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Ordinances No. 14,289
ORDINANCE NO. 14,289 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 TO THE BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY 6 MGD SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT BETWEEN THE BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY AND PEPPER LAWSON WATERWORKS, LLC; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. **************************************************************************************************** WHEREAS, the Baytown Area Water Authority's enabling legislation requires that the City Council approve certain agreements before Baytown Area Water Authority ("BAWA") enters into the same; and WHEREAS, on November 20, 2019, the Board of Directors of BAWA approved Change Order No. 7 to the Baytown Area Water Authority 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant Project between the Baytown Area Water Authority and Pepper Lawson Waterworks, LLC; and WHEREAS, the City of Baytown desires to approve such change order; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the recitals set forth hereinabove are hereby found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby approves Change Order No. 7 for the Baytown Area Water Authority 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant Project between the Baytown Area Water Authority and Pepper Lawson Waterworks, LLC, which change order is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED 121h day of December, 2019. ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: NACIO RAMIREZ, SR., CV Attorney the 11COBFSOITegaWarenTilesTity Council\Ordinances\2019\December 12\ApprovingBAWAChangeOrderNo7.doc Exhibit "A" e,4AA BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY Change Order No. 7 N 6.0 NIGD SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT PO: 1806021 Date: 16-Oct-19 Brle escription of Chances: _ CO 7.1 is requested for compensation for the efforts that PLW invested during the value engineering CO 7.2 is requested for compensation for the extra cost the PLW had incurred due to the subcontractor and vendor escalation. CO 7.3 is requested due to the Operation Building CMU reinforcement design modificatin by the EOR. CO 7.4 is a credit for the electrical building doors modification in compliance with the windload requirement. CO 7.5 is a credit for the reinforced concrete box modification requested by the EOR. CO 7.6 is requested for electrical building roofing system modification to meet the windload requirement. CO 7.7 is a credit for deleting the stormwater detension pond concrete pilot channel complete requested by the EOR. CO 7.8 is requested for the SCADA hardware modification per RFP #005. Add or Delete Items: — - -"- - DIM Descn�tion Unit — Quanti!y 7.1 VE Efforts (PCO 005) _ t IS -'- 7.2 iSubcontractor and Vendor Escalation (PCO 007) 1 LS 7.8 lCMIJ and Steel Beam Modification (PCO019) 7.4 Electrical Building Door Modification (PCO027) - -1 fS_-__ 7.5 Reinforced Concrete Box ,Modification (PCO 031) 1 LS 7.6 _Electrical Building Roofing_ Modification {I'CO 034) -1S 7.7 Stormwater Pond Pilot Channel Deduction (PCO 040) 1 -1 ( LS 7.8 SCADA Hardware Modification (11CO041) -- - _ 1 L4 Total _nit P_ 30,000.00 243,205.00 - — Totalw $ 30,0W.00' $ 243,205.00 30,151.95 $ 30,151.95 2,040.00 $ �- (2,040.00) 118,041.79 $ (118,041.79) 3,553.50 41,966.60 -- - 6,584-64 $ 3,553.50 $ - (41,966.60) $ 6,584.64 $ 151,446.70 I Original Contract Price $52,186,000.00 - 2 _Owner Contingency $0.00 Previous Change Orders — - - - --- - --� - 1 This Change Order- -� Remaining Contingency- 3 Change Orders - Previous Change Orders — $_ {3,615,632.i _ This change order W R- --`r-' - - - - _ -1 i_ _ $! 151,446. 4evisedContractPrice I $52,186,(H)0.00 $48,721,813, Original Contract Duration 1095 Previous Extensions 0 This Change Order 0 Revised Duration - Calendar Days 1095 Contractor: PEW Waterworks LLC J Date f f-`---+- Chr s Smith. Vicv t'roadent Y 1\'1 Engineering Direch>r Date !D 2 tq Consultant: )onesi Orter, lnc Tate City Manager Date lolza_17-crt 9 waterworks March 20, 2019 Mr. Ajay Shakyaver Assistant Director Baytown Area Water Authority The City of Baytown 2401 Market St, Baytown, TX 77520 Re: CPR No. 005 Rev 1 BAWA 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant BAWA Job No. 1806021 Mr. Shakyaver, PLW originally bid to the City of Baytown on Septetnber 21 st, 2017. The contract was awarded to PLW on May 16th, 201$. During the negotiation, PLW invested a large amount of professional consultitrg than-ltaurS to facifttate the City to develop the Value Engineering Package (See attached UP #001 and CO #001). The bulk of the efforts can be broken out into three major categories. PLW together with the earthwork subcontractor Slack, CO. created and analyzed the 3D site earthwork model (Sec attached) and proposed a significant amount of value engineering deduction associated with the earthwork, including to eliminate all future site earthwork, to remove clay liner for the Forcbay, to delete the second lagoon, and so forth, In addition, I'LW booked over 80 hours for negotiating with all related trades in order to split out the costs associated with the non -essential structures (i.e Backwash clarifier, Maintenance Building and Generator and Paralleling Switchgear), which resulted in an over $3 Million value engineering deduction. Furthermore. PLW was working closely with Pfeiffer and Son, the electrical subcontractor for the BAWA Project, evaluating the electrical equipment options from different manufacturers, deleting redundant feeder and transformers, as well as constructabifity of ductbank concreting. The outcome led to a $1 Million value engineering deduction for the electrical related scope. Therefore, PLW is submitting this Change Order Request to pursue the reimbursement from the City for the Value Engineering efforts that PLW invested prior to the Contract Award. The total requested reftnbursentent amount is $30.000.00. Page 1 PLW waterworks Please find the attached PI.W cost summary and associated reference material for your review and acceptance. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at 713-301.8637, or kcirown@plwus.com. Regards, PIN Waterwork, � 'aty Drown� Project Manager Page 1 Ra31onn Area Wat:r Authorllt CPR No, 80S BAWA 6 NCDSorfacr \9alerTrvamunl Plam Date: 1010,V19 HAW % Job No. 1806021 PI %V Joh Nv-. PJ r altic Fngmecring Efforts Scope of %York Resnrch value engineering optionson the BAWA 6 ,%lGD Snrface W&ter Tmstmcpu Plan design and eorummion in order to reduce the overall construction cost of the abo%e mentioned project. t Fl. W VB Effort %lanhoora 1 t �Eudlttatk VR F(Ym and Cowdinadea Ara Manager Project Ertecu ive Project Maaagtr Hstiom9ng PLW Enginatting Consultaitl Projrct stperioreedent 2 Smrclltral Wank ad Structure Delelioo %qi Eftd and Coonlrratioo Ara Maarager Project Eiaudn Prnjeet Manager Bum ing PLW &Igiatering Camulum Prajea stpetieutindenl 1.3 Flomkil Work VP. EQa/ and Coordinatan Ara Marugv Project Etecutiva Project Manager P.urmuing PL% Engineering Conwkmt Pcojen Superime dent 2 Admintawivealuugemeat(lxgalSWpon) 1 .n1ror _ lvN 7enl � t>,t tat Caal l ell 2 10 8 Is 10 � 3 s 20 20 30 20 3 MRS MRS MRS MRS IRIS MRS MRS MRS MRS MRS MRS MRS MRS MRS MRS MRS FIRS MRS t.S S 23000 S 46000 S 19000 S 1 Roo 00 S 99 on S 734 W s 8500 S -17500 s 130.00 S 1,330 oh S 12100 s 363 00 S 23000 S 1,150ra1 s 19000 S 3M10 cal s 9&00 S 1,960 00 s 83.00 S MSOM S 130,00 S : f0i In S 12100 S Ws 00 S 230.00 S 1 $3900 s 18000 s ajpl 00 S 9800 S 1 460 W s Ooo S 954-00 S 13000 S 65000 k 12100 s HIS Ili) SI,148.00 S 1.1,14011 Mlalrrial _ _ Suhemur�r/ t ill T3ual L era lilac Taxed MASIF air i eH TOt JI Cov --_-. _C nit I ,14C I,otl lift tirtllll'fadc ni tt 4•, n n e - l;,r,yrmenu 0md<o a n U- I'n ✓• i 23!, ern � c tl.aYead R Prop• u u �1• . 0441 OGll err al•u�hmnt - +, .MfUlatr a.,..�._...-•----.t.,-�-�-.--.--.....Y� - - _ .,.-..-._-..t rllYer Crand Tolal Cost 30.000.00 f',,ge• 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO.1 to amend the SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS for construction of 6 MGD SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT for BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTWRITY In CHAMBERS COUNTY, TEKAS March 28, 2019 Civil and Mechanical Jones ICarter 5330 West Loop South, Suite 150 Bellaire, Texas 77401 Texas Board of Professional Engineers ReSMration No. F•439 Civil and Mechanical JonesiCarter 6330 West Loop South, Suite ISO Bellaire, Texas 77401 Texas Board of Profess oral Engineers Realstradon No. F-439 Civil and Mechanical XEITH ALLEN OTONrOR .........................! i.9�._ 99934 AECOM Technical Services, Inc. 19219 Katy Freeway, suite 100 HOUftOn, Texas 77094 Texas Board of Proressional En&gers Registration No, F4580 1C lob NO.0999"001-00 Page 1 of 9 Request for Proposal No.1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 1 to amend the SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS for construction of 6 MGD SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT for BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTHORITY In CHAMBERS COUNTY, TEXAS March 28, 2018 Electrical - Low Voltage Instrumentation J1i p- 3/,2111? SEAN ERIC MCMILLAI 9` 104711 rf�� ll�ti sS,ON Jones I Carter Jones Carter 6330 West Loop South, Suite 150 6330 West Loop South, Suite 150 Bellaire, Texas 77401 Bellaire, Texas 77401 Texas Board of Professional Engineers Registration No F 439 Texas Board of Professional Engineers Registration No F 439 Electrical - Medium Voltage ...............: CI ipNG r BA1AN .................-F 3t- I t g 108528 �4� 1>ti� SJONAI JoneslCarter 6330 West Loop South, Suite 150 Bellaire, Texas 77401 Texas Board of Professional Engineers Registration No F-439 1C Job No. 09986-0001-00 Page 2 of 9 Request for Proposal No. 1 Request for Proposal No. 1 covers the following changes to the technical specifications and construction drawings. The changes below were completed and Issued in accordance with the Fourth Amendment of the Professional Services Agreement between Jones & Carter, Inc. and Baytown Area Water Authority dated January 23, 2014. The specific task or appendix item number associated with the change Is noted below. Task No. 3 The specifications were modified to change the programmer from the engineer to the contractor. The training and testing language was also modified to add more submittals and testing to ensure we receive a quality product that is thoroughly tested. The scopes of supply and responsibility for the contractor, engineer, and owner have been clarified. SECTION No. 13401— Plant Monitoring and Control System General Requirements SECTION No.13402 — Plant Monitoring and Control System Factory Testing SECTION No.13403 — Plant Monitoring and Control System Start Up and Field Testing SECTION No.13404 — Plant Monitoring and Control System Training SECTION No. 13441 —Control loop Descriptions SECTION No. 13502 —Computer Network and Human Machine Interface (HMI) Hardware SECTION No. 13504 —Configuration Requirements Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Reports Task No.1 Appendix No. 1: Item No.16E — Eaton vs Square D Package. Medium voltage switchgear specifications have been modified to allow Square 0 as an approved manufacturer for consistency with all low voltage gear and panels. The construction drawings and specificat ons are based on the Square D MasterClad line. All pad mounted transformers will have aluminum windings instead of copper. The lighting fixture schedule has been updated to match the alternate lighting package. SECTION No. 16431— Pad Mounted Transformer SECTION No.16347 —Medium Voltage Metal -Clad Switchgear Task No. i Appendix No. 1: Item No. 02B — Item No. 02F— Remove lime stab 1zed fill materials from the access roads, eliminate earthwork at all future structures, substitute concrete pavement with crushed concrete pavement at non -main drive and roads, and delete portions of concrete pavement as shown. SHEET 0-C-1- Civil Details Sheet 1 of 8 SHEET 1-C43 - Paving & Grading Sheet 1 of 20 SHEET 1-C-44 - Paving & Grading Sheet 2 of 20 SHEET 1-C-45 - Paving & Grading Sheet 3 of 20 SHEET 1-C-46 - Paving & Grading Sheet 4 of 20 JC Job No. 09986-0001-00 Page 3 of 9 Request for Proposal No. 1 SHEET 1-C-47 - Paving & Grading Sheet 5 of 20 SHEET 1-C-48 - Paving & Grading Sheet 6 of 20 SHEET i-C-49 - Paving & Grading Sheet 7 of 20 SHEET 1-C-50 - Paving & Grading Sheet 8 of 20 SHEET 1-C-51- Paving & Grading Sheet 9 of 20 SHEET 1-C-52 - Paving & Grading Sheet 10 of 20 SHEET 1-C-53 - Paving & Grading Sheet it of 20 SHEET 1-C-54 - Paving & Grading Sheet 12 of 20 SHEET 1 C-55 - Paving & Grading Sheet 13 of 20 SHEET 1-C-56 Paving & Grading Sheet 14 of 20 SHEET 1-C-57 - Paving & Grading Sheet 15 of 20 SHEET 1-C-58 Paving & Grading Sheet 16 of 20 SHEET 1-C-59 - Paving & Grading Sheet 17 of 20 SHEET 1 C-60 Paving & Grading Sheet 18 of 20 SHEET 1-C-61- Paving & Grading Sheet 19 of 20 SHEET 1-C-02 - Paving & Grading Sheet 20 of 20 Task No.1 Appendix No.1: Item No. 026 — Remove clay liner from forebay SHEET 3-C-1— Forebay and Sludge Lagoon Sections. Task No.1 Appendix No. is Item No. 02H — Delete scope associated with second lagoon. Sludge Lagoon Nos.1 and 2 are now shown as future projects. Construct Sludge Lagoon No. 3 and route the 6" PVC-BW (see Item No. 11) and 4" PVC-SL lines to Sludge Lagoon No. 3. SHEET 1-C-4 — Proposed Site layout SHEET 1-C-29 — Yard Piping Sheet 10 of 16 SHEET 0-E-16 — Electrical Conduit Schedule Sheet 6 of 14 SHEET 1-E-7 — Electrical Site Plan Sheet 6 of 11 SHEET 1-E-11— Electrical Site Plan Sheet 10 of 11 SHEET 15-E-1— Sludge Lagoons Instrumentation Plan SHEET 15-1-1 —Sludge Lagoons MID SHEET 27-1-2 — Potable Water Loop MID Sheet 2 of 2 JC Job No. 09986-0001-00 Page 4 of 9 Request for Proposal No.1 Task No. 1 Appendix No.1: Item No. 11— Delete the backwash clarifier and maintenance building: The maintenance building is now shown as a future project. Provide a 40' x 40' crushed concrete pad In place of the maintenance building as shown. Provide stub outs on the 4" PVC -SS and 2" PVC-PW lines south of the maintenance building. The Backwash Clarifier Is now shown as a future project. Route the forcemaln piping from the Backwash Pump Station to Sludge Lagoon No. 3. Change the 4" DI-BW line to a 6" DI-BW for the referenced Backwash Pump Station forcemain. All duct bank for electrical, Instrumentation, and security associated with the backwash clarifier and maintenance building has been modified to stop at the closet pull box. All wire is replaced with pull string for future expansion. SHEET 1-C-6 — Horizontal Control Sheet 1 of 15 SHEET 1-C-9 — Horizontal Control Sheet 4 of 15 SHEET 1-C-12 — Horizontal Control Sheet 8 of 1S SHEET 1-C-16 — Horizontal Control Sheet 13 of 15 SHEET 1-C-25 — Yard Piping Sheet 6 of 16 SHEET i-C-28 —Yard Piping Sheet 9 of 16 SHEET i-C-29 -- Yard Piping Sheet 10 of 16 SHEET 1-C-37 — Yard Piping Cross Sections Sheet 2 of 2 SHEET 20-A-5 — Maintenance Building Typical Wall Sections SHEET 21-A-2.1— Maintenance Building Floor Plan SHEET 21-A-2.2 — Maintenance Building Mezzanine and Enlarged Plans SHEET 21-A-3—Maintenance Building Roof Plan SHEET 21-A-4 —Maintenance Building Exterior Elevations SHEET 13-S-2 — Backwash Equalization Basin and Pump Station — Deck Plan SHEET 14-S-1-- Backwash Clarifier Platform SHEET 14-S-2 — Backwash Clarifier and Sludge Pump Station Section and Details SHEET 14-5-3 — Backwash Clarifier Platform Sections and Details-1 of 2 SHEET 14-S-4 — Backwash Clarifier Platform Sections and Details — 2 of 2 SHEET 21-S-1— Maintenance Building Foundation Plan SHEET 21-S-2 — Maintenance Building Mezzanine Framing Plan SHEET 21-S-3 — Maintenance Building Roof Framing Plan SHEET 21-S-4 — Maintenance Building Sections —Sheet 1 of 2 SHEET 21-S-5 — Maintenance Building Sections — Sheet 2 of 2 SHEET 13-M-1— Backwash Equalization Basin, Pump Station & Clarifier Plan SHEET 13-M-2 — Backwash Equalization Basin, Pump Station & Clarifier Sections SHEET 14-M-1— Backwash Sludge Pumps 1C Job No. 09986-0001-00 Page S of 9 Request for Proposal No.1 SHEET 20-M-2 — Operations Building Area i Enlarged Plan SHEET 20-M-3 —Operations Building Area 2 Enlarged Plan SHEET 2D-M4 — Operations Building Area 3 Enlarged Plan SHEET 20-M-S — Operations Building Area 4 Enlarged Plan SHEET 20-M-6 — Operations Building Area 5 Enlarged Plan SHEET 20-M-7 — Operations Building Piping Elevations — Sheet 1 of 2 SHEET 20-M-8 — Operations Building Piping Elevations —Sheet 2 of 2 SHEET 20-M-16 — Operations Building Area 1 Mechanical Piping Isometric SHEET 20-M-17 — Operations Building Areas 1002 & 1003 Mechanical Piping Isometric SHEET 20-M-18 — Operations Building Areas 1004 & 1005 Mechanical Piping Isometric SHEET 20-M-19 —Operations Building Areas 1006 & 1007 Mechanical Piping Isometric SHEET 21-P-1— Maintenance Building Plumbing Plan SHEET 21-BM-1— Maintenance Building Mechanical Plan SHEET 0-E-4 —Operations Building One -Line Diagram Sheet 1 of 2. SHEET O-E-S — Operations Building One -Line Diagram Sheet 2 of 2. SHEET 0-E-6 — Operations Building Electrical Load Analysis. SHEET 0-E-7 — Primary Electrical Building Low Voltage One -Line Diagram SHEET 0-E-16 — Electrical Conduit Schedule Sheet 6 of 14 SHEET 0-E-22 — Electrical Conduit Schedule Sheet 12 of 14 SHEET 0-E-38 — Lighting Panel Board Sheet 1 of 3 SHEET 0-E-40 — Lighting Panel Board Sheet 3 of 3 SHEET 0-E-41— Plant Site Lighting One -Line Diagram SHEET 1-E-2 — Electrical Site Plan Sheet i of 11 SHEET 1-E-5 — Electrical Site Plan Sheet 4 of 11 SHEET 1-E-14 — Duct Bank Section Sheet 1 of 2 SHEET 1-E-15 — Duct Bank Section Sheet 2 of 2 SHEET 13-E-1— Backwash Equalization Power & Instrumentation Plan SHEET 14-E-1— Backwash Clarifier Electrical & Instrumentation Plan SHEET 14-E-2 — Backwash Sludge Pump Station Electrical & Instrumentatlon Plan SHEET 21-E-1— Maintenance Building Power & Security Pan SHEET 21-E-2 — Maintenance Building Lighting Plan JC Job No. 09986-0001-00 Page 6 of 9 Request for Proposal No.1 SHEET 21-E-3 — Maintenance Building Grounding Plan SHEET 0-1-4 — Network Architecture Diagram — Sheet 2 of 2 SHEET 0-1-5 —Security & Access Control Architecture Diagram SHEET 13-1-1— Backwash Equalization Basin and Transfer Pump Station P&ID SHEET 14-1-1— Backwash Clarifier and Sludge Transfer Pumps P&ID SHEET 20A-1-1— Ferric Chloride Chemical System P&ID SHEET 20H-1-1— Cationic Polymer System P&ID Task No.1 Appendix No.1: Item No.16D— Change five type "D" manholes to type "C". The medium voltage pull box details have been modified to show a change in size and construction for the 6 remaining medium voltage man holes. SHEET 0-E-25 — Medium Voltage Miscellaneous Electrical Details Sheet 1 of 3 SHEET 0-E-25A — Medium Voltage Miscellaneous Electrical Details Sheet 1 of 3 Task No.1 Appendix No. 2: Item No.16E — Eaton vs Square D Package. Medium voltage switchgear specs have been modified to allow Square D as an approved manufacturer for consistency with all low voltage gear and panels. Plans and specs are based on the Square D MasterClad line. All pad mounted transformers will have aluminum windings Instead of copper. The lighting fixture schedule has been updated to match the alternate lighting package. SHEET 0-E-42 — Electrical Lighting Fixture Schedule SHEET 20-E-6 — Operations Building Area 5 Enlarged Power & Instrumentation Plan SHEET 20-1-9 — Operations Building lighting Plan Sheet 3 of 3 SHEET 20-E-19 — Operations Building Grounding Plan SHEET 20-E-20 — Operations Building MCC Layout SHEET 22-E-3 — Primary Electrical Building Low Voltage Power Plan SHEET 22-E-4 — Primary Electrical Building Instrumentation Plan SHEET 22-E-5 — Primary Electrical Building Lighting, Receptacle & Security Plan SHEET 22-E-6 — Primary Electrical Building Grounding Plan SHEET 22-E-7—Primary Electrical Building MCC Layout SHEET 22-E-9 — Primary Electrical Building Medium Voltage Swltchgear'B' Layout SHEET 23-E-1-- High Service Pump Station Electrical Building Power Plan SHEET 23-E-2 — High Service Pump Station Electrical Building Instrumentation Plan SHEET 23-E-3 — High Service Pump Station Electrical Building Lighting, Receptacle & Security Plan SHEET 23-E-4 — High Service Pump Station Electrical Building Grounding Plan SHEET 23-E-5 — High Service Pump Station Electrical Building MCC Layout JC Job No. 09986-0001-00 Page 7 of 9 Request for Proposal No. i SHEET 24-E-1- Low Lift Pump Station Electrical Building Power Plan SHEET 24-E-2- Low Lift Pump Station Electrical Building Instrumentation Plan SHEET 24-E-3 - Low Lift Pump Station Electrical Building Lighting, Receptacle & Security Plan SHEET 24-E-4- Low Lift Pump Station Electrical Building Grounding Plan SHEET 24-E-S - Low Lift Pump Station Electrical Building MCC Layout Task No. i Appendix No.1: Item No.16F - Delete redundant MV feeder and transformer. All redundant pad mounted transformers, medium voltage duct bank and medium voltage manholes, and redundant medium voltage switchgear have been removed. The low voltage MCCs have been updated to show single incoming feed with no tie breaker and no interlocks. The medium distribution design will not change between the Utility service and the distribution switchgear "B". SHEET 0-E-3 - Primary Electrical Building Medium Voltage One -Line Diagram 2 SHEET 0-E-3A - Primary Electrical Building Medium Voltage One -Line Diagram 2 SHEET 0-E-4 - Operations Building One -Line Diagram Sheet 1 of 2. SHEET 0-E-7 -Primary Electrical Building Low Voltage One -Line Diagram SHEET 0-E-8 - High Service Pump Station One -Line Diagram SHEET 0-E-9 - Low Lift Pump Station One -Line Diagram SHEET 0-E-18 - Electrical Conduit Schedule Sheet 8 of 14 SHEET 0-E-23 - Electrical Conduit Schedule Sheet 13 of 14 SHEET 1-E-3 - Electrical Site Plan Sheet 2 of 11 SHEET 1-E-4 - Electrical Site Plan Sheet 3 of it SHEET 1-E-5 - Electrical Site Plan Sheet 4 of 11 SHEET 1-E-6 - Electrical Site Plan Sheet 5 of 11 SHEET 1-E-7 - Electrical Site Plan Sheet 6 of 11 SHEET 1-E-8 - Electrical Site Plan Sheet 7 of 11 SHEET 20-E-6 - Operations Building Area 5 Enlarged Power & Instrumentation Plan SHEET 20-E-19 - Operations Building Grounding Plan SHEET 22-E-3 - Primary Electrical Building Low Voltage Power Plan SHEET 22-E-4 - Primary Electrical Building Instrumentation Plan SHEET 22-E-5 - Primary Electrical Building Lighting, Receptacle & Security Van SHEET 22-E-6 - Primary Electrical Building Grounding Plan SHEET 22-E-9 - Primary Electrical Building Medium Voltage Switchgear'W Layout SHEET 23-E-1- High Service Pump Station Electrical Building Power Plan JC lob No. 09986-0001-00 Page 8 of 9 Request for Proposal No. 1 SHEET 23-E-2 — High Service Pump Station Electrical Building Instrumentation Plan SHEET 23-E-3 — High Service Pump Station Electrical Building Lighting, Receptacle & Security Plan SHEET 23-E-4 — High Service Pump Station Electrical Building Grounding Plan SHEET 24-E-1— Low Lift Pump Station Electrical Building Power Plan SHEET 24-E-2 — Low Lift Pump Station Electrical Building Instrumentation Plan SHEET 24-E-3 — Low Lift Pump Station Electrical Building Lighting, Receptacle & Security Plan SHEET 24-E-4 — Low Lift Pump Station Electrical Building Grounding Plan SHEET 0-I-3 — Network Architecture Diagram — Sheet 1 of 2 SHEET 0-1-4 — Network Architecture Diagram — Sheet 2 of 2 Task No.1 Appendix No.1: Item No.16J — Change duct bank concrete from 3000psl to 2000psi. The concrete encased duct bank now has a requirement of 2000psi. SHEET 0-E-31— Electrical Details Sheet 3 of 9 Task No. 2 Reroute the sample waste stream system to change the disposal point from the sanitary sewer lift station to the sludge lagoon. Install a 6° PVC-DL from the sample waste stream Inside the Operations Building to a manhole north of the Pulsed Bed Clarifier as shown. SHEET 1-C-25 — Yard Piping Sheet 6 of 16 SHEET 1-C-25A — Yard Piping Sheet 6A of 16 SHEET 20-P-1— Operations Building 1" Floor Plumbing Plan SHEET 20-1-1— Process Analyzer KID Self Backwash Filters Provide a Flow Meter Chamber as shown and move all piping and valves from the Effluent Chamber Into the Fvw Meter Chamber. Provide an access ladder into the chamber, handrails and re-route the filter -to -waste line to the Filter -To -Waste Drop Box. Remove the electric actuator valve stems. SHEET 8-M-1— Self Backwash Filter Plan El 26.0 SHEET 8-M-2 — Self Backwash Filter Plan SHEET 8-M-3 —Self Backwash Filter Section Sheet 1 of 2 SHEET 8-M-4 — Self Backwash Filter Section Sheet 2 of 2 SHEET 8-E-1— Self Backwash Filter Power & Instrumentation Plan End of Request for Proposal No.1 1C Job No. 099864)001-00 Page 9 of 9 Request for Proposal No.1 Baytown Area Water Authority "> Change Order No. 7 6 MCD Surface Water Treatment Plant &ief DMrIpHon of Changes: 91ris diange order Is issued as value enginv%ring opltons (or the RAWA 6 MCD Sur(aLe Water'l rvahncnt Plan) ("The scope of Change f-Wer NO 01 is limited to items 1.14, as shown in Request for Proposal No I, dual March 2$ 2018 and Addendum No I tv Request fur 1'roppsai No. I slated April 10, 2018 Issued by Junes and Carter thk statuient was added after BAWA and Cauucil approval) Add nr neletp Ilentsj (tern Description Unit Quantity Unit Price nita1 1 Remove lime atabilind Pill Materials from Ronde 1 (275,(XIIt.R(I) S (275,(IRO.(U)) 2 rliminnte earthwork at all future sirtictures 1 (1,20O.MOM) 3 Substitute concrete pavement with cruvlted i concrete lawement a1 twin main drive and % roads 18,242 1 (110,0001)0) $ (II0,W0.00). 4 Delete Concrete I'avernent 1811t10 I (90,(W0.00) $ (90,1100.OD)l g Rr.move Clay Liner from forebay 1 (125,000.00) S (I25,0000)) 6 delete stoic assucialed with second lagoon I (75,f1110.00) 8 (75,tIIl0.R0)t 7 Delett• horizontal control joints In allowed fur continuous pour walls I (I5,UOO.OU) $ (15,OnUO)' P. delete W A%wash clarifier t (650,M1.00) $ (GriQ00RtN)ji 9 delete maintenance building I (850,000.OD) $ (8500110.00j III Change 5 Type " D' Manholes to I ype C 1 (72,000.00) $ (72,RRO.00) I I talon V, Square D pxkage 1 (333,600.00) $ (333,600.(10)� 12 Woe redundani (ceder anal tnnsfutmer 1 (610,600.00) $ (610,1100.00)r 1.1 DeleIN getteralor aixl gear 1 (1,65r8,1W0.111t) $ (1,658,00t .M) 14 C'lwmhe ductbank unnrete front 3000psi In r 1 2000ps I (.Inpixlium) $ (3R,(k)O (111) Total $ (6,093,600.00) 0tract Sunwtary: Original Contract Ih)ee 5 5z I86,i100 0.'