413-05-1 1-133 CEIM ENTITIOU;WATEIRPROOFI-NG kNTO 01.)ATING SYSTEM 07165-12 (71 TY 01; B,,fkN'1"0"�%XTEXAS EMERGENCY (ATRATIONS CENTER BAYTOWY TEXAS 11. Preparation, ','It LHICVell CWU wall surliwm- I I. At kwalms where CNfij PI-011-Udes from the stirroujidiiig, surface excessively (more than aMommmately 1/2"), the following PI-OCC&II-e Sh'�111 be perl:61-rned: & 1INg a hot cliamond grinder cup. slolxly and cmdbUy gdml the all mutwe "ithout causing marl,:s, shaving of the excess, ainount to reduce dic depj-ee of leveling that wHl be requked, Q Preparatim M tmtsid,Ic: corner,; of Cl\fLJ: L Mg a Out dhnwnd g6nder cup, slo ly amd cmWy grind outside corners to a rounded mAguratim car h as radius of approxiniatel,.s, 1). Rcrnove exisLing seakint num expan&njoints in the s'a%v t,�ul thejoinis to provide as maniimaji xidth ol'5/8" 1. Ck!an surfaccs, and insud] a secondary recessed sea! in accoMance "M Sec don 07915. Ty mm. AIM mm(h'u�" Scal expand as requied and Wstafl a prRmar.y seal aft [he face of the W with Amme scalant in accWznce MIT Secdon 07920, E. Q waH m-eas acyacent to wall louvers plot N V WWW 1WW h)UVCFS and iiew rnetal cianopics are to be insiallef], ushig a flat s a Tanmnd gr1her cup, domly and camMy g6nd Te CMU SUI-F�ICf� to aticm ,A relativel at surf,y sinooth and h, ace to receive Ic louvers and cmapky I In loc,,itions whmv Wsed slAhAmd bands are a( acenl to louvers,, i,lcrerniine d'Ijmancc born die We of �ht vili h cmveed ) now MTN and the jimv canopies, ...............L",......... 2. Mow kg A die appheation of bIck filler, leveling coal, cementhbus wamMming and mH emANg maW&W Sa 17-F:Ljt the splii-fhced mason-ij hi sumWht lines zind grind do',,vil th": f"'we lch prdr';ide a smoul and flat surface m; recAve Te Imwem and cmopks, F- Prt-'Pcir'alion at ccalduil wall pcneiration�."' ";bove 1%"'c'essed entries': I "i (fi8R1,0FJ(1 hit �1'1-ifldiTlg blad-L� n d � izgs u 1 the 0A n"��, l e n sufficiew, dcpdi to rec,,�,�ive and mpa& nxwwr. z ClAgm operdug as raybod to demil patch lo a ninety degree angle Hj AnWe fe,,,ither edginl.Xg. go 2, Remove loost: CAAW cWhAs, dus; ar'�d o1her 1'61'eign nuAcrial� and clean Q PTeSSUre WnShing, all! ............. .................... PROJECT WoXf 1113 CEMEM 9nOUS MAJ COAYING SYSTImeM 07165-13 CATY OF HAYTO"'N,TEXAS EMERGENCY (WE RATIONS CENTER BAN'TO�VN,TEXAS �3. Install Styrotbarn, in CAU upoidng as Aghdy al", Possible To all Sur flac�es to U'-'c �'is 'a b'ackcr fear pmcWng nmichal and Lo remif:t dpoh (Mvpdr to n-um; than 314" but less thom 2"'. Apply a slun-y coat away Etta Overhead by brUsh to surfaces to receive repair mortar to 0 the %v'all opening. 1 While stafhees musid! yvel Elm the slurry con apYy Smi (Welead Unlar to ar maxiMUM thicknms of 2" W a A& lift, Appl.,),' repair rnortar lighdy agairim ,fll C'NRJ and conduit SUI-ftiCCS l() LMLiFeI)i 11T 01 11 n�' 6 C)nce the material Ims begun the OWN so. shave excs oss nim&& and Rom we nnAh to nUmv an cv= md plmnb aril Ankh. (.3 At (he top of tile seal the jr i,m between Ilae top of the CATU walls ,irid the coll"�"retc roofdcck %Wh Insfor rod and s'iltccme sca ,qnl in accoMance v% Seation 07920. Fl. cxisihig sheet nxial covers,at d-l.'rc)ugh-,.vAH dra�migc scuppers. 1, R"c'n'llove existhig eleciric,,al p.iancl boxes ,-md c,�,mduit- Q as Lmnch at thee; exterior waIN io allow num, cemendtious levelhig inatcrial and watc17)rocdiT'1g' coat to mand a inkhrlm of Mve Wes b6nv the Rnhhed flm onto the concrttf,foundation. K. Wnge wash all surilces 1c) recAve tic", matWAS With U WKWUn p1',,SSUre, Of 1 .�,-'100 ITS-1 t() ren'),ove, loo'se matcrjuh,,,, dn't-, dust. and Mated RmAgn mawW. 3.03 PlZEPA-1,'-A"r:l0N A'rP1ZE,'--C-',A'6T C'ONCRE"IT COPINC". A. At areas where prc-ca,rst concrete copinl?, %mas SWIM WSW extendhig cqih j)asl wall surfacf.-t., I-en'love Ale cWHng coMng and KsWU new cQraer. i,h,al czmtilcver, cwerh,-� the imderlyhig \v,,d] to Web typWal conditkms. I Ne,,v copin,,- sh,'all l fabricamed and installed �n acc'clrdan.':�[L� vvidl the odynal sp4:.59cadons. MQA" Age -c-c,ast concrete 13, At areas whmv thc 14'G inTing W ahOVC KOMI CNQ at MOUS, c 7 FEW "I.......... ........... di .......... .......... 1, New coping shaH be Wvkmd and ingalled in a nunner that will allow it to canlflevcr over the WVUH surf"'Icc be1c'4,,v tlic; an-a(:)Tara "Ifter rhc' "'v""fll surf"'wes bclmv is u"',Iuncicd out an Winona] 1-In " wah dw TpRminn of o've-"rlay "",oncrcte' PROJECT hHUT54 4 U3 CEMENnT Tarr. S MATEU1100=1 AAD COAUNG SYSTEM 07MN14 EMERGENCY OPL[tkTIONS CENTER, BAYTOWN,TEXAS 3A4 PREPARAIJON AT INTEAZIOR 0FRECESSEDEN'I"RI ES A Wx SU) Mwilead Mortar.- accorcling to inanvKhrrcr's printed iristructions using a rnechanic,,fl rnixer to a lunili-free avoiding over-rilixing, 13. Darnpen the exbdng CMU to a condition of saturated surface dry7, C �Appl.y ai scrub coat of repair inorlar into each oft he rec"sed scorcs, tc)� erasl I re itlti�l ate C(C-u)�act and ema%h bond, D, Apply niortu- into each offl-e.,, recessed scores "idle the scnib con is Al mat Conmlidw, the nxwwr and wowd to level the recessed sczores ,,viflt the adjacent CA41) surface, E, Mow repAr inonar to cure pHor to aPP1iCFi6('M 0fSUhScCjUe11.t CLI'llelldWRIS ICV&iqg COM at emire won wa 3M5 PREPARATION MT EXTERIOR OF ENTRY IV VCAQ' SH A CATing surf"'aces to rec-'eive rpau nuwl�'Ir have a surface pi,-ofile in coniplia tcf,' whh 1CRJ CSP 4. B. Mix SU) (Yetlead WWI- �ICCOrding to prrited, instructionS Using a I'llixe'r to a unif"(wril, I LIMP-M consktenqq av&dhg ovandx4g. Danipen the existing CMIJ .,;ubsn-ale, Rernove pondh-lg, �flistenijlg, or surfi'ice water fi-f,-)FP recessed ScwS w acideve a salurale'd surfilcu dry T.I. Appl,I,; Lt SCMb em of repAr rnmuw to a'r ! awes recehing repair inonar includi,ng the rocessol scores, to ossiare irttiivate contaw',:1—',ind crstablish 1-wnd. H. ATIAy repAr incwhr to a depth oF I 1/2" over thu exi%i ,., (7,NJU 11) exlerld the Surface of thc -wall Lnd allcr,v a break bowan phmes Rw the applWation of contrasting, colors "At We ruts clu.c,rtt :-'qqflication ofv%gill cc,rating, F", App niortar while ..,crub coat is wet. G. Coil soli clat e "'kndti-owel to the clesdred AM to iv&vu 10mer and 1wWred coating. I L cure by,f 1"'C'epir-ig the sudice danip Wr 48 hoursv,idi, ccpniinuous li,, ht exces maw6d bubo, matoriai wumv It' n-izaer al has cjured, r��,rnovc� usin".'v' cnechQual inwh(As W wd I not Wagn submw, VRCUECTIE145-11133 CEMENTMOIT NVATERPROURMA AND COATING S)STEM 07165A""" C FTY 0 F BA VTO"'N,'T Y V%S EMERGEN(A) OPERMIONS C'ENTEAZ BAVTOWN,TEXAS W PREPARAT ION ATSTLFF-FACED C)TU BA-NDS A Mix Star S],:,irn Coat hi acconiance Wth inanulcUrrer's printed insumions, Mix lo the dudmd emmisteney to aChiCN7C a Ullif01-jn lurnp free consislency, Av(,,,,Jd ovcr--n1ixing,, 13. Danipen splinKed CNQ substrate 1,vith ,,vater. Remmv ponding, glistening. or surlice vvmer to achieve a sminwed Mwe dy =16on, C'. Appl.y rr scrub coat of Sto SkYrn Coat So sOnswe to nil voids mid act as a block Hen ",,Vorl,, nnatelial i"r90 stulwe of g)fir-f-'becd CA/ITJ to achieve fi.ffl cc vc,,r�:[ge 3.07 LEVELAM", C()A`1' AT (Q1U t. A11 areas of CNW, including le buildhg Plalls, the roc'Aside ofihe parapct waHs, the pre-c ast concn„tc coping, bcah sides of the einer die ncy generaLor scr4ten %valf, and ffie, Triter ior r.:)f the recessed entrin, Were the scores were Md whh motlaq shall rvedve a Ivehng coat of to SkS (VU WeQL B. Mix S o Skini (Aml W nuavdai,ice Mth manufactu]-Cr,��,,, [11-imed nrstrucdons (o achieve a (I EUmpeti subsuate U) full pours adth mmun Remove ponding, Ice glimitinc,'�, or �urfi, er is dcl-iieve a surfacc dry condition, z\pIfly, a scrub coat of levdjn,"r morlar into th� Subs[I""Ite lo rfisttrc intfina1c, cont,,iict estabHdi bond. ,\Pply :le clang nowur mtdo scmb coo is mot ConmlWaie and tro\vcl to the desin,"d fillish "Idi a mininium dAckness of 1/8 Awh and a nwxkumi TkUms of U2", F,'. lfaj,)phcC itiuns thkkur than 1/2 inch are requked to achicve a urdflorm nvall surface. scarify Te M HH and allow to MW suRldemly to support the nexi lif"t '30 minutcs alt 75 dqpen 19, Apply a smvb cwn and comple-Lt tht, next lift swHe the scrub coat is vvet. Tv%vel the final liff f(:) T"he desired Finish, G. (Awe by kcqWng MmA8 hown 01 ht t g4g. or awerp osW Ig With dMM) bUr1q) Dr cur€.ng blankets. H. Knuko niaterj,,fl bcfk,,n,,e niaterial cures. It' unamia, r,,,us mccharjual inuMs that do not damage sub maw. 3MB A P V f A C AT I()N ()17 C E Al E 1VT I T 10 U S VV A'.F'E R P R 0�D F'IN G A. Stulicass to ruccClue Sio Coat ctmnendtious "wiwprooflng shall have mi CInnow SwTwe PRW of SCT 5 or lower, PRDJECI UHH441 WTI CEMENAMM5 AM) U716506 CTTY0F BAYTOWNN,TEXAS EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CE NTUR BAVRAMN',TEXAS B. Mix Sto Watertight Coat in accord-wioe -with nianUf-EiCtUl-er's printed instructions using: a 11 inechaDj"cal t xer until COMpOnMts are everdv blended to a uniform lump-free consistency. Do not add wvater. C. All exterior wall surfaces Including die pr&-CaSt Coping, split-fileed bands, roofside of parapet, both sides of ernergency generator screen wall, interior of recessed entries, and 2:1 uverlay concrete applied at entries shall receive Stra y�wTartcrti'lit Coat. D. Prior to application at the entire wall area, tj-o-,,,N7el as sloped cant Off 'aaterfi rht Coat materl'al at the Top of each split-faced CNTU band to assure drainage with no standing water, E. zkpply to maxilnuin 1/16 inch (L 6 m.,m) Lhickntss� 1.. Apply in a single pass with a stainless steel trowel. 1 I ly spray into place in accoi:dancc wiffi manuftacrarer's guidelines and trowwael to a L'I 6 inch(1.6 rm-n) thickness, 3. Aflmv to dry a rnlia.'itnurn of"24 hours before overcoatill" 4. Protect from rain until completely dry, F. At all areas of pre-cast coping, ernbed to Repair NIcsh into firestily applied material. I, Repair mesh shall extend corripletely over the top and down the full Face of both sides of the copincT stones, 1 At all mesh pints, overlap the mesh at least 2-1/2 inches. 3. Embed rnesh using as stainless steel trowel. 4, Smooth out wrinkles, forcuil, inesh down and covering it with fresb '&atertlaht Coat. 5. Rcinfore'e exposed corners 'v%itb two ftilcknesses of mesh. 6. Trim all loose or fra)7ed edges. G. At outside corners of'CN/fU walls, en-ibed an 8" width of',,to Repair Mesh into freshly applied Waterti'ght Coat material, 1. Mesh sliall extend 4" onto each surfhct� around the corner and shall be overlapped at least 2-1/2 inches at mestijoints, Enibed rnesh rasing stainless steel trowe-L forcing meSl, into fi-eS11 '�7atejjioht Coat. H. Remove excess niaterial before triaterial cures. If niaterial has cured, remove using inechanical methods that do not daniage substrate, 109 APPLICATION OF COATING PRIMER A, After Sto )A7atertiglht Coat has cured iji. accordance with manufacturers reconu-nendations, apply pr'Mier to all surfaces to receive Sic) St�,,.6411co Lan[ic smooth elastonieric coating B. IMix Sto Hot Prime in ac(aordance with manufacturer's printed instrucilc)rls. 1. Material shall be applied at full strentilh -with no dilution. C. Apply primer ,vlth brush or rc'ii4er to achicw,e a C;()'n1rnuaus coat to a minnnurn thiclimess of F1 ve w et mails. 1-1R0JF',C'T't I HT14)5-1.1-133 CEINTENTITIGUIS"r,VATERPROOFDc;AND COA1 ING SYS'I'EM 0716 17 4°:111'OF 1",AY'J"O'W'NJ'EXAS CENTER 11A NITPAN,TEX AS D. Notect Soni rahi Mul Ifeezing until coiuplutdy dry. E�". fltrr Flot, Prinle typlal" NO to the touch VVhNn Way nWnu1(�-S all(l C�'111 be 101) C,.muled after Wn A hows al 75" F dq6ng conditions, 110 A1'P1K,AYR)N OFS)'100111 ELASTOMERIC (--.,',OA'F1NG A. 116med swNces at prc,as! conMecoping, the nw&We oFp,'.,tr,'.ipeL walls, a.'trid fl-it° sphi-ibeed MU batnis sludl to"Ove Vwo coms of&o %Hco Ostic clammeHe B. Cknmuk Apply coadngs by MR or MR in accorchrue "widi manWhauwCs dwemkms, (JSC 11111SIICS ',"tdtq."Lj Cor lype ofil-ifiterial being apfdief Use n6cm of empe; velve bad,, or high-pile larnb's us roc km rin i ended by inanuketurer Or nimedul and texmyc required. nol be allov,,e(;l. d. Brush: riyk)n brisfle 2. Wer 1/2" heavy napsi,'6-tnt resistant roller uldess by corlting nianuf0cluivr. C. We Nush apphWon only at satall and SAW amas SUCh IS IN-C Ort"rums k-S. D. We MY Or in"(why of application. ConjActely saturatut roller ain d keep it, loaded 6111. cowhug to Indid the reclAred evaNg imillage thickness, Nevor dry roll excel.)i Rn- tc'flIlch up, Roll the coat ng in a 5mlike pattern to achieve unifonii rnffla(-,"C. l3acl" roll to fill Voids unf.1 pin holes. E Mix stosd L'astic" fn'alcri'd dl("wou" I'lly in accordance with wrinen , Lidek.nes lo a LIT"I'ifinlit F. Minlj'nurn ("oat iiig unickjie ,s: 1, Apoy two umats c)fthe coating inal"en-iffl, & IN Rns cma shaH he appNed at a spoad rate as required r(-') achicve a niin%inijni, Wnn ct fih'n ffiicknes�,'; of'sixteen (1,6) trills =n all areas. 1) The coming shaH achieve a pinho'k.- �fi-ee c'ortiinuf"rus 1) AHov,° initird cc at to ciry ,-,,nd cure and.achieve a tackNee to LhC much condAW in a,cconLYTICC With o Ile suond cow MI be apphed at a 1yead nae as rNpInd to achn7e a. niinirnun-i weA filrn thiclness Ofsi�,tecn'i ()(i) Lnils in all nreas, 1) The cokng AnH achieve a p1hKe We co%wous rnemManc., (I Musa subsnums "Tem 1hun is Mdmre of mWon spots c4' un" ea-Ilccl ',"o-eas in d'ic COa'i to asstwe a 1501 umt w4h no burn-dirough or other deficts clue to insurociew sm2hn, , fl, "Brush ApplicatAny Whout and work Mish coals (wito surkees in ini evcni Oni. EHMOMe ciceudinc""ss� ;�"'potting, hohdayq laps, 1-nusl-tl niarks, FLIDS, ;,MgS, r0f)iML'SS, c)rothcr surflacc AnpurIcOms. Qady dr',utiv gjass Hnesand color hrcakw PRCMECTPH BIT 11433 CEMENTITIOUS C(-)A�P'5C, �YS�'Kkj OWN 1 S (11Y(rF BAYTONVN,ITAAS E),fEl,,GEN(:�,"(:))')-',,R.ATIONS CEINTER BAN7r0NVN,"rEXAS 1, COMPIWd \Vortc N'latch 'apjarrcwccl Samples rc)r color, texture and covcrag,c, ReInove,. Mnish, or recoaA w rk not in conipliance 1,vith speci fied requireincuts. I Final appwaunce of work shudl have iu) telegngAing of subsuaw and mpahs. Areas that telegraph mpaks shAI be re"Trked induding removal and reworlzing, repairs when ncc,.t',,Ssa'f7,, to acliicvc prcq)er US appeamnce qVnnad by Ascidlect. (AmisMant, and ProJect Tvfanager MI APPLICAT10N 0,14"TEXII)RED C,'0A'FEN,--(",I' A, Apply StoSik) lit texttwed cading over 'Stagy Watertight Coal Nvzfterproc,Alng at "VaLl areas bewen sphollaced bandq M To inter.rear side (A recessed entrics, aTld 'It 01C, C'XteriOF of overlay concrete at entries. 1. Providec. ni,at.crial in the lexwe and ccOms alTroW by (Kner and 1"ohitect. LY AW StoSilco 1.4 in accordmwe wKh nmnuAcmmr`s printed QUO= 1. )k mnaH amown of duan lvuwr may be added to aid mintabUdy, C! Texuued coaring rnay, be appIld uIng as Kati starrdess trov,,'Icl or b.t,,, use, ofa hand-held gav ray"4ced hoI',)per-yc spmrx and Own UvwNwith a swinlus me& un"wl, [I Mant-11 shall be applied at the uc)ver4ge rale reccnoinended by the rnanuMnuor for dw 117 SwSilco I.Jt L5 matpnial. 