Ordinance No. 10,269ORDINANCE NO. 10,269 p,, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS. AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NOS. 7A, 8. 9 AND 10 WITH TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR PHASE III OF THE GOOSE CREEK STREAM GREENBELT TRAIL: AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY -THREE AND 68/100 DOLLARS (5204.523.68): AUTHORIZING A TWO -DAY TIME EXTENSION VIA CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 WITH TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR PHASE III OF THE GOOSE CREEK STREAM GREENBELT TRAIL: MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order Nos. 7A, 8, 9 and 10 with Texas Department of Transportation for Phase III of the Goose Creek Stream Greenbelt Trail. A copy of said change orders is attached hereto, marked Exhibits "A." "B." "C" and "D," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Counci 1 of the City of Baytown hereby authorizes the payment of TWO I1UNDRED FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY -THREE AND 68/100 DOLLARS (S204.523.68) to Texas Department of Transportation for Change Order Nos. 7A. 8. 9 and 10 for Phase III of the Goose Creek Stream Greenbelt Trail. Section 3: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. 11 with Texas Department of Transportation for Phase III of the Goose Creek Stream Greenbelt Trail to extend the time period for an additional two days. A copy of said change order is attached hereto. marked Exhibit "E," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 4: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($25.000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25 %) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25 %) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 5: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 23`d day of February. 2006. CALVIN MUNDINGER. May lam APPROVED AS TO FORM: qCMACIO RAMIREZ, SR.. Ci ttomey R:Ueanene\My Documents\ Council\ 05- 06\February 2nd \ChangeOrders7nru I 1 GooseCreekGreenbeltTrail.doc Ask TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 7A (Supporting Supplemental Agreement No. NIA ) Advance Funding Agreement (Third Party Funding) Information 20.00% of $88,668.64 This form is used when the subject change order involves funding by a source other than TxDOT/U.S. DOT. 1. Outside funding provided by: City of Baytown (Outside Entity's Legal Name) 2. Type of outside funding agreement for this change: [ Check one ] Q Existing ❑ Amended ❑ New 3. Indicate the type and amount of funding: ❑ Fixed Price (Lump Sum) (Estimated Amount: ) Q Actual Cost (Estimated Amount: 519,773.11 ) Contract Items (Bid Items): E &C ( 11.5', )- Subtotal Indirect Cost ( 0.0% )-- $17,733.73 52,039.38 &19,773.11 $0.00 CCSJ: 0912 -71 -429, Etc. Project. STP 94 (227) TE, Etc. Highway. VA Limits: From Arizona St. to S. of Market From S. of Market St. to W. Texas City CIP No: County: Harris District: HOU Contract Number: 09043217 I hereby approve the modifications covered by Form CO for this Change Order and agree to finance the additional costs, if any, as reflected by this form. Advance Funding Date By TOTAL $19,773.11 Typed /Printed Name Typed/Printed Tide The percentage ( %) for E &C (Engineering and Contingencies) charges varies from project :o project from approximately 6% to 11 % depending on the contract amount of the project. Projects with higher contract amount will have the lower rate of E &C charge. For a specific project, E &C rate ( %) can be derived from the cost of "Engineering and Contingencies" in the "Estimated Cost" of the project. Use the statewide district rate as established by Finance Division each year. This line is for Service Project only, unless otherwise specified in the Advance Funding Agreement. See Stand Alone Manual Notice 98 -2 for instructions_ Advance Funding for this Change Order has been arranged: District Engineer Date Typed/Printed Name: Gary K. Trietsch, P.E. I TXDOT Form CO -AFA 5 -98R (Modified for Houston District use, 3/99) EMIT A St. Ave. r TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 8 (Supporting Supplemental Agreement No. N/A ) Advance Funding Agreement (Third Party Funding) Information 20.00% of 545.720.44 This form is used when the subject change order involves funding by a source other than TxDOT/U.S. DOT. 1. Outside funding provided by: City of Baytown (Outside Entity's Legal Name) 