• Previous Change Ordeix $ 'I his Change Order $ ((%Ilt)3,600.00) Revved Contract Price S 46,092,400.01 urigirwl Contract Duration - 1095 Previoue Time Nxtensruns 0 'I11tc Change Order I) Revised Contract Dilution - Calendar Days 1095 i z I Pepper Lat nn Date 4a / 0 zr /0 Director of h ante Date )ones and Cartev Tate PLW waterworks June 21, 2014 Mr. Ajay Shakyaver Assistant Director Baytown Area Water Authority The City of Baytown 2401 Market St. Baytown, TX 77520 RE: Baytown Area Water Authority Construction of 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant PLW Project No. P3T Proposed Change Order 0#007 Escalation Rev I Dear Mr. Shakyaver, As discussed with the City nunterous times prior to Contract Award, at the Preconstruction/Award meeting, ill rnany meetings and previous CPR drafts reviewed with the City over the past year, and in the entail dated July 24, 2018 - PLW is requesting reimbursement of escalation costs caused by the VIYaward delay with regards to the SWP Project. To filrther delve into this request, please consider its merit based on the following: PLW originally bid to the City of Baytown on September 21", 2017 for the above referenced project. 'I he Contract was awarded to PLW on May 161I, 2018; almost a full eight months after bidding. 'I he award of the project was delayed due to budgetary constraints for the City of Baytown, despite PLW's low bid via the publicilump- suln competitive process. During this time, the City engaged JoneslCarter & PLW to work towards value engineering items, of which PLW effectively reduced the hid amount upwards of $61MM. i lowever, due to the age of the bid and rnany iterations of requests to the subcontracting community and consternation about award/VE proceeding`ete., PLW's selected vendors subcontractors requested price increases caused by this delay. PLW continually kept the City informed of the escalation charges and worked diligently to mitigate such charges to the City, identifying possible risk trade, while also exploring alternatives to provide a solution for the City. Please see the attached email from July 24, 2018, that further explains as such Through these efforts, PLW was able to mitigate the ovcnvhelming majority of escalation charges from various vendors including rebar, process equipment, metal buildings, concrete, earthwork and electrical just to name a few. 1725 Hughes Landing Blvd., Suite 1200 The Woodlands, TX 77380 (281) 007-8600 fax: (713) 521.0386 Equal Opportunity Employer waterworks However, with respect to several specific scopes of work, PLW was unsuccessful in attempting to avoid escalation for the City. It should also be noted that PI W included no escalation of its own work and only seeks reimbursement for subcontractor/vendor trades that have affected its bid and could not be determined at the time of VE. "Therefore, PLW is submitting this Change Order request to pursue the reimbursement from the City for the increased construction cost due to these issues. Below IS a summary of each item that has been included in the following change: Line #1 Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals Escalation. Selected Vendor (Seguin Fabricators) bid to PLW for the BAWA Job on September 26' , 2017 at a price of $341,926.00. PLW received a revised price of $411.833 00 on June 5 ', 2018 (20 days after NTP) Escalation Cost is $69,907.00. Line #2 Masonry Escalation Selected Bidder (GWS Services) bid to PLW fur BAWA Job on September 25", 201' at a price of $576,632.00 (Maintenance Building Deduc:ton of $92,857.00 on October 17"', 2017). PLW received a revised price of $605,631 (Maintenance Buildiag Deduction of $92,857.00) on June 25"', 2018 (40 duffs after NTP). Escalation Cost is $28,999 00. However, this new bid included incomplete scope when compared to the original, and PLW successfully negotiated m till another bidder, for a complete nnasunry scope without further additional price increases over the escalation Line 43 Canopy Fsealation Selected Vendor (Aluminum Technology) bid to PLW for BAWA Job on September 25� , 2017 at a price of $93,999.00 (Maintenance Building l)eduction of S 18,510.00) PLW received a revised price of $96,150.00 on June 28", 2018 (43 days after NTP). Escalation Cost is $2,151 00 Line #4 Fence Escalation Selected Vendor (National Fence) bid to PLW for BAWA Job on September 2l", 2017 at a price of $125,095.00 (Maintenance Building Deduction of S1,200.00) PLW iecei%ed a revised price of $139.460.00 on July 13"', 2018 (MB Deduction of $1,540 00) (58 clays after N rP). Escalation Cost is $14,025.00 1125 Hughes Landing Blvd. Suite 1200 The Woodlands, TX 77380 (281) 907.8600 Fax. (713) 521.0386 Equal Opportunity Employer waterworks Line #5 Elevator Escalation Selected Vendor (Thyssenkrupp) bid to PLW for Baytown Job on September 25", 2017 at a price of $82,750.00, PLW received a revised price of $88,250.00 on August 6'h, 2018 (82 days after NTP). Escalation Cost is S5.500.00. Line #6 Prefabricated Trench Drain Fscalation Selected Vendor (ACO) bid to PLW for Baytown Job on September 20", 2017 at a price of $83,314.00. PLW received a revised price of $94,529.00 on August 10"', 2018 (84 days after N 1 I'). Fscalation Cost is $1 1,215 00. Line #7 Bathroom & Toilet Accessories and Specialties Escalation Selected Bidder (Glaze & Associates) bid to PLW for Baytown Job on September 6, 2017 at a price of $27,316.00, PLW received a price of $30,724 00 on January 17, 2019 (151 clays PRIOR to NTP). Fscalation Cost is $3,408.00. Line 48 Emergency Diesel Generator The emergency diesel generator was deleted from the scope via Value Engineering and was added back to the project in October 2018 (150 days after NTP) via Change Order 3. The City instructed PLW that this work MUST be reinserted at the original VE amount, despite PLW informing the City of escalation. PLW was notified by Cummins that there was an escalation of $58,000 when PI. W reissued the purchase order to Cummins. Escalation Cost is $58,000. Line 49 Piping Material Selected Vendor (Cohen) bid to PLW for the Baytown Project piping and valve package on September 26i1`, 2017 at a price of S 1,652,529.67. However, due to the delay with award and volatility in pricing of steeliplastic Cohen's price increased by $50,000 at time of award. Escalation Cost is $50,000- 1725 Hughes Landing Blvd., Suite 1200 The Woodlands, TX 77380 (281) 907.8600 Fax (713) 521.0386 Equal Opportunity Employer PtW waterworks In total, the above line items have resulted in an unavoidable cost increase of $243,205.00 to PL%% for VEldetays that it was not contributory to and has openly communicated with the City about since the original bid, and therefore seeks reimbursement as appropriate. Please feel free to contact me at (713) 301-8637 if you have any further questions Regards, PLW Waterworks eem q9- Katy Drown Project Manager 1725 Hughes Landing Blvd„ Suite 1200 The Woodlands, TX 77380 (281) 907.8600 • Pax. (713) 521-0386 Equal Opportunity Employer Nmloun 1rto Water lulbarily Ilr%%%A 6 %1(:11 Sur race %%jw Treatment Plan RA% A Job \o. IRI6021 Subcontractor and % mldor Escalation Scoot.ef a'nrk Subeontractur and Vendor Fssalation Mir" l" is I swwtmal Steel and Miccelhneao Mash Fw4wian 2 i.fssra+ry F.ecalatioa 3 Ceoop&a Panlm.on 4 ponce Fscataiw. 3 Jevaw Bsealmaal 6 Preflbrkatcd Trcacb Drain 1 Bathroom A Tb+kt Acccu"m W Sprcisbks Finalat{oo 1 ka+ugoncy DKSO acaenfoc 9 Pinin Annul LS LS LS IS LS LS 13 LS LS Nan laird _ Narrrlal 1 mr 1 an l N Cn. CPR Ns: pry 041e•. IVI Sf 19 PI Al Jnb Ya, pJT . Sabcnnrract 7a.ed UnY t4wt. . Lau 91 1 t,nil rrow S 69.907A0 $ 69.90700 S 29,999.00 i 21.999110 S 2.131.00 s 2.13 t 00 3 an23.00 s 14p25m s 3.SOo.00 s s faaao f 11213.00 s 11.2000 s 3,408.00 s VAnc00 i 58,000.00 s 3%,1Mm ao s 50,000.00 s "wo 00 A —,to d..b.d.d •43.21ce INl NwIl lank q!00' I.gwporwn M .t:n qua u a Lf . •NN. ., a Ott I n.nhewl.4 krotinr Y. 11u1}h } In+uancc Y.103s 'total I.1 o•. mn, Grand ror:d Cost 14.1,205 00 tvo a oEGUIN FABRICATORS, Ltd. P.O. BOX 1230 SEGUIN, TEXAS 78156-1230 ph.830/379-4129 fax 830/379-0685 r 1 TO: BID DATE: 9/26/2017 10:00 AM ATTM PROPOSAL #: 17413 I PH: HNO/ARCH: Jones -Carter FAX: PROJECT: BAWA 6 MOD Surface WTP LOCATION: Baytown, Texas Sect. 1. We propose to furnish, subject to the germs and -conditions included herein, the mWtW described in the proposal from plan shoot and speolticatlons, with Addenda 1 thru 8 noted, in accordance with the Standard Practioc of the American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. Sect. 2. We include the famishfag and/or fabrication of the following: ITEM FINISH QTY. DBSCRrMON Raw Water intake Screens 1 Mill 2 ea S/S 316 Bar Screens 2 Milt 2 ea Aluminum Stop Log Racks (D, P12-S-2) 3 Galy 1 ea Level Transducer Mount (1/2.5-2) 4 Anodize 501f Aluminum 2-Line Handrail wl Chain Link Gate & Safety Chains (210S-5, 2-S-1) 5 Mill 12 of Aluminum Grating (2-S-1) 6 Mill 23 1f Aluminum Embed for Grate Support (2-S-1) LAO PM(ftPrrarp,SYadon 7 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Ladder +/-20" Long (4-S-1, A/4-9-3, 8/0-S-0 8 Mill 170 sf Aluminum Grating (4-5-1) 9 Mill 54 If Aluminum Embed Support for Orating (4-S-1) 10 Anodize 180 If Aluminum 2-Line Guardrail (4-S-1) 11 Mill 22 ca Cast Iron Stair Nosings (5/0-S-7) 12 GOV 1 ea Level Transducer Mount (1/2-S-2, 4-M-1) rl 12A Mill 1 on, Cover Plata @ Future Pump (4-1441) Pulsed led CkyVer 13 Mill 635 sf Aluminum Orating (6.5-2) 14 Mill 155 if Aluminum Embed for Orate Support (6-S-2) 15 Mill 3 ea Aluminum Grate Support Beam (6-S-2) 16 (WV 2 ea Mixer Support Beam (6-S-2) 17 Mill 2 ea Aluminum Stair Support Beam (6-S-2,1/6-S-3) 18 Mill 2 ea Aluminum ,Hatch 36 x 36 (6-S-2) 19 Mill I ea Aluminum stairway to Opeiv ion Bldg Balcony +/- 5'-2 High (6-S-2) 20 Mill 2 ea Aluminum Stairway +/- Y-2 High (6-8-2) 21 Mill 2 ca s/s 316 Ladders +/- 21' Long (B/6-S-4, F/6-S-6) 22 Anodize 276 If Aluminum 2-Line Guardrail (644) Page 1 of 4 23 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Platform 5' x 12' w/Knoe Brace Supports (6-5-2, W64-6) Dis14 edlon Baste 24 Mill 2 as Aluminum Hatch 60 x 60 (7-5.1) 25 Mill 6 ea Aluminum Hatch 36 x 36 (7-5.1) 26 Anodize 157 If Aluminum 2-Line Guardrail (7-S-1, 210-S-5) 27 Mill 1 ea Cost Iron Stair Nosing (Notes 3/7-8-1, 5/0-S-7) SeVAackrrkrsk Filter 28 Mill I va Aluminum Stairway+/- 2' High (A/8-S-5) 29 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Stairway +/. 9'-I 1 High (8-3-3) 30 Mill 1 BA Aluminum Stairway +/-2'-5 High (8-5-3) 31 Mill I ea Aluminum, Landing Platform 5' x 131.10 (8.5.3) 32 Mill I as Aluminum Landing Platform 31 x 5' (8-5-3) 33 Mill I ea e/s 316 Ladder +/ 14' Long (8.5-3) 34 Mill 1 ea s/a 316 Ladder +/ 23' Long (8.5-3) 35 Anodize 404 If Aluminum 2.I1ne Handrail (8.5.3) 36 Mill 1 va Aluminum Hatch 24 x 24 (8.5-3) 37 Mill 2 ea Aluminum Hatch 36 x 36 (8-S-3) 38 Mull 3 ea Aluminum Hatch 60 x 60 (8-5-3) 39 Mill 233 of Aluminum Grating (8-5.3) 40 Mill 56 if Aluminum Embed for Orating Support (8-5-3) 41 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Grating Support Channel (Note 7/8-5-3) Van41er Puaep ft don 42 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Hatch 30 x 30 (9-5-1) 43 Milt I ea s/s 316 Ladder +/-17' Long w/ Ladder Extension (9-5-1) 44 Anodize 74 If Aluminum 2-Lino Guardrail (9 S-1) 45 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Cover Plate ® Future Pump (9M-1, 3/0.5-8) Sludge Pump Station 45A Galy 12 an Precast Connection. Plates (12-5-1,310-8-i) Backwash ,ggnalhNion Basle 46 Mill 1 ens Aluminum Stairway +/-4"'-7 High (13-5-2) 47 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Landing Platform 4' x 5' (1.3 S-2) 48 Mill 20 sf Aluminum Grating (I. 3-5-2) 49 Anodise 260 If Aluminum 2-Line Guardmi' (13-9-2) Backwash C1a�lfier 50 Mill I to Aluminum Stairway +/- 11' High (14-5-1) 51 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Stairway+/ 13'-9 High (14-5-1) 52 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Landing PlatfrnTn 4 x 10 (14-5-1) Includes Support Cols & Bracing 53 Mill I ea Aluminum Landing Platform 4 x 5 (14-5-1) Includes Support Cols & Bracing 54 Mill 1 on Aluminum Work Platform 4 x 15 (1".1) Includes Support Cols & Knee Braces 55 Hit 2 ea Aluminum Work Platform 4 x 20-5 (14-5-1) Includes Support Cols & Knee Braces 56 Mill 280 of Aluminum Grating (14-5-1) 57 Anodize 238 If Aluminum 2-Line Quardrail (14-5-1) Sludge PUIRP Station 58 Mill 4 ea a/s 316 Lateral Pipe Supports (14-5-2, 0-M-2) 59 Gely 16 ea Precast Connection Plates (14-5-2, 3/0-31) Pago 2 of 4 60 Ga1v 6 ea Precast Wall-to-SIab Connection Angles (1/14.5 2) Decant Stractare 61 Mill 48 sf Aluminum (crating (15-5.1) 62 Mill 18 if Aluminum Embed Support for Orating (15-S-1) 63 Mill 26 if Aluminum 2-Lino Guardrail (I5-S-1) StorrmvaterpuHip Stedon 64 Mill 2 as s/s 316 Lateral Pipe Supports (18-S-1, 0-M-2) rl 64A Galy 12 oa Precast Connection Plates (18-B-1, 3/0-S-1) Sanitary Senper LP Station 65 Mill 3 ea Ws 316 Lateral Pipe Supports (19-S-1, 0-M-2) rl 65A Caly 8 ea Precast Connection Plates (19-S-1, 3/0-S-1) Operations Building 66 Galy 12 ea Pipe Bollards (note 6120-A-2.1, UM-A-0.1) 67 Mill 295 sf IMP Grating Q Pipe Trench (20-5 2) 68 Mill 326 If FRP Embed Support for Grating (20-S-2) 69 Mill 8 ea Aluminum Stairways +/- T-11 High Q Chemical Containment (20-5 2) 70 Mill 4 ea Aluminum Landlag Platforms 4' x * (note 10/z0-S-2) 71 Mill 1601E Alumimrn 2-Line Handrail (a) Stairs & Landings 72 Mill 3 oa Cast Iron Stair Nosing Y Long (20-S -5, 0/20-S-9) 73 Mill 4 Cast iron Stair Nosing x 9' Long (20• &5, C/20-S-10) 74 Mill 4 Cast Iron Stair Nosing x 124 Long (20-S-5, CW-10) 75 Primer 250 If Steel Handrail ® Concrete Stairs & ADA Ramps (20-3-5) 76 Mill 200 If Aluminum Handrail @ Balcony 77 Primer 600 if Pow Stop Angle (Pull 10,000.00) rl -8 GaW 85 of Heekig 0 meebin 79 Primer 30 ea Bmbed Plates @ Machine Room hoof (V20-S-12) 80 Prinier 360 1f Connection Bent PL Angle for Beam to CMU Connection (6,7/20-S-12) 81 Primes 220 if Pour Stop Bent PL Angle ® Balcony (3/20-S-12) 82 Primer 2 ca Preassemblod Stairways w/Landings & Handrails (20-S-3) Midnwounee Building r1 W Rhiker 1- lee , 84 Primer 124 if Pour Stop Angle (@ Mezzanine (D,B/21-S-5) (Pull $2000.00) rl 83 GaW 990 aF Heew" 0 monarfine (21-," rl $S sec M. ea atable Pruner 87 Anodize 35 If Aluminum Guardrail@ Mezzanine 88 Mill 1 ea Preassembled Stairway w/Landing & Handrail (21-A 2.2) Oenerretor 89 Mill 2 ea Aluminum Platform (22-8-4) 90 Mill 2 ea Aluminum Stairways 41- 4'-3 High (22.9 4) 91 Mill 200 sf Aluminum Grating (22-S-4) 92 Mill 82 If Aluminum 2-Lina Guardrail (22.3.4) l? r th®Sum of 341 .00 Note: Bid items and pricing breakdown are for bidding purposes only. This job is, priced for a complete lump sum package. If items need to be doleted, contact Seguin Fabricators for pricing adjustments. Page 3 of 4 Note. This estimate is based on providing a standard riveted manufactured non-weldod 2-line component handrail system. The handrail will be shipped sub -assembled, i.e,, fabricated post with rails In 24'-0" stock lengths for cutting, by others, in the field. The handrail is provided with a clear satin anodized finish. FOB Seguin Fabricators, Ltd, with foil keight allowed on ttuc&s to the nearest accessible point of the jobsite, Baytown, Texas. - Prloes quoted are based on till (approx. 40,000 lbs) shipments. Any variation will be invoiced at freight differential, i.e., split shipments, early releases, alternate destinations, or reduced quantities. WE iLfXCLUD& + Relnforotng steel 6 Texas i Erection • Pipe sleeves, haagors, and supports c Electrical and mechanical opipatent am arts s Field measuremonts s Cast Iron except as specifically Included above • Manufaclu►od hatches except as apechfloally looluded above • Preasat embed ita is except as speoitioally included above ASCB rails • RTU/l1PAC, AoolOpeniag, Cable Tray supports @ Roof additions( costing of jolst, uno (only standard temp primer) items Attached to Storage Tanka (Ladders, Stairs, Platforms, Handrafi Hatches) Unlstrut Channel and Components r Structural Framing @ Maintenance Building o Safety Cages for ladders (nano shown on dwgs) • FWPE Covers far Pipe Bollards (5/20-A-4.1) + Jotat, Decicing & Supporting structure @ Operations Building Second Moor • Pro-eaglueered metal butldings Doslga and/or design calculations • Cost attesting t Isolation ooating of alums nun 0 pipe Straps 0 Pipe and Pump Supports except as spooiRodly included above r Safety RAH & Post on Ladders except as specifically Included above o AISC Quality CaUflosdar Progeom t Bleotdoa! Dotalls except as spcoifically Included above ► Pickling and/or Paselvathng r Polishing ofStalutess Steel • Access Hatches Occurring Above Pumps • Aluminum Canopies @ Self Baeinvash Rlon era & Pipers (Note VA-8 4, Speo !300) Structural Braralug @ Operatons Building Precastf etabricanted Treneb Brain & Cover ('20-K A/20.8.8) r Ladder Mdonslons for Ladders under Hat&ea (none shown on d►vga) r Framing for Pro-Ragineared Buildings r Joust, Decking & Supporting structure @ Maintenance Building Mowntao TERMS: Net 30 days Ootn date of invoice with no retainage, If the Ocneral Contractor requires retainage, Seguin FabriWors, will provide financing adjustments to pricing at time of biddini All involoes are due and payable within Thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Purchaser shall be obligated to pay said invoices even if tho Purchaser is not paid by the Owner, provided the reason for suoh non-payment Is unrelated to the performa nos of Seguin Fabricators. Sect. 3. Acceptance & Approval of Contract This proposal is made for acceptance by you In writing within thirty (30) days iinm bid date and shall become a contract only upon approval by our Contracting Manager, or other authorized personnel, e Sect 4. Doe to steel, stainless steel and aluminum cost increases and surcharges, this quotation Brice is based on September 26, 2017 material pricing. Prices will be good for 30 bays. After that date any Increases in material cost will bo added to contract price. Material to ordered after approval of shop drawings and there could be delays In delivery due to material shortages and availability. SEGUIN FABRICATORS, Ltd. Dean Adams Estimator (ph ext. 216), etnoil deantc+ seguinfabeom Pogo 4 of 4 �EGUIN FABRICATORS, Ltd. P,O. Box 1230 SEQUIN, TEXAS 781WI230 ph. 8301379-4129 fax 830/379-0086 r I T0. BID DATE: 9/20017 10:00 AM ATTN: PROPOSAL#: 17413 Rev 4 PH: ENO/ARCH: Jones -Carter FAX PR0113GT: BAWA 6 MOD Surface WTP LOCATION: Baytown, Texas Seet.1. We propose to furnish, subject to the terms and conditions included herein, the material desoribed in the proposal from plan sheet and specifications, with Addenda 1 tiro 8 doted, in accordance with the Standard Practice of the American Institute of Stool Construction, Inc, Sect, 2. We include the Ibmishing arWor fabrication of the following: ITEM FINISH QTY. DESCRIPTION Raw Water Intake Screens 1 Mill 2 ca S/S 316 Bar Screens 2 Mill 2 ea Aluminum Stop Log Racks (D, Et 2-S-2) 3 Galy 1 ea Level Transducer Mount (1/2-S-2) 4 Anodize 50 if Aluminum 2-Line Handrail w/ Chain Link Ante & Safety Chains (210-S-5, 2-S-L) 5 Mil! 12 sf Aluminum Grating (2-S-1) 6 Mill 23 If Ahw&= Embed for Orate Support (2-S-1) Low L(ft Pump Stafien 7 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Ladder W-20" Long (4-S-1, A/4-S-3, B/0-5-6) 8 Mill 170 sf Aluminum Grating (4-S-1) 9 Mill 54 If Aluminum Embed Support for Grating (4-S-1) 10 Anodize 180 if Aluminum 2-Line Guardrail (4-S-1) I 1 Mill 22 ea Cast Iron Stair Nosing, (5)0-5-7) 12 Galy I ea Level Transducer Mount (W-S-2, 4-M-1) rl 12A Mill 1 on Cover Plate @ Future Pump (4-M-1) .!'relied Bed Claroer 13 Mill 635 sf Aluminum Grating (6-9-2) 14 Mill 155 if Aluminum 1kabed for Grate Support (6-5-2) 15 Mill 3 ea Aluminum Grate Support Beam (6-S-2) 16 Wv 2 ea Mixer Support Beam (6-S-2) 17 Mill 2 ea Aluminum Stair Support Beam (6-S-2,1/6-S-3) 1.8 Mill 2 ea Aluminum Hatch 36 x 36 (6-S-2) 19 Mill I ea Aluminum Stairway to Operation Bldg Balcony +/- 5'-2 High (6-S-2) 20 Mill 2 ea Aluminum Stairway +A 5'-2 High (6-5-2) 21 Mill 2 to sls 316 Ladders +/- 21' Long (B/6-S-4, F16-9-6) 22 Anodize 2761f Aluminwn 2 Line Guardrail (6.5-2) Page I of 4 23 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Platform 5' x 12' w/Knee Brace Supports (6-S-2, B/6-S-6) nlslrtfectlon Baalu 24 Mill 2 ea Aluminum Hatch 60 x 60 (7-5-1) 25 Mill 6 ea Alwninum Hatch 36 x 36 (7-S-1) 26 Anodize 157 If Aluminum 2-Line Guardrail (7-S-1, 210-S-5) 27 MW 1 ea Cast Iron Stair Nosing (Note 317-8-1, 5/0-S-7) se(/'Backrvash FYlter 28 Mill 1 ea Aluminumu Stairway +/- 2' High (A/8-S-5) 29 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Stairway +/- 9-11 High (8-s-3) 30 Mill I BA Aluminum Stairway +/-2'-S High (8-S-3) 31 Mill I ea Aluminwn, Landing Platform 5' x 13'-10 (8-5-3) 32 Mill 1 as Aluminum Landing Platform 3' x 5' (8-S-3) 33 Mill I ea s/s 316 Ladder +/-14' Long (8-S-3) 34 Hit I ea sis 316 Ladder+!- 23' Long (8-S-3) 35 Anodize 404 If Aluminum 2-Lino Handrail (8-S-3) 36 Mill I es Aluminum Hatch 24 x 24 (8-5-3) 37 Mill 2 ca Aluminum Hatch 36 x 36 (8-S-3) 38 Mill 3 ea Alurnioatm Hatch 60 x 60 (8-S-3) 39 Mill 233 sf Aluminum (mfing (8-S-3) 40 Mill 56 1f Aluminum Embed for (crating Support (8-S-3) 41 Milt 1 ea Aluminum (crating Support Cltannol (Note 7/8-S-3) Transfer Pomp Waden 42 Mill I ca Aluminum Hatch 30 x 30 (9-9-1) 43 Mill 1 ea s/s 316 Udder +/-17' Long w/ Ladder Extension (9 S-1) 44 Anodize 74 If AI=lnum 2-Line Guardrail (9-S-1) 45 Mill I oa Aluminum Cover Plato ® Future Pump (9M-1, 310-S-8) Sludgs .rump Radon 454 Oe1v 12 ea Precast Connection Plates (12-S-1, 3/0-S-1) Backwash BquaTlzati'on Basin 46 Mill 1 as Aluminum Stairway+/-4"-7 High (13-S-2) 47 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Landing Platform 4' x 5' (13-S-2) 48 Mill 20 sf Aluminum Orating (13-S-2) 49 Anodize 260 If Aluminum 2-Line Guardrail (13-S-2) Backwash Clar(jter 50 Mill I es Ahuninum Stairway III High (14-S-1) 51 Mill I ca Aluminum Stairway +/-13'-9 High (1"-1) 52 Mill I ea Aluminum Landing Platform, 4 x 10 (14-8-1) Includes Support Cols & Bracing 53 Mill 1 ea Aluminum Landing Platform 4 x 5 (14-S-1) Includes Support Cols & Bracing 54 MiU 1 ea Aluminum Work Platform 4 x 15 (14-S-1) Includes Support Cols & Knob Braces 55 Mill 2 oa Aluminum Wodc Platform 4 x 20'-5 (14-S-1) Includes Support Cols & 1Snoe Braces 56 Mill 280 sf Aluminum Grating (14-&1) 57 Anodize 238 if Aluminum 2-1.1ne Guardrail (14-S-1) Skrdge Powsp Raton 58 Mill 4 ea s/s 316 Lateral Pipe Supports (14-S-2, 0-M-2) 59 Ga1v 16 ea Precast Connection. Plates (14S 2, 3/0-S-1) Page 2 of 4 60 Galy 6 ea Precast Wail -to -Slab Connection Angles (1/14-S-2) Decant Strrtchwe 61 Mill 48 sf Aluminum Gitting (15-S-1) 62 Mill 18 1f Aluminum Bmbed Support for Orating (15-S-1) 63 Mill 26 if Aluminum 2-Line Guardrail (15-S-1) S'tornnvater Pump Stativn 64 Mill 2 ea, s/s 316 Lateral Pipe Supports (18-5-1, 0-M-2) rl 64A Galy 12 ea PrecastConnoctionPlates (18-S-1,3/0-S-1) Sanitary gewer L��Aatlorr 65 MR 3 ea ale 316 lLateral Pipe Supports (19-8-1, O-M-2) rl 65A Oaly 8 ea Precast Connection Plates (19-S-1, 3/0-5-1) OperationsBallding 66 Galy 12 ea Pipe Bollards (note 6/20-A-2.1, V20-A-0.1) 67 Mill 295 sf FRP Grating (a) Pipe Trench (20-5-2) 68 Mill 326 If PRP Embed Support for Graft (20-S-2) 69 Mill 8 ea Aluminum Stairways +/- 2'-11 High ® Chemical Containment (20-S-2) 70 Mill 4 ea Aluminum Landing Platforms 4' x 4' (note 10/20-S-2) 71 Mill 160 If Aluminum 2-Une Handrail ® Stairs & Landings 72 Mill 3 ca Cast rrDn Stair Nosing 5' Long (20-8-5, 0/20-5-9) 73 Mill 4 Cast Iron Stair Nosing x 9' Long (205-5, 020-S-10) 74 Mill 4 Coat Iron Stair Nosing x 12'-9 Long (20-3-5, C/20-S-10) 75 Primer 250 if Steel handrail © Cornareto Stairs &ADA Rmups (20-S-5) 76 Mill 200 If Aluminum Handrail @ Balcony 77 Pruner 600 If Pour Stop Angle rl 78 GeW 83 of peekke@4Aaeltine Ree-alk Rea€{5NO-8-N) 79 Primer 30 ea Embed Plates @ Machine Room Roof (5/20-5-12) 80 Primer 360 If Connection Bent PL Angle for Beam to CMU Connection (6,7/20-S-12) 81 Primer 220 It Pour Stop Bent PL Angle @ Balcony (3120-S-12) 82 Primer 2 ea Preassembled Stairways w/Landings & Handrails (20-S-3) Maintenance BURNISg rl 83 Primer $ W Pcatrto-(C--ols, Befi* (Z I -may 84 Primer 124 If pour Stop Angle @ Mezzanine (D W21-S-5) rl 86 QaIv 908 of De r1 86 Primer 3-1 eQ 3eist 1 87 Anodize 35 If Aluminum Guardrail@ Mezzanine 88 Mill l oa Prmasembled Stairway w/Landing & Handrail (2I-A 2,2) Geveerator 89 Mill 2 as Aluminum Platform (22-S-4) 90 Mil 2 ea Aluminum Stairways +/- 4'-3 High (22-S-4) 91 M111 200 sf Aluminum Grating (22-S-4) 92 Mill 82 If Altuninum 2-Line Guardrail (2244) For lhe Sam of Note: Bid items and pricing breakdown are forbidding purposes only This job is priced for a complete lump suns package. If items need to be deleted, contact Seguin Fabricators forpricing adjustments. Page 3 of 4 Note: This estimate is based on providing a standard riveted manufactured con -welded 2-1ine component handrail system. The handrail will be shipped sub -assembled, i.e., fabricated post with rails in 24-0" stock lengths for cutthlg, by others, in the field. Tha•haudrail Is provided with a clear satin anodized finish. FOB Seguin Fabricators, Ltd., with full freight allowed on trucks to the neatest eeoessible point of the jobsite, Baytown, Texas. - Prices quoted are based on full (approx. 