Ordinance No. 14,345ORDINANCE NO. 14,345 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AND THE ANNEXATION OF APPROXIMATELY 35.12 ACRES, LOCATED ALONG THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF HUNT ROAD APPROXIMATELY 2,040 FEET WEST OF NORTH MAIN STREET, ADDRESSED AS 703 HUNT ROAD, AND SITUATED IN ASHBEL SMITH SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1562, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, WIIICH SAID TERRITORY LIES ADJACENT TO AND ADJOINS THE PRESENT BOUNDt'_RY LIMITS FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS. ************************************************************************************* WHEREAS, there being no request for an "on -site" hearing, two public hearings before the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, where all interested persons were provided with an opportunity to be heard on the proposed annexation of the property described in Section 2 of this ordinance, were held during the City Council meetings on the 13`' day of February, 2020, and the 121h day of March, 2020, in the City Council Chamber of City Hall of the City of Baytown, Texas; and WHEREAS, notices of the first and second public hearings were published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Baytown, Texas, and in the below -described territories on the 7th day of February, 2020, and on the 27th day of February, 2020; and WHEREAS, notice of the first and second public hearings were posted on the City of Baytown's website on the 17th day of October, 2019; and WHEREAS, notice of the first and second public hearings were posted on the City of Baytown's notice board on the 30th day of January, 2020, and on the 25th day of February, 2020; and WHEREAS, each notice posted on the City of Baytown's notice board and website remained posted until the date of the hearing referenced in the notice; and WHEREAS, the total corporate area of the City of Baytown, Texas, on the 1" day of January, 2019, was 56.76 square miles; and WHEREAS, the population of the City of Baytown, Texas, is approximately 81,718 inhabitants; and WHEREAS, the below -described property lies within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Baytown, Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown finds that completely surrounding such area is in the public interest; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That all matters and facts set forth in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and such recitals are hereby approved and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes and are adopted as a part of the judgment and findings by the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas. Section 2: That the following described land and territories lying adjacent to and adjoining the City of Baytown are hereby added and annexed to the City of Baytown, Texas, and shall hereinafter be included within the boundary limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, and present boundary limits of such City, at the various points contiguous to the areas hereinafter described, are altered and amended so as to include said areas within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, to -wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" Section 3: The above -described territories and the areas so annexed shall be a part of the City of Baytown, Texas, and the property so added hereby shall bear its pro rata share of the taxes levied by the City of Baytown, Texas, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of all the citizens of the City of Baytown and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the City of Baytown, Texas. Section 4: In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Annotated §43.056, as amended, the service plan prepared by the City for providing municipal services to the annexed areas is hereby approved and is attached hereto as Exhibit "B," and is incorporated herein by this reference for all intents and purposes. Section 5: This ordinance shall be published and passed in the manner provided in Article 1, Section 9, of the Charter of the City of Baytown, Texas. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the Cit ncil of the City of Baytown this the 131h day of March, 2020. BRANDON CAPETILLO, Ayor ATT T: •]y+°pooaopoas�r l L I IA BRYSC City No& ° ° w !y a ° v o ° a n APPROVED AS TO FORM: eTlpACID RAMIItEZ, SR., Ci ttorney INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED on the SECOND AND FINAL READING this the 9"' day of April, 2020. BRANDON CAPETILLO, Itlayor AT T T: L ICIA BRYSCH, City"Mirk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., C' Attorney Og .