Ordinance No. 9,804Published Baytown Sun ORDINANCE NO. 9804 Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2004 Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ADDING 57.2011 ACRES OF LAND IN THE WM, BLOODGOOD LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NUMBER 4, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, TO COUNCIL DISTRICT NO. 5; REPEALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS, Section 17(l) of the Charter of the City of Baytown provides that the City Council shall redistrict the City if the growth of the City justifies; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to include the newly annexed territory described herein in a Council District; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: Council District No. 5 is hereby redistricted by the addition of certain property which is described on the attached Exhibit "A." Section 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance., Section 3: If any provisions, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 27h day of May, 2004. v CALVIN MUNDINGER, Mayor ATT T: (1 Y SMITH, City Clerk APP OVED AS TO FORM: emf�ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., City tt ey F:Veanene \My Documents \Counci1\03 -04 \May 2nd\ AnnexationCityo #Baytown2CouncilDist5.doc METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION ir'ESCfiPtiG Cf 4 =.:J1� i acrES of tend cut of a Called 215.4-12 • a =rc tract conveyed by d:°L' ccfEz` .iuly E, from ?.M. HubEr Corporation tc EnclnEered C-crbcns, InC. as fECOrCeC L'nde: rarriS 705 d ec sitlated i Vciood -cOOd Leacue, �c :trac: CGl my CiEr'`s FIIE NJ7llEf �n 1 ( G Nt-rr,ber 4, Harris County, Texas! (nclE: bearings are d25Ed cn the west II".E of said traC, aP, tract 4, of said 215.4 31 ac.-ES) CcMMENCING at a 51E Ir.cn iron rod with ca, found at the intersection of the ncr:h riche-- Jf- 'f.,2y Iln= cf Needle Point Read (EaSed a EO fcO Widihl vJliil fie SJUtiEcsterfy Ilse of , is Sg'utf! °f ! Pacific Ecatlfcad (Volume 52= cage 236 Harris County Deed FeCor�s) TH -7-NCE South 28' 05. OC" byes;, p2ssing at a distance of 75.47 feet the most ;,cr henv ncritiviest corner cf said 215.4321 acres and dEinc in the south !ine of szid Needle Point Road, and continuing along the southEasteriy line of the Southern Pacific Railroad (Volume 3S0, Page a?1 Harris County Deed Records) (100' right- of -wav), for a teal distance of 1,35c.ES feet Ie a 515 inch ircn rod with cap se: icr the nonhe2s; corner and PLACE OF BEGINNING of tt,e herein described tract: THENCE South OG" 22' `C." East, for a diszp-nce cf 2,679.02 feet to a point ror corner en CnE top tank of Cedar Bayou; THENCE along the meanders of Cedar E2you, the foilcwing calls; Ncrh 7E° 21' 21:•• West, for a c'islance of 147.14 feet to a point. North 790 515" 54" West, for a distance of 53.51 feet tG a point. Nor<h 62° 31' 42 '* West, fcr a distance of 130.76 feet to a point. Ncrh 820 27' 28" ` +Vest, for 2 dist2nc-e of 61.60 feet to a POW, Noah 7" 32' 07" West, icr a disiance of 73.80 feet t0 a Pci,rli, Ncrth E'_` 33' 42" Nest, for a distance of 53.59 feet tG a Pcir't, North 751 48' 19" 4�lest, fcr a distance cf 55.82 feet to a paint, Noah 7E' 06' 43" West. fcr a distance cf 90.05 feet to a Point, North ES' 03' 43" West, fcr a distance of 61.07 feet to a Point, North E:.° 03' 31" Wiest, for a distance cf 31.27 feet to 2 PCir,t. Ncrth 8c` 56' 54" West, icr a distance of 103.16 feet to 2 point. South 75° 54' 31" ; ^Jest, for a distance of 37.77 feet to a point. South 65` 13' 57 " ':Vest, for a distance of 55.26 feet to a Point, South 47° 43' 32 "'-AleS'I, for a distance of 47.12 feet to a point. South 461 40' 29" West. fcr a d.is,ance of E1.72 feet to 2 Point. South 21` 27' 43 esi, for a distance of 38.35 feel to a point. ScLgh 450 34' E" Wes,, for a distance of 49.80 feet 10 a Colni. Scutt, `3° OS' 13 "West, fcr a distance of 10. i2 feet to E Pcini. South 284 QC' lE" %,*`e5t, for 2 distance of 3G,23 feet i0 a p-GVr,t, SCUt} 3t° 4E' 2 i 1IVc5i, iGr 2 CIS :once Qt 3S.gt' feet tc a pO:nt in the v.,est line Gf said L 1 ,.4321 acres; THENCE f`Giih 0�` 32' S%�° 'JVEst, aicnc the west line of said 215..4-21 2CreS, P-2SS ng at 2 ® distarcE cf 10.45 feet, E Cf5' inch iron rod found for reference 'n7 continuing In ail for c lGtcl disiance Gf 1145.66 feet t0 the a 515 inch ircn rod with car fCIrIG iCf the most weStEff� nGrPa6fic CCfner cf said 2 15._ � 1 acrES• Same being in the scufhcc5teriy IInE of a 100 iC�t SOt i''Ern P2G ilg Railroad foe as reccfded u')d °_r Vclurr E 390. Pace 431 cf the Feed Records of Harris Cour'.h : T)MITA Gc a Ica E) MIT :,190]. S..1 dl Sl ACMES dot ! cr' C C7 .A— u1 u aj a7 V, w in GI C U r- f9 N (l r) C71 U-) L: C N N - C u ra al � � c � p U N I] a 10 r c7- ri v (r L' m C C11 �w� v C p IU C ' qy uN Lj cn gl Lj in Q — (D n " In (7 nl — r C i i rnj i n �0 a W .- N u1 m i. d LL ° ? L 0 u) m �w ilj (j ti Ur L _j `f1 LU 2r alp r-y�q UL r a N L3-I Z D L7r Q O N L1.1 S Q w N z Q 0 Z Q z r V) Lf] w 1- 6n cn rn ?+ C r LU � L N U) °u _ �_ C�` �r'Cl m 1 -1 ti n o -1 1I-7 `7 _N N C 0i ,- p CL "a — U z t2 1 nl 'vi c t7.0 C .