40,000 lbs) shipments. Any variation will be invoiced at freight differential, i.e., split shipments, early releases, alternate destinations, or reduced quantities. WE EXCLUDEi • Roinforehng steel • Taxes • >rt•ocHoa Pipe sleeves, hangers, and supports Electrical and inechRoloat egaipntont supports Field awsurornads • Cast Iron except as specirmlly Included above • Manufactured hatches except as specifically Iooludod above • Precast embed items except as specifically included above • ASCH mile • RTU/HVAC, RoofOpening, Cable Troy supports ®Roof • additional coating of joist, uno (only standard tamp primer) • Items Attached to Storage Tanks (Ladders, Stairs, Platforms, Hnndra((, Batches) • t/ntatrat Channel and Components • Structural Framing ® Maluteaanes Building • safety Cages for Ladders (nobs shatira on dugs) • HDPLr Covers for Pipe Bollards (a/30-A4.1) r Joist, Deddng & Supporting struetaro ® Operations Building Second Floor • Pre-englneered metal buildings • Dealp and/or design calculations + Cost attesting • iaolationCoons oralumibum • Pipe Straps • Pipe and Pump Supports except as specifically included above • Safety Rail 4 Post on Ladders except as allmifically Included above • AISC Quality Certification Program • Electrical Datalle except as speaWcally included above • Pidding and/or Passivotiag • Polishing of stainless Steel • Aceess Hatches OocurriagAbovo Pumps • Aluminum Cnnoples @ Self llaokwaalr Blotirors & Filters (Note 1/8.11-4, Spec 13530) • Structural Framing ® Operations Binding • PrecasVPretabdeated 1Yench Drain & Cover (ZOS-2, A/20-") • Ladder Extensions for Ladders under Hatches (none shown on dwgs) • Framing for PmEnglneered Buildings r Joist, pecking & Supporting struct uro 0 Maintenance Building Maxzanine TERMS: Net 30 days from date of Invoice with no wtainage. If the Oeneral Contractor requires retainage, Seguin Fabricators, will provide financing adjustmonts to pricing at time of bidding All invoices are due and payable wfUdn Thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Purchascr shall be obligated to pay said invoices even if the Purchaser Is not paid by the Owner, provided the reason for such non payment is unrelated to the perfoimance of Seguin Fabricators. Soot: 3. Acceptance & Approval of Contract; This proposal is made for aoeeptanoo by you in writing within thirty (30) days from bid dato and shall become a contract only upon approval by our Contracting Manager, or other authorized personnel. * Sect 4. Due to steel, staltitess tied and aluminum cost increases and surcharges, this quotation price Is based on September 26, 2017 material pricing. Prices will be good for 30 days. After that date any Increases in material cost will be added to contract price. Material is ordered after approval of shop drawings and there could be delays in delivery due to material shortages and availability. SEGUIN FABRICATORS, Ltd. Dean Adams Estimator (ph exL 216), ei nail dean@seguinfab.com Pago 4 of 4 ®EGUIN FABRICATORS, Ltd. P.C. sox 122C SEGUIN. TEXAS 78156.1230 ph- 8301379 4129 fax 8301379.0685 IIIO P.(,IVI I okw1k P(la BID DA Ll:: 66901 10.414) AM A l ft rung t\'ang PROPOSAL -: 1 7.413 11H C 316.111 0541s LNG -ARCH: Junes -Carter F-1t PROJEL'f: HAWA 6 NJUD Surface WTP LOCATION: Dayturwa.l'vaas Sear 1. We propns: to furnish. subject to the terms and conditi,ms included herein, 11w m.rtcrial dcscrihad in the prol,.,�al tium pL1n sheet and xpcuitic:uions, tcirh Addenda I thnl R noted. in acconianwL w idt the Stand;ml Pm.ncc of the \mcrican hwinnc ofStcd C'onstruelion. Inc. Seet 2 We include the funrishing andlor fabricotron of the following - ITEM FINISH QTV. OL-SCRIPTION Raw 111ncr hurike Scrernz - v I Mill J ea S-S 3 1 h Par SLretat 2 \fill 2 ca Aluminum Stop Loy Racks (D, E! 2-S-2t 3 (3;it% I ea Lcwcl Tr nu. luccr Moturt (I+2•S-2) 4 ,\nodi/ 50 If Alumintun ?-Line Handrail w' Chain Link Gate R Safety Chains (210-S-5. 2-S-11 s dill 12 sf Aluminum (hating(2-S•1) 6 Mill 23 If Aluminum Gsnhecl for (;r to Suppon 12-S-I f d 61 mill 2 ca SS316 Olirawnic level pipe sleeve: (sht 2-S-I, 2-5-1) 1.6w, Lj? Prunp Suffili l 7 Milt I ca Aluminum Ladder • -20' L•rng 14•S•1..VJ•S•1. 8 0-S-6) 1 Mill lit) sf Aluminum Ofating(4-S•1) sr Mill 5.1 If Aluminum L.rntivd Support fog Grawig, 11•S•1 t In Arwd,., ISO it Altiminum2LincGitardrtlil0-S-11 1 I Mill 22 ca Cast Iron Sta r Nosing> 15 0.S-7) 12 Gal, I ea Lcw cl Transtloccr Mount (1/2-S-2. 4-M. 1) 12A \Mill 1 ea Cover Platt to Future Pump N•41.1) r3 1211 milt I et SS316 Ulirtsonic level pipe sleeves (shy 4 \t• 1 nu(c 21 prdseJ Bed c riijier 13 Mill 6 -5 sf Aluuunum Graying 16-S-21 la Mill Ili!- If Altnninurnhrubedlot Grate Suppon(6-S•23 t3 13 Mill 4 ca Aluminum Grate Suppon Hwam (6-S-?I 16 Ga, 2 ca Mncr Suppotl Gcam 16-5-2f 17 Mill „' ca AI(nninunl Siair Support Uva n (6 S '. 16-S•3) I8 Mill 2 ca Aluminum I latch 36 x 36 (6•S-21 17 \lilt I ca Aluminum Su nrway to Operauon Mg f)alcuny r . 5'.2 Nigh (6 S 21 2(l Mill 1 ea Aluminum Stoma) +1- 5'-2 High (6-5.2) 21 Mill 2 ca s1s 316 L.adders +I- 21' Lung (H/6-S-4. f+6•S•GI 22 Anodv. 276 If Aluminum 2.1 me Guardrail16 S-'-) 2.1 dill I ea Aluminum Platform S' c 12' x Knee Hracc Supporu (6•S-2. F 6-S 61 Di.rieJertian Rasin 24 Mill 2 raAluminum flmch60x60(7-S-1) 25 Mill 6 co Aluminum Hatch 36 x 36(7 S I ) 26 Anodiz 157 If Aluminum 2-1-ine(ivardnul (7-S 1. ? 0-S-i) 27 Milt I ea Cast Iran titaq Kusimr(Nutt 3/7-S,I 50-S•7► SeljRar'Lunsk !'dui 28 \fill I ea Aluminum Stalnva) I 2' Ihgh (A'X-S-5) 29 \fill I ea ALtuntrtrunStnlrsay+. 7-II High(4-s-3} 30 \fill I rtNAluminum Staira% 1- •2%3 Nigh 1.4-S-3) I MITI I en A1umi nitn, I.anding Platform 5' x 13'-10 (3-S.1) 32 11%1i11 1 ca Aluminum Landing Platform 3' v S' (9•S•3) 33 \lill I ca c c 316 1 allr.hr - 14' I ong 31 Mill I ca s's 316 L..tddLr 2P Lung IS S 31 35 Anodi> 404 If Aluminum 2-1-ine flandrad 18-S.I) 36 Mill I ea Aluminum Hatch 21 x 2d (8-S-31 37 Mill 2 ca Alumumm f latch 36 s 36 IX-S, i) 3S Mill 3 ca Atutm:wm Itatch 60 s 60 (S S 31 lobsitc Address 74.1.1 F\I 140i llaw tnwn. TX 77 T13 k•h ('wu:n t F'hnnc rr r•,s.1.11 Xfill a':\I4nm1 ImnnOrumg14.s..I ml X1114 iG (( uoonm,t:m Fnthed Inc I, rmtn$, Smrpin tX 5 ) 41 .1ill I ea AW111111in11 (ir Iit'(± �)tlpjviI C halmel Ittltc , S•S• It %rrNl�yr:' ihrwp Saualn 1' Mill I ca Alumtum Ifawlit.0; 30O i 11 I I \1111 I e.r i s 316 Ladder • 17' I trnr 1v' Latklcn Lttc-t,nnt t'i-S I! -IS An'tihi 7J li-Mmlimun '_•Line Gowdrnl (9 S 11 .1i \fill I ea AIutntatmt Co\ ei P1;tw 6ii Fmnrre )'troop (1),\I-1 5 0.5.8) Vltr ge Po,uaP Sfudau 45 it (W I% 12 ca Prt,•a;t Cti met min plates 112-S-1. 44S I ) 0 1413 \1 11 ! ca i', 316 L.ut1i11 Pipe Suppun, (1 2 \I 1 u•NI•'_) Ruc6nwirh Eyimli;ariaa Amin 46 Mill I nr Alimonum Stairway+iA'-7 Higb(13•S-2) 47 Mill I ca Aluminum Landing Platform 4' x Y ( 13-5.2) 43 Mill 20 A AluminwnGrating (I3-S•2) 49 Anodic 260 If Aluminum 2-Line Gtmrdrad I13-S-�) r. Haa•Awash Oarilicr (for I t see Matt) 30 Mill I ca Aluminum S(ainsw, It- I I' lligh (14-5.11 31 Mill I ca Ahaninum Stairway +,'. 13.91figh (14-S-I ) 33 Mill I ea Ahnninum Landing Plaubnn -1 it 10 (14-S-1 I l5wimdcs Support Cul+ t Bracing 53 dill I ea Aluuunutn banding Platform 4 x 5 (14-S-I I Int:Itulcs Support CW, C Bracing 34 Mill I as Aluntinunt \York Plattitmt 4,x 15 (14•5-1f Inclit le, Support Colt & Kite I)rrccs 33 Mill 2 ca Alurnmtum Work Pl.afimu) 4 x !1-5 (14-5-11 Inc little, Support Cols Kite Brtccs 56 dill 230 if AlnmimunGritulgtld-S 1) 57 Anudie 238 If Aluminum 2-Lim Gtrardraif 114•S-1 I Sh+tlgr. !'runP Srarioa 51, Mill 4 ea s s 3101 aterll Pilw Support; (14A ', 041 it 59 (ah 16 ca Prcca,i Ctmneciwn Places 414-S 2. 3'r).S-I ) 66 Gah' 6 ca Preca>t Wall tit Slab Conntcliu. :\nyles(1114 S If Dn rurl,5hracrurr of Mill 4x sf AltiminumCrnrmg(15-SAI (12 Mill IV, If',\lununuutlahcdSup(xtnlari:rutmgf15-S-It 63 dill 26 1f Aluminum 2-Line Gu irdr d t 15-S.1) r3 Rrcrclyd PwuP Madwl r3 63a dill 2 ca sx (t6Lateral PipcSuppons(16-S-f, 16•M•1 (t M 2) t3 63b Gtds I! :U Pr.-,]ICuntivvionPlatcs(16,S•1,Ji0-S-II Srorarivaler Pump Sredorr 64 Mill 2 ca . s 316 Lateral Pytc Supfutrts (18.5•l, 0-M•_'3 rl 64A Gale 12 en Precast Connection Plates (13-5-1, 314-S.1) Suuismy Sewer- Lill Slarioa 65 Mill 3 ea Vs 316 Lateral Pipe Supports (19-S-1. 041-2) if 65A Gal;• .t ca Prmxa Cnnurcti.m Plates (19-5 I, MI.S.11 Operulfuu, Baildig( 66 Gal% 12 .air Pipe Hu(lards (note 6720-A.2 1, 5,20-A-0 1) (17 Mill 295:PFRP(ir,mng/rt.Pipe french(205-21 68 dill 126 If FRP Imbed Suplion for Cwting (20-S-2) 69 Mill 3 c-a Alumimem Staima)x - .2 11 High r4 Chemical Contumnlcrtt (20-S-2) 71) ,\fill •1 mi Aluminum Landing Platforms 4' x 4' (tote 10!10-S 2) 71 Mill 1td) If Aluunntinl 2-Line Iltnldrail J4 Stairs & Latsdings 73 plill I ea Cast lion Stair Nosing 3' 1 ung (20•S-3, 6,20-S-91 73 Mill 4 Cut Iron Suir Nosing & 9' Lung (20•S•5. U20-S-10) 71 Mill 4 Cast Iron Stair \using c 1 2' 9 Long (20•S-3. G20-S-t0! 73 Primer 250 If Steel Handiail4y Concrete Stair. k ADA Ranip.: (20-5.5) T6 still 201) If Aluminunt Handrail C Balcwty 7' Primer 660 11 Pont Stup Angle IPulf 10j)(11)W) it --6 G"lr ifs tf DmIr ng - MnOtime Ro % Rix H6.20 12t 79 Printer .t0 c;1 Fnlbed Plate; !ii %ladnnc Room Ruof 15 20-5 121 80 Printer 361) If Cunacmion Bent PL angle for )scam to MU Connection (6,7120.S-12) 31 Printer 220 It' Pour Stop Ban I'L Angle rr! Balcony { 3l20•5.12) 3' Mmet J ca Prcaascmblcd Swim ays w1l.amlings & Handrails (20.5.3i rJ Lintel (addc,i 3-27• I't per Ucmrit) 2)-A-i 2. 20-A.3.3 iefoi; to suaemnal drati inn• Ina. n1 infonrrniun given oii stnicnnafs rJ 3',i gnlc 3 ci \\c,t Sidi,. (21 6i, ,ingle door- { I) +, dtnlblr clout ( S) ri+ touver (,ht 20-.\•4 1) 141ac 1 ul 1 13 S'h 4A. 7 ea I I,t Sldc. 111 a Inuscr 420-A-4.11 134% I'll 1, e.) SouthShk (1).!I lingIC1100t,1121•t/ .iletlk'.Illl(,un (\1 I/ I,uflea1:11 •11. \ 111 r3 S2J gah t eu Vorli Shk., t21 li shire tronL ( i I o loner r3S2e• ,:II, t It, 11lintel 1, uC'auduneCal,+ Iluiurrne+rrt• Raildirrg fanrQ 1T ,irt;r iycl,cu f �� N4 f rnth7 f "t-Mmilt- a Nky).a 1 (it wfflw*l excluded hx pl•\II1 1111_ $a Prnnei 12.1 It Pour Still Angle :if. Jleenuau I I),L: 21-S•91 IPul) S2.0101.4K)) t~ Gv1v 90U of Decking" r-�krr�nir a 01 5 .4 ctclualed by PEMB mtg $1, Printer ;,s rn *+"t- H fithate-t2l S-3?•Irx{•nl:•rSgntf-Hlu>:&•turn1mtvbk Ptmter c\eludcJ h) 111AMU S7 \11t411/ •4 It Aluminum 6u.ndrail(a Mlciialrltle• S1, Mill I eel Ptrus;Cmb,cJ Suunvay ti Lauding & 113114Ir d 12I-A-2 2) r 17 Generator SO Mill 2 ea Aluminum Platform (22-S-1) 90 Mill 1 caAluminum Stalrua)S�-•i-3llight22-S-1) 91 Mill 200 if Aluminum Grating (22-S41 92 Mill h2 h' Aluminum 2 Line Gwrthiut (22.5 4) For the 5unl of J11 g 33.0J NO I: heels helm tire NO r Included in Rase Rid. (pricer ran multipie- yuandriec are ruAaeah' earlier race) U 1 1f additional Value Cngin4•cring is ricedcd. grating could be 4 rcdesiglhd from I506' c c to 1 3 16" cc bar spacing. M11) require adde)utlal sulryxlns. Contact Scguin Fahiienkus for pricing if III!, option is chosen D2 Value fingincefin& Omit Nacknash Clarifier (item, 450.311, S 66.120.0111 Mlaintertance Kldg Oteuas e33-88I Deduct f Al gall 1 If S 2?.3� JA2 g4l1 ! It - S 20 flit �+ I6 I V At Flits, Meter Chamber Alton Guusene4), Leakier I let S 7,210 0l) 21(111,0410 ILmdmd S !f n tafrt} chain (411dling hooks u. PI talc (AMII-il Naa fiat irena and p1 icing btCak,klsen are six bidding purlxt:ec only, T hie job is priced rur a complete lump aan psckasc ft items eyed to be deleted, contact Squin Fabricators for pricing alligsunrnts. tiutC I has eshnsate ii based on prof idmg i standard rireled rinnufaetured non -welded 2-line co rip inou handset syslent l he handrail will be shipped sub-,r>semb(ed, i.e.• fuhricated plat itith rails in 24'-0" stock lowths for cutting. by others. in die field. The handrail is prucided ttitlt a clear satin antAizud flnistt FOIi Se,um Fabicaturs. LtJ., n nh IiIU Iaiehl allnit tilt on woks h, die ttcorc>'I accessible puler of the jtrhsite, ITat(oa rF. Texas • Prices quoted .ire ba,ed on f011(applrix, 40.000 Ihc) shipments. Any variation still be imricc,! at Ircight Jdlcrentril. P.C. sfllit shipments, early releases, altemile Ileoinalions. or rc(Iuccd quenches. % V L F.NGI.U1)E: • Reittftgc$rg steel Taaas Erecilon Plpc akaei. haagcrs. and s,y,(w is • 141ceurea1 cywpmem wplmrt, • yield rv-s,gcrccras • C-iaau cactin a,ptrili, all) n,Juikd aL,nc • Mauufatsucd h.ueltes etccpl a, spwtivgh n'W"I abow • Pi ccj,t cnik-d itcma c,cciq as ,i rifit ash in, IwW abinc ACf. cod, • R'It:IRS\C.R—I'lIfcnroy.Cablc'InyauppwIY R•wt • mklnanial o,etu:g oflulrt. MU, tanly con lqd ramp primer} Itcommuched I. Goraee I'anks ILadders. titan. Platf.,rnu. IlandriJ. lialchesl ` (rldttrut Channel jolt Cm,rpngenit Structural t'nminp a \Pa(mtnmaer Kaildiut • Sala) �C.ps fur I,a,ldrrs I.an� thnanoq dn,u • dDPr, Cow, for Pipe M14odt 43420• bp.11 • Juia, pecking C lgpporting urucbne•a Inimnisai Building "oennd Flnnr • Pre-tagldrercd metal huildingi • Dense amtla,k>ign wkalA6.li • C1n: of le>ttng • haelaiun ealiPS nl aiummunl • Pq,e Suaps • Pipcand Pump SuppnnssarcpiatspccrixaU, iududeda(nu, tiatel) Itad 3 Pori Yn Ladder: cstspt a; .ytiYifnallr iraeilAcd •4..a - • .\CSC (J lAfay Ceadicili.N Pnsgram I-Amix a1 Ocurb a wept a • aptt NKalt1 aal4ded Aw c • P•cl.hngands Pruri,ating • N14hing of Slnnka, SIUCI .\tees, llalchts (IcrurrM.. %h„se Pamp, • Aluminu113 C'anupin fa &If Uacuhash at*$'en & FJlen ISgic I N.k-! Slwc 135301 St-ce—I Framing r. Optntiuw, muildinp • PrttatUPrrfaMft.drd frtneh IWAn 4 Vwtr 120-5.2 VIO 5-91 • !.adder Ewa,i.m fit I.astders 11441r flatchca lnnnc tho„n on coed • Praadn- fo, Pre-EaRiheered puddiags • J40-pecking ' Sgplagt lilw ltrueturfv V waroaner 8uddinx \Irananine 1•ayc %of 4 TERMS: Nat 30 days kom date of invoke with no rotainagc. If the General Contractor requims totainage. Seguin Fabricators, will provide fanning sd)ustments to pricing of tine of WWI% All invoices am Jac and payable within Thirty (30) days of the invoice data. Purchaser shall bo oblipled to pay said invokes even If the Purchaser k,tot paid by the Owtwr. pmvidcd the reason for sttch noo-poymem is tmmktcd to the perfa manco of Seguin Fabricators. See. 3. Aeee%aa:e do Approval of Contract This proposal Is made fbr acceptance by you to writing within thirty (30) days dam bid date and shag become a oarttnot only upon approval by our Contracting Manager, or other authorized petmnoel. • Sect 4. Doe io steel, stainless steel and aluminum cost Incrr m and surcharges, this gnotatloa pries is based on September 26, 2017 material pricing. Prices will be good for 30 days. After that data say Incroases In material east will be added to contract price. Material Is ordered after approval of shop drawings and there could be delays in delivery due to material shortages and ovallobility. SEGUIN FABRICATORS, Ltd. Dean Adams Csthnawr (ph ext. 216y email demt@ngulafab.com Page 4 of,l Estimate Date: 10/17/2f)17 Project: BA1rs/A 6 MIGC Surface Water 1-reatment Plant Date of Plans: 08/29/2016 GWS Sery ces Inc P.O. Box 3894 Architect: Joiner Architects Humble, TX 77338 Phone: 281.973 1733 Phone: 281 359 6401 Fax: 281.441.4977www gwsservices.net Contact, Kara Meyer Estimator: Phillip Luttrell Company: Pepper Lawson Construction Phone: Office: 281.223 1944/Cell; 281 796 9350 Address: 3701 Kirby Or if 1133 Email: phillipggwsservices.net City, State, Zip: Houston, TX 77098 Phone: 281-9078604 Fax: Item Description Amount Stone Brick CIOU Cast Stone Alternate One Additional Qualifications: Exclusions: Price based on white, cream or gold chop thin stone, labor, equipment, lath, fasteners, laticrete MVIS system, and clean up at operations building only. Price based on specified Acme King Size Brick, labor, equipment, color type N mortar, 2 piece ties, mortar net, and clean up at five buildings Excludes waterproofing, insulation, flashing, sealants and sealers. Price based on 4% 6', and 8" standard CMU and (8" UL U905 2hr CMU where shown in operation building only), labor, equipment, gray type 5 mortar, grout, ladder wire, rebar and clean up at live buildings CMU excludes waterproofing, loose fill insulation, (lashings, sealants and sealers, Price based on cast stone materials. labor, equipment, gray type N mortar, fasteners, and clean up at five buildings Credit to remove Maintenance Bldg. from Scope of Work: CtvlU <S76.969.00> / 8nck - $t 1,420.00 / Cast Stone <Sd,468.00� Finish color coats are based on standard colors from the STO color chart. Custom colors may require an additional charge. GC is to provide all necessary utilities and dumpster for construction debris. License, permits, flashing, caulking, weatherproofing, sealants, preparation of substrate, shop drawings, water & electricity, trash dumpster, site amenities. Gyp -board, compressible filters, metal embeds, plates, all loose, structural or welded lintels, labor to install mechanically fastened or welded lintels (only loose lintel installation provided), installing hollow metal door frames in CMU walls, cement board, painting, relrar, rehar positioners, vertical wbdr dowels, prevailing wages, monument sign, trash enclosures, any site work, loose fill insulation at CMU, embeds, anchors, certified payroll, taxes on material, all other $32.628.00 $156,036.00 $361,223.00 $ 26, 745.00 Grand Totall SS76,632.00 I Estimate Date: 06/2`.,20t8 Project: BAN/A 6 fvlGC Plant Date of Plans: 08/29/2016 GbVS Services Inc. P,O. Box 3894 Architect: Joiner Architects Humble, TX 77338 'Y Phone: 281.973.1733 Phone: 281 359 6401 Fax: 281.441.4977www gwsservices.net Contact: Dennis Wang Philli Luttrell Estimator: Phillip Luttrell Pepper Lawson Construction Phone: Office: 281.223-1944/Cell: 281-796-9350 Address: 4555 Katy Hockley Cut Off Rd Email: P P - 9 hilli @ wsservices.net City, State, Zip: Katy, TX 77493 Phone: 281-371-3100 Fax: Item Description Amount Stone Price based on White. Cream or Gold Chop Thin Stone with a S3 55 SF stone allowance, Labor, Equipment, Lath, Fasteners, Laticrete MVIS System, and Cleanup at Operations Bldg. Only. Excludes certified payroll, waterproofing, fleshings, $33,933 00 sealants and sealers. Brick Price based on specified Acme King Size Stick, labor, equipment, Color Mortar, 2 piece ties, Mortar Net and clean-up at Five Bldgs. Excludes certified payroll, waterproofing, Insulation, flashings, sealants and sealers. $166,100 00 CMU Price based on 4", 6" & 8" Standard CMU and (8' UL U905 2 hr CMU where shown in operation Bldg only), Labor, Equipment Gray Mortar, Grout, Ladder Wire, Rebar, and Clean-up at Five Bldgs CMU excludes certified payroll, precast bond beams, $3 7) 783 00 embeds & anchors, waterproofing, loose fill Insulation, flashings, sealants and sealers. Cast Stone Price based on Cast Stone Materials, Labor, Equipment, Mortar, fasteners, and Clean-up at Five Buildings. $ 2 7,815.00 Nichiha Price based on specified Nichiha Vintage Wood Series 5/8" x 18" x 10' Cedar panels with accessories and metal corners key in Cedar and excludes furring, if necessary, rigid insulation, flashings, and sealants and sealers. $ 395,753-00 Additional Qualifications: Exclusions: -Credit to Remove Maintenance Bldg. from scope of work: CMU - <$76,969.00 / Brick - <11,420.00> / Cast Stone - <$4,468.00> / Nichiha - <S73,474.00>" Finish color coats are based on standard colors from the STO color chart. Custom colors may require an additional charge. GC is to provide all necessary utilities and dumpster for construction debris. "Due to upcoming Tariffs, GINS Services reserve rights to adjust Pricing — License. permits, flashing, caulking, weatherproofing, sealants, preparation of substrate, shop drawings, water and electricity, trash dumpster, site amenities, Gyp -board, compressible fillers, metal embeds, plates, all loose, structural or welded lintels, labor to install mechanically fastened or welded lintels (only loose lintel installation provided), cement board, painting, rebar, rebar positioners, prevailing wages, monument sign. trash enclosure, any site work, steel lintels, certified payroll. taxes on materials, all other standard exclusions apply. Grand Total( $1,001,384.00 PROJECT: Baytown AWA WTP ARCHITECT: Joiner i'HQUE,,, W. Quality aluminum fabricators since 1982. DATE. 9/25/2017 Provide and Install aluminum protective covers/canopies as noted per plans, specifications (10531) and addenda (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Proposal is based on a mutually agreeable subcontract. PRIMARY ELEC—(1) 3'-6"x10'-3", (1) 3'-6"XS' HSPS ELEC — (1) 3'-6"x10'-3", (1) 3'-6'xS' LLPS ELEC— (1) 3'-6"x10'-3", (1) 3'-6"xS' OPERATIONS—(2) 4'xS', (1) 8'x32'-3" curved, (2) 2'x14'-3" MAINTENANCE — (7) 3'-6" xM4', (5) 3'x5' BLOWER — (1)13'x27, (1)12'x14' $ , MKw4tS f} ftTQ_ TOTAL - Pricing firm for 30 days, sales tax (EXCLUDED) $93,999.00 VE OPTION -- class I clear anodized finish $64,197,00 MATERIALS AND FINISH • Decking: 2-3/4" • Struts: 2" OD pipe • Fascia:3"x8" gutter fascia • Finish: 2 coat fiuoropolymer 70% PVDF; excludes exotic, metallic and mice finishes • Included: engineer sealed shop drawings, one year warranty from date of completion, surface mounted flashing • Excluded: building permits, performance bonds, hoisting, turnbuckles, concrete saw cuts, concrete footings, through wail flashing, reinforcement of building structure, cleaning or repair of existing structure, structural steel of any kind, column cladding, electrical work, demo of any obstructions, discovery or repair of underground utilities. Sincerely, Keagan Stolhand-Chief Estimator keagan@aluminumtechniques.com City of Houston Registered Fabricator No. 818 13302 Redffsh Lane, Stafford, TX 77477 (281.)-499.9026 Fax (281�499-8601 ATm,mCmHN1",,UE,,,N, Quality aluminum fabricators since 1982. PROJECT: Baytown AWA WTP ARCHITECT: Joiner DATE: 6/28/2018 Provide and install aluminum protective covers/canoples as noted per plans, specifications (10531) and addenda (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Proposal Is based on a mutually agreeable subcontract. PRIMARY ELEC—(1) 3'-Vx10'-3", (1) 3'-6'x5' HSPS ELEC — (1) 3'-6"x10'-3", (1) 3'-6"x5' LLPS ELEC—(1) 3'-6"x10'-3", (1) 3'-6"x5' OPERATIONS — (2) 4'x5', (1) 8'x32'-3" curved, (2) 2'x14'-3" MAINTENANCE —(7) 3'-6"x14', (5) 3'xS' Pricing firm for 30 days, sales tax (EXCLUDED) BLOWER-- (1)13'x27', (1)121x14' $60,660.00 $35, 490.00 MATERIALS AND FINISH • Decking:2-3/4" • Struts: 2" OD pipe • Fascia: 3"x8" gutter fascia • Finish: 2 coat fluoropolymer 70% PVDF; excludes exotic, metallic and mica finishes • Included: engineer sealed shop drawings, one year warranty from date of completion, surface mounted flashing. Excluded: building permits, performance bonds, hoisting, turnbuckles, concrete saw cuts, concrete footings, through wall flashing, reinforcement of bu'Iding structure, cleaning or repair of exlsVng structure, structural steel of any kind, column cladding, electrical work, demo of any obstructions, discovery or repair of underground utilities. Sincerely, Keagan Stoihand-Chief Estimator keagan@aluminumtechniques.com City of Houston Registered Fabricator No. 818 13302 RecIflsh Lane, Stafford, TX 77477 (281)-499 - 9026 Fax (281)-499-8601 T�HNtC�UEa INS. Quality aluminum fabricators since 1982. PROJECT: Baytown AWA WTP DATE: 7/31/2018 ARCHITECT: Joiner Provide and install aluminum protective covers/canopies as noted per plans, specifications (10531) and addenda (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Proposal is based on a mutually agreeable subcontract. PRIMARY ELEC -- (1) 3'-6"x10'-3", (1) 3'-6016' HSPS ELEC — (1) 3'-6"x10'-3", (1) 3'-6"xS' LLPS ELEC — (1) 3'-64x10'-31, (1) 3'-6"x5' OPERATIONS — (2) 4'x5', (1) 8'x32'-3" curved, (2) 2'x14'-3" Pricing firm for 3D days, saes tax (EXCLUDED) BLOWER — (1)13'x27, (1)12'x14' $42,150.00 $35,490.00 MATERIALS AND FINISH • Decking:2-3/4" • Struts: 2" OD pipe • Fascia: 3"x8" gutter fascia • Finish: 2 coat fluoropolymer 70% PVDF; excludes exotic, meta fic and mica finishes • Included: engineer sealed shop drawings, one year warranty from date of completion, surface mounted flash ng. • Excluded: building permits, performance bonds, hoisting, turnbuckles, concrete saw cuts, concrete footings, through wall flashing, reinforcement of building structure, cleaning or repair of existing structure, structural steel of any kind, column cladding, electrical work, demo of any obstructions, discovery or repair of underground utilities. Soncerely, Keagan Stolhand-Chief Estimator keagan@aluminumtechnfques.com City of Houston Registered Fabricator No. 828 13302 Redfish Lane, Stafford, TX 77477 (281)-499-9026 Fax (281)-499-8601 RATIO A1L mr jF'81i1OX COMP' A' NY 1.4802 Willis St. Houston, TX 77039 Phone: 281-590-5000 Fax: 281-59&5088 I NAME / BILLJNG ADDRESS I ESTIMATOR QUOTE DATE QUOTE # M1/2017 2017.730 I PROJECT LOCATION I IF DIFFERENT I BAYTOWN WATER AUTHORITY 6 MOD SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT WE ARE PLEASED TO.QUOTE YOU ON THE ABOVE JOB LOG TERMS UPBRBNM Pltau=. . LO sEa BELow DESCRIPTION IV w —@ COST TOTAL 7,495 LP OF W O/A GALV. CHAIN LINK FENCE, I EA $- X 9- o/A CZ SW 1 120m.00 q' 120.370 00 OALY. CHAR) LINK MAN OAT', LI ISDQLII1i,B,�WIN$TI��Bh,1;���1 K �I� Ze Sw I!► yam, 9 7 [�4s�.1 GA AND 2 X 9- O/A ALUM MID I G4� i �J ff'� �9 CANTILEVHR C AT 2V X r O/A ALUMINUM CAN BVBR tU1'fS I LA SUDEGATS SW (A� U S 5 w 1 ^'? 0.00 0100 OPERATOR, I EA SAFTI'Y LOOP, 1 BAFRHE BXff LOOP, 2 EA LOOP DRMCTORS, I RA SAFETY PHOTO SYS AND I BA,YAFBTY GATE, � mu; • s y.L,�"4 HOTS: POWER TO GATE OPERATOR BY OTHERS. ADDrIYONAL ✓ ' " . ACCESS EQUIPWWr AO: CARD READER, IRMROOM. RTC. AY OTHM. MART123NANCB BUILDWQt SHOP AREA: 16 LR OFV OALV. CHAIN LINK FBNCB AND I RA S' R 6OALV. CHAIN LRIK DOUBLE SWING GATE Wnlf STANDARD HARDWARE. ALL POSTS FLANGED AND SECURED TO CONCRtTE WITH ANCHOR WED0E BOLTS- 75/L1= 1,200.00 352llC&M a *3 r*kA. I4 • � 1,200 00 I TOTAL r +pill'/V.W I TERMS: NET 30 DAYS WITH APPROVED CREDIT L. PRICE GOOD FOR 30 DAYS ONLY WITHOUT LETTER OF I E / IF ANY OF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE NOT FULFILLED AN IMMEDIATE DEMOBILIZATION CANMILL OCCUR. A REMOBILIZATION FEE WILL BE ASSESSED, THE AMOUNT WILL BE CHARGED ON A PER PROJECT BASIS. JOB ACCESS REQUIRED NO MARKIN08, CLEARING, SURVEYING, GRADING, CONCRETE BREAKS, CORING, POWER OR CONDUIT TO BE RUp NATIONAL PENCE COMPANY NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO PRIVATE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES THE ABOVE QUOTE IS SUBJECT TD CRBDITAPPROVAL AN D ACCEPTANCE BY TM COMPANY. QUOTE M BASED ON SPBCS AND SLOPS OF WORK USTED. AMT ONAL WORK WILL BE QUOTED UPON RBgMT. NO RBTANR0 WITMW ON PRIVATE CONTRACTS, IN CASE PAYMENTS NOT MADE AS SPBCWUW IN (PAYMBW TO BE MADE AS FOLLOWS) THB PROPERTY OWNER EXPRE MY MVBS THE COMPANY OR I'll ASSIONEB THE RIGHT TO COME ON HIS PROPERTY TO REPO$$= ALL MATERIALS USED ON THIS M WIITIOUT RECAURSR. AND THE PROPERTY OWNER FURTHER AGREES TO ACCEPT ALL RBSPONSIBII.ITY FOR ANY DAMAOB CACHED BY THIS RBFOSBESION. DON YOW0 GUSTQh= TANCS: QUOTED BY NATIONAL Men COWANY Houston, TX 77039 Phnna t 2lt7-59LL4LN10 QUOTE Fax: 281-590-5088 DATE QUOTE # 7/13/2018 2015-636 NAME / BILLING ADDRESS PROJECT LOCATION I IF DIFFERENT PEPPER-LAWSON WATBRWORAG4 BAYTOWN WATER AUTHORITY 6 MOD SURFACE 3701 KIRBY DR. 0 1 L 33 WATER TREATMENT PLANT HOUSTOK TX 77098 REVISED: 7-24-18 ADDING RAW WATER INTAKE ATTN: D13NNIS WANG WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE YOU ON THE ABOVE JOB LOG TERMS REFERENCBD PROJECT Not 43 Days DESCRIPTION QTY COST TOTAL 7d493 LF OF 9' O/A OALV. CHAIN LINK FENCE. I EA 5' X 9' O/A 129,790.00 129,790.00 OALV. CHAIN LINK MAN GATE, I EA 24' X V O/A GALV. CHAIN LINK DOUBLE SWINGUA78. 