� \� �°0'r s ••fie '.cobfs0l +.legal •.Karen'.FileslCity Council Ordinances\2020\April 9\Annexationof31. I Acres.doc PA TRACT •A• 19.0590 ACUS 18040052*20 90. PT.1 b treat or parcel of lead out of a past of that Certain 150.789 sere tract o9 land in the ASMEL Spins s11n=* Abstract go. 2562, E&rris Canary• Tr:xas, described to 0917-CLAM need dated Apsll 8. 1944 free tha Whited states of Amesiaa to Charles J. Junk and wife, Annie JUXVk recorded in Volume 1325 at Page 25, Owls county need izQs to Al" reference is herein asde, said tract o: land described as follows COWUM 11M at a nail Markus the Hoethm"t cower aforesaid Charles J. Jorek at ox 1SO.789 sore tract, and Said evil is in the center- line and the the cast teratuue Tina of snot Road (60 ft. 8-0-W)s TNOM south 09. 250 06• Bast with the Mast lies aforesaid Charles J. Jereh at fax 1SO."I "" tract and the West line of a 25.00 foot roadsa00radtsgs�Xod Masking � 1tMrest of 35.toot road eamesttinuing aloogem Liao a distance of 372.18 loot tram Northwest Conn of 25.00 foot road easement to a V steel red Markus the southwest ea nee of 25.00 foot road ossam of and the groat southerly southwest corner and POM Or SMIMPM of berate described tracts North 00. 278 51• Bast with the most Scotherly south boundary line of treat asaoslbed, the South line Of 25.00 foot road easement and the south line of a tract called 1.2s acres, passing at HAS test a `recovend• 3/40 Pips marking the southeast cower of 35.00 foot road easement and the 8oatthwest Cosner of treat called 1.29 ,sores, cautioning slang soma line in au a total distance of 279.69 feet to a •reoovesad• 2140 pipe mashing the southeast coarser of ' tract called 1.25 aome sold the seathweet career of a tract coned One fit &crap T 8 North 80. 26' S8• But with the moat Southerly south Lin of treat described and the Booth line of tract called e One (1) acre a distance of 116.92 foot to a •recovered• 3140 pips markinthe - southeast comer of treat called One (1) awe, Game baieg 'aft ... interior corner of tract dosaribeds south 090 27' 410 Kest with the Bast line of tract called One 41) acre, seam hops an interior line og traot described a . distance of 372.60 goat to a 3/40 ipe roaovessd marking the sorth- eaet corner of tract Called Gas (i� acre and the most Easterly, Northwest corner of tract described and this career is in the south a-O-V line of a Thirty 1301 foot easement reserved by Charles J. jar" at oxs THENCE North W 49' 000 Best with the south a-O-W line of 1301 toot reserved ""Mat and the south lino of tract da a distance of 718.70 test to a •recovered• 5/80 stool rod Martine. �. the Northeast cower of a Seventy f70) acre tract oouva to • S. J. Cray and Sddie V.-Orsy by deed dated Bebsaarx L, 982'and-re- • oorded in Volume 4640 at Pose 171, need Saaords of R'asrLs county, Vaese&s# said S/8• stool rod marks the Northeast comer of herein •dosarlbed knots THOM South 09. 26' 37• East with the rarest line of the Wray seventy (70) sees tract and the Zook line of treat described a distance of $39.35 toot to a %0 steel gad set for the Northeast Corner of DIUMO Shamrock Ccapr�pp. kegs! palled 2.0640 acres desarlbad asndes Oauniy Clerla•s P1L8 NO.p3S9346, :aerie Cooney coed seconds, end she 8onthaast Carnes herein described tracts TaBNCS south 73. 201 240 West with the North line of Diamond shamrock Corp. twat Called 2.0640 mesas end the south line of tract 460osibed a distance of 1 019.39 took to a recovered 5/801 stool red masking an Angle scout 'G said lines Exhibit W sags 0 We 421$ '1'SR limp South 72. U 1 Us Nest With the North line of Olsasoa0 Shamrock Corp. tract oslled 2.0640 soma and the Saw& 11se of treat desarlbod a distance of 104.95 feet to a reaot►arsd 9/00 west • red in the Neat line aforesaid Charles 0. dursk 350.780 sore tom, .. a�arking the Northwest earner of pieacad Shamrock ppoorrey. twee and the Southwest Gomm herela described tread ltl== North 09. 25. 