Ordinance No. 11,042ORDINANCE NO. 11,042
****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Baytown did advertise for bids for the North Main —
South of I -10 Waterline Extension Project to be received on December 23, 2008: and
WHEREAS. notice to bidders as to the time and place, when and where the bids would be
publicly opened and read aloud was published pursuant to provisions of Texas Local Government Code
Annotated § 252.041: and
WHEREAS. all bids were opened and publicly read at City Hall at 1:30 o'clock p.m., Tuesday.
December 23. 2008, as per published notice to bidders; NOW THEREFORE
Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby accepts the base bid and all
six add alternates submitted by Angel Brothers Enterprises. LTD., for the North Main — South of 1 -10
Waterline Extension Project according to the plans and specifications set forth by the City's engineer, and
authorizes payment of an amount of ONE HUNDRED FORTY -THREE THOUSAND SEVEN
HUNDRED EIGHTY -EIGHT AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($143,788.00) based upon the unit price bid,
and the City Manager and the City Clerk of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and
attest to a contract with Angel Brothers Enterprises, LTD.. for the above- described project, said contract
containing the plans, specifications. and requirements of the City's engineer and appropriate bond
requirements in accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code. Chapter 2253.
Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated
§ 252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a
decrease or an increase in costs of TWENTY -FIVE THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS
($25,000.00) or less. subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more
than twenty-five percent (25 %) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25 %) without the consent
of the contractor to such decrease.
Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from an er its passage by the
City Council of the City of Baytown.
INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of e ity Council of the City of
Baytown this the 8`h day of January. 2009.
'A—III ff H NELL. Clerk
ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., Uy Attorney
\\cobsrvl \Legal\Karen\Files \City Council\Ordinances\2009Vanuary 8\ AwardNorth: NfainSout hofI- I0R 'aterlinrE \tcnsionProject.doc
f '
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asaLll Ul paZ)PagLua I.IoM ;)qi uuo-P;)d 01 paaa513 SPLI OLIM U01JUJOda03.10 `dlL{S.laL11aP?d
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110_L7V211.\0J 17O•I
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uolln;)axa aLI1 aaolaq SIL13wnaop all JO SCUP U! palP.lod.lOaLII 110aaaLI1 SUO!1Pai1!POUl llP
puP jaoM jo ado,-)S 's.Iapp!H o1 suollaniml l `SJ;)PP!El 01 `(LLI.Iod p!o) IPSodO.Id
`suo!1P,ai1!:)adS SLI'Pld `PPUappV `(p imba.l Ua au LIAX) SPUoa 1L1l�Pd puP aauPul.IOPad
•luaLuaa.I V jo ul.lo.I P.IPpUUIS paU51S atll jO 1s!SUOD IIPLIs S1Uau1n-30Q 13PJILIOD atl,I.
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AVQ 21Va\-TlV.) HYI
•1�al�ad U0lsU-)IX 1 aUlr1 aa1PjNN O l-I JO tI1nOS - tIIP Yti
LILIO\atll.tO l (..21O_I.:�V21.1-�:C�J..aLI1) - - ----$o61,
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PLIP• (..21 1\!h1O•, aL{1) LLMOI."Pt1 JO n11.�) -)LI1 L1aaW-) 11, w! pa.ialua s! .1.'�:11'�:1:�2Ir)�� SII{_[_.
.I N13w,33H9d AO LIHOA U11V I: NIS
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;�{a,�isnl)�•,`1001 llr.L{S SJOj,-)i'.Ilu(),XjI1S I)MIS .\tlt' I)LlP S1L11 ;gig palt'1dLLlall[o.l
1)alo.ld N11 LIO J. A)A1 .10 a)Ut'Ltl.lol.lad.I01 �IO,I..)V?1.1.�.O,) ALI .i01)t'.11LIOXIIIS
:fur. 01 .gl!gisuodsa.i OU a PL1 1111Lls 21:1�\MN al1.l. •1)a1'o.id N11 01 A'13M .1Llt'1,11 153 u111"1a.1
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tILHAPPLI pUt'.1q pa.ilLJ asoL11,'iLIO saplll)ul `Llla.iall pa.\oldtua St''.1o1)t'.11LIO)glls t11.1.11 X1.[
•21O_L.)V2HNO.MllS Z'I•[
•.lap.lO 1.10AN aL11
Ill 21.1 I\,'1A O 31,11 /tq palLls oS,I I s.iI1OLl LI i j(.10M j rUI.Iuu as I r, paLL1.I0 p,-)d aq o1 pa.l l 11 ha.t
ag i�t'LU put'-)AnrjLlas;uda,8 s,.IauM()3111 :�q panssl Saap.lo JJOAX alt'.ird,)S U[ pa1111LIap1
ag [lPt{s 13il and atll`j.iOM jo ado)S ,)III LIl patli)ads.11 -jJOM.1O ado)S alll ut paU111110
st' pa.litlha.l J.1oA1 lip. Sapn1)UI 1)ali).ld SILI._l. 'MIRIVOLLI ayl[ aAt?L1 llt'LIS �.fOM LLI.Ia1
al{.[. •213r\MO -iq1 of alquida))r, si 1rt111)npo.ld lt'•u!� t? uit'lgo of p�jinba.I si 1t'g1 [[�'
apill)LII pLIV UVXLI 01 pOO1S.laptIt1 aq i113LIS lUatllaa.l'i' SI1,11 Lil paSil St' LLI.131 a11,1,
*I"-)"11*021d I ['l
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i(I1 lot)of p3zijoglily/�cJWZIL1 SI ogAN pLit'p;)jrda.id a.IaM SUOIIU3IIl7adS at11 tIOIS1A.13dns
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SILT ao .1331,1151,F] X11 atll of ui.I.lalaa Sp poolSaapLln aq pur Uraul 11t?Lls X3111 'pZ)sn
yap �1,4LLVIA N39dV9 .l0 HA I,L V I NY KV9dY, fl S',�I_VN,41() spioM aqi JOAaLlatlM
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si 21 1I\MO 3111 JO UU11dia,-)sa.Id .iO `tI011PL1 1Sap `.IapaO `UOiSSILLIKid `1LIaLLla.11nhaa
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',t.l1).'.ti'�7.7�71l�)�7.i�7t71S'lfO,l 'IM.11lll)r7.!
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•1)alo.Ic1 at11 palda))13 SVL{ .Cpoq
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atll .�q p-)w.iddv pllr pa1[l)a\a Llaatl aAL'Ll S1LIaLLIII)Op 1t1oaSol) 11t' 'pa11ILLIgI1s
Llaag a.�r.Ll ':�tlt',11 'sallllt'.i.It'�1 put'U011t'1LIat1111)op 11r'aap.10 1l.lo t1.Ill sllollr')l11)aLIS ptlt'
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1.13 WORK.
The terin work as Used herein shall mean and inCILidC all that is required to obtain a
final product acceptable to the OWNER. The term 1)/-Ol.ect shall have like 111c:anin��.
79 This protect includes all xvork required as outlined in the Scope of Work. If specified
in the Scope of Work. If'spec:ified in the Scope of'Work. the work required herein
shall he specified in separate work orders issued by the:Owner's Representative and
ma`, be required to be performed after norillal working hours if'so stated bti the:
OWNER in the work order.
71 1.14 WORK ORDER.
If specified in the Scope of Work, this contract shall be comprised of separate work
orders. Which shall cover the OWNER'S annual project,needs as contemplated at the
time of the execution of this A(Ureement, including emergency repairs. Each Work
order shall be fully and finally completed Within thirty (30) calendar days from its
issuance, unless otherwise expressly stated in the Work order.
The Contract Documents comprise the entire agreement between the OWNER and
the CONTRACTOR concerning the project. The Contract Documents are
complementary. and what is called for by any one shall be as binding as if called for
by all.
In case of conflict between any of the Contract DOCUI11eIlts, of interp retation
shall be in the hollowing order:
2.02.01 Addenda to this Agreement,
-- 2.02.02 This Signed Standard Form of Agreement.
2.02.03 Scope of Work,
2.02.04 I nstrUCtlons to Bidders.
2.O2.05 Notice to Bidders.
2.02.06 Plans.
2.02.07 Specifications.
2.02.08 Pcrfornlancc and Payment Bonds, and
2.02.09 Proposal (,13 id Form).
2.O 3 , %,,IENDIN(J CON"I RA C' l� DOCL ,1/[1;N'I'S.
No amendments to this Agreement shall be effective and bind111L? until It Is reduced
to writIno and si`ned by the dulV authorised representatives of both parties.
—04 -A CUESS11311_IT)` OI I'l If: CON'I*IZAC 1
Where applicable. the ('UN [ 1Z.�(' 1�01Z \\ill be furnished tW,o 2 sets of Contract
DOCLIMCllts 1O1- its Llse (Iu1-1111 Co�nstrUCtlon. Specifications provided fir use du1-1110
Co IlStl•Lle.tloll shall be furnished directly to the ('ONU"R,�C l"OR only.
7 2.05 S1)LCI1:1CAT'IONS.
10t .01 The CONTRACTOR shall distribute copies of'the specifications to
suppliers and subcontractors as necessary. The CON FRAC'TOR
7 shall keep at least one copy of'the specifications accessible at the
\ ork site \ti-ith the latest revisions noted thereon.
i L-j U_.0 All specifications and copies thereof furnished by the OWN I:R shall
not be reused on other work. and, with the exception of the signed
contract sets, are to he returned to OWNER on request. at the
completion of the \.work. Nothing herein shall be construed as
granting the CONTRACTOR.an},subcontractor or supplier or other
person or organization performing or furnishing any of the work
pursuant to this Agreement any title or ownership rights in any ofthe
LJ drawings, specifications or other documents or copies thereof
P � P )
The project shall be administered by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE,who shall
assume all duties and responsibilities and have the rights and authority assigned
either to it or the OWNER in the Contract Documents, including, but not limited to,
7 the following:
3.01.01 The OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE shall periodically review and
P y
shall inspect the work of the CONTRACTOR as described in Section
7 3.02.
3.01.02 The OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE:shall appoint from time to time
7 such subordinate supervisors or inspectors as the OWNER'S
-' RE:PRESENTATIVE may deem proper to inspect the work
performed under this Agreement and ensure that said work is
performed in accordance with these Contract DocUnlents.
3.01.0 3 The CONTRACTOR shall regard and obey the directions and
instructions of OWNER'S RE:['[Z[ SE;N E�A I�IVI , any subordinate
�- supervisors or inspectors appointed by the 0WN1:R'S
RE:PlZl:S[1NTATlVF provided such directions and instructions are
Consistent \\Ith the obl Igations of this Agreeient.
3.M.04 Should the CONTRACTOR ohject to any orders hy the MVNF'WS
7 IZI:I'l Il:SI:N'I',-\'I'I%,'I: or all`' subordinate superVisor or inspector
�- appointed by the Ok 'N[:R'S RI:PRE:SE.N"I A I IVE�., the
CONTI� ACTOR illay \\ithin two (2) calendar days froni receipt of
f such order nlake \\ritten appeal to the MVN I:IZ'S City Mana0er fi r
Ills decision.
.10 UP 01.10 ul.ii1 X11 [0 a,1g1LI.-)tL1 P 01 .10 IP1ll)1 Al{)LIl X11 cal UOS.K)d Ul
p.-).\.I,s ,AP,LI cal �q IIMIS JOL1 %)LIS ss..)lLl.I
1.)1.LON, N':1.1'.1.121, 0'f
S.21:1\,,1►N0 1.11 t115 I10ALI1
,L11 01 '{Pace .10 P.1P\1.101 1IMIs 2[O.[.JV2I_Li\O.) ,LI.1. l U't-
S 01,1,V.)I\1Al A0') •fi
•,� »M, UO PIP'd s,1UOLU ,111 P,sn sPLI 21(),L�)V2I_I.\O,)mod.ind
1.1d 13PalUO.),t{1,[0 ltlnc
JULIA\ .1('1 ao MOLI ,U1LL1.131,P 01 U011PU1uIPIV, XUP' ,Pr,LU sPL{ ;1nI.1.V.I,\:=15 I2Id:_I21
S.2I::1\MO 113LI1 A1A.V.l., ':1S: &F]2I S.2I:II�!MO �q Uoi�rlu�s�ad�a �: sty p.�tu.��p fi-
�q 1OU 1113LIS 2](),I.:)V21_I.\C)�) 01 1u,ul,'rd a0[ U011r311ddt3 ttP,10 1r:\0addr 1.1311s 1ng
pur u011rtL1a0%IUI `a1pa{MOUy SIL{.1O lsaq 31.1101 P,1r='1Pu1 1U1od,t1101 passaa-t'30.id
sPL{ JlaOM 31.11 1rL11 IU,LLI Pnl' I1�UO1ss,joad S,.In1.AV.L\ IS 121d:I21 S.2FANMO
.IO 21:I\MO ,LI1 01 UOilrlu,s,.id,a r s,1n111Stloa 210.LJV2I.I.\OJ 01 1UaLUXrd jo
1VA0addr L{,-)nS.S1UIlOLLII?LJ�iIS LII �C,1,���,L,(�(�w�O1 JUZXUAP.d''5t1111aA1 LII '3AOaddv PUV
210_LJV21.1.\OJ 31.1101 P,:'110 JUIlOU.1U aLI1 aUlula,l,P TIPP rihinjOddilS PLIV 1Uau1Xrd aoI
SL1011rai1ddr, S�210.I.:�V21_I.� �OJ M,1n,.1 IIrLIs In11.V.L\CIS �2Id;.121 S.21A\MO �LI.L
MOM WA S1.\:71NAVd t7O'�
•asu,d , S�21O_I..7V21.L1�;OJ aql 1r pa,rld,a
aq llt?qs `SI.j w sayrls gznns `s„XoldLtl, s1LI aO LL11tI Xq 1PAOu13.1 aO uollanalSaP
Ss313a13)3 JO 3sr3 U1 PUP, '21O.LDV21.I.\OJ 31.11 Xq p,na,s,.id XIlnpar, aq IIrLIS
'•,1a 1SjJ1? LI •sa1lrlS I I V 'p,pa,U aq I I iM sapra'F pur s3U11 aaatlM a,rld PLir au111 all
.1oaOl OUa dLUP,�I �InI.I.V1.I��1S:_12Id.A1 j S.dANMO,L11 aAIS IIMIS 210.LDV21.I.\OJ a1.11
•ao�aa,LI1 U011rsua woo Palx,OU p1MOIlr aq IIPLIS 2101..�V21.L\OJ aq1 pur`�IaOM s1LI1 {_
,10„urtua�Ia,d 11ui.lad 01 paPU,dsns aq 11PL1S j1aOM u011analsuoa•Xarssa,aU a,AaUZ)L[M
•2IO_LJV21.L\07 aL{1 Xq pnuia(laad aq IIrLIs 'SUI JBIS UOilanalSUOa aana:NXOLI
AALLV.L\AS:I21d-Rf S.21`l.\MO ,L11 ^q p,Llsitlan� aq lint{S •y.i0jA aLll u11r='ol
ao1 syarLULlauaq pur S,LIrI-)Srq LISlIgP1S,Ol slulod UJUP 10a11.103113311a,n PUP 1t3jUOz1.1Oq
iiUlpnlZ-)Ll1 -SaPra'R PUP, s31.111 llr. `p,i.1r3,ds asl:NlaaLI10 SS,1uI I 'S ICIV219 CI\V SA\I71 ff�
•IaOM 3LI1 jO ss,.iRoad 3gjjO patu.IgjU1
21:I\,MO d,all IIrLIS AnI_I.V_I_\ IS Md: 1 S.2FANMO PLir •S1U,Lun3oO 13ra1LIOD
,LI1 gj1-N1 ZX)UVP.IO»r UI Uip„�o.1d s1 >1.10m S.21O.L�V2I.I.!�0.� ,11 3:U1LUJ:m0P IIiA1
1AH.V.1_\:_ISA: &1-:12I S.21:I\MO `sUO11VA.1,sgo 1.1311S PUP SJISIA 1.1311S iouianp pauirigo
uollrulacIlU1 u0 pasrti •2I._3\A\O31.11��q 3nI.I_V.I.\:-1S;�12Id 121 S.21;=I\M0 01 paU'lssr
�l{r='�11a,ds s,IlrllglSuods,a 31.11 pum-oq ss,.l5oad u1 JJOA» S.2IO_L.�V21.I.\O.� .IO
SU0ll-),dsU1 p,Ilrl,p,AJ0AU1 olio ss,.it Dad Ul ya0A\5.210_LJ�'2l_I.,\O_�.1c�laadst�;�aa.�a
01 Pu,1X, 01 aO ,q 01 P,PU311.11 JOu ,aP' 1nI.LV_I.\AS_I21d-A2I S.2I:1\:'1\0
.�q SUo1w.,Au,sgO PUP. s11s1A 1.1,111S •�1a0;�� ,L11,10 A11IM111 PUP ss,a'()o.id ,LI1 IvUO1ss,10ad
U ls,p P,I jI Irnh PLI13 LIP.sr..,Aa,sgo 01.I,P.10 Ul •,t.WSs,Z),U SLLI„p 2J'.J\MO
� �ssn),ac�PUr..7nI_I.V-I.\:IS'1&1' O a 1U,L1{vd S.2C)1..21 yr
,�11a,.x 01 ,1rtad0.iddr •L1011.111.11SUO.-) 10 S30 Pls s1101.113A )L{1 m ,1ri.IdOaddr SIP',V1311.11
W 311S X11 01 s11SIA IJ. V.LLI JIMIs:I�1I.I.V.1.\:ls:I2ld�12I 5.21:1\:1�10 XI.I. 'S\OI.L.):IdS\I �O'�
the corporation for \t hom it is intended. or if delivered at or sent by telecopier.