11 We Ul(' trowel to Scrape 01C nu'aerial to a uniform ddcl"Iicss. i`. Ach.ie%7e flnnl texlLlre b"', Roatin"."-! With a Sminjus st",""ct n'ovvul in a fliurc ci"'ghlmotio�n- G. Once applied, the "orkinjg finne is up 1c) Vkvtnty I-L Apply coraing 61 a conswous appikabon, Amays waddng from et wot edge or architectur,11 Mal, to Whnate cxAd jolts, L ANoid VMS,! separate hooks We by We W. ,avo d apj'-ilication in diiect suidigk I Prowa WaUed Inoduct Mi rAn, thozhig, and conknuous high ME# unhi dr K. `'tosflco I JI dries %vithiji 24 hotirs, under nortaid conditions. L DO 11cm appl."' lexamed coaangart Wow grade nout Teniiiiiate, the apiflicafion Lri a linic Labovc� thfe f'mishedgna,cic hln:- N,I. Col-T-1pleled WOro Mams aPpy-cwed sanapics C0..Y1 ccdor, and Mnish, (w nwont "M not I uni�qfliancc \vith re.quirements, PRaWCT ORB 4014133 CEMENTTITKA5 "ATERPR(N',-)iFENG :'wND 0716111) Cf'TY Or AYTOWN, TEXAS EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER BAYTOWN, TEXAS N. Final appearance of work shall have no leleoraphinc, of substrate and repairs. Areas that 1:11 Z�_ telearaph repairs shall be re-"-ruled 111CILIding, removal arid reworking repairs �vhen necessary to achieve proper Final appearance approTed by Architect, C,onsultant, and Protect Manager, 3,12 DETAFL II.L,USTRATION OF WATERPROOFING SYSTEM A, The following illustration is provided to assist in denionstratint4l the -specified waterproofing and coating system: Sto Skirn Coat Applied as a Block Filler to Close the Open Pores in the CMU Sto 'Watertight Coat Waterproofing MembFane Sto StoSilco Mastic Elastomeric Waterproof Wall Coating.,applied over Sto Hot Prime Primer Existing Untreated Split Faced CMU Band ........ .. ........... ............. ............ . ......... ............. ...... ............... ............. ................. .............. ........ ....... ........ .. ............. ........... ............ ........... ...... .......... ................. Surface Preparation to Receive Sto StoSilco Lit 1,5 ... ......... T-owe[-Applied Te>tured Elastomeric Color Coating .......... .... ............ .. .............. ............ .... ............ ... ........... . ................ .......... .......... Existing Untreated CMU Sto Watertight Coat Waterproofing Membrane Prior to Application of Colored Finish Coat ti _Sto Skeirn Coat Cernentiflous Leveling Material Applied to Cleaned and Prepared CMU _ERS 3.13 IN STAII SHEET NIETAL, SCUPPER ON' A. Fabricate new sheet nietal covers in a inanner that can be attached to the existin-g, throLigh- Nvall SCLIi)I)erand will allow v,,ater to be e:M,hausted ativay froin the ivall surface. 1. Scupper- covers shall be fabricated in a n1anner that will allow solid and sectire aaachinent to the wall, PROJECTOTB-05-11-133 CEN�,ff,,,NITI.TIOL-ISNI'i TEILPIZO(.)FLNGA.N.D('OATINGS''STE)I 07165-20 CATY OF BAYTOWN TEXAS EMERGENCY OHRA,m�)Nis CENTER BAYTOWN,TEXAS 2, SCLJJ)J)ff COVeTS, shall he fabricated in a manner that pruvides a sufficKmAhichmess of metal at the perimeter to receive a silicone sezdant.joirlt B. Install sheet nwWl with lirms, rises, mid angles sharp and IrUe., and plane surfaces free from o[,rIecfionable, wave., 'Nxarp, or bucMa.Expmed ed2ges of sheet metal shall be folded back to form a 1/2" hem on side concealed Rom view Finished work shall be flee from water retmVion and leakage under A weaber. condidons, C, Anchor units of ivork securdy in Nace to prevent dmrra,!,xe or distortion from ,',vind or buckHng. Provide for tlienrn.d expmsion of meta units, conceal fasteners where. possible, and set am true to line and level as indicated, lnsmH NV al wAhlaps,joints, and seams that vVill pernmriently, -waterlight and weatherprocd", D. lap:: dcate and install sheet nwml ims in accordance Kh SMACNA, AclAtectural Sheo Met,al -NJ.anUEd, 3,14 RELATED WORK A. Afler the wall coatings Ime addeved sufficient cure, coordinate or perform the fbllowinL.; work items in conjuncfion with die �,,,,enerd contractor, 1. Afier louvers and canopies are OWN, sed to pe6mew of the canopies mAth sdicone sealant in accordanc& %vith Swim 0792() 2, With the reinstallation of the AMC condIt and panel boxcs, fiasteners and suppoi-ts shAl be sealed to the nev, waterproofin�- systeln, The concluit pasMng through We new wmer�proofing systern above the recessed entries Wall be seded to die new v aterproofing symem with silicone scalant in accordance with Section 071-)20. 4. TheJoint between the nevv systern at the rodIde of t1tv parapamd! Wl he sealed to the shoo area c0Linte,-t1ash1nr!, with Home sealant in accordance with Section 07,'�)20, 5. \Vith inst,"illation of be Klemm head/downspout assernblies. 1,15tUCE'S alld S1r1[)J)011:S ShaH be sealed to the new wat erprooll nysystem, T'he J0r111 betveell die rrex Smvstein utt venical v,-alls shall t7e ,seaiec-1 to die concrele iloors in A eniq areas with silicone scalant hi accordance with Sectrcm,i 07920, 7, After concrete sideivalks have been placed, the joint between be vertical wall and the Adewalk shall he serried sidmie sedant in accorchtnce vvith Section 0791,.), 3A5 ADR-STIM,; as,. Final observation sh,:ifl be condumed by conlramor, manufamm, AMAct, Cang%nt and Project Mana, 11 Dmuzcmr shall pronipil), rerilove, \Vollc Ill,-[I is found unacceptable and coirect iterns of 'VVork listed chning the W his])ection Corr,.,ctions shall be compk1ul prior to authoRaborr of'Si-ibstam,rn➢ (7acmipletion and cmimencement or vvarranq� PROSEC1 #;HB-05-14 03 CEAEN,rtnous MITER Qv00FIN(,, VND C(DA"HNG SYSTEM 07165-21 CITY OF BAYTONVN,,rEXAS ErVITRGEMY OVERATIO'kN'S CENTER BAYTOWIN, T],,AAS M6 CJXAN-'UPAN 1) PROTECTION A. C,Iean-Ujx During pMgmss WNIork, rernove site discarded rnateriak, MAE, and rags, B, Upon completion of %,Vork, clean coa,6n,(,,;-spaUered surfaces. Remove spat—tire d rnmerials by proper whods of waMY ng and scrappi ng, A ng cue not to (I arnage fi nished surfaces, I, Asapphed uncwvd or pamiaQ, wed coUng an nanpmous sudices shall be, removed by wiping \vil'h dry cloths or cloths "Tt with kneral spAs followed by dry cloths, Cured coatirig may be remwecl From nonpc)rcnis surfaces such as ghss or inetal by razor scraping. Rerno-val from p,,xous suriaces should be attempied as describ 'J above For nonporous surface, It nmy be neceow, to abrade, sandblast, or sand the deaned porous surface to remove all traces of stain, a. Removal of AsappHed coadngs is the msponsibilij, of the appAcaw C After the cc)ating is apphed, the convactor AaH rmnave A masking and otl'ier protection and dean up anjJ Ternaining defaceruent caused I)y [his work, 11 fhutecdon: Protect %Vbrk of althea tra,des, q,vaelher to be coand or rwt, agaNt Knage. Correct damage by deaninj; repAring cw re"Ang, and rvcaatin,,,,-,, as cfirected by Architect and Prujcct -Manwjw Leave %wwk in Mlditi(ffl, 11 Pro de "Wet PAC Signs as reqWred to pivect flinishes, After coating application, renrove temporaq protectWe mawhNs inswHed for Inotection 4' other ,vorb CO',16rIll- gs opemdon, END OF sux:'rION (T)TE''SI'MOUS WATIMPROOMNG AND COAnNG SYSMI 0716522 CITY OF BAVRMVT TEXAS FAURGENCY(MTRATIONS CENTER BA)"TOWN,TFXAS SECTION 07920 EX F E R 10 1 Z 10 1 NT S L��2k 1,E W's" vvior I - WYNTL FRZ A 1, I DESCRIPTION OF MIC)RK A- 11ic prc'�kCl shall include the removal of existing sedanm and r,laar.crraenta with nex sificc)ne st—jj,ty js unless othermise speciFied. E calam nvok shall [,)ecoordirmtud with othersecii,,'.,,ns to ass Lu'e Moira sdnd prc],xired prior to insufflation of sealant. (.7" Sealarlf' Work 'inch udes the insfaHation of'anevr silicd ne! ,sr alanijoint. ber,,veen �vallsw-faces and itenns mounted ,xit.hiri wall surfaces. EX %W1 UWWI,, Shall E11CILAde new silicone stahanTL jobus atjolts between dissiniflar maferials, at W pemmthms, sm1we mumed lWires, window and door Dmrneq W %vat md other exterM middions rmpkng sealant for a leak-flec exterior comfilion, E, Se,,,.flam �vork shall he requied at all levels,all elevoions including w,'ads,panapets,screen walls, and ofl')er fi�amres. 'I M2 REL,ATPM SECTIONS A, Se c; rl 166Cematm-pr cic 4zind Co (ii-q- ➢ Syslxc°m B. Seclion ()'r'915 - Seal IM3 SYSTEM PERFOUBUNCE, A. Panliejo&sulders that have been produced and WsWed to andm.,,kint,ain .%-a rtig,,ht con6nuous sets. B. Joint preparation w rc%:eive stalants shall comply Wdidiese ard'ess''n Imill['actu Ives requAmms exceeK thesc specifications. All that diff a' fi-om thc c specificatk.xns ON! be subadawl tar ffic Architect and Corn.-,,uham in "ThIg aml be qjnowd in Wring. L04 QUA11MMURAME /V InsmMun Qwdlewimm Work, shall bepmlmmed by as Ann hav&g W ImaquAW and Wng dmomwaWd succes,,,,;fiA expei�ience in comparable'Vvaerr)roofing'prq ccls and ernp1oyhlg personnel sk,fllod W the operaknis indicated, 13. Tfic h'cappm"'t.,,dl by Ow MmumanuMmor.us install Lhe wcvk and C11"I"'dif"', f'or PRaMC7 MR&W h 133 EXTERJOR JOINU SEALERS 079241 C1 I'V OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS OPERATIONS CLATER BAN-YOWN,TV,AAS During the coume of sealant Nvork,the mitractor shall perf"orm field adhesion tests in addiiion tir,) ng, & , Arehitect., and Consultant.tes . 1. Field adhesion was shWl be peiionned and ckwumemed as outlined by manuNenner. Comactor shall confirm adhedon tom Rw cult 100 lineal Act for the first I 0(K) flet ofsualantvw=ork for ca,ch type sealant arid fin ead"i lj)00 line,,il fe(at ffiereaftecr. 1 These adheskm test results shall be,S'Ubmiittz tar WhIenmnubcawmand %CCDnmAam ill "TANg on a mont1hy bAs 7%repons`th N! be subnWed to the Ansultant witli or prior to submdiaI ofthe pay requ": in mder fizw paymenl to be niade on that "Alork, K The locatim and issuhs oftestis can be recorded on the Daily (,'.OTTIJ)leti011 Ched,"JiSt fbrm D, Single Some Pesponsib&y Rw Joint Seder MaWals: Obtabi Aconejoint seder mWeAls and rehled mawrials Eom it single mannficturer. f'cw eacli different j,-lrodUCt required. 1. Provide pdmuq j WL Wale tw,oht D Has,barcker rod,,s,bond breaker 1 apos,cleaning agents, and rd at ed materiab(hatare compatible mil et CRT mateiials to rettmin,w i th one alwther, jaintsubstrates,and a4jacen I rn a I WAS Under con d itions of 41-,)plication d cnaon-strated by fie I d testin,g arid f teld experience supoi A and wamml by one manuhnnor. f! Wturbis and workmanship shall lac. sijb�ject to imTenhn by We I'Viana ire r. ArcAlitech l, Consuhmi;and sealant marmhununr at aH Ones, Such inspec"tions shall not relieve Colitr,ac:Aor fro-na to provide nn'"Iteri"'fls and wc�14:11'1'anshl p cttiffcli-ining lo requirements of the Coisract Documents. F ContractorshOl providesmAlUng mmemtoallcryv srchitect,Consul u-int,""Lirld sealant inamufaclurer to-make time" ('&Coniracior's d'vork, U PrenommucAmi field Pr ckr t0. ofjc inl se" ants, Conua�'.—r dnd marrljf'actun.'r Shall pe'1161-m te'sthig m actual substratcs to detern-d-ne the proper required to obtain optimurn Arlon and compmith% on eadi difYcrent substrate NAnufactmor shaAl approve imidladon conditions and Iroced-ures in vvri[ing to Consifliant. 11 AUnUfACWTUS WAY representative shall make an lnsj,')ection of the (,"ontractor's v,,ork itrud Me pshrrmruice o-sealants. Th"c hapechans shall be al illtel-V,21S rft dred to assure is'suinc'u (,,,fwarrarafius aq the, cornple icyn a'A wolk. ussm a miuNcaver's ficki inspection repons are prmided to the (AmItant, 2. MandIchmes represm'-italivc shall pre" Wrin held adhesim and peel less U) v&Q, pmlwmame of Want product. Tests shA A petliumied at all areas, 1, Contractor Inspect Vins arml TcmWg: I lo connmcum,Qb f4cman dial I air mlect die mns a I Vach and evay ama ofamt at Be QW, and puRwai sczaara pulklems at 01brent levels. IM5 SUBNRTTALS A. AN& Wer Nom sealam manufActurcr siatirn� that 1h(.,, Ca; ntnacmr is pro approvcnc] lh,y fln(-'., manukenner AmplAicadon oQymducts WrIhis specHic pndect whi-ianticipation t1-1(: PROJ EUT MEMO 4133 EXITRIOR J04NT SEALERS D7920-21 ci,rx,0FB-AYT0NVN,TEXAS E]WERGENCY OPEILMONS CENTER BAYTOWN,TEXAS specified wai=iry at the completion of th,-,project. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's, technical data for each cleaning and joint sealer product required,including manufacturer's instrudions for jointpreparation and joint sealer application. C Samples for Initial Selection: Submit manufacturer's standard bead samples consisting of strips of actual products showing full range oil'colors for each product exposed to view. D. Certificates: Submi't a letter front niaritifiaCt"Urr.r of point sealer attestillol: i., 'rhat manufacturer has reviewed [his specification and their products comply with spec.1 I.cation requirements and are suitable for prcj ect purposes, 2. That upori review of the project specifications, the manufacturer agrees -with specified provisions for joint preparation and application. 3� That manufacturer has visited 'obsite,has conducted such tests as they deem necessary, and that usao,e of their specified products shall result in issuance oC specified warranties. 4, Test reports fii-oria manufacturer inspections indicatim, proper substrate preparation for this project resulting From on-site adhesion teslinlcT. E, Material Safew Data Sheets, (NISDS) For all materials required with this prQject. F. Subinit saiuple of sealant manufacturer's wart-anty to be supplied at completion of project- G. SUbmit sealant manufacturers standard 'Histallatiori roqUirenients. I L Subrii-it sealant manufacturers g-Lildclines for 1-naterial storaae. 1.00 DEUVERY., STORAGE,AND HANDLENG A.- Deliver rriateiials to project site in original unopcned uoutalliors or bundles with.labels,Unforinhap a c about manufcicturer., product name and designation, color, expiration lento for use. pot 1if`(.-,,,, curing time, and teniperature, ranges for B. Store and handle materials in compliance with n3ariufficturer's reconiniendations to prevent deterioration or darna-e due to moisture, tenij:� Z�l erature, containinants, or other causes, 1,07 PROJT-CT CONDIT10IN'S w. airy,,,ii�oniiieiitalConditions: Do not proceedv,7itil installation conditiolls: ra -e outsicle -i-�ts ptrillirted by 1. When ambierit and substrate tempe _wre conditions are; the Ili joint. sealer inanufacturers, 2 W-honJoirit substrates are �xet due to rain, condensation, or other causes. B. .Taint Width Concfitions: less than or greater than allmved 1.)y joijit smiler nianufacturerl'or application indicated. C. Provide weather protection as required to not aHovv watcr peottration, to 'Interior of buildilla PROJECT 411 H-05-11-133 I..NTE1 10R, 0UN'TSEekL,ERS 07920-3 (ITY OF BA AVY ITXAS EN,t�'-RC.',EN(.