2. Type of outside funding agreement for this change: [ Check one ] Q Existing ❑ Amended [i, New 3. Indicate the type and amount of funding: ❑ Fixed Price (Lump Sum) (Estimated Amount: Q Actual Cost (Estimated Amount: Contract Items (Bid Items): E &C ( 11.5s )' Subtotal Indirect Cost ( 0.01' )"- TOTAL 510.195.66 1 S9,144.09 51,051.57 S10,195.66 S0.00 510,195.66 County District: HOU I hereby approve the modifications covered by Form CO for this Change Order and agree to finance the additional costs, if any, as reflected by this form. Advance Funding Date By Typed /Printed Name Typed /Printed Title The percentage ( %) for E &C (Engineering and Contingencies) charges varies from project to project from approximately 6% to 11 % depending on the contract amount of the project Projects with higher contract amount will have the lower rate of E &C charge. For a specific project, E &C rate ( %) can be derived from the cost of "Engineering and Contingencies" in the "Estimated Cost" of the project. Use the statewide district rate as established by Finance Division each year. This line is for Service Project only, unless otherwise specified in the Advance Funding Agreement See Stand Alone Manual Notice 96 -2 for instructions. Advance Funding for this Change Order has been arranged: District Engineer Date Typed /Printed Name: Gary K. Trietsch, P.E. I TXDOT Form CO -AFA 5 -98R (Modified for Houston District use, 3/99) EMIT B 5t. Ave. r r� TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 9 (Supporting Supplemental Agreement No. NIA ) Advance Funding Agreement (Third Party Funding) Information 20.00% of 565,900.78 This form is used when the subject change order involves funding by a source other than TxDOT/U.S. DOT. 1. Outside funding provided by: City of Baytown (Outside Entity's Legal Name) 2. Type of outside funding agreement for this change: [ Check one ] Q Existing ❑ Amended ❑ New 3. Indicate the type and amount of funding: ❑ Fixed Price (Lump Sum) (Estimated amount: Q Actual Cost (Estimated Amount: Contract Items (Bid Items): E &C (t t 2 )' Subtotal Indirect Cost TOTAL G-q A COG 00 $13,180.16 $1,515.72 $14,695.88 $0.00 $14,695.88 CCSJ: 0912- 71 -429, Etc. Project. STP 94 (227) TE, Etc. Highway: VA Limits: From Arizona St. to S. of Market From S. of Market St, to W. Texa: City CIP No: County: Harris District: HOU Contract Number. 09043217 I hereby approve the modifications covered by Form CO for this Change Order and agree to finance the additional costs, if any, as reflected by this form. Advance Funding Date By Typed/Printed Name Typed /Printed Title The percentage ( %) for E &C (Engineering and Contingencies) charges varies from project to project from approximately 6% to 11 % depending on the contract amount of the project. Projects with higher contract amount will have the lower rate of E &C charge. For a specific project, E &C rate ( %) can be derived from the cost of "Engineering and Contingencies" in the "Estimated Cost" of the project. Use the statewide district rate as established by Finance Division each year. This line is for Service Project only, unless otherwise specified in the Advance Funding Agreement See Stand Atone Manual Notice 98 -2 for instructions. Advance Funding for this Change Order has been arranged: District Engineer Date Typed /Printed Name: Gary K. Trietsch, P.E. CO -AFA 5 -98R nsinct use, sia EKW C it. Ave. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 10 (Supporting Supplemental Agreement No. N/A ) Advance Funding Agreement (Third Party Funding) lnformaticn 20.00% of (S421.301 This form is used when the subject change order involves funding by a source other than TxDOT/U.S. DOT. 1. Outside funding provided by: City of Baytown (Outside Entity's Legal Name) 2. Type of outside funding agreement for this change: [ Check one ] 2] Existing ❑ Amended L New 3. Indicate the type and amount of funding: Fixed Price (Lump Sum) (Estimated Amount: ) F� Actual Cost (Estimated Amount: ($469.75) ) Contract Items (Bid Items): E &C Subtotal Indirect Cost ( 0.0% )" TOTAL (5421.30) (548.45) (5469.75) 50.00 ($469.75) CCSJ: 0912 -71 -429, Etc. Project: STP 94 (227) TE, Etc. Highway: VA Limits: From Arizona St. to S. of Market From S. of Market St. to W. Texa: City C/P No: County: Harris District: HOU Contract Number: 09043217 I hereby approve the modifications covered ny Form CO for :his Change Order and 3gree to finance the additional costs, if