(Werill0llt or facsimile transillission or if`delivcrcd or sent by certified or reoistered
mail to the last business address as Indicated herein. E:ach part\ «-Ill have the right to
Chan�ile its business address by ulvin at least thirty(3())calendar days* \.vritten notice
to the ether party of'suCll change. Notice iyiven by mail shall be deemed liven three
(3) calendar days after the date of the mailing thereof.
75.01 Oil or before the execution of this Agreement, the CON�TRAC'TOR shall deliver to
the OW'NE:R all documents. bands, and certificates of insurance required herein.
5.02 The CONTRACTOR shall be prepared to perform the work in the most expedient
3 P P P p
manner possible due to the commencement of the time for final completion.
5.03 The work shall be commenced\vithin ten(10)calendar days of the date specified in
the notice to proceed or work order. In the event of any dispute, the records of the
OWNER shall be conclusive evidence as to the commencement date.
5.04 Time is of the essence in this Agreement.
6. WORK.
7 6.01 "The CONTRACTOR shall complete and be responsible for all work as specified,
indicated, or described in the Contract Documents. The CONTRACTOR shall
complete and be responsible for all Extra Work as described in this Agreement. All
work done and all materials furnished shall be in strict conformity with this
Agreement,the Specifications,and other Contract Documents. In the event that
the CONTRACTOR fails to perfOrm the work as required for final completion, the
OWNER may contract with a third party to complete the work and the
-- CONTRACTOR shall assume and pay the costs of the perftormance of the work
specified or contemplated by the Contract Documents.
L 6.02 [Cnic:ss Otherwise stipulated, the CONTRACTOR shall provide and pay for all
materials, supplies, iliachinerv. eglllplllellt, tools. Superintendents, laborers.
7 Insurance. fuel, transportation. and all Other Iacilities and utilities necessary 16r the
CXCClltlOn and completion Of the 1\,01'k specified or contemplated by the C'011tract
7 6.O 3 ['1:R1�1I i� , FEES. AND I.I (JAI.
6.0 1.01 The ('ON*I'RA("1*OR shall secure and pay all permits. fees, licenses.
Li and inspections necessary fir the proper CXeCutioll and Colllpletioll Of
the work. The CONTI• AC'T(W \\ill not. lio wever,be required to pay.
liar an\' permit lees fi)r permits to he issued I)v the ('it} of Bayto\\ll.
—' M11Ch Mll he \1 a1\ed ill CO11*l1nCtlOil \t lth this A�reellll.'Ilt.
6.0 31.O1 The C'ONTRAC._TOR shall give all notices required by law and
comply with all law s.ordinances. regulations.cedes. rules and la\\f ul
orders of all public; authorities bearing Oil the performance of the
6.04 TA FS. The OWNER qualities for exemption from state and local sales tax
pursuant to the pro\-istons of Article 20.4 (I=)ofthe Texas Limited Sales. Excise and
' Use"Tax Act. IIowever, if any taxes are applicable:to the Work.the CONTRACTOR
shall pay sales, Consumer. use and similar taxes as legally required.
6.05 SHOP DRAWINGS. "The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE,VE,with Such promptness as to cause no delay in his ow--n work or
in that ofany other contractor,checked copies.unless otherwise specified.of all shop
and/or setting drawings and schedules required for the work of the various trades,
and the OWNER'S RE PRESEN"I'A"TIVE shall pass upon them with reasonable:
promptness, making desired corrections. The CONTRACTOR shall make ally
-� corrections y
required b the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, file with him corrected
copies and furnish such other copies as may be needed. The OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE'S approval Of Such drawings or schedules shall not relieve the
LJ CONTRACTOR from responsibility for deviations from drawings or specifications,
unless he has in writing called the OWNER'S RE-;PRESENTATIVEj:'S attention to
7 such deviations at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility
-' for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules. It shall be the
CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to fully and completely review all shop drawings to
T ascertain their effect on his ability to perform the required contract work in
L accordance with the plans and specifications and within the contract time.
Such review by the OWNER'S RF.'PRESE;NTA'TIVE shall be for the sole purpose of'
-_ determining the sufficiency of said drawings or schedules to result in finished
improvements In conf orlll lty with the plans and specifications, and shall not relieve.
7 the CONTRACTOR ofllis duty as an independent contractor as previously set forth.
L-i it being expressly understood and agreed that the OWNER'S RI:I'RE:.'EN rA'I'IVE:
does not assume any duty to pass upon the propriety or adequacy ofsuch drawings or
schedules, or any means or methods reflected thereby. in relation to the safety of
7 either person or property during CONTRACTOR'S performance hereunder.
7.01 The late of beglrining and the date fOr final completion elf,wl)I'k as specified in this
AOreenlent are essential conditions of this Agreetllent.
7.02 The \\ork 1\ill coninience \\1t111n ten 0 0) calendar days of the date specified in the
LJ notice to proceed or a work order. \\h 1chcver is applicable. and will be completed
�\ithln sixty(60)calendar days fl-onl the date so speclf led 11111CSS a dlf`ferellt all1011llt
01'tulle 1S al1th01-1/ed 111 hV the t) VN I IZ. Ill the e\.ent Ot'ally dlspute. tilt'
records of the Mk'N E R shall he Conc 1 uS i Ve evidence as to the date specified on tilt
7 notice to proceed or \\ork order.
7.03.01 The CONTRACTOR has Submitted Its bid In full reco�gynition of the
time regUlred for the CoMpletlon Of this pr()Jl'Ct taking into
consideration all factors, including, but not limited to. the Liverage
climatic range and industry conditions.
7.03.02 The CON.FRAC_ I.OR has considered the liquidated damage
provision, and understands and agrees that it shall not he entitled to,
nor\will it request an extension oftime fOr final completion udder this
Agreement.except if the \work has been delayed by an act or neglect
Lil of the other contractors, ifs any, employed h the OWNER or b
y y
FM changes ordered in the work. or reductions thereto In writing.
L 7.03.03 Within seven (7) calendar days of any act or incident that the
CONTRACTOR reasonably believes may justify an extension of time
- for final completion,the CON"TRACTOR may apply in writing for an
extension of-'such time. Sllbmlttlnb therewith all written justification
as may he required by OWNER. Thereafter, the OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE,, within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of
a written request for an extension of time, from the, CONTRACTOR,
Which is supported by all requested documentation, shall then
authorize or deny such written request; provided that the request for
�_r an extension 1S not based upon weather conditions. Should an
extension be requested withal the seven (7) calendar-day period
based upon\weather conditions.the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE
shall authorize or deny such a written request upon Final Completion
of the Work based upon any variation from the average climatic
7.04 DE'LAYS.
�,, 7.04.0 1 The C ON I IZAC I OIZ. 111 undertaking to complete the\work\wlthill the
time herein fixed. has taken into Consideration and made allowance
fOr all 11111CII-al1CCS alld delays incident to Such work. whether�?rO\\1ti0
Lj out of delaVS In SCCtlrltig Material or \\,orknlen or \\eather or
ot lie r\\Ise.
7.04.02 No charge \\hatsoever shall he Made by the CON l I,AC OIZ for
1 ` r
11111drances Or• dela\'s fi-0111 Ml\' CMISC'. \VhatCVCr. exCept \\here the
\\ork is stopped b� order of�the OVVN l AIZ. d411-1110 the pro`Tess of an\
portion of the \\oI-k conte111111MCd b). the spec*1 icationS. htit the
O VNIAR'S may grant an extension oftinie fi)r
the Completion of the \\ork. provided the OV`-'N l:R is satisfied that
~Lich delays Or hindrances \\ere dLle to the extraordinary causes or to
j the acts of olll lsslotl Or cOm1111ssiotl the OWN l R.
7.()4.0 3 It is agreed that the gl'allting Of ~Lich extensions Of tittle shall 111 110
instance exceed the time actually last by the CONTRAC"i3OR for
{ r
reason of such causes, provided that the CON"TRACTOR shall give
O\VNIE:R immediate notice in \writing ofthe caLlse of the detention or
7.04.04 111 case the vvork is stopped by all act of the O WN E;R, then the
� y
expenses of' the same. as determined by the OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE.. shall be paid by the OWNER to the
��' 7.05 FINAL COMPI_.ETION. The CONTRACTOR shall notifythe ( ' = 'e �WiR S
REPRESENTATIVE and OWNER when the CON"TRACTOR believes that the work
for each change is finally completed as defined in section 1.06 herein. If' the
OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE ro e J Y completed.accepts the as finally the
CONTRACTOR shall be so notified and a certificate of final completion, as
provided herein. shall be issued. Thereafter.the OWNER shall pay the balance due,
-' if any and less any retainage, which shall be held for a period of thirty(30) calendar
days after final completion. At the expiration of the thirty (30)calendar day period,
the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE may release any unclaimed retainage.
8.01 PAYMEN"T AMOUNT. The CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the work four all of
7 the work under this Agreement and the OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR
L..` based
e Upon the unit prices etlUmerated In the OWNER'S Invitation to Bid. the total
of which shall not exceed the total amount bid for the completed and accepted work
7 as set forth and adjusted in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
8.0? PROCEDURE FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS. The Contractor shall submit
7 applications to the Owner*s Representative for progress payments as provided for
---' herein no more often than once a month Application for payment will be processed
8.02.01 Subject to the terms ofthis paragraph and the Other provision Ol'this
,'\urcement. the O`\''Nl.R~hall make hI'ogl'ess payil1etlt Oil account Of'
7 the a(Ureed price oil the basis Of`thc CONTIZAC TOWs application for
LJ p�lV111ent as approved hv the (-)WNI IZ'S RE:PRE:SE:NTATIVE:.
Whenever the CONTRAU�IIOi?'s application fur payllleilt includes
7 pavillent fur work that is determined tO he either M not in
accordance\\lth tills Agreenent.the work \vritc-Lip. specif icatiOns.or
Other(_'Ontract I 0C'L1111ents.or(2)deft'ctivc. the OWN l;R may. Ill Ills
SO IC dlticl'etl0I1.1\itllhOld pr()gl'ess pav'111ents\\helleVel'some OI'k for
\\iiiC'Il ININ llletlt has all bc'c'17 111�1C1e L111deI' a pilot' 11'O(,,I*CSS
- I
_0 I-
•1�.�I��acl ,LI1 01lll pt1C )LlOI-)
.10 jUI1()LU1' JIMPI' 1LI1 .101 ,-,q IIMIS 1LKX1.1,�Vd U,--)LI1 'p()LIj.)LLI 1:11.Id jtUil
31.11 SI ILKXUAVC1.101 SISIXI.-LIJ pUr 311MIUSZ) LL1().11 a��1,I Ip PXISIU.111,1 .)q 01 S-IM.1 JULU
Z)LI1 ptrl' .XU()p ,-)q ()I ?I.I():t1 Z)LIJ %10 jLMOLLI1' 11'llj�1' ��tll ,11 ' {)'� LI011;1,,)S LIl p-)p1A0.IC1
sh jd"),-)x:_I 'S'IVI?1,:I.I.V1 (IK;v `i?I(),NN "IV 1.1.:)V (I_ISV�I .I., IV1AV(1 0'8
SIL11,10 SLLI.I,,-)j a-)Llju aZ)PUil
pI.ILIt}jl�� sLUns ,1LI1' SS,3I jU.ILLIII.I V SILI1 _I�pLlll �Ilp ,l.,l.lci ..)LIJ'10 .IlPUIVU,I1.I z)LI1 SO'L
U01133S LIjlAk YOUPpa0331' U! 2iO.1..)V21.I.�O.� �)LIJ ACcl JIVLIS 21:1\/AAO )LIJ's!spq aap.io
J. JOM 1' Uo p.MnsSI s! 1;311.11Uo,1 aLll.1! •aapauJJOAN V uI A) SLIOIlr.:)11r-).)dS put' SUVId al}j
UI pz)lll gads JI10AN a'XIJ Jo pU1'uoil-)IdLLIo,IVUI j.1311 V '.I.\]1,,1►AVd "I V\I:1 fi0'8
'ILI V SIgj J 0
SU.1.131.tatlj0 J;)PUIl p,-)ZIaOLIlllt'SLUIlS/ UV,1LI,-,)LLI7ji'jS pan(laddV t(7L?a U.10.1j UIVj,1a 0Slt'ArLU
2I:1f�iM0'Im. '(00'000,00fs) S2JvirIOQ 001/0\CIw C1N.,VS,(1011.1.(JAWINfif-I
2If 10d LI13LI1 ssal sI Uoijtl IIU-.11Uo7 JO 3LUII IV 13!ad I-M.111,10D 1`13101 aLlj J!
jUaaaad ua1 ao aaoui ao(00'000`OotS)S2IV'-I'IOa 2MOA
s! 1313JILIOD Io aLU!j IV 101ac1 1:)PajuoD It'101 at11.1! (%% )jua3aad anil juauiXr.d
InUil I!juil U►P1a1 IIVgs pano.iddu govz) uioad 'AJV\IV.LA21 �0'8
-JU,X iaaa5V S1tIj LIjIM-):)UL'pa0:)Z)t'Ul JIaOAN 31,11 31aIdLLIO,-)10U 3SIM.I31.110
Ipm 1i jugj ao UOl1-3ai103 IBUY.101 jUaulaaaI�V S!tI1 Ul pail!aads s,-)1r-.p-)qi
U1LI11h1 IIaoM atll ajaldLU0,)10U I1!M 210.LJV2I..L1�0�at{1 j1?tlj sajl'�tpu!
JULlj jaV autos auop ao pajuasaada.l sptl 210J.7V211N.OD 31.11 1t'LIj
ao 11nupp jum-n, of inp )IJOM aLI1 aj2IdLU0Z)joU IIIM WJ,DV21,L\OD
3qj jt?tlj Sanallaq ji ,1! jL1)LUXud sswSaid puadstls -aui!j
Aulu jt' `AULu 213\IM0 .io/pttr. AI.LV.I.NAS,A1 Jd_121 S, 0 aL1.I, SO'Z,0'8
atll p333x3 Xuw soSeLu Jp pajt:pinb!I pajaafoad 31.11 JUL11 sautui.lalap
1! `213 'MO ao/put' ]AI1VJ_N':IS 11d=-I21 S.21:=1.�MU aLlj ,Icy
uo!jaaasip alos aLlj u! J! 1.10AX atll Uo SjUa UXud ssaa,'3oad puadstls•aLUij
Auto 113 `At'ui 21��IM0 ao/pur, AnI.I.V.I.JS-_ 1d 121 S.2FANTMO 2L1_L tl0'z0'8
'1LI,-,_)LLI,-),)a'F'3V SILI1 gmAN U1 pIOLILIJI.M
.�r.LLI pur, auttu.iajap ,t1-Ml 21; MO a0/pUt� �nI.I.V_I_'�:IS:=12�cIA1 j
X s
5.21:1'�MO 11 St! Unocal 1 1 It:tl0!1!ppt, put, :Mc)Iaq pa11l3ads al,t,uirjaa
It?tuaou 3LI1 ssal "aprttt aq II►:M sluaulArd ssa.i'(')o.Id `1traLLlaa.i 50
s!LI1,10 UOIS!noad aaLljo 1.11 PUP, LIdtma'()vatd S!LI1 j0 SLU.Iaj )LI1 01 1,-)"n IgnS CL 8
_1 0.10 .')IIS-Lio
p3.101S 1UaLUd!nb-)ao Slr.u,-)j1?LU a( I )PVLLI ,,-,)q }IBLIS SjL1-)LUAPd 111P!1a1-1)d ()\ _LU'Zo'8
(-7) .10 SjU'LUn,-)0C1 IMLIIUO) 1,,t110
JO SU0IJV,)1j1,-),-,)ds 'cin-n11.IM jA)Ak )LI1 LIUM
Lit j0U ( I) .I01.111a aq 01 P,)UILUa,)jap SI 103.131.11 U011.10CI 1' .r0 IU,)LLI.�Vd
8.06 MAJOR ITF%/1S. In case the actual qualltlty of any major item should become as
7 Much as?0'',0 more than. or?O°o less than the estimated or contemplated quantity for
such items. then tither party to this Ag-eeMent. Upon demand. shall be entitled to a
revised consideration upon the portion of the \vork above or Belo« ,)Oq'o of the
estimated quantity.
A 11Major Itenill shall be construed to he any individual hid item incurred in the
proposal that has a total cost equal to or greater than five (5) per cent of the total
contract cost. coM utcd on the basis of the proposal quantities and the contract unit
p p P q L t
8.07 REJDC C'I-IO: ` IN SCOPE: OR QUANTITY. Reduction in the scope or quantity of
work on unit price items shall merely reduce the number of units. The
7 CONTRACTOR shall never be entitled to anticipated or last profits on the deleted or
Lj reduced portion of a job whether bid on a unit price or lump sum basis.
��� 8.08 O�I HE R CHARGES. The CONTRACTOR shall have the sole obligation to pay any
�� and all charges and fees and give all notices necessary to and incidental to the lawful
prosecution of the work hereunder. 'file CONTRACTOR shall not,and shall have no
authority whatsoever to, obligate the OWNER to make any payments to another
7. party or make any promises or representations of any nature on behalf of the
OWNER, without their specific written approval.