060 hest with the Nest line aforesaid Charles j, surok at ux 150.700 ears tract and the Nast I to of tract da- soribed a dietence of 608.22 feet to the OPIACS Of 1001111MOs, analosing within the bouWW lives of tract described, 1064,902.20 sq. it.) 19.9550 acres, nose or less, of lend. LT RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM: At the time of recordation, thlo Instrument wee found to be Inadequate for the beet photographic reproduction because of Illeglbliletc.l. carbon or :S ' additions andichenggsed ea waf�erpresent a11 t time the Instrument was Iliad and recorded. • �4 W AV140ra�sle�taFraa+a9rlla-atstubla�au6E0ftlEo®a�rLl THE SrATE 4W him JUL 30 2012 ��� S; COUMY CLERK PfMM COUMY. T01 W Exhibit "As, SURVEYOR'S FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION# i,., . °t. : TRACT "C", 15,2603 ACRES (664,739.20 90. FT.) • VA tract or parcel of land out of a part of that certain 1$0.788 sor;''• tract of land in the ASHeEL SNITS SURVEY, Abstract No. 1562 Harris ti 4 County, Taxes, described in QUIT -CUM Dead dated April 8, 1944 Fsom�{i: the United states of America to Charles J. Junk and wife, Annie 7.1-. Jurak, recorded in Volume 1325 at Page 2S, Harris County Daed Retorde to which reference Is heroin made, said tract of land described as -• followat BEGINNING at a 5/8° steal rod recovered in the Nest Sine aforesaid:�,:'; Charles J. Jurek 150.786 acre tract, said 5/8" steal rod narks the or .• :: Southwest owner of Diaatond Shamrock Corp. tract called 2.0640 acres described under County Clerk's File No. 111-358356, Barrio County Deed �� Records and this corner further described as being North 099.25e ' 06" Hest a distance of 524.76 feet from a'recovered Jig pipe masking ;;qS the Southwest corner aforesaid Charles J.,Jurek at ux 190.788 at�a �= traCtl THENCE with the South line of Diamond Shamrock Corp. tract•calle 2.0640 acres and the North line of tract described North 720 111k, .07" Zest a distance of 116.60 feet to a recovered 5/8" steel rod marking an angle pointt North 730 28' 26" Bast a distance of 156i. ` a feet to a h11 stool rod for corner eat in the Hest line of a Seven (70) acre tract conveyed to B. Jiaprayriabd=Eddie r gWaqyy byy. de6a d9, February 1, 1962 and recorded in Volume 4640 at Pale 171, Harris County Dead Records, being the soutl�oast corner of Diamond Sbaim:otk' Corp. tract called 6.040 acres and the Northeast corner herein**' 2� described tracts ;'ty THENCE South 09° 26' 37" East kth •the Heat line of the Gray Haven• (70) acre tract and the East line of tract described a distancqqof 664.67 feet to a recovered ho pipe marking the Southwest aorn:%*HOf the Cray Seventy (70) acre tract and tbe,southeast corner,of trao described# = R THENCE South 80. 29' IS" Hest with the South line aforesaid Ch8rli J. Jurek 250.789 acre tract and the South lino of traot described a distance of 1,113.63 feat to a rdcodoied y" pips msrkidg theR;j; southwest corner aforesaid Charles J. Juvok at ux_150.788 acre tri and the southwest corner of tract described# THENCE North 09° 25' 06" Nest with the West line aforesaid Charlsi J. Jurek at ux 150.788 acre tract and the Vast line of tract de-fi scribed a distance of 324.78 feet to the "PLACE OP"8801MING",.`:f' onclosing within the boundary linoq qt tract described, (664,739. iQ 'aq. ft.) 25.2603 acres, more or lose, of •Pend. ` .t 4/2Q/91 ' - fa[�„•Y; �, , r.. .1�y a.c, • .. a• �a+•w• .. ••r ..•••,a.w. li+ylww4.•. .••v.. .. •••_a .•�t•v1i4i • • B. N REG. PUBLIC SUAVBYOR NO. 1703 039/1 M!T•�� Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Services Agreement STA7T: OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRI . § WHEREAS RayMandi (the"Owner') owns the propertymorespeeificallyidentifed in L'xhibit''A," which is attached h to and incorporated herein for all Intents and purposes (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Owner has requested annexation of the Property, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 43.0672 of the Texas 1jacal Government Code, the City of Baytown (the "City") and the Owner desire to enter into this Services Agreement (this "Agreement") in order to govern the pruvisiun of service to the Property, NOW TIIEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the City and the Owner (collectively the "Parties") do hereby mutually agree as follows: 1. Services to be RMWded. TUParties agree that upon annexation, the City will provide the following services, which shall be provided at a comparable level to that provided to othcrparts of the Citywith topography, land use. and population density similar to those reasonably contemplated orpmjected on the Property as of the date hereof a. Fire. The City, through its Fire Department, will provide fire and eotergency medical