-,'N'(:)IIERA'I.IDNS CEN-r'v,,v%, RAYTOVV�TEXAS ckiring inclement %veather, D, Silicc),ne sealant inaterials I-CCILlirlAl With thiS wr)rl<%viH not perform asrequired when applied to a surfac(, cx'.cec(.'fing 120' F TV sudice terapen,,aure Wing the irritial hours ofeuAng shall also rernahi under 120"F. 1, Mw to appliumion of seaLira, verd'-y that suNce tern,ratures of all rnaterials to receiv(,', sealaw ,ire wilhiri accepuable linnls, 1 M8 MIA JUZANYY A. Convacinr shall provide Owner a %vriden waaamy agahwt Wage and ANN in woknumshp Tarr mandals Rw a period of (2) yews ham the date of subsimn6al congledon. B, Silicone Scaln!nt Manafacturer's LaN.)r and M',,ilcrial \Varrzinty: I. 'ThiS Matedal and laborivarraray shad be requWl w rltlr Gyv crr la rrastarllccl using sdicone.scalanis and related products, Ir"WA,MqUired by relateti Sec-fion,,,;, I Manufacturer shall provide Mer a Man mmuanty against leatkagc clue to defects ii-I rnweha]s A as pexiod of Aham(15)years Ann A dale of substantial compledom Wananty shall smtc that M,-UIUfLCnlrer shall pay mvesisholul cost Ir labor and inawhal to replace fttilUd ITI,,0A-Ti,HIS. iManufacturej's warranty shall rm hiclude commculs mworl=anship, I Mwe of mawrials sh aH include, hut noi F)e linAwd a a. M/ater penetration imo ffie building. b, A(,Ilit:sivcorcohedvefidureofselanm, 101 )-LkTERIAI.,S, GENVERAL ,A, C0MPWjdjiy: lIro)jide silicone joht sealers,jca im fifflers., and other relalt-xi niateiials tlu',u arc compatiWe t6 11 one anoler and "Ai joint substr,,ite under conditions of service and applicalion, Las deinc'rtsl Oed by tes6ng at smrQ inocIc-up inslaHMM Emd field uNpaiaux,and as supyhml and %,,,,arrantcd by one H. Colors: MaHed in buddir[gjoi-nts for Ai-chhcc&redevc It lS <MtiCipLtCd that slandwd colors WH be acceptable, C Rdand NUMNAN: I, Vertical Joirit Backing: P(A)MAn lack Cr TOCI, a, Provide SOF R01") md nrawrial as inanuCactured bY 'NONVIACO ofzebtijr:-n"17' Nonh AnInq conymsed ofexundmi polyolein fbani Mth rwn-absorbipg ower skill mid a reAKI intc,,rlor'nerwork of dosed Ms that dc^ not %Vf")er, Impayed, I Backur Ad Rw CAve Joiws: Polyolefin bacl,,'er rod. a. Provide "Friangular Adhesive Bricker Rod by AX)NIACO of Zebulon., North C.'Crohna. [hangular backer rod shAl be a closed ad[ nomgas,,sing foam vI..'6chis as niinin'.aini of 47 mi undi side, avidi one brill and A& side in aide in placement, 3. Bond Prcvmwadve MM;;Hds� PROJECV ORE441 6 3 EXTHUOR MMNT St. MRS 07UT4 (1]'N'"(W BA�-F(MVN, 11�;XAS OPER-k 1'10N�CEN H-,R BAYTOMN,TEXAS a. ProMe 6531 Bond Brcaker Tape by Pl. CX"')RA CORP(DRATION, a low-d'ensily potelykne Mpe, I I inils Nek, "M a rubber PTCssure-svnsi6vcndhesfvc. 4. Phrnmi As recomn-iended 1,')y sc,'dan( a. Primer jira':duct as reCOMML11ded by sealant rn,,anifacturer L,tpon Londiacting in-place san-qiGcs and pullnws at the proje,-t SitC Oil thC ',,;Ubstratts to be sealed I Final pinier selection shall lac brstd, on tests ptrfi--mned by Chmmum and owwMated whii PYQCCt Are on subswmes to be seAed, c. Use (A"Prhner shall be rvquhvd- 5. Cleaners: Con'u.n ere i al Cirade fsopropyl alcohol,solvenic lean erq and inbLud jokt c1ming awl p=pw-aRvn pa,dums as reVewed "it and appmvwl by silicone sealant Of�VCViOLIS cleaiaing pror,—,.xh,ires. 6 mil rckiter] rnaterials shaH I')c as recornmended hy and approved by 'scalant nnanL�factux(,tr, Silicone Joint Sealant: Single couponent neulmhoure nidsfxwe cur ng chgomehe silicone sealam complying "Ith Fodeml Sped5cativii IM-001 543A, a.,nd with AS Q92r,k. Type S, Gnade NS, C'Iass, 25, 2.02 ACCEPT-,XBLE A- A-vaikible N'Lawfacturers f6r Jont Sea,lanr'�Vofl"': 1. SupQ LocorrQance w1h Ong&mlurcenmrials am!warramy DRb I w into Work shAl N the Mowing.g s Dow Coming 1) Sudan 795 Silicxnc RitUdIg Sedm 2) Pr�mer: 1200 Primer M EXAMNATHIN" A, Banfnejnts Q deficis that adverstly aft'�Ct of insuaflawcnl. B. Addition,,il joint preparation "shaH be provicfed as rL�quired by the Consultani, inanukennur mconunendmims. flek! adhesion Man and i.n conipliaixx: avith revie ved al nloc[,-up il'lstallations. C. Sealant inawbal nianuf1clurer rqmsmimhves shaH not have the, arid'inrity foint Prepaxn6cm xviluna Knen appruvM (0hoso the 3M2 FREPARKrim, PR(MECT M145d V M; MEMOR JOAT S&MRS CITY'OF J?AVT0%VN,'t1A,AS MTERGENCY(UTRUIONS CENTER B,ky-roNNN, I'EXAS A. Removing exisOng sealants, I, Chn carat mid compIdely remove existing sealatits,b,,icker rods,bondbreaker tapem and othor master uals to as 11 1.in-i.rn urn dept of one inch (I Q or addhInal depth a,'i,,s required by exir,;iixty, (, endiiions tc install backer ro�.'J, a. [Jnde'r no ci,')ndition shall existing sedams be allovved to remain in place at joi'nts to receive La,.)oled sealarn., 1 Re�,move,debris froni Job site. 3. Do, rim reinove niore sealant at joints than can he teplaced in the san'w day, A Joint cleaning to receive scalant Aull emnOy Mthj-,irocedurcs developed i,n accordance sviffi Consuham, Manufacturer, spedfied ,'ind procedures reviewed at the sitc, 13. Pr�paration ofJoints. I, Reinove existing seahnis and foreign rnatedals 00111 UT fEICS to reeejvk'-, scalant, Scrape ',,'imd abrade w th cleaning agenls as required 2. Provide gr0ding or other rwocedw-es as rapimd at sealant joint SUbstrates to rernove extung scalzmts, loose MatcHals, and conditic)ns that can have a neg,,utive effect on seLflant adlwMmi, 3. Remove dust and debris Isdgrrr points and acllar a.nt surf,',ices. 4. VApe joint surbees clean ',s,�ith conn.nerciad gnade, isopropyl alcc)fio (.')r solvcmt cleaner as reviewed A& Consultant atul reemninended by manuRmwa taing Man dodo U) ediyn'ina'[e residue. Y Ile imew is for the III ar)U fitdlirer to review ,uid appl-DVC th.e c:lcauirtg process ,,.Ind products." not to cwerlide the rcquiirmnu to pmvWe clarfing. & We a twoomp, wyo-cloOi Tnethod of clemAng Ong clan Ashve dots. cn I A nuivenient sized disq),enser stich thul ct ankg a;,na can bcappflic,,c] Lc� vlid-iout, a,Otnarninating cleanin, supply, d. &atun'ae Cleall hill-fi-ee cloth vvith ippro'4,'ed (dcariing ageni and wipe and scrub surfiic,,`, C. Rel'ore C-Ac'antng a'gent C ap')rates, m1pe surbre dr-y—,xith a second clean dry cloth 5 Final deining of jolts WH he \Yhh connnercia] grade isopropyl alcohol, regardless A` previous cletirlin�7 lechniques, 6. lVinic sm%es lo receive sflk-,one sealant widi sealant inaryuScrurer's primer apl,')io,a,Cil in prc-�'istallation, wSling, at S,ar-nple' mod",-up areas. a. I Fpri rn i ng,� is,not perRymed the swnt day as Ke AM,specilled abcwe.clan's.'urfhcus by Qping wS cleaning ageras again. 1 10 M ahin pHrner. c, Apply p6rner to as clan suNce with as bnNh. Row cw dispose p6mar who Te MA; do not Tp biush is IN pd-ner as this vxHl curnaniinate the d, Brush vig,,proudy to removu surfAce contaminants. Check, the himsh to see Ut ha,; Up ccultanl En ants, Replace bmiss"Ten ley become '0 rninules for pr-dincr to activ,.,-ate the surfact. Then a'.'ppd',v c' �'%Hcov a Inim"Inurn o�' '3 slame scalani. 11 re,i l iatt,ire applieaficm of s hcone scalant cotdd causc seal.,-,ait ccaa Klibition. f. C'aurufuHY loflov, in-,"61-mation or has re wed to nudsm, g. Appb, Ash pr ner solution to clean biuslows at. ri-g-,ular interv"ds I'C"con-Im"trideci hy, PR(MECT YHRW 16133 F\,TE.RJ0R,J017X VSEAA,E'1-',S 0792M6 CTITOF BAVTOWN', ITNAS ENIFERGENCA OPERATIONS CENT1:P, BAN7MV'S',1EXAS alan I TIl an U fac turer, ll. It is understood that the apldicatbn of Vw much primer can be dob-im.emal to H.w adkMon of scalanas C!ontracl-or shall carefutly coordinale the, prol-wr of lKners %vidi the manufacturer. provi"sdoll For I'll Lill U fi'ICI UTC'I' M W."id manufActurer's labur and malchal warranty 3.(113 JOINT SIZES A. John to receive scalant shad he as Minimnof 1/2" invvidth, contra ctorsh�dl Pre"parejoints tas requked to amm 1/2" knimmi wkkh unless upproved by QnStant. B Sealmu: Depth as rccvmmcrrded by qCEIlalll or 3/8", C All joints less than proper dep)tli �,flvid be rejec4,ed, removed., 'and rej)Wed. a ow sealant jow twamess or iess than I W depth, shall be, accepted reganDess of joint width. 11 No Want,kqnt Ockness ofnxxv than 5/8" dqAi dall be accepted ra g','rrdless ofjc�iril 10. Na sealant Joint "Ith Wid line of s alant c�m 1-mvpared surface of" less Tan 3/8" shall be acceptable regardless ofjoikl th ciawss or joirll %vichh, Sealantjoht shall have 3/8" of bond u) sur-face on lxmh sides ofjoin . 3M4 MASKING A. LWAl le Commoor has devdcTed the Why to qMy and tc"Ql the amount cot sfli(,-.n:mc scalum Odium Orr"slhty appeamne,apply tile [('PCatiorlslo ensun'; prop tr- appe"i'l-ance. a me as or ligh vATARy, Vpb/ nualcing age U) usury good andledcs, C. �.V-Ler %vortcrs have demcmstra ed tfic abilin,,� w conskimuly apply Ow a¢pproprimc, an-Iowro of sealant aml avddeve good aewhakq reliPonsmi to use rrmsking, tape c,,'In Clelemd. 1. Johns innalled whhmn gmd wh0cs shall be reinw'ed and reinst,alled, 1). 'Norkol's who camm aclicvc nesthutics accquiWe tothe Pmjec�i. lvlanai,,,er, Axchitcct, �uld Consult","LI)l "'vidlc)ut the appheation of maNcing tape shAl he requKed to usc nmskM'I,g tape at all sea!aw j A n I s, W APPLICAMN" A. Gencr& I. JAmMking: Install backcrrod. thcjcjnitvfdictniaxiniunidel)Ri lap 5/s" arise a.aninhiiuniorl/4", a, Do not ripply Inimer I o backer-rod or rr.i-brca k er tape, 2, Gbrlral. BrenkerTape: WhmejAnt has sp&'d conditions Thai sh all iiot PRUJ ECT ARBO14 03, EXTEMOR JNNT SEALERS 07920-7 CITY"OF IAA YTOWN. TEXAS ENIERGENCAf OPERNTIONS("ENI ER BAYTOWN,I EXAS backer rod, inamll bond breaker tape in inanner and of "ith iVpmved by seabut inantjrlra('urrer to, prei,'eiit three point,adhesion. 3. All sealaw.joirifs shall be provided mith adequrrw rnethod of restriclAng joint depth Ltj,-,Aon tooling of joint. A Sedam jims shall have adequMe melod of Fmvventing dune pcdm adhesicni, Atcovejohits, instali the speci'fiied 14" backer rod and azure that We is a mininiurn, surfac,e 0f3,,"8" ("ai L,,,,ach side of flle,, backer rod to recive Maw, 5, Secant: a. Agply Want tojobus ushig preasure gun %vith nozzle sized Arjoint width. I Apply sualant to Qnts Moming rnanu%nnves ill structi oils f'or Specific type seal"ITIt. n AJI sealant joints Ad! Ix: touled. 13. JointBacking� 1, R��-.strict depth ofjohns mridi backer rod to wchlt-ve properjoint depth. 2. S,,Iw lype backeprod recatiunended by sealant manufacturer fbr speciflic t�Fpejoint, 3. Sizebacker rod to allow f'brthirtypiercerti(30',"o) ofbackerrodwhe'n installe("L S"Inaller diatneier bacRer Ws lea ued Ujober I Heu of latler prq)uly abed rod shAI not be acceped. 4. Insiall "backer rod as a conibuous fi-oin one mid of exposed joki to otha end, 5. Use push gauge to MA Imcker rod to proper poshimi tc'r inan-c proper depth of sedant- 6 Wl-,iere im,�aaHmion of baclow- rod is not feasible due U) insufficcient clearance, Or reCjLIir0J U-) parent We sided adhesion, apply bond breaker tape prior to apphuation of sealant. I. "Fhrc,,c siderd adhesion is not penniaed and shall Nc, for rejccdon as work. der'nd Fps eakcr"I'ape: 1. InstaA bund breaker tape in areas AM AT not accept backer rod Were required axY racmnmemled by sealant inanufbeturer to prevent threo-Aded adheMon. LmMons WANe cd" land breahx tape shall lie apponad by nmnulnurerl representativu and Consultant, 2. Insuffl fi'itojoint substrate in such a rrianner as to 1,)(,)[ C.'0111,1111iriale�"'idl-tcsion zoncckrj()ini tar" ings, or I lie bond breaker tape. 3, Placo release strips in disposal hag. sealanu I. "Verify ten'lp'eralure and julcisutre acceptable liniits, I U!sirr� Cresh se" h'mt and clo',mi equipment, FHI joint-a,arwt i sualant as to not leave entrapped air, but Mun changing the depdi of thejoint backs- rnmerids and in suffizient eanotun that the LO(dCdjoint shall have prol")cr depth and profile 2111d Shall ter' ninate against the jcb inl' suhst -,Aes Facing in a concav prrarfi.le. 3 Wide il coss slij� sn s ld joint %viddis andeonfiguruibnn e pTeao Th,'RI r1110W C"Ptil-TILIM sea],anl. E. Tooling. 2. Coniplele,,] seahnt application ShEdl I'CSeITlI-)IC 111 C'XIT-Uded I)I-OCILICL, 3. TL,se Io()],o ofproj.:)--'r lviddv�.;' to COMADaw "As joho WAS at Promw she. 4. To,,dinl , P ROJ ECT PUB441 4 13.4 EXTERIOR JMNT SQUERS 07920-8 CITY OF'BA YTOWN.TEXAS ENIERGENCY OPERATICYNS CEN]"ER BAYTOVVN,TEXAS a. Immediately after sealamt applicatim and prior to tinae skin.n.ing or curilig begins. tool sealants (o a smooth, Llllif01-m bead of required configuration. b. Use properly desigiied and properly sized tools tor each.individual size and ry f t,PC() Join c. Elhauriate air pockets and ensure contact and adhesion of :sealant with sides of d. Remove excess sealant frorii surfaces adjacent to joint. e. Do not use tfools or procedures that d1sr.ok)r sealants or adjacent surfaces or affect sealant curin.-/adheslo.n. Use procedures approved by sealant manufacturer. E Protect fresh sealant froM impact and dust until. surface sets. 3.06 INSPECTION A Comractor: Durii,.w the executim ofwork,the contractor site forernan shall inspect the 1;VOrk of their employees to'cissure compliance guidelines, the specifications,,vhen they exceed naanufacturer'g guidelines, and good consu-Liction practice. 1. The contractor shall conduct Pull tests and other U).vestigative procedures to verify the quality of work being provided, 2. Coritractor shall maLc,his stff available to allow inspections of work.and to assist in testing requested bythe ii-tanufa ocurer's representative,Architect. Consul tmiL.Lill d Pro j ect Manager. j 471 B. Ma,nufacLurer: Manufacturer's teclulical represcntative shafl visit the pr(,ject site at hater 7als required to verify NVaITIL11ty reqUiTerl-IC11tS. 1. Marrufacturer's representaLivL� shall C011CILICT P1111 tests and re.naove. portions of sealan,t to observe installation methods, "I"esLs shall be coriducted by the Tmamifacrurcr fi-orn the, scaffold at all levels of the building, and all elevations. Contractor shall repair tests,. 2. -Manufacturer shall conduct test-cuts and pull-vests at all work areas. 3. Maruffacturer's,represcntative shall pro fete repo7ts car he site visits, tests, and observations. 4. It shall be the Contractor's res'ponsibilli'y to coordLnate and schedule manufacturer's inspectims',mid to assure that ma.mi[aclurcr's writ-Len reports are clistributcd to the Consultant. C. k- rctLitect and Consultant: The_Architect and Ccm,suftant shall make visits to,the site,to observe the pr rgrcss of'work. 1. The A-rch'itect and C-onsullant shall conduct pull tests and remove, poilions of seaharit to observe installation methods. Contractor shall repair test are as- D, Faulty Work: Should Hispections by Pr(j cot Ndanager,rr.latiLit'acturer's:representatl've,Arclulec t, Or C011SUItaIlt I-e-Veal faulo� �vork. o.r work not illstatled accordirig to specifications, Comractor shall be required to remove all adjacent work until. a place, is reached where iristallanoll Wllls performed properly. Contractor shall then assist M spot checking remainder ofwork. 3.07 A D J U STI NG (17920­9 MAMF SAYTOM71 TEXAS ENIL-ItGENC)" OPEICIMONS CENTER BAVT'0"'N,'ff,.'XA,S Po Cut out and remove darrwged, dewriorawd, or Unproper joint sealants irnnacdiately and rescal Joints widi new inaterials to produce,joint seals inchsthiguish,able from ori.,ginal work, 3.08 PROTECTION A. flrotcct Work from substances art dammy rcs&bg Kni oMzr emisuMorI operations or ofl-wr causes so Wat they aye "Whoul delc%wkn or damage at we or mnai ","oInpletion. 