8.09.01 No changes shall be made and no bills for changes, alterations,
modifications, deviations, and extra orders shall be recognized or
paid for except upon a written change order from the OWNER or the
8.09.02 The CONTRACTOR further agrees that either before or after the
beginning of the work, the O WN E:R, acting solely through the
E"R'S REPRESE;NTATIVE, may make such changes and
�- OWN
alterations as OWNS:R'S RE.PRE:SENTATIVE and/or OWNER sees
fit in the dimensions, plans or materials, or any part thereof. for the
p yI
L_ \vork contemplated under this Agreement without affecting the
validity of' this Agreement or the accompanying bands. Ifs such
chatlges car alterations diminish the quantity of work to ht done, tile`,
7 shall not constitute the basis for any claim for damages or anticipated
profits oil the \k-ork that may he dispensed \vith. 'I'hc
7 CONTRACTOR TOR shall never be entitled to anticipated or lost profits
��. on the deleted or reduced portion of•the project whether bid oil a unit
or 1L111111 sUill halls. I I'SUC 11 changes Increase the alllOUlit of•\\'ork.and
the increased 1\ork can bC falrIv classified Under tilt specifications.
7such increase shall he paid accordin�o to the quantity actually done
and at the Ullit pl-ice established fi)l-such \vork under this,i\grecilltnt:
othtr\\'ist. such additional \\or.k shall be paid for as lro�idtd Linder
( l
I:xtra Work. In case tilt (MNLIZ shall make such changes or
alterations as shall make useless any work already done or material
7 already fiirllished or used in said \\ork. then the shall
recompense the CONTRACTOR fur any material or labor so used
and for any actual less, ether than lost profits occasioned by such
change due to actual expenses 'Incurred in preparation for the work as
originally planned.
8.09.0—) Changes and alterations that are 1'L1Uth01-17.ed throu011 chance orders
May be made or approved by the OWNf:R provided that the change
order does not increase or decrease this Agreement by more than the
amoulit specified i n the Ordinance passed by the City Council
approving this contract. Any requests by the CONTRACTOR for a
change in original Payment Amount shall be made prior to the
beginning of the work covered by the proposed change or the right to
payment for Extra Work shall be waived.
8.10.01 The term "Extra Work” shall be understood to mean and include
work not covered or contemplated by the Contract Documents that
> may be required by the OWNER or the OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE and approved by the OWNER in writing prior
to its being done by the CONTRACTOR to accomplish any change,
7alteration, or addition to the work as shown on the Specifications or
Contract Documents.
8.10.02 It is a freed that the CONTRACTOR shall erform all Extra g p Work
under the direction of the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE when
presented with a written work order signed by the OWNER.
8.10.03 No claim for Extra Work of any kind will be allowed unless, prior to
the work being done, it is ordered in writing by the OWNER. In case
any orders or instructions appear to the CONTRACTOR to involve
Extra Work fo
r which It Should receive additional compensation or an
adjUstment in the construction time,the CONTRACTOR shall make
L_f written request to the OWNER for a written order from OWNER
aUt lori1_ing Such Extra Work.
{ 8.10.04 It is aoreed that the basis of�co � �
�: � �pc.nsatic n to the CONTRACTOR fur
\V'Ork either added or deleted by a Change Order or for which a claim
fur I:xtra \A'ork is Made shall be determined by one or more of the
fullo�t'ing methods:
.Method (A) - By agreed unit prices: or
\-lethod (13) - By a(Ureed I11111p su111: or
Method (C) - It' neither N/lcthod (A) nor \Method (I3) is
a`(Urecd Lipon before the L;xtra Work is
commenced. then the CONTRACTOR shall
he paid the "actual field cost" of the �,v ork.
K.10.05 IIl the event said I'_xtra \ ork is peI'formed and paid foI'under\,V'Ietllod
(C), then the provisions ofthls paragraph shall apply and the "actual
field cast" is hereby defined to include the cast to the
COS TRACTOR of all applicable workmen, such as foreman.
titnekeepers, mechanics and laborers,and materials,supplies,teams,
trucks. reIltals oil machinery and egLllpIllellt, foI• the time actually
employed or used on such Extra Work, plus actual transportation
charges necessarily incurred,together with all power. fuel. lubricants,
water and similar operating expenses, also all necessary incidental
expenses incurred directly oil account of such Extra Work, including
social secLll-ity. old-age benefits and other payroll taxes, and a
rateable proportion of premiums on Performance and Payment
Bonds, Public Liability and Property Damage and Workers'
Compensation,and all other insurance as may be required by ally law
or ordinance, or directed by the OWNER. The actual field costs to
be paid to the CONTRACTOR shall cover and compensate the
CONTRACTOR for the CONTRACTOR'S profit,overhead,general
Superintendence, field office expenses,and all other elements of costs
L J1 and expenses not embraced within the actual field costs as herein
defined. Actual field costs shall not exceed the prevailing market
;",i price therefor within reasonable tolerances as determined by the
9.01 In all activities or services pet-formed hereunder, the CONTRACTOR is and at all
-- tinges shall remain an independent contractor, not an agent or employee of the
independent contractor,shall be solely responsible for the final product contemplated
L! Linder tills Agreement. Lxcept for materials fLlrnlshed by the OWNER. the
all materials. equipment and labor required for the
CONTRACTOR shall Supplti-
execution of' the \\,ork oil the project. The CONTRACTOR shall have ultimate
-' control over the execution oFthe \vOrk under this Aoreetnent. The CON "RAC TOR
shall have the Sale obli`gatton to cinploy. direct. control, supervise. manage.
discharge and compensate all of ltS emplo\'ccS and Subcontractors and the OWNER
-_ and the OWNER'S R1:1'IZI:SI.N I A"I�IVE�, shall have no direct control of or
Supervision oN-er the employees of tllc C'ON"I•RAC'TOR's subcontractors except to
the limited extent pt'ovldcd fog' 111 tills7_J
;1 I'eetllellt.
9.02 The \pork to be provided on this pro*ect Shall include the furnishinu of all labor,
111c.1tCrialS. CLILllll111clit, alld ()lhc l- ser 'ices Iecessary or reasonably incidental to the
= perfonlizince OI'the wOt'k by the CONTIZACTOIZ. It shall be the responsibility ofthe
.Iapt111 1.10M ZX{1 1111.Ir,-fit'M ALIV 1.11 jt'LIj S.l3lj1'1LI [)Lit' •SLI01jt[1[10.) Ir,-)('I [)tit? 1i?.1;1[IJ�i atlj
-jLI,_)LLI,Z),-),I0 V s1LIj ;tq p,,m mhz-)a salll[),[l,,s [)LIV Sau11I)V`1l) 111! 01 A-111!C1t'
'�1.10:11 ,Xp a1,-)idLLI03 01 [)a[)3�,Xl atlltj ,-,[1j ,10 LloljnJ,,su.ld ,�LIj ptlt'
.IOI papaau Saijll l3t,j put? jLK)LLIdltlh,�,jO.l��j�t'.tt?L{� aLlj '[)ali lljn ag 01 113N.I31t?LL[ :11ijUt?tlh
pLlt'�1j11t'llh'.lajlt'.It'L{�al{1-s,-)mI!jll-).)v. .Insgt1s Put"'3313I.I11S 1.11p11I-XII •s1.1110i1.11S.�LIVJO a.ltljt'LI
-1!OS put? pU110.I XIJJ0 1.1011?I.LI.iI ItlO;l XII •>1.10:11 a_XIJ JO 1.101lt?3O1 Pul' a.1111t?U 1t j Oj Sr, 7Sj[
I .I I
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'�I21O�1C1 II I.I. A)
•jLIaSLIOZ) L13111.1AN JoI.ld s.�]nI.I.V.I.I :_IS .I2Id I21 S.2FANMO .lO s.2FANMO
L1311S 111Ot111M j:)alo.Id aLlj UO 1.10AN A'UV LURI JJad Oj p,;olclLLIa aq UIV'SV IOU IIBLIS put'pa9.It'LI:')SIP
a JUL IS Suos.lad 10 uosaad L ans.�.Ia .i
qll I { 1 p c. Ip.IOlilltljir.�Uil jLIaj�dttlO�tIi :�InI1.V1.l�:.�I5.�I21d:.I21
S.2IA\;MO at{j JO ��INMO at11 JO U011iidO aLlj Ui `a.Ir j.I0M ajismba.I 31.11'10 ALIL -, UiU.I.Iqj.lad
suos.Iad.Io uosaad�UV JU41&Uljt.lhk Lll 2IOE-W- I1 NOD aLlj LLI.IU.jUI JIBLIS S
:�nI1_V.I.N:1 2Id._I21
SMANMO 341 ao m INMO 31.11 J3A.3U-)LIAN JVLI1 Sa Z)J 9f V 0L)V1I1.NOD aLIJ '
'3.l0U.IJ3t j.In ',.10M aL O 0 ` 3t'.1 U0,SiL .Ia UI1
I � y {� p j j 1 . {1 p pa.Iirlb,a j.IOMjo adXl atlj,Jo aZXIpul.loj.Iad
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1.JVd1.N0D aLI_L �
'SA �AO71dA1'A AA F MIOSIC1 '01
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.IOJ X.IUSS33a1.I S31111i3L1 J.Z)gj0 pLlr `1.1011t?j.IOdSUB.11 JUaLUdinbo `siool `.logt?I `s{t?injuLU
lip. ao,I Xud PUB apinoad IIB4S 2IO.I.JV2I.I.I�OJ aL11 `palvIndijs asi.M.i3gi0 ssalLln t0'6
'juaLLlaa.ISV S141 O LlaUa.lq Ul SI PLlt?2IO.L:)V2I,Lf�U7 11.11JO sUOijt?aado aL11 SUtpuadsns
.Ioj spunoa'S aq 1IBLls UOtsinaadns Ll,-)ns jo pull '1.I0h1 Z)ql,;O ZY)U ,ul.Ioj.Iad aadoid s
atlj of{PijUassa si 2IO1.JV2d1.\OD 3tI1.10 antjt'juasa.Ida.l)IgUUOst?a.I pur jUajaduld,�q
UOISIn.Iadns;)wnbapV 'NdO_LJV2j1',\ioD atlj 01 LNW-53jl SU 51.11puiq aq lIr.LIS 1351.1.UV
-jLIap1.1011.1indnS l,N)foad 31.11 01 LKMIii S1.I01133.11P iiV -saoot'ajuoagns PUP snoXolduta
S11 asinaadns of PUB anijt?juasa.Idaa S.210.LDV2I_I_� 'OJ atlj sr jet? o 'dNMO
01 ,(.1013t3Jstjt's 1113 *SjUVISISSt' �at'ssaaau AUr, PUP, .Iatt'UrV\1-jtlapu 11.1indn5 l�al0.td
jLlajadL.1.103 V y.10M 31.11 JO ssa.I5 o.ld at{j ��ui.Inp j>>fo.td aLlj uu daay put? jUloddr iIrLIS
WA,,_)V2J.L N:OJ aL1J. -juaLLlaa.I V S i tlj .l apUil 2I,'-I 1'�M O atlj Oj SLIOI lt? ,t 1qU Sj1 uIO.I j
210.I_.)V211_\0_)aLll anaila.l joU 1113LIS JUauiaa.l0 V SIL{1,IO a3Llt?L.1.10. ad aLlj ut pa.Itnha.l
S{Ui.Iajt?LLI .I0 1.10," 31.11,I0 )MI113,01 JO LIOIl.IOd ;kUt?,JO Liljjalgils aLI.L 'jLlaul�a.i \l Slt 1 �
. I
JO luautll�JIn1 pur. y.10.M ZILIJ Icy U0Ijaldtu0,-) PUP 1.101jn)atio.id InILljtt-1 atlj 01 UO1jUajjr.
lruos.l-)d sji ZIA1 11130tiS PUP, 10.11UO3 iVLI0S Iad L11t'j3.l IIVLIS 21()._I.JV2I.I.!�;().� L0'6
'Uta.I 1. altOi L17LLI ,,1 t'�I l»dS OLI 1. nOt tla:�, ' l ? 1 f
I p .j II _I. j I I1 � lu�ttt.�id 1t.tlOtjl[)1 t,
.101 LUIVIZ) 111OL11I.M 210.I.JV21.I.�().) allj :�q pa!lddns aq 1IBLIs UOIjV,)Lj!;)ads s!LIj .10
jLIajLIi atlj j�atll Oj papaaU jUauldinh�au •1r.i.lajru! •�1.1(��� 1t?tlOtj►ppt?:�ttV '2I:I\MO aLlj
JO sjLlaulaalilhaa atlj Sjaaul jr.Llj j:111p(RI I. .i(�.\\ paw)Idulc»C L1SIU.In,I 0121()_I.. V2I_I. (Y-)
12.01 t nless other\\ise specifically provided herein, the CONTRACTOR inay prosecute
its work at such time and sessions. in such order of precedence, and In such manner
as shall be most conduclV-e to the ec0110111V of the project: provided: ho\\-ever.that the
order and time of prosecution shall be such that the work shall be finally completed
as a\ hole, in accordance\\ith this A(Ureement:the Specifications,and other Contract
� l
Documents and \\1t111Ii the tlrlle of completion designated rin the proposals and
schedules agreed upon by the parties.
12.02 1' llrther. the parties shall be subject to the I' llowing:
12.02.01 The OWNER reserves the right to enter the property by such
employees)or agents) as it may elect for the purpose of inspecting
the work.
12.02.02 The er Project Su intendent/Mana ger shall coordinate its activities
p ,
` and work \ ith the OWNT"R. If Y
required b the Owner, the
CO: ''I'RAC'I-OR shall provide a weekly schedule of planned
activities, which may be reviewed oil a daily basis. In the case of any
Lj completed \pork or material that is to be covered over by other
material, the Project Superintendent/Manager shall provide notice to
the OWNER no later' than twenty-four (24) hours before the
anticipated cover-up of the previously completed work or material.
In the event, however, that such notice is provided oil a Friday the
OWNI_:R will have until the following Monday afternoon to approve
t the previously completed work and its cover-up and the
CONTRACTOR shall take no action until such approval is given by
12.02.03 The CONTRACTOR shall submit,at such time as may reasonably be
reCluested by OWNER. further schedules that shall list the order in
-' \vhich the CONTRACTM proposes to carry on the work with dates
at which the CONTRACTOR will start the several parts of the work
and the: estimated dates of completion of the several parts.
12.02.04 The CONTI' ACTOR shall attend additional meetings called by the:
OWNI"IR or the O\'NII'IZ'S IZI:1'RE1S1:NTATIV1; upon t\VC11ty-f0Ur
(24) houl-s' notice unless otllCl•\k'ise agreed by the parties.
12.O2.05 \\'hen the OWNER is having other work done. by its o\�n force
approved hN the (M N I=.R'S 1ZI:PIZI;51 '� 1�A I�I V1 , tilt: OWN F.W S
lz 1:l'R l:S I:N 1 AT1 V l: nlay direct the time and nianner o f \\ork done
1111LiCr this A(Uree.'lllelit, do that conflicts \\ill be avoided Cind the
-' \:11'10LIS \\OI'k being done hy and fOr tile.' O\A*NI:R shall be
137 . SITE CONDITIONS ,AND \/1AN'ACil=.1lI: (N' *.
13.O1 \'here the CONTRACTOR is working around oI•in existing structures. it shall �-erif\'
conditions at the site. including, but not limited to, roads.easements. door openings.
passages,and other existing, site conditions. Any items constructed or I1lallUfactUred
off=site or outside of buildinos shall be dune so that they are not too bulky for
exlstlIlg facilities. The CONTRACTOR shall provide special apparatus as required
to handle any such items. All special handling equipment charges shall he at the
CON-FRACTOWS sole cost and expense.
13.02 It is the intention of the OWNERS RETRESE.N"FATIVE to show on the plans the
approximate location of all underground Utility lines and structures except service
connections to buildings. To this end. owners of all known undergrOUnd liIles and
structures, including gas, water,electrical cables,telephone cables, sanitary sewers,
storm sewers, industrial pipelines, and appurtenances thereto have been contacted
and the information provided by them is shown on the plans. Where gas, water, and
sewer lines exist in the vicinity, the CONTRACTOR shall assume that service
L) connections exist to each building and exercise appropriate caution during
� g
excavation. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to notify various owners in
advance when excavation is to be done in the vicinity of their underground lines and
structures. Damage to such underground lines and structures, whether or not shown
on the plans, shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and he shall bear the
cost of necessary repair or replacement of damaged parts.
13.03 "Throughout the progress of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall keep the working
area free from debris of all types, and remove from premises all rubbish, resulting
from any work being done by Milli. At the completion of the work, the
CONTRACTOR shall leave the premises in a clean and finished condition. Any
Failure to do so may be remedied by the OWNER or its designee and charged back to
13.04 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for verif yin all conditions at the site prior
� �.
s to performing the Work. As such. the CON TRACTC)R understands and agrees that
it shall be responsible for conditions encountered at the site, including, but not
limited to:
i ,
a. subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions which differ from those
f;- indicated in the Contract Documents. and
b. Unknown physical conditions. which difTer from these ordinarily foutld t0 exist
and generally recognized as inherent in construction activities of the character
provided for in the Contract DOCUIllents.
NO additional compensation shall be afforded to the CON I RAC I OR fOr dlff ering
< J site conditions. ;111`' Illfc)I'lllatiOn pro\'lded by the OWNFR, lncltlding, bUt 110t
limited to geotechnical lnfOrmation. shall be for tilt'C ON I RAC OR's convenience
onl` and the MVNI:R does not guaralltec• the accuraCV or cr�rrectness Of any
i n formation so pro\-ided.