1 M 25' X 9 O/A GALV. CHAIN LANK DOUBLE SWING GATE. I BA 32' X 9' 01A GALV. CHAIN LINK DOUBLE SWING GA77 AND I EA 2Y X 9' 0/A ALUMINUM FRAMED CANTILEVER GATE AT25' X 9' 0/A ALUMINUM CANTILEVER GATE l EA SURE GATE 5,310.00 5.310.00 OPERATOR, 1 HA SAPETY LOOP, I NA KM EXIT LOOP, 2 EA LOOP DETECTORS, I EA SAFETY PHOTO EYE AND 1 EA SAFETY GATE EDOB. NOTE: POWER TO GATE OPERATOR BY OTHERS. ADDITIONAL ACCESS EQUIPMENT EG: CARD READER, INTERCOM, ETC BY OTHERS. MA[ fM4ANCB BUILDING: SHOP AREA: 16 LF OF 6' GALV. CHAIN 1,540.00 1,54000 LINK PENCE AND 113A 5' X 6' GALV. CHAIN LINK DOUBLE SWING GATE WITH STANDARD HARDWARE ALL POSTS FLANGED AND SECURED TO CONCRHTE WITH ANCHOR WEDGE BOLTS TOTAL TERMS: NET 30 DAYS WITH APPROVED CREDIT PRICE GOOD FOR 10 DAYS ONLY WITHOUT LETTER OF INTENT IF ANY OF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE NOT FULFILLED AN IMMEDIATE DEMOBILIZATION CAN/WILL OCCUR. A REMOBILIZATION FEE WILL BE ASSESSED, THE AMOUNT WILL BE CHARGED ON A PER PROJECT BASIS. JOB ACCESS REQUIRED NO MARKINGS, CLEARING, SURVEYING, GRADING, CONCRETE BREAKS, CORING, POWER OR CONDUIT TO BE RUP NATIONAL. FENCE COMPANY NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO PRIVATE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES THE ABOVE QUOTE IS SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE BY THE COMPANY QUOTE IS BASED ON SPECS AND SCOPB OF WORK LASTED. ADDITIONAL WORK WILL BE QUOTED UPON REQUEST. NO RETAINERS WITHHELD ON PRIVATE CONTRACTS. IN CASE PAYMENT IS NOT MADE AS SPECIP ED IN (PAYMENT TO BE MADE AS FOLLOWS) THE PROPERTY OWNER EXPRESSLY GIVES THE COMPANY OR ITS ASSIGNEE THE RIGHT TO COMB ON HIS PROPERTY TO REPOSSESS ALL MATERIALS USED ON THIS JOB WITKOUT RECOURSE, AND THE PROPERTY OWNER FURTHER AGREES TO ACCEPT ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THIS REPOSESSION. DON YOUNG CLM70MMACCEPTANCE; Rage I QUOTED BY NATIONAL VENCE COMPANY Houston, TX 77039 nt........ e01 cen_&MA QUOTE a aavuc • rva-..iiv-.+vvv Fox: 281-590-5088 DATE QUOTE # 7/13/2019 2018.636 NAM2 9 / BILLING ADDRESS PROJECT LOCATION / IF DIFFERENT PEPPER-LAWSON WATERWORKS BAYTOWN WATER AUTHORITY 6 MOD SURFACE 3701 KIRBY DR. # 1133 WATER TREATMENT PLAN' HOUSTON. TX 77099 REVISED. 7-24-18 ADDING RAW WATER TNTAKB ATM- DENNIS WAND WE ARE P12ASBD TO QUOTE YOU ON THE ABOVE JOB LOG TERMS REFERONC1iD PROJECT. Net 45 Days DESCRIPTION QTY COST TOTAL RAW WATER INTAKE: 49 LFOF 8 GALV CHAIN LINK FENCE 2,920.00 2.820.00 AND 1 EA V X. 8' GALV CHAIN UNK SINGLE SWING GATE ALL POSTS FLANGED AND SECURED TO CONCRb , B WITH ANCHOR WEDOE BOLTS. Salts Tax Exmpt 0.00'Yo 0,00 TOTAL I39. TERMS: NET 30 DAYS WITH APPROVED CREDIT PRICE GOOD FOR 10 DAYS ONLY WITHOUT LETTER OF INTENT IF ANY OF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE NOT FULFILLED AN IMMEDIATE DEMOBILIZATION CANNUILL OCCUR. A REMOBILIZATION FEE WILL BE ASSESSED, THE AMOUNT WILL BE CHARGED ON A PER PROJECT BASIS. JOB ACCESS REQUIRED NO MARKINGS, CLEARING, SURVEYING, GRADING, CONCRETE BREAKS, CORING, POWER OR CONDUIT TO BE RUA NATIONAL FENCE COMPANY NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO PRIVATE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES THE ABOVE QUOTE IS SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE BY THE COMPANY. QUOTE IS BASED ON SPEC'S AND SCOPE OF WORK LISTED. ADDITIONAL WORK WILL BE QUOTED UPON REQUEST. NO RETAINERS WITRHELD ON PRIVATE CONTRACTS. IN CASE PAYMENT IS NOT MADE AS SPECIFIED IN (PAYMENT TO DO MADE AS FOLLOWS) THE PROPERTY OWNER EXPRESSLY GIVES THE COMPANY OR ITS ASSIGNEE THE RIGIff TO COME ON HIS PROPERTY TO RLPO.SSESS ALL MATERIALJ USED ON THIS 10B WITHOUT RECOURSE, AND THE. PROPERTY OWNER FURTHER AGREES TO ACCEPT ALL RBSPONSIBILR'Y FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THIS REPOSESSION. DON YOUNG CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE: O ge 2 QUOTED BY thyssenkrupp Elevator Corporation New Installation Proposal thyssenkrupp Submitted to: September 25 2017 Pepper Lawson 11725 Hughes Landing Blvd, Suite 1200, The Woodlands, TX 77380 Baytown AWA WTP f Baytown, TX thyssenkrupp E evator Corporation (hereinafter "thyssenkrupp") Is dedicated to dellvering Pepper Lawson (hereinafter "Purchosee) the safest, highest quality vertical transportation solutions. I am pleased to present this customized Proposal in the amount of $82,750.00 sales tax Included and bond not included to furnish and install one (1) thyssenkrupp Passenger Elevator; based solely on the plans dated June 30, 2017, addenda 1-8 and Specification 14240, along with the darmcatlons noted immediately below and the conditions set forth on the pages that follow. This price will remain in effect for the next ftty (M days and is contingent upon all work described in this Proposal being completed prior to December 31, 2018. Any work performed after this date will be subject to escalation. Th/s prke 4S v4w e4wss* epntdrgenr on purchaser and thyssenbupp (hereinafter collectively "the parties") en&Ing Into a seperere and mafuellyagreeabknew(nstelbft agvwenrlbrth/s *Vrk(hereinatter a "separate %stallation agreement"). Clarifications to Architectural Plans end Spec fications: 1. Quote does not include any related construction, structural or electrical work required to complete the holstway and/or machine room. 2. Quote is based on normal working hours of the elevator trade. 3. TKE's standard safety policy will be applied to this job. 4. Liquidated damages will not be accepted. S. Addondum B- Card readers were added as a note, no location was specified so the provision was made for the card reader to be provided and Installed by others In car operating panel. 6. 1.2 C. 8 & 2.2 B. 13- A pit ladder Is included with this proposal and Installed by TKI . 7. 1.4 F.- Re -inspections due to the fault of other trades wig be paid for by tho general contractor. 8. 2.2 B. 3. Only two floors are Indicated on the plans for a total of 18110". 9. 2.2 B. 9- A 3'6" wide opening is standard on a 3,500 lb. application and Is irciuded In this quote. 10. 2.2 B. 11 a,- Powder coated doors and entrance frames are Included In lieu of the baked enamel. This is an Industry equivalent. 11. 2.3 A. 3- Call back service outside of normay working hours w 'l be available, but the difference in overtime cost wit be applied to the owner. Value engineering opportunitles and Alternates- 1. Deduct for early signing of a 5 year ongoing ma��-tenance proposal to take effect upon final acceptance of elevator from construction: DEDUCT $2,100.00 (maintenance agreement mt:st be signed at time of construction subcontract execution). Now lnstabtton ProposW - Page I of I thyssenkrupp In the event you have any questions regarding the content of this proposal please contact me at +1713 417 3954. We appreclate your consideration. Regards, thyssenivupp Elevator Corporatlon Sophie Nelson New Installation Sales Representative 14820 Tomball Parkway Sulte 190 Houston, TX 77088 T 713 417 3964, emall; sophie.nelsonothyssenkrupp.com liaw1roWlaftP►apwat.�a2ar7 {� thyssenlcrupp thyssenkrupp Elevator Description of Equipment Units' in Estimate: 1 Units in Group: WA Product: endura A Application: Passenger Loading Class: A Seismic Equipment: Non -Seismic Capadty: 35M lbs. Speed: 110 FPM Travel: 16 ft 10 In Future Travel: Oft 0 in Landings: 2 (2 front, 0 rear) Pewor Supply: 460 Volts / 3-PH / 60 Hz Cab Cab Type: TKLP - Laminate walls Panel Type: Vertical Panel or Wall Finish: Plastic laminate Cab Base: N/A Frieze, Reveal: N/A Front Return, Transom: Brushed Stainloss Steel Cab Doors: Powder Coated Cab SM: Aluminum Cab Finished Root: By Others (not to exceed 3181 Canopy: 14 ga. cold roiled steel Ceiling; Suspended Diffuser Coiling Finish: Powder Coated Lighting; '.ED Handrail Type: 2" Flat -Bar Handrail Finish. Brushed Stainless Steel Handrail Location: Rear Wall Orly Handrail Row Quantity: One (1) Protective Pads: One (1) Set Pad Attachment: Buttons Opening Size: 3 ft 6 in X 7 ft 0 in Clear Ceiling Height: 7 ft 41n Clear Inside Cab Width; 6 ft B In C ear Inside Cab Depth: 5 ft 6 in Hoistway Width: 8 ft 4 In Holstway Depth: 6 ft ! i In Pit Depth: 4 ft 0 In Clear Overhea&: 12 ft 8 In Machine Room Location: Adjacent at Lowest Landing Controller: TAC32 Emergency Power': Standby Lowering Jack Type: Twlnpost Holeless - 2 Stage Car Fixtures Entrance floors Type: Signs 4 2 Powder Coated Finish: Brushed Stainless Fixtures Included: Swing Entrance Frames Return, Car Position 2 Powder Coated Indicator, Car-Rlding Lantern Entrance Sills Hall Fixtures 2 Aluminum Type: Sign 4 Finish: Brushed Stainless fixtures Included: Hall Stations, No Hail Lanterns, No Position indicators Lobby Panel: Not Included Urnited Access Provisions Type: Card reader provisions In car New Installation Maintenance Tweny-Four (24) months Additional Features: Two Speed Fan, Automatic Fan/Light Shutdown, Fire Service Provisions, Holstway Access at Top & Bottom Landings, Emergency ADA Phone, Non -Proprietary Controller, Solid State Starting, Biodegradable Fluid, Pit Ladder 1- Faeb dedA�dbda AnWor, escaklW,, etc drag &d hi #*Pmpesal uOhvah*t& bo mf&y to as a iW. Z • YwovadMWIsmounditm UreldtkW fop flow, b Ala rardwd* ofW sa*bwa J-S&ndbyibr0 t XXV0rstertdb1Wff9knreprdiasa,tvoperfys dbeptr�pv ravma�AwdsheYfarrditWaodbyOeP ►. Mew InstaUaWn Proposal - Page 3 of 7 � thyssenkrupp This Proposal is based on the appikabirrty of all of the following onnrlltons that shay be 'acorporated Into a separate Installation agreement between the partes as a condition for performing the work described above; 1, PaymentSchadule Fary ppeecon rrcent (60%) of the tract price shag be due and payable withtn thbty (30) days from the receipt of the separate Installation agreement. This Initial progress payment vA1 be applied to proJad management, permits engineering and shop drawktgs, submittals, dd ling mobilization pi required) and raw material procurement. N I w81 be ordered arce this payment Is received end the parties have both executed a separate Installation agreantmrt. • An addltlona` twenty five percent (25%) chef be due end payable viol the Metertel has been ntcetved atthe lVsenlaupp warehouse. Recast of Ms second payment Is required prior to mob daation of labor Progrees payments slog be made throughout the life of the project, Should payments t�agp, thyssenluupp reserves the right to remobdhe unto such a Unto that the payments have been brought up to date, and thyssentaupp has the ovaDeble manpower thyssetrkrupp she& retain exduslve ownership end conUol over a!� equdpmentlnslalled catt8 such time as Purfiaser has paid tinyssenkrupp i0036 of Iho tine price reflected bt the ea rate installation agraetrrent rrrentioned above. Purchaser agrees to valve any and elI dalms to the turnover andlor use of that equripment unlit mistuit ibne es prose emotasts are paid In full. Defaup by Purchaser in payrrt�lt dams may restdl M (merest � sums due and unpaid et 1 b9b par month ar at the tdghest legal rate. and suspension of work uru:H atl outstanding balances ere paid, Any work that Purchaser may require prior to turnover of the equ pment outside of tine scope described In this Proposal -other then Temporary Use as dascMed below - will be performed purs:aat to a fully executed change order at the following rates Scope of Work Hourly Rate Team Standard $ 270 pa earn Hour Team OT $ 432 per ream Hour Team Acceleration (ream OT minus Teem Standard) $ 22e per Team Hour Me- IPaa Sere a14Wto ckanpe aRAr L?/Jl/OM 2. Key Tasks and Approximate lead Vries The following Is a list of some of the key tasks that comptlsa a typical Installation, along with their sequence and apsroxhate dtxatlons or lead times for each such task: Key Tasks to be performed by Purchaser prior to Equipment Fabrketlon: I. Execution of a separate installation agreement covering the work described In this Proposal 2. Payment for pro -production and erlglneertnA & Approval of iayot 4. Execution of thyssankrupp's Material Release Form Approximate DuratIons/Lead ]Imes Contract execution (can run concurrently with layout drawing package preparation and appWal) 4 weeks PrepersUon of layout drawing package (upon receipt of separate Inabliation 4 weeks agreement and plans) Approval of layout drawing package, byy Purchaser (additional vine required for vades cab, signal, entrance preparation and approval, If appUcable, One revision Is Included In finis Proposal prke: edditnal charges and additional tMte w8l apply for additional revlslons) Fabricatlon time (from receipt old approvals, fuly exeaued contreck Material Release 12.14 Weeks Fonn and PRE. paymenQ dws*ad Jim es ~ above ors 8 ft W $A WOOMAW thal cart rerY ua a toctors Woooer w— swl Oct W Mange oft &C nofte toAirdrase>•arWjWnot he bhft on 110%sa Awflp, M w lnetattatlon Proposal - Page 4 of 7 thyssenkrupp a. Warranty thyssardeupp warrants any equlerttent k Instals as described lo ihls Preposel atelier dtdecb In matertai and hYOrllrhellShfpfor a petit of one (1} year ham the dale of Purchaser's exechrl of thyeserdwpppp's 'Final Arxeptenoe Form° on the hndprese acrtdlfons fret a0 payrrrente made under the separate Midation agreement *W any mutually agread� change orders have been made lot Nil and that such atpdpmtatt is aur�tly bel�tg serviced by �. In the avant that daupp's work Is delayed for a period greater than sic (� munrhUw, the warranty shell be reduced by the anaunt of rite delay. fits warranty lo h Reu of any other warranty or tablRty for detects thyssernbupp nhaltes no wa►renhly of marchantab�ty and no wretrandes which enact beyond the description In this Agreement, nor are = any oticer warranties, ex teased or irnpled, by operation of lover or otherwise. Uke any place of fine rttadhlnrehy, the equipment described in dh Proposal ahouId be per * , lubricnted, and adjusted by txxrtpetent personnel. This warranty is not Intended to supplant normal malntenanca service and shall riot be can6aued to mesa Utah thyssenlaupp will provtdo hoe service for aerninatlon, lubdt:etion, or , nor wM thys correct, * tW a charge, breaMp, meladjuatmatds, or outer trouble arising from normalal weer and tear or abuse, misuse, Improper or inadequate maintenance at any other causes other then dakilve me tlei orworkmansfip. In order to make a warranty Balm, Purchaser must give d"sardatrpp prompt written note at the address Isted on the cover page of he Proposal and provided al paymenta due under the terms of the separate Instatlatlat vvernent and any mutualy agreed to wrMah change orders have been made In ful, Mysserdaupp shall, at Its own expense, correct argr proven defact by mp* or replacement thyssentoupp W1 not, harder any dreianstonhoes, reimburse Purchaser for cost of worts done by ornate, nor shall thyssenluupp be reepondll* for the performance of any equi went fiat fhaa been We subject of service, ►epalr, replacement, reA*m or alterations by othem if there Is more Own one (1) unit which is the subject ofwork daudbed in this Proposal, fth>a sedan snap apply separately to each unk as accepted. ) 4, New Ins6aliW* hfointenuft (N foi For the period of twelve (1� menthe lowing DWssentaupp's turnover of fie units described In 1Ms proposal to Purr hesar, thyssenknghp A RMAde the followingg servloes and celbecks during normal working houm tivenhne calbacc services requested by purchaser are trot Included and will be billed at thyssenknWs published hourly rates. As dmanstartces warrant, the attaminatton and adjustment end lubrication of the egtdpment instated by thyssenkrupp and the dlspetdt of a tfhyssonkrupp technician to the loc aim i of the eghdprnent in response to a cd from the owmer of the buldIng where the wit has been Instated or ire designated representative, emergency p n1ftd, Passengers thrattgh the afavatar's Communication devk;e andtor from remrhtg remote mordtothrough the egtdprnent's �n line (If appllcaf*j In order to nee any mhwad passengers andfm to make covered repay to the aquipment Instatel by Utysse rcelbeck servlce4. Covered repairs to dte equipment In da a vleual khves lgatlan to detem*w the source of shutdown along with necessary adjustrym a and parts replacement so iong as they are not due to any one or more of the foibMq: anyone's abuse, Misuse andfar any of the e�tmenti enydrnnt's rrthlgence li dxhtvhector wlfh the use or operator of the aqulpntterd; any loss d paver, power ftucduattons, patter falhure, or pourer Feethat kt any way af�ct the operation of the equipmene: tire, eureka, e>�losiens, vretor► storms, wind, Ifghtetting, aGs of cut or mlkery euthoritles, es sOCitOute, other labor dlaputes, theft, rint, dvl commotion, tear, maidens adsdlttef, acts of God, or any ether rein or cause beyond Ifryasenbupp's rel titan aRects Ins use or operetart of the equipment ('exdvdad wttrk°j. Purchasar wit pay for el eomdudad work. 6. Additional Datels and Wak Not ktekuded There are certain Irvine that are not included In this Proposal, many of which must be ccrrtpleted by Purchaser prior to end as a condition precedent to ihysserdvupp ftews perJornwncs of its trunk as described In this Proposal. In order to ensure a successful completion of this project, It Is rho Fwo*sar's ado reatlu ittY to coordfnate Its own completion of Umse Items vAth thysseakri". The fobMq is a tot of those items that are trot Included In this Proposal: A. fiftrd 1. In no event shalt tthyssenkrupp be responsible for RgWdated, consequetttal, Ihtdkect, fnck%n al, exernplary, and special damagas associated with the work desc rft)ed In tMS Proposal, 2. This Proposal is made without regard to compliance with my special purchasing, rnanufatthuring or oortstruaoMfnhaalafiort requtrements fig, but not Raided to, any solo-aoatank programs, such as anal bu"s p rams, rrdnor4 or woman owned business enterprise programs, of local preferences, any res victim souring programs, such as Wy A n n Act, or W other sMr local, date or fedoral Procurement mgWetlons or laws thotwrotdd affect the cost of performance. Shdnuid any such requiraments be applicable to the work described In Ws Proposal, thyssenkrupp reserves tie right to mod4 this Proposal or rescind k altogether. PP is an equal opporttadty employar. 4, thyssetdaupp'a �rf�mtance of the work described In this Proposof airy separate lth Wation agreement Is cohttngeru upon Fatteser furnishing thyssenlaupp wAth any and all necessary permission or pffority required under the terms and co alto its of government regulations affecting the acceptance of this Agreement or the manufacture, delivery or Installation of the equipment. Al applicable sales and use taxes, permit teas and Roahtses imposed upon thyssenkrupp as of the date of On Proposal are included in tho price of the Proposal. Purchaser Is responsible for eny additional applicable sales and use taxes, pan* face and Imses imposed upon thyssenkrupp after the data' of the Proposal or as a result of any law snacted arm the date of On Proposal, 6. PwAaser agroes to provide thysm*rupp'tt personnel with a sure piece In which to work and *Merdaupp reserves the right to discontinue work at the jobsRe wrherAmr, In lhyssenkmp'e sole opinion, gels provision Is being violated. 6. In the event another subcontractor regtdres pit access during the Installation process, upon a request from Purchaser thyssenkrupp wit park the correspondhsg elevator at an upper lending and lock and tog out the equipment at no additbnd cost In a cchange for Purchasers excecutng requite u access, Use tact Or. �o�ve knoU e ktdr totand tag fr kR"rn from purchaser that Its subcontractor has completed Its task and no longer f3. 1. Ati waft described In ids Proposal and which Is tie sullect of a separate installation egreernent dell be performed d,.afintg P's regular Mted working excluded - wn�s�ot►owlwlse specified and agreed defined as regular W �lg by both t nentvtff ars of regufar woft nd days, (therellpaaFter'norme! waO-g hou sw► '}. lhysserdutptp shot be provided with hmintem,pted access to the elawtur hdstway and mad** room areas to perform work dtakhg normal working hours. New Installation Proposal - Page 6 of 7 h) thyssenkrupp C. Purdhaser stiall provide on -site parldrtg to all thyssankrupp personnel at is additional cost to thyss�t pppp Purchaser will bo required to sign oR on the Material Release Form, which wag Indicate the requmted deevery date of equipment to the site. ti Purchaser Is not reedy to accept dewy of the equipment within ten (10) business days of the agreed upon date, Ptadtaser wig Immed4b* make payments due for equipment and dedgrlate an ores a0cent to the almlor shaft where Purchaser war accept dRvw ey, N Purchaser fails to provide this location ore uaNy, agreeable aRemadve, thyssenktupp is authorized to Warehouse the equipment at the 1hyssankrupp warehouse of Purchoser's risk and erase. Purchaser shah reimbtnse thysssnlaupp for ail costa due to extra handling and warehousing. Storage beyond car, (10) business days 31 be assessed at a rate of $100.00 per calendar day for each unit listed In thb proposal, which coves saga end tnsurpace of the elevate equipment and Is payable prior to delivery. Purchaser agrees to provide unobs ucW bactor-traller access and roll -able access From the unloadng arm to the elevator or ascalelor holstways or wellweayyss (as eppk.able). Purchaser agrees to provide a dry and secure wee e*cent to the holstway(s) at the ground � for R of the ehivrator equipment and tools with ten (10) business days from rem at the local dysserdwpp warehouse. Any warranties ed by pp fa' wertkol ttatnsponatlon equipment wig bee;ome null end void if oqulpment is *fW In any manner other than a dry, ed laatttructtoe. Any rebcaton of the ell ant ss di►eexed by Purchaser after Initial delivery wW be at Purchaser's woensottiwpp Incdtrdea ono mobfBratlon tnstegadon fo the lobslte. A mabfgmtion fee of A60MOO per crew per occurs ce vAll be dharged for phi ling od the lob or for any delays caused by others once materia' Irea been delivered end thysse*upp's wok bas commenced. Access for titlo tnetaflation shall be free and clear of any oDsbuctiorme. A forldMt for unloading and sugl% material shall also be provided by Purchaser utt no eddltiortal cost. 1. Purchaser shell provide the following a. OSHA c omfdlant removable barricades prior to thysaenkrupp's Installation (thysserdma will replace If removed by thyssenkrupp). Barricades must allow cloaranoe for Installation of ouftice frames and should be located no less than 24' from the soft We of the holstway wag, Prior to begtrming hwtallation, entrance protection and netting must be hhstafled in accordance to OSHA 1926.451(h)(1) to prevent any objects from Wrill down the shad; pkrase note that instagaton and netting ere by otters at no cost to thyssenknrpp. Purchaser agrees to indermilk defend and told thyssenkrupp harmless for any OSHA citations mcekred as a result of Purchaser's non- comptlance with OSHA standards. b. A dry, legal holotway, properly fremed and enclosed, and Including a pit of proper depth ertd overhead. this k to Include stag safety beam, Inspection or access platforms, access doors, sump pump, lights, we* om as required; dewatering of pits) and required screwing. c An OSHA Rant steel safety beam with a minimum capacity miffeeprby a twi tural engineer 2' below the overhead roof deck as shown on the th) p shop drawings pprior to elevator lhstallaton. d. A hotstway that is square and pbarhb within 1' from top to bottom of the total hoistway height. N the hoisWM is outside of this required tolerance, Purchaser shall pay extra for any additional modifications required for a proper Installation. e. Adequate bawthhpl for the dewator glade tells (as shown on the elevator shop drawings). If not, Purchaser will be subject to extra charges dire to any additional work required or delay. f. 75 degree barrel guards on aB projections, recesses or setbacks it boass of 4' hi accordance with ASME A17.1. g. A legal macift room, adequate for the elavator equipment, inducing Boors, tap doors, gratings, frnrhdations, lighting, ventilation shed per the thyssoakropp shop drawings Purchaser must maintain meddrte room temperature between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheh, w1 h relative humidity Iass then 96%no*condenktg at all times. h. Rough ape�ss for the entrances ghat shall be no less than what Is delineated on the elevator shop drawktgs; Adequate=:19 of errtronca franres to prevent distortion during wall Construction. J. All grouting, Ore coulking, cuft and removal of wags and Boors peWdng, coring, penetrations and painting (except as spoeliled) and removal of obstructions requiredfor elevator work; along wash ai proper trencidng and baddlllIng for any underground piping wWor condut k. Any tuba steel mWor roll backing, including embeds and weld plates, that may be required by thysmArupp for rag bracket attachment or gulds rag support which Purchaser shag ensure is Installed by others flush with the hoftvay from pit Haar to the top of the overhead to carry the beds of sill equipment. Purc hasershall ensure that guide rags for traction elevators must attach to owl, CMU or concrete, not wood. Ali labor end mate►iels necessary to stepporc tits (ug vttddh of the holslwey at �dt landlrug far etrtclhatAhg or vwelding the thyssenkrupp shl �as detalled on the thyyssssenpupp iayotRe along wilt all stntaural steel doorframes with exterretata to beaus above If required on sides and sills farirclght elevators, Induding Ndeh pehtlhtg tlhese Rarmm. Purchaser must specify wall thickness for olovator anrrance kargea on tits layout approvals. tlhe standard rettge wall thickness for eavrator enhance frame& is 3.26 to 12,5 bhclhe8. th p can accornodats enbamce thldahese e>i up l0 22 inches at en additional cost. 3. thyssenknmpp 1s not responsible for vmiMr�emlema or rotated work by otlhers. Purchaser must verify all dimendons on ttm submittal drawings prior to equipment fabdcatlon. i. Purchaser shall provide the following: a Suitable connections from the power main to each controller and signal equipment feeders as required, indudbv netessery drcrat breakers ,nd fused rnatnBne disconnect switches per NEC prior to WjAa,uon, b. Piping and wtrInrg to controller for malrMns power, car fighting, and any otter building syatoms that Interface with tha elevator controls Is by otters (per N M Arlicks 620.22 and 620-51). ' c A means to aulometkally disconnect the main lime and the amergemy power sup* to the slev&tor prior to the appikaton of water In the elevator mechIne room. d. Any recidarad holstway, macf 1ne room, pit 5g hting and/or 110v service outlets; e. Temporary 220v shtgb phase (60 amp) hnt jam 50 feet of each hobtway. f. A bonded ground wire, properly sired, from the elevator conlroller(s) to the primary buldbg ground. g. Conduit and whing for remote panels to l he elevator machine mom(s) and between partials. Remote panels "had by local Jurisft)m are not Included In has proposal, h. Installed spdnklem, smoke/heat detectors on each floor, machine room and holstways, shunt trip devices (not self -resetting) ON access panels as may be required. I. A dedicated, analog telephone tine monitored 24 haws, as well as normally open dry contacts for smokelheat sensors, which shall be terminated by Purchaser at a properly marked to mkW In the elevator controller. j. Emergency power supply Including automatic time delay transfer switch and ouhdliary contacts with whkhg to detsignated elevator eontroger along with elex�al cross connections between machine rooms for emergency power. New installation Proposal - Page 6 of 9 thyssenkrupp E d S buddhhg settling occur which requires a mftr m afgnment modifications (tnrkig Installation (or.dudng any Included Now Installation Maintenance period as designated above), additional charges wit apply 2. Purdtaeer shall ensure fullcompliance with any govem nmt* reqquired safely provisions not directly Involved with the elevator Instollon. 