Ordinance No. 9,092U r: 2001125 -2 ORDINANCE NO. 9092 AN ORDINANCE SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF A 25 -ACRE TRACT OF LAND WITHIN THE EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 10 AND THOMPSON ROAD; DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF A SERVICE PLAN; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: On the 8th day of February, 2001, at 6:45 o'clock p.m. and at 6:50 o'clock p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall of Baytown, Texas, the City Council will hold public hearings giving all interested parties the right to appear and be heard on the proposed annexation by the City of Baytown, Texas, of the property described in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: In compliance with Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 43.056, as amended, the Planning Department is hereby directed to prepare a service plan that provides for the extension of municipal service into the area described in Exhibit "A." Section 3: The City Clerk of the City of Baytown is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of each public hearing to be published once in the newspaper having general circulation in the City and in the above described territory not more than twenty (20) days nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of each public hearing, all in accordance with Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 43.052. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 25th day of January, 2 00 1. ATTE T: l( G W SMI , City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACIO RAMIREZ, St., Ay Attorney dAMyDocuments\CouncM0 -01 Van ua etPublicHearing25Acre110 &ThornpsonRoad PETE C. ALFAR , Mayor =iiOM HA'.�uARG .,Eci_tNG t_A!d pq }. ? =_ ?95 ?95i = --�9i 'd.' _.P v PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION STATE OF TEXAS COLi:S7Y Or rZARRMCRAMBERS Come now, Veatture_? _ owner (s) of the rcaj property described by meats and bounds as follows: STA, E OF TExaS COUNTY OF HARMS FIELD NOTES of a '.4.9472 acre tract of land situated in the Nathanici I,ynch Survey, Abstr >tit 44. Harris County, Texas. out of and a part of that certain ' 70.P74 acre tract of lane conveyed by F.G.M.C., Inc., a Iexax Corpora".10n, to Venture 2000. a Tc=as partnership, by Deed sat_d April 17, 1995 and rcCiltded :n County Clerk's File No. k 358047 of the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas This 24,997' arse tract of !and is more particu' :arty described by the ioliow;ng metes and bounds, to -witt. NOTE: nFAR.J GS ARE 13ASED ON DEED SEMUNG.S ANT) FOUND MO-- HUMP —NTS IN -,HE SOL"TH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF 24- TERSTATE HIGHWAY HO. 10 (RIGHT - of -WAY WIDTH VARiFS) ANti'I7 THE NORTH Lflw OFF SAID 170.974 ACRE 71T-,ACT OF LAND. R.EFL„ RL:NCL: IS MADE TO THE F:'AT OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANYING 'vM'TFS AND DOT,-NDS D.zsclk '10N. COIhIMENCINC at a concrete right -of -way monument found in the South right-of-way line of the feadcr road of said Interstate Highway No, IC for an angle point in the North line of said 170.974 ac!--- tract of land; ' THENCE: North 64 deg. 49 min. 30 sec. East along tho South right -of -way ling cf said Interstate H)Shway No. 10 and the North line of said 170,974 acres for a distance of 2113,71 feet to another concrete right -0f - -way monument found in the South right -of -way lint of said Intersmre. Righ way No. 10 for an angle point in the North line of said 170.974 acre tract. THENCE: North 79 deg. 39 min. 14 Aec. last alottir the South right -of -way line of said Fnterstaw Iighway No. 10 and the North line of said 170,974 acres for a distaicr of 69.72 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rota found for an angle point iA the North tine of said 17n.974 acres and the Nvrthernrnust Nonhwc9t corner and POi,` T OF BEGLNNING of this tract; i'HENCF: North 64 deg. 49 min. 25 sec. East along the EastsrnimA North line of thin tract, t:,e North fine cf said 270.974 slues and the Sot h .;gh: of•way tine of said Interstate Highway No. 10 for a distance of 548.98 feet to a corcrct:e right -of -way monument found for then Northernmost Northeast corner of this Fact and the Northernmost Nor.':tcast corner of Sale! 170.974 acres: THENCE: South 57 deg. 28 min. 12 set. East along the Northcnimost East line of this tract and the Ncrthcmmost East lint of said 170.973 acres snd the East line of that'Lertain 477 acre tract conveyed by Maud Le,-- -, aylor to Albert N Nelson, at nl by Decd dated August 20, 1948 and recorded in.. Volume 1448 et page E4!, of the Med Records of Harris County, Tez4s. for a distance of 56.20 feet to a'A inch iron rod, with cap, act for the Easternmost Northea;t corner of this tract, the Easternmost Northeast corner of said 170.974 acres. 0;\ SD1pn *tsZ8431tCarvspon&'4SCeyxtidon for onrr't from citY.doc EXHIBIT A �9 R KEEL 7:_ LAiJ an y�i _ ?` -951 THENCE: South 02 deg. 44 min, G6 sec. E+i;t a:ong ;he East'ine of this tract„ the East tine a: said 477 acres and the East line of said 170.974 acres, foi u distance of 1001.30 feet to a 1h inch Lion rod, with cap. Set for the Southeast corner of this trsci; `Torso which a sucker rod found for the Southeast corner of said 170.974 acres bears South 02 deg_ .td min, 06 w_ East a distance of It 41.01 .feet. THENCE: South 64 deg. 49 rain. 30 sec. 'west alcag the South lint of 'his tract for a distance of 1184.52 faet to a 4 inch iron rod, with cap, set for ;he Southwest comer of Chia tract; THENCE: North 25 deg, 08 ntin. 06 sec. West aieng the Southernmost West line of this tract for a distance of 696,00 feet to a bi inch. iron rod, with cap, set for the Westernmest Northwest corner of this tract; THENCE, North 64 deg. 51 mm 54 sec. East *Fong the Westernmost North line of this tract for a distance of 87294 fact io a % inch iron rod, with cap, set for an :nterihr =-ncr of this tract; THENCE: North 02 deg. 44 min. 06 soz. West aiong the Northernaioat Wcst line of this tract for a distance of =99,43 feet to ,he P'.ACE QF .9P_G1NNINC and containing within the boundaries 24.9972 antes of land, Said tract is one -half Mik or ices is width; is contiguous to t_he city limits of Baytown; and is vacant and without residents or on which fewer than three qualified voters reside. This petition. is subject to and conditioned upon the acquisition of title to the above - described property by Flying J Inc., its assignee or non, inee, and is to become effective only if, as and when title to such property is so acquired. Additionally, this petition appiies only to area within the boundaries of the above- described property and does not affect, include, pertain or relate to any adjacent and contiguous property owned and claimed by petitioner or any other party whomsoever. I (We', Venture 2000. the owner(s) of the above-described property request annexation of the property by the City of Baytown. conditioned and subject as aforesaid. Signed this the /rlM day of Ja,j 1_00 1 Qvt�ner � f Owner Owner ._ .... R F:D KEEL_il -. L P A F4:' � �-- - -'5 7 ''.1 C State of Taxas County o: Harris/Chambers Acknowledgement Before Mc, the undersigned authority, on this day pefsonaiiy appeared d • D,,rrma,J -A ;:L. known to me to be the tcrson wtioaL name is subscribed hereto, and who acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. To certify which, witness rty hand and official seal, My commission expires: 3 �� =�, : . TEEN EPIRES2001 GASJ1FeniecUlS943 Oioc PondenceVctdon .'" Anne, ftm cUr,Jx Notary Pub w, tate of Texas ae-Tty j. ZTe- e� Notary's name printed