Ordinance No. 14,371ORDINANCE NO. 14,371 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ADDING APPROXIMATELY 35.12 ACRES LOCATED ALONG THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF HUNT ROAD APPROXIMATELY 2,040 FEET WEST OF NORTH MAIN STREET, ADDRESSED AS 703 HUNT ROAD, AND SITUATED IN ASHBEL SMITH SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1562, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, TO COUNCIL DISTRICT NO. 4; REPEALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ******************************************************************************************** WHEREAS, Section 17(7) of the Charter of the City of Baytown provides that the City Council shall redistrict the City if the growth of the City justifies; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to include the newly annexed territory described herein in a Council District; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: Council District No. 4 is hereby redistricted by the addition of that property which is described in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency, and in all other respects, this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 3: If any provision, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances, and to this end, all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Counci 'the City of Baytown this the 91h day of April, 2020. - BRANDON CAPETILLO, kkayor AI -MST: C ip LR lz�y m°° °°• pk% i L .TICIA BRYSCH, C 0Clerk 0 ' a m� In ° o0 % p APPROVED AS TO FORM: �¢%mmo sommmo Aco CID RAMIlZEZ, SR., C' y ttorney lega\April 9Wdd35.IAcrestoCounciDistricWdoc TRACT 'A• 39.8550 ACRES 1864,052.20 SO. PT.) A tract or paroel of land out of a part of that oextaiu 150.780 �1 acre treat of land In the ASMOL MxTR SURM, Abstrect Ito. 1S62. �I / Hassle County. Toxss, dssoxibe6 in MT -CLAM Deed dated April 8. C 1944 from the United States of America to Charles J. Jurek and wife. Maio Zurek recorded in Volume 1325 at rage 25, Rarria County Deed R;;Qs to %blob reference is herein cadet said tract o: land described as foliowas COtatBNCiNG at a nail marking the Northwest comer aforesaid Charles J. Jurek et ux 130.709 acre tract, and said nail is In the center- line and the the East terminus line of Runt Road (40 ft. R;0-11)s THENCE South 09. 25, 06" Bast with the hest line aforesaid Charles J. Jurek at ux 150.700 aorg tract and the Meet line of a 35.00 toot road easemontt passings at 30.00 teat a S/0• steel rod narking the• Northwest corner of 25.00 foot road esseftnti continuing along came Una a distance of 372.10 toot from Northwest corner of 25.00 foot road easement to a %" steel rod marking the southwest corner of 23.00 toot road easement and the most southerly southwest corner and POINT Or BEGINNINO of herein described treats THENCE North 00. 27' 51' Best with the most Southerly South boundary 11ne of tract desarlbedt the south line of 25.00 toot road easement and the South line of a tract called 1.2S acre@, passing at 24.95 test a •recovered" 3/4" pips merkistg the southeast oosaer of 25.00 foot road easement end the Southwest Corner of tract called 1.25 sexes, continuing along same line in all a total distance of 279.69 toot to a `recovered" 3/40 pipe marking the southeast corner of tract called 1.25 cores and the southwest corner of a tract called One (1) acres THE North 00. 26' 50" Bast with the most Southerly North line of tract described and the South line of tract called One (1) acre a distance of 116.02 test to a •recovered" 3/40 pipe marking the - southeast corner of tract called One (1) acre, sans being an Interior corner of tract describeds THENCE North 090 27' 41" Nest with the sent line of tract called One (1) acre, same bung an interior line of tract described a . distance of 372.60 test to a 3/40 pipe recovered marking the North- east corner of tract called cue (1) acre and the most Easterly Northwest corner of tract described and this corner is In the South R-O-W line of a Thirty (30) toot easement reserved by Charles J. Jurek at uxs THENCR North 80. 49' 00" Best with the South R-O-x line of Thirty (30) foot reserved easement and the north line of tract described �. a distance of 718.70 foot to a "recovered" 5/90 steel rod marking. . the Northwest corner of a Seventy (70) acre tract conveyed to •• B. J. Cray and Eddie V...Oray by deed dated Pebrv&rx it 1962'and-ra- • corded in Volume 4540 at Page 171, Dead Records of Marie County, Texas, said 5/0" steel rod marks the Northeast corner of herein -described treots THENCE south 09. 