1:.xcept as specif icalIV provided herein, the CONTRACTOR shall lay out all work ill a
I manner acceptable to the OWN1*.R in accordance «,ith applicable codes and ordinances of
the city, county and state. The OWNER'S REPRI SENTAIIVE will review the
CON'FRACTOWS lay0LIt of all structures and any other layout work done by the
CONTRACTOR. but this revie\\ does not relieve the CONTRAci-OR of the responsibility
�4 of' ac CUrately locating all \.vork in accordance with the, specifications and Contract
� v
_. 15.01 Whenever the CONTRACTOR erects, installs, or uses additional structures on the
property for the storage. maintenance of materials or use of employees and
I Subcontractors.Such structure shall not damage the property and the CONTRAC''YOR
shall maintain sanitary conditions in and about such structures at all times in a
manner-satisfactory to the OWNER.
15.02 The CON"-rRACI'OR shall provide and maintain necessary sanitary conveniences for
the use of laborers on the work. SLlc11 conveniences shall be properly secluded from
public observation and shall be in a location approved by the OWNER'S
15.03 The OWNER may char(le the CONTRACTOR for any damage or injury to the
� Jur Y
-r OWNER, its property or third persons as a result of the location or use of ally of
CONTRACTOR'S structures.
16.01 Materials or work described in words which when so applied have well-known
technical or trade illeanino shall be held to refer to Such recobniled Standards. All
work shall be done and all Materials f`Limished In strict conformity with the Contract
Documents and reco niz d industry standards.
16.02 Materials and Supplies Utlll%ed IIl the final product that will be turned over to the
j O 'NI:R shall be 11e\\-and of food quality. t pon request.the CONTRACTOR shall
supply proof of♦qual ity and nlallLI1actLlrer.
16. i No rclUrbished, recollditl(med or ether pI'eVIOLISIy Lltlll/ed materials or supplies\- ill
Ile used witllt-)ut the Si`ned authorization of OWNER.
, f
16.04 `Where the product IS to be tLIHIC(I over to the OV�'N I:IZ. the CONTRACT(* May
Lit'I*1C SUbstltl(tl'S��f�equal �lUallt�' and f�Llnl.'tloil aS provided t' Ill till'SpeClflcatlollS.
I')V'dd0.I.S N2I0A\ '8I -
'p•�IlL1L'LL1Sl1� .Ic) ZXq 01 -
�L 1 ».Ilnb;),I SUL XL 1 1tIL 1 ltllc)d ��L 1 c) UO11)11.11SLlc),),�L 1 �) UOIJUac) SZ),I O SC)1
` [ I ' 1 2I:I�,'1c�() [ ' [ [ i I .1 1- ,I 1
,-)LII AUL] PUP Z)LLInSSP,, 11PLIS 2I:INI A1A() -SLI()ljV.-)11i.1Jds Ol J1.IOAk �1LIi pJlLI.ic pnd
SrLI 2I0.I,:_�W2I.L�!0;� -')LIi ii'LIi ZXIJ UI •p�a�:�c»Lln aO •p,-)I1UpLLIS!p •I».�c�Lu��a
ac Oi ��alnb�a ,aOAN � 1 0 UO11r..I0is�.1 Xut" a1rd��.I O slsO.-) �L i (rd PUP �ulnssp
I p `1 LI .1 1` .1 [ E
IJULIs 2IO..I..�V2I.l.i'�!0.7`siU.Xuln:1O(1 13p.11U0,).1)LllO.10 .10'SU011133I I ds -)LI1
1g p�a!nb�a sr. JIaOAN 11.11 LLIJL)1.I1d of p-)I!r1 sell 210.I.JV'2LLNO ,) XI1 it'L11 1LIDA�3 aLli Ul
*p")ialdlUO,) j1.IOAN a,-)nO:)Un aO 311LIpUIS!p `I,NOLLI-).i Oi 2I0.1..)V2I.I.�iO:�Z-)LIi AULLI !
, . . . _ _ A\ L .2I:I MO� 111O 1pnoaddp UOdn L ao 2:3
. : [
'S1L13U.1113O(] I.-)p.11LIO- 31.11 JO s1Ua1.113.1!nb.I
3LI1 t111AN Ul 1.10AX Z)LI1 ulaolaad 01 1.1011pii11go s11 LLIO.11 2I0._I_.JV2I.I.NJ)
3LIi aA 113.1 Ilpt1S 'SIVAoaddr, aO •S1Sa1 -SLIOII�,,-,)dSLII I.I.-MIS aIULU 01 iLI:1L1.IZ)Z)aiiV -�
SIL1i aapull paz!aoLllnp suosa,-.,)d ao `�-�nI_I_t�1.f� IS:32Id:=�� S�2I I, iMO -,-)qi ao 21: NMO
31.11 �q apuui slpnoaddp ao `sisal `SUOl1J,-)dSLII .101.1 _InIJ.VlN-AS 32Id` 1 S,2],JNMO
31,11 a0 2IJNMO aLli (q SUO!lrAaasgo aaLII!-),N 'aS!ANJXI1O aO ILI0IS.Iano 1.15110.1Lli --�
j. JOM atll paidaaap XisnolAaad spq AAIJ.V.LX-N:RId 32I S.2I:_INA\o aLli ao 21 I\MO
aLll aaLliz)gm jo ssalpap0aa XaaAOaslp sit jo aapld ao aUIll 31,11 aO Uollalduio-,)S11,10 aluls
,iql jo ssalpap5aa `siuiwn;)o(j lapaitlOD 31.11 t11lAX aZ)Uppaoaap U! IOLI aO 3A!1a3Iap aq --,
of ptlnqI�laonn XLIp iaaCaa Xpul�nl1.d.LI�I�-IS:.-.12Id:I2I S.2I--II�tMO aL{i aO I 2 �f�IM O aLI_L. �'L[
tlanS aoj /(ppaa aq ll!M laoM iql jo i ud L1-,)pa augj z)ql of sr aalloU aldwr. aA!) j
p s up r - aL i.10 at 1 alp dUla UO�a
II LI p .�nIJ.�J.1�I3S�2Id�2I S�2I.��MO I 2I��I�,MO I q p [ i q
XULLI ipLli Uollpnaasgo,(uv jo adoas aLI1 tIlpl 130SU l 1pLls 2101DV2IJ_NOJ;Dqj 'ssaa',Road �-
ao uollpapdaad ui si joaaaLli iapd XUp aO JJOAN;)ql aaAaaaLIM 1,101113,301 AM ip'Rullsal pUp
tI011pnaaS 0 onS a0 SSamop ur Salll !-m aadoad a lnoad LIp S1UaLUa,RUpaap�apssa�all
q Ll � p . .[. .I p. p
aJ1pul llt?gs 2IOJ_.JVZI.LNOD 31.1.I. 'y.lOA1 ;)qi isai put' IA.IIsgo 01 `atLlll Z)Igr.LIOSpIa fi
XUp ip •11.151.1 alli lAuq llugs Anl.Lt lNAS32Id:32I S.2I-- 2ANM0 IL 'L Ilp
•aiplado.iddp ao XapsSaaaLI sUlaap :InIJ.t�_LI� IS:I2Id;�2I
31,11 JO 2jIN M0 31.11 sp 1.10AN 1paa1p11oZ) L1311S 51.11LUaoj.lad
0 )sodand at a0 aoM a o uol pz)o ao A mdoad at .1� u3 o ila �L �, s
.1 I1 .I gi.� .i I i I1 i 1 iLI�. {1 �t LI ilpL1
AAI.I.VJ_.,`\'-ASMJd:RI S.2JANM0 3L1i pup 2J jjs iA\aLI_ Ni I
'� �]NiM oatIi -lO 2I.I�Moat11 .10.1 t1011L'uLIOJUiOl s.
a0 s,1al �Up L1l!AN `isanba.i uodn ``.�nI.L.V.I.�:35;�2Id: 2I S.2I:-I�MO iql ao
31.11.�Iddns 11PL1S 2IO.L.-)V'2I_l.NiO.�)31.I1 •LI1l:WD.I)LI1 ul 'jao. X -)L1i'tl'Uli.-)adsui
O �SOd.Iild �L 1 a0 i�a Aptil �t sr. ti 1L1��t' .IC) »�o dttla L,3llS A �11.I�ldo.Id
.I I ,1 I I (S) (s), I I. q
aLli 011tl Ia ZX11 anaasaa`IALLVAN' S:I2I(1:. S.2I:1\1'1�()�LI1 pup 2I I�,h�O�'LIJ. 10-L l
's,11!lddns PLIP.
slpLID1pLU nimosgns,10 asn 31.11 a,�;NO LIOISI.),)p JUL111 PUP 1111,1 -)AI!LI llt'LIS 2I:I\,�1() -L[J. C()-91
JITLt)IP,(L)Ll,1, .V,)S LIP.LII.la1PI JOLT IIIcI ,-)ILI!SSo CI St), UOOS S`; •Iu.�u1.11J V r-�;
SlL11 LiltNN ,,LIPS!IdLLIo, I III 1 LII ac rt s It IP",L I ()S . .101\ L ,nS :1).)LLKM 01 .
p�J!nb.�J .iq ,�P�uI 2IC).1,.)��'21.1.\N.� aLll �21:!\MO :1L{1 J(� u()ild0 aLll 1V [O'-LO'6 l
:s.,\NoII()1 SPA -SILI-DtLln,0(1
I�P�.11tic�,�1,11.110.-)LII PLIP?1U,ILI,-%-),IiV sILl1 LIIIA .Z),,)LlP l IdL11():?l lrll LlI ,q IIvLIS 11 JVLI1 OSJ. )A
II3I1S (P-)LL1,.1 ,Stal.l,tllO .10 Plln+,m PUP lP'.I.lalP'ut LI,IIS -)AOLLI-).1 :InI.I.V.I.: `AS-l2I(I:_I21 �1
S.21:11\--MC) -)LI1 -10 21:1\MC) XI1 LLIOJj loaa.�L 1 „t1c:�u LIa111.1:�� O 1dla».I J,11P� '
PUP,.,SU,—)CI a aI0S S11 1P'![P'LIS 21O..I.)V2I.L\O.�aL[1':I��I.I.�f.I.\"�15:121d:I21 S.2L-N ANC)
31.11 JO 31,I1 fit! P3133f,.1 sl J03.I01.I1 IJPd nLIP .lO J-10,N ,{LIP' ICLI1 ILI-)A,-,) 31.11 LII L(l'61
•SIU,ulnaoCl 11,11.111I0D J,LIIO aLI1 FLIP. ILIJLLIZ)ZN5V S1LI1,I0 S1Ll)Ul,-,).11nba.l
aLll LII!M a,LIP.P.lOaaP, Ul j- JO/" ,LII LLI.loJ.lad of uouv 1lgo S11 LUoaj
atll ana!I,J IIPLIs'SIP-).Ao.iddr,Jo s.,lP?JI1tl.l„`Sisal`SUO!I,.)dsUI LIDI1S 31P?LLI 01 ILI,LLI„J V
slLll J,PUrI p3zIJOt1111Pj SttOs.lad Jo `AnIJ.V.L\ AS Md 1?J S,2FJ NMO 31.11 JO 21:1\MC)
,LII Xq -)PrLU SIPAwddu JO .sisal `suO!la,dsU! JOu
,A\MO atll Jo ►IMO xii Xg Stlo!IP?AJasgo JaLI1!,N -Z-)SIM.1a1.110 JO ILI5lsJ,Ao
q no.itll yJoM 3LI1 palda-,):)P' XIsno!A,Jd SULI AnIJ.VJ.\3S` )]dM1 SMANMO
aLll ao�1:aNMp iql aagi,,)gm jo ssaIPJuS;)J 1JOM pies I,aCaJ��ul�nI.I_t�1.I�I S�121d�2I ���
S,2I:_JLIMO 31.11 JO 213\MO 31.I1 -JaLll.in`1 •s.IOJJ, Llans Jo X.IanoaSIP JO E
aarld Jo aulll JO LIOnolduroa sit Jo 35P,ls z)qi Jo ss3lP.lr5,.1 JO,JatI1 UO!l.iod AM JO lJoM
P!VS laala.i XP'LU AA LVINAS`A Jd-21 S.-d:.]NMO atll JO 2; M V3 u
. --��
IaafaJ XBLU '1101I3aas!P S11 U! `3nIJ.�J.I\I3S32Id32i S.213I�1M0 aLII JO 21��\MO 3Ll.l. I0.6I
•N1210M GAIAA fA"d '6 I
UOI sLlZIdsns Jo a',?PJddOIS Llans J o '
uospa.l Xq 21C)J.DV2aJ.,\iOD iql paMollP, aq a5Jptla P✓Jlx, II!M.IOU 'JgjaJatll saU!lpr,p
PUP' a:)uvLLIJOjJad Jo mul iulpnIxIl 1U,u1,-)a.l5V SILII J,pun su011P?'5Ilgo a:)u'PuucljJad
s�* ol,-)V21J.\O-) atIIJO .SUP? 31rP!IVAU! JaLlliaU IIP LIS UOlsuadsns Jo a5rddols LI,nS -0.81
•uolllpuO, snop.iuzrq P. alra.r, of su os patUJOJJad 5ulaq sl lJoM
3qj Jo uollJod XUp JI KI,irtp wuq addois ,Ja Jo a ArLLI .JoM a 1
. P P P g y q W 1081
JO :s,sILU,Jd aLll uloaj PaAOUIaJ SI 1111.13Ir.LL1 JO UosJ,d
,Igruollxa(go XUV I!lun A"Ialr!paLULU! paddols PaJ,pJo,q XvL,u jJOA1 atll �0'10.81
:Itl,tLlaaJ V SILII 1.I11AN
,,-)UL?pJO»V 13I.IIS UI IOLI Sl ,LIOP-t3Lllaq?1.10M 3-1.11.10 PatISIU.In; SIP113JULLI
31.11.10 riot 'AA1,LV_L: ,:_15��12Id:321 5.21:3\MO aLll .lo 21:1\,'1��O at{1
JO IU,LLl(3 pr1 f XIl U I J l ;(pir l p,tU LL11 paddOls p,.I,p.io ,q i1P'LLI 1.10M )LI1 10.1 0.8 1
:SLIO111PUO,-) 01-11M0110i 31,11,10 ),IOLLI .10 atIO AUP' .lapUI1 :tlalP?IP,tL1LL1I
PaddOls ,�Ijvii.ivd Jo X110LI X J01,M11Uo,gns AUP Jo 21(),I_.�V2!_I.\C)J atll,10 1J0AN -)LII
aaP.lo 01 Itl0!J •�'LIJ JIMIS AAI.1N..I_\:1S:121 F] ] S.21:I\MO 1111 .1O 21,I\MO aLl.l. 10'8 l �
days after receipt of; notice from the or the (MVNE:R'S
-PRESENTATIVE-, o mi clfed by the
71 shall. at its sole expense, replace or repair all rejected \\cork or
materials so as to confoi'I1l «-`lth this Agreement.
19.02.02 If' the OWNER or the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE in its
discretion dcetns it Inexpedient to correct\york damagcd or not done
' in accordance «ith this Agreement, an equitable deduction for the
Payment AmOLInt may be made by the OWNER.
19.02.03 If the CONTRACI-OR does not remove or replace any rejected p ork
Within the time specified in Section 19.02.01, then the OWNER or
the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE may have the work removed,
-J replaced or repaired at the CONTRACTOR'S expense.
20.01 The CONTRACTOR shall retain personal control and give its personal, L1t1il0St
-� attention to the faithful prosecution and completion of the work and fulfillment of
this Agreement. The subletting of any portion or feature of the work or materials
required in the performance of this Agreement shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR
-- froin its obligations to the OWNER under this Agreement.
20.02 All subcontractors must be approved by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE prior
- to performing any work on the Project.
20.03 If the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE judges any subcontractor to be failing to
perform the work in strict accordance with the drawings and specifications, the
CONTRACTOR shall discharge the same, but this shall in no way release the
CONTRACTOR from its obligations and responsibility under this Agreement.
20.04 Lavery subcontractor shall be bound by the terms and provisions of this Agreement as
far as applicable to its work.
20.05 The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to the OWNER and the OWNER'S
�' RI:I'RE=SI;�i'I-A"IIVI�: for the acts and 01111SslunS Of its subcontractors.
')0.O6 Nothing contained herein shall create relations betwceii ally SLlbcontractor and the
CONTRACTOR shell be solcIN and cxclL1S1VCl\ responsible Im cOnlpenSating any of
the CONTIZACTOR'S enip1O\eeS. Subcontractors. inaterialinen and/or Suppliers Of-
a1lV tVI1C 01• nature \\hatsoever. The CONTRACTOR shall further be exclLlSI\�elti'
responsible for elISLI1'111g that tic) Clalllls OI• Hens of-atly type are f lled against a1lV
I property O\\"ned b� the O`\'NI:R arlsillg (lilt of or incidental to the performance of
t_J l
f 1
LUOJ.133.111 ,(.1 11111LIS p,-,)l[PISUI S1t,1.131PLU 111' (ll) ':In1.l.V.I. :is:i2ld:i21 S.2FTI'►NNO ,L{I
�g [Illl.tA\UI pi,\cmddP atilA\.l,LIJO SS,lIL1II \\,�LI JLI IILLIS IU�LLI,-,),I��V SILIl I,-)PLln 2I:1\�1AO
,L{1 M p,pl,\OJd SIP1.13J LLI 111". (1) JUL11 21:1\:'�1O ,XI1 01 SJUPPI.I1'Mg
:SAW1101 SP.10,1131.11 alhp ,LI1 LL10.11 auO
jo pOI.INI t.J01 Slut..I.IUM 2IO.i.JV21.[.'�OJ at{1 '21:1\:h1O -X{1 Aq J-10 M at11.1O a,uhlda»h Clod.-1
"1l.I. V2121 VM 'fic.
