Ordinance No. 9,857ORDINANCE NO. 9857 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING ANDA DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A LETTER AGREEMENT WITH MOODY SIMMONS BAYTOWN, LTD., REGARDING. THE PROVISION OF UTILITY SERVICES TO THE PROPOSED HUNTER'S CREEK SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON A 71.570 -ACRE TRACT OF LAND AFTER'ANNEXATION; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. • BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager to execute a letter agreement with Moody Simmons Baytown, Ltd., regarding the provision of utility services to the proposed Hunter's Creek Subdivision located on a 71.570 -acre tract of land after annexation. A copy of the letter agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and is incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 26`h day of August, 2004. ATTEST: G R i'- . SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., Ci ttorney \ \Bdc2llitigation \Karen \Files \City Council \Ordinances\MoodySimmons.doc -C--(�L� S�:� " CALVIN MUNDINGER, Mayor rT ri City ®f Baytown J/d P.O. Box 424, B:lykown, Texas 77522 IRAN/Tom LI 'USt 2(}, 2004 \11. Dail Moody. 1r. Sinlnlons f3av to\\ n, Lid. :CIO � �1'. ralab:una Ilinl liln -'I'\ ?7098 Amic \al -limiel'.ti Creek Subdivision Dear. .Mr. Nloodv: I'llis [_.cllcr - \urcenlcnl (A��r�:�Inelll '1 \uill e\,iclellce the terms and conciitions by which N-loody Sinln'l�lu. (IhL '`17cvilopel ") is requcStin�, annexation and by \\'hieh t11c CIIV i ?I Liaviown Wic "City ") Will luc \ iilc Sanitary c\\'er Set .1 ces to the properly more panic :ularly described irl I'xllibit '` \," \vhioh is aualc:llud hereto allil 111.1 i)rpi'Walcd Ile[-6I1) till' ;.ill 1111clits 11'1C1 "Proper1v`), II'allncwd. ('iIv' 17t1II:Sa Lit 11IS I •III 111e (..Ity SI1Ftl1 LISe Iti 11iSt cjTc is CO I)i'1 \'Ide MILU Cll)al set Ices III aGCUrdalico \\'1111 1IIL Sc.rvluc phill, W111ch is attached hereto as 11xhibil "B" and incomol"' tcd licrcin It-)I- Al intcrlls and purposes. I.02 As stzltcd in the Scryicc pl:ul, 111c c :ity \vill not provide: Sallaary se\uel' Service moil at'te•r ihr. tc1r1511'ucli�an of "I }1C i\urt.11Lask Waste\vater "l "regiment Plant t: "N,EW�1�'1'P ") and alter the. beccnncs I 'ally operational EIS cictermined by the Cite I.:m-nil cE ?. Dcyclo per's Ublivations ?.1.71 The Dc \eloper t�? crhlain nnuticipal �:rvii;es in accorili lice \\ 11.11 Section I has requested amicxalMll brie( upon the reps- cscllt plus, and covenanus lisled ill this SeCtloll 2. 2.02 ''Ile 1'01101VII1 2 arc the represcmatic1ns and co \chants \which sh,lll upian annexa111011 of 111c: Ipmpelly he blildin-' upon the L)rVdC1per and 111c Iloilluowlicrs' ass,ociativn, anc.l Illeir respective successors and ass"I II or 5,uI irll_ }BSc. + \cr Sel'viccs 111c L)cVCIi;IpcJ' 11111 install a lilt station and pacicage 1*1111 to provide: sanitary sc\vcr Sc :rvice liar the Prot elty until the t :itv "; NF-1V TP is consiructcd alld fully iaper:Iliunli ils cl4lcrnlilled by the Lilt)' 1311Llilecr: thu D(;vcloper or 111c 11ilnlcOwlicrs° rlssocial.ion will opergtz snit nutilllaitl the. lift stltioll .nld packa-c ph:inl ;II VIII limes prior to bc'.i11 lied into the Cltv's • once tllc \1;.111�I l' hecomc I ill% openmonal. (he Dcvc:loper and:'or the hunlci?\Vncl's` a;,lpciaui�n Shall extend tile. sc.\1'er line Il-onl the pack.lgc plant SOL: to the cily�s �Ih.v1`1\`i'p \villlirl t \ \elve nlontJls ul rc:ceil:>t i>I ntllicc I'rnm Illc C:ily l=,n4inc�:r ol"t11c City of BayLoWli to the De:ycloper or honleoWlicl's- aNSOcialion that t11L NI_Av,\' "I'p bein tidly- operational, and EXHIBIT A ,August 20, 2004 1': gr ® 1 The Devoloper andmr the homeowners' association shall remove the package Treatment plant within G months after the date the subdivision is tied into talc City's NIE W`P. Fos- Water Scl-viccs the DuyCluper will he required to Conned to a 12" w.11er line on Sjolandcr Rd. and extend the INC across Be propurl.y trollinge on Needlepoint lid. to the eastern most bmmdmT hne of the property; and till: Developer shall either: cstcnd a water line that is sizCd only for tilt i evc1 1pillcnt ::Ind will he Suhjtc( In C0Ill1CCli011 Res and /or impact ties. whichever is applicable; and the City nmy chonse to parlicipatc in UI)SlLlll2 the walCr IiHC to it 12" line; of extend a 12" water lisle (i) in Wu of paying connection tees or (ii_) to receive a Credit I'r0111 the impact tees otherwise due hyrn the nov dcyclopmcnt Ian' the costs incul-rud. w hichevcr is applicable. 