3A9 CL,EA,NlPq(G A Remove excess scalata Awn adjacent surfaces inirnedialely afier contact utilizing solven-t cleaners. B. Rcmove all debris and from job site. END OF SECTION PROJECT PH B441 1 A-,�3, 070110 UTY OF BAYrowm MAS EMERCENCY OPERARONS CENYM BAYTOWN,17EXAS SECTIOTN" 0791.5 SECONDARY FOAM SEAL L01 DESCRI 1-11"JON ()F \VORK the 11CW CN�TU St1-1UCtUFQ,. El Work shil include widerd,joira to a mKinium WWS" to accep� a propefly sized Fearn back-up seal. C Sealant work includes the instaHatian of a nmv Mcone sedInt j6nt in the verfical expans�on .punts at the flee of lm"� CML" wafl' Referto `section G7920, 1.02 IZELA'FED SEC"ITONS .A. Section 07165 - Ceirwn6d4: is "ald Coating symen-� B, Secdon 07920 - ExteriorJoint "yea➢ers 1.03 s-N,'s"rEiNJ PERYORAIIANCE A' Provide secondary johm seals dut have been produced and haidled to eswad& and mahmk 1-vaterfio, it continu(:H.ls seals, B, AN pmpww6on to receivesealaws Null comoy "AT these s peci i*Ica ti Oil F,111fl ess III a Ilufacturer's reqLdrements exceed these specific',,iiions. AH pamechres that diAhr fican these specificaMms shaH he submitted to the Com;uham in mWng mml be approved in Wdng", A- Installation QuahlIcadonm M?wk shall be perbi-med by a Jinn haWng been pm-gWed and Wngdemonsvwed smeessEd expet'ience in comparablewaterlmofing prc ects mnd emplwJng personnel skilled I We opukom 01camd. 1 . 'Work of this Section shall be, polmmed by We pre-qUcIliflied 1vateFPMC4) Ig COntra,C10F, 2. Contractor shall have as AnAwn of Rve yemi of succesAl expe6ence A apphcabon of sihcone sealants kind secondag Am seals 11 The (Immactor WH be appmed by the smondwy jAm seal nimmilicrurer U) instaH the "wrk and qual if), forthe speci fled v,,arrawies- C- and wukmansQ shAl In! suWect to (1sunwhon by the Prqject Manager, Aruhilw SJ,'.00N7DAR%' F0AN1 SEAL Ir"M CITY OF BAYTOWK ITXAS ENIERGEN(,N' O�[�"EIIA'�rl(')N'S C!'ENTER BAYTOINVI', TEXAS ConKtant, and secondary joint seal 111allUftiCtUrer a all time& Such abservabons shall not relieve ConUmmor from otdigation to jwvide rnalmials and workmanship conWrining w reydrernents (She Contract 1)ocuri,ierits, 1). Contractarshall 1:)i-(�)v escaff'o]Ciil)i..,,a,ccesstoallo\iv flrqjeci Manager, Archi tect,Consul lan t, and secondag1jnt seal nianuf,9CRIrer to makeiiinely obserMons, of Contractoes voork, F'.f-e-CM1StrUctWn field testing of sealants; Prior to installation of secondaq7 jobs sets, Contractor and Manufacturer Qdl per0orni testing on actut subwates to defer ine the jAwper Held preparatOn reqWred to knahn op6murri expnion and compatibility on each SUI)SUTUO, cmMM 1 05 SU'BM1TJ'A1,S ,A, SUbMit I etrer hymn secondaq;j Ant scal manufacm ny sw d rig that the Contractor is pre-apprcwed by the fOr application of products for this spe6fic prjew x4th antidpa%-f ol" issuing the spa ined vsauanq at the completic)n of the project. B ProdUct, Datw SubnAt manuIcnates technical data IS seccmdaryjoirtt scil product reqtiired, indulng awnuIcturer's invaruclions rorp-'rra prq-ianation andjciint scril installation, (1, Cerdficaun: Mah a letter lKii manufacturer of joint sealer atlestIng: I. That manuActurer has redewed this -,Pe,6fiU1t:i0f1 and their- l)FMIUCB C0111ply VVith specification requixerriews and are suitable for prc)ject puqioses. 2 That LJi)OFI revie%k, of the prject specifications, the m a nu fact,U rer ag,,rees, with specified prepambon and apokadon. 3. That nianuf'astirrer has A died jobd ie, hasconducwd suct tests as"dicy deem necessary, and that usage of NO spedHed pmdws shall resAt in inumve of qwdned warranties. 4, 'Test repons froin k1cating1woper subgrme preparmion fbr UIVS prqjccl wilting from on-site adhesion testing, D, Material Safety Data Sheets (-NISDS) fcn-all m,,aterj,fls u equired \vith this jrrqject, 11 Submh smnple of Want manuflaumi's "annny to he SUPPlied '-it C0�1'1[)k`li011 0f'P[-QjeCtr R SubnAt sedant manuflacturer's standard install"n'lion requirements, IM6 DEUVERN', S-FORAGE, AND lJ.,,0D,L1NG ,A DeliverniarMstoproect she in odginal unopened containers orbUndles with Labels inflxininlll, Trout rnanQCL1nVq product name arK designahon, color",, exj�)iration period for use, and temperalure iviges R)F storagee, 13 Store and handle mateiials in comphmme NOW manWhourw"s reconunenclations to pmwnt cleuerior,,ation or daniage due to moisture, temperature, wintandnanis, (N- other causes, P ROA Url"PHB-05-1 i-E33 S E GO NTDA R Y 9 OAM S E",A L 079152 CITY OFBAYTOWN,TEXAS ENMRGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER BAYTONNIN,1"Exjks L07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions: Do not proceed v,,ith installation cif oint sealers under the followino coridltions` 1 y,Vlien ambient and substrate temperature conditions are MtSiCIC the Ili-nits permitted by secondary joint seal manufacturer. 7 VVI-i en jol nt substrates are v et due to rain, condensation, or other causes.. B. Joint Width Conditions: Do not proceed �vjth installation of secondary joint seal ivhen joint X'Aridths are less than or greater than allowed by secondary.joint seal nianufaCtUrer or as specified, C. Provide weather protection as required to not allow water penetration to interior of bUildinO durinL,' inclement weather, 1,08 WARRANTY A. Contractor shall provide Owner written \var-ranty againstleakage and defects in workinanship or materials for a period of two (2) years, from the elate: of sr.,ibstantial cotnp etlon' B. Secondary Joint Seal and -Material Warranty: 1. This material and labor�,varranty shall be required with viork installed using secondary.jolill seal and related prodUCtS for Nvork required by this and related Sections of the Pro.lecl M anu al. .2,, -Manufacturer shall provide Owner a �,-riiten warrantv aclainst leaka-e due to defects in materials fora period of fifteen (15)years from the date of substantial completion. Warranty shall state that manufacturer shall pay unrestricted costs for labor and material to replace failed materials, Manulacturer's "7arranty shall not include contractor's workmanship, 3, Failure of materials shall include, but not be limited to a- Water penetration into the bUilding Z b. Adhesive or cohesive failure of"sealants. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01. MATEMALS. GENEfUL A, Provide secondary joint seals and other related materials that are compatible with one another ,and w'Ith joint substrate Linder conditions of service and application, as demonstrated b , field experience., and as sijpplied and warranted by one inanufacturel", 102 ACCUTABLE -NIA NUFACTUIU RS A- Available ManufiqCWT-el-S for Secondary Joint Seal Work� 1, SU�j ect to corn pl I an ce'vv i th sin lc source materials arl d T,,vaiTan 1), req Ln rem ents,manufacturer. offering products and warranties to be incorporated into Work shall be the following, Work requires building joints to have secondar-Y joint. seals, and Joint sealants to be silic'Une PROJECT OHB-05-11-133 SECOND.ARY F'OAM SEAL.. 07915-3 CITY OF BAYTOWN,TEXAS E�NtU',RGENCY OPERATIONS CEN11,R BAYTOWN,TEXAS nerd ant, as pproved by a different man U&MLger The i,,,,arranty for secondaryjkra seal pints vlall be Men (15)years covering the complete cm Waboq materials,and associated COMS to replace failed mawrid, Ile (.ontractor's M)Hcrnanship shall not be included in the manuf1crurer's Warranty, a. EAll SE..kL 1) Secondwy Seal - BAC',KER,SEA-L (Ckey0ex) 5/8" (or as required w Nt saw-Cutjoint) 2. Work requilres secondaryjcAnt seal and silic(,,r)ne glazing, sealantcarry ajOint Wrranty by bode inamufacturers. 'Etta warranty shall be Memi (15) years cov(,nin�11, the cost to replace fifled rruiterials- The contractor's workmanship Wl not be included in the maiMacturer's Worranty, as Dmv Corning, I) Sealan 795 SihC011ef3Ui1din,(-, Sealaitt 2) Prirner� l 200 11rimer 3) Refer to Section 07920 14k RT 3 - U:XE,(-, UT1 N, 3.0 1 EXANIINATION' A. Exanine exisdng jAnts and saw naa w widen to lit niinirnutn of 5/8"- B, Additional ajcirat pieparation shall be prm7ided as required by the Considtam, joint seal held tests, and in wmiplianceWith procedurc� rev elxed at the site (aSeumdwyJAnt seW mmerial manufkturerrepiTsenw6ves shall nut We the rigW or awhoriy to reduce the specKed joint Fseparmion without "Yuen appruwd of' those techniClUeS L)y 1he, Consallant- 3.02 P RiL["A RATION A PrepanoWn ofjAnIs. 1, Provide grindin�,�, savv-cLniin,,,�,�. 'au,id acMition,,,d procedw es as required at joints to increase Asidth of joint to at least 5/8", 3, Remove CIUSt WId debris fronijoints and adj,,icent surfaces, ? Wpe jAnt sudkes clean CC conanardal grade isopropyl alcohol or solvent cleaner ,cs rniewed mith (Amsuhant and mcommended by sealant ni'anufiacturer using clean cloths to elirninate residue 3A3 JOINT SIZES sk, Joints lo receive secondary seal MY be a minimurn cd 5/8" in Comractc)r shah prepare jar nts as requKed to assure 5/S" rninimum width unless othem,ise appro-ved Lry Consulwit- PROJEC"I'041B4.5-1 1,-133 SE.CONDARV FOAM SEAL, 07915A CITY OFBAYTOWN,TEXAS E-)I C ENTI 1,� BAYTOWN, TEXAS 13 Substra,te races Ail be pwmHel Whout undue NQUIPIKes and have sufficient clear depth to Hly sulqiort WkCKERSEAL as M as be HqWd seaJam to be appHed, 1 , The BACKERSEAL shall be installed recessed into the mount at minimum off"erne Bich ic� Am backer rod and se,,-d,ant to Lw installed as a pr�rna7y�joini C- Substnates shaU he c"abM of resisting WhoLit defecticm; approximately:15 MY back presawe from the B.,kCI ERSEA-L, 104 INSTALLATION A Prior to installation, store BACKER SEAL Kdoors at room tetriperature. Recove y of' the ri'mterial is cluicker when Nvarm and sIoVVe.T-)A,hCn cold, R Sides ofjoint to recive BACKERSEAL shall be clean, dry, sound, and free ofccmtaminants. C VeriQnhat convcdy Ked material has been provided Ar Q jknngap aRm- mm4cwting and ,at pmpamtion T), Remove packaong and exMme selAaAwive side by remr ,,wing release liner E, Set B,-aC'JKERSEAI.,approxirnatQ me inch deep Trim thejolt to allmv hx MAIM ofbacker too and the primary sealantJoint, F. BeAre installing pr➢rnary seahni juira, enwe that BACK LR.SEAJ.., is Firmly expancied in die 'joint- G Tajdn iwo OngIs"ten rnuhiple stvic ms are reqWred to OH the IngA of KjAnt use a shup MAE to minter the mawhal to a 45 de,(.zi-ee angle Ware bwdng tOLICtheF XNTi tlJ the s9apc allmdng drinalue to the enachor I ighily ming die kmife \Nvith water \,viH fa.cilitate cutting)', 3.0-5 fNSP E(,71ION C,,-�ntractor� Duh ng the execution of work, the cuntraclor � site fi-,)rcman shall ti nspect ihe wod,,, oPleir empkyees to assure mupliance Whi manuNCUUM t�4L,Iid6ries,the specificatioins when They exceed and good constimcdon ImactIce, B, C'Onsuhmw The MY= shall make NO to Me ske m obser've the proL,,,ress of work.. 3,06 MMUSTING A. Cht out and remove darnageLt dmedywel or impirper secondai-yjc)ints,in,mit,.�dratelv and reseal joints "Ith new mawhals to FnaduceQnt weds indiminguisliable Wn original wo?, 9'RO-,1F,,',CT#FIB-05-1 r-133 S,FCONDARYF0A-NI Sf',AL 07911-5 CITY OF BAYTONVVI-1 EXAS t.Nff,,R(;E'NCY PER, r]'ONS CENTER BAYTOWN, TEXAS 107 11W)TEC"TION A� Protect afl workfi'om Coil ta In I nad nc,,,, substances and char a-c resultin- froin other construction operations or oflier causes so d'mal vvork p's vv'thoul deter'lloration or danidge at firne of final ('01,11pletion, 3.08 C I LEAN INCH k Remove excess nlatei-rals f'rain ad scent surfaces I'mmedlatch, Mier cmitact unlizin- s(,')k,em cle'aners, B, Renio-v-e erll debiis and contalncrs from job sHe. 1"N'D OF SEC"TION PR OJE CT#H BAIA-I 1-1 3�3 SE("ONDARYFOANI SEAL 07915-6 N^YN)X�"tl N Di.acT PKtTrdcarlpGN ry DC IECwT ORS ,1» w,. w Sr' ........... fY NOZZLE XF FRD-CEG TIni p AfiE'I°CT d INE I 9 _ w. I I ., "G LAYOUT V V ft sys EM C;f1N,dTRHL AIaT°G°RMANQ.9 C WMI ACaPJIT TANK EEC"N.f:'ISJ-'N NUL SIAMINd un., ... w_, . ...... �.. .. m g 1afP t a PVT G& Cl/ L19 I A919d CI i I. f u J �TTrNtipa.z 1'11(.?�}'k�'1GS��°5F4i..1..T'TT.119.LISTED 41:d,d,T.N..I,SS"11E 1G:;kT�,1G.WtilI`1"0(:;1N�', 7, N("11 N B rT AND SEAMS',,ON FXHAUS"1"'TTe)LODS STIALL f117 WELDED T 1a'UID LBa,;'I rr '✓ , 1'A'll lI'V.k ,SCC1kSt.kkk„HI'rti9V'k;=:'@'119.1i1a1kk'a1. 1?d'.YCI,"lk'l tl. ✓ � r�'✓r /� �"�'r ➢a6rG 11�1 t C T+/T16a1 lTkdG^19 1GP 1^�( 1 G)ki'�GbG1V 13d C+ffi}' 1S 16f 1�11&t( k ,✓gym_. _ .,a....... d EdAKE111'AIR FANS MU' [ BELA 9'Nk7s.1k.1O KFF)WI II [B%1"1kC_aaAaENt[AP1S..k.TOO' . G ....1 C.T7.,.1 p1.A1,i...G"b116 Gk.;kLu� PT�k'1.�b�1�..7..11Fwl.....,k�'k.[L.k��� „�H1.''"beda'a9V1`"�kk�+kl.11rrh'(_Dl°k.(°k�9. ,&t["�M."bra"e".°Y1'k,...'➢lk kY.,b;L C.IS11T?1",9ktla"mLTS,A(, 0V1.1t1IA.C''1G tylI1*1[MUPAISlKV; '018FIrG1NAT1 r;ff 1i";f)"1' r S "' (I G,ALLC V MAX) �y `—�' . � �1111'rllkA�`SC"�1� q C1T(!a',�T,bT9 f°�11�1���i1lEG SUN NI)�'a 9+'.J iCJi'PM4C)VA1�T1.1 t 1kT.r'h'�1.C,41f AH.a10' Hood 01 � .. .. � _.. � � y � SHALL IS1'.a:)14SETIVd.k)1 G.bd't 1Ti9:LaN 11G INC;U`wu OR 21101.M PATH)FA rT k°W/111.ST ;N l.kS"1T"41'ICGFG1RII'A"ElG: N,OR 9IN,G.1'CC,.1 0P4,1°°a01,1 G rV(11dC,t4FI'A 96 CxC;E'IDE1 (1 3,2A) 9, T.. .1°,1 115'S`T:�lG7G�N 1��T�k�h k.Fad"V!1T.T.lbli 1 }1k k3:kvTiJ 11 k" Y t"aC :'r"TAVNkw1'SS Si M"k E Face Mouruh 10. 111"a' AI'lC1':'FROM TEE!1 d.G.&)R Ill TETL'EdlpTTCdN4d OF G1k9:1COG,0 0111 A CA NO V T''XIIA US"T. T.nh t,' rawi k air +vita-9r hk(3a:;Mk� �f]IMT.I l4} 75, k 9 S A LI 11". l I 1 (A 1��A��1 1 (aT��G1S P�d 11Hi k^XI It 1[, 9"Y.11.11,� Y[ALL 1ST. 1 1�d.s'�111T.17 A 1 ALI (A1�hf? � � a r � 1,'IS G N i�1.1.1 q Glf�&.1✓f;hC`�d°1A 1,.3 111t.1iA111GGMd416Tr"� 111111&EFNJT:"�11I"71�1A0.'K;ICT SEA',ALLkIAV E 11tlbSTa'A°ti'kUKAIX."m7qONMS'k'.WIwl ., Gta a I A1^Md AUTOMATIC S1J1E'3a15UtiTC SYSTEM dG'":>Pk1G "51NG`wa/Id"[k;kCC3i'},"1 VIA 14 k1k'':kP!Tl"Cw,S1T:T'I tw i,� T1CTf a"�cim1 ii;16„�1C11)sys' N1 LAP-M IS PTaOVId EJ),`C9 TE AL1TC)1;,1 A T IC, SY1aIT'-'A MUST Ilk". CX'1114P$1 CIT1.?D kTJ"11IV1 1'1V+1T"'"LA1kMSYSTEM. 9+1. ACTIVATION OFT111:,.S S";V"B'F,I SHALL r"t1l°N"a'; MA 1'1G'M➢ 1,Y"SHUT(7NT AU.1'l,_1N;1" rF1'k1D Y MAT _._,....�. . ..... S.G.1''k+H UN1:N 1S'CO ALI. 1:QC%YI'14CTw1'JT E1NDFR 1`d 1T;1 1Cr 01) 17, 1TA,1"dTJALA.0 1TVA'I"1(,)Nk'C;;1R 91IEST11'1'IiTaridTG?Id ~,'i,111MST1'.A91 B6:'LOC.A"1HDA1 11i:A51`1,0' RG'e'AWAY 6r'?FGO 9 9'T11-71.1w;1Pa�l'.75"1'k1G3(�b1,.H B d°Y`19E'.1"A°1'1Ta,�l 1'aG:xk(1:5f1, N. FJT(,' 9P14 k^XHAUS"T "YS"1`INSp SHALL PNE P1'CG,1V11 e1"1S V R A'L C°a.12h1N9k11t(f1AL C as aE^1.1t1GC:'; A1'Ed'L1Af 1C ES. DOMESTIC C,0 7XT 4G ARM JANCI,1,y USf.t1 FOR CM A..1,PUR P )S Sl!All, r"�k SdG a 19k 1"F1:a;1V9Od"6:1"4a1T'R"!1 A G'C,uNw1L1k�1CC:1A1,.Ld�;11A.1'J�;"1°91C',roa'�T1 BUILT IN COWLIANCE W11+1 � rti�r � � WIN NF6 A 096 N"V.b F AW"MOMMM MWAW � � ����"�"G°P, "°91'(awyrtG`��rrl C II1 ..