3. Purchaser shall provide a finished cab floor with total thickness s 31B', weighing s 50IN 4. Unless Indicated plastic Wows and powder coat we standard selections, other opdM_ are aubpxt to price Increase. 6. Purchm shall pre" an on -site dumpster. dryssernlaupp will be responsible for cleanup of elevator pedaft material; however, composite cleanup perdelpatlon is Wincluded In this Proposal. F. I I..L lnanecHnn —A'fi 1. Unless required by siecoMadon, thyssenloupppp wU' not provide for nary tree' of the elevators) described In this Proposal pdor to canpletion and accaptenee of the complete In,talwal' . Tampo eery use, agree to via a change order a site parties' separste installation agreement mentioned above which ahao require Purchaser's execution of thyssenloupp's standard Ternpotery Use Agreement. Cost for temporary use of at elevator shall be $60.00 par colander day per hydrat�c devator and $16,00 per calendar day for each traction elevator for rental use otfj, exdudng pawn nel to operate. Ali labor OWparts, alluding Wbecks required during ire temporaaryry tee period vAl be bMad at thyssendorupp a standard local billing rates. In the event that an alavatar must be provided for tamporaarryY use, dwanloupp will rwAre 30 days to perform fatal adluatments and re -Inspection NW the elevator has been returned to thyssenkrupp nMtn d protection, Wimms and MY signage removed. This ticratlort does not Ittduda amy provisions for M1eth InstalaUon or for repelts of sane, which shell be on a pprojectaty t basis, Cost fot preperatknft of oonlyde for tertglorary use, reWArialtrneht due to normal wear and tear, reAusbnaat and re- itspec4on �3,600.00 per alovetor tip to 10 (bore. For nsbelallQrts above 10 stops, an additional coat of $1,500A0 / 10 floors shad appay. These costs are based an work performed during nomnhat vnorkitp houre. T�r�e use excludes vendadam or misuse. Any required equi endwna t@, catrerhunicatlon devices, elevator operetore, end protecdot era rot Inoluded�Ternporery Use Is being provld spew tltrrirhg the temporary use period wpl bet bided at our Iwa(seMce boiNhg races. or 2. The Proposal price set forth above Indudex one (1) Itnepectlon by the aDAdcabie having lurlsdlcdon a requited by the govenurrent of the loodity where the equipment Is located. In the event IM equgxnenI tabs that Inspection due to no faun of thysserdeupp Oil charge Purchaser for both the roar of each re -inspection which shall be $1,60040 avd a rernobliketlon too which shad be $2,500.00 vIo ehenge order prior to sdwdtdbtg a te-Inspection. 3. Upon notice from thyssm%rupp that the instedatlott of the equipment Is complete, Purchaser A arrange to have present at the itsWellon trite a Cum authorized fin hped to make the al Inspection and to axedme U�MoUpp's'pmel Acceptance form ° The dabs and time that such person v4 be present at the site shall be mutuafly agreed upon but shall not be mote then to (10) buslnoss days after the date of thyssardoupp a notice of completion to Purchase unless bath thyssonlut" and Purchaser agtoo to an extendon of that tan (10) perWd in wdtig Such (M inspection and execution of thyssenkupp's `fatal Accepww Form" shad not be unressonably delayed or 4. pwdwser agrees to accept a Ave demo *atlon of Mulpmend's owner -controlled features In lieu of any maintenance training required in the bid 5. Purchaserees to accept thyssaduetpp's standard owner's manual Inlou of any maintenance, or any eMer, manAs) required In the bid specifica G. 1. �' Purchaser shatprovide the tolowing a. A crane to ho st elevaas needed, Including hydreuk cylinders W be placed In the ground. Who nequlred, the axcevelbn of the elevator cylinder well hole, A be based on dniMng through and free from rock, send, water, budding construction membom and obstructlons, b. A 32' x 32' blodhout, or as the block -Ott indicated an tlny86atkrupp leyou19, In the p(t doof. e. Adequate Ingress and egrass, Including rampbt4, shad be provided for a Ink* -mot %W drill dg. d. Removal of all dirt and dads from each hole location, Only thyssoA standard hdpe or pvc protedl n system whb bottomless corrugateed d �syted casing will be provided for "In -ground' hydraulic Jade des. Should Watt alons be encountered. thyssenlW will of additional labor atttten thyssenlWpp's standard hourly rates, and the don has base received from the actual cost of any addurcliaser. The price if this tional material fuss In Increased by the amount e. Any required trenching and baddhlortg for underground plplq or casings, and conduit as well as any cmVadion, grouting, and waterproofing of bkklt-Ca f. The engineering and Installation of methane banters or cwordlnatbrVaccess. gg Access to 2' pressidied water supply WIM 100'-0" of the lack hole location. h, Layout when excavation of lade hole Is tram grade. i. A 4' x 4' opening in the elevator hdstway overhead as required by OWsser kupp. 2. hMu& hisdike 80116M Purchaser sine provide ire foDwAV; a. A fell rough opening to accept c e, typledy on (bar hove bottom landng, an 8' minimum MOW wall thldmess at eootmi er location and all itt connects (btdlding power, fire alarm signals, phone one) W the top of the cotntrdw fit ne. b. Goofing or heating as necessary to maintain SD-95 degree FMmnhait temperature in halsb ay at all times. c. The shunt tilp breaker provide by Oymmkrff wkhla Use elevator controller will require a sepa ite 120V pourer supply to the short nap relay and this signal must be monkotedby the n panel. 3. a. For a spwily machine room —less installation, the top of the holstway shall not be Installed until after the hoist machines can be set In plate with o cranna. Purc hexer agrees to provide o crane to hoist elevator equipmmerd as needed and of no oust to p. b. for synergy machine room-lese apptlWans, Purchaser AM provide tlsysser "P Ins101101 n txow a work pbtforrn n the hofslway at the top landing. The platform "I be mutructed W the spedicadon provided to the Purchaser�y tiMrbsenknrpP. e. Purchaser shad provkle beam pockets with beaig plebes to support the bads of the ovetFtead machine assembly on synergy machine mornessappdcstlonsperthe thy isyoute d. Purchaser shoo praAde a temporary AC - 30 amps wnWnel with dlsccronect for each traction sievator in the machine room(s) at the start of the Job for temporary operation of work Now Installation Proposal - Page 7 eta (M thyssenkrupp &512019 RE P3T-BAWA Surface Water Treatment Plant Elevator New Construction P Reply all: - Delete Junk I - --- RE: P3T-BAWA Surface Water Treatment Plant Elevator New Construction MA Meyer, Adam <Adam.Meyer@thyssenkrupp.com> Mon 8/6/2018 9.18 AM 7o Wang, Qia.,g Cc. drown, Katy A Inhax Flag for follow up Completed on Monday, August 06 2018 You forwarded this message on 816/201810.15 AM Dennis, 6 t) Reply all I v Thanks for contacting me about this project. Unfortunately due to the age of the quote I will need to pass along the applicable escalation costs from September of 2017 to now. The revised price (assuming no additional scope changes) is-',FA- s, - ,2 .. We will also need to understand any safety and stte access requirements for the job as well as our pricing is based upon compliance with thyssenkrupp safety policies and standard construction site access requirements. Can you give me some details about what may or may not be required for this project? Thanks The contact for signature is Lisa Little Here is her contact information: Lisa L McLaughlin Little Lead Contract Analyst, Contraci Department ET-AMS/CAR T +1 770 799 0430, Jj*AJ JQ@JhyALMp n{tp = thyssenkrupp Elevator Corporation D - o Suite 390t elA,esaw GA Regards, Adam Meyer Territory Manager, New Installation Sales ET-AMS/FLD M +1 832 886 7092. "Lm Myer�thyssenluup From: Wang, Qiang [mailto:gwang@piwus.com] Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 1:35 PM To: Meyer, Adam Cc: Drown, Katy Subject: P3T-BAWA Surface Water Treatment Plant Elevator New Construction Importance: High Hi Adam, Per your conversation with Katy yesterday, I am sending you the quote and previous conversation with Sophie concerning the BAWA Project. Please Provide the contact info for the person who will sign the contract so that we can https»duttook off ce365 com/owalprolection aspx 112 6/5/2019 RE- P3T-8AWA Surface Water Treatment Plant Elevator New Construction ;* Reply all I v 91 Delete Junk I - --- Dennis Wang, Ph.D., P.E. Project Manager P 1W waterworks PLW Waterworks I a division of Webber 1818 Reflection Bay Dr Pearland, TX 77584 C 346.413,0503 pwpnsl)p it www•pimfYS.corn AVISO DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD Le informamos, como destinatario de este mensaje, que el correo electronico via Internet no pernite asegurar In coil fidencialidad de los mensaje.~ transmitidos ill su lntegridad o cotrecta recepcion. Si no consintiera la utilizacion del correo electronico via Internet, rogamos nos to comunique de forma inmediata. Este mensaje va dtrtbido de manera exclusive a su destinatario y puede contener informaclon confidencial cuya dlvulgacion esta prohiblda por la ley. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos nos to comunique de forma inmediata por esta misma via y proeeda a su eliminacion, asi como a la de cualquler documento adjunto al mismo. Asimismo, si no es el destinatario de este mensaje, se le informa de que su leetura, copia, distnbucion y utilizacion, asi como la de cualquier documento adjunto, sea cual sea su tinandad, estan prohibtdas. CONFIDENTIALITY WARNING We hereby inform you, as addressee of this message, that Internet a -mail neither gualdritees the confidentiality nor the completeness or proper receipt of the messages sent. if yoo do not consent to the use of Internet a -mail, please notify its immediately. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee and may contain confidential information protected from disclosure by law. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify us via e-mail and delete it and any attachment. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message, please be informed that any reading, copy, distribution or use of it or its attachments, for any purpose, is forbidden.. https:lloutlook office366.com/owa/projection aspx V2 ACO Polymer Products, Inc. Page I of 2 Quotation 825 W Beechcraft Street �L Number: 2999881 Rev. - Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Project: Baytown Surface Water Treatment PI Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Name: Pepper Lawson Waterworks Quote By: Figueroa, Angela Address: 1725 Hughes Landing Blvd Ste 1200 Tel: Figueroa, oa, Angela Address: City/St/Zlp: Houston TX 77380 Fax: (520) 421-9899 Contact: Ryan Ballengee Eml: afggueroa@aco-online.com Tel/Fax: (281) 907-8604 (713) 521-0386 Terms: Net 30 Days AQVADuCT IS A CUSTOM MANuFACTURED PRODUCT MADE To ORDER AND IS AVAILABLE DIRECT FROM ACO Qty UM Item# Brand System Description Price Ext-Price 1 EA Custom • ` Item 1: Approximately 497 If of Aquaduct custom 12" trench drain; to be equipped with polyester channels, galvanized steel grate frames and El 6954 heavy duty cast iron grates; depth varies; to be furnished In 20'-long factory assemblies (wherever practical); includes factory fabrication of all 90 degree turns and ` T— intersections and factory attachment of all end plates; includes all necessary hardware, joint sealants and accessories. 1 EA Custom ' Item 2: Approximately 148 If of Aquaduct custom 24" trench drain; to be equipped with polyester channels, galvanized steel grate frames and E) 6958 heavy duty cast iron grates; depth varies; to be furnished in 20'-long factory assemblies (wherever practical); Includes factory fabrication of all 90 degree turns and "" T intersections and factory attachment of all end plates; includes all necessary hardware, joint sealants and accessories. TOTAL. FOR ITEM #1 & #2 $81,314.00 $81,314.00 ..................................................................................................... ........ ......................... .............................,,............., SHIPS 4b WEENS AFTER RECIEPT OF APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS .NOTES: ;1. PLEASE REFERENCE AQUADUCT PROJECT #081721 :2 FREIGHT ESTIMATE $2,000.00 VIA DEDICATED FLATBED ................................................................................................................................................................................... Shipment will be scheduled upon receipt of Reference Terms and Conditions Quote Subtotal: $81,314.00 approved shop drawing, unless otherwise stated. located on page 2 Other: $0.00 Fab Subtotal: $0.00 The company placing the order t5 responsible for all Total: $81,314.00 material quantities. Pricing valid for 30 days from date of quotation 'Casa Grande, AZ ESTIMATED FREIGHT COST: $2,000.00 Region Office: ' Freight rates are current estimates and include carrier assessed ACO Polymer Products, Inc. fuel surcharges as of quotation date. The customer is responsible for actual freight rate billed at time of shipment, ACO Polymer Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Products is not liable for any difference behveen estimated Tel: (520) 421-9988 Fax: (520) 421-9899 Ref#: Q17092002-17-AF Visit our websiteat evpvPv.acousa.corn Terms and Conditions Page 2of2 PAYMENT: - Ail pridng Is In US. Dollars. TERMS: - Net 30 days from data of Involoe. A servke charge of 1.5%, per month wig be charged on all IrwIces unpaid 30 days after Invoice date (equal W 18% anmualyj FREIGHT: - F.O.B. Casa Grande, AZ MISSING MATERIAL• - Missing material must be reported to ACOrs Customer Sw*e Department within 48 hours of rec:elpt of shipment. DAMAGED MATERIAL: - Damaged material must be noted on the bill of lading at final deaftkn prat. The receiver must file a frelght claim witty the carrier. ACD Is mat responsible for material damaged In transit. *rsssrs*rrsr*rs**rsrsr*sss*r*rsrrw*ar RETURNS: - *** CHANGSS:-*** ACO, Inc. 825 W Beechcraft Street Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Page I of 2 Quotation Number: 3019135 Rev. - Project: Baytown Surface Water Treatment PI Date: Name: Pepper Lawson Waterworks Quote By: Address: 1818 Reflection Bay Drive . Tel: Address: Fax: City/St/Zip: Pearland TX 77584 Eml: Contact: Dennis Wang Friday, August 10, 2018 Sanchez, Margarita (520)421-9968 (520) 421-9899 Margarita.Sanchez@ACO.com Tel/Fax: (346) 413-0503 Terms: Net 30 Days AQUADUCT IS A CUSTOM MANUFACTURED PRODUCT MADE TO ORDER AND IS AVAILABLE DIRECT FROM ACO, INC, Qty Uhl Item# Brand System Description Price Ext-Price 1 EA Custom Item 1: Approximately 547 if of Aquaduct custom 12" trench drain; $92,029.00 $92,029.00 to be equipped with polyester channels, galvanized steel grate frames and E) 6954 heavy duty cast iron grates; depth varies; to be furnished in 20'-long factory assemblies (wherever practical); includes factory fabrication of all 90 degree turns and " f" intersections and factory attachment of all end plates; includes all necessary hardware, joint sealants and accessories. Item 2: Approximately 148 If of Aquaduct custom 24" trench drain; to be equipped with polyester channels, galvanized steel grate frames and EJ 69SB heavy duty cast iron grates; depth varies, to be furrushed in 20'-long factory assemblies (wherever practical); includes factory fabrication of all 90 degree turns and "T" intersections and factory attachment of all end plates; 'ncludes all neres,,ary hardware, joint sealants and accessories. .............. ... . ....... '1. Reference Aquaduct Inquiry: 081721R1 2. Freight estimate: §2,500.00 via dedicated flatbed•"k**Ship 4.-6 weeks after receipt of approved shop drawings. •• ° ° 3. Grating quoted is suitable for 10 ton forklift traffic. 3. This is a custom made product R is non -cancellable after receipt of order. ' Shipment will be scheduled upon receipt of Reference Terms and Conditions Quote Subtotal' $92.029.00 approved shop drawing, unless otherwise stated. located on page 2 Other: $0.00 Fab 5ubtata §0.00 The customer placing the order is responsible fer Fatal. §92,0$0.00 correct material quantities. • Pricing valid for 30 DAYS from date of quotabom FOB: Origin unless otherwise stated on quotation. ESTIMATED FREIGHT COST: $2,500.00 Region Office: . F-J ACO, Inc. Casa Grande, AZ 8S122 Tel: (S20) 421-9988 Fax: (520) 421-9899 Refs: Q 18081003.17-MHS Visit our website at www.acousa Com Terms and Conditions Page 2 of 2 U E ; . GLAZE & ASSOCIATES, INC. _ I3STABIASHEb 1985 - Z 9202 SWEETBRUSH DRIVE Fax Time ' HOUSTON, TX 77064 (281) 890-2433 OFFICE (281) 890-0798 FAX a sales@glazeco.com Let us modernize your tollet parddons and accessories BID PROPOSAL To: Pgper Lawson Date: 9/06/2017 Attu; Estimating Project: Baytown Area Water Authority 6 MGD WTP Phone: 281-907-9604 &Mail: Plan Date; 8/29/2016 Acknowledge: 02 Addenda 0 Alternates Toilet Pattitione. (10211) Proposal includes: Material-87,690.00 Labor-$1,005.00 Total-$8,695.00 (Saks tax if necessary AM, $634,43) Material shall be Phenolic Black Core, Floor Mounted/Overhead Braced W/Continuous SS Brackets & Hardware. Consisting of (02) ADA Compartments (01) Standard Coinpartments Bathroom Accessodea (10800) Proposal includes: Material-$3,123.00 Labor-$ USM Total-$3,648.00 (Sales tax if necessary AM, $257.65) Accessories furnished and/or installed at s..bject jobsite consisting of: (03) 36" Grab Bar, B6806.99 (03) 42" Grab Bar, B6806.99 (02) Two Wall Shower Grab Bar, B6861.99 (01) 24" x 36" Mirror, B2908 (01) 48" x 36" Mirror, B2908 *to r r �' OO (04) Toilet Paper Dispenser, B2888 (01) Soap Dispenser, B2111 (02) Soap Dispenser, B8226 (02) Folding Shower Seat, B5181 (02) Shower Curtain Rod, B6047 (02) Shower Curtain W/Hooks, B204 2/204-1 (02) Soap Dish, B6807 (02) 24" Towel Bar, 136737 (02) Clothes Hook.6827 (01) Mop & Broom Holder, B239X34 Exclusions: Under Lav Guards to be by others. Note: For Glaze & Associates to install OFCI accessories please ADD• $10.00 per accessory. General Contractor must supply Glaze & Associates with counts. Page I of 3 Bid Tabulation will be greatly appreciated at you earliest convenience. Fire Prptection (10520) Proposal includes: Matcdai-$1,360.00 Labor-$] 5.00 Tote.-$1,575.00 (Sales tax if neeessaryAM $1 U20) Material furnished and/or installed at subject jobsite consisting ob (03) 10L B Fire Extinguisher W/Tag (01) Extinguisher Cabinet -Non Rated, SS Recessed (02) Extinguisher Cabinet, SS Surface Mount Madsgs (10110) Proposal includes: Materls141,351,00 Iabor-$—J= Total-$1,668,00 (Sales tax if necessary AM $111.46) Material furnished and/or installed at subject jobsite conalsting of (02) 4' X 8' Marker Board tic rail mate -Faced Wood Lockers (10500) Proposal includes: Material-$8,673.00 Labor-$ 90= Total-$9,573.00 (Salts tax if necessary A,1715.52) Material furnished and/or installed at subject jobsite consisting of: (13)12"W X 20"D X 72"T Double Tier 7-Locker W/USB Outlet, 5-Pin Keylock and Fillee Panels. Note: Quoting Holtman Lockers as a Voluntary Alternate. Excimlons: Locker Base and Slop Tops. Misc. §P=Lah1r&--Q=(10950) Proposal includes: Material $' ,332 00 Labor $_..5= Total-$1,857.00 (Sales tax if necessary ADD, $109.89) Material furnished and/or installed at subject jobsite consisting oh (18) 3" X 6V Vinyl Comer Guard - Surface Mount, Note: Quoting with factory standard colors, Delivery Schedule: 6 - 8 Weeks 'Phis proposal is submitted under the conditional use of AIA A401 contract of the AGC/ASA/ASC standard contract/subcontract Terms and Conditions 1. It 1s Glaze and Associates policy that with all new customers a 50% deposit will be required before any material can he ordered. The remaining 50% will be due upon the day of installation before the installation can be completed. This is due to the custom nature of our work. A line of credit can be established for all future projects which will not require a deposit; however the first project must have a 30% deposit. 2. This quotation is valid for fQ days. After that, quoted prices will need to be reviewed. 3. Any credit card payment is subject to a 3.75% charge. 4. If Textura Online Management System is to be need on this project, we MUST add .18% + Tax of the total contract with a minimum of $ 50.00 to offset the additional cost of this system. Any change orders that may occur might also require the additional .18% + Tax charge. 5. Material & Installation • Toilet Partitions color must be toilet partition manufacturer's standard color or there may be an up -charge for non-standard color. • Any item(s) not clearly listed above is excluded. • If material for this project is to be ordered and installed in phases, there may be additional charges, if phases are not provided at the time of the bid. • Stated delivery schedule becomes effective only after approved submittals are returned to Glaze & Associates and all required field measurements are completed. Page 2 of 3 Bid Tabulation wit be greatly appreciated at you earliest convenience. • Unless clearly noted otherwise, this Proposal does not include demo of any existing material. 6. If sales tax not applicable, Tax Exempt Certificate must be provided wltb Contract or Purchase Order. 7. Customer agreas to pay any late Interest accrued on past due accounts and any collection costs incurred in the collection of any delinquent account Including reasonable attorney fees. 8. Exclusions • Any blocking, any electrical work, any layout, overhead structural support, work above die ceiling, hole punobing for hanger rods, layout or installing ceiling bolts, any ceiling work, any cut-outs or cutting holes in other trades, any bonds and final clean up. 9. Retainage • Reteinage shall be paid within 90 days after Substantial Completion Date, 10.Insurance • 7'he above pricing includes our standard insurance, our quotation for the following provisions are: Additional Insured (Excludes Auto) Add $250/Named Waiver of Subrogation Add $250Mamed FOB Factory, Freight Allowed, Installed Accepted Date Phone Glaze And Associates, Inc. By John Mills johnm@glazece.com Page 3 of 3 Bid Tabulation will be greatly appreciated at you earliest convenience, GLAZE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 7 ESTABLISHED 1995 9202 SWEETBRUSH DRIVE Fax Time , HOUSTON TX 77064 i s f (281) 890-2433 OFFICE :., . ,4• - 4 ., (281) 890-0798 FAX "® sales@glazeco.com .r Let us moder &e your toilet partitions and accessories BID PROPOSAL To: Pepper Lawson Date: 9/06/2017 REVISED 1/17/19 Attn: Estimating Project: Baytown Area Water Authority 6 MGD WTP Phone: 281-907-8604 E-Mail: Plan Dat 1 8/29/2016 Acknowledge: 8 Addenda 0 Alternates **. *R Aaed to update pricing that is oveir a.vr old.** Toilet Partitions (10211) Proposal includes: Material-$9,296.00 Labor-$ 1-255.00 Total-$10,551.00 (Sales tax if necessary AID_ $766.92) Material shall be Phenolic - Black Core, Floor Mounted/Overhead Braced W/Continuous SS Brackets & Hardware. Consisting of: (02) ADA Compartments (01) Standard Compartments Exclusions: Wood blocking by others. Bathroom Accessories (10800) Proposal includes: Material-$3,810.00 Labor-$ (MM Total-$4,416.00 (Sales tax if necessary ADD, $314.33) Accessories furnished and/or installed at subject jobsite consisting of: (03) 36" Grab Bar (03) 42" Grab Bar (02) Two Will Shower Grab Bar (01) 24" x 36" Minor (01) 48" x 36" Mirror (04)'1'oilet Paper Dispenser (01) Soap Dispenser (02) Soap Dispenser (02) Folding Shower Seat (02) Shower Curtain Rod (02) Shower Curtain W/Hooks (02) Soap Dish (02) 24" Towel Bat (02) Clothes Hook (01) Mop & Btoom Holder Exclusions: Under Lav Guards to be by others. Wood blocking by others. Any Items not listed above are excluded. Note: For Glaze & Associates to install additional OFCI toilet accessories please AM $13.00 per toilet accessory. General Contractor must supply Glaze & Associates with counts. Pagel of 3 Bid Tabulation will be greatly appreciated at you earliest convenience. Fire Protection (10520) Proposal includes: Material-$1,758.00 Labor-$ 275.00 Total-$2,033.00 (Saks tax if necessary ADD. $145,04) Material furnished and/or installed at subject jobsite consisting of: (03) 10LB Fire Extinguisher W/Tag (01) Extinguisher Cabinet Non Rated, SS Recessed (02) Extinguisher Cabinet, SS Surface Mount Exclusions: Wood blocking and cut-outs by others. Market (10110) Proposal includes: Material-$1,618.00 Labor-$ 387.00 Total-$2.005.00 (Sales tax if necessary ADD, $133.49) Material furnished and/or installed at subject jobsite consisting of: (02) 4' X 8' Marker Board Plastic Laminate -Faced Wood Lockers (10500) Proposal includes: Material-$8,673.00 Labor-$ 965.00 Tota]49,638.00 (Sales tax if necessary ADD, $715.52) Material furnished and/or installed at subject jobsite consisting of (13) 12"W X 20"D X 72"T Double Tier Z-Locker W/USB Outlet, 5 Pin Keylock and Filler Panels. Note: Quoting Holman Lockers as a Voluntary Alternate. Exclusions: Locker Base and Slop Tops. Wood blocking by others. Misc. Specialties - Corner Guards (10950) Proposal includes: Material-$1,357.00 Labor-$ 625.00 Total $1,982.00 (Sales tax if necessary ADD, $111.95) Material furnished and/or installed at subject jobsite consisting of: (18) 3" X 60" Vinyl Corner Guard Surface Mount. Note: Quoting with factory standard colors. Delivery Schedule: 6 - 8 Weeks, once approved submittals have been returned and material is released to the manufacturer. This proposal is submitted under the conditional use of AIA A401 contract or the AGC/ASA/ASC standard contract/subcontract. Terms and Conditions 1. It Is Glaze and Associates policy that with all new customers a 50% deposit will be required before any material can be ordered. The remaining 50% will be due open the day of installation before the installation can be completed. This is due to the custom nature of our work. A line of credit can be established for all future projects which will not require a deposit; however, the first project must have a 50% deposit. 2. This quotation Is valid for 60 days. After that, quoted prices will need to be reviewed. 