203 For yood and valuable considurolim , the sufficiency and receipt thereof is ackno\vl, d ged by Developer. the Developer, for and Toil behalf of its successors and assigns, hereby agrees that the Ill-operty shall not be the subject of disamlexation based UIN)n the pravisiorl or lack of salnilau'y sewer service, h is expressly understood and i:rgried that the provision ofsuch serViCC by the Cily % ill ili)I OCCnl' lyilhln =Tic Veal :i troill Isle daft C)1 1.I1C Property's allllexal.loll. 2,11 4 The Developer, for and oil behalf of As successors and assig.ris; hereby au;rcos that the Property Contains diflcrent eharacleristics of wpography, land use, and population dcusily Ihan in olhcr areas of the City and such diffcrcrlcCS C0110hutc a sufficient hNsk liar the Cily s providing dissents) ICytls of nlunicilml scr'iccs. In tlli, calsL. such dificl-CncC, Constilul.e a hasis for not proyidill , Sanitary scwwr ;cl'yiccs until after the consrruclimi ofthe NF\V1-"I'll and after the 1\IL1V*\V P becomes billy nl)el'8t11)ilal a; determined by the City En-L,ill Cc! . 205 The Developer agrees that the levi:l Of rllurlicipal ,Cll'ViCcS to he prclvidcd as indicatud ill 1110 Service 1)1,1117 which is altadied hul-c o as I'.xWI "13" is equal or superior to the level of services provided wilhin the Corporate limit, orthe City of Bayt.ow°n. 2.00, The Developer agrees to and shall include the tci'll]s and conditions of this Agreenlcni in the deed restrictions I61- the property. Additionally. the Det'clol)Cr And its suCCCs;ul :S and assi2H SIM11 tuildcr written notiCU- prior to the execution nrn hindke contract tier the sale and;or ptn'ehasc of all ,r a po ulioII ol,ihC Pr(.1 ptrIy "Ial.iii Ih4 Lcn"s of 15s AgaenleM. If, howovq A\eIoI) er rails to d0 Sig, such tarlure shall have no tillct on the yand.liy of this agrounnorit or its binding cllect oil such purchasers. ?- 1l:rllI The term i)I this Agreement shall be`_& on fhe date signed by the. Clay ll'.I,nl :1�,c1' :1114 hi111 c0I11111t1C: Ill full force and effect until the DCVclope - -r or its successors and assigns love rtrlly pchm, :111 or its uhlyns ,)ccilicd its Section 2.02. :1. General LoIIii -it ioIls 4111 By this giocruna. the City dins oils conscnl tit lill;!in.Ion or suit, and the City hereby expressly iCV11US sm 'Instill to liti!,aliorl Mal it 1118y have .,ranted by the Terms of this Agreement or any other Conlri]ct of agreement, an); c1minek of applicable :fate lair'. Further, ilt)tlmll'�', contained herein ;hall he Construed as a %vain r or Ill any way limit the City's sovcrcigm immunity. "fhu Devuloper assurllts full responsibility for II1c conylrucllon: IllaillIe11at1CC, operation, and rcnloviil 01'111C p;ick,lttc pl.lul :.is well as the connection of the Pr)per-ly's sanitary sewer litres to the N1-1Vk1aTP once such plant is Compicic Anil I-ully operational as determined by the C by l nuineer. The Developer eloper tan behalf of itself as well as its successors and assigns hereby releases, rcIilxlui; >IIC.s .111d discharues the City. its officer's, agents; and Cnlployccs lroul all Claillls, ilcrnflnds, and cause, of action of cvcry kind and cimi- ACler. illCludiu--- the cost of dQ1 -`cnSU 11 I -COI, for Any 111111ry to ill- LICLIIII • I.�IE�I i \�ICL'I11UIkl P oI' at-1V person (CVIIt1111C1' IhCV bC :;itlltrr of tllc p�lrlics 111:1 -Cllr, 111c11. cmlplt I .. 111 O[hel" third Ill31lICJ� tlnci aIn, Ic1„ (!I'ttr diillmve It) propel-ty (whether the propelly be that of either of' the parties Ilcrcto. their Cnlplt)yCc .ter other third parties) that is Caused by or alle.�ed to be eauscd by, arising OLII QI" 01, IIl Collllect1011 LVIth the provision Ut sallltary iCwcr ;CrvIccs :•ls sltltcd hurc'lll. 4.02 This A re.ement shall in all respects bC .:Ind C0111tI_LJC I in ::ICCC.lydculcC with and -overned by Il1c law; c11" Ills 5,1Wc Of rcuarCllcsl ,11' IhC plaCC OF it.s exeCll1101l or peri0rt11at1Ce. I'hc phicc ut'nl,lkirk, ;In l the pl,lcc ofperl'i>nlialice CCW all lltarpose5 shall be I larris Cutult;V. CC -Xas. l.It3 'All parliC; il_�ree Thal should any provision of tills Agrecni(;nt be cictcl-lllincd to be im. -I'd ur unCntorCeablC. such de.tzllllination shall tli)l aIT cl <ulN' other lei-III ot, Ihi A-rccnlcnl, which shall Continue. in lull 1`01-C.C: ,1110 