"Ni jo a�t[t'ld»at' 1Y.U11 .Ial11'Jradd[' At'.Lll tl�ltl:�1 'tLlOaaaat{� iill[llllsa.l
J-10AN .IaLIJO 01 3011LUU)p AM JOI At)d put, Ola.IaLll Ater. ApaLLlaa IIBLIS 21OJ..JVM.LNOJ
atll 'ltiatilaa.l i`J Sit{J Ul papinc),Id Si' `21:I\MO atil '10 U011dc� al[1 IV 'SIr,iJalt'.LLI
.10 ChLISUPLUI. JO."X1111Ul J(jj AiiIIgISuOdsaJ A'LlU JO 21O.1.JV21.I.�IC)J ZIL{I IIBL{S Iu V
SILIJ ,10 LIOISIAo.Id ALIT JOLT JOt1 AM, .1011 1t1aUI:Crd JUL111 XI1 J2LIll,-)\ �
'�uaulaaJ V s!L{1 gIi.,4n U011aunfUo:) U[ p-)nlnM aq IIIM tl,)ILl.h1 •uMolArq
jo Ali,) aql Aq panssi aq of sl!U[Jad atjl sa-1 I!ui.Iad Aur Job Ard of p.i!nhaJ aq `JanaMOtl
�IOLI II!.'" 2101JV2I1NOJ aLI.I_ 'pa•Ian!Iap ptlr pa.Inaoad aJr JO/pLlr sasuaall
`sl!ui.Iad AJrSSa7,-)LI 31.11 I!lun IUaLLlaa.I5V sly JaPUn anp auioaaq ArUI Jrtll Jo luaLuaaJV ILI
s1t11.Iapu11 anp sluaulArd ALIT p[oL1L111M nrul �J`jNiM0 3LI1. 'Anl.LV1.N,3S RId—8 SM3I ANO r—
aL{1 of auirs atll Ilulgns pur sail!JOLIInr 13LI10.10 Alilyd!a!unw 'alrls aLll Aq panss! salrai�!�Ja�
JO/pur, sasLlaall `sl!Lund AJrssaaau I1r Joj Ard put), a.ln:)as IIrLIs 210.LJV2I.LNOJ aLI.L
•sluatun30C1 larJluoJ aql qI!.M 13Urpao»r u! palaldLuoa loLI J[JOM Aur jo aaurldaa:)r ur
paLLlaap aq IoLI Ilrtls asn pur. UO!ssassod&I1IIr1 L{ans inq paJ!dxa aAPLI JOu ArLU suo!lJod Clans
.I0 IJOM aJIIUa 3LI1 rciullaldulOa JOJ aLLIII aLll&IIpL1rIS Lill MIOU 41.10M aLIJ,lo suoniod p;)laldLlloa
i(Ilmi.Ind Jo palaldLUOa AUr aSn pur JO LIO!ssassod ol.m Ol IL151.1 31.11 anrLI 11 LIS �- \T 0 aLi.I. !
"S\011I 10d L=I"1d IN'OJ :10 'As (INV NOISS'3S Oil 'i Z
•apt,LU aq II�'L[s IUaLLI,Crd UIOL{:1x Ol S,)LIIUlaal��p u(�!lrQ!1lI
• r�
I11t111 LUMIZ-) L1311S,10 ILI,--)LLI:\rd XI1 01 ,�.IrStia.-)atl aJr St'SpLI111 LIJnS pIOLILI1ln1 A'PLll
2 -I\;'1A0 aLll 'puoq aLll,10 LIOISI.,xojd -)LI1 U! Sllllt';ap 21O_LJV21.l.\OJ )LII IrL{I Juana
,LII U I I10LI LI311 pIL'S ALIP,IU 1LI 01LI).I0 iitll ,LII 1.110.11 1111S).1 :�rUI JULIJ s-)SSOI
ALIP, U.10.11 SsaILLIJt'L{ 21;]AM() ,L{l pIOLI pLIP. ,SLlad\,a a OS 5.210. JV ) at I Ir r+l 1 I. 21.i.'�( J I
ptloq LIw1go �I-)1rlpXLILLll
��1lOtI LIall[J�1 t1(ldil `�1JO.11 aLI1 S.I�:�ll�pUOq ltlltt[:tt'd Otl a.IaLI,�� �11t'LIS 21O.l.J�''21.I.'�OJ
�Lil _ {I ( 1 lu,,S Sl �[lout{1 .Ic 2171\'AALIVINAS:=2M'A2l 10 J
u,�tl U01111t31S P. 1u�.�, ��LI1 UI '1tl;1tu,11J� SILIJ u1 ILIr[lsand p,tu.10�1.1ad s,,')in.las AuP
*J-10AX .�LI1,lo jn"nCis ' .1I'InJ1j.1rd Imil L11gI.IJS-)JCI Ll()1117S
II'llplAlpul JLIJ Lil pJI IiJ,-,)dS SI A"ILIV I MM C JOLI .icy.KXjJ�,-)Ll» SIL(j JO I.ICcI 3M ICLI1
SIr1.1:11I'LII FLIP 'jU?LUCIIIIIN) -1-10AN llC .IJnI)1 IICLIS {ILIBWVl 11 .1113:{ )LIu
{jaans at(j ,�q .iO ?�O.I..�V21.I.' O ) Z)Lp Al p«'d nd JIMIs -SIJ,l;,p ju U011331103
II'IJJCIS -1.101SIAa:1dI1S 'tl0ljvj.lOdSUr.Ij -.iogi'( 'Sl.lPd 'S11111 ajl'LU IIC CIO ISO,-) atl.I. LI()'�c.
*No ,LDVN,Lt-,TC)J agj ,iq ped aq (lp.gs •I.jom. aqj jo isoa aq j
1.111d p.iILII C:tq 3LI0p oq Oj?I.IOA1 atlj.12p.iO Oj.I0-Sjt1-)LLljsn(pC.lO SLIOIIJD.I.IOJ z)ql A)JULLI
Oj I),)"I.I.iOLIjilC/(q.- 3tl SI 2J JNIMo at(j'SjL1Z-)LLljSII�pC.l0 SUOIj32.I.10J kIIISS3331.1 aLlj aIICtti
Oj paj.ICjS jOti SL'LI -8O.LDV-d j\iOw)Z-)t j';.IUA1 j LI1 11 i?UI.1U11 C.IO .III lI' `jaa C O
l `l Ll .l g 1. � � p .�
2�C),I.JV21�. OJ at(j pa ijoLl spLl 2IA NANO-,)Lil J,)jJV S,�Cp (L)uanas u1LljiM j I Z()'S-7
•poind aajurapnil ao XIM.1pM
.latljia Oj pajILL.III aq SalpatLla.i 131.110 lICLIS JOLT `2I;gNiMO atlj Jo Xpaulaa anisnlJxa
at(j -)jtIjljsuOJ joLl IIULIS aajUp.M15 atI_L -jtl3ulaa.15V SILlj JO UOIIUUIUIJ31 aLlj aAIA.Ii1S
IIL'LIS uoov'Rijgo s►q-L 'jJ0M Z)AII331103 aLlj L1r9aq XIlduio.id 11PLls 2IOIDVNI.LNoD
aLlj "J.10M IAIIJa.iaO',) ui-)aq of 2J]NMO atlj UIO.Ij 331j01.1 1.131j1.IM Jo jdmo3i .lajjV IO'SZ
*A"LI d NO&I 111331.103 IIPLIS .IOIDUJILlOD at(j 'ju3ula3.i',c3V sit(j
LIjiM 33LlV.p.iOJJI'. Ul jOU 3simngj0 a0 'SjJalap Snoingo louipillJui -aAijJajap aq of pauiw.i;n3p
JO pLIIIOI SI j. .IOM aLII JO XUP 'jU)UIZ)3i5V SILIj Xq pa.iillh,-,),I AILIUJ UM jumods algCJilddl: Xur jo
SLL1.131 zigi,�q.IU MC( Aq pagiaJSaad z)q XPUI SI'ZILLIIj JO pol.lad as'SUOI LI-011S unpiM.IO lu;3uidinl7-
pajl;LlolSap,j0 21: I]NM0 atlj Xg aJuuldaJJC jO 37 JUP aLlj .I31Ip JPM/A aI'pUalpJ (I) auo UIL111AA.1I
�juatuaa.i V SILI1 LIjiM 33LIMIdLUOJ Ui pa.laptIaj
SpUoq jtlaUl,{Cd .lO aJUCLLI.IOlaad Aur q pa.laAOJ aq IIBLIS LIOIIU'Ilgo /{jup.l.il?M SILIJ S0't/-
•U.1aAOo IIBLIS AILIU.1.113M .1a UOI z)ql `SlCiaajULLl JO
Iac)M -sIJI1po.id ICllplAlptll .IOj palliJadS Sl �JUC.I.IVA\araA ((} auO U LICLII 3.10W 3.1a1.1M t7o-f
-)LIj �q SLIOIIP..ILtasa_id�.isittl LLI0.11 LIISUP. SLLIIP1.1 LIOIIJ-)load .IauIIISLIOJ pLII..
A1CI ;Kq pal(dLLII .10 passa.idXa JO SIL1131.I ALIT' 01 LiU11lpI-)C L11 SI '111 a.ILM SILI1. CU-t Z
aq ACLLi 'p,-)ZI1OLIliIC pur pow.idde {I.I,;)do.id jOLI SLIO111111ISgns
-01 pJ11LL11I jOLi 111q 'ntllpn(JL11 'SjLlILLl.-).11nh,,-).1 7tiJLll 01 O tIILLIAI 11.1OJ jOLI 1.10.M IIV 7O t'L
'ILI,XL1J;l.lo V SILI1 LlllAN 73LICLU_lOIL10.1 Lil Atli' 'S1JJ���p pLII' S1I11LI UI0.11 33.1I
':1jilCnh poo ,IO aq ((!M J-10:11 pLII'Sli'l.I-)jCLLI III'(III) PUP 'Il'l.IJ11'LLI (UILIICILIOJ SOlsagsl'
26.01 It is expreSSIV understood and agreed by the parties that time is ofthe essence to this
AL;reenlent and that the date Set for the final coInple:tion of the work described herein
is an essential condition of this Agreement. It is further understood and agreed that
7j, ..
the date for final completion of the work is rcasonahle dates for the coIllpletion of the
project, taking into coisideration all conditions, inClUding, but not limited to, the
average', climatic change and conditions and usual industrial conditions prevalllll lit
this locality.
; 26.02 If the CONTRACTOR Should ne�lest, fall. orrefuseUSe to complete the VO.\ required red
for final completion within the date specified in this Agreement, or any proper
extension that is granted in writing by the OWNER,then the CONTRACTOR hereby
7 agrees, as a part of the consideration for the awarding of this Agreement, that the
OWNER may withhold permanently from the CONTRACTOR's total Payment
Amount the sum of FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/I00 DOLLARS($500.00) far each
17 and every calendar day that the CONTRACTOR is ill default after the date
L:J stipulated for final completion. not as a penalty, but as liquidated 7 '�p p p y q dalna�,c.s f�r the
breach of the Agreement.
L 26.03 The alilount of liquidatedg damages for the CONTRACTOR's failure to meet the
deadline for final completion is fixed and agreed on by the CONTRACTOR because
of the impracticability and extreme difficulty in fixing and ascertaining actual
damages that the OWNER would ill such an event sustain. The amounts to be
charged are agreed to be the damages that the OWNER would sustain and may,at the
option of the OWNER, be retained from either current progress payment or from
Final payment.
27.01 Regardless of any bond, the OWNEKS Rl".PRESENTATIVE may, on account of
subsequently discovered evidence,withhold payment or nullify the whole or part of
any acceptance or certificate to such extent as may be necessary to protect the
OWNER from loss on account of:
1. Defective work or work that is not Ill strict accordance with the terms of this
Agreement- the Spec 1 f scat ions. or the other Contract Documents;
2. Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claiills- as
determined at the sole discretion of the OWNI.R:
3. Fai lul-e of t}le C ONTIRAC'TOIz to Inake prompt pa`11lClltS to subcontractors
or fc)r material or labor or niaterialmen:
4. Claims filed or reasonahle evidence. as determined at the sole discretion of
the 0\\ "NI..R. of'damaoe to another contractor or a third party. i11CIuCling
adjacent prollertV o\\IICI,S:
i _
5. Reasonable douht. as determined at the sale discretion ofthc MVNI R. that
the \vork can he completed f6r the unpaid balance of the contract allIOL111t:
6. Reasonable indication. as determined at the sale discretion) of the OWNER,
that the work \will not he completed \\::thin the contract time,
7. Liquidated dama2es and administrative charl:?es. as determined by the
OWN., 'I-.R at Its sole discretion,
8. Charges made for repairs to the CONTRACTOR'.' detective work or repairs
made by the OWN EAR to correct damage to other property;
9. Claims filed or reasonable evidence as determined at the sole discretion of
the OWNER indicating unremedied damage to property o\,�-ned by the
10. Other amounts authorized under this Agreement.
27.02 Whenever the CONTRACTOR and/or its surety is required to make a payment under
this Contract, it is expressly understood and agreed that such payment shall be due
within 15 days after receipt of an invoice therefore unless expressly stated otherwise.
Y P p y
Payments required by CONTRACTOR and/or its surety,which are not timely made,
shall accrue interest at a rate of one percent per month.
28.01 The CONTRACTOR shall be liable and responsible for any damages incurred or
repairs made necessary by reason of its work and/or caused by it. Repairs of any
�-' kind required by the OWNER or the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE will be made
and charged to the CONTRACTOR by the OWNER.
28.02 The CONTRACTOR shall take the necessary precautions to protect any areas
a .facent to its work.
28.03 'Tile\ ork specified consists ofall work, materials and labor required by the OWNER
or the OWNEJR'S RE=,PRI-.SLXI'ATlVE: to repair any damage to the property of the
OWNI:.R, Including. but nut limited to, structures. roadways, curbs. parkiilg areas
7 and side\,alks, to an equal or better condition than bdore such property was
7 28.04 The CO; TRAC"I.OR shall at all tinges exercise reasonable precautions for the safety
of employees C,ind Othcrs ()n Or hear the k\,ork and shall comply 1�1t11 all ippl)cable
prop isiolls Ofl.ederal. StatC.and ML1111cipal safety lavv's and building and C011str1101011
codes. All macli mere and c�ui 1illent and other phvsi-a1 1 , . , - •. I l 1 _ c.� 1 1aral ds shall 1 he �uai dc.d ill
accOrdallce \,\"tll the �� 'lailllal ofA(:Cldeilt Pre�'eIltlutl lit (�c7nstCUctlt)n'� Of tile
Associated General Cmitractc�rs Of America except\1 here lllcolll patlhle\\lth l'ederal-
State. Or Munici 1al lL'l\ws ot• re�2ulatiuns. The CONTI� A('TOR shall 11-OVIde such
1 ,.. 1
�u1,�a�1{ p,�IPis Slu�ut�alnh,�a
)LII '10 IIV 01 „ 11.1L10� lIV 'a ) t.11 () llS� 1 � . . 1-1
LI�-)1.,�-) .101 SILI,-)LU,-)S.IOptl-) pup ,�jv.l{-d,)S LISIL1.111,1 11PLIS A) S,I,11OLI
S11.l,"ptln Sp,).111SLll IVUO1I1pI)I'sP S.IOI.-)1v.11uO,XInS I11'��I'tll��ll! 11PLIS 21N_1..)V21.I.:k�OJ 3l{I
'a,')L11an:1 'll OI -)wq!.lIUOJ IOU I IPLIS PUP I:)LIVAISM S•21O.1.._)�'2I_I.j OJ 3LI1.1O SS,;1X1 LI1
p,-),I)IISLIO:- Xj JIPLIS S.laalUll IOAa0 sa��.�01du1�'Sit' JJO S11 '2I:I HMO�LII,1q 1), UIPILHULLI
»llPallStll-)S A) Y)LIPanSUl ;�UV •SlL13 V PLIP S.1,»1LIt110A SILI puP
01 l.»ds a Lill.\\33UPansul ,taPullad:)g IIPt{S,� ra,�.�0�,��uPansu! s•210.1.JV2I.1.l OJ XI.I. ZO.O
�a1gP!1 )q �PLU LUXII
JO ;1Ut! SI P 1SOLI:M.101 ZItlU;lllr �q aO 'LLIOL11,10 ALIP ALI P,3AOICICll7 A'1137.11PUI .1O
�UO;�tIr ,1q .io SJOI:)L'.IIUO,-)gns aO S-).-: oIdLLI,-) •Sa,)JILIIIIOn 's,,-)n1IrlU-)saadaa •SICI3i�P S11
•?IO.I,JV2I.I. OJ-)LII Xci aq:,)Z1UPLLIa0laad JO/PUP.su0!IP_mdO L{;1ns a-)L{Iat{;M`Iu:,)utOaa9V
SILII a3pun 1.10M --)LII JO 3Z1UPLUaolaad aO/pur. SUOlIP_Iado S,21O.LJV2I.LNOJ XII
LUOaI II11SN aO,IO InO aSlaP XPLU LJOILI.M �Ia-)dwd of s,)9Ptt11).p act SUOsaad jO LIIPap.10 01
SZ)lanfui_i01 su11PIi I S U I P 9 r-)7ui?anSUI I30.I,13 PU11 O; Ul da1j put' U113JUIPtll `USPC{,-)and
IIrCIS-)SLMdX,UMo S11 IV-I[).LJV21,L.�OJ at11`IU�LLI71.Iii�J s1L11,�U tLIa�1 21{I InOt1�nU.It{�. 1 U'ff -�
'A'-)NV2jASNII '0f
'pa11110U Li,-)-)q SULI 2IO.LJV2I.I_NOJ ,-.)ql L{Z-)ILIh1,1O i�UIPU)d sL imp OU aar aaaLll IPLII
pur IIM ui p!Pd uaaq anrLI Paaatl:)Lll s11311.13ppm pur `s1Plaalrw `aogrl -tqI sll!q {lP lt'LII
&HIPPIS LUJCj.1 113531 Ul 11nrpiLlr Ur 012I0.LJV2gj1 loJ aCI1 imbaa `IaafOad ZRI1
Jo X)Urlda»r Iruil 01 ao!ad `,tPul AAI.I.V,LNI AS-A11dA2I S.2I::I!1MO a0 21-]NMO aLI.I. 0'6Z
•SN1a')M Q) OMI XaanZ-) i
aZ)UO Llt't I ssa OU`Iunomi no iM`� rt Sri l L'�_i �� � JO t sP�Ul ` SUOI n
l I .P l Lll. l g { I.P �i Ll g { ( .l P P
113501 X.101rpuru1 SSaI) 11111 Ul JUM133.19V SILII .MpUll 133 OA aL11 UO JJOM Ul P35riitl3
saa,Koidula sii jo q:)P,a X,ud ilrpgs saOl:IPa1U0,-)gns atll,lo L{;1ra pur 2IO.I.JV21_L.,S�,OJ�Ll_L ZO'6Z
'I3ra1uO J sigl U1 Palrindlls Sa1Pa 05PM 3qI urLll sSZ)I p!rd S!.13 1.IO.M at{I I1?LII ;tVp ULII JO
I.lydao�rparpualP�L1�raaol pa,to dttlaa�. .10.M L�P�aOI I ( (�• �'I 1 0 0 S)S21 -j-]OCIOOI/n;,
CI,\'V /k.I.XIS JJA IMO aLll o1 ,trd IIPLIs 21O.1.JV21.I. OJ at{I `1»foad aLll Uo 1.10:M
�UICL1.l0 d aaIJOAN P 01 311:.1 1ulllPnaad IPa�ua aC11 ,'rd o1 ppI sa013P.a1UO3gns s11,I0
XL.IP JO i �t
210.LJV2I.Lf1OJ II p111oLIS Snsod.ind PUP SIu-)ILII IIP a�I U!aaaLI palraodaO;)U!