3. If payment by credit card is requested, please add 3.75%. 4. If Texture. Online Management System is to be used on this project, we MUST add .18% t Tax of the total contract with a minimum of S 50.00 to offset the additional cost of this system. Any change orders that may occur might also require the additional .18% + Tax charge. Page 2 of 3 Bid Tabulation will be greatly appreciated at you earliest convenience. S. Material & Installation • Toilet Partitions color must be toilet partition manufacturer's standard color or there may be an up -charge for non-standard color. • Any item(s) not clearly listed above is excluded. • If material for this project is to be ordered and installed in phases, there may be additional charges, if phases are not provided at the time of the bid. • Stated delivery schedule becomes effective only alter approved submittals are retumed to Glaze & Associates and all required field measurements are completed. • Unless clearly noted otherwise, this Proposal does not include derno of any existing material. 6. If sales tax not applicable, Tax Exempt Certitieate must be provided with Contract or Purchase Order. 7. Field Measures • Pictures of current job site preparedness ARE required before any field measure will be, scheduled. • If a Glaze and Associates representative is scheduled and dispatched to the job site for a field measure and the site is not ready, a $150 trip charge will be assessed. 8. Customer agrees to pay any late Interest accrued on past due accounts and any collection costs incurred in the collection of any delinquent account including reasonable attorney fees. 9. Exclusions • Any blocking, any electrical work, any layout, overhead structural support, work above the ceiling, hole punching for hanger rods, layout or installing ceiling bolts, any ceiling work, any cut-outs or cutting holes in other trades, any bonds and final clean up. 10. Retainage • Retainage shall be paid within 90 days after Substantial Completion Date. ll.lnsurance • The above pricing includes our standard insurance, our quotation for the following provisions are: I. Additional Insured (Excludes Auto) Add $250/Named 2. Waiver of Subrogation Add $250/Named Accepted — ___._..... .. Glaze and Associates, Inc. Date Phone By Shawn Tkaez shawn@glazeco.com Page 3 of 3 Bid Tabulation will be greatly appreciated at you earliest convenience. November V, 2018 Ms. Katy Drown Project Manager PLW Waterworks, LLC 1725 Hughes landing Blvd., Ste 1200 The Woodlands, TX 77380 Katy, The project was initially bid in September of 2017 and we are just now being able to release the equipment after the generators were pulled from the scope and inserted back in. In the past year and half the price of steel has fluctuated drastically and put us in a bind. Currently we are looking at a $58,000 price delta due to this irregularity from when we were asked to hold our pricing until now. These price changes are not only affecting us but our vendors as well (who are building the enclosure and tank for us). Based off of our conversation, I know you guys are working through this and I am expecting that PLW will reimburse us the extra costs due to the escalation soon. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. Thanks, Oren Kilgore Power Systems Representative - Gulf Region Cummins Southern Plains, LLC 7045 N. Loop 610 East Houston, TX 77028 Office: 713-679-7759 Cell 281-460-3528 gren kilcig-mL ummms.com i fNpWTf?lAl� swfar,� ca � Cohen Industrial Supply Co September 13, 2018 1922 Knoll Street Houston, TX 77080 Phone: (713) 467-3300 w i Dear Valued Customer, I last wrote you on May 14"' about the pending tariffs discussed and imposed by our government against other countries with regard to carbon and stainless steel piping products. Up until now, most ductile iron pipe and fittings have experienced only modest Increases, and we have tried our best to hold the line while getting commitments from our major suppliers of ductile Iron pipe, fittings, and valves as long as we gave them hold for release orders on our major projects. We started sending out new terns at that time stating that all of our quotes would only be honored for 30 days and that quotes on stainless steel and carbon steel piping products were only good for one week. Hopefully all of you have been making allowances In your budgets for these Increases. In the past few weeks, we have been Informed that our government is strongly considering imposing more tariffs by the end of the month on all Chinese goods. In response to this news, all of our suppliers and manufacturers that import product from China have sent us letters announcing the possible pricing implications of this new round of tariffs. (I have attached four of these letters with this emall, but we have already received 8-10 others that I'm not including.) If these tariffs take effect, Cohen will have no choice but to void every existing unshipped order that we have in place and renegotiate these orders as the manufacturers will no longer hold any of our "hold for release" purchases. Based on the letters we are getting, we will essentially be operating on a "price In effect at time of shipment" basis -- something I have not seen for over 40 years. The only items exempt will be valves and piping Items that have been purchased at current levels and confirmed between Cohen and the customer. Each job and order will be a standalone, one off transaction, and independent of any other job we are doing with our customers. These are very difficult times for those of us that deal with Imported materials and hopefully your sales person or I will be able to address each one of your jobs with you on an Individual basis in the very near future to keep the Increases to a very minimal outcome. I will keep you posted during the month as we hear more information. Please call me anytime if I can answer any questions about the above. Sincerely, Leslie Cohen President Cohen Industrial Supply CO 281-635-2956 (Cell) Leslie Cohen From: Star Marketing < starmarketing@starpipeproducts com > Sent: Friday. September 7, 2018 4.34 PM To: Star Marketing Subject! Potential Section 301 Tariff on Chinese Manufactured Products ,September 7. 01(`1 TO. Our Valued U. S Customers RE: Potential ,'Yeclion 301 1[11•{ on Chinexe 114(»trtfavotr•rcl Prachrcls II a have bee.'» receiving several cerlls concerning the pole)ltkrl lar ff un our istparted iron prudtrcvs, so IrC tholrghl we sholl/d Outline alu• /Vern lJ rn»' 901'e' 11111ent inrplenten/ I• (I tariff 11'e will lake the f dlowitrg trcYioltl; • .4ct,-eptecl Pt»•charc !)r(iev•s ,1111)reviousll, aceepleel Plrrchase Order.v will be honored bul rlllrsl be releaved by the IariJJ•implentewatiun chive Our nun-tariJj inyxac•led inventor), will he mvcaf r these co nnitmellty. ■ r1'eu• l'trrchase Order's !!'e II�i//nut he uccepthl�� large sn/ck arder.c ,1/r1xl o/the' pre-tarV/f imz'rttnr} has be'eti i-everved fin et'iVing ptt►•c'hase ocicrs. ■ New Price List - On the 1[rl'%%J (rIir101»7CC'tlte'nt [late, Ire Will Amu, (I new Price List (PL 18.03T) for (1l1 ire»r.v err/ected h1 the 1(u'ijl. The tie1r list 1, ill increase the prices hl' the amount ojlhe lal rffand frill be ejfec'tive the elate lhe' tariJl is inrplerncrltecl !! e r-tpe[Y this drrk' lu he V i to 3U dr�ts crJiel theformal al nouncente'nl Owrenlh•, it louk.v like the urnounl a ill he 25% • AlullipCtrry - Our »lrrllipliel-.v frill remain the value, tndesv »larkel couditiunc change. We reali_e this is a disruJ)lire• lisle %r all ul Its Plea.Ne call with atlr questions• or c•oculacl. .Si»cerel t U1111 Ah.- ulc livorl 100 September 12, 2018 Mw�u M• To: All Tyler Union Customers HE: Potential Section 301 Tariff on Chinese Manufactured Products We have been receiving a significant number of customer calls regarding the potential tariff increase on Products made In China. To help with your business planning, we wanted to share an outline of what our Intended actions will be at this point in time. If the tariff Increase Is Implemented, we Intend to take the following actions for affected Items, which as we understand will include fittings, restraints, threaded flanges and glands & accessory kits: • Accepted Purchase Orders received In-house prior to this Sept 121" letter and for immediate shipment will be fully honored including any backordered items. • All previously received Hold Orders for specific jobs quoted since April 16"^ 2018 and priced offfLP2018- 2 will be fully honored, provided they are released for shipment by the effective date of the increased tariff. • Purchase orders received after September 121" and before the effective date of the increased tariff for specific jobs quoted since April 16t' 2018 and priced off LP2018-2 will be fully honored, provided they are released for shipment by the effective date of the Increased tariff. • To avoid creating future Issues, we will not be accepting any new "hold for release" orders. All orders placed must be for immediate shipment. • For Municipal and Annual Bids, we will honor the Terms & Conditions on pricing that was mutually agreed to, but will need all relevant documentation to look at each situation on a case -by -case basis and assess whether Force Majeure may apply under the applicable Terms & Conditions. In those casesw will work with our customers in good faith on any appropriate change in pricing. . e • For new quotes and invoiced pricing our intent, as always, is to keep our pricing In -line with the actual competitive market conditions, and will do so by adjustments in multipliers off the current List Price. Because true competitive conditions under the tariff are unknown at this point, for your planning purposes you should assume that pricing could Increase by the same degree of the tariff increase, which as proposed would be 2S% from the current levels. We understand these tariffs wtti have a significant impact on long running jobs like design -builds, etc. Through good communication our team will work closely with your team to prevent as many issues as possible, but you will need to plan accordingly. We recognize that this is a time of uncertainly within the Waterworks Industry and we pledge to work In good faith with our valued Customers during this period. Sincerely, JerryJansen National Sales Manager EMPIRE Itrit 2;. _Atiti •l( ): All linysirc (-us1,11ticrc RE: Price increase: Pipe Hangers, Strut and Accessories, Metal Stamping-Mtstings Dw L- fix ptemher ongoing trade dlspure bcrn ecn flit thihisSSeUnited Jtar(s and (:Inaa, ntw1i pr(tla,sttl lanffs could take effect as early :Is Re4rettahh, btcause nC nc� uterc.lacs incurred b% 16npirc rtlatcd tr) thw,c potential tariffs, the bare no dwiec hue ul Ixgin fife process ref intldrrneunn4 a pact. inerctsc 4.11 all g4lo/ls atleetc,l bt rhis ntcawrl According to the ccltclhllc of cwtrttcs iddre,xd in 'lit recent tilttt•4 lit -,ur:tdmrnistr:rur.n, rt`addufonal tariffs arc 111-h , I:rnp cowrc% ing pricc be e-tst• will take efica un S plc i�er J �OJ I or,n„rc mtortoauon r,,, thi< latest murlstIrc, the Cull document flied can he h+und here: i rl Ic J:Y • c c r i t it �f1� rN1� � 70( .. �l, ---•^`{4�_,]13i3L: (''..�ttl. tl-Yilj�i �,�5[� Due to {hc V. lhuilitIho o,l 9"1119 nadc rit.ptut. It has bcttum utrrt•:tstr>gl} di&icuit u, prtrbt and er,nrr,d the impact, rclaad u, pricing on our pn,<Inet,. Hou cccr, tt•6.0 tt•r can control is l,roridint woo tt till tt nnrelt adtanctd nrture a. pf,s,ihh ,when am-Ilustmcnts ut price tic, d it, r,c(ur Ultintatch, if these tariffs are nor implemented, )Empire "ill nor ntl»•e forward with this increase. \\'c tcIll cortnuuc to keel, t,r,, tnti,rtnLd of the 111)2outp impacts whew rxnffs hate m tuu, tour hu;incc,, and tna' indostrt It' Gnrpire', incrcasc goc, into t fleet, tee lull lit• able if, prowt(l, cust,unu gwtinc price Owcl, lit listcl forma{ tehcn "Plate Il!• v tse Clrlall r,41r rl•(Itll'Sl its: D��V(iSLLtrFf L'lrklut ,, n + When rluinp s,,, plt:f,e• nt(hc.atc In file subject line: �iltk� f._Ll "Price Increase 9/10/20i8" aad Include (our name, contpant nano, adllrvsi and 1111,41c nunther in fiu mcs.a4c ho(h• WC a ill pruwtdc an undated h,t price hn„k ri„ d-\t IIload na our tit b,nt f)",.._4 d:rttpnc tt.luur •, r.t Y sEu,rd} afict file incrcasc g.)ca inr„ etIvct. It t„u hart ant' (lucsu,nt,, plca,e t 4141131.1 t„ur I„c 11 m.uudteoucr>' repel>cntatit'e or d,c I .rnlult Insnlc S:t0.s tt tff at Jifpl- ?•Is •tk•I-1- W'e a+pnwi.t:e w.rUr c=,nrinuc(i ,upp„rr an'[ 1•,.,1 I„nt'Irti :o •tnl(Irt,; 11114 ruflut netd, loft t rrlw• Craig Bramlk: Tom Collins > I clew Sehaustcr \ Ice president• Pnaiuef \Luct�u I-,;LCIItlt e V.P tG Salt, t\ \larkctinl; \-lu,nta) Sales l\l.utal;tr I8ti t)It ut{ ilrcr t ,\[ancilC�tcr, f. I li(,11 tU 800-64i- 1 UJ ,gilU-243-4844 (3=a%) 8h0-G t7-1160 - EM A Forterra Company August 31, 2018 To: Valued Distribution Partners and Customers RE: Price Increase for Ductile iron Pipe and Related Products Increased costs of raw materials and transportation have continued to be the norm In 2018 and we are continuing to work to accommodate that unpredictability. For these reasons, we are issuing an immediate price Increase on all Ductile Iron Pipe, linings, coatings, restraints, and related products. These Increases will be represented in our quoting system, price portal and through our discussions. This letter also serves as a reminder that per our existing terms and conditions, all quotes dated prior to July 31, 2018 (numbered 106344 or earlier) will be repriced in accordance with our 30- day terms. We will also be reviewing outstanding orders older than 60 days for potential cancellation or changes. Quote numbers remain a requirement on all purchase orders, and no other processes related to quoting are changing at this time. We will continue to monitor the situation and are working hard to absorb costs to maintain our competitiveness, but future price adjustments may be necessary to counter continued unpredictability. Your business is Important to us, and our Sales and Customer Service teams are working diligently to provide you with the pricing, communication, and delivery schedules necessary to satisfy you and your customers. We appreciate your continued support, partnership, and understanding while we look forward to a mutually prosperous future. Best Regards, Howard Smith Sr. Vice President of Marketing & Sales 2 Chase Corporate Drive, Suite 200 1 Birmingham, AL 35244 1 866.347.7473 CO)PEFIN INDUSTRIAL ►:: SUPPLY - CO. SPECIAL QUOTATION TERMS AS OF MAY 1, 2018 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS EXIST ON THE ATTACHED QUOTATION AND ARE IN ADDITION TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ATTACHED Please Note: All quotes for PVC and HDPE material are quoted with 30/30 terms —meaning that quotes are good for booking within 30 days and must be shipped 30 days after that. PVC and HDPE quotation will be subject to factory availability and pricing review prior to the acceptance of an order. Orders place beyond these terms are subject to re -quote. Due to the current volatility of the carbon and stainless steel market, all carbon and stainless piping, structural and fastener pricing is firm for one week only. Letters of Intent (LOI's) must be issued and, only at that time, will we be able to confirm the quote. 66:1 COHEN INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. STANDARD QUOTATION TERMS This quotation is a reasonable estimate of materials and consists of approximate quantities for estimating purposes only. This bill of materials is a "guaranteed scope" quotation in as far as the area of work is mentioned. Customer shall verify products and quantities of estimated materials prior to bidding, pricing and ordering. We recommend a meeting between Cohen's representative and the customer to review plans, contract specifications and scope prior to the issuance of a purchase order. Any material not specifically listed and priced in the above quotation will not be furnished by Cohen for this project. If material which is not listed in the above quotation is ordered by the contractor, it will not be furnished until there is a mutual agreement between the customer and Cohen to treat the items as a "change order" and customer has agreed In writing to raise the purchase order dollar amount by the cost of the additional items. • Pipe drawings are always included with a Cohen quotation and will always be listed in the quotation as a line item. Drawings are not included for yard piping and 4" and smaller PVC lines either buried or exposed. Please contact your sales person if you need an added quote for these areas. • The prices in this quotation are good for 30 days unless otherwise noted above and are based on Cohen's ability to ship FFA. The customer will incur freight charges whenever less than truckload quantity shipments are required on a project or expedited shipment is requested. Freight is quoted on a job lot basis and will be periodically invoiced throughout the project. • LEAD LAW NOTICE: Brass/bronze products without "LF" in the description field may contain lead and thus not comply with low lead laws. These products must not be used in potable water applications. • Ductile Iron Pipe must be ordered within 30 days from Bid Date for prices to remain firm. • All flanged ductile iron pipe Is fabricated using Class 53 ductile iron pipe as a minimum and import class #125 Ductile Flange (unless noted otherwise). • All fabricated ductile iron pipe which the specifications call out as "primed" is quoted shop primed with one coat of TNEMEC T66, TNEMEC T140 or TNEMEC 37 primer (OR EQUAL). All fabricated ductile iron pipe not required to be shop primed shall be quoted asphaltic tar coated. This quotation does not include any testing of fabricated items that may be required by the contract specifications. • The pricing of electric motor operated and/or control valves contained in this quotation does include start- up and training. Start-up is quoted as a per day dollar amount and should be verified as it is only an estimate. Any additional days will be invoiced at the per day rate. Spare parts called out in the specs are also included. Both of these items are also listed as separate items in Cohen's scope of material. • The following items will be provided by others and are specifically excluded from this quotation unless a mutual agreement between Cohen and contractor is otherwise reached. These excluded items are: (1) any material not specifically referenced and priced in the above quotation; (2) all plumbing piping and fittings; (3) all concrete anchor bolts; (A) all temporary piping and materials for testing; (5) all cathodic protection material, cables, test stations and insulating kits unless otherwise noted; and (6) all costs for material testing, witnessing and/or Inspections and independent laboratory inspection costs. This quotation is based upon Cohen receiving an order for the complete bill of materials quoted herein, unless mutually agreed upon otherwise. Once released by contractor and placed on order by Cohen, all fabricated or non -stock items contained in this quotation are non -cancellable and non -returnable. Once released by contractor and placed on order by Cohen, stock items that are returned are subject to any restocking fees by manufacturer. In addition to the above, the following Items are never considered eligible for return: (1) PVC Pipe and fittings; (2) bolt sets of any kind; and (3) any joint restraint Items that contain bolts. All requests for returns will be issued on an RMA and cannot be returned until duly signed by Cohen. Applicable freight will be deducted if returned on a Cohen truck. • An engineer approved submittal for a particular item must be received by Cohen before that material will be placed on order. If contractor wishes to release material prior to receiving approved submittals, contractor must indicate to Cohen in writing that the contractor wishes to release this material and accepts all legal and financial liability for material that ultimately does not receive engineer approval. • Where shop drawings are required for fabricated material, Cohen will NOT release any of the bill of materials on a particular shop drawing until it has been approved by the engineer and signed by the contractor. • Quoted prices do not include any local, state or federal taxes. • Retention is not allowed. • This is a quotation only and does not constitute an agreement. It is an offer to enter Into an agreement. If a purchase order Is issued based on this quotation it is governed by Cohen Industrial Supply Company's "Terms and Conditions of Sale". COHN=N INDUSTRIAL r SUPPLY CO.-: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE CONTROLLING PROVISIONS: No terms and conditions other than the terms and conditions contained herein shall be binding upon Seller unless accepted by it In a writing signed by the Seller's assigned sales person or manager. All terms and conditions contained in any prior oral or written communication, including, without limitation, Buyer's purchase order, which are different from or in addition to the terms and conditions herein are hereby rejected and shall not be binding on Seller, whether or not they would materially alter this document, and Seller hereby objects thereto. All prior proposals, negotiations and representations, if any, are merged herein Buyer will be deemed to have assented to al terms and conditions contained herein if any part of the goods and/or services described herein are shipped or an invoice Is presented in connection with the said goods and/or services. TERMS: Buyer agrees to pay for the products according to the Seller's payment terms. In the event Buyer fails to make any payment to Seller when due, Buyer's entire account(s) with Seller shall became immediately due and payable without notice or demand All past due amounts are subject to service charges at the rate agreed upon by the parties, otherwise at the maximum contract rate permitted by law. Buyer does hereby grant to Seller a purchase money security interest in the products until such time as Seller is fully paid. Buyer will assist Seller In taking the necessary action to perfect and protect Seller's security interest. No products furnished by the Seller shall become a fixture by reason of being attached to real estate. REMEDIES OF SELLER: Upon default by the Buyer, Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller all attorney fees and court costs incurred by Seller in connection therewith, Buyer agrees that any of the following shall constitute an event of default which shall enable Seller, at its option, to cancel any unexecuted portion of this order or to exercise any right or remedy which it may have by law: (a) the failure of Buyer to perform any term or condition contained herein; (b) any failure of Buyer to give required notice; (c) the insolvency of Buyer or its failure to pay debts as they mature, an assignment by Buyer for benefit of its creditors, the appointment of receiver for Buyer or for the materials covered by this order or the filing of any petition to adjudicate Buyer bankrupt; (d) the death, incompetence, dissolution or termination of existence of Buyer; a failure by Buyer to provide adequate assurance of performance within ten (10) days after a justified demand by Seller or (f) if Seller, in good faith, believes that Buyer's prospect of performance under this Agreement is impaired All rights and remedies of Seller herein are in addition to, and shail not exclude, any rights or remedies that Seller may have by law. In the event it becomes necessary to incur any expense for collection of any overdue account, reasonable collection charges, including reasonable attorneys' fees, will be added to the balance due and Buyer shall pay all such charges. GOVERNING LAW: This transaction shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Texas (excluding choice of law provisions). All actions, regardless of form, arising out of or related to this transaction or the products sold hereunder must be brought against Seller within the applicable statutory period, but in no event more than ONE (1) YEAR after the date of invoice. DELIVERY: Seller will make a good faith effort to complete delivery of the products as indicated by Seller in writing, but SeVer assumes no responsibility or liability and will accept no back charge for loss or damage due to delay or inability to deliver, whether or not such loss or damage was made known to Seller, including, but not limited to, liability for Seller's non-performance caused by acts of God, war, labor difficulties, accidents, inability to obtain materials, delays of carriers, contractors or suppliers or any other causes of any k•nd whatever beyond the control of Seller, Under no circumstances shall Seller by liable for any special, consequential, incidental, indirect, or liquidated damages, losses, or expense (whether or not based on negligence) arising directly or indirectly from delays or failure to give notice of delay WARRANTY: THE BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY, IF ANY, IS THAT PROVIDED BY THE PRODUCT'S MANUFACTURER. SELLER MAKES NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, AND IN NO EVENT, WILL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR ANY OTHER LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OF REPAIRS OR INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR LIQUIDATED DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER BASED UPON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, STRICK LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE OR ANY OTHER CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THE DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, SALE, TRANSPORTATION, INSTALLATION, USE OR REPAIR OF THE PRODUCT SOLD BY SELLER. BUYER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, AND IN NO EVENT, SHALL SELLER'S LIABILITY, IF ANY, EXCEED THE NET SALES PRICE OF THE DEFECTIVE PRODUCT(S); NO ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCE SHALL BE MADE FOR THE LABOR OR EXPENSE OF REPAIRING OR REPLACING DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS OR WORKMANSHIP OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE SAME. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS PARAGRAPH, ALL PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY SELLER AND ITS EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", "WHERE IS", AND "WITH ALL FAULTS". RECOMMENDATIONS BY SELLER: Any recommendations made by Seller concerning the use, design, application or operation of the products shall not be construed as representations or warranties, expressed or imp'ed. Failure by Seller to make recommendations or give advice to Buyer shall not impose any I'abl[ty upon Seller. INDEMNIFICATION: The Buyer shall, at Its own expense, apply for and obtain any permits and inspections required for the installation and/or use of the products. Seller makes no prom se or representation that the products or services will conform to any federal, state or local laws, ordinances, regulations, codes or standards, except as particularly specvf;ed and agreed upon in writing by an authorized representative of Seller. The Seller's products are not for use In or with any nuclear facility unless specifically so stated by Seller In writing. Seller shal not be responsible for any losses or damages by the Buyer or any other person as a result of Improper installation or misapplication of the products. Buyer shall defend, Indemnify and hold harmless Seller and -is agents and employees against any loss, damage, claim, suit, liability, judgment or expense (Including, without limitation, Buyer's employees and agents) or damage to or loss of any property or the environment, or violation of any applicable laws or regulations resulting from orin connection with the sale, transportation, installation, use, or repair of t-,)e products by Buyer or of the Information, designs, services or other work supplied to Buyer, whether caused by the concurrent and/or contributory negligence of Buyer, Seiler, or any of their agents, employees or suppliers. The obligations, Indemnities and covenants contained In this paragraph shall survive the consummation or termination of this transaction. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE: Claims for damage, shortage or errors n shipping must be reported within one (1) day following delivery to Buyer. Buyer shall have seven (7) days from the date Buyer receives any products to inspect such products and services for defects and nonconformance which are not due to damage, shortage or errors In sh piping and notify Seller, in writing, of any defects, nonconformance or rejection of such products. After such seven (7) day period, Buyer shal be deemed to have irrevocably accepted the products, if not previously accepted. After such acceptance, Buyer shall have no right to reject the pro&cts for any reason or to revoke acceptance. Buyer hereby agrees that such seven (7) day period is a reasonable amount of time for s ch nspectlon and revocation. Buyer shall have no right to order any change or modification to any product or service prev ously ordered by Buyer or its representatives or cancel any order without Seller's written consent and payment to Seder of all charges, expenses, commissions and reasonable profits owed to or Incurred by Seller. Specially fabricated or ordered items may not be canceled or �etumed, and no refund w�`i be made. The sole and exclusive remedy for merchandise alleged to be defective in workmanship or material wi i be the -eplacement of the merchand'Ise subject to the manufacturer's inspection and warranty. RETURNS: Buyer may return any product which Seller stocks with no restocking charge If: (1) it is In new condition, suitable for resale In Its undamaged original packaging and with all Its original parts and (11) It has not been used, installed, modified, rebuilt, reconditioned, repaired, altered or damaged and (Ili) meets all Local, State and Federal laws governing the type of product that can be sold or put Into transit in the State In which the product Is being returned. Buyers surplus job returns, and those not meeting (I), (11) and (ill) above, credit memoranda issued for authorized returns shall be subject to the following deductions: (a) cost of putting items in salable condition; (b) transportation charges, If not prepaid; and (c) handling and restocking charges. SHIPMENTS: All products are shipped F.O.B., point of shipment. Risk of loss shall transfer to the Buyer upon tender of goods to Buyer, Buyers representative, or common carrier. The cost of any special packing or special handling caused by Buyers requirements or requests shall be added to the amount of the order. If Buyer causes or requests a shipment delay, or If Seller ships or delivers the products erroneously as a result of inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information supplied to Buyer or its agents or employees, storage and all other additional costs and risks shall be borne solely by Buyer. Claims for products damaged or lost in transit should be made by Buyer to the carrier, as Sellers responsibility ceases upon tender of goods to Buyer, Buyers representative or common carrier. TAXES: The amount of any sales, excise or other taxes, If any, applicable to the products shall be added to the purchase price and shall be paid by Buyer unless Buyer provides Seller with an exemption certificate acceptable to the taxing authorities. Any taxes which Seller may be required to pay or collect under any existing or future law, upon or with respect to the sale, purchase, delivery, storage, processing, use or consumption of any of the products, Including taxes upon or measured by the receipts from the sale thereof, shall be for the account of the Buyer, who shall promptly pay the amount thereof to Seller upon demand. SEVERABILITY: The terms and conditions of sate shall not be construed against the party preparing them but shall be construed as If all provision hereof is held to be Illegal, Invalid or unenforceable under any present or future laws, such provision shall be fully severable and the terms and conditions herein shall be construed and enforced as if such Illegal, Invalid or unenforceable provision had never been made a part hereof. The remaining provisions herein shall remain in full force an effect and shall not be affected by such Illegal, invalid or unenforceable provisions or by their severance here from. SET-OFF: Buyer shall not be entitled to set-off amounts due Buyer against any amount due Seller in connection with this transaction. CERTIFICATION: Seller certifies that It does not and will not maintain or provide for Its employees any segregated facilities at any of its establishments and that It does not permit and will not permit its employees to perform their services at any location, under Its control, where segregated facilities are maintained. Seller certifies further that Its services are performed In compliance with the fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended. NON -WAIVER: Seller's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any term or condition herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any of Seller's rights or remedies hereunder, nor of its right to Insist upon the strict performance of the same or any other terns herein in the future. No waiver of any term or condition hereunder shall be valid unless In writing and signed by Seller's assigned sales person or manager. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This document constitutes the entire, complete, and exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and contains all the agreements and conditions of sale; no course of dealing or usage of the trade shall be applicable unless expressly incorporated herein. The terms and conditions herein may not be added to, superseded or otherwise altered except by a written modification signed by the Seller's assigned sales person or manager. All transactions shall be governed solely by the terms and conditions contained herein. 6/5/2019 RE BAWA P3T - Change Order No 02 Breakdown 2:� Reply all Delete Junk I v --- RE: BAWA - P3T - Change Order No. 02 Breakdown AC Annexy, Christian i Reply all Tue 7/24/2018 102 PM To: Dale.Hughes <Dale Hughes@baytown.org>; Jose.Pastrana <Jose Pastrana@baytown.org>; Linda Newsted <Linda Newsted@baytown org> Cc Brown. David, Drown, Katy; Gary Rabalais <GRabalais@jonescaiter.comy, Larry Weppler <LWeppler@jonescarter.com>; Bethany Miller <BMiller@Jonescartercom•; Valencia Smith <VSinith@jonescarter.com>, Buttry, Brian, Wang, Qiang; Holender Delaney (_h(Is han All, I understand that at this Friday's meeting we intend to discuss Change Order No. 02, as previously sent and the revised CPR regarding the Engineer's recommendation for a seal-slab/rock/or other means to mitigate the unsuitable sod condition encountered. In the meantime, there are a couple of specific items that may benefit BAWA if an expeditious response were to be provided with regards to CO No- 02, as additional cost increases may be possible if the decision is delayed further. Please see the items below and advise: 1- The two big ticket items associated w th CO No. 02 are the SCADA and Generator respectively. If these two items are 100% part of the Contractor's scope, it's my recommendation that we proceed in procuring these items ASAP so as not to incur any additional costs to BAWA (which the sub/vendor and PLW have successfully mitigated thus far — my concern is further time delays for items that are a certainty) 2. The blue listed items as previously seen are part of the project and not associated with VE/dec►sions, regardless, with the current escalation due to the delayed award identified as best as Possible PLW is working with all subs and vendors in the current market conditions to negotiate Contracts in the best interest of BAWA, but there are still items TBD, at this time, in addition to pricing recently confirmed These items and their associated preliminary costs are as follows- a. Pipe — $44,656 b fence — $24,070 c. Louver Screen — $13,395 d. Drywall/Building Materials — $86,486 e. Hatches — no cost change (despite anticipated previously) f. HM/FRP Doors — $17,230 g. Roofing $22,300 h, Elevator — TBD i. Clay Pavers — TBD j. Hydro -Mulch —TBD k. Glass & Glazing —TBO 1. Tile/Carpet — TBD https doutlook offce365 com/owa/projection aspx 114 805/2019 RE: BAWA - P3T - Change Order No. 02 Breakdown Reply all I v Delete Junk' v ••• Building/Structural Steel, which mitigated a large anticipated cost increase should this not have been the case; good lob, all! n. Fire Alarm - no cost change o. Fire Suppression - no cost change p. Plumbing - no cost change q. HVAC no cost change r. Rebar F&I - no cost change s. Concrete F&I - no cost change t. PLW Self Perform - no cost change u. Electrical -no cost change v. Earthwork - no cost change w. Major Process Equipment - no cost change x. Painting/Coatings - no cost change y. Precast Ground Storage Tank - no cost change z. RCP/Storm - no cost change as Geomembrane Liner - no cost change ab Signage - no cost change ac Specialties (Div. 10) - no cost change ad. Cabinets/Casework (Intl Fume Hood) - no cost change ae- Shoring/Coffer Dam - no cost change af. Termite Control - no cost change As you can see, the bulk of items and most all big -ticket scopes of work were mitigated, but this email lists are comprehensive with regards to anticipated scopes associated with the escalation. It is also understood that the self backwash filter changes as depicted in RFP No. 01 are no longer desired; therefore, PLW will compile a revised CPR associated with the CO. No. 02 proposal as such, and is proceeding with the work as in the Contract Documents (the only advisement we need ASAP is regarding the generator and SCADA so as to alleviate any further cost increases). Thanks, Christian 3. Annexy Project Executive P1W U:waterworks i725 Hughes Landing D!Yu.. JL1.Lf- ,fvv TX 77380 T 281 907.8600 ext. 20207 C 832,520.4560 0 nexyfflplwlRS.com p WMU xom From: Annexy, Christian Sent: Monday, July 02, 2018 4:31 PM To: 'Gary Rabalais' <GRabalais@jonescarter.com>; Larry Weppler <LWeppler@Jonescarter.com>; Bethany M Iler <BMiller@jonescarter.com>; Valencia Smith <VSmith@jonescarter com> htips:l/outlook ofhce365 com/owa proiecha-r aspx 2A 61512019 RE: BAWA - P3T - Change Order No 02 Breakdown Reply all Delete Junk C v k All, Please see the attached for the CPR 02 Breakdown for the above referenced work. As discussed, this is something that requires resolution ASAP in order to mitigate additional costs to the Owner with extended decision timeframes, etc. PLW has been able to mitigate escalation for most every major piece of equipment in addition to some others (concrete, rebar, earthwork, PLW labor, etc.), but there are still cost items unknown at this time (noted TBD). Furthermore, standard verbiage for the Change Proposal Request wi,l include "Please note that PLW will request additional monies should this change result in additional clarifications, or if any unknown scope matters/costs arise due to this change." Please call me or David with any questions or concerns ASAP. << File: BAWA P3T CO No. 02 Breakdown.pdf >> Thanks, Christian I Annexy Project Executive 1725 Hug•ies Landing Btvd_, Sulte 1200 The W00I.A.nds,_TX 77380 T. 281.907.8600 ext. 20207 C.832.520.4560 GDOM_ tr+ Sarin I plwus.com ----Original Appointment --- From: VSmith@jonescarter.com ftnaJ t9:VSmith@j9DescACJCL[aMj On Behalf Of Gary Rabalais Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 9:21 AM To: Larry Weppler; Bethany Miller; Valencia Smith; Annexy,Christian Cc: Annexy,Christian Subject: Discuss chg. Order 2 When: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 2:00 PM-2:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: Dialing no. All, Please see the call in information below: • Dial In: 605.475.4008 • Access Code:933764 • Host Code (for host ONLY): 9905 Thanks, This e-mail and any attachments are intended only for the named recipient(s) and may contain information that is legally privileged. confidential. or hitps://outlook office365 convowa/projection aspx 3/4 6/5/2019 RE• BAWA P3T Change Order No, 02 Breakdown Reply all. - Delete Junk I v --- distribution or copying of this e-mail or its attachments is strictly prohibited Please immediately notify the sender and permanently delete this e-mail and any attachment from your computer and/or electronic dev ces Any personal views or opinions expressed by the writer may not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Jones & Carter, Inc https://outlook.oHice365 com/owa/prolection aspx 414 PLw waterworks August I, 2019 Baytown Area Water Authority The City of Baytown 2401 Market St. Attn: Ajay Shakyaver Re: CPR No. 19 REV 2 BAWA 6 MGD Stu face Water Treatment Plant Houston, TX 77056 Mr. Shakyaver, in order to improve the structural resistance and meet the wind loading requirements for the Operations Building north and south wall, additional rernforcemement will need to be added the structure. PLW is proposing this Change Order Request in accordance with the Engineer's recommendations The operation building CMU and steel beam modifications involve the changes of the CMU reinforement, the size of the CMU blocks and the building steel beams around the building and minor modifications to the slab. Please refer to the attached Plan Sheet 20-A-2.1 for modification details. Partial cost of the modifications will be compensated by AECONt. Therefore, the work associated with the structure change will result in a cost increase of $30,15195. Please find the attached PLW cost summary and associated reference material for your review and acceptance. Please note, should any additional costs be incurred as a result of this Work due to clarifications, changes or unknown scope, I'LW will seek reimbursement. Clan fications and exclusions are listed on subcontractor's proposal. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at 713-301-3637, or kdrown a plwus.com. Regards. PLW Waterworks Katy Drown Project Manager Page 1 Ba3 toarn Area ►►'atel' Authorit► BAWA 6 ►IGD Surface %ler Treatment Plant B ►►► A Job No. 11106021 Operation Building CNIU and Steel Beall, Modifications Sc90e or Wort Operation Building ChIU and Metal Structure Modifications per the Enigtleet's Recomtnendat ;m do PC,ae�ttien Operadma'BnadiagC►II ond;ttetdBeamCYaol 1 PL%VCeordtnalbn•InvoicedteAVM_ %I Project Manager Project Fn"Cr Project Supedntettdeat 2ModllatlonstoSlabsod Additional Relarorceroe rommn Field US—(SV-Ym&UYYotu) Fo m v& ' Concrete • Fhuhtng : Curing 3 CMU Reinforcement Modii mtkni (F*obwI 4 ICAtU and Suet Bearsrtodl0radaas (Arttntrang MoNkarjon to &Slgttand IostaltatU 3 Addhlaoat Doxef Rdarortxment at Opentloo Bai Addnioml do+rl remkwcxnKnt t17 ban a �.. r,r,ee _ _ t ado. ablerral k.nA �Tobg tall lard t oil1 t nt [ ntt ( oat CQ%I _ S_ubt Loh •� lost 0 IIRs S 98.00 S S S S 0 HRS S 76.00 S f S S 0 MRS S 121.00 S S $ S a 8 (IRS S 4"o S 17200 S S f 4 HR3 S $0,00 3 20000 S S S i LS S 28.40 S 22700 S 130.1$ S 39225 S I LS S S S S S 2,77374 1 LS S S S S - S 27,495.26 tlimit It $ 1.S S 2.330.27 ( PR No.: 19 Rea i Date, 0810719 PI N Job %a., 1131 iarroi Taae1 ►ret'bT I Total l Mt NIA (.ot CoN ('a.t s f S S f 3 s i s S f S S f S S 150.00 S 15000 S 2.773 79 j S - S S 2' 495 26 S S S 2 31027 h, eat<�ia iu`4uw1 t 1 - Stni to-6.0W. (:yuy,oem Butdcn o - 0. S bwwi: 799t10 Yi 'S _ 1.$49 t' 1yi fnerh:2dRi414 __ 439990 2: s01 tiubtotrl - .._!1d 5 _- - - 45 On S744o 2' I?2.SC Rmwl+K l'),.w. e a t o•. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17,17 ..r�91 42 .�. --- 444 6' ItHI�nla le 1M1a5 � d,,.�y,� -• __—•�.•. -" ._ .--�-_._ 0411a Grand Total Cast 40,202.61 %djusted Cit)'s Portion at 75% of the total cost 30,151.95 ,.I The emaudet eAK C m , rlalrr R, w a,'I be pitd by Ar om Nj:e 2 JOB ESTIMATE ilARMSTRONG ROLES DATE OF QUOTE 1 102 Collohon 03/27/2019 Conroe. TX 77301 PAGE T at I Project. Baytown water Authority: CMU STEEL OPTIONS REVISION C VENT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ATTN- Dennis TOTAI. 9.D QTY PLY4 OPTION ' r l 1725 Hughes Londing 12" MASONRY JAMB AND HEADER GRID 1 FROM A.2 TO C. 216 SF S 9/2.00 Suite 1200 12" MASONRY NORTH WALL GRID 10 A.8 TO C 662 SF j 297900 The Woodlands. TX GROUT INCREASE 50 CY S 5.350.00 (281) 907.8600 3 STEEL FLAT W8 x 18 BEAMS AND 1 COLUMN (DESIGN. FAB INSTALL) 72 LF $ 5.10200 1/2' DIA TENSION ROD TO BEAM ABOVE CENTERED 3 ; 185.00 1 !2' DIA BOLTS W/ 4.5" EMBED ABOUT 5 5" PER BEAM 12 b 60300 b Is,lee.� OPTION 2 12' MASONRY JAMB AND HEADER GRID 1 FROM A.2 TO C 216 SF ; 972.00 12" MASONRY NORTH WALL GRID 10 A.8 TO C 662 SF 2.979.00 GROUT INCREASE 7.4 CY b 79180 3 STEEL FLAT W8 x 18 BEAMS AND 1 COLUMN 585 LF b 13.325.00 1/2' DIA TENSION ROD TO BEAM ABOVE CENTERED, 27 ; 1.350.00 1/2' DIA BOLTS W/ 4.5" EMBED ABOUT 5.5" PER BEAM 131 S 8071.46 $ 27.49$ 26 r A B C CLLC 13835 Beaumont Highway Houston, TX 77049 Tel* 713.633.6500 Fax: 713.633.6541 Customer Pepper Lawson Waterworks, LLC 3701 Kirby Drive, Suite 1133 Houston77098,TX 866.536.7992 Change Order Request Change Order Number Date 0004 03/01/19 Page 1 of 1 Project BAWA 6 MGD, SURFACE WATER TREATMENT PLANT Baytown77523,TX Receipt of materials, or services rendered, constitutes acceptance of this change order Buyer shad be bound to sellers typ.eal terms and conditions, for materials and services covered within Thus change order as prev ously outlined n its original propose` Cust lob#: CMU CO Breakdown @ Ops Building Cust PO#: Description Oty U Of M Unit Price Extended 8 Option 1 Subtota' 19,440 77 Robar Weight 32323 Lbs 04750 15,353 43 Administrative 1 Hours 60.0000 6000 Detailing 20 Hours 850000 1,70000 Delivery 2 Each 2800000 56000 Overhead &_Profit 1 10% 1 7673400 1 76734 © Option 2 Subtotal 2 773 79 Rebar Weight 3035 Lbs 04750 1.441 63 Administrative 1 Hours 600000 60 00 Detailing 12 Hours 850000 1 020 00 Overhead & Profit 1 10% 2521600 25216 Change Order Total 22 214 56 BAWA 1705932 — CO BREAKDOWN (3/19/19 ) ORIGINAL o©Ernorwoiii��a��■�w.w..c�■i■�., ©Ems%©,�.o�..........o.._ OPTION 1 (REV.1 ) ©m�®imi �ii�i�iwwi���i■.�■ E�ii OPTION 2 m©��iw�wiiiii ii■iii�.�ini' Asp Lp.kpGi 1 ,�. 12,O3S tv Ptw waterworks May 18, 2019 Mr Ajay Shakyaver Assistant Director Baytown Area Water Authority The City of Baytown 2401 Market St. Baytown,'fX 77520 Re: CPR No. 27 Rev l BAWA 6IvIGD Surface WaterTrealment Plant BAWA Job No. 1806021 Mr. Shakyaver, Per the minutes of the monthly progress meeting on May 14, 2019, PLW was requested to quote on the two options modifying the LLPS Electrical Building. Primary Electrical Buiding, FISPS Electrical Building in accordance with the Windload requirement and the NEC Code, due to the unavailability of the 9' FI X 8' W TDI rated hollow metal door in the market. I. Replace the 9'FIx8'W hurricane rated hollow metal door with a 8'Hx8'W TDI rated hollow metal door. The door height modification will result in a deductive cost ofi$z0L0.00 Ito the lump sump contract. Please find the attached PLW cost summary and associated reference material for your review and acceptance. Please be noted, should any additional costs be incurred as a result of this Work due to clarifications, changes or unknown scope, PLW will seek reimbursement. Clarifications and exclusions are listed on subcontractor's proposal. If you have any questions or need additional information. please do not hesitate to call me at 713-301-8637, or kdrown',(bpIwus.com. Regards. PLW Waterworks Katy Drown Project Manager Page I havtoan Area \5 ater .\utherita HAWA 6 NIGO Surface Water Ireolnuenl Phut RAU % Joh No. ISM21 Electrical Buildings layout Change Benda of !\-ork Remove 9' H X 8 W Electttgl BuRding boors and replace with Ir 11 Y 0' W Electrical boors to mat Wmdload Rctl ntemems. . aril... r�r�nil.., rr tin +Maccrle.l BoedhW la) oat C4ao{e I T H s Ir tS Hurrlc.oe Rotcd HN Deor to r H s t, W HM floor 1I bciatf(:)711afrWHanksoeRated HMDoor (double imf) 12 Add (II I If m r vi-m Rated mkt t6or{daoble lot) (This does not Include haedwam for access controls) 1 I CPR Va . 17 Daft to ISA9 PI.LS Job,%&i PS'P 1;•bdr tlate4al $tUltuwiratt tied \tat Yfyal� 1 w/ Intl [ l nit T.ral Latl T•ra1 11.1 1.1.0 I'sq f.J .M I Cau (�u Gin Celt CaM Cow t RA S Itd}S OD) S I6 UIS Wl1 FAs S 1,123.00 S 1.975 00 NMI(.uit Snhmu 11,040M, ! Sauli Tontaw •'r. .13 hgmp nem Burden a vv' raa H. 0001. Sublalal • . — _ _ — - 1c.cncca4A Rnfi+ 7 n • S.Moul J ------- _. -... ------ - - - . - t2!IJnteq Banda tiny. -cc a vn . WvY t � Fa�itowxl all •vhtmn. ..-.._ .___. _-. T..g--..,�.��_-_... _ _��.. .. -- -•-• _ __ _ �.....�.r.+.:— _ _-. -_ 416 •11i Grand Total Cost Option 1 (2.040.00) PLw waterworks September 19, 2019 Mr. AJay Shakyaver Assistant Director Baytown Area Water Authority The City of Baytown 2401 Market St. Baytown, TX 77520 Re: CPR No. 31 Rev 1 BAWA 6 MOD Surface Water Treatment Plant BAWA Job No. 1806021 Mr. Shakyaver. Per the request of the EORICity. PLW proposes the revised site stoniiwater drainage plan due to the changed offsite stormwater drainage plan. PLW is proposing a credit for the 563 LF of the 4'x2' Reinforced Concrete Boxes. PLW will re -grade the affected Swale and furnish and install the 45' of RCB Boxes per the redlined Plan Sheet upon the approval of the Change Order. The reduced length of the PCR Boxes will result in a credit of (5118,041,79). Please find the attached PLW cost sumniary and associated reference material for your review and acceptance. Please be noted, should any additional costs be incurred as a result of this Work due to clarifications, changes or unknown scope, PLW will seek reimbursement. If you have any questions or need additional info rimation, please do not hesitate to call tine at 713-301-8637, or kdrown(cpplwus.coui. Regards, PLW Water"orks Katy Drown Project Manager Page ] Baltofa Frei Weiler Aulbwtly RAl1 % 6 %ICD Sarface WalerTreatmenl Plant RAW % lob W. IR06621 Reinforced Concrete Boil Reduced 1 ength Credit scoPe of Work Rama, 563 LF of Reinforced Conaeto Bones rot the offvte uamwaler drainage Re -grade the Affected Swale w•re 1 PLW Maagetttew L I 14ojeel Manager l.2 Pt*O HagFneer 13 ft*t Sim 1 Rtta(arttd Coaintetloa lauallatien Work CompWtd to Date l l Sptei+l F+6ek�led Rtinfated Cataete Ban t!W eaaael be rae 12 Swrami Fiote�liopat - Odgiitd t. t 13 AiiauaWar -OrigindLayout f Retbed Helof;M4 Comets Bat Installation P,ttre wal, 3 1 Stnxyga` Plofeaekwnl • Revimtl I A)aw 3.2 §wveying i 6UI Libor • RAW l gout 33 Sulk Dam -;d t)ra8eeiag 73,t LItalY+tar 33 LtaliStdllenlMatinrlDtridlHoa 331 rseyvatafhleiator 4 ittktfented Caictke Boll iHAoolow . 4.1 4krileiti%nieedt'atiatieBotAtalerfelt dltuuil 4 2 RCB nlb'teaobilfi+Ba1 g Sulk It"ndtng doe toreraeted RCR Rot" 3.1 Swale tl;i; g 32 Swale trilTifaf •gadit , 6 lFtme9ab6alrattar Remobillmilon t 1 tki. i44 t C. Veo-1 slid N-taW n 1I _14 7 Hit $ 44.00 S 65600 7 HR S 7600 S t32 OD 14 Fla t 121 OD S 104011 40 LIF S 126.0 S t o60 oo 23 MR S 760D s .900 uo 20 Hit S 2640 S KA ml - S HR S 76.00 S 34001) 5 HR S 2940 S 1.1200 ` 1 DAY 3 DAY ID RR $ um s 440W 56) lF S 1 LS S i tS S I I.S S 1 lS $ CM%o 41 Date, t4r16i19 P/ h lolr,ttl, P3T _ : ebeottarxt Y l•.M tt.l'L3'.11tlp 1 ww boat Gr,t �otai Colt _ - fu4 _ Crt (2•t3s7) 1(131,12991; 11 00A0 c t,reM ltl I I,DdS.T6 S 11,08tl 76 I LOA-76) S (11.084 761 ODOA0 S 900 Oil S 6546D S 6501110 S Isboo S 45000 hrr\'ltgA3.hwtA -1t ta .ter r• 1131.:: •91) I100 as SmalllttlbC 500 s _ tku'l m if dm q. 50 M. a a nor as 11.'4 3_-!-jt._ _ _ . _ v a .1411 J Silboi.d2 _ n M. tH On 00 t'MA)t) 17dh Il 1 Subaal3 _.......-_.6 N'bl .. 1MOO( t1tf.D9 a.1 M. i JFlrrta)•T� .:... ��. ._ _ ._ _ c �4. �' -. •. .�,_ .-t.. T .�!kl W� 11'•'9411 4 li i Ota tli al4 vioou la al 791 _—_• �.