Ordinance No. 14,359ORDINANCE NO. 14,359 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 8 TO THE BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY 6 MGD SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT BETWEEN THE BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY AND PEPPER LAWSON WATERWORKS, LLC; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. **************************************************************************************************** WHEREAS, the Baytown Area Water Authority's enabling legislation requires that the City Council approve certain agreements before Baytown Area Water Authority ("BAWA") enters into the same; and WHEREAS, on March 18, 2020, the Board of Directors of BAWA approved Change Order No. 8 to the Baytown Area Water Authority 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant Project between the Baytown Area Water Authority and Pepper Lawson Waterworks, LLC; and WHEREAS, the City of Baytown desires to approve such change order; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the recitals set forth hereinabove are hereby found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby approves Change Order No. 8 for the Baytown Area Water Authority 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant Project between the Baytown Area Water Authority and Pepper Lawson Waterworks, LLC, which change order is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 26°i day of March, 2020. BRANDON CAPETILLO, ayor ATT T: 11—rwjl� r&4—, LETICIA B YSCH, C Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: NACIO RAMIREZ, SR. ity Attorney oweoeooson ° ° COBFSOI LegaWarenTiles City Council Ordinances\2020VNarch 26\ApprovingBAWAChangeOrderNo8.doc Exhibit "A" 13AYTOWN AREA WATHR AUTHORITY Change Order No. 8 6\\ 6.0 MGD SURFACE WAI ER TREATMENT PLANT PO a Isom] Doty. 12-Mor-20 Ili Daserialion of ChaaRoa: CO 9.1 is for the additional cost for the revised raw water flaw meter and addlUohtal requlremenla including backup battery power and encrypted signal par City of Houston. CO 8.2 Is for Iho additional costs for the temporary doors and door and hardware schedule modifications at Operations Building, Primary Electrical Duildhtg, LLPS Bledrieal Building and HSPS Electrical Building. CD 83 Is for additional was for the cellular auto -duller as required by the Fire Marshall. CO BA Is to provide HVAC for elevator mechanical room. CO 8.5 Is a request for extra cost due to lire modiflmtlons of the fiber optics for $CAVA to the process equipment, the gate access and security per DAWA and the City's security requirements. CO BA Is for electrical, Instrumentation and HVAC modifications at the Operatlas Building server room. CO 8.7 is to alleviate "whales" In the forebay geomembrana bottom linter: Add or Delate Items: Item DescriptionUnit 22antity Unit Price Total 8.1 Raw Water Mater Enhancements CO 44 1 IS 13A91.16 ; 13,691.16 0A Door Hardware and Material Chuh a E2 029A I LS 31,21631 31,21651 gj Cellular Auto Dialer 1 IS 3,750.72 %750.72 BA Wevstor Mechanical Roost HVAC PCO053 1 18 10'Tl.00 11,977.OD 85 Fiber Optics Cha a PICO013 1 LS 17,78559 17,781SA9 Datagerver Room ModiBcollons PCO 054 1 LS 17,639.57 i ; 17A".57 g,7 Parebay UmuModifications TM 04 I LS 294,M52 244,72852 8.8 Removal of Unused Permit Allowance 1 7, PCO 05M I 1S ,000 ; ,000M (;250,000) and Removal of Scope for Offalle Piping (PCO 1M6) Did item 1009 - 6" Sewer FM S50,aoo Total ; 40,989.07 r.,,.6-1 r;..».,,."..,, Orlalnal Revised 1 Orl i al Contract: Price M186AMAD 2 Owner COMITIPTICY S0.0o Previous Change Orders This Change Order Remainb ContISM 3 Chan eOrdero PnevlousChan eOrdets 1 1$ 469,186.01 This char a order 1 1$ 40,989.071 4 1 Revised ContraetPtice 1 S5$184000.00 SA762,MA3 Original Contract Duration 10% Previous Extenslota 0 This Change Order 0 Revised Duration - Calendar Days 10% Contractor: PL aterwo" LLC Date Sd4eahasi�pQ,klar 1'resldnnt 3- ia-aoao Consultant: Carter, Inc. Date -7—"& 03-13-zflzo Olmdor of Public Works fit EngineerineDate Jr. P.B. oltWu City Mara Date Richard 1. Davis, iCMA-CM