pur ,•V•, 1!q!LIX-:-j SP 01aa,-)lI PatIZ-)PIIP s3IP.1 CLI,-)-Ip aad .I0 S.-.)Ir.I 9t1llPnaad 113.lat3
JO alnplq,)S -)LII Ul p,-,)1.11,-)3dS LIPLI1 SSOI ag IOU IIPLIS I-)a(O.id S!L{1 uo p!Pd saIPa at V,1c1 IO'6Z
'S'1\11 I1 I.I.VIN 210:1 C1XV _10 .I.\:-11,NA\1d '6Z
ILI,-)pLI,--)d,)pt11 LIP SP 1.10113.13Slp SILI iP 1.I1131' '2I0.1..)V21.1.\()�� -.)LII '10 .�11I!g!SUOds,.0
alOs ,)Lp -)q IIP.LIS ;A�P.nhapP..1!,,-)L{I pur, Ll- .1 1 �11P111,V Su011nP,.-),-).id ,LI.1.
.TIPS K)LI10 puP aIPS -sp.1Pnt') Lj
30.03 The fi)Ilo\\Ing is a list of' standard insurance policies along with their respective
IlllI11111t1i11 co\"erage allIOLllltS required in this, contract:
(1 ) `\,"orkers' Compensation Police
■ Statutory ail10LIIltS regUired by Texas law.
■ I:lllplo\er's Liability: S500.000
(2) Commercial General Liability Policy
■ General aggregate of .$1.000.000
■ Owners. and Contractors' Protective Liability of S500.000
■Products and Completed Operations of S 1.000.000
■ Personal and Advel-tising Injury of S 1.000.000
■ M inimUrn of$500,000 per occurrence
■ Coverage shal l be at least as broad as ISO CG 00 01 10 93.
�-' ■ No coverage exclusions shall be deleted from standard policy
withOLlt notification of individual Cxc1LISlons being attached for
7 review and acceptance.
(3) ALltomobile Liability Policy
■ Combined single limits Of$1,000,000
�-- ■ Coverage for"An Auto.,,
� y
30.04 Prior to or upon the execution of this Agreement and before commencing any of the
7-J work. CONTRACTOR shall file with the OWNER valid Certificates of Insurance
and endorsements acceptable to the OWNER. SUCIl Certificates shall contain a
provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be canceled,suspended,
voided, or reduced until at least thirty (30)days' prior written notice has been given
to the OWNER via certified mail, return receipt requested. Prior to the end of each
coverage period during the term of this Agreement, new Certificates of Insurance
must be filed with the OWNER evidencing continuation of coverage,
The CONTRACTOR shall also file with the OWNER valid Certificates of Insurance
covering all Subcontractors. The OWNER reserves the right to re'icct any bid that
does not sleet the I1llninlUm IlISUrance rcgL11I-C111CI1tS as outlined above.
30.05 The following, are general re uil-Cillents. which are a �licabic to all policies:
�. q p! ['
30.05.01 All insurance coverage I-CgLllred herein, except fi)r Workers'
s ConlpensMion Insurance. shall tic \\,,i-itten by a carrier with an A.M.
Best Rating of'13-- ()I-hlgher In Accordance With the current Best hey
Rating GLIidC.
3O.O5.O. Osly Il1sLlral1CC Ciilriel-s licensed and admitted to do bUSHICSS Ill the
State of'Texas \\I I I he accepted.
) 5.O3 DCdLlctibles ~hall be listed on the ('Crtif icatC of Insurance and M-e
acceptable ()111\- on a per occurrencC balls.
i( •
30.05.O4 Claims-illade policies \t 111 not he accepted.
3O.t)5.U5 The oflf is ials.employees and VOlunteers,are to be added
as "Additional Insureds** to all liability policies. The coverage shall
contain no special limitation oil the scope of protection afforded to
the O\A'N I.R. its off icials. employees Or VOlunteers.
30.05.06 A was er 01' suhro`tUation in Favor of the OWNER \ti ith respect to
^� Workers Compensation Insurance Insist be included.
s �0.05.07 upon request, certified copies of all insurance policies and/or
certificates Of Insurance shall be furnished to the OWNER at no cost
to the OWNER.
30.06 Certificates of Insurance shall be prepared and executed by the insurance company or
its authorized went, and shall contain the following provisions and «-arranties:
' 30.06.01 All endorsements and insurance coverages according;to requirements
and Instructions contained herein.
30.06.02 Tile form of the notice of cancellation, termination, or change in
coverage provisions to the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE.
30.06.03 Original endorsements affecting coverage required by this Section 30
shall be furnished With the certificates of insurance.
-' 30.06.04 upon request of and \Vitllout cost to the OWNER or the OWNER'S
REPRE.'ENTATIVE:, insurance policies shall be furnished to
30.06.05 Upon request of and \without cost to the OWNER, loss runs (C'lainls
listing) of'any and/or all insurance coverages shall be Burnished to
30.07 The CONTRACTOR shall comply \w-ith Section 1 10.1 10 of Title 28 of the 'Vexas
�- Administrative Code,\vhlch is incorporated herein as Exhibit` B" 16r all intcrits and
purposes. In addition thereto, the contractor shall perform and Maintain compilance
wwlth all provisions of Texas exas �Vorher's Compensation Commission IZLIIes. IZLIIe
' I 10.1 1 0. (c)(2). 1 to wcver, it is eXpressly Understood and agreed that In the event of'
a conflict bet\wecn the provisions Of this Section 30 and the provision Contained ill
i:xhihit 13." the more strinuent shall control.
31 .O i The C ONTIZAC 1 OR shall fLlrmsh separate pertOrmance and payment honds.each ill
r the SLIM Of`ollc'. Illlndred perCent Ofthe total contract price. In SLICK f61'lllti as
�� the MVN1:R may approve and ith sm-cties as the O\VNI=.R may approve. fOr this
pL1I'poSe. (Llaranteeln() f1llthfLll payment to all persons SL1ppiN' MY labor and materials
or furnishing any equipment 111 the e\CC'L1t1011 of'the Agrcelllent. l he Cost Ot`SLICIl
bends shall be included in the CONTRACTOWS proposed price.
31.02- All pedoril anc,e. payment. and special bonds required herein Shall remain in effect
thrOu111oL1t the terill of this Ao reement Mild for a period of`one (I) year after the
completion of'the work and shall be extended I-or any kvarranty \vork to corer the
Warranty period.
31.03 If at ally time dUrino the e\eCLltlon of this A reement or In the required period
thereafter. the bond or builds become invalid or ineffective fur any reason. the
7 CONITRACTOR shall promptly Supply within tcn (10) days such other bond or
bonds,which bond or bonds shall assure performance or payment as required. Such
7 replacement bond(s) shall be issued by a surety acceptable to the OWNER.
31.04 The CONTRACTOR shall make Such changes and alterations as the OWNER may
7 see fit in the work herein contemplated, or any part thereof without affecting the
validity of�this Agreement and any work accompanying bond. If Such changes or
alterations diminish the quantity of the work to be done,they shall not constitute the
basis for any claim For damages or anticipated profits on the work that may be
dispensed with. In case that the OWNER makes changes or alterations as shall make
useless any work already done or material already used in said work, then the
OWN ER shal 1 recompense the CONTRACTO R for any material or labor-So used and
for an actual loss occasioned b y Such change due to actual expenses Y y � p ses lI1CL1CCL,d in
preparation for the work as originally planned.
Any injury or damage caused to the CONTRACTOR or the project prior to and including the
` date of final completion caused by an act of God, natural cause,a party or entity not privy to
this Agreement,or other f6rce majeure shall be assumed and borne by the CONTRACTOR.
33.01 The CONTRACTOR'S xNork and Materials shall coin ply «-ith all state and federal
laws. Municipal ordinances. IT.2-1.1lationS and direction Of' inspectoI's appointed by
proper authorities haV1IIO )uI-1SdiCti0Il HICILidingi. Without limitation. the f011mvin
3 3.01.01 The COON I R11C 1 OR Shall perform and require all subcontractors to
7 perform the work in accordance \ti-ith applicable la\\,s. codes.
Ordinatices. and I-C2L1lat1o1ls of the State of Texas and the I;sited
States and in complIalice \kith OSIIA and ether la\vs as thcy may
apply. In the c ent any ofthc:conditions of thp
e s ecificati011s Violate
the code for any llldLiStr . then such cede conditions s. _ hall l Ic.\all.
).()1 .02 The CONTRACTOR shall fallow, all applicable state and federal
la\\s. I11LMIC1pal ordinances and (Llldelllles concerning soil erosion
} and sedlI cnt control thl-OL�,?hot.lt the ro*ject and \ arrant period.
.. p � I
33.01.03 The CONTRACTOR agrees to abide by all federal. state or local
regulations relative to equal opportunity to all persons. without
discrimination as to race. color. creed. religion. national origin. sex.
marital statLIS. age and statLIS With regard to public assistance or
33.02 If the CON FRACTOR observes that the plans and specifications are at variance\, ith
applicable laws.rules and/or re{2)ulations,the CONTRACTOR shall promptly notify
the OWNER'S REPRE:SE=,NTAI]VE in writing. If the CONTRACTOR performs
any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and without
notice to the OWNER'S RE:PRESEN'1'A'I'I VE, the CONTRACTOR shall bear all
costs arising therefrom.
34.01 Safety precautions at the, site are a part of the construction techniques and processes
for which the CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible. The CONTRACTOR is
solely responsible f��r handling and use of hazardous materials or waste, and
informing employees of any such hazardous materials or waste.
34.02 The CONTRACTOR has the sole obligation to protect or warn any individual of
potential hazards created by the performance of the work set forth herein. The
CONTRACTOR shall, at its on expense, take such precautionary measures for the
protection of persons. property and the work as may be necessary.
34.03 The safety of the public and convenience of traffic shall be regarded as prime
importance during COIlSti'L1Ct1011.
'4.03.01 During normal collstl•uction,the CONTRAC YOR shall not hinder or
inconvenience travel of'streets or intersecting alleys for more than
r ;
two blacks at anti one time. The CONTRACTOR shall use warning
signs as necessary to adequately protect the traffic. I fthe OWNER or
other appropriate entity approves a street closure, the
CONTRACT(* shall furnish and maintain at each end ofthe closed
section. at all intersecting streets within the section. and in all
intersecting streets at a distance of one block on each side of' the
work. properIv worded signs and barricades annoLlnc illg the c IOSUre
to the public. The CONTRACTOR shell not be allowed to start any
operation that \\ill close a street oI, streets until the required
barricades are 'n place. Barricades and \1 arning S11ns shall mect tilt'
speclf lc:atl0lis as shclVl n In the plans and%or Spec cat lolls. ` ar1111
lights shall be kept bUI-111110 from tiunSCt to sulll'lse. When a street is
to be closed. the C ON I R,�1C' l�(.)1Z must notifw the Ow'NI:R'S
I.n�ln�cl 111 alld I llbllt: �'���I-ks Dcpa tnlcnts 48 hours in adVaIlCc Of
the Closure.
34.03.02 The CONTRACTOR shall remove. as soon as practicable.
accumulated rubbish. surplus dirt. etc.. From the construction site.
thereby opening each black for public use. Ilse by the public.
hoxvever. of any portion of a street «-here work has been done, shall
110t Constitute III itself acceptance ofthe work done therein. Backfill
and shape trenches across street intersections or driveways to permit
� safe usage at night. It'trenches must be left open for any length of
time,the CONTRACTOR shall span with wooden mats or bridges to
pert-nit traffic flow and prevent injury to the public. When driveways
are cut.the OWNER may direct the immediate placement of mats for
ingress and egress of vehicles if, in the OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE or OWNER'S opinion, undue hardship to
property owners would otherwise result.
34.03.03 The CONTRACTOR shall not block ditches, inlets,fire hydrants,etc.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide temporary drainage where
necessary or as directed by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE or
the OWNER.
34.03.04 When persons or equipment are working in streets open to moving
traffic, or i f otherwise ordered by the OWNER'S
- REPRESENTATIVE,the CONTRACTOR shall furnish flaginen for
direction of traffic to protect both the moving traffic and the
contractor's operations. The flagmen shall wear an orange
73 fluorescent vest over their normal work clothes.
34.04 The CONTRACTOR shall be held responsible for all damages to property,personal
injuries and/or death due to failure to use safety devices of any type or nature that
may be required to protect or warn any individual of potential hazards created by the
performance of the work; and when any property damage is incurred, the damaged
.�{ portion shall immediately be replaced or compensated fir by the CONTRACT OR at
its ow-n cost and expense.
Ll 34.05 The CONTRACTOR shall indenlnify, hold harmless,and defend the
OWNER, its officers, agents and employees, including the
OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE hereinafter in this subsection
collectively referred to as "OWNER") froin any liability of whatever
nature caused by the CONTRACTOR'S failure to comply with
{ a�0icable federal, state or local regulations tha
t touch upon or
concern the maintenance of a safe and protected working
environment and the safe use and operation of machineryand
ec ui merit in that working 1 <
� p �, environment no matter where fault or
resI)onsibility lies. Stich indemnity shall indemnify and protect the
- OWNER from the eonseguences of the OWNER'S own negli ence,
when that negligence is the concurring cause of the injury, death or
damages and from the conseguences of the CONTRACTOR'S joint
or sole negligence. It is the expressed intention of the parties hereto,
both the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER, that the indemnity
provided for in this paragraph is an indemnity by the
CONTRACTOR to indemnify, protect and defend the OWNER
from the consequences of the OWNER'S own negligence where that
negligence is a concurring cause of the injury, death or damage and
from the CONTRACTOR's own negligence where that negligence is
L J the sole or concurring cause of the injury, death or damage.
Furthermore, the indemnity provided for in this paragraph shall
have no anplication to any claim loss damage, cause of action suit
LJ and liability where the in'u r death or damage results from the 1 1 Y, � sole
negligence of the OWNER unmixed with the fault of any other
person or entity.
35- The CONTRACTOR agrees to and shall indemnify, hold harmless
J' and defend the OWNER its officers agents and employees,
including the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, (hereinafter in this
article 35 and all sections hereunder collectively referred to as
"OWNER"), from and against any and all claims, losses, damages,
causes of action, suits and liability of every kind, including all
` expenses of litigation,court costs,and attorneys' fees for in jury to or
death of any person, or for damage to any property,arising out of or
in connection with the work done by the CONTRACTOR under this
Contract, where such injuries, death or damages are caused by the
sole or joint negligence of the CONTRACTOR or the joint
negligence of the OWNER and an other person o
y p o r entrty. It is the
expressed intention of the 1)arties hereto, both the CONTRACTOR
and the OWNER that the indemnity provided for in this ara ra h
p g p
LJ is an indemnity by the CONTRACTOR to indemnify, protect and
defend the OWNER from the conseg ences of the OWNER'S own
tie li ence where that negligence is a concurring cause of the in'ur
death or damage and from the conseguences of the
CONTRACTOR'S own negligence,where that negligence is the sole
or concurrin cause of the injury, death or damage. Fur•ther•rnore
the indemnity provided for in this p_gral2h , shall have no
t application to the OWNER for any claim loss damage, cause of
action, spit and liabilitv where the in i u ry, death or damage results
from the sole ne li once of the OWNER unmixed with the fault of
anv other person or entity_
35.02 The CONTRACTOR shell indenini fy, protect and defend the
OWNER from the consequences of the OWNER'S concurrent
+ negligence 'gence in accordance with Section 35.01 for all work done by the
CONTRACTOR, including, but not limited to, the following specific
35.02.01 In the event the OWNER is damaged due to the act,
omission, mistake, fault or default of the
indemnify and hold the OWNER AND THE OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE harmless for such damage,
35.02.02 The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold the
OWNER harmless from any claims of material
suppliers, mechanics, laborers, or other subcontractors.