CFIcGl. -1.0=1 In the C cnt c11'tuIV AIIIN Uuil%, in and' ul'the Icrnls ttl'lhis A--i mCnt., it shall not he cC�tlstrueci tur of ::I rlinst zIll)- part' 11cl -Clo cin the basis that ;uCh panv did or did riot ac[t]or the. sank. =1,O5 I'hi1 all the a <�rCenlents of the parties relating.. to the subject matter hCrcol tool IS the filll and heal expression ol' the a' nxiiicnl butwccn tl)c p�lrlies. This A rucnlunl. shall nits he anle.nded or IllodiliCd %Without IhC exprCS1 W rittcn Cclnscnl Idboth parties Ilerelo. Should the -1tbovc- rc1'u'cncctl tc:rins and CtlnditionS bC ,ICCCplilbll: to You, plC:asC execute this ledger l,rC:� -n1un anCl I-Clul'n IhC S�In1C: 111 nn':111CnliClrl ill the above - referenced address. Thereafter. it will be presented it to the (-'its. Council I'Or,tpproval during the annexation Should Vuu IlaVC: ,inv cluCllolls or 11' 1 nlav bC c11, w""isl ince. please do not hesil;ne 10 C011MCt Illc. l hallk Vogl 101- % :OLI3' 21511a1itI1CC nl 11111 rnalter. �1I1C21'21��. IZFF1): f PrinlCd Nttnke IIITC A(.11l,l•:I): (_ ar; I;ICksun• (.:ily \ -lru1 I� Cr 1 Date) Ild._ i +nc��'.ai Gsr;u I11.; �h. ('Icd. :', n�:, :.r, �o„ :.nrs; •,,:�,m,y;r.: ror:::C<:�::,Lr.,r W.R. (13111) Feder en, P.E. I)irector of Engineering Rx Date /Time MAR- 16- 2004(TOE1 Il,� 281 820 89 ?9 P. 002 Mar 16 04 12:25P ESOR Consulting Engrs Inc 12811820 -8979 P•2 El 71 .170 ACRES 71.570 ACRL, S OUT OF A 93 ACRE TRACT OF LAND RECORDED IN CUfRK'S FILE NO. (`.334213 AND M062663 H,C.O.P.R.R.P. AND ALSO BEING OtJT OF THE WILLIAM BLOODGOOD SURVEY, A -4, AND THE SJOLANDER SURVEY, A- 1644, H.AI'RJS COUNTY, TEXAS AND MORE PAl I,"ICU..ARL.Y DF,.5CRIBET) BY MEETS AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at a 1 inch 1.1-on pipe found and accepted as the northwest corner of said 93 acre tract, said point being in the southerly Zinc of Needle Point Road (60' R.O. W'. ), and said point staving State Plane Coordinat" N 13866344.75 E 3257836.37, South Central Zone; THENCE N 77 °37'10" E 319.64 feet along the southerly line of Needle Point Road (60' R.O.W.) to a found 1 inch iron pipe marking the northwesterly corner of a called 87.472 acre. tract recorded in C.F. No. T309427 H.C.O.P.R,R.P., and the northeasterly comer of the herein described tract; `l'HENC'F S 12 051'14" E 3328.44 feet along the westerly line of said 87.472 acre tract and the easterly line of the herein described tract to a set 1/2" iron rod, being, on the northerly line of Dayton -Goose Creek, RR Co. Vol. 390, Pg. 431, 14-CDR.; T14ENCE S 7.4 °45'07" W1291..62 feet along tl:c northwesterly line of Dayton- Goose Creek RR Co. to a set '/2 itch iron rod, being the southwesterly confer of the herein . described tract; THENCE N 13 035'23" W 965.12 feet along the easterly line of Landmark Estates Vol 338 Pg. 106, and westerly line of the herein described tract to a set 1/2 itreh iron roil; THENCE N 13 020'13" W 1530.44 feet across the McGee Gully and along the easterly line oi'McGee Place Phase Two Vol. 345 Pg. 60, passing a found 1/2 inch iron located at the most southeasterly corner of Lot 36 and a found 1/2 inch iron rod found at the most northeasterly comer of lot 36 to a set %l inch iron rod for corner; THENCE N 13 °03'00" W 269.41 feet to a found I inch iron pipe at the northeasterly comer of;'said McGee Place and die southeasterly corner ni'a 19.000 acre tract C.F. No.SO48441 H.C,O.P.R.R.P.; I's Page loft EXHIBIT A Rx Date/Time H6-I6- M(HE) II:�� 28I 820 W9 p. 003 Mar 16 04 12:25p ESOR consulting Engrs Inc (281)820 -8979 p.3 THENCE N 13'305'48" W 267.81 feet To a found 1 inch iron pipe at the northeasterly corner of said 19.000 acre tract and the southeasterly corner of a 13.120 acre tract C.F. No. V22955811.C.O.P.R.R.P.; THENCE N 13 006'03" W 265.77 feet to a fotla)d 1 inch itun pipe at the norheasterly comer of said 13.210 tract and the southeasterly corner of a 2.542 acre tritct C.F. No. L275249 H.C.O.P.R.R.P.; THENCE N 12 °59'38" W 265.03 feet to a found 112" iron rod at northeasterly comer of said 2.542 acre tract and tic southeasterly corner of a 1 o.8o0 acre tract C.j . No. M566085 H.C.O.P.R.R.P. THENCE N 1311061,4" W 528.80 to a Sound 112 inch iron rod marking the northeasterly comer of said 10.500 acre tract and tlhc southeasterly confer of a 15.210 acre tract C.F. No. M209839 H.C.O.P.R.R..P.; THENCE N 12050'54" W 26634 .feet to the northeasterly comer of said 15.210 acre tract and the northwesterly corner of the hct-cin described tract to the Point of Begir- Cling. -Ap JOhN J. RODRIQUEZ - 2694 . 