26' 37' East with the hest line of the Dray seventy (70) acre tract and the East line of tract described a distance of $36.55 foot to a V steel rod set for the Northeast corner of Diamond shamrock Corp. treat called 2.0640 acres describod under County Clark's Pits NO.11358336t Harris County Deed Records, and the Southeast corner herein described tracts TNENCE south 73. 20' 26" West with the North line of Diamond Shamrock Corp. tract called 2.0640 acres and the South line of tract desoribed a distance of 1,019.39 toot to a recovered UP steel rod marking an anal& saint in said lines Exhibit W Page 1 rro 42) s a Y 711MIC8 South 730 141 066 Nest with the North line of Diamond ' Sbamrock Ovsp. tract called 2.0640 acres and the South line of s tract described a distance of 104.05 teat to a recovered 5/S• steel • roc in the Nest line aforesaid Charles O. "Zak 250.788 acre tract, .. working the Northwest owner of Disawnd ShamrookCorp. 2.0640 acre tract and the Southwest comer herein described tracks i'NSt= north 09. 251 06' Kest with the Nast line aforesaid Charles 0. Jurak at ux 150.780 acre tract and the Nast line of tract de- scribed a distance of $00.32 feet to the •PI.im op SWIliDIMo, enclosing within the boundary lines of tract described, (864,882.20 sq. ft.) 12.8550 arras, more or less, of land. 4/20/81 R801. VOWC S1 MIGR p NO. 1702 W1708 a 1 1 9. RECORDER'E MEMORANDUM: At the time of recordation, We Instrument was found to be Inedequeto for the boat photogrophic reproduction because of illegibility, carbon or photo copy, discolored paper, etc. All block", additions and changes wire present at the time the Instrument was filed and recorded. Exhibit W M8 6M�MMM&ll�lfii>011[U9[ CTMOUNTY !HARM 'r+ �bb0�t'�RimddRoFA�dIOd JUL 30 2012 COUNTY CLERK KVM OOtINTY. Tot M SURVEYOR'S FIELD NOTE DESCRZPTIONt r 'r: TRACT 'C", 15.2603 ACRES (664,739.20 00. FT.) 'r +ter''• A tract or parcel of land out of a part of that certain 150.788 acre`•' tract of land in the ASHBEL SKITH SURVEY, Abstract No. 1562 Harris '• 4 + County, Toxas, described in QUIT -CLAIM Dead dated April 8, 1944 frc=w,. the United States of America to Charles J. Jurok and wife, Annie .' Jurek, recorded in Volume 1325 at Page 25, Harris County Do ed Records to which reference is heroin made, said tract of land described as followar BEGINNING at a 5/8" steel rod recovered in the Rost line aforesaid.... Charles J. Jurek 150.788 acre tract, amid 5/0" stool rod marks the ��:.: Southwest corner of Diamond Shamrock Corp. tract called 2.0640 acres; described under County Clark's File No. F-3583SG, Barrio county Dees J..j Records and this corner further described an being North 099 25' 06" Rest a distance of 924.70 foot from n'racovored Jt° pipe saarkiag ;qS the Southwest corner aforesaid Charles a. Jurok at ux 150.708 acre" tracts THENCE with the South line of DiamendShaJmzock Co ' • , _ rp. tract'called31 2.0640 acres and the North line of tract•duscribed North 720 11',r•r .� 070 East a distance of 116.60 feet to a recovered SIB" stool rod marking an angle points North 730 28' 26" Beat a distance of 1,007.7'� foot to a Ij" steel rod for corner not in the 'Hest line of a seventjr•�}�t (70) acre tract convoyed to E. Z3.Gray'_abaimie 9•..aswayy by. debd dated February 1, 1962 and recorded in Volume 4640 at Paege:4 171, Harria'. vl County Vaud Records, being the Southeast corner of Diamond Sbemfock' Corp. tract called 6.040 acres and the Northeast corner herein " ;�` }� described tracts r F THENCE South 090 26' 37" East with the West lino of the Gray scvon (70) acre tract and the East line of tract described a diatanck-of 664.67 foot to a recovered All pipe marking the southsiast cornor of the Gray seventy (70) acre tract and the Southeast corner of tzar ; describodr .. THENCE South 80" 29' 1S" West with the south lino aforesaid Cberles, J. Jurok 150.708 acro tract and the south line of tract described.'' a distance of 1,115.63 foot to a'rdcovored y" pipe mtarkidij the"." „ southwest corner aforesaid Charles J. Jurok at ux_150.788 acre tracE and the Southwest corner of tract doaeribedr ( THENCE North 090 25' 06° Rest with the West lino aforesaid Charles- J. Jurak of ux 150.789 acro tract and the West lino of tract da,P�. scribed a distance of 524.78 feat to the "PLACE OP'HEGINNINGa..eL. i enclosing within the boundary lino¢ of tract described, (664,739. 10 'sq. ft.) 15.2603 acres, move or lase, of '}and.'% 0. B. NELSON REG. PUBLIC SURVEYOR NO. 1703 J8N/1 Exhibit "A"