services to the Property. b. Police. The City, through its Police Department, will provide law enforcement services to the Property. U. . The City, through its Health Department, will provide services pertaining to envirantnental health, neighborhood protection, storm water, and animal control to the Property. d. Planning andDevelooment. The City, through its Planning and Development Services Departmenk will provide development and building services to the Property, including code enforcement services. c. i,�ljLily. The City through, its Public Works, Engineering and Finance Departments, will provide water. seweer, storm sewer, and garbage services to the orca. Any infrastructure improvements necessary for the Property to receive those services from the existing City infiestructure shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner. Additionally. any additioutd h&8s1mct1= iwpnhvoruents, necessitated bypmpemed future development, shall be the sole regptuhsibllity of the Owner. The Parties understand and agree that the City is not required to provide a service; that is not included in this Agreement. However, nothing heroin shall be construed to preclude the City from providing a service in the future if it chooses to do so. .T=. This Agreement shall commence on the date of the annexation of the Property by the Cityand shall terminate one year after the services referenced in Section 1 have first been provided to the Property Seniecs Agreement Page I Remedies. Should the City fail to provide the services within the time period specified in Section 1 hettof, the Owner shall give written notice of such failure to the City and provide an opportunity for the City to provide such services. The City shall not be in default hereof if the City is diligently prosecuting the work necessary to provide the services. If the breach is not timely cured. the Owner's sole remedy is to seek disannexagon. If the property is disannexed, the City shall be relieved of any and all obligations to provide those services specified in Section l hereof to the Property. Miscellaneous Provisions. (a) Notice. Notices required herein shall be delivered in hand or by regiatcnod or certified US trail to the City at the following address: City of Baytown Attn: City Manager 2401 Market Street Baytown, Texas 77520 Notice to the Owner may be addressed to Owner at the address indicated on the most recent Harris County property tax roll for the Property. (b) Srverabili If a court of competent jurisdiction determines that any covenant of this Agreement is void or unenforceable, then the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. (c) Non-waivet. This Agreement maybe enforced by any Owner or the City by any proceeding at law or in equity. Failure to do so shall not be deemed a waiver to enforce the provisions of this Agreement thereafter. (d) Ambiauittes. In the event of any ambiguityin any of the terms of this Agreement, it shall not be construed for or against any party hereto on the basis that such party did or did null withor the same (c) H94inW The headings appearing at the lust of each numbered section in this Agreement are inserted and included solely for convenience and shall never be considered or given any effect in construing this Agreement or any provision hereof, or in connection with the durics, obligations or liabilities of the respective parties hereto or in ascertaining intent, if any question of intont should arise, (f) Govea jpA Law. This Agreement oball be governed by the laws of the State of texas and construed in conformity with the provisions of Sections 43.0672 of the Texas Local Government Code. No subsequent change in the law regarding annexation shall affect the enforceability of this Agreement. (g) Venue. Venue for this Agreement shall be in Hards County, Texas. (h) Coun=11k- This Agreement stay be separately executed in individual counterparts and, upon execution, sball constitute one and same instrument. (i) Cotpglete Ameem_ent. Tbis Agreement contains all the agreements of the Owner and the City relating to the subject matter hereof and is the full and final expression of the agreement between such paints. This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement signed by the Owner and the City. G) Atsaeement Read. The parties acknowledge that they have read, understand and attend to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. (k) Audkori X• The O%vmr covenants" he/shelit has the authority to enter into this Agreement by virtue Of being the Owner of the Property. Additionally, the officers executing this Services Aare{tgent page 2 Agreement on behalf of the owner hereby represent that such otlicers have full authority to txccutc this Agreement and to bind the patty he/sbe represents. - Entered into this J o day of - gy pc y 1, .: , 2019. �� Q OWNER: RAY MARDI i •� i (Stm�—_..,r,.c-- .�. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRIS § Before me, appeared di. ' to me (Printed Name)._ (Title) the undersigned notary public, on this day personally proved to me on the oath of or proved to me through his/her current identification card or other document issued by the federal goverumcittt or any staon te (check one) government that contains the photograph and signature of the acknowledging person) to be the person whose name is submiAbed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he. she cvccuted that instrument for the purposes and consideration therein exprxsse . Given under my hand and seal of office this day of 1.KT.2019. Lwa Jo Luster my Cmvnbmn r t?xpi�es It) NO.1o7eseae APPROVED AS TO FORM: N ~ ty Public, state of T CITY OF YTOWN RIC A 3, City Manager ! Y P y� !r RAMIItEZ, S ., ity AttorneyI.MtrCIO 0" CoetnmAvehwevy mw%n'Lm ASMMCM VX $CfvkMeft tA"%SerVices A �emntnt.6oe servim A cement, Page 3 TRACT •1" 19.0550 ACRES (864#052.20 80. PT.) b tract or parcel of land out of a part of that certain 350.796 acre treat of land in the Assan sn"s sun=, Abstraot Ho. 1362, sassis County, Texas, described in QUIT -CLAIM need dated April 8. 1944 from the United states of America to Charles J. Jura and rite. Annie Jurek recorded in Volume 1325 at page 2S, parris County need Reeorbe to +blob reference is herein made, sold tract o: land described as follows CO0O MIND at a nail marking the Northwest Cosner aforesaid Charles 97. Jurek at ux 350.789 nose tract, and said nail is in the center- line and the the East terminus line of Bunt Road (60 ft. R-0-il)g THBHCB south 090 25' 06" Best with the hest lice aforesaid Charles J. Jorek at ux 150.700 aorp tract and the Nest line of a 29.00 toot road eassmont, pass inC at 30.00 feet a 5/0" steel rod marking the Northwest corner of 2 .00 foot road easements continuing along soma line a distance of 372.10 Coat from Northwest corner of 25.00 foot road easement to a %" steel rod marking the Southwest cornea of 29.00 toot road easement and the most Southerly Southwest corner and POfNT Or 8E01MRS of heroin described treat) "WCE North 00. 27' $11 East with the most Southerly South boundary Una of tract described, the South line of 25.00 foot road easement and the South lino of a tract called 1.25 scree, passing at 24.95 fast a "recovered° 314" pipe marking the southeast corner of 25.09 toot road easement and the Southwest Coxner of tract called 1.25 acres, continuing along same line in all a total distance of 279.69 foot to a "recovered" 314" pipe marking the southeast corner of tract called 1.25 sores W the southwest Cosner of a tract called Qae (1) acre • . TNorth 80. 26' 50" Bast with the most Southerly North line of tract described and the South line of tract called One (1) acre a distance of 116.02 feet to A "recovered" 3/4" pipe marking the southeast corner of tract called One (1) acre, ease being an ..: Interior corner of tract describedt MOM North 090 27' 41" Nest with the Bast line of tract called one (1) acre, asms bongin an interior le of tract desoribed a . distance of 372.60 toot to a 3/4" pipe recovered marking the North- east corner of tract Called One (1) acre and the most Easterly northwest corner of tract described and this corner to in the south R-O-N line of a Thirty 1301 foot easement reserved by Charles 0. tarok at uxi TSBNCS North 80• 49' 00" Bast with the South R-O-W line of Thirty (30) foot reserved easement and the North line of tract described a distance of 710.70 toot to a "recovered" 5/8" steel rod masking. the Northwest corner of a Seventy (70) acre tract conveyed to B. J. Cray and Eddie V.-Dray by deed dated pebruag 1, 1962'and-re • corded in Volume 4540 at page 171, need Records of Sihrris Comity. Texas, said $/8" stool rod marks the Northeast corner of herein -described tracts THMICE South 09. 