1. . 1j"I 1q is Page 2 oft F a a4i3 SUMMARY May 24, 2004 The area to be annexed is located in the ET1, located south of Needlepoint Road (including ROW), west of Cedar Bayou. Size of Area: The area proposed for annexation is approximately 71.570 acres shown on the attached map. Proposed Land Use: Residential Subdivision. Upon annexation, the property will be in the Mixed Use (MU) zoning district. Impact: As a result of this proposed annexation: The Fire Department will extend beyond the room of origin increasing the difficulty of accomplishing the critical tasks of rescue, fire control, and property conservation. To improve the service delivery performance measures to the proposed area the initial investment for construction of a new building, equipment and personnel is $2,165,000 with a recurring cost of $1,039,900. (See attached Service Plan). The project site will be assigned to Fire Station 3. The Health Department states that future annexation and development will increase the demand for services and decrease our ability to meet Advance Life Support (ALS) response standards. To improve the service delivery performance measures to the proposed area the initial investment for construction of a new building, equipment and personnel is $1,275,000. (See attached memo) The Police Department responsibility for services increase response times increases District 4. District Officers will increase as calls for The project site will be assigned to Police The Public Works Department workload will increase and the Utilities Divisions work backlog will increase. Means of Accom lishment: The annexation will be accomplished from the existing city limit line. Public In ut: Public Hearings will be held to allow for public input. Attachments: Attached to this summary are the specific Service Plan elements submitted by each of the major city departments. 5 1 1. r� -r, SERVICE PLAN FOR THE HEALTH /EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT RE: Proposed annexation of 71.570 acres (320 residential lots proposed) located south of Needlepoint Road (including ROW), west of Cedar Bayou. 1. The area being annexed is described as a Tract out of the William Bloodgood Survey, Abstract -4 and the Siolander Survey, Abstract 1644, Harris County, Texas. 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area: A � � ' The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. /k 3. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? ➢ $ Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A ". ➢ $ The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B ". ➢ $ Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C ". ➢ $ If this annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or any capital equipment an explanation should be attached hereto as Exhibit "D ". 4. How will this annexation effect existing response times? will this annexation effect recognized agencies ?(explain; /'6Z � and established (response time) standards as established by 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation. Signature , Dat CITY OF BAYTO)NIN MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Lester, Director of Health and EMS FROM: Jack Pitcock, EMS Division Manager DATE: May 19, 2004 SUBJ: Annexation Service Plan This is our response to the proposed annexation of 71.570 acres located south of Needlepoint Road, west of Cedar Bayou for use as a residential subdivision. The decision to add or modify Emergency Medical Service resources are based on two primary criteria: Call Volume and Response Times. Call Volume The requests for service that we receive vary by time of day, day of week. Our goal is to maintain enough ambulances so that we are able to respond to every request for service, allowing for hourly call volume fluctuations. Historically, each City EMS unit can handle an average of 2,400 requests for service each year without significantly impacting our ability to respond to each call. Our failure to maintain adequate resources results in calls which are passed to commercial ambulance firms, which do not maintain the same standards of care which we offer to the citizens. We have 3 EMS units staffed each day, which gives us a call load limit of about 7,200 requests for service. Our call volume this