Ordinance No. 14,375ORDINANCE NO. 14,375 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ADDING APPROXIMATELY 4.86 ACRES, LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 285 FEET WEST OF WEST ROAD AND 670 FEET NORTH OF WEST CEDAR BAYOU LYNCHBURG ROAD AND SITUATED IN THE ED. T. SCHAFFER (W.C. & R.R.) SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1224, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, TO COUNCIL DISTRICT NO. 4; REPEALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ******************************************************************************************** WHEREAS, Section 17(7) of the Charter of the City of Baytown provides that the City Council shall redistrict the City if the growth of the City justifies; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to include the newly annexed territory described herein in a Council District; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: Council District No. 4 is hereby redistricted by the addition of that property which is described in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency, and in all other respects, this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 3: If any provision, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances, and to this end, all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Coun-' -�f the City of Baytown this the 9"' day of April, 2020. BRANDON CAPETILLO, Mayor ILNX,��,..� APPROVED AS TO FORM: -Y °° �o � r� ° NACIO RAMIREZ, SR. C' y Attorney cobfs0IVegal%KarenFilesEityCou ' .Ordinances\2020Wpril9\Add4.86AcrestoCounciDistrict4.doc 1�rPf'A" PARCEL i FMIM NOTES of a 4.855 acre rttitigatioa area and pond and two 10 foci wide dsai — on,ll . . msements si>YtaLed in the Ed. T. Schaffer (W.C. & R.R.) SnrM, Abstract No.1224, Rods.. Coaaty, Tacos, being out of and a part of Lot I I and Block 21 ofRighland Yetma Addition u pat plat reoonW at Volume 7 at P226 60 and 61 of the Map Accords of Harris County, Torras, also being out of and apart 91I4ts 14 thmnA 26 of Block 7 of tba East End Addition to "M&MInd Fount: sa pw plat recorded in Vobmoe 15 atpago 60 of the Map Records oflwms Cosmty, Tccas+ and being od of and a pwt of a f3.i 919 acre tract of land eouvayed to Imm w. pustatson by Jobe 8 Fenton, a o4 by dad ddW July 31,1969 and recorded in Volnom ml at page 144 of the Deed Records ofAauis County, Texas. This 4.855 acre traot of land and the eented1nee of the two 10 foot wido drainage outM casemcets on more partioulady descaibedby mete: and bounds as follows, to -wit: NOTE: ALL BEARINGS ARB BASED ON A 1 AND 1/ INCH IRON PIIaE FOUND FOR TIM • NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 63.1918 ACRE TRACT AND A A INCIK IRON PIPE FOUND FOR 72M MOST EASTERLY sour fAST CORNM OF SAID 63.1918 ACRE TRACT. SAID FOUND CORNBRS OF TIE 63.1918 ACRE TRACT ARE IN THE W1~S7' RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST ROAD. 4.6554 ACME bdITICIATION AREA AND POND CONIIXOMWO at a 1 and y, uch iron ptpe found for the Northeast comer of acid 63.) 918 acre tract of land at the intersection of the South rigbt of way lino of SOME Road, 60 root tight of wsy, and the West right of way line of WPM Road, 60 tbot right of way. THENCE South 09 deg. 55 min. SS sa. Baal with the Fact lino ofsaid 63.1918 acre tract and Use West right of way line of WEST Road a distance of 1548.62 fed.to a point. 7MC E South 80 dog. 04 mim QS nee. West perpandieutarr to the East Una of said 63.1918 eae tract and the West right of way lino of WEST Road a distance of 248-56 feet to apoint for d* South coma of the 4.855 acre tract of lead and the POINT OF BEC3INNIN0. From this comer The LACS OF COMAMCING beets North 00 deg. 48 min. 48 sea West a distance of ISM.44 I CE North 36 deg. 29 min. 4S sac. West with the Southwest line of this tract a dittaaee of 101"3 feet to a point for the NortDwesf coma of this tract TMNCB North 81 deg. 05 ntfrt. 43 see. East with the North line of dds tract a dist&m of 470.00 Ebel to a point "the Northeast comer of this tract TIMCE South 08 deg. 54 min. 17 am Fast with the Past line of this tract a distance of 900.00 fed to the PLACE OF BEOMMO, containing within said boundaacs 4.85S eca as of lead. PARCEL. 2 COWARCING at the SoA comer of said 4.855 acne MNPdm area and pond tract. From lhis c=w to Noltheatt omm of said 63.1918 sae tract bean Nortb 00 deg. 48 min. 48 see. West a I distance of 1568.44 feat. ' 1 TMMCE North 36 deg. 28 min. 45 sec. Wed wft the Soathwast line of said 4.8SS ass trot s durance of 30.00 Ad � to a paid in the centerline ofttds 10 foot wide drainage ottt8t11 to maw and POINT OF BEGINHNG. TMWCZ South 09 deg. 59 min. 00 am But with the ccuft ine of this cumout a distance of 66.45 fed to a point for a comer of this easement. MWCE 3omdt 54 deg. 59 MbL 00 sec. East wM the GMWHae of this named a diato we of 18.00 feet to s point for a coma of this eascm—t 72MNCB Noah 80 dog. 01 mia. 60 nee. Bast with the centerline of We easeaxat a didsmae of 249.17 foot to the TBRMII s Powr ord& 10 foot wide outfall easement; in the Past lino of said 63.1919 am treet and im tiro West d ofway lice af"VMT Road. Frond this TMWINUS POW the NotleW eoiaar of said 63.1919 a= tract bests N" 09 deg. 35 ami. 55 sec. Neat a dietaaoo of 1600.73 feat FILE® FOR RECORD 8,00 AM MAY 17 2012 (:ounty elerh, HeMs CoOty. TOM