26' 37" East with the pest line of the Cray Seventy 170) acre tract and the Cast line of tract described a distance of 836.55 tact to a N" steel rod set for the Northeast corner of Diamond Shamrock Corp. tract Called 2.0640 acres described under County Clerk's PILE NO.7358366, Harris County need Recorde, and the Southeast corner herein described tract, THBNCE south 73• 20' 26" West with the North line of Diamond Shamrock Corp. tract called 2.0640 acres end the South line of tract described a distance of 1,019.39 feet to a recovered S/8" steel rod marking an anal* point in said lines Exhibit W Faye 0 rro 42)s ti 9'INCE South 730 141 06• heat With the North line of Diamond Shawrook Corp. tract palled 2.0640 aorea and the South line of tract dozaraodl a distance og 104.99 goat to a recovered 9/S• steel • rod in the West Line aforesaid Charles d. Jwak 350.780 acre traot, •• marking the Nosthnsat corner of Diumad Shemrook ppwpp. 2.0640 sore tract and the Southweet corner harem described treat# !HENCE North 09. 291 060 West with the Nest line aforesaid Charles 0. Jura% at ux 150.700 acre tract and the West line of tract de- scribed a distance of 600.12 feet to the •pUM 0Y SMISMMe, enclosing Within the boundary lines of tree," described, (064,992.20 sq. tt.) 19.9550 acres, more or less, of land. 4/20/91 =Go 8ti8LIC BVRVBM SM NO. 1703 RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM; At the time of recordation, thlo Instrument wet found to be Insdequalo for the boat photoggrephlc roproduction because of Illegibility, carbon or photo copy, discolored paper, etc. All blockouts, additions and changes wbre present at the time the Instrument was filed and recorded. Exhibit W THE AT&OL, � at�atrQxou�auoet cC40UNNTTY 0°1er�w�a� FtBIMFiIhErAle4madl�rdsbfor C0410 � dbtidlRfkReabdFbf d104 JUL 3 0 2012 COUNTY CLERK MA M COtINTy. MW SURVEYOR'S FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION+ TRACT 'C", 15,2603 ACRES (664#739.20 80. FT.) A tract or parcel of land out of a part of that certain 150.788 dcrof tract of land in the ASHBEL SHITH 6uRVEY, Abstract No. 1562 Barrie ?� County, Texas, described in QUIT -CLAIM Dead dated April 8, 1944 from the United States of America to Charles J. Jurok and wife, Annie Jurok, recorded in volume 1325 at Page 25, Harris County Deed Records to which reference is heroin made, said tract of land described as followar BEGINNING at a 5/8" steal rod recovered in the Rost line aforesaid:: Charles J. Jurek 150.700 acre tract, amid 5/8• stool rod marks tba 41.t. mr: Southwest corner of Diamond Shamrock Corp. tract called 2.0640 across described under County Clerk's pile No. F-358356, 8arria County Deoi l,_j Records and this corner further described as being Worth 09925'. 06" West a distance of 924.70 foot from a'racovored h" pipe marking ; the Southwest corner aforesaid Charles J. Jurok at ux 150.788 aura' W` tract] ,:• THENCE with the South line of Diamon8 shamrock Corp. tract'cialiad� 2.0640 acres and the North line of tract•doacribed North 720 il'r•. .v 07" East a distance of 116.60 fast to a recovered 5/8" stool to raarking an angle points North 730 28' 26" East a distanca of 2,007.73 fast to a V stool rod for corner not in the Host lino of a savant*.. }}- (70) acre tract convoyed to E. JaiGrayiebaSHddie v,.gway by.dobd dlted�� February 1, 1962 and recorded in Volume 4640 at Palo' 171 , Muria;4q County Dead Records, being the Southeast corner of Diamond Sharniocic �• Corp. tract called 6.040 acres and the Northeast corner herein.r;'t described tracts �, ••, �y7 THENCE South 090 26' 37" East kth the ,West lino of the Graf► Soon (70) acre tract and the East line of tract doscribod a distanck ve 664.67 feet to a recovered k° pipe marking the Southwest corner of the Gray Seventy (70) acre treat and the Southeast corner of trao doocribedr . • •• THENCE South 80° 29, 19" West with the South lino aforstaid Charles, J. Jurok 250,709 acre tract and the south lino of tract described.'" a distance of 1,115.63 foot to a'racovoied y" pipo markirg the�'%;j�•, Southwest corner aforesaid Charles J. Jurok at ux_150.788 acre'tracfi� and the southwest corner of tract describedi �'u+ THENCE North 090 25' 06" Hest with the West lino aforesaid Charles- J. Jurok of ux 150.788 acre tract and the Wont lino of tract de-,. scribed a distance of 524.78 feat to the "PLACE OP"BEGINNLNG"," {4 A.'M�,'•` enclosing within the boundary linog of tract described, (664,739.10'sq. ft.) 15.2603 arras, more or lose, of ..• � .a'w .. _ ,.,.w. iy,r•:• .r . ...v.. .. _ .err-•iy�, �.W.L": lie BEG. PUBLIC SURVEYOR NO. 1703 •� �0. }iwtSON tea; 1708 v to �•. irnA��o JBN/1 Exhibit "A"