year will approach 7,000 and we are forecasting an increase to just over 7,100 for next year. New development impacts our call volume. As an example, a growth in population of 120 individuals adds 1 call per month to our call volume. In this specific annexation request, it's estimated that there will be 300 new homes, approximately 900 people added to the population of Baytown. This equates to an increase in call volume of about 90 calls per year. While this may not be the `trigger' to require additional response resources, other cumulative incremental growth in Baytown may push anticipated call volume beyond 7,200 requests annually. This will require the consideration of additional staffed ambulances to, meet call volume demands. Response Times .There are several sources for response time standards for Emergency Medical Services. The two most noted are the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1710, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung Health Department Emergency Medical Services Division L� and Blood Institute "Staffing and Equipping Emergency Medical Services Systems ". They both state that Advanced Life Support (ALS) response should be 9 minutes or less, 90% of the time. Using current staffing and deployment plans, response time computer modeling and historical data, the area considered for annexation will fall out of the minimum ALS response time standards. There are other areas of the City which currently do not meet ALS response time standards, notably Lakewood, Whispering Pines, and the Highway 146 /Chambers county corridor_ Redeployment of resources in an attempt to provide the area under consideration for annexation with ALS response time standards will simply mean that additional areas of the City will fall out of those same standards. Recommendation Future annexation and development will not only increase the demand for services, but will also decrease our ability to meet ALS response standards. Estimated Costs Buildings — Construction of a facility to house an ALS ambulance and crew 24 hours per day in the northeast section of Baytown. Approximate Cost $750,000. Vehicles — One Type 1, Class 1 A Modular Ambulance. Approximate Cost $130,000. Additional Personnel — Four (4) Paramedics, Three (3) Senior Paramedics to staff the ambulance. Approximate Cost $350,000. Capital Equipment — Minimum essential equipment for the new ambulance, to include 12 -lead EKG Monitor, Stretcher, Carry-in Bags, Extrication Equipment, 2 -way radios for ambulance, portable radios for crew. Approximate Cost $45,000 4/ Health Department 2 Emergency Medical Services Division Current Response Time Analysis _,7 t N T Total road miles for -FIRST-IN company mi (0-4min) mi (4-9min) 46.5 mi (9-15min) Health Department 3 Emergency Medical Services Division 0 SERVICE PLAN FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT RE: Proposed annexation of 71.570 acres located south of Needlepoint Road (including ROW), west of Cedar Bayou. 1. The area being annexed is described as: a Tract out of the William Blood-good Survey, Abstract 4 and the Siolander Survey, Abstract 1644, Harris County, Texas. 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area: District 3. The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. 3. What are the expected service delivery performance measures for the area within existing resources? a. First Due: 10 minutes 45 seconds. Response Time for receipt of call for services until the arrival of the 15t due company. Fire will extend beyond the room of origin increasing the difficulty of accomplishing the critical tasks of rescue, fire control, and property conservation. EMS survivability from cardiac arrest will be reduced by 10% for each minute without BLS care beyond 6 minutes. b. First Alarm: 13 minutes 24 seconds. Response Time for receipt of call for services until the arrival of the first alarm assignment (2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 1 Chief) on location. The time over 10 minutes will significantly increase fire spread and therefore decrease rescue, fire control, and property conservation measures. Additionally, the return of circulation for cardiac arrest victims without ALS care within 10 minutes diminishes significantly - 4. What expansion of resources would be required to improve the service delivery norfnrmanrP measures to the proposed