�TuapuG�lr1GT 0_. wdd �,t` 1 CI�NkI1I � � k ✓ Nwa Clta1r11 .F n"fi,ltll'M RISER NTsOW V C�r��°N�,���F r IN CAN DESCEN 1 HGHT HM"dGN'r"d 'VOLUME r X.r dJNLY tiR ""��r° ° ... rN a�li E 1JN1i °u DAMF F R r .... .... ......r.._.a a� L 2d"), 12, IT is 019E dwd.S GbN1".nNBI 9 1 Y 1g'�,� dJ t CUB 9Nf nG:d'1 � 21, NUM Of 111L A1 CHI6°CC 1![J'WNER TO � �� BAF N LL"-1 IP, ENSURE rHAF T9NF. F197OD CLEARANCE / s r I�CaB.�h rL CbI Tkf'k,r -- V FROM L.LMfTFT)--C:UNJILJS_FlM C` � ,..� " �.e"�Wy, , tl"rapPd4 F ,�NA.kxd, AND (3PI U µTIBL IL IhtR"ti'N'&":NJJ+411 � � F'ERFURAWD PANEL L17CA[ l UDE FEE QLJBh ;HEW',,' T i d NNW C IM PI 1AN�N C ~dlM G,, � KY�f1 Il ¢"rFN'CA""C DRAIN WITH 11EMOVABI N. CUP 3' MN r "r 4t? Fte"iX r°r' !,t X..m. 78' i,gala I EQUIPMENT ND NS I1 !➢ BLI 1.L. ' BY UzTFIE .� . > OEXHAUST �`CW [PNwy�I�urw _ ._._ .. . .. �..... .... ........ .. _ ..._....... .. AW LOAPI, I v � f Cd ..P_F24 W z YAM v pp p'"ttwll �1 �9� Pt111t11.,, . ,.._.q f�G "�"qi r 11f 1Ula N Io6w8 1 q 9 a V11LT h �a BLOWER F A dfU9&0&z Ga d:F N� f l Y F. FAN 0.1F K;d�%8...., bI ..R I��PM R��41 0 '+AH FL 1, 11N1�" � r a � µ h1F1. _ .,.".� .�, �k3i1a.CARM 900 1.0 1111° 11 0333 1 ...... ",. _._. E.F•-1. _�...� ... .,,,.._,.�_ _ ..�__ ..,...— .,.. . . ..... ���,�,.,,.a„���.wo ...........�.__�._ .�...� .,.,.,...,. Cu117 Ih4l.C�dE.11.,.,.._.�.,._,_._ G�71� R:�bd1t� �,aR''r C1 y:L� 9 � m.. .. ._ 0NI HNEAL-G1 41Aw--1 us To 1 crh A F;FA 3trt7CA 100 _11e 0, 2r) 110 5 I A 40 0L7.,!q +1L1CYC;:1"a .VCwCV -41 a°.";.t7' JL Cp.1,I ie 1. 11 1 1's aW_.P ¢ .r F N4 ¢1WTMN Mt as ) NQ oh;'Clonewc wrl'tch an 1rr lurel.0 km I....�Esa4,rsu.w1 fan Gr^eaa+�o d'1MeFr 4Ulnit~�N1....". 1a I.-Tubber VHoratom Tubb r "VHor-axtom Esralra,4:om For Hl 11tMy 5u.L o � _..,...... (set f" 61 I °Vhjra tkm 1,ot atlaarr 1"rkNn qla rr ya'zu F w,.. _ _ ...,. ..... INd1.1NlE:� 1<�rc7in �'.,aPt� Cr&" 3 1 °18011_ In gahu Kit ... m _ "_""... JOB " ✓ B�1/ C�t 0 ._. !J �' p 1.C'�C.�' �......_.__.. . s �� ..' " �� ,,._.. 9." 1 P A 1 ( �r I r„ i LUirF -,-i f � �� r a f,'�;9 — a Pk � : a 7 � -M I 'J s i a gig E--'LECTR� I CAL NOTES I . C C:)WI i..C T FAN N STARTERS PER R MANUFACTURER'S 2. qC,.] TA L FAN STARTERS IN THE WH'aP',�`CAL./ELE..CµCmc"I 11 IN P.,INI A CCa.`'SIBLE LOCATION WITH CLEARANCE wANCE PER NEC, 1 CL)IN SI.::�T T1 IE VENTISO 'C, ���"1 , LIGHT it x � I�w,.,�.J ( �, C . 4 C ti J I'QN E r MAKE—UP f o I r", FA w,"I �w„ *, ._a 5. 5. C,,.r t,,I l I._1* T. E X I rvA U .. T,0 C I R C IL 7 I 9 �. I Mrcf, THE ..1 E ¢"Gw I:,, �..��,��`'�y E X r-,,%,,�U S T T A I',,I A JD L.!a-r H T SHALL BE L C 1'"w Tr',O L L E.L'� BY THE FAQTOC,"r° Ii,�,PSTALLEE VEC`w1'T H'00D SWITCHES. G THE FAN I STARTERS SHALL BE CONTRT.CL L C.0 THE BY Ta..IL FACTORY TI TA I E'D SVO TC:;I...y, 8. ALL MF ,f,,IG SHALL BE cCI CONDUIT, " 9 PF,—,'0VIC.CE A PHLW...I `,J,4ML PLATE ON EACH POWER RELAY CO IN DICATEE EQUIPMENT SERVED AND THE SOURCE CIRCUIT IDrE..NTIFmmICo"TVi. 10, AL-L C fk;C UII SHALL L BE 2# 12 II'°",' s 2" COI"-ID(JIT THE c...IOML �1lJh,uu CIRCUITS USING G A CC�MII,F 0N.' NEUTRAL AND THE aP' WE." REI....A)' C i fT C AT MAY ESE COMBINED IN A SaMSLE 3 6 q d 3 r pPd,1l.,tti f�lU'" CITY CF EAYT0704 E_N,l �G'D'',K',`( OPE 'ATE C""IT C r .C��6..E�",:Win IWO ' Frame axed MOWx.E� ;«�,! '� � r�"„9 dl d 44,,k�3,,•.." K I <C; E C a1 HOOD�� � rr� _��L ^ L'�I �G,1 .�I , =,..�.........�..�....._....r. n 1111 ' M 0 m q �1 ,4 r, ; L� I a _ ,�'a :;) X�h p 6 � �p J � Xy tl.. iI ri , ` � b . ..., �� � 3 P � IT_ 1/4"= 1 R_0„tiC17Y OF IT Ntid ,SY f Xd 77 H 1 Ei _� 1 E . w fnrs AS r^� �d4�""i�.�Y �. @ Freese andNicholsr ,.:a^. m.............�����......i ,..ww�,—I .....�._?'.. , 7 ...5 Fr.,�.N'��_...�'..�.....�...S rG�`�d r i,.:ira. Y, 1Gnkdw'". i Y'" K r�^✓ :r}.,� ,IY'Fri 1...! .�,..m.� .,,......�.M (Yyi Y Y1 y r K", Il�r dpd 15870 COMMERCIAL KITCHEN HOODS 1.00 GENERAL 1 01 SUMMARY ,A This Secz@on Itld,Udes Tyr:e I commercial kitchen µIood 1 02 QUADTYASSUR.A1`,10E A Becltdcal Couipf,,,)rients, Devvces, and Accessorres, Usted and labeled as deflned �n NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceplr.,L b to having jurisdiction, and marked for intended Use 1 03 COORDINATION A Coordinate equipment layout and other Wor'k, irN-,1Ljd1`r,,q light fixtLres, HVAC equ�pme,ft, and fare-suppressionsys!em corn pmTents, 2.00 PRODUCTS Z01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers' Subject to compJance with requiire�ments, provide j.-)rodLJcts by one of the fol- (Cwing: I Corr merciaW Kitchr,..,n Hoods, a, Capt�ve-Aire Systorns 2 02 HOCD WjERIALS A. Stainless-Steet Sheet AS7,1 A 6,66, Type 30A 'I M nxriurn 18 GA stainless steel 2 03 TYPE i EXHAUST HOOD FABRICWFION A, VVeid alV joints exposed try gl-eoSf-,; with confinuous weWs and rnake grease removal devuces and makeup air diffusers ea0y accessible for ceanlrq I Hocd shah [ be listed and G@braied, according to U 7 10, by .,i t®r,,sting agency acceplab e authorities ,having lUrisdictiorr. 2 Exhaust-DUCt CcAars, Min4nuni '18 GA stain ess steel cordriucusby,weided to to cf hood. B b--,ccd ConfigUratk,)n: Exhaust and makeup aT t front of hood canopy. C l iood Style, Wafl-rn()Unt(Gf =10py D, Grease Removal Devk,,es: RernovaUe, stairfless-steol, filtc,"Ir/baffle grease filters wjt�n sta'€nless ste,0 filter frarne and rernovable cofiecticn cup and tmUgh, Exposed surfaces sha�� be pitched to drain to colkecflon cup, Fi[ters/baffles shall (.,ornply with UL 1046, 'Grease Fil- ters for Exhaust Ducts Con,imer6at Kitchen Hoods 15870- 1 BTN03247 1/2712006 E Light Fixtures, W-disted, iricarnrloscent,fxtLres and lamps Mh Tenses sealed �apertrghl, Wic"ing shall be uns ally d in sfainless-steea conduit on hood exterior Nurnber and locatk)n c)l: fixtures shall provide a iTkirr",.ni'i of 70 fc (7,5513 N)on cooking surface below hood. I, Switches shall be mounted on 1ron',pane of hood cancpy 2, lncaicescent L ghtirng C,,=p ywith A 1571 F ",Net-Clhernical Fire-, uppra;s, on Syster,'r Preengim'.,ered d stribulio n piping designed for aUtcmatic deeteckn and Pehease or manual reieas, ref fir uppressk)n agent Sy hard operaf- tcr Fire-suppression sys em shaR be it<<ta and [at'ae ed by a deslinq at,,ency accepl'.ab e :c fi a,uthoribes havingjiuri;d�cfion I Steel Ppe, r,4PS 2 (DIN 50 and Smafler, A.STNI A 531A 53M, Type S, Grade A, Schecl- ule 40, plain ends 2 Malleable-iron ThrewicxJ Fittings' ASME B16 3, Classes '150 and 300 3 Pipe Covers- C 1"irorne-plated alUrll irUrn tUOIng 4 Piping, fusrble Links and release rnechartism, tark coMaining the suppression ,agerll, and controls shall be factory unst'a[led, CorJ71fr)IS shall in sta4ilr-ss stee-J control' cabinet mounted, an hcad or wall Furnish manual pu�R station for wall rnounting adjacent to hc d Exposed pprg shafl be covered vMh starnless-Meei slt,,eves Exposed fittings shal€ be, chrome plated, gent� N�onccrTos�ve, Icw-pli litjuid 5, Liquid Extinguishmg L',, 1� 6 Furnish an elei,',lrk>nperated, gas shLrtCfffvaive oJlh deady rnafked open and clasrud iridi- caMr for flield 7 Fire-s Lip press on syslern controls shall be integrated Mh is enrols for fans, ligl-qs, and fuel supply and iocated in zingle cabinet,foF R.aGh group of hoods jrnnifedjate y adjacent 8 Wiring shall have colii)r,ccded, numbered',erminal blocks and grmmding bar Spare ter- mina�s for fire aaai'rn, optional wiring to start fan vvid-i fire a(arm, rid pilot,light to indicale fan operMion,and cantrol switches snn0 all:, be factory wirf,,d in control cab net with re,qys, or starters. G l ,ad Controls° Sind e, hood-rnaunbng contrcJ cabinet shall be fnb­�cated of stainless skeel 4 1 cxhausr Fam On-off sv,,iches, shaH star,and stop the exriaust fruaricck exnausl fan with 7,-iakeup alrsupply ran to cjperate cirm.JIaneously 1merlcc Yap^�,fan with fire- suppression systern to qp'fe,,a e fams,during elease and to refn�,'.f,n in ope'ration unlH rnanual Cy stopped 3,010 EXECUMN 3 01 EXAMIrIATION , reset, friar comlince wfth r equ�rernents A Examine substrates and conditionswith I-is�a�kar p pa L for installation toCeranc,�,as and other conditicns affecting insta[lahon, B Examine -oughing-�En for pipkiq sySNafnS'Z Veffy artLla lr",Uaflons of piping connecUons bc,fU:'re equiprnent instaluation C. PFcceed viith instaliatUon cnly af er unsatisfaclory ccm,'Jn',cns have been carre,.-Ied pqp 3,02 INSTALLATlON A lnslall hoods level and plun"d') R. pilau hoods and assomaled services with clearances and acce.ss for maintaining, clearling, and servicmg her cds, grease r(_,rnoval devices, and fire-suppression systems according to manufac-urer's written im'.,tructiLmis and recuiremenfs of author�ties havfinq jur sdicflon Coniniercial K tchen Hoods 15870 - 2 131"N 1)3,2 4 7 1/27/2006 C Securely anchor and attach items and accessories to wiills, floors, oar bases with staiNess- stnel fasteners, unless r,Aherwjse indicated. D lnstall hoods to operate free frCIM vibration E 4istall Camps, %vith M[ZqXklltn'Tt recornmended viattage, in eqLJPrM1t,,%rith Imegral lighfing 3 t)'3', CON9NECTNCNS A. Duct Connectimw Comp6y vMh appkcatNe reqjlirennents ln Divisjon 15 Section "Duct.Ac(:,es- sories"for flexible connectors on rnakeUp air SL'pply duct WrL'.;[d exhaust-duct connections. B Ground equiprnent. C Tighten electrical connectors and terr'nInals according to mani-Jacturer's published torque- Ughtenir,g ValUes It rnanufacturer's torque vakies are not h'6cated, use those specified Nr UL 486A and UL 48613. 3 04 HELD QUALIT� CONTROL A. Testing- See Divislcn 15 Section, "'FesUng, Adjusting and B. Manufacturer's Feld Se,,r'vke- Engage a factcry'­'authorizc,,d service representative to snspect f leqd-assembled corriponc,,rAs and equlpment ins¢al[a6on, in�,;kAng p#ng and electrical rx)n- nections Report results in wrifing. 1, 1'est each equipment item k'w proper operakri,. Repai� or replace eqUjprnent that is de- fective, including orias that operate belcvv required capacity or that operate with exces- sive ?"Icise,or vibration, 4. Test and adP,-ist controls,'and safeties Relplau',.'-,e dzvnage J amd malfunctioning controls and equipmeint. 3 Tes�motors t,,,nd rot afing equ'ipment for proper roltation and lubricate =­w;n!g parts nc- coFdlr,g to rnar,)Ufacturer's oiMten instru��t�oOrls t , e cfiC lT)Ove rnalfuncfioning units, repNace w� h ,ew�,Imits, and rtest as Speed above. 3,05 CLEANING A Remove protective coverings and clean and sanitize hoods and associated services, both in, s6 and out, wocording to manufacturer's,wrltten jnstrL.KAions, B, R,',_eMove paint sp9atteri and other spots, dirt, @,r,,rJ debrha Repair darnaged fin'€shl to rnatch orir-ahna'C finish EN'D OF SECTION ConnnnercW Kitchen Hoods 15870 -3 BTN03247 1127'12006 t. EXISTING CONCRETE ,17 L I T 1 "'� PRECASI � r`F C0t,,d BETE HOLLOW CORE PLANKS EL VARIES II I k nnwwrnxnwww %�yy � N M RE. ROOF I r �2 �...._. 1'tl I L.'1 i'.' -" W�, i, PLAN 1f��^�2. N � � ANCHOR J0 A 13 2 5 / a EXIST 1 L�"" A �� �.W IRLT � ROCKS � 1 �� . OL0 GROUTED r. ��� C L.D WALL �°� EMBEDMENT IF LOCATED 1 EIPI`~1E BAR'---) dN HOLLOW CORE. USE NOT SHOWN)—", L3. l� � ��� ��� 'HIDTI' HIT F-Y 150 _..... LOCATED IILLIE1 I 1 "@61 f 0"c/c CONCRETE, INS7 LL w ANCHORS I -a" NT L4xx% PRO" 0E ACCORDANCE " ,�" CRR°E 1 �w ° ER�TI Wn 4 ELC VN TRUC I"a. NS. L T FOR AI14CHOR ROCKS, CUT OR DAM ACE PRESTRESSING STRANDS -%°" THREADED NCH REIN 6R1 INf HOLLOWRODS @ ORE PLANKS. �E � I MENT �� w, -� W/H1LTI SIT �NSTALLED IN ACCORRDANCE OF 7-it W/MFIR'S INSTRUCTIONS, NS. DETAIL l TESL. 0,1SO n� 1 . FREE RE REQUIRED ON EAST AND WEST � LLE 10 M � �. ��1�. ��� AWri ���Lm.5 , 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE PRES RE` SIB �STR DS 0� OR REINF R iNG GN HOLLI,IN CORE PLANKS RRIICLR T(� "` DRILLINGHOLE FORANCHORS. �� ... p WAILL BRACE DETAIL CHANGE ORDER#6 CITY OF BA,rTOWN EMERGENCY OPERAT] CENTER � �p 1y S�.� ,� Freese udaad 8' a P'N 1^ S'� U U E�w �etq VIR P w a �: ; � C� hf, VO wt,n" WALL BRACE „DETAIL � P,x. ,awry rye H+All liF M.� "C"T'9nrr +iwrt7 #.171 wrs�i- rynrci Vlk� �a'yuI'+aaw,oxx Md l.. Ru 4';.:1E`.u,'G i,�;p a F I I i FILL TAP O HOLE OF TON CAP. TOP OF #4 DOWELAND ADHES�VE � EM T CAS STONE SAPS A} �a EXIST 1 `_'„ SOLID GROUTED qw CIMU L.L w DR�LL AND ANCHOR #4 G TO � .. GIRO IED CELLS W H�LT8 HIT HY 1 ADHESIVE. h"I T LL IN ACCORDANCE W/MF 'S WAN T UCTI N S.. CENTER DOWELS IN WALL. V . VER T KCAL IREMORCING BARSNOT SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL. 1 1PARAPET DETAIL - 1 00, . ' " 4WtlM ............ 00 04 MM B RAY RERT N � mw�pmwm.wwaww�.amwrwa....w wwp V .a. gµVF4 !ON CHANGE ORDER#6 CITY OF hB'WfTOW ETC m73:7G-w A;1 C Ird,MISV 'G �N r ; (' �m �°- rw 'S5 1 a 7i Fvvase and Nichols zc P1�t4t ' PARAPET ' AP - D x ,T .. rY rci xP r�-z«y, ..avrvi� nr,v 'a iG✓� ��(�u� uw«wr i,uvw a'k 4�ni "dm di�w, ..,,N.;�"aAiANL i✓f..Rrx:J.u:w e„ RE CEiVE D FED 0 1 70 Iron SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL Fmw4a or 6c - 6 PROJSC0 Ernergenc,4 Ciia FROJE T W.WBER aCON~JT ACTCRR Fr. a r"aRCMTECT°TEN °nWEET Fm e aQ Wnds &r°rite. REFERENCE DATA: ",l.cr, lal Ncy i 1 r t4f.,'�� De cnl ocr RIPASED Sl"-,C. FL C�,,Ti 01 l .,EC IOr l° E, , & 1 (f ie r Shut Nc.. Sicror, /'...rm f�! l r �i P a r t ,f.f„7., ..a . -, been _ 44 ¢"�t�TF�� T'C)f �a �I~ TVF'�1 ��IC�fi� l(r� w��� c r r�G�rT r tsar. t,4r,rr�+mil�r , �M F�rm +��r wed�t�r/dPrw, ,rE:rrr��u-���c,:�r,��rrr,f�w'it"a r+r.. .;..,rrar.��rra�,+w .,o �rr� 0 �r ti..�rrrrr.s .v ,'r,r��fr�a c�.� .. t� We � e,u n a E TIFIC:'D BY �... ..... . . . _.._ _a� �:: r; NR [C ,ntr actoes Wr-iWnon Request � � ]r pc no „d �i p [----�Ecuipment qrY mllaati r Rapon ,.,.]N`Iria AN.)prcvecl��_ t xra a �.l.t adrtt r r r, C e ar �:. .ucr ,;r t4dC J�la,Gausa'miran s,y ccxnteac:Ccar � � � FWo-lrsdl As Pecei,rnWc , � mm�Pd Y Payment Request +sl CPIange order lsz,-,e r�Lr ...._.�...._....�.�#r� 1 �r'( � ��,.�rr'Irrr 4����r W 9 ..m4lr.m V!r JT"ICJ I �......,.pp ended II.�,eC Approval 4F' CCb I` i IfiC7Y,l ram+"c 1" ✓�av sample Add'[liar rrFt!,�r L e°li,ii �d r so Shop DrawT�g Qee Mew c art, ia.. FOR ARCHITECTIENGMEER'S USE ONI.-Y I TS RECEMEM ,_KM BY: �w y DATE RETURNED: 1=2006 SV I i DISTVESLS T 1N,JN _ ... REVIEW I aN�� SENT TO RETEWER DATESENT DATE R r'D 5 ,a Ycy Ram,. R sM r,a;, t Levy S&ue6•rara Mhaal f r rro") l Sa m Joe ra SUBMITTAL REVIEW COMMENTS OWNEG t !tV gat Baytcv.rrn Trli w, f A Rt HFTECTIENGC"EER., Freese and Mcn,'-'(s Inc, � GES4:",MGP n BM I i�;�I SED ��i'E"I'FmVC�i iu�CG ac"G"� ^� f y �. y� GAG C=',7-�G6 N4V .,r w'GCVr7 158 z',Sd 5a20,l �e I »,..r...w,..,w.r..._..-.n._....�..:�....r.�.«m...�,m�rm.�,....�.�,..�,.�.s,,,,,,,,,,,,,�...n.r. ............�........ ten......... �... .......,.�,..�...............�.......— ( COMMENTS - i �m_ _hrw,,r .,r�.r-r�i�r�s REA SE �. . ... rr�G�,�,i ¢�t.�..MSECTION t� K t�NN� ,� 1G� 1lf> trAf�AGdGlr�"�'...m... I� l i d B I I l k I I nod o %rlon Lij Janu ry ?0Grw -34 Tr"'I 15815 METAL DUCTS 1.00 GENERAL 1 01 'SLROIOP�RY k his Sea ticm includes t c',lanCILdE.'r and round Metal duc:*s and olenums i"or heating, an n flOFI RCS S VS r, S Pr.SSLCre morn mh-Rs 2- to, plLs 10-1nch I,vg '"rmm'�s Di-O to plus 2490 Pa) 1 02 DEFiNITIONS A.