35.02.03 The CO
NTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold the
OWNER harmless from any and all iniuries to or
i claims of adjacent property owners caused by the
CONTRACTOR, its agents, employees and
35,02.04 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any
damn a to the floors walls etc., caused by the
CONTRACTOR its agents, employees and
representatives or their equipment during installation.
35.02,05 The CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible for all
subcontractors hire
d--by it.
35.04 The indemnities provided for herein, including, but not limited to,
l_J those contained in articles 34 35 and 37,
survive the expiration
or termination of this Agreement.
'6. RELf:ASE.
I3y this Agreement. the OWNER does not consent to litigation and expressly� � p y revokes any
Consent to litiulation that It may,have`ranted by the terms of this Agreement,any charter.or
applicable state law. The CONTRACTOR assumes full responsibility f��r the work to be
performed and releases, relinquishes, and discharges the OWNER, its officers, agents and
employees from all claims,demands and causes of action of every kind and character four any
injury to, including, but not limited to, death of any person (whether third persons, the
CONTRACTOR, or employees of either of the parties). "Phis release includes the cost of
!_ defense of any claim and any loss of or damage to property(whether property of the parties
or of third parties) that is caused by or alleged to be caused by, arising out of, or in
connection with the CONTRACTOR*S work to be performed under this Agree whether
or not said claims, demands, and causes of action are covered in whole or in part by
The CONTRACTOR shall pay all royalties and license fees,and shall provide forthe use of
any design, device, material or process covered by letters patent or copyright by suitable
legal agreement with the patentee or owner.The CONTRACTOR warrants that the
products hereby y incorporated p ated into the project and/or any product used in
association with the protect does not infringe upon or violate any patent,
copyright, trade secret or any other proprietary right of any third party;
in the event of any claim by any third party against the OWNER or its
officers, agents, and/or employees, including the OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE, (hereinafter in this section collectively referred to as
�- "OWNER") the OWNER shall notify the CONTRACTOR and the
CONTRACTOR shall defend stich claim, in the OWNER'S name, but at
the CONTRACTOR'S exl2ense, and shall indemnify, hold harmless and
defend the OWNER from and a ainst anv and all claims damages, losses
causes of action,suits, and liability of every kind, including, but not hinited
{_ to, all expenses of litigation, court cost, and attorneys' fees, for in j u ry,
death, or damage to anv_ third 1)arty arising out of or in connection with
the roduc s is i 'n 1 .p t( ) � ec � the p�.t foril�ance of this Contract and regardless of
whether stich claim b and are resulting � � 'y y t�i�g injury, death, or cl��ma�e to third
tm•ties is caused in Dart by the acts and/or omissions of the OWNER. It is
•c�to both the CONTRACTOR and
the expressed intention of the parties her
the OWNER, that the indemnity.provided for in this paragraph is an
indemnity by the CONTRACTOR to indemnify, protect and defend the
OWNER 0) from the consequences of the OWNER'S acts and/or
omissions where the OWNER'S acts and/or omissions are the con currin
- cause of the infrin enient upon or violation of any patent -copy right trade
secret, or other proprietary right and any resulting injury, death, or
damn a of ally third party n connection with the products provided,
incorporated, or used in the project under this Contract and/or 00 from
the consequences of the CONTRACTOR'S acts and/or omissions, where
�- the CONTRACTOR'S acts and/or omissions are the sole or concurring
cause of the infringement upon or violation of any patent, copyright, trade
secret,_ or other proprietary ri ht and any resulting in-jurv, deatLJ h or
damage of anv third party in connection with the products provided,
incorporated, or used in the project under this Contract. Furthermore, the
indemnity rovided for in this 12aragraph shall have no application to the
OWNER for anv claim, loss, damage, cause of action, suit, and liability
where the infrin ement upon or violation of an Patent, co ri ht trade v p pv � e
-� secret or other proprietary rights and resulting injurv, death or daM re
results from the sole acts and/or omissions of the OWNER, unmixed with
the fault of anv other person or entit . If the material, design. service, prodLICt or
process specified or required by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE is an infringement,the
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible fOl- such loss, unless he promptly gives such
information to the OWNER'S REPRESE::NTA'FIVE.
38.01 In case the CONTRACTOR should abandon, tall or refuse to resume work within ten
t{ (10) days after written notification front the OWNER or the OWNI':R'S
REPRE:SE-:N'E'A'I'IVI , or if the CONTRACTOR fails to comply with the orders of
the OWNER or the OWNER'S RI:PRESE:NTATIVE, when such orders are
Consistent with the Contract DOCLInICIItS, then, and In that case. where perfOrillance
and pavnicnt bonds exist, the SLII'etles Olt these bonds shall be notified 111 ,Vvritin J alld
directed to complete the work. and a copN' of said notice shall be delivered to the
'B.U? After rcceivin sari notice cif abarldonillent. the CONTRACTOR shall not relllo\'e
1 from the work any lllachIlI IA". CLIuiplllent. WIS. Materials, or Supplies tIlCll 011 the
1Oh, but the sa1111', to Ctllc.'1'11 lth all`' materials and e(ILllpilleilt under comract I'(),-the
\V01'k. IllaV be hCld fOI' LISC mi the work by the OWNFR 01' the SLll'CtV 011 till
perfm--mice build. Or another Contractor In CMITICtloll OI' the \\Ork: amid the
CON I RAC 1 OIZ shall 11Ot recelVe C111V i'l.mal OI'credit thcrefOr. It belllL? LlnderstOOd
that the LlSe Of SLICI1 CglllplllCllt and 111LIM- IS \ 'Ill L1ltllllatCIV l'l'(ILICe tilt,' Cost t0
l complete till \\ork gild ill,' rel lined Ill till f I11a1 setticillellt.
r' f
:S .W.11L1O;1gnS PLIr
S.l•DP.10 t1:111s 10 Ul)11l'UiLtl.l:ll ZXI1.10 lull UiSi.1r SLtilr{.) Ilr .10 A4111, ,1rd .Ili 1It1•,s
M 11.10 I.1 Z)LI1�,-)nrLI IIULiS 2I: NMO XII %;)S1'.) Ul h,lr.uitua.,l OS SlNr.ilU(»gns {�
.10 S.111h.10 31.11 a-)pUll 2IO,I..�V2I.I. O,) 31.11 .10 1s.1.l.�1t11 PLIr 31111 'll{ I.1 NII '
.IO' iil' '11 .1q lU.-.)IV) >LI1 0I PLIP 1DUL1111LU •-L{1 Ul (h)
-UOIjrUILU.I:11 U NJOU-X l •� l'.t11L11.1�
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CAL{1 lrt11 1t1�1V •�L{1 01 Sl:lr.IIU():1gns PUP, S.I�pao iir 31CUILU.131 ,�l•,)1L'ip�LUL1lI (�)
.p:11rU 1 ul.lal JOU
» qSi Sr .aOAN 3LII'10 U011aod LI111S j0 U01131dLU03.101 tarSs AULLI sr ldxmn
`IM.lalrLU.10 'IUXUditlb,-) `s•�ain.i•�s .101 SlMaluongns io S.1,'.)PaO.NXII.1111 OU rld (q) r
:UOi JUL]lttlaZ-)l
,l0 33110U 3L{1 Ui p 1,11»ds lUa1aZ) -3LI1 01 pur, a1rp aLll UO J-1OAA at{1 do15 (r) �-
:5LI Mollol Z)LI1 Op `21-=1NMO 31.11 �q p,-,)Aoaddr ao pot-aaip
aS1.,MJ3L{lo sr lda�xa `IIULIs 210.LJV)iLNOJ at{1 s uit{1 a�lllo uOtuV •(�laadoad
S.2I.J N/'A o aLI1 J0 uoilz)31oad 31.11 `01 p311 UI I I JOU lnq `5U i pll I-,)u i) JJOA\ Palrui tua ll '
3LI1,10 ino-mole ndo.id PUB luai3LJJ3 31.11 aansse 01 aa11OU LIMnS JO ltl-53il U1 Xarssa:)aU
S't'3UIL{1 IIr op 'XupcIr sli jo lsaq 3tll 01 pur tI11Uj POOH Ul 'IlrLls 2101.D V J 2I.1_ICI O J r
,lt 1 `-)snr� 110t iM a0 IM .17L �l Al `tl� � 1
{ l {1, L{l. {1 { c ilrUlula�1 .1c »11Ou L, .10 ldl V ZO Ufi
•SlU3LU113OG lmuoJ 3gl,jo SlU3Lu31lnboa at{1 loattl 01 slid 1rL{1 �101JV2LLNOJ
aL{1 Xq ?I.I0A1 SU1133aa03 Ul (iOgrl plait PUB Slr1.l311MI iunuidiilbz) Xarss2,x)u
O 1S03 at UU U3L 3I pup, ` 1 `
.l {1 P ` aaAO P { PI ..1 p sasuad�,"� �lnrlralsluluipt, pUr lraau�� algroilddr,
`LIO11r1iul.1 lilot{liM `5UIPl1IZ)tli) `AAI.LV.LNA_S:]?1d:321 S.2I ,I[ M O oqi Xq paaanz)ui --
s1S0Z) llr a0J �IANMO OLI1 asailgLLli,-)a IIlA1 2IO,LJV211_j\OJ 3L{1 Uz)t{1 `5U1O5aaOJ 2LI1
of lurnsand`Saar{lo Xq ao jIasli JIaoAX 3LI131a1dLuoa of sla;)Io 21-]N N\O 3L11 jI '21--IICI MO
,iql 01 Sa aliniad put! `suoildo `SIL{'Ria L{MnS U'Sissr Xildwo.id iirLls 2IO.LJV21_LNOJ -
ZILI1 PUB :aSIr1Aa)t{lo a0 Saa a0 �Sr Viand `s1�ra1LiOJ i1S S11 .I� U11 1
p q g P 21U_LJV21.1, 10
ZILi1,Io sa&aliniad PUP, suoildo 's1LI51.1 IIr asi:laaxa 01 pur zvs qof 3t{1 Uo iq Xmi sr
Slr1.131B U pur JUaLUdmb3 LIa11S Z)Sl1 PUr,10 uoissossod ayrl 01 Pa1111t13 aq IIrLIS 21:_I\MO
at{1 •PUZ)sit{101 PUr :Saatllo A-q ao jlasll ngiia jlaoA� at{l 11:lidu.io:) of p,-,.w,0ilgo iq JOU 1
i l rl{s lnq lt{i is aL{1 3Art1 I I rLIS 2I:d M O aLll•asnr:l ao 1 ajr.0 1 LU.1 m Si JUaulaaa� SL 1
. P VI. { .II lU Ut
'. OLI. MIN,21-I.I. 'Ufi
'lUXu1-)a.I0\/ SIL{1 a-)pLln UO11r'0llgo '
s.210_I.JV2I1.:�0J XII 3jPUlLU.l;ll ao •alr'o.lgr •alrpiIUAUl ,'r.\\ . UU Ul JOU IIrLIS L{ar-)aq
1.1311S '1LI O V SILII JO-t3LIlLIr,-,)tLl PLIr ltl-)ltll XIJ-10_t3LIIpUUISa..)PUI1 S11 01-()LIIPa(llJl?POLUAOJ.I:xd
Ul-)q JOU SI 1LI,1LU.',),N5V S11.11 IMI1 SDUiLLI.I213I1 21I. ,1C1O 1LI1 U,XIA1 asilr.-) .101 IUXU3�-,)a-,t_3\IF
s1t{1 J0 L11 2I0.1_JV2I.I.'�0,� at{1 a.1rl,�P 01 It{1�1a ,LI1 3AVL1 iJULIS 2I: '- ) •�t
:IO 1 IJVA df1 '6
(e) With the apprOVal Of the OWNI-:R. settle all Outstanding liabilities and all
claims arising Out Of such termination. orders and subcontracts:
(f) Deliver to the OWNER. N\hen directed by the OWNER, all dOCLIments and
all property, \\-hich if the work had been completed, the ('ON rRAC"I�OR
\VOLIld have been required to account for or deliver to the OWNER. and
transfer title to such property to the OWNER to the extent not already
transferred: and/Or
( ) 'rake actions necessary or as otherwise directed by the OWNER'S
5 REPRESENTATIVE or the OWNER for the protection and reservation of
the work.
40.03 In the event of such termination,there shall ' • Payment
an equitable reduction of the I ay mcnt
All1Ourlt to reflect the reduction in the work. Costs incurred after the effective date
of the notice of termination shall not be treated as reimbursable costs unless they
1'...,'I, relate to carrying out the unterminated portion or taking close-out measures.
41.01 Without prejudice to any other legal or equitable right or remedy that the OWNER
would otherwise possess hereunder or as a matter of law, the OWNER, upon giving
-' the CONTRACTOR five(5) 's da prior written notice,shall be entitled to terminate
Y P late
this Agreement In its entirety at any time for the following:
1.01 If the CONTRACTOR becomes insolvent, commits any act of
bankruptcy, makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors,
or becomes the subject of an proceeding commenced under all
.Y P g y
statute or law for the relief of debtors;
41.01.02 If a receiver,trustee,or liquidator of"any of the or income of'
- the CON'TRAC"rOR shall be appointed-
41.01.03 If the CONTRACTOR shall fail to prosecute the work or ally part
thereof with diligence necessary to ensure its progress� y progress and
completion as prescribed by the time schedules;
�-- 41.0 1.04 1 f\\,ltllln f 1\'e (5) calendar days after �\bitten notice thereof front the
CONTRACTOR shall fail to rellledy any defective k%ork or work that
X-J does not conform to the reC ull't.m' ) ' it e'tilts ( f t111S A�Icc.Illtnt,
slicc f lcatimis. and other Cont' Ct DOCLIMCIltS. or an`' Other def alllt
Under any of the terms. provisions. conditions. Or covenants
- Contained In this Agreement or any Other Current a i-Ccillent bete eell
till.' CON l R,,NC OR and another O\\,'N1.R fOI' ~lulllaI' COnStI'l1Ctl01l
\L Ork O11 other property": or
N11 LIM11 titi,,)l S1 )SU-)Ll\,.) L1.)11S ,ASV.) L1( SILI1,10 3111.11A �q
J-)UP.131-)Uil 2�O.I..)��21.1.\O.) ,-)LIJ 01 Mlp 3U.1033LI ,�Lt111 AUP 1l'
(VLU il'Lli.10 •,np XJ :(VLU SP, S,MUOLU 11�I1s 10 Ill() 21-1\;'�(�O X11 ,(L{ pIl'd
pur p,i;,npz)p•,)q 111�LIs paw a1'L1:1 OS aSU,dx,�pLl1''21O_I..)�'2I.L\O.�p!VS
01 s,�llddns ptrtJ 'sl1'1.13iL'L11 'sl()()i 'ill�tildlnh, 'a0C{1'i L{�11S
O)sU,)d>>>L11 pLIV J. .IOA. XlJ -)i,,)ldLLIO,)01 .(a1?SS,�'),U AMU
21:1\MO plrs sr.S-)llddns pU1,•SIP.l.I.NPLU•Slooi•iU-)LUdmh,�•;(a,�U!L{�t�ul f--�
Llarls asn PUP U,LU '10 L{:)ns ;{oldLUZ) AVLL1 l W 1O' fi
iUl•lnol l01 aL{i ,Icy aJL{i!a Ll! y.1c):`1 -)L{1 ,1c� UO[i,lClllt(» ao� ap!noad '�:O11.d0 S.I.1 JN
(L'LU 21-1\MO aL{J UaL{1 -IU,1LU-)-)a 3V SILI1 LIJIM 33LIVIldwoz) U1 yaOM 3LI1_10 Lloiln»soad
iU,- IIIp PUP'UOIJ-)ldLU03 3LlI U-)LUL.U07 01 S11V 'iU,IS SI U011)ILlLU0�5UIpUPLU7p 110U r-�
,--)Lll a-)ijr SArp .111pL1-)IL'l (L) tl,)n-)S UIl111INN •Awuns q,-)ns inq Ai-).lns u sr a.iat{i -),I-)L{:11 ao
pap!Aoad puoq a,)ururaolaad oU S! aaaL{i as-)L[M pLlr, aSnr,a JOJ i,WILIc» -)L{J p-)IUUILU.i-)1
SrL{ �];] 'MO-)LIi a0 laaload-)LI1 p-)uopUrqu SULI W.LJV21.I.NO.)aLll lrLli loan-)-)L{i UI 10-Ct7
N0IA.V,\IV\12I:]1. 210 1.\AAiN0(1NV0V �:-IJV N0I.LAAdINOJ 'Et
•1UaLuAr.d ss;mRo.Id ao/pUV siso:) algrsan ull-)a 10 JUauIXud.iano XUP,JO
pUI1Ja.I allJ Lilpnl7Lll `MV1 JO.I-)J11'LLI V SU JO ILI-)LLIaaJ5V SILl1,IO SUOISIAo.id.Ian{io.l3pUI1 {
210,l,DVM,j,NOJ z)ql ISu!r1r, AVLI XULu �_ANIMO a i uIJ ,. ur of 1aaCqns la tanI aq 1
l{r1-Is PUr aapunwz)q 1L13wXrd ssaa',Road j,-)gl.in{ XUU aA!a-)a.i of pal)!iva aq iou {113L{S PUU
aX!loU uo!113LIIL.LIa31 ILIJ JO aJUP 3A113at JO 1Ll1 of aoud pa.Ianmi siso� algrsjngwiz),I sli �--�
p ud aq Al uo I IULIS 2I01.DV2I_L\O.-) aLIJ•aaUal Uanuo JOJ UOIIUU I WJ31 J O Juana aql u l ZO'Zt7
•33UalU AL103 JOJ pa1r,LI!ulaal aq of pulaap aq ll!M Ja1✓a1Uoa al{1 J1JL{J aa.iRL -�
smpud aLIJ `1SIXa 01 JOU paLIluI.lalap aaJrl Sl gZ)ILIM 'asrM aO.I p31'UUlLuaal SI 1-)1Ja1Uo�
s!L{1•uosPa.I.lana1uL1M.101 jI '3A!1�a11a souioaaq uo!IPUiw.lal q,-)iqM uodn a11?p al{1 pUV
pairuiLuni si yaoM allllo -)aUVU.1.lolaad Ll:)iqm 01 Jualxa atlJ 'ciu!A1!;)ads (LIOIIPU!Luaal
JO 33110u) a-)!10u uaJ1!aM >?10 21O_L7�2I_LNo:) z)qi 01 Aa-)All-)p Aq pal-)a �a aq IJULls
UOI VUIL.Uaa ins AU - •a,L1-)1L1-)ALI0 [ 1
.J 1 Ll �! s1. aoI ]ALLt I 'ASA21& S.21JNAM aLll
Aq `il>?d u! JO 11OLIM U! au.11l AUU- ir, paii✓ulullai -)q Maul yaOM aLI1,I0 aauvLu.Iqlaad al{1, 10'Zt" F-
' 1 � 1 1 .