area? Initial Investment Cost in dollars Building — 4 Bay Fire Station 1,700,000 Equipment — Fire Engine 450,000 Personnel Hiring Costs — 15 Personnel 15,000 Initial Costs Total 2,165,000 Recurring Costs Cost in dollars Personnel 1,020,000 Educational - 1,500 Building Maintenance 4,000 Utilities 14,400 Recurring Costs Total 1,039,900 5. What would be the predicted service delivery pertormance measures wain expanded resources? a. First Due: 6 minutes. Response Time for receipt of call for services until the arrival of the 'Ist due company. Fire will be confined to the room of origin increasing the probability of accomplishing the critical tasks of rescue, fire control, and property conservation. EMS survivability from cardiac arrest will increase by 10% for each minute of BLS care before 6 minutes. b. First Alarm: 10 minutes. Response Time for receipt of call for services until the arrival of the first alarm assignment (2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 1 Chief) on location. The time under 10 minutes will significantly decrease fire spread and therefore increase rescue, fire control, and property conservation measures. Additionally, the return of circulation for cardiac arrest victims with AILS care within 10 minutes increases significantly. Dr. D.Craig Brown, Ph.D., Fire Chief 16 Date SERVICE PLAN FOR THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT RE: Proposed annexation of 71.570 acres (320 residential lots proposed) located south of Needlepoint Road (including ROW), west of Cedar Bayou. 1. The area being annexed is described as a Tract out of the William Bloodgood Survey, Abstract 4, and the Sjolander Survey, Abstract 1644 Harris County, Texas. 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area: . The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. 3. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? ➢ _$ Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit `'A ". ➢ $ The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B ". ➢ $ The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C ". ➢ $ If this annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or any capital equipment an explanation should be attached hereto as Exhibit "D ". 4. How will this annexation effect existing response times? and will this annexation effect established (response time) standards as established by recognized agencies? (explain) 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation. E7 Lll- Signature Date ,7 ® — – — – SERVICE PLAN FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT — RE: Proposed annexation of 71.570 acres (320 residential lots proposed) located south of Needlepoint Road (including ROW), west of Cedar Bayou. 1. The area being annexed is described as a Tract out of the William Bloodaood Survey, Abstract 4, and the Siolander Survey, Abstract 1644 Harris County, Texas. 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area: The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments fn the area. 3. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? $ %%Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A ". ➢ The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B ". The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any speci c personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C ". A'.). r�1F`fFiis annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or any capital equipment an explanation should be attached hereto as Exhibit "D ". 4. How will this annexation effect existing response times ? /*l /Al4't* -S9F- r (jirk p t,, j�' P 9 ; and will this annexation effect established (response tirne:5 standards as established by recognized agencies? (explain) 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation. .f}9! ��_ �%/ %� re Date [7 L] ATTACHMENT Exhibit "D" The Service Plan includes the following: ➢ the Developer will be required to install a package plant to treat wastewater until the City's Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant ( NEWWTP) is constructed and fully operational; ➢ the Developer or the homeowner's association will operate and maintain the package plant at all times prior to being connected to the City's NEWWTP; ➢ the Developer and /or the homeowner's association will be required to extend a sewer line(s) from the package plant to the NEWWTP sanitary sewer collection system once the NEWWTP is fully