- Ther-nal Cic'mductiviry and (Ll�pparen, Therma� ConducCivity(k-lValue), As de,'Ineo' in AST.AI C o68 jr) .rai a.a to n, these V8]Ljes are, fh,'a result of the formula Ptu x lndh x so ft, x, do g F or W/rn x K at they temperanture differences GCxlcffiied, Values are expressed as Bft c-�r yp VV' ELY'an-iple: Apparent Them-,aj Condu.uiftMty (x-Vaiue); 0 26 or 0.037 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDUNG A. efiver se-alant and flr(ISIQPPM"'-' ME]teha'ls to sitp w, Original anopened containers or burid es wCth labels i'lldic,ai nrg, rnanw'acturer, prcYduct nar-m:P and designaficn-, ooior, expirafion pt--Inod ,Or USe, J'110t Hie, CUFTg rime, arc' rnixing anctni(,,Uons for muffic,,:,.rnponen1' rnaltz-rials. e opp s aB Sto d handle seaiant and firesl ing materialccor&i to manufacturer's written r-,-,,c,- ommendations- C. De4ver and storze, su,',,inkess----tee s'neets wit.,i rnl4-appJed adhaswe pm,-i.ecnve paper main- tamed through fabFicaflon amc~ installation 2,00 PRODUCTS 201 SHEET ME'Tt�- h4ATERIAL S A Gaivarilzed, She. Sv-,,el Lock-forming quality; ASTM A 653/A(E.3'53M, G90 (Z275) ccating d �gmefion- mjll-phcsphaE2ed finish for off ducts ept ,*Ltd tc view. 5, Car:-',on-Stee Shee-,s; ASTI'O A 366/A 366%1, .clot-r,-,Iied sheeis: cc" ial �y�,jh Ity qjlg:, rmatte finlsh for d1uci' Qog!Q LP'L�L�'jf.EA 96, ",/e rifilafion (,qritraland Fre Protection cf Ccmmercj�,ri[ Cockha Operaticris." 3 'Diw�t Svstem," For ram hood dt:'cI'sz, C ReP nforcement Shapes and Raies' C,'aalvamzed steel reinforcement 'Fe Rods: Gafvam'zed steel, (6-MM" Mirumurn djarnel,,er for 35-inch (900-mrn', ength o "u KC rnrr�r �ess; (10.rnm) m:mMLIM, d��mneter"cr k,�rigth,5 longer than 36 inch (1'3 Z1.02 SEALANT MATERI.IALS A. jor to ft Sesm Sealan?,.;, C-7'enerak F'he r tern :�� �s not W-nited tc,maler'ais of adhesive .,F a CY 72,St�C natUre bUf.in-'ILK.Jes amr.J cornbinafic)ns of opt rrV-vie-ave Eric str-l.ps and ma!s- bcsz Metall Ducts 15,815-1 BTNO3247 I Joif-.c and Searn Tape: 2 inches ("'K) mrn) mcle-I glass-ficer fabric, refiPf=_ed, 2 Tape SeaflrG System, '01ovenTiber tPoe rmPregnated' .mth a gypsurr7 rninerA CoMPOUnd and a Modifaed acryfic/silicone activatDr 'M reart exO�'Ierrnicaih„ vith tape tc) f(airm 2, hard, r,Jurabie, anicht seal 3 Joint and Se,Dm Sealanv One--part, ncn,,-sag, poiymerized, oufyi seAanl, f0frnLdated wifli a mlrnin'iur') of 75 pt,'.arcent sohds 4 Ranged Jcim Mastl= Ore_pzirf. abrd-7,x rg, sliiccrie, ei:stcrnedc;jcintk S"",a arts, oom- Oying ,Mth Ad 1.4 C 92,,), T�,pe S, Grade NS, Class 215, rJse C. 2 03 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A, Bui6nc Attachments: Concrete, inser s, p­m,,v&,­anLvated fasteners, or s- ate lor budd ng -Tiatei;als .eners Fppropn I Use oowder-actuated concret- fZlsteres or standard-weilght nggregall.e concrates or s?a bs rr,ore than 4 inches b00 mm) track 2. Do not use powder-actuated cc"ricrate fasteiners; for�Bphtweight-aggrelgate concretes or for slabs less than 4 inches (100 mm) thick B Hanger Materia[s" Galvanizet, sheet stee or rcund, threaded stew;:' I Hance-.,,rs Ins-tafled in CoFrosive!Atmospheres, Eiect.roga[vanized, afl-thread rod, or gaAva- nized rods with threatJs painted after insk'aflation. 2 Straps and F~,cd Sizes, Comply with SMAC114A's "HVAC' Duct Construction Standards— Meta' and Flexible"fcFf sh'ee-. stei.'fl wcdth and thickness and for ste,6 rod d anneters. Duct Attachments, Sheet metal screws, Wnd rivr.,,ts, or seJ(--tau,.')ping metal screws; compatible with, ducf matenFds D Trapeze and Riser Suppons: Staea shapes crjmplying Mth ASTM A 36JA 36NI 1, Supports fray Galvanjzed-Steel Ducts: GaYvanzed steel shapes. and plate's. 2,0J RECI"ANGUL4P, DUM' IPAB6R CAT�ON A. General: Fabricate ducts, elbows, transificns, offsers, branch connections, and rather'con- struction vvitfi galvani7ed, sheet m,",cordang to SMACN,Ns "HVAC Duct COVIStJ'Xbon Standard's--Pvleta� arid' Flexibie ' Comply'vvim ­oquire,',,rrenfs For meta t,hlkckress, reinfcrcing types and 'anterva�ls, tie-rod applk-,ati(ns, and J,,)nl types and jnre,rvaSs, Lengths: Fabricate rc,,rtangular dUrts in ierq,,Ims aIppr,.)priate to reinforcernem and rngidity Cr aSS r`L�CLjired for oressf..jre oiassiflcatir'rl 2, %Iaterials- Free fFom visua fi rope"demions suc ', as pftiGng, seam marks, rofler mai-ks, Mains, and disco]ora flons. B Urilcss cthervwse indjc@iu,,,d, ,,',onsLnx,,t ducts to the fol1ovu-ic- 1 St.ipp�y Ducts-, 3-inch wg (750 Pn) 2, `''rAijrn Duc"' 2-inch Ng (500 PL-i), rlegative pr,,,ssure, 2 c.saDu,,.,,.s- 2-rich wg, (500 Pa), negaieve p:ressure' C, Cross, Breaking of Cross i3ending: Crioss :nreak '­ _Tr_,ss heac duct sides 19 (480 rnrn) and larger and 0,0359 wnch (0 9 mITI) thick or less, with rnore than '10 sq ft., (&93 sq, nn) of unt',)riced Darrel area, uniess ducts are lined, Meta@ Ducts 15815-2 BTN03247 11912006 205 ROUND DUCT FABRICATION A. Round Duc�s: Fabricate, supply ducts of gaivamzec,i' steep according io SNIACNA's "HVAC Duct C,,LDnstrucljr;n Standcards-,Me�tal .Ind Filevbk-1, 2 06, ROUND 3UPPLY'M,,Z EXHAUST `iTTRJG FABR CAWN A 90-Degrt.e,Tees and Late-ais and Conica Tees, 1-ab16race, to comcol,will) SNJACNA's "H'V'ALC Duos Construc tic n, Stancards-Metal and with rnetap the cknesses .peccffied for iongi- tUdinal se am straight duct 3 D'iverging-Row F ttings- Fabricate Mth a redUc-ed entrance tc branch taps v,�ith no excess rrialeria[prciecfing torn be onto branch tap enzrancr,r, II C ivvs' Fabricate in dje-forrned, gored, ppeated, or rnitered construc�tlbn Fabdcalte bend rp- J¢US of die-formed, gored, and pieak,,ad elbcws one and cree,-haV times e4bow diarneter Unilass cibow construcflon type is indicated, ;abr'Lca[e i,E�ibows as foflovvs° 1 Mitered-Elbow Radius and Number of Pie�c6,��s WOcled, ccrsLTuction cornpiying vvith SMACNA's `HVAC Duct C.+-.rnstruct"ori Sta,,lc.lards-Metai and FiexUe," unless othef-xise, 0diraled 2. Flmind flsMeFed Elbows MqHeci ccnstructf;on vvitfh the f61owing rrletaV thickness foF pres- sure csasses- frorn minus 2- t�o plus 2-i7v-, v,,g ,minus 50C 10 plus 500 Pa(,: a, Ducts 3 to 26 Inc es t75 to 6^60 rim) jr, Diarneter: 0 028 inch (0 7 rnrn). b Ducts 27 to 36 Inches (685 to 91.5 Warn) in D,,,-m ieter, 0 034 inch (0 85 rnrn) c. Ducts 37 to 50 kiches (940 to '1270 mm) In F.)Orneter, 0 040 inch (1.0 11m) d Ducts 52 io,60 Inches (1320 to '1525 rnrn) in Dlarnelter- 0.052 inch (1 3 mrn) e, Ducts 62 to 84 knc;hes (1575 m 2130 mrr) in Diarneter� 0,OE4 inch (l.6 mrn). r R.-nind Wered Elbows: IN-kied con S' LJCi rl 'A'ith tare fo,rlowing meta[ thk-;kmass for pres-- sure classes frorn 2- to 10-1nclh wg (500-c 2490 Pa",,' Ducts 3 is 14 Inches (75 to 355 mm� to Dianieter- 0 028 inch (0,7 f71T) b, Ducrs '15 to 26 lind,aes (380 to 660 rrnm) in Diamr.,Ger-. 0.034 inch (0,85 n1m). c� Ducts, 27 to 50 Inches, (685 tow 127D ruin) fi,i Diameter, 0,040 inch, (1,0 rim) d, Dw-,ts -52 tc GO Inches (1320 to 1525 mn-) in Cijameter;; 0 052 inch (1 3 mrn) DUCtS 62 to E34 Inche-, 575 to 2130 mrn �n Dj3Meter� 0 06il inch(1.6 mrn) '9'0-Degree,Twc-Piece, Bbovss: U-S-e zmy for supp y systems, c)r exhaust Sys- ierns for materGakhandhng dasses A and B, and onIywhere space, restrictions r1c nof permit ush-ig 1 5 benc Fad us 4,,,flbows- Fabr'�rcnte with singIe-thickness turning vanes 7z 5. k1 Dund i-lbows, 9 Inches (200 n'vii) and Snmller: Fabricate die-fcm-ied eibows, for 4,--)- ar�d 90-df c me eibrows and ;..�ieated el fn-r 301, 45, 60, and 90 degrees orfly. Fabricate .3 1 nonstandard bend-angle configUf'atjOn Or lonstandard darneter-1-llbows with gored con- sltmct�on 6 ROUnd Elbows, 9 thrcugh '14 rnc�hes (225 L,�IrCL)gh 3S-,5 rnri7): IFFbF,,cate goned or pieated eP)m,Avs for 30, 641, zind t,),O degr um�tass space nes-tFiccrons require, a rrJtered F,.,ihrk:ate nonstandard bend-angle cor gural,cn or norastandardl diameter elbows vJt'n gored ,:,.(-rstruction., 7 Rowid Ebows, Larger Than 14 Inches(3,55 rnm ', Fabricate gored Mbows, unless space reslric,tians require a 8 Dir—Forrned —Dbows for 1x7-es [hrouah 8 linc'nes 111200 n'im) and AN PeSSLJ'Na 0 C,40 ircl-1 10 mrn) thick v.,fth tonvo- pie ce%veided oor str,,dcficn 9 T-Rwin" Gcred-Elbow met al hkckness Sazrn-,,: t tilt r,,,s aoove Metal Ducts 15815-3 BTN103247 V1912006 "O P�ezte,, Ellbcws for Sizes ;,"ircugn "I 1nch(,es 1,355 mm'; ---nr.J Pressurer tr,,rough 10-1r"cm (2,490 Pa): 0.022 inch (0.55 mrn) 1010 EXECUTION 3,01 DUCT lN,-,7ALLAF10NL GENEFF"AL A, Duct jnsi;-�azirm requirements w�e spe�;ifled in other Division 15, Sections Drawings Indir I _a 71,� genera,i a7ram,-j�rnent c34 duc:s, fPt-,mgs, andl accessories, B C,3nstruci and instafl each systern for the, specfic duct preSSUre ci,assificifion indicai&"� C, Ins-al' round dL.,cs Ert I,.encths n6 less 'hzin 12 fe,�l )-11.7 rri), interrupted, by flew In t D Instad duc.ts with fewes, possz bie Joint,. E, inskafl fa-hricated iAttnas for c,-onges ira mr-ections, changes in size and shape, H.,,,nd cOnnec- tior's tl F. lnsiaV cou 1p,,H figs tight to dUm surface w� th a rnfnrMLJM of pro ecticns into ducL G Install dur:ts, tale oi:,"tervvise indicatt,,,d, vert,�c,,fliy and hcri--onlflatly, parakel and per'p rtctcj, arm to bn.iiiding 5nes avoid diagom.A runs. l.i lnstmm.EG Luc c ore to cov r�head const-,Lztron, zoiluirins, and other structur; and Farr.mma- meat(-,�l'ICJCSLH-e 6ements of bwiding. L InstaA d=S Wittl w -Cearancte c�i I indh(25 m.m), pLs afluwa7ue ifor insuiabon thickness. J C.onceal dUCtS froi-,! vRew in finished spaces Dc, riot encase Hcrizcnta runs in sofld un.iess sp&,-TkL,,,aHy'Uidicated K Coonfinake lajvout viRh suspendlged ceifing, f]re- and smc)ke-contral darnpars, fl4'ifing �ayouts, w ad sire rd r flnisheOl' L Electric-al E:auiornent Spaces, Route ductwcrk to avoid passing through transfcirmer vaL.AUs and ei.�juiorrljent spec-e5 and eMl;6DSUres, NA, Non-Fire-Rated Paftitkm Penetn',ations: Where ducts Pass throulgh interior joaftitjons and e e- r1or vdaHs, and are ex ..;'.red to ADx, ccnceaksacr; corstructk.)n operifng and, aJ'uc7 or duct,Vnsulatiqcr: with sheet rnr Ial f4,,anges of saune metal thickness as duct. Dveriap open4-ig .an four sides by at Ieast 'I-la's rnches (38 mire) N FiTe-Pa(ed Par-Ution INI-fere dLict'S pass through inter jor partitions nand exv,Ficr walls, Ynstall aPPf-OPI'2teiY FatC,-d 'tlre daml;-)er,sleeve, and firestopping sealant. Fire anc, s,roke darnp,,-,a are spec iied in DVs cm 1.51 Se,,,Alon Duc* A: es cries,„„ t. 3.02 PANGE H,7JOE) �XHAUS-T r IU c"S3 SPECIAL I.._t,1STALLATON RE.QLAREMENITS, A, C�-wilh tw FPS 96, c y 30L� stainless steel mth firish '-o rna�ch kit-t`IEM iierft tnd ranr,7c°, 3 Vvedd a r flanQP searss arid ionis Metal DUCtS 15815-4 STNO33247 111 9(200e fnstall dpc�ts zo allow for the m-iafll ex"ansion th7a ch,',?000 lt,,j F (1'10 dec,, 'C'Liem er-a.ture _L lay sta I I ducts witnou-diDs cr trans, "Tiat,Cr av c0flem res�gues u,-,iess trggs have conflnuc.,us or autornatj,,,.� Fesidue remcve,�, C, fnslmN zr.,ccess oc)erJr1ns ea"h, c�,anae direct nr and a, mervals defined bv NFPI 96� lo.., ........... cate i)n sides of duct a rnif*nuai cf1,-1Y'2�n,.-,he,,; ('8 mim f7cm bnttom� zind fltk�i± grease- dight. covers of same rnaier,�,,aI as ducL E. Do riot e sem netrote fire.-rated asblies excect as nermitk,,d bv aooficable buihdinci codes, 11- 303_ AND JnINT 'SEALING �k Generak Sea duct searns and binCs accoFding ic fl­�e dUCt pressure ;fass indicated and as descrGbed in SMA"NA's "H'Vr1\C Duct Consts-,,.jcficn Stam.Jarrs--Metai and Flexible B, Pressure Classification Less Than 2-Inch wg (500 Pa): Frangverse joints C Seaf externally insu]ated dw_-ts beft-we insulatacn �3, 04 HANGNG,Al'O SUPPORTING A. Install rod riound and recta,-IgLflar metal duct vvir'h st..ppoft systems i�md"ic,,ated In SMACNA's "HVAC Duct Construction Standards—Metal and R Abk',' B. Support honzcnial ducts within 24, Inches (SGO mrn) (:if ezidi ebcw and within 48 Inches (1200 mmll of each, branch intersection C SUPPr L Nt VCI-iCa� dL;,z:s at a r-F-�axirnuprn iriter;a� of 16 fee, (5 rn� and ii each floor D lnstzifl upper attachments strucIbures with an allcwabie bad not ex,,..,eedinci Grle-fCUrt.h of failure (lomcf4est) bad E. Install concretf,,, Inserts befcire placing concretc, F inz-,"afl ljfuvvder-acLuated conc,ete fnstcnea s of is placed a,-�d compietely -_,ured, (),5 CONNE07101,4S Ar Connect equIpmenz,,vitl',i flex6f,, connectors, orcording tc) Divisbri 15 Sectiof i "Duc"Accesso- ries." E Fo,-br.,"mc'n, cude-1 and iniel cc)nrieP,.,jmns. c",,ply �,vlth SldACNA's S-,,Pr:d_irds--;,.1etai and F;exibIe.' S 06 FIELD f,-_XJALjT",' CONTPOL A. Perk-irm the followina field t,­,,sts,amndinsoecticrs acnor�_Jiria I(-,, SMACNA's "I NAC Air Duct L�ak�arje, "rest Mamjal' arid i-enarp-test recorts., 1. Dl�sass�,,,,,rnb�e. reassemmle, and seal Seomems ,,'J, ✓SvStem.s M�_nC10rDFMT­iorJate leakaca, ;L�­_s�- nc and for cnomcliance vflh lestrecuirement's, Metal Ducts B'T'NO3247 V1912006 i "° Cz durt r_r s „ t static, ,w lr s,__. or almmY"beinr to 5d'ed If are�not indlt itei"j 'es'esr endr-e ,ysterrn at maYI^iAurn s d � ie r1 desk'm oressure.: !_-to not or""w, surf maxm'i,1.rn aneramml or.,ssur Glove seven days' advance r„dr rce fir,,r iesurroa mm.". " �C rat r r_ ":)�iFr'"?Re'd to �m @1 s m,,a� iC1cIud fm7V.tm wu w'' airduct:cJn net 'A'fa s tcr, Ual�, 14°rE,91fe s C1fdC1ens,,`I d,,j , oonfiections to E derf 6"wc 4:mye n and�,,,ci"d R"i:ei _.` G�"Y#�4 r nignl r o-ms and ser,eF ,�rl?��Ygrc o n XC+mm i�¢ r�(��t"d'� � It P"lu"�Irlt�fliRt"P4 llrft:� 1..,�. _ �. ' _... _ 'vlaxirnurm AV!€:w,ibie G M k m e: com2iy yyii , C r_f111 tid 1 . for Leakage C. s 3 r°f V 1iCi;:� ts Gg , nch vLLl "00 P @k ibgg � "ncsiflti✓''arr 'rd�'r�<atiV= Q-eS 1 �S YU �.e-g-�nt3�11�67 Ord! �I m., l're d2ss trpd t" 0'in h vaa_. 500 tea 25001 9L t w �.belIT rd:rxIT"a,"� �" ....e Sm.i...8.f_...�.s.� a a"?Is ? ..�i.J�_YAr it �. than..f..<.�z,.C,Nn. lrl a tsW:_ r _ADJUSTING , S A� Refpr to Division 15 Section Testing, Adjusting,and Ral arru'ang` for..detailed prkoc.;educr.