}R 0- b Il.. In -C ur N x rnN0 C7 Qy 'T, W b 4). ce Ca 61 C'r 1, Iu m o Ln CC FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION 12.367 ACRES - TRACT I ® Being a 12.367 acre tract or parcel of land situated in the William Bloodgood League, Abstract N0.4, Harris County, Texas, and being a portion of a called 43.1651 acre tract, Tract 4, as described in deed from Engineered Carbons, Inc. to Degussa Engineered Carbons, L.P. dated April 12, 2002 and recorded in Harris County Clerks File No. V726835, said 12.367 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows. COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod with aluminum cap found on the existing north line of Needlepoint Road, 60 feet wide, and the southeasterly line of the Dayton — Goose Creek Railway Company 100 feet wide feet strip as described in deed from Edward G. Smith to Dayton — Goose Creek Railway Company and recorded in Volume 390 Page 431 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, having a State Plane Grid Coordinate, NAD 83, of N= 13865872.06 E= 3262302.40; THENCE S 77 025'49" W, alone the north line of Needlepoint Road, a distance of 251.90 feet to a point; THENCE S 24 °52' 17" W, over and across Needlepoint Road, a distance of 75.57 feet, to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on the south line of Needlepoint Road, and the northwesterly corner of a Texas Eastern Produces 50 feet wide fee strip as described in Volume 3744 Page 101 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, for the northeast corner and POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; THENCE S 24052'17" W, along the northwesterly line of said 50 feet wide fee strip, a distance of 1450.17 feet to a 1 /2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set for the southerly corner of the herein described tract; THENCE Northwesteri .'. along a curve to the right, having a radius of 70.00 feet, a central angle of 52 °33'31 ", an arc length of 64,21 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of N 38 °50'57" W a distance of 61.98 feet, to a 1f2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set for corner of the herein described tract; THENCE N 12 °34' 1 1" W, over and across a portion of the said called 43.1651 acre tract, a distance of 1095.82 feet, to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on die south line of Needlepoint Road, for the northwest corner of the herein described tract; THENCE N 77 °25'49" E, along Needlepoint Road, deed call bearing Ni 80 °39'44" E, a distance of 909.07 feet, to the PONT OF BEG[Ni 11G, containing a calculated area of 12.367 acres land. R. MCCLELLAN .L-S. NO. 4980 11-01-2003 NOTE: This field note description is part of the plat of same date. The bearings shown hereon are referenced to State Plane Coordinate Svstem, South Central Zone, NAD 83, N 77 °25' ,19" E along Needlepoint Road. 0 FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION 3000 SQUARE FEET - TRACT 2 ® Being a 3000 square feet tract or parcel of land situated in the William Bloodgood League, Abstract N0. 4, Harris County, Texas, and being a portion of a called 1 .079 acre tract, 50 feet wide fee strip, as described in deed from Pear Hart to Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation dated April 29, 1959 and recorded in Volume 3736 Page 283 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, said 3000 square feet tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; COMMENCING at a 518" iron rod with aluminum cap found on the existing north line of Needlepoint Road, 60 Feet wide, and the southeasterly line of the Dayton —Goose Creek Railway Company 100 feet wide feet strip as described in deed from Edward G. Smith to Dayton — Goose Creek Railway Company and recorded in Volume 390 Page 431 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, having a State Plane Grid Coordinate, NAD 83, of N= 13865872.06 E= 3262302.40; THENCE S 77 025'49" W, along the north line of Needlepoint Road, a distance of 251.90 feet to a point; THENCE S 24 °52' 17" W, passing at a distance of 75.57 feet, a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4930" set on the south line of Needlepoint Road, and the northwesterly corner of a Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation 50 feet wide fee strip as described in Volume 3744 Page 101 or the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, and continuing for a total distance of 1465.74 feet, to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on the northwesterly line of a Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation 50 feet wide fee strip as described in deed recorded in Volume 3736 Page 283 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, for the northerly corner and POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; THENCE S 65 °07'43" E. over and across said Texas Eastern 50 feet wide strip, a distance of 50.00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" Set for the easterly corner of the herein described tract, said rod being on the northwesterly line of a 50 feet wide Cenierpoint Energy fee strip as described in deed recorded in Volume 3527 Page 733 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas: THENCE S 24 °52' 17" W, along the common line of the said Texas Eastern tract and said Centerpoint Energy tract, a distance of 60.00 feet, to a 112" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set for the southerly corner of the herein described tract; THENCE N 65 007'43" W, over said Texas Eastern tract, a distance of 50.00 feet to a 1 12" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set for the westerly corner of the herein described tract; THENCE N 24'52'17" E, along the northwesterly line of said Texas Eastern tract, a distance of 60.