any, as reflected by this form. Advance Funding Date By Typed/Printed Name Typed /Printed Title The percentage ( %) for E &C (Engineering and Contingencies) charges varies from project to project from approximately 6% to 11 % depending on the contract amount of the project. Projects with higher contract amount will have the lower rate of E &C charge. For a specific project, E &C rate ( %) can be derived from the cost of "Engineering and Contingencies" in the "Estimated Cost" of the project Use the statewide district rate as established by Finance Division each year. This line is for Service Project only, unless otherwise specified in the Advance Funding Agreement. See Stand Alone Manual Notice 98 -2 for instructions. Advance Funding for this Change Order has been arranged: District Engineer Date Typed /Printed Name: Gary K. Trietsch, P.E. Form CO -AFA 5 -98R (Modified for Houston District use, 3/99) EXHIBIT D it. Ave. op'' TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 11 (Supporting Supplemental Agreement No. NIA ) Advance Funding Agreement (Third Party Funding) Information 20.00% of S00.00 This form is used when the subject change order involves funding by a source other than TxDOT/U.S. DOT. 1. Outside tunding provided by: City of Baytown (Outside Entity's Legal Namef 2. i ype of outside funding agreement for this change: I Check one ] `I Existing ❑ Amended ❑ New 3. Indicate the type and amount of funding Fixed Price (Lump Sum) (Estimated Amount: i Actual Cost (Estimated Amount: S0.00 Contract Items (Bid Items): S0.00 E8C )' S0.00 Subtotal 50.00 Indirect Cost I o c )' S0.00 TOTAL S0.00 ) I I hereby approve the modifications covered by Form CO for this Change Order and agree to finance the additional costs. if any. as reflected by this form. Advance Fundine Date By Typed /Printed Name Typed /Printed Title The percentage 1%) for E8C (Engineering and Contmeenctes) cnaroes varies from project to project from approximately 61/, :o 1 1',a eepenemc on the contract amount of the protect. Projects with higher contract amount will have the lower rate of ESC cnarce. For a specific project. E8C rate (,�j can be derived from the cost of "Enetneennc and Contingencies" in the "Estimated Cost" of the project Use the state .,ice c strict rate as established by Finance Division each year. This line is for Service Project only. unless etnervase --eecinee to the Advance Funernc Aereemert. See Stand Alone Manual Notice 98 -2 ter tnstruciton5 Advance Funding for this Change Order has been arranged: District Engineer Date Typed /Printed Name: Gary K. Trietsch, P.E. TXDOT Form CO -AFA 5 -98R (Modified for Houston District use. CiU DIi E 3t. Ave. EXPLANATION PROVIDES FOR ADDING TINAE FXTENSION NO. 2 TO THE CONTRACT FOR TWO DAYS TO CORRECT AN ERROR N4ADF nY TEAS OFFICE. TIME ADJUSTMENTS EXPLANATION ADJUSTED DAYS CONTRACT TIME EXTENSION NO. 2 2 The contractor musl sign the Change Order arid, by doing so, agrees to waive any and all claims for additional compensation due In any and nn other expenses: addilinnn' chin ges for lime, oVn,,heafl and Pmfl: or Inss of crini innsatinn as a result of Ih;s chando, THE CONTRACTOR BY: ' -S-d- �� DATE TYPEDlPRINTED NAME: r ��-t^( In N DATE TITLE: ..1�'n• C�'TYPEDIPRINTED DATE AREA ENGINEER: CHANGE ORDER NBR. RF-r'ORT DATE: 02108/06 CONTRACT ID: 091271429 HIGHWAY: VA PROJECT: STP 94(227)TE DISTRICT: 12 CONTRACT: 09043217 COUNTY: HARRIS CON IRACT PRlrF: $1,626,057,24 AREA ENGINEER: Quincy Allen CONTRACTOR: LONE STAR ROAD CONSTRUCTION. LTD. AREA NUMBER: 052 DESCRIPTION TIME EXTENSION REASON 3M - TXDOT CONVENIENCE - OTFIER CO AMOUNT $0.00 CO TYPE STATE LETTER OF AUTH - PARTICIPATING 3RD PARTY AMOUNT $0,00 APPRV LEVEL Area Engineer EXPLANATION PROVIDES FOR ADDING TINAE FXTENSION NO. 2 TO THE CONTRACT FOR TWO DAYS TO CORRECT AN ERROR N4ADF nY TEAS OFFICE. TIME ADJUSTMENTS EXPLANATION ADJUSTED DAYS CONTRACT TIME EXTENSION NO. 2 2 The contractor musl sign the Change Order arid, by doing so, agrees to waive any and all claims for additional compensation due In any and nn other expenses: addilinnn' chin ges for lime, oVn,,heafl and Pmfl: or Inss of crini innsatinn as a result of Ih;s chando, THE CONTRACTOR BY: ' -S-d- �� DATE TYPEDlPRINTED NAME: r ��-t^( DATE TITLE: ..1�'n• C�'TYPEDIPRINTED DATE AREA ENGINEER: DATE AREA ENGINEER'S SEAL: DISTRICT ENGINEER: DATE DIRECTOR, CONSTRUCTION DIVISION: DATE AED For Eng. Operations: FHWA: DATE DATE