-,: i 9 k After cmnpletfng s,ystern in G flatr'on, ir-Kkdfr g OW!etk frtfings, and deg k,,es rnspect the '^S`acu drv1 duct' before, flr,,r@7 uc ce.7tancr' to remove ve rtk.:st and d,;nrls ` I END OF SECTION@ �I h A Io 6' C' 6 i i P a v i G i 9 I Y 15990 TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING 1.00 GENERAL t.01 SUMMARY A, This Section indUdes testing, adjusting, and balancing HVAZ sys-Lems to produce design objectives, including the folicyiing- 1- Balancing air-5ow within distdbufion systerns, including submains, branches, and terminals, to indicated quantities according to specified talerances- 2, Adjusting total HVAC systems to provide indicated quantities I Measuring electrical performance of HVAC equiprnent- 4 Setting quanfliative performance of HVAC eqUiprrient, 5 Verifying that autornatc ccntroJ devices are functioning properly 6 Reporting results of the activities and procedures specified in this Section, 1,02 DE"FINITIONS A- AdEust- To regulate fluid fic",rate and air patterns at the terminal eqUiPment, such as to reduce fan speed or adjust a damper B- Ba°ance, Toproportion flows within the distribution systern, Including submains, branches, and tarrninals, woording M design quantities, 0 Draft: A current of air, when referring to localized effect caused by one or more factors of high air velocity, low arnbien',temperature, or direction of airilow, wi-,ereby more. heat is withdrawn frorn a person's skin than is nor-nally dissipated. D Procedure- An approach to and execution of a sequence of work operaflons to yieid repeatable results, E Report Forms- Test data shests for recording test data in icgical order F. Systern Effect: A phenomenon that car, cr-aate undesired or unpredicted conditions that cause reduced capacities in all or part of a systern. G System Effect. Fac'cFs: Allo%,vances used to calculate a reducton of the performance ratings of a fan when installed under conditions different from those presented when the fan W2S performance tested. H Terminal: A point where Linea controlled medium, SUCtl aq Hued or energy, enters or leaves:Ire distribution systern- 1, Test: A procedure io deter-mine quanffiative Performance of a system or equipment. i Testing,Adjusting, and Balancing Agent, The enti y responsible for performing and reporting `he testing, adjusting, and ba6ancing pFocedures. K 4ABC, Associated Air Baiance Council. L AMC-A: Air Movement and Control Associabor). M, NEBB: National Env iron rnenta- q Balancing Bureau Testing, Adjusting', Andl Balancing BTNO3247 1,1 W200 6 N SrvlACN�1'1- Shrer Meta! and �-'kl;r Conditionrg Ccnt-.",.'rtcrs" rlatnonal Assccilatmn 0") SUENIFTALS A Certified T sfing, AdjUstinF, and Bat ancnng SUbrn�t 2 ccp es or ,epor-�s pre-pared, as specified in this Sectir.�m, or Poproved forms ceqifled by the Les�Jng, adjustinrz, and baianclrc Ace nt- -04 A� Agent QLlakflCaJCflS- Engage a testing, adjusflng, and baiancrg agent cer-fified by AAEHC or NEB2, B. Testing, Adilushrg, and Began c�nq. Ccrifere"ice, Meet with the Divner's and the Architect's representaltIVIeS on approvai of the tesfing,ZdjUsting, and balanctrig strategies and procedures plan to devetop :- mutual understanding oi Ili"*demas, Ensure the parficipa zion of testNng, adjusting, ard ba ancmng wam memb-ers, eqU Pfflarll matnufacturers' autharized service re Drpser�'La fives, HVAC confrols !r�tafler, and other support personne rovide 7 days' advance notice of scheduied meeting firne and locadorl, I Agenda lterns° Incitide a'least the foffowing� as Submitial distribUtion requirernenis Contract Dr.,cuments e>,,arnmation reporl, c Tesflng, adjusfira, 'ard bei-ancing p an d, Work scheduie and Project site a,,',,cess requiremerits e. C1,Crdinatkm and cooperation bf lrldt�s and subcontrac'mrs f Coordination of acaa, rlt.niaticna and comimuinicaticm C Ce:,-.iffication cif Testing, AdjusOng, and B@Jancing Rep�,.jrts: Certlfy the lesting, adjustmg, and bEfla,mcing fietd data reports, This r-artificabm indudes the fcflovving: 1. RevneW field data rep-rls to validate acc,,rn,,:,,v of data ardl 'c:,i prepare ce-Jfled tesfing, aidjusting, and balancing Feports 2. �Cerflfy that the testing, adjusting, and balancing kewn cornp ied with the,approved testing, adi usting, and baI'a cing pi.,nan d tl r c. '�r,�dtwe poffied nd refe-encedm tilts, D Testirlg, Adjusting,and Balancc�ir',g Reportlsl Use stz-,"lord fcmns from A,ABC's 'ylahcnat Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balandrig" cr NEBB's "PrxeduFal Standards for Testimg, Adjusting, Find Balancing of Environn-ientai Systems." Ins, n.mnentat➢on I ype, Quant,bj, Pnd Accuracy- Asl 14-schbed I�n AABC" matnonai standards hlEBBI's "Procedtwaf Stw)dards for Testing, Adiustric, and Ba1anc,,Irg o-I FnvircrrnentaP Systerns," Ser:tion il, "Requined lnstruF-nentafion For NEBS Ce�rtification." F lnstrun-berlaticn Caflbraficn: cali:A-ata ins"'nzrent,'.i iz'-',ISt eVe-y 6 '110TIthS On' MOre U'E_qLl-"f-y ff required by in manuffacturer 1,05 C-sO 0 R 1)1 tMI A I 10 N A Corer-dinate the efforts v se,'vic C, for s ztems aind equiprreant, HVAC cormols inssailers, and other to operate HVAC systerns and eqwprlenz to suppert and ass.s. s:tes!mg, adjus ng, and balanc Ern'. Cldvptp is. B. Notice, Provide 7 days-'ndvance r',CtiCe fOl' teS! klCr Ljde scrieduled tes,t dates, and Lmes' 'resting, Adjusting. An:d BMincing 15990 - 2 FTN03247 1/19/2005 C Perfompl kesting, adJusting, and bahancirQ ,aher ilef.,kage arid PrOSSUre 'Lests on adr djrtr9buficr7 systems have beem sadsffaczorRy compieted, A Generai Warranty� The national project peTiortiiance guaramee spemfied in this Art c e StraH ric', deprive'he Owner of ouher ridhs the rC-',,.,vrer mav have juncier,ufl�Ier prcw;s�ons cf the Contract Dccurnerms and shafl �--,e in aciciJon to, and r,.ar conci-m-ent a,Mth, other warmnfles ma die; by the Contractor under reqUirernents nf the Contxa,,,,t Documents. S t%aftionat Pro'iect, Perfommance GLlaramee: PrcOrJe a guaranzee on AABC'S "Naficnai Standards" forms or NEB B forms stating j-,at AABC or NEBE wifl assist in completing the requirements of the Cont (:,-A Docurnents flesting, acipjsting, ard balaricitig Agent faflz to ccmpiy,Mth the Comrac-L Documents, Gkarantee mciudes tl.We fokwing proOsicns: The certified /\gent has tested and ba[anced systerns, according lo the, Contract Docurnents 2 Systerns am bainced,' tc cpfirnurn perfnmr-'ance capabHfties within des kin and ins aHa-.Jcn 2,0O PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) 3,00 EXECUTION DA I'vi I NAT 10 N A A- Examine Contrast Documents to become farnifiar with pr,d,YJect re:cjuirements and to discover cc,ndifl=s in sysiems' desn'gns that rnay prec:Iu,.�de proper tes6na, ad ustlng, and ba6andnc of systems and eqU#nent 'I Verify fli ba, ancing devires, such as test pc,,r,,s and rnanual volurne dan-Wipers, are required by the Contract Doc,,irr,ietils that and 'Of lllesa.', baiarcGna dev ccs are acces5ible and apY)ropria-te for effectiw,?, baMancing and for 'teat Lent systerri and welt ipmerl operation B. Exarn ne approved submittal d,,-fta ,-,f HVAC sy's,,,erns and eqLfpnrerrt C Examine equipment per onnance dam, including fan CUrVeS. ReWe peiforriance data to prcjectconditrons and requir(-,,,,rTlenls, including ,,;ystem effects, that can create and esiredf or, unzredicic,d condftaons that ause reduced 7-apacibes in aH - part an systern. D, Examine system Lind r.,,quipment ristallatirms to ver&y that theynrp comple-te and thiat testing, D anang, adiustjng, and ConImissicning ed ,r indMckjai Slpercificabon SecticrS a V-E� been perforrried Examine system and equiprnent tes" rcpo-s F, Examirv.,) HVAC szrtern and equipment instafla ;rMs to verffy t.",,at indsated batancirg de-A—s,, as lesfl ports and rnanuak vclurne, damp rs arer prcp(,,,rly ¢nr,-aNed, and their locnlions aFe accessibk, and appropnaie io etect,ve ba�ani.,,,kng and fi,,)r f:,,ff5cie, t s,',,rstern and equipf'rien' operabon. E-1,,.imiine systems rcrr fljncl6onal -Jefxciencies tha (';<:ar Pr';=;tt be Ity adjusfing. and 1'esting, AdjUSting, And Balancing 15990 - 3 STN03247 1/19/2006 K Exannine air-nandiing tqLJprT)en- o ensu-- ,,:iean fltters ha,,,e been mstalled, --,eanngs are, greasec., befts are -,.ifigned and right, and equipmem, Mth functioning controis is ready for crYeration i Examine,erquipment for msttNnticn ands for pr,cperly operaitinn ,safety rn(edccks and ccmu",)�� J E,,xamime autornatic ter-Iceran..jre s,/Is!err 1c vehfy k"'ie fcflowinc� Dampers and othc,r oontrafled devices operate try the it ended controijer, 2 Damlner,�.,: are `n the 1pcsri cn indficaled by,the convoller. 2 lntegrutY of dariper's for fre:�,-, and 11"LiH cDeration a mid for bgnmess,cf fully cIosed and rU,, open positions, 4 Thermcstats and humjd .�ta,s, are fix.azec tc;avc d adverse effects of sLn6ght, drafts, and claim ,va n:D 5 Sensors are loicaled to sense only the i'rl tend ed cam.Jjtilons 6- Sequence of CUIDNITOM rOT Carjtro mcides is according to,itLkd'ConTat.;t Documents. C,-mtmHer sei points are set al design VakJeSr Observe and record sy'stern reacficms -,o changes in conditions. Record di,.,faullt set points J different frorn design values, ii itericcked cystrarns are operatim.'I 1--j, Changeover 6rcxr� I-ieatinc zo ,x"aodng mr-dle cccurs acccrl-�ing to desrgn KL. Reparl deficiencies discovered before card durrng performance oftesfirig, adjusting, and baiancing procedures 102 P R-E PA R,�Tb�l, A- Prepare as testing, adfusfing, and baianc, �g pian that inCkldes strategies and stap-by-s�ep procedures B Cornplete system readiness crie-cks r.nb pFep�-irr,-" systenn readrness reports. 'Verify the I� Permanent e,�ecujca, � power),Oring �s comr,,iete L Automattic temperaiure-oontro`systerns arc opemztiana� 3, Equjpmc,�nt an," duct ac,,oess doors are sezcure cscsed ;aiance and five dampers are- open 5 Ceilings are installed in crilicafl areas wherr,, ai pat prn adjush"nems are required and access to balarTcing devices is pr ara�ded 6 'VVindc,,-,,s and dooms �an cics,"d so cesign comd4ion-- for Systern cperatcns can tte 303 GENERAL T;ESTiNG 1'VO EI,,'kLA,NCflNG PROCEDURE-S A, Per-lorm zesting and baiancing prccedures on each systern acc,:,)rding tc the procr dares c `r,B's "ProcedjraV standa-,Js fo-Testing, �om,a me �d r AABC na tiona� t�.,,and ard s m NEE Ajlus'Lhng, a% 1:1 Ba ancng of LEnvircnrnental Systerris"and ths Sectjon B, Cut duc,.S, ppes, a,rid equ6llrenr ins�aNazicn of tcst pl,-ctbes, to the mkniuium extent necessary to aflo,,,j adequa'ke per-forynance c[ prose-J-ur,,,,,-,i Af,er tcstiig .ant' baianc ng, close prabe hates,and calch insJa bon with rievv matedais nd,-,mica, to those removed� Vapor Mar,jer 'sand flnRsh isccc,+r,IJNng -to the tit,-,SUiatbr,Snecr -,icatmns -icFIN-: C rvlart, equicrnent setzlngs vv&th paini cr cWeF pemianenl Identil-�catbp including dampar-convol posifions, valve, indicstl'or,--, fan,-speed-ccmtroi fevers,and simflar ccn rcls and df wices, to show final settings. Testing, Adjusting, And Balancing 1,50,90 - 4 STN03247 1119!2 0 0 6 3.0e FUNDAMENTAL AiR SYSTEMS' BALA N01'NG PRCCEDURES A. Prepare test reports.for =th fans and oul.le'is_ Cotain manufacturer's outlet-actors and recommended testing procedures. Crosscheck the SUMMeflon of required outlet vojurnes, with rewired fan volumes 6 Determdne the bes locations in main and bran&. ducts for accurate duct airilcw measurements C, Check the airflow patterns from the outside-a]r iouvers and dampers and the return-and -1 exhaust4r dampers, through the supply fan discharge and mixing dampers, D. Locate startt-stop and disc-onnect switches, eiectn'cal interlocks, and motor starters. E. Verify that motor starters are ecquipped tiMth properly sized thermal protectiW1. F Check dampers for proper Pcsaion to achieve desired air9ow path. G. Check for airflow blockages H. Check condensate drains for proper connections and fLinct cning. L Check for proper se-aiing of air-handling unit components 3.05 CONS TANT40LUNIE AIR SYSTEMS' BALANCfNG PROCEDURES A, The procedures in this Article apply to Constan-II.-volume supply-, return-, and exhaust-air Systems. E. Adjust fans to deliver total design airflows with�T,, the maximum,allowable rpm ilsted, by the fan manufacturer. Measure fan static,pressures to cletenrnme actual static pressure as follows. a Nleasure outlet static pressure as far downstrawT from the ian as p,-acticable and upstream from restrictions in ducts such as elboyrs and transitions. J. Measure static pressure directly at the fan outlet or through the flexible connection, c, Measure inlet static pressure of single-inlet r fans in the inlet duct as near the fan as possible, upstream frorn flexible connection and dovvnstrearn from duct restrictions, d Pheasure inlet static pressure of dcubie­iMet fans through the wall of the plenum that houses the fan. 2. Measure static pressure across each air-handiing unit component. a SimUaie dirtty filter operation and record the point at which nnaintenance personnel must change filters Measure static pressures entering and leaving other devices such as sound traps and heat recovery equipment under final balanced, ondjticns Adjust Mn speed higher or lower thorn design with the approval of the Engineer Make required adjustments '0 pulley sizes, motor sizes, and electrical connections to ,accommodate fan-speed changes Z� Do.no make fan-speed adjustments t-,at result ;n motor overlcad. Consult equjprneFt m anufactureFz about fan-speed safety factors Modulate dampers and measure 7an- motor amperage to ensure no OVod0ad wiH occur Measure amperage in full cooling and Rill heating mc/,Jes to determine the rnaxa nurn reqWred brake horsepower C AdiUst votume dampers for main duct. SUbmain ducts, and rnajoF branch ducts to desigr, airflows Mthin specified tolerances. Testing,Adjusting,Arid Balancing 15990 -5 BTN03247 111912006 I Measure sLatic pressure , t a paint downs n i from th-e tPaizincir,,q damper and adjust volume darT)'P(� Li[-S ntil the ve'proper static pressure is achje �,J a Where sufficient srace tin, submains and branch ducis is i.,jnavailabte for Ilitct-tube r',IS,zi s Urerne n!s, messu-'re, a�lrfiow at ter,,-,�nat outkats and ��nieis and t�ie tota�a�rfflcw.�for,�haf zone 2 R"emepsure eac.h subma-urr and branch, duct r`fter at have beer, ad%Usze,-�, eSjgr'j ­JrLfJOWS led 'Clerancr,;,S adjLS1 SULM�aj[",S and oranch dUCiS t1i a within specJ1 El Nk��.-,+sure ter!-T)imfl ai,,jflets end enleL�; wrthout rnaOig adjustments 1, rvleaSUre 'keMU:nal out3ets JSr"Ig ' dwec,-T-,:,,acfir1g hoed or 'hee otA,ei rnanJacturer's vv,%:ne7� instructons and factors E -`a,Jjust terminal and irlelts for eact spacz, to design airtlows within sDecrfled tcfeTances Df deSign ValUeS, Make adjus"rneals us�ng /clurne dampers rathor than ex-ractors and tie damper's at ffie r,rrr terminar-s. 1. "roc usi each CLJU,st iFr' Zh morn or si:ame- to within spem�ficd tolerances of dt,"sign qu'antrties vd,ithcu',.generabrir-" noise leveis above the hrrIlt-aflons prescribed by the CcntTact Documenis, 2. Adjust patterris of adjustable (,]"Udeis for prcper distribuilor M hrout drafts, F. F-erfom� the foliowing tests and err"pt"Gdgns @f:Cnn1ing to SMACNA's "HVAC Air Duf,',t.Leak3qE., Test Manual"' and Drer�are test rerjorts, 1. Disessembie, r'nasser-'b�e ,-,,,,,nd se-,?'