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing a calculated area of 3000 square feet of land. NICCLELLAN S. NO, 4980 01 -2003 NOTE: This Field note description is part of the plat of same date. The bearings shown hereon are referenced to State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone, NA 83. N 77 °25'49" E along Needlepoint Road. Ll FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION 3000 SQUARE FEET - TRACT 3 ® Being a 3000 square feet tract or parcel of land situated in the William Bloodgood League, Abstract N0. 4, Harris County, Texas, and being a portion of a called 3.237 acre tract, 50 feet wide fee strip, as described in deed from Pear Hart to Houston Lighting and Power and recorded in Volume 3527 Page 733 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, said 3000 square feet tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; COMMENCING at a 518" iron rod with aluminum cap found on the existing north line of Needlepoint Road, 60 feet wide, and the southeasterly line of the Dayton — Goose Creek Railway Company 100 feet wide feet strip as described in deed from Edward G. Smith to Dayton — Goose Creek Railway Company and recorded in Volume 390 Page 431 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, having a State Plane Grid Coordinate, NAD 83, of N= 13865872.06 E= 3262302.40: THENCE S 77 °25'49" W. along the north line of Needlepoint Road, a distance of 25 1.90 feet to a point; THENCE S 24052'17" W, passing at a distance of 75.57 feet, a 112" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on the south line of Needlepoint Road, and the northwesterly corner of a Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation 50 feet wide fee scrip as described in Volume 3744 Page 101 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, and continuing for a total distance of 1465.74 feet, to a 112" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on the northwesterly line of a Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation 50 feet wide fee strip as described in deed recorded in Volume 3736 Page 283 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas; THENCE S 65 °07'43" E, over and across said Texas Eastern tract, a distance of 50.00 feet, to a 112" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on the northwesterly line of the said Houston Lighting and Power tract, for the northerly corner and POfNT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; THENCE S 65 107'43" E. over and across said Houston Lighting and Power tract, a distance of 50.00 feet, to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on the southeasterly line of the said Houston Lighting and Power tract and the northwesterly line of the said Railroad tract, for the easterly corner of the herein described tract; THENCE S 24 °52' 17" W, along the common line of the said Houston Lighting and Power tract and the said Railroad tract, a distance of 60.00 feet, to a 112" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set for the southerly corner of the herein described tract; THENCE N 65 °07'43" W, over and across the said Houston Lighting and Power tract, a distance of 50.00 feet, to a I/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set for the westerly corner of the herein described tract, said rod being on the common line of the said Houston Lighting and Power tract and the said Texas Eastern tract; THENCE N 24 °52' 17" E, along the common line of the said Houston Lighting and Power tract, and the said Texas Eastern tract, a distance of 60.00 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNfNG, containing a calculated area of 3000 square feet of land. r�01� R. MCCLELLAN NO. 4980 03 NOTE: This field note description is part of the plat of same date. The bearings shown hereon are • referenced to State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone, NAD 83, N 77 °25'49" E along Needlepoint Road. FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION 6000 SQUARE FEET - TRACT 4 ® Being a 6000 square feet tract or parcel of iand situated in the William Bloodgood League, Abstract N0. 4, Harris Counry, Texas, and being a portion of a called 100 feet wide fee strip, as described in deed from Edward G. Smith to Dayton — Goose Creek Railway Company and recorded in Volume 390 Page 431 of the Deed Records of Harris Counry, Texas, said 6000 square feet tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; COMMENCING at a 5/8" iron rod with aluminum cap found on the existing north line of Needlepoint Road, 60 feet wide, and the southeasterly line of the Dayton -- Goose Creek Railway tract, having a State Plane Grid Coordinate, NAD 83, of N= 13865872.06 E= 3262302.40; THENCE S 77 025'49" W, along the north line of Needlepoint Road, a distance of 25 t.90 feet to a point; THENCE S 24'52'17" W. passing at a distance of 75.57 feet, a 112" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on the south line of Needlepoint Road, and