operational; ➢ the Developer and/or the homeowner's association will have 180 days from the time the NEWWTP is fully operational to connect to the NEWWTP sanitary'sewer collection system; ➢ the Developer and /or the homeowner's association will have an additional 30 days to remove the package plant after connecting to the NEWWTP sanitary sewer collection system; ➢ the Developer will be required to connect to a 12" water line on Sjolander Rd. and extend the line across the property frontage on Needlepoint Rd. to the eastern most boundary line of the property; ➢ the Developer may choose to extend a water line that is sized only for the development and will be subject to connection fees. The4City may choose to participate in upsizing the water line to a 12" line; ➢ the Developer may choose to extend a 12" water line in lieu of paying connection fees. SERVICE PLAN FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT RE: Proposed annexation of 71.570 acres (320 residential lots proposed) located south of Needlepoint Road (including ROW), west of Cedar Bayou. 1. The area being annexed is described as a Tract out of the William Bloodgood Survey, Abstract 4, and the 5'olander Surve Abstract 1644 Harris County, Texas. 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. 3. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? $ _ �� r Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A ". $ — V ` The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B ". $ — Q The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C ". If this annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or any capital equipment an explanation should be attached hereto as Exhibit "D ". 4. How will this annexation effect existing respori a times ?,T7 - 1/� -cC �✓C, p _ R�S�'D.�SJ Sr` /u') mv IST/C£ n)s ' fS = n�c s and will this annexation effect established (response time) standards as established by recognized agencies? (explain) A/ 1A 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation. 4-� � Signatur S-- / -7_oy Date C? Gz—, SERVICE PLAN FOR-THE PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT —0 RE: Proposed annexation of 71.570 acres (320 residential lots proposed) located south of Needlepoint Road (including ROW), west of Cedar Bayou. 1. The area being annexed is described as a Tract out of the William Bloodclood Survey, Abstract 4 and the S'olander Survey, Abstract 1644 Harris County, Texas. 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area: The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. 3. What will be-the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? $ Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A ". $ The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B ". $ The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C. If this annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or any capital equipment an explanation should be attached hereto as Exhibit "D ". 4. How will this annexation effect existing response times? and will this annexation effect established (response time) standards as established by recognized agencies? (explain) 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation. Signature Date L] SERVICE PLAN FOR THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT RE: Proposed annexation of 71.570 acres (320 residential lots proposed) located south of Needlepoint Road (including ROW), west of Cedar Bayou. 1. The area being annexed is described as a Tract out of the William Blood000d Survey, Abstract 4, and the S'olander Surve Abstract'1644 Harris Counjy, Texas. 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area: The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. 3. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? ➢ Q- ^Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A ". ➢ $ - O - The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B ". ➢ - The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C ". ➢ - - If this annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or any capital equipment an explanation should be attached hereto as Exhibit "D ". 4. How will this annexation effect existing response times? and will this annexation effect established (response time) standards as established by recognized agencies? (explain) ajb 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation. Si nature .�l 1 �1d4-- Dat�— L---7 S7 �JJ