.l secrnents of 5")Stems to acc,""'MmCa"'Ite leak"ace zasr- Lnq a nd t�1[Zg�,,r.',,,n,pfian,--. ith 2, -Conduct tests at static DreS'SUres ecua� to rnnxjrn,L,qn.d iElssure of sys�enl or sectl�c n' beino tested. If pressures-,cla.ssee are not indicati d. test enure vstern at a'i@ximum tem design pressure- Dc not did assun I ze sry,,,--�ieryas above nnaxiMumJftg n f 2L_ Dressure. Give sever, da.,vs' aT��i—nce n-q—fi-ce'(or tesuria. -' --"..........Tes-lcaaflons are iirnited io bU S,"taH rdr trait outside arr connections to 'nxterticr wad[�ouvers, cxinc:lensor ducr.connecbons to exterior viek �ouvers and conderiser duct ic- cations to splf-caniained' nir condifionLnE IL),` Rjnjnechanical r� oms and sprVe'r rlc.07�s' la or 0 n Maximum Allowable LtqL�,age� CornpIv Mth' refrn.i!rem en ts for Leakage C SS 3 f r r u d ..................... JUC'S C 2SS 12 for r(,,ctaDgu��ar d�J s LE� pressure,classes lower than and -,,oual to 2-�,-fch uvc �th,1Lg,,�ti nd neaat�ve Dressunes . and Lt32."Kace '�n6, I rI QTessu,e f i 2- to 1()-inch ,A^a (F'500 to 2:500 Pa',', 5. Remake �eakina lcrnts P.nd retest uritR leaka�,-�e is eaa� es m an- u to or� s than num afiovr- able. 3 06 MOTOR'S 'M�cEcrs, INI'2 HP and Large,- Test at final balamcecl'„ andiflonss and &. ,,ord JP Li _7j 7 1, Pilanufacturer, T-node£, amd seriM rlUllibers ,?. Motor horsepower rating Motor rprr Efficien,,,y rating if high,-efficienry mrMor, 5, �"`b'arneplzie Mnd r-neasured t-,,ach — c1arnepGake n-ieasLj'-S'c. pnase. 7, raang 3.07 CONOENS�NG UNITS uy pcP-er z?;a'-is and rnea"Sur'e anmnng, 'aind eavgng-atr lemparaixes. keccrcf Testing, Adjusting, And Bal-ancing 15990 - 6 BTNO3247 1 J 1912 0 0 6 B- condenser�eak tems-: Verly cab6net C c mt e,xc ed O'Xo of 100"111 air flow at rated ."'taf'Jc Dressure,. Seal leakirvo j re r��st ijnA ie,,,jkagf, j-9 e�nua� to or less -Lims qm t than rnaximium aliowp-Ne. 3 108 HEAT-TJRi,kNSF='R COIS A. Eiectric-Heatlng C,,oils: Measure the fdlowing data for Nameniate da', 2 krflow 3 Fate rkig-and ferMng-asr tempprab.ires at Lai kDad. VrjlU�-,age and amperage mput of each phase fUll Icad and ait each incremental stage Calcuiated k'�Al at fuH lcad ction 3 Fuse or ojrcu�'-breaker ra�ng for Dvericad prcle 3 0 9 TEMPERATURE TESTNG A, Dxing testing, adjusting, and balancinq, report e need for adjitstrnnt in tornperature remflai bn ,Mth�n the automa=fic system. P. %,kmlasure indocr we:-aced dr-Y-bulb ternperatur, s every other hour for a period of 2 successwe 8-hour days, in each separzitely contrrjlled zone, to prove correctness of final temperature. settings, Measur-e when the bUilding c,rr zone, is occupied. C, measure weL an,--� dry-buib iemperahrrs 3 '10 TEPOPERATURE-CONTROI VIERIFICATNDN A- Venl:v that contTc,�Iers zire cafibrat&J arid, commiss Jned B. Check transmitter and controfler locations arid note conditions that vvould adversely affect control fUncflons, C Fe-,cird cz,)ntrofler settings end note vanarces b�-,.n',.,veen sel =Ots and actual measuren��e!"-a!s it D V 71 erify cqerafion of firniUng controller-s (i.e., high- and low-temperature controllers) E, Venfy tree t,-avei and proper operation of-ontrd ,'ievices such ,�,s darnper and valve cperzators F Verify seqil.ience of operaflon of coritro devices Nbt,,a,air pressures and device positions and CC,Uelate with airflow and waler-flow r,-ie;asuren-,,er6ts Note, th(-,,,sp eed, of response to input G. Confirm intcraction of e ectricafly operated switc'n transdUCefS 1-4 Confirm (n:�e�raczk-,m of and lock-out VeFi"y main conn-of sL pp�y-aV'r pressian and ot-sa. r:;ompres.,,or and dryer cpeTatioms, J Record vo tages of power suppiy arid Deterrninp if ffie system cpefates on a grounded or no,-igrcunded Power supply K ,%J,'.xe open ate,, n of e,lecti ic, zact'-iaiors usMg spr�rg ,eft,irn for prop;�`-faH-safe cprrjraflons ti Testing, AdjUsting, And Balancing 15 tag 0 - 7 STNC3247 1!19/2006 3.11 =0MERUAL KITCHEN HOODS, A. krieasurc, ,a.dius-IL :-r�d reco7d the airflow of,each kitchen hocd. Fear etchers hoods des"Cred i ' xhius' and makeur) alrflow- fOeasure air- ntearaf makemum air, measure and ad�US Lhe e I I I flow bv duct Pitot-tube traverse, lf a duct Pitot.-'Ube traverse is not cosslble. orovide an Diamation in the reccrt of'Lhtjf2Eonjs)._w,)v and alse ±-e ,-I,--asPnIIwhv the method used vies cnosen. I, Install we[dp--,I' tesL oor7s �n Nie zides of �he exhaust duct fcr the duct Pito;,-tube traverse, InsaH ea&� OCT7 WQ'j Z., threaded car) ta,at is ficluid is of B. After balanc'ino is comolete, do,the follovj4)o: f I1, MeaSUFe and record the static oressure at the hood exhaust-duct cronnec+ion, 2. Measure and record the hood face velorjtv, Make measurernents at muftirile ooints across the face of the hood. Perform measurements at a maximurn of ',2 inches (300 mm) between ocints and baNveen am omint and the 9 hmeter- Calcuiate the ;avarice of the measurements recorded. Verity that the hood average face velocity Complies "Vkh covernin codes. I Check the hood for(moture and containmginf of smoke us�nq a smoke er,2�tlin2. I Observe the smoke Datem, Make adiUStMents to roar-9 airflow patters s to achieve octi- mum results. C, Visually inspect the hood exhaust duct 'hroughout its erifire length it complianco with authch- bes, having lLjrisdicdon, Begin at the hood connection and and atthry raint it discharges Llut- dcors, Resort findmas. 1. Check duct slones as reouired. 2. Verify that duct access is nnstalled as reauirpd, I Verifv 'hat r)oint of termination is as reaulred. 4. Verify that duct air velocity is within the ranee reoUiFed. D. Raport deficien6les. F. 3.12 TOLER,kNCES k Set .-IVAC syste,—,¢ airflow and water flow rates Mthin the fol[owing tolerances: 1. Supply, Return, and Exhaust Fans: Pius 5 tc plus 10 percent. 2 Air Outlets and Inlets: 0 to minus 10 perce-,7t, 3.13 FINAL REPORT f�. Gene-al° Typemnitten, Or COMPUter printout in ket-Ler-quality tent, on standard bond paper, in 3-,,in,g binder, tabulated and divided into sections by tested and balanced systems. B, Jnc!ude a certificaticn sheet un fmnt of binder signed and sealed by the certified testing and �C,a;ancing angineer 1. lnclude -3 list of the instruments used for procediires, a cng with proof of caillbratcnL C, Firial Report Contents- In addition to the certwfied field reocrt data, inciude the followinc: 1 Fan curves 2' Manulacturers"iest data. 3 Field test reports prepared by systern, and equrpmient installers Other informafion restive to equipment perfomrlance, but do not ?nClUde approved Shop Drawings and Product Da'u-i Testing, Adjusting, And Balancing 19-990 - 8 BTN:03247 111912006 D "-eneral F',epoft Data: 41 ?ddiflon to the form tifies, and enlries, include the faHowing data In tie final report, as, appHcable: 1 Tilly,, page. 'L Narne sand address of testing, adjUSting, and balancing Agent 3 Project mame 4, Pro�,2-t IaCafi+ur, 5, Are,"Irtect"s nartne and address Fj Engmeer's narrie, ar�,d addrfz�,ss. 7 Contractor's narne amd address 8 Report date. 9. ")ignature of tesOng, adjus I Ung, and baianc,irg Ageni' W�J�,'j (;Srt-fjiaS than7,7, 1,Cl Suinmary of contents, including the fcHoWing, a, D(,.,sjgn versus finweal performance b. No*Mblie cnarac,,erisUcs o systems c Descdpiic,,m of systern operaflon sequ�nce 71f it vaFies from, the Contrim Dcm,=ents 11. Na,rnenclature sheeLs For eacl it ern of equipment_ 12, Data for lerr-mmal units, 'M udinq manufacturer, type size, and fittklgS Notes to exp�awn why cerC ain final da'a iF,the body of rep rts vary frorn Jesjgn va ues, 14 1"est conditnons for f,ar, performance 70rITIS, 'unclud,4,g the following- a Seftings for outside-, return-, an," exhaust-air dar it ers b, Conditicns of f4ters. Cooling coil, well-and dry-bWb condib,:,,ns d. Face and bypass damper settings at ao¢Is. e. Fan dhve settings, including seitngs and percentage of rnaximurn pitch diarneier. Sd,,,,tlings for supply air, staTic-pressure controfler 9 Cther systern operating condiflors that affect performance E Unit Test Rep arts- For air-landling units w0h coils, inClUde the following 1 Unr Data'. Include the following: a Unit identification. D Localion c Make and type, d Mode,[ number and unit size: e Manufacturei's rIUmber Unit arrangemern and�c ass g, Discharge an"angement. h heave make, size in inches ( nw, and bore i, Snf.jave d i men s ions,cen ter-to-cen te,,a n d aMOUTI: of �M inches(rnm�� Number of tefts, make, and S i k. Niurnber n,:)f ty e, and size. 2, Motor Datea: in,,A-ude the iOficvAna: and frame �pe and size. 1,r Hcrs povver eind rprn, Volts, phase, and her d. Full-load arnper@ge and seir�ice factor P_ Sheave make, ss�vze in inches (rrm'n, and acxe S h ,ave dCrnensjons, center-h:,-ca Pter and amount of adjustments in {MU-T 3 Data.- Incdude design and acivai vpWes -Por the fcflcr w,Pirtq- Total airflow rate in cftn (Us). b TotN systern stafic pressure in inches wg (Fla) Far,, rj-)rn, d Dlsclharge static pressure in inc�hes wg (Fa). e Filter staltic-pressure,djfferenbal in inches vvg (Pa) 'C,00ling coii differeni:cai in ranches wo (Fla) g Heating c6l static-pressure different"af 'n inches ,erg (P Testinq, Adjusting, And Balancing 15990- 9 s"rNO3247 119/2006 11 Dui.'side i4-jirfflow in cfrr, (L/s). i Return airRow in cfir, (L/s), Outs arty damper position �K Return-air damper pc sition F Apparatus-Coil Tesi Reports- For apparatus COOS, include the fdiowing� 1 Coil D,2ta: h1dUde the frA owing' Systerr idendflcat]cj,­. b Location c, CoN type d t1uwberof rcws a, Fin spacfing in fins ,Der inch(min o.c, i'dake and rrtode nun ibec g, Face,area in sq,, �,I. ,'sq. M) rr, T'.j:)e size rn NPS (E V i. Tube and `Gn rnater as Circuffing arrangeme7lj 2, Test Data, tnI:kjde desion and at ival� vaii.jes ficar the f0flovVirig, a Airflow rate in = (US) D Average fac�a ve�ccity in Ipm Air pressure drop n nches wg (Pa). d Outsid(:,4-aw, 4Net- and dry-bulb temperatures in deg F (deg ra Return­aVr, wet.- ani,-1 dry-culb tempeFatures in deg F Clll. f into ring-air,wet-and d,-/-bucb terriperatunes in deg F (fJe-,g C). g- Leaving-air, wet- and dry-bulb temperatures In deg F (deg C) h Refrigerant expansion valve and refrigerant types, i Refrigerant suction pressure in psig (kP,a), j FRefrigerant SUCtion turn peratUre in deg F (rdeg C), G, Bectric-Goll Test 'Reports: For—electric furnaces, duct coil s, arid e ectric coils [nstaflerd in central-station air"handling units, include the following: Unit DaUv lnc ude the fk")Howing sa Systern identification, he, Locafiorl c Ccil, identificalicm,. d, Cap3City iV1 BtUh (k'A/), c. NurnbFer o�` stages f Connected volts, nrase„ and her,7. it at arnperagie, h, Airflow rake in cfrn i,'Lls), i, Face area Vn sq ii is q m). jr T PM Mz,,� N,flnknurn face Velo"CiL, In , I 2, f est Data: lnclude desk­l arid actual valu,:as 1or he foIk)wing� a �k�at coj�put in 5,'.,uh (kIP/l/ b Airflow rate in C(,TTI f!Fs).. c Air,velocity in fpm irnfs). d Entering-air teT71:eratLJI'e in deg Ideg C), -ig -I eavir -air �ej nper-��Lwe in deg F(deg C). f Voltage at each conrlaction g, Arrrpe�rage for each phase H. F.,m rest Reports For supply, return, and exhaust fat-is, irCtUde the iollowjng I Fran Data: Include the f011owing: a System idenflficat,icn. b, Location Make arid type. To-sting, Adjusting, And Balancing 159,90 - 10 BTNO3247 111 9i2006 d Model number and size. e Manufacturer's sedal number, f. X-Tangement and class. g Sheave ri-dake,size n inches (,mm), and bore h. Sheave dimensions, center-to-center amd arnount cl,adjustments in inches (mm) 2 Motor Data: Include:ire f Nowing- a. Make arid frame type and size b. Hor-sepower and rpm, C VORS, Pl7aSQ, and hertz. 7 d. Full-load amper2ce and Sep/iCe "aC QF a Sheave make,Ke, size an inches (rnm),, and bore. f Sheave dinnensions, center-to-center and amount of adjus"ments in inches (mm) g Number of belts, make, and size, 3 Test Data.,. Indude design and actual values for the fd1ovulng: a. Total alrfiow rate in cfm (Us) b Total system static pressure in inches wg (Pa). c Fanrpm, d Discharge static pressure in inches wg (Pa, e. Suction static pressure in inches wg (Pa) Round and Rectangular Duct Traverse Reports: lnclude a diagram with a grid representing the duct cross-section and record the fcilowjng- I Report Data, include the following- a. ystern and-air-handfling unit number, b, Location and zone. Traverse airternperature in deg F (deg C) d Duct static pressure in inches wg (Pa) Duct size in inches (m, rn) f Duct area in sq. ft. ((sq rn)). g Design airflow rate in cfrn (Us) h, Design velocity in fpm (rri/s).. L Actual airflow rate in cfrn (LJs) j. Actual average velocity in fpm k, Barometric pressure in prig (Pa). J Air-Terminal-Device Reperts° For terminal units, include the followirg, I Unit Data.'. Include the following- a. ystern and air-handling unit identification b Location arid zone c. Test apparatus used. im d. Area served e Air-terminal-device make f Air-terminal-device nurnberfrom systern diagrarn g Air-terminal-device-device type and modal 71umber. h Air terminal-device siz= i, Air-terrriinai-device effective area in sq ft. ( (sq, rn)) 2, Test Data: Include design and actual vaAues for the foHcVVjng a Airflow rate in cim b Air velocity in fpm (mls), c Preliminary airflovv rate as needed in cfrn (LJs). d Pre]i rn Irian/velocity as needed in f prn (nnds) e, Fina airflow rate in -,fm (Us) Final velocity in [Prn (rVs) g Space temperature in deg F (deg C), Testing, Adjusting, And Balancing 15990 - 11 STNO3247 1119/2006 K Compressor and Condenser Reports- Frx refnygeant side ot air-cooled condensing inc[ude the foHowina: 1. Unit Data: Include the following, a. Unit identification. b. Locaticn c. Unit make and mode[ number d- Manufacturer's cortnipressor serial numbers -2 Compressor make. f Compressor model and serial numbeF75 g Refrigerant weight in 1b (kg) h.. Low ambient temperature cutoffn deg F (deg C) 2 Test Data: include design and actuaP values for tie loHowing: a, @nliet-duct static pressure in inches w, (Pa) lb. Outlet-duct static pressure in inches wg (Pa). Entering-air, dry-bLdb ternperature an deg F (deg C). d, Leaving-air, dry-buib temperature in deg F (deg C). e. Controi! setlings- f. Unloader set poi7il:5. g Low-pressure-cutout set point in psig (kPa) h High-pressure-cutout set point in psrg (kPa), i, Suction pressure in psig (kPa). 1. Suction temperature in deg F (deg C) k., Condenser refrigerant pressure in psig (kPa). [. Conderiser refrigerant temperature in deg F (deg C). m. 011 pressure in prig (kFla), n Oil temperature in deg F (deg CP o, Voltage at each connection.. p Amperage for each phase, q The kW input.. r Crankcase heater kW, s. Number of fans t. Condenser fan rpm u. Condenser fan ainlow rate in cfm (Lis). v. Condenser fan motor rnake, frame ze, rprn, and horsepowe,,r, w Condenser fan rnctoF voltage at each connection x Conderser fan rnotor amperage for each phase L inst"ument Calibration Reports,: For instrurnent calibration, inCiLjde the foltcwing; I Report Data Include the following a. tns'rument type anti make b Serial number. c Appilcancn, d Dates of use, e. Dates ,,if calibratnn. ti END OF SECTION Testing,Adjusting, And Balancing 15990 - 12 119/2006 BTNO3247 1 �._ ll.Y1 N Id V.C.. p aw � ��l�kC���d?"7�0��H�J^ti J I � Y�1�' "58 .. l_�� bi x.tl. Rd'd a� I'�'@.d, + .�8J NN "�.`��r�"GiYl4'V°1 � ud�,'A r ,A n"� �Mr r "„a a�".r ,,,,,, `r III { 1V'.i Y1 Y 6 M1' ('b I9 Y 4N b 1 f INLO PRO ill ld p _ .a, us v Ifi W Y pn" A' ,R 9A "o 17tA wE`YM'�E+ w, ..w. .. w qr a (fit :P am e u.. isap x, W d Y I d d'd! 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