the northwesterly corner of a Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation 50 feet wide fee strip as described in Volume 3744 Page 101 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, and continuing for a total distance of 1465.74 feet, to a 1 /2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on the northwesterly line of a Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation 50 feet wide fee strip as described in deed recorded in Volume 3736 Page 283 of the Deed Records of Harris Counry, Texas; THENCE S 65 °07'43" E, a distance of 100.00 Feet, to a 112" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "R-PI-S 4980" set on the southeasterly line of the Houston Lighting and Power tract, called 3.237 acres, 50 feet wide fee strip, as described in deed from Pear Hart to Houston Lighting and Power and recorded in Volume 3527 Page 733 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. the northwesterly line of the said Railroad tract, for the northerly corner and POINT OF BEGINI N NG of the herein described trail; THENCE S 65 007'43" E, over and across said Railroad tract, a distance of 100.00 feet, to a !/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on the southeasterly line of the said Railroad tract, for the easterly corner of the herein described tract; THENCE S 24 °52' 17" W. along the southeasterly line of the said Railroad tract, a distance of 60.00 Feet, to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set for the southerly corner of the herein described tract; THENCE N 65 °07'43" W, over and across the said Railroad tract, a distance of 100.00 feet, to a Ill" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set for the northwesterly line of said Railroad tract, and the southeasterly line of said Houston Lighting and Power tract, for the westerly corner of the herein described tract; THENCE Ni 24052'17" E, along the common line of the said Houston Lighting and Power tract, and the said Railroad tract, a distance of 60.00 feet, to the POINT OF BEG ri NI-NG, containing a calculated area of 6000 square feet of land. FA , CLELLAN O 4980 NOTE: This field note description is part of the plat of same date. The bearings shown hereon are referenced to State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone, NAD 83, N 77 °25'49" E along Needlepoint Road. FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION 1337.080 SQUARE FEET, TRACT 6 (OVERLAP TRACT) 10 Being a 1337,080 square feet tract or parcel of land situated in the William Bloodgood League, Abstract N0. 4, Harris County, Texas, and being a portion of a called 44.201 acre tract as described in deed from Gwendolyn Pearl Sweet, et al, to 1. M. Huber Corporation and recorded in Harris County Clerks File No. E177180 and also a portion of a called 3.5756 acre Railroad tract, unrecorded, said 1331.080 square feet tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; CONIMENCiNG at a 5/8" iron rod with aluminum cap found on the existing north line of Needlepoint Road, 60 feet wide, and the southeasterly line of the Dayton — Goose Creek Railway Company 100 feet wide feet strip as described in deed from Edward G. Smith to Dayton — Goose Creek Railway Company and recorded in Volume 390 Page 431 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, having a State Plane Grid Coordinate, NAD 83, of N= 13865872.06 E= 3262302.40; THENCE S 24 °52' 17" W, along the southeasterly line of said Railway Company tract, passing at a distance of 606.75 feet, a point for the northerly corner of said called 3.5756 acre Railroad tract, and continuing for a total distance of 1358.27 feet to a 1/2" iron'rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set for the most northerly corner of the said called 44.201 acre tract and the POINT OF BEGrNNIN of the herein described tract, THENCE S t2 046'45" E, along the easterly line of the said called 44.201 acre tract, a distance of 33.79 feet, to a 1 12" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set on a southerly line of the said called 3.5756 acre tract, for the southeasterly corner of the herein described tract; THENCE southwesterty, along a southerly line of the said called 3.5756 acre tract, along a curve to the left, having a radius of 594.42 feet, a central angle of 15 108'33 ", an arc length of 157.10 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of S 32 °26'38" W a distance of 156.64 feet, to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4980" set for the most westerly corner of the said called 3.5756 acre tract and the most westerly corner of the herein described tract, said rod being on the southeasterly line of the said Railway Company tract; THENCE N 24-52-17" E, along the southeasterly line of the said Railway Company tract, the northwesterly line of the said called 3.5756 acre tract, and the northwesterly line of the said called 44.201 acre tract, a distance of 182.03 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing a calculated area of 1337.080 square feet of land. R. MCCLELLAN S. NO. 4980 1 -01 -2003 NOTE: This field note description is part of the plat of same date. The bearings shown hereon are referenced to State Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone, NAD 83, N 77 °25'49" E along Needlepoint Road. l J