3DNIAINAA�.OJ *80`-I \1011V.\1IV�IHTL Zt-
•siu-)Lu;(1'd ssaat)oad
.10 SISo;) aIqus.Ir1gLLII-),I,JO S1LIaLU,�vd.laAO ,(U1?JO pun13a aLIJ 5Ul Pill ZXI! `ANVI Jo a-)J11?Lu
1? S1' .10 itI-)LLI-)-)a9tV SlLli JO SLIOISIAo.Id aL11 .1-)PU11 -)L i 1SUIV-3V -)AUL rl
� 1 I
:(BLLl 21:�!��1A0-)L11 ao AnI1NIVIS-]21d:-I21 S.2l--i :M0 -)L{i 1r.L{i Lu!rl� ,1Up of i1,fgns
a-)t{i.iri.l aq IlrLls PU1? iU-)LL1.\^Pd ss,').i1Do.id .iat{i.lnl AUP, and-):)-).1 01 p31111U-) -)q
ioU 11PLIS pu13 uo!i1�u!tua-)i ad1,Io ai1'p an1i�-);I,atli of aoud p-),Iar1;1LII siso,)-)Ig1'sarlgLUI-).1
sil p!rd aq AILIO 1111LIS 2101.-)VM_I.\()J-)LI1•-)S11C.)ROj Uo1il?LIILLI.I,i t{�ns jo iu-).A-)-)L{1 UI -70 l t-
•anp LI�LI:t\ Uodn pal 1P.) iL1,LU.(pd ayr.LU of -(q
-).illlil'l -)LIi U1't{i.latlio tI0S1'�.1 :0tI1' I11'1 llrLIS I )'
l . _( 10 It
sllM which would have been payable under this contract. ifthe sallle
had bee11 completed by the CON-FRAC"FO1Z. then said
CON,-TRACTOR and/or its surety hereby waives any and all
privileges, rights. and claims to receive the difference. In case such
expense is greater tha11 the sum Which would have been payable
Linder this contract. if the same had been completed b y said
P �
CONTRACTOR. then the CONTRACTOR and/or its surety shall.
within seven (7) calendar Gays. pay the amount Of Such excess to the
�_.J O W N E R.
43.01.02 The OWNER. Linder sealed -
.ealc,d bids,after notice, published as required by
law, at least twice, in a newspaper having general circulation ill the
city, may let the contract for the completion of' the work under
substantially the same terms and conditions which are provided in
this contract. In case any increase in cost to the OWNER under the
new contract as compared to what would have been the cost under
this contract, such increase shall be charged to the CONTRACTOR
`--' and the surety shall be and remain bound therefor. I Iowever, should
the cost to complete any such new contract prove to be less than what
(f` would have been the cost to complete under this contract, the
-� CONTRACTOR, and/or its surety hereby wraives any and all
privileges, rights, and claims to such excess.
LJ 43.02 In the event of abandonment by the CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall
assign to the OWNER, in the manner and to the extent directed by the OWNER, all
of the right,title, and interest of the CONTRACTOR in and to any and all materials
. .
- located on the property and any subcontracts for work to be performed oil the
property; in which case the OWNER shall have the right to settle or pay all claims
arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts.
44.01 Without prejudice to any other legal or equitable right or remedy that the OWNEER
would otherwise possess hereunder or as a matter of law. the OWN I:.R a ton �;ivin )
� v r v I V t..
the CON hRAC.FOR five (5) days' prior written notice shall be entitled to lama Les
for breech of contract, upon but not limited to the follow-ing occurrences:
�. 44.01.01 If the CONTR.,NC TOR shall fail to remedy an\' default after \,\ritten
notice thereof froill the OWNER or the OWNLIZ*S
IZI:I'RI:SEN 1A 1IVI:; oi-
44.01.02 if the shall fail fir antic reason other than the failure
by the OW\.,LlZ to illake paymcnts called upon when due: or
44.0 1.O? I f,the C N I IZAC 1 OR commits a SUbstantial default tinder ail`'ofthe
terills. prov1s1O11S. condltions, or co\,'enants contalilell In this
,���1 eellhc.'ilt.
�f �
IIMIS.K)AIr.A\ NI SS.)ILill p,stl.)\,)L11r,1ALI aO1-).-v1V NI I IPLIs
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Liu ui IIr.LIs S11.11.10 UOISIAo .ad I' 0I•,-,)ult1 ALIP lr WP.10.�anlll':I l 0'0
'SPIXIII . `nluIW,�
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:�IJl�V1�►�N:I2I:I(I :IO :IJV"1(I *6t --�
jo -)IuIS -)qi jo smvq 31.I1 q p,-,)LlaaA01 aq 11rLIs pur a-)pun aprLLl Llaaq srLI ILI-)ulaaa-t3V SILIJ,
'MV'1 SVXA.I. •8t, �`�
� f
•sailard tlloq,jO paZ1.1OLllnr X1np Xq pau5is pur &u1IIJAN --,
01 P,1:: �a Z)ar Xatll I!lurl Ouipuig pur �nil�al.;� aq 11rtls JUM33a5V sitl1 OI slu-)Lupuaulr ON
'a3pLII1,1J3q SUOljPRIlg0 a0 stunj XIj JO Air �JIpOLU a0 JX-)Jjr-. 1113LIS `1u3ula3af3V �-
situ ,lo uolln»V) aqI 13 Jr ao 3aojaq a-)LIII 21 j. NiM0 aLII '10 aiXo1dw;) ao -)nllrluasaadaa
`Iu-)RV •aa3l O XUr t IIM uollt3SaanuO;) a0 U�ula�a�r r, aan O 'X UJO � rululaa
.�.1 I . I [ q � ll p l I
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aO s,.-)slulo.rd 'slU,3ulalrls 'SOUIpLIVIS.lapun IWO Ou air -)aZ)LIJ, 'anrur loafgns z)gl of 5unupi
sall.lyd ac{I tl��nnlaq s0Ulpurlsaa utl.1O SILUDU-135Uraar•SIUaul�aa�r aoudli r PUP. Cur sa as.mdns
• p p
ptIP sallard z)qj 1L1au133a51? 3.IIILI3 aLll Stlit'IUO3 IUZ)LL1'-.)aa9V s1LIl 113LII pOOlsaaptill SI 11
. i j i r r •r
-)LI1 ,10 ILIZ)IUI IPUI'IJ0 atll SLlllrtlll\Oaddt, sL101111-M �a PUP, sulaal 1r��I 41 till M ILI�u13aa V
SIL 1 , u SU0IStn��ad aO SUOISI.w.rd �:�Ii ds,-).1 1.1 ),)r d-)a OI sI.IO > 1s�� Ii.�t 1 astl rt S
. I 1 I l .11 I - l li I
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,10 pllt, nllptlr:A -)LI1 -Liol1:)1PSI.Itl[ ILI,�1;)dLLIO:),JO Irtingl.11 1-LI10 a0 1a1"103
r .1q ;)Iqr-,m01UJUn.10 Ir33i1! 'pllrAUI -)q 01 PI,LI lq IIrLIs S11,11,10 LIOIS1.,\0ad XUP%11
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.I,N':lI,ti..)1SSV 9_
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Agaa-)tl ItI,3LU-)aa `J SIgj i Ulln:)axa SLIOSaad --)LI,I. SIgj OIUI aalU-) of p3a7Modttl,')
pup p3ZIJOL{Int? Xla,-)doad Uaaq SP.LI XIapd LI:)P',)jO'11VLI;)q UO Iu,'.)LU3Z)aSLW SIL{l 5U1USIS uosaad
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'.I.J�2I1. 07 'MAI A O.I. AlEMOHIJIV 17
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Xlapd Cup ISUIP'Si!ao,lo aonpJ Ul p3nalstlo:)aq IOU IIpLIS lu-)ula3a9V SILll IpL{13aa0p sailaP;d aLI.L
'_I,'"A h A I ]9 V A O NO IJ.J 112I.LS NO J 'cL S
'aslnnJ.Iglo saainbaa IxaluOZ) ssalun
TS.13n 33IA puP?•lpanld;)ql apn pul oI Platl ag [I V LI S as utnU ap In'Suls a l ul s aOAk PUP`aa tI;)3
JOLllo XUr-)pnl,-)tll of p,-)nalSLIOO PUP PI1LI aq IJULls IUlul,-.)-)a-t'3V SIgl UI pasn npua5 Xuu jo spaoM
'UO11pI,--ad.I,-)1LIr S11 uodn I��I,;�.10 '5UILIp,-,)LU OU -,)7:1pLl IIVL{S pUp IUaulaaa-t3V
SILII,;o UOISI,),Id A-UV J0 1LI,-,,)IUI aO -)dO-)S 2LI1 aglaJs,-)p ao I[LLIII '-)LIrj-)p 01 PaPL1,-,,)IUl IOLI dap PLIV
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1 l
'SJ' Ian II-I 'I� -
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Ruts. .1
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all) `.40ANAHM SSIIalM NI '
•sosodind 11e ac�j 113UIOIJO uu paulaap oq 11pgs llo!LIM JO pro sinci alunoo
lro!luap!jo aaqu►nu e Ln palnoaxa aq , UW lu3Lua3a;3V s!LIJ 11'Ll1 p o.d?u puu poolsnpun s! 11 '
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'lorauu?J SILll.►,)pun yaoM ;(UP 5uILLI.IUlaad of aopd
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sa9.►rgo.►3n0 .101 sunl'lo IIL' PUP /Cur 21 1\:11t) 01 suOlsse Xq-matl 21O.1.:)V21.I ZO'9S
' (Printed Name)
Kevin Guy, Vice President
' Before�e on this day personally appeared eQ%, Cj-U`{ , in his/her
capacity , Y!Lc- Q('4?QJe-A- of 4tr8L gQAMIN "on behalf of such
corporation or other business entity,
' known to me;
proved to me on the oath of ; or
proved to me through his/her current
' {description of identification card
or other document issued by the federal government or any state government that
contains the photograph and signature of the acknowledging person)
(check one)
to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that
' he/she executed that instrument for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.
Given under my hand and seal of office thisx(day of J4Kv dtl 20-C4F-.
n J I
►�Y�'m,." Notary Pu i to and for the State of
} ..... `� FEBRUARY 15,2Q11
My commission expires: z,-D—
(s3lvH 99vm
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JO L paplAo.Id aq of SuisnLa .lo i?tlipiAoid .lo puiluoa SILK &HU'RIs Xjj
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•UOSAOA ava uo a.�!nba -
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39VU3AOD N011VSN3dlAJOD ,S113xHOAk a3xina:jH -
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�SllVS JOU Saop aZ)ljOLI SILIJ, •a5t?.IaAO� a IAo.id of . . aod pta Inoa l. .1�tu
- �J.
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luaull.IrdaU srXal atlI LIJIM .lajsi a.I 01 `a�L99 ala!IJV `saInIrIS IiAiJ SVXa� o� �Llrils.lnd a.Ilnha.l
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`j A.IVllLIU f.I111r JO tIO pannatlaa JO 41'J,1Allap .Io) paI1SSI `pa.iaAilap Sl JUL11 3.111SL1I:�(aS O� t��l.IOtl11113,10
Jo :k1!IOC1 13LIUMISLI1 Ur, ui a U)JlA01 Al tLIO.j papnl�Xa im, Ot1 w�S.IaaI.jO a,11�T1�2Xa a )lr.10CLIO � 3
ptlr •SJILII.Iud `s.loi:,)udojd ilos of ,�luo saI Iddr tIOu,-)asgils siq_L '(O l I •`�6,Ei `a.It1�r S[ a L i �I IfiL
`6801 IN asn01-1 aq pappP, Sr) (1',)L60'90fi•` IV aLll L111M III 1 r.K)A03 L.LIO.I) papnl.-)Xa
AI11;1IICIXa NV OLIM PUP `(a)L60'90fi ` 3V atlj,JO s�tIatLla.i[11�)a.1 atll �aatLI OL1:11 s.Ia:11j j0 alr.lOd.ic» pur
'S.Ia Imud `S.IOjal.lcjo.ld aIos of :iddr, IOU SaOp `��„ iigltlX] SiLIJ tll �LlatUa.Ilill)a.l aiir.la:�O� at
1 I
Article B-1 Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage.
A. Definitions:
Certificate of coverage (certificate)--A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of
authority to self-insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81,
TWCC-82, TWCC-83, or TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation
insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project,
for the duration of the project.
Duration of the project--includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project
until the CONTRA CTOR's/person's work on the project has been completed and
accepted by the governmental entity.
Persons providing services on the project(subcontractor in 406.096)--includes all persons
or entities performing all or part of the services the CONTRACTOR has undertaken to
s perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the
p p J g p Y
CONTRACTOR and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes,
j ? without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor
-� carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity
which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. Services include, without
limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor,
-} transportation, or other services related to a project. Services do not include activities
unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and
delivery of portable toilets.
B. The CONTRACTOR shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification
codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the
statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all employees of
the CONTRACTOR providing services on the project, for the duration of the project.
C. The CONTRACTOR must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity
prior to being awarded the contract.
t e D. If the covers period shown on the CONTRACTOR'S current certificate of
g p coverage
ends during the duration of the project, the CONTRACTOR must, prior to the end of the
coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing
that coverage has been extended.
E. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and
provide to the governmental entity:
(1) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the
project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage
showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and
(2) no later than seven days after receipt by the CONTRACTOR, a new
certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period
`- shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the
-' F. The CONTRACTOR shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of
the project and for one year thereafter.
ins G. The CONTRACTOR shall notifythe governmental entity in writing b certified mail or
g Y g Y
personal delivery, within 10 days after the CONTRACTOR knew or should have known,
of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing
services on the project.
H. The CONTRACTOR shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner
prescribed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, informing all persons
providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a
person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage.
1. The CONTRACTOR shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to
provide services on a project, to:
(1) provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and
payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the
statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all
L=' of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the
(2) provide to the CONTRACTOR, prior to that person beginning work on the
project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided
for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the
�. duration of the project;
(3) provide to the CONTRACTOR, prior to the end of the coverage period, a
s new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage
�.} g
period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the
duration of the project;
(4) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the
(a) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person
beginning work on the project; and
(b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of
coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the
coverage period shown on the current certificate of
coverage ends during the duration of the project;
LJ (5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the
project and for one year thereafter;
(6) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal
delivery, within 10 days after the person knew or should have known, of
any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person
Ui providing services on the project; and
(7) contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as
j required by paragraphs (1)-(7), with the certificates of coverage to be
provided to the person for whom they are providing services.
J. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage,
the CONTRACTOR is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the
CONTRACTOR who will provide services on the project will be covered by workers'
compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on
proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage
agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-
insured, with the commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or
1K- misleading information may subject the CONTRACTOR to administrative penalties,
criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions.
K. The CONTRACTOR's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of
contract by the CONTRACTOR which entitles the governmental entity to declare the
contract void if the CONTRACTOR does not remedy the breach within ten days after
receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity.
t !
Article B-2 Required Notice.
The CONTRACTOR shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons
Li providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person
may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy
other posting requirements imposed by the Act or other commission rules. This notice must be
printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and
shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population.
The text for the notices shall be the following text provided by the commission on the sample
notice, without any additional words or changes:
The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services
related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation
insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or
materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the
project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee.
Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at 512-440-3789 to receive
information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your
employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to
provide coverage.
Article B-3 Required Contract Provision.
The CONTRACTOR shall include in all contracts to provide service on the project the following
By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of
coverage, the person signing this contract is representing to the governmental
entity that all employees of the person signing this contract who will provide
services on the project will be covered by workers' compensation coverage for the
duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of
classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be
771 filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, with
the commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or
misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative penalties,
criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions.
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