• �_ —"� W rl' (•.road Total Cost 018.041 791 September 13, 2019 Client: Brian Buttry PLW Waterworks 281-300-9470 Wulta@plwus.com ISBN 11 Trans -Global Solutions, Inc, Regarding: Change Order 3: RAIV4 11'ater Treatment Plant- 4x2 RCR Revisions Dear Mr. Buttry: Trans -Global Solutions, Inc. (TGS) is pleased to offer this proposal for the above referenced change order. The items listed below total to a credit of One Hundred Thirty -Two Thousand, Sixty - Nine Dollars and Ninety -One Cents (-$132,069.91) to provide the labor, equipment, materials. supervision and insurance necessary to perfonn the WORK SCOPE described below. GENERAL STATEMENT OF CHANGE • Customer has requested TGS to reduce quantity of 4x2 RCBs on the project • Breakdown below shows: o Current and revised contract amount. o Original, installed, to -be installed, and unneeded quantities of RCBs. o Additional cost for specially 4x2 box culverts purchased. Current Contract Amount (Revised+CO1+CO2) $371,307.65 Change Order 3- 4x2 RCB Breakdown Description Quantity Unit Original 42 RCB Contract Amount 675 LF Revised 42 RCB Total Needed (67' installed+ 45'to be 112 LF installed) Revised 4x2 RCB Total Not Needed 563 LF Additional Cost for Specialty 4x2 RCBs (Material Only) 40 LF Revised 4x2 RCB Total Contract Amount Change Order 3 Total (RCB Revised Contract Amount Less Original): Revised Contract Amount (Revised+COI+CO2+CO3) Page 1 of 2 Unit Price j Extension $243.57 $164,409.75 $243.57 $27,279.84 $243.57 $137,129.91 $126.50 $5,060.00 $32,339.84 74 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT NAME: SAWA PROJECT NO.: 1646 TO OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Change Order No.: 95,6017 Date: 6/21/2019 PO No.: The subcontract Is changed as follows Delete 584' of shallow narrow swale and add 150' of swale with maintenance berm to property line. Use spoils from the cut of the proposed swale to complete the fill. P No. Description Ot U/M Unit Price Total Cost Code Add +•150 LF Swale 1 Cut 721 CY $ $ 2 Fill 390 CY $ $ Delete 584' LF of Swale $ 1 1.9' Avg. Cut Over Box Culvert (565) CY $ $ TOTAL: $ The orig nal subcontract sum was Net change by previously issued Change Orders $ The subcontract sum prior to this Change Order was $ The subcontract sum will be increased (de::reased) by this Change Order in the amount of $ The new subcontract amount Including this change order will be $ This change order constitutes a fun and rtncl agreamem lot aft matters arising tram or related to the charged ww: or %va* enpacted by the changed work mcludup but not limited to an direct. fr direct consequential, mcidemal or impact costs charges. expenses fees of any type or nature for perwy nil materials services or equpmen and Anther tnctuding en time or schedufe related matters at adiuslmeMs of any type or nature in accordance vAth the terms of our Contract Agreement refati g to the above referenced project It* above charges are hereby arahor zed The work covered by this order Shan be performed under the same terms and conditions as the onginal subcontract Slack & Co. Contracting, Inc. PM Owner/General Contractor By 7/16/19 TIT[ E By TITLE Date Date Please sign and return both copies A fully executed Change Order will be returned for your records ti umon r.l� 1 a K.. �.. r.rq /.F,}y M� .. 1 W/SB S/A7T SR7f C'XYO � _ — 1 Br SRII4 MIMUYM1 BRB s A F 4a W� P/ i� Law �• ►.... r.. a�i�a�ort�iw�i� too oVEBL 1 Y^.L..e...,�.."" ! y/ N Cliy iKIS iMl •wl4 w�w1 �' �. 4s oFg�r.s ' tl-1 � s Oyu&^a W17aL°m N c 1 f11 1��4 {N aw ♦ti JNu Aapw 1 0+iRllOe SMttt Ot1uL BASEUNE A - CHANNEL 9 o.m /U LDM LW1Dl + f In MID / ?J vo mw my � (A7iC7 ,NJ J� pl•P p qM a ss b M.10rq,� p.11W,M1 �l V•f • m Rt I.�'Kj•1 qMI IS STD 1.00 10 STA 10.00 JONEllC♦RT CR a t P1W waterworks August 8, 2019 Mr- Ajay Shakyavcr Assistant Director Raytown Area Water Authority City of Baytown 2401 Market St. Baytown, Texas 77520 Re: CPR No. 34 Rev 1 BA WA 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant BA WA Job No. 1806021 Mr Shakyaver, Due to the changes on the design criteria spectfied in the Contract Document in compliance with the windload requirement, the Engineer requires to upsize the prefabricated metal building peroneter steel members and the mezzanine and stair beams to meet the windload design requirement. Additional steel beam was required to be added on top of the CMU wall to meet the windload requirement Meanwhile, the electrical building roofing systems were required to be upgraded to be in compliance with the windload requirement. Therefore, PLW proposes the t'ollowing modifications to be made on the prefabricated metal building and electrical building roofing systems: I Upsve the prefabricated metal building framing steel members per the TDI requirement and hngineers cununents on Submittal 1601) Prefabricated Metal Building (not included on this PCO). 2. Add additional W 16x45 beam on top of entrance CMU wail (not included in this PCO). 3- Upgrade the roofing systems at the Primary Electrical Building, HSP$ Electrical Building and LLPS Fl%ctrical Building to'1'DI appro%ed 24 UA LOKSEAM rooting systems. The modifications of the electrical building roofing systenis will cause a price increase of $3„553.50. The modification to the prefabricated metal building steel members is under negotiation and pending Fire Marsha] Confirmation on the Building Code Application. PLW «ill pursue this scope change under a separated PCO. Please find the attached PI W cost summary and associated reference material for your review and accept.tince Please be noted, should any additional costs be incurred as a result of this Work due to clarifications, changes or unknown scope, PI-W will seek reimbursement. Ifyou ha%c an) questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at 713-301-8637. or kdrowmu plirus com- Reg:u•dti, PI_W %Vaterworks Katy Drown Project Manager Page i Ballimn Area Uveer Antberitt CPR No.: 34 IIAWA 6 NIGOSurfare Water Treatment Plant Dole* IW#Qlq BAW %•lvll No 1"6021 PI W Job Na Pit Prefal►ricated 1letal Building and Electrical Building Roonng tilodiBrllions per Windload Requirement Scone of U ark Upsize Prefabrieted Metal BuRtImS Steel Mendrers and Upgrade Elmrical Building Roofing Systems to hIM Windload Requirement 1 PrefabrieatedMe1dBu11magSttdMtmWrsUpalohy •Inis Item It under netolla(lon and pendlat Fire Marshd Cacnraratlen ou the Building Cede Appikodoo. PI,W win active Ills scope ehenae under a rmereled PCO.•- I i UpsizolbebuildvogpakattereoltomtoachwoRmpaldLm da0eelk. regnimnenl per the 8atiaW &U mts vs Cite W requfmumt of W I/O and UI i0 de0eetivr 12 Add am ill additiond W 16a4S Chlu beam at Oval emaente mid upsim mazt mIndstau bearus per dle tatinece cw vWl 1 6trei rkal Balldiag Root Panel Upgrade ptr otodlad require 2 1 Rtpiacee the Norma paten rot PEM. ►ISPS 8 BLDO and LLPS E BLDfi per w adWd requhemem (hotel Cau SUht nd Soul, red: u ur. F IU.Pmrnt Hurler a Q01. lea<.OQq%_ _ Subtotal L?Y, rba1Jk Prolk 11: 6+: Subtotal 3 l:ubtar.rl a - `lar. tarrd 1 •?wr _� _ �l�Itr ul ) an ;oral L.it To(ui 1 osl 1 4.1 (oh S eN s 2,t,lal.00 s - f 1,000.00 t J,000.0D I 5tlbr+Mra.t tnrd Mars PaUr (leb ToW Lnu Taeal Co%t - _-4,.st (mom-_ Corr I scar tttt •+ AM1 rf i a to (IU .59 imp es; jry nbtr Grand total Cost i,Sri i 3d Pap,1 18933 Aldine Westfield Houston, TX 77073 Toi Free.888-467-4443 Phone: 281-443-9065 Fax: 281 443.9064 www RigidBulidLng.com Change Order No. 3 Job No. 64420 Customer. ARMSTRONG ROLES Phone No. 337.401-8So1 Attention; CASEY JOUETT Fax No.r 7— End Use Customer: IBAyrowN WATER AUTHORITY Change Order Form THE FOLLOWWG CHANGES ARE BEING APPLIED TO THIS ORDER PENDING YOUR CONFIRMATION. ]> BEN PUT ON HOLD AWAMG YOUR AMUANCI QE THIS DOCUMENT, NO FURTNER WORK WILLBE DONE BY RGB ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 H/360 HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION & U360 ENDWALL COLUMNS DEFLECTION 2 ADD (1) W16X45 BEAM AT FRONIT ENTRY, UPDATE MEZZANINE / STAIR BEAMS TO LARGER SIZES PER REV B REDUNES NOTE: SALES TAX IS TO BE ADDED AT FINAL INVOICING UNLESS A VAUD TAX EXEMPT CERTIFICATE IS PRO VIDED. SUB TOTAL OF THIS CHANGE ORDER $23183.00 ADDITIONALTAXES 0.00% TOTAL AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER $23183.00 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $468,924.19 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNTI $492,107.19 PLEASE SIGN BELOW AND FAX BACK TO 291-443-9064. IF I CAN BE OF FURTHER ASSISTANCE, OR IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME AT 1-888-467-4443. ACCEPTED BY: (CUSTOMER) Name: CASEY JOUETT Title: Signature SUBMITTED BY: (RIGID) Name: Nash Cabanti TWO. COR-OiQQ19115 Sig re Date Project Coordinator Date May 30, 2019 1 1 GL AL 18933 Aldine Westfield Houston, TX 77073 Toll Free: 888-467.4443 Phone: 281-443-9065 Fax.281-443-9064 W W W.RlgfdBu llding.com Change Order No, I1 Customer. ARMSTRONG ROLES����� Attention: CASEYJOUM End Use Customer: ISAYTOWN WATER AUTHORITY Change Order Norm Job No. JW20 Phone No. 337-401-8$01 Fax No. THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE BEING APPLIED TO THIS ORDER PENDING YOUR CONFIRMATION. IHE JOB HAS t3EttN! PLIrON HQ D IS VOCUMEUT- Ne FuolURD wAmr u,n . se ......_ .,.... SUB TOTAL OF THIS CHANGE ORDER $3000.00 ADDMONALTAXES 0.00% TOTAL AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER $3000.00 ORIGMAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $452,627.00 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT.$455,627.00 PLEASE SIGN BELOW AND FAX BACK TO 281443-9064. IF 1 CAN BE OF FURTHER ASSISTANCE, OR IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME AT 1-888-4674443. ACCEPTED BY. (CUSTOMER) ----- Name: ICASEY JOUETT Title: Signature Date SUBMITTED BY: (RIGD) _ Name: INas/h�Ca Title: Project Coordinator l/ COR-CHG•021915 re Date May 30, 2o19 TDi Approved Rooting Syslen LokSeam' is a snap -together standing seam roof system with a 1 3/4" tall vertical rib, for use on roofs with a minirnum slope of 3-12 LokSeam' panels are available In 12-inch, 16-Inch and 18 inch widths. LokSeam` panels can be installed over open framing or a solid substructure and are capable of transitioning from roof to fascia with the use of a rib cover. LokSeam` does riot require a solid substructure for support. Features and Benefits: • Narrower widths, heavier gauges, striations and embossing minimize oil canning. • Panels can be installed on roofs with a transition by using MSCI's die -Formed rib covers. • Numerous UL 580 Construction rating are available, as well as UL 790, Class A for external fire, nurnerous roof assemblies for UL 263 for internal fire and the UL 2218 Class 4 impact rating • LokSeam" carries Florida approval rating Product Specifications • Applications: Qoof Coverage Widths: r_,''6 9. Minimum Slope: 3 1? • panel Attachment: t on�daleJ=oaa•1m� System. `.a(awldrLiand UL 90 tl'os www.mbci.com i shop.mbcl.com 1iousron 2a14o76915 E'1NIS, T 1 1 169256.8255 MEMPM;. TN 16672992397 ADEL. CIA . 889 31.16%2 OlOtANAPOUS 1 317 3&1 a329 OKLMOVA 01Y 1 noS 49 j 6'i68 Al ANTA 678_1171019 t-198OCK. T• 130622a2724 P11oir11x I Tau 6303022 ArWATER. CA 1 20944538,31 Gauges: •'.•l 22 (12.. 16' 13'). 2(1 Finishes: Srr,,veri mbusstd Strratrd (C1poorial1 Coatings: G>l•7<1un1e t'IUS , 5!gnaU)ri:' 100, j15�•lldt rr�-;tJO. ;r{n�N.irn' ;011 �,1rt,alU�- ROME NY 315 371 .7330 Sal T I AkE : I TY 1 385 715 1951 SAN ANTON:O 1110 838 9768 CATEGORY CHARACTERISTIC TEST METHOD PURPOSE RESULT �p ENVIRONMENTAL lmppct Resistance UL22ts:' •,.•K, ; ''-e.terr _mines Impact Resistance of UassARat+hg prep5e�313 mf Co aermg Materiak ' stanoxci fat stannar'd teat ivletnods er Room foe P+><fui nt.tnrr. Ut. 79n tia:P CUSS Artie k,tUn, 0.1[a S^?et Fne tests of Ronf CACrn•§s FIRE RESISTANCE For lav vl+?r;rgn N ), P225 P221. P2 iG Roram rlre P2rfgnnA9C$ ;t 26i S,,mdrxd for Fur rests or Bidding ✓231. Pa u`.• P168, P ;OB. P51Q. P51'. Constru(n)a:rr-d?,listen„Ig P701,P711 P120.r722,P726 P731, P731 Psui PEI,) Paiq " e:P cwa stan4arcl pnxedtne to evaluate r' Uplift Resistance ASTM E 1592 - +: „or tonjttmstructtudl per{orritance under See Lodd Chart Sikvori ; K.ti; unifpj►o tatic ate presNrre diffg�ence STRUCTURAL •'1N61,6h Gravity I oads Au} S100 ArrleiI& Spe Action for the lJg0r of Cofd-Formed Steel 5mictural See 5ettfcP Properties arni Aitowahle SeeLoaecliTabc : I, Members rill SNccion krptP�rfo�.r•ance UNI?rirunesthrsnit-0tr,,iiootirr'air intil CI;);irirlf;a•ny Cnn;utiCuut.Nt,ndr.• Ih.s,}•r1"llin tsietnhl?pcvnsranSi:rn?rap:.,nctrucl 251 155 2e1 103 31.,313 40,4?v, L hor.at )st,?c ,,.br.Tljw'„19 4-16 ..r}s a.Is Jd, S08A S43 grit: Fill,, 1, lood,s a dtts t[t•. ,I iS thr-,oprriwil 1 l man:r asT!,t F' !jr}� of urod ,CrS and P,Str ni. wl [n W •collie ^t>nGa r pprG'adl I![ 1'30 the la l,(i rah 21i:934P? it• } S(r lt'ut )• . fie•• F r�l+) S f•;rr_`::r,:oinphart�v.rthUteSnsiu:.l! ROOF LISTINGS r,rA' lti:)I tkt,. c ,,,n•a t nln.,tg ,) }. r7r1,1 f,tt rh; •.cin,l.i•t , , ,�, } �tei •nSU'dncr!!n dt•.,ds e• p ),r'd ttt,: • rcep . aul l`�a l:vrnar:cam id t :rren ,,, ortio'l! ; ,plr,dift: t'1 d a i'.rd; �'ondrUr.[n[ Lfl.'�t`sl} 'ldd Cna4a;;?si'I'te;i tbrwov j br 'n:[Pr. - St!., pr (1 i,• Ir, s,.i1�.11H N •:• ?r.,n°i' far t;,`f• f,P, .. 1 . C.,:IKnT. C.a^tetD� one^'feel .xP. ::r:+' letter wrl. Ket'.::f: , sh•11,?',; etl tjrn dig P_;u:•; n e,-vt P.n•'t o -„ .1 S4 14Cq Descnpnon, aaJ tpeat canons conta neE herein mere ,n ef(tU at the t.•me ttos pubhr aumn was appwvrd !ur pnn;rne in a romtmu,mg of&rn lu r<hra ,nJ ,mp,ove products MBCI ,.,eves the r,p4t to d.scununue pwd,.us at any t me or change sptofr cattont and/or designs w,thout incurring obheauon rn ensure aa, },— the latest mrornaaon ova,+able pteate nq, re a, „w ow webnte at ww v ,abc, ca n App} canon r}et,ds are for itiosnauon purposes oak} and may not be appwp,ine for all envuonmemat evanddiom braiding designs o, panel orof.les Pluto is shouid be Je,igntd to conform to sppbcablc omld-ng codes, ngol.n,ons and accepted ,ndust'r p,as Ole, 11,bere ,s a confAtt betwetn thts m+rnsa and p,nlert ere(11— rlr,w,nar.. tile-rectton draw.ngs wJI:s4r prrrrdnmr PARCts nsul,ted mttal s,nanufvrurtd by Atetl Span' OS 17 RM 10317 Design Wind Pressure: The design pressure uplift load resistance is specified in Table I. Table 1 Attachment of minimum 24-gauge steel LokSeam roof panels to plywood decks S s"e, .'Design Wind Prss ; ,haiel fEx�oure • . -Clips Clip Fasteners 1 -52.5 psf 18" LokSeam Clip; No.10 x 1" screw; 48" on center Two per dip 2 -101.0 psf 26" LokSeam Clip; No.10 x 1" screw; 6 on center Two per clip Installation: General: The metal roof panes must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended installation instructions and this evaluation report. Roof Deck: The roof deck is minimum 5/8" plywood. Solidly sheathed. Underlayment: A minimum of one layer of Type I asphalt felt must be used. The underlayment used must comply with one or more of the following: ASTM D 226, ASTM D 4869, or ASTM D 1970. The underlayment must be fastened to the roof deck with corrosion resistant fasteners in accordance Wth the manufacturer's installation instructions. Fasteners must be appl'ed Wong the overlaps not farther apart than 36" on center. Attachment of Roof Panels to the Deck: System 1: Secure the panels to the decks with 18-gauge galvanized steel LokSeam clips (1-7/8" high x 2" wide x 3-1/2" long). The clips are secured to the male eg of the panels. Adjacent panels are secured together using a snap ock seam. The clips are spaced a maximum of 6" from each end and a maximum of 48" on center. Each clip is secured to the deck with two No.10 x 1" long Pancake head screws with a No. 2 Phillips head size. The fasteners must be long enough to completely penetration through the deck. System 2: Secure the panels to the decks with 18-gauge galvanized steel LokSeam clips 11-7/8" high x 2" wide x 3 1/2' long). The clips are secured to the male leg of the panels. Adjacent panels are secured together using a snap-.ock seam. The clips are spaced a maximum of 6" from each end and a maximum of 6" on center. Each clip is secured to the deck with two No.10 x 1" long Pancake head screws with a No. 2 Phillips head size. The fasteners must be long enough to completely penetration through the deck. Panel Ends and End Laps: As required by the manufacturer. Trims, Closures, and Accessories: Components, such as trims, closures, and accessories must be installed as required by the manufacturer. Note: Keep the manufacturer's installation instructions available on the job site during installation. Use corrosion resistant fasteners as specified in the IRC, the IBC, and the Texas Revisions. Texas Department of disurance I www.Wi.texas.gov Page 2 or 2 Original Roofing System per Spec. Platinum Series Roof PERFORMANCE, BEAUTY & VALUE Rigid's Platinum Series is a revolutionary patented standing seam roof system that incorporates two unique seams. The Trlple-Lok seam for normal wind speeds and the Quad-Lok for coastal areas and other high wind speed zones. The Platinum Series incorporates a double seam, double hook side lap design to resist seam failure between supports and side lap unfurling and unzipping. It is a roof system with tremendous strength designed to withstand the most strenuous uplift testing and highest velocity wind speeds. Combine that with Its aesthetic appeal which is a favorite of architects and building owners alike. and you have an unsurpassed panel in look and quality. i V EE Available in all of Rigid's Spectralite 3000 Fluoropon 70%, Kynar 500/Hylar 5000 colors The Platinum Series offers you a wide range of colors to enhance the beauty of your project and give you unsurpassed coating performance for continued beauty year after year Triple-Lok Quad-Lok The Platinum Series Roof System is an excellent platform for Rigid's Solar Applications Ask how your building can be Soiar Ready INNOVATION NEW TECHNOLOGY :. BETTER PRODUCTS . GLOBAL REACH EACTABY SEALANT dNSlt)E SEAAq GAGEEAGE SHOULDEAMO(TYP1 I Wor 18"PAN11 MALE UAN www.RigidBuilding.com Platinum Series Standing Seam Root System Utilizing a un1(iue patet!ted seam design that ollers two lock seam features. The -hip'e-Lok and Quad-Lok. A revoltAianaty IllfJOValion that provides UTlparalleled performance from one pro 1110. The Triple-Lok seam is acuoinphshed by se.:m ng the entire seam with all electrical seanler. This seam will piovi(je ilia allowable winds uplift loading of 4119 psf ' I It Is the only seam of) the market to use the 36V -i 90' seairl. which - sit octmally isolates the seam front the effects of severe wind Irading by placing load resisting bands bei>vecn the seam all(] clip (look and the stresses of p,pel derfecilun -isolates the seam sealant from dislodgment or separation during severe hind loading, thereby assrnlnrg a',,lnte• resistant seam throughout the IIIP. of the roof. 2. Fool proof installation. all that is required is the placement of file electrical seaming inactnne on the seam ro begin the seaming Process. It's Virtually Irnposs b:e for rite seanler to run oft the seam until it conies to the end or the panel or is removed by the operator. The Quad-Lok seam is accomplished by seaming special loot zones vvith an electrical seam, when requited. This seam will prOVIde all allowable uplift load of 56.7 psf" (or 9i1 5 psf over 2•6" putbn spacing, By using the Quart-Lok serun. the perimeter conditions of roofs in high wind coastal Ivations can resist wind loads without exterior clanTps an(1 brackets that most other roal systems ie(luue to ineet rile Zone III uplift loads The Qua(i-Lok seam is the only seam oil the Inalket tkW ploy des higher uplift resistance verlh 24 gauge panel than all ether root systems using 22 gauge pallets The following recognized certifications and listings have been earned Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC) Standard 4,171 • Windstom) Class 1-90 (Assembly § 79110.0-0) for 16 witte panels • Wmdstoml Class 1-90 (Assembly # 79111-0.0) far 18" vide panels Underwriters Uibowtwies UL-90 Cfassihcation Consiruct,on Plo. 506 AST M E 1592 Uplift Test (two tests each span Wit gauge) ASTPr1 E 1680 An Infiltration ASTM E 16=15 Witter Leakage ASTM E 108 C ass A Spicad of Flame Test and Series of Hai Test;. Class 1-SH CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 180 11 Aldine, W(,sth+ jd 11ixl.t(„1, ' X -7f) 888.-1(,7.4443 - I -ON' ..''81.44 9004 P-1 Rating Panel l;dih Panel Ga Purlin Size Perlin Ga. Perlin Spa:iIg 1-90 16" 24 ga. 8 16 w. 5' 0' 1-90 i 9" 2.1 ga, $" 16 q;!. 5,0 i • 165 16" 22 ga 8" i 6 g?. 2' G' i-165 1V 22 ga K i6 ga. 2' 6" Misting Panel t:';dth Panel Ga Seam "iype Purlm Ga. Purlin ;;pacing UL-9-3 12' 2.1 ga Triple-L61 16 ga. 5' 0" UL-90 16" 2-1 n;: Tnple-Lo'w: 16ga. 5' 0" LL-90 13" 241 ga Tr!ple-to' 16 ga. 5' 0" UCC-OrMIMC11on No. r8. fUgld Global over Steel Beck UL Lisl,q Panei %V-dtn Panel Ga Seam Type Fwiin Ga. Purlin Sp3e1"",0 UL-90 12" 2.1 g3. Trmle-Lok 16 ga. 5' 0" UL-90 16' 24 ga. Tnpfe-Lo!: 16 ga. 5 0- UL -90 UL 18 No. 2.1 g.1. Triple-Lok i 6 ga. 5' 0" construcIllon ,r, Ailild Global Buildings root with Trl�e-Lok over Wood Deck UL Listing, Panel Viidih Patel Ga, Sean! Type Puthn Ga Purlin Spacing L'L•90 i 2- 2•'ga. i6 ga. 0" UL-90 16" 21. ga.. 1603. 5' 0" UL-90 18" 2.1 ga. 16 ga. 5' 0" Purlin Sp.1661n Panel V,;dih Parcel Ga. Design Loco AISI CF00.1 (s'=i.72•;) 2' 6" 1 v" 22 ga 915 5 0" 18' 22 ga. 630 2' 6' 18' 2.1 ga 82.7 50, 12" 2.; ga. :1.9 2 6' i6" 22 g3. 10-:.0 50, i6- 22 ga 66.2 2' 6" i 5- 2,r 79.1 16" 2�:ya. Perlin Spacing Pan.21 Width Panel Ga. Design Load A1S1 CF00-1 (si=1.72A 2' 6" 18" 22 ga. 110.3 5 0" i3' 22 ua. 63.0 2 6" is- 2.1ga. 9.:5 5' 0" is" 2 ` ga 56 7 2 5- i6" 22 g3 i16.6 7H 2' 6" 16. 2 ! g;,. 97.7 5 0" i6- 2.1 ga. 63.0 HGU 13, Rev, 912013 +1f ;- inn ©.- .y C-1-7cur� 0 Product Evaluation RC56710118 Engineering Services Program The following product has been evaluated for compliance with the wind loads specified In the International Residential Code (IRC) and the international 9ullding Code (18Q. This product evaluation is not an endorsement of this product or a recommendation that this product be used. The Texas Department of Insurance has not authorized the use of any Information contained In the product evaluation for advertising, or other commercial or promotional purpose. This product evaluation Is lntended for use by those individuals who are following the design wind load criteria In Chapter 3 of the IRC and Section 1609 of the 18C. The design loads determined for the building or structure shall not exceed the design load rating specified for the products shown in the limitations section of this product evaluation. This product evaluation does not relieve a Texas licensed engineer of his responsibilities as outlined In the Texas Insurance Code, the Texas Administrative Code, and the Texas Engineering Practice Act. For more Information, contact TDl Engineering Services Program at (800) 248-6032. Evaluation ID: RC-567 Effective Date: January 1, 2018 Re-evaluation Date: January 2022 Product Name: Platinum 18" Wide Steel Standing Seam Roof Panels Installed Over Steel Purlins Manufacturer: Rigid Global Buildings 18933 Aldine Westfield Houston, TX 77073 (281) 443-9065 General Description: The Platinum metal roofing panels are steel standing seam roofing panels. The metal roofing panels have a maximum 18" of coverage. The metal roof panels have a 2" rib height and a mechanically seamed side lap. The metal roofing panels are manufactured from either 24-gauge or 22-gauge Galvalume coated steel that conform to ASTM A792, ASTM A755, or ASTM A653 Grade 50 with a minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi. The metal panels can be supplied painted with an optional paint finish. Limitations: Roof Framing: The metal roofing panels must be Installed over minimum 16-gauge steel purlins. New Roof Framing Attachment: The roof framing must meet or exceed the uplift requirements of the IRC or IBC and must be installed as required for resistance to wind loads. Design Wind Pressures: The design pressure uplift load resistance must be as specified in Table i and Table 3 for panels mechanically seamed with the Triple-Lok Seam System and as specified in Table 2 for panels mechanically seamed with the Quad-Lok Seam System, Roof Slope: The metal roofing panels may be installed on roofs with a roof slope as low as 1/4:12, Texas Department of insurance 333 Guadalupe Street I Austin. Texan 787011 (800) 252-3439 1 www.tdi.texas.gov I @TexesTDI RC567 I MS Table 1 Attachment of Platinum 18" wide, minimum 24-gauge steer standing seam roofing panels to steel purlins with the Triple-Lok System -Design Wnd Pressure iiurUhs';r:z' Attachment of panel to Steel ftrUns -36.4 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 5'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -44.2 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -52.0 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -59.8 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 3'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -67.6 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 3'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -75.4 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 2'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -83.2 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 2'•0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -91.0 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 1'4; on center Clips with Two Fasteners -98.8 psf Minimum 16 gauge; 1'-0'• on center Clips with Two Fasteners —] Table 2 Attachment of Platinum 18" wide, minimum 24-gauge steel standing seam roofing panels to steel purlins with the Quad-Lok System *16,Vii%d Pr$slur r ` d=AU'Rii s y. ± . Attacnnent of Panel ;t0"Stel.p.�rli'ris'- -54.6 psf Min -mum 16 gauge; 5'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners 68.2 psf Minimum 16 gauge; 4'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -81.8 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -95.5 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 3'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -109.1 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 3'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -122.8 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 2'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -136.4 Psf Minimum 16-gauge; 2'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -150.1 psf Minimum 16-gauge; V-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners .7 psf I Minimum 16-gauge; V-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners Table 3 Attachment of Platinum 18" wide, minimum 22•gauge steel standing seam roofing panels to steel purlins with the Triple-Lok System Djt#�iAlind Pres ijre :.• Pu�lifi `'=5 s'�" ' ' Attachment of Panel 1 Steil Putlns 4 -52.0 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 5'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -57.2 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -62.4 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -67.6 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 3'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -72.8 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 3'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -78.0 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 2'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners Installation Over an Existing Roof Covering: Not permitted. Installation: General: The metal roofing panels must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended Installation instructions and this evaluation report. Texas Department of Irsuranee I www.t(b.texas.gov Page 2 of 3 RC587 F OU8 Steel Purlins: The minimum thickness of the steel and the maximum spacing of the purlins must be as specified In Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3. Attachment of Metal Roof Panels to the Steel Purlins: The metal roofing panels must be secured to the steel purlins with either MC-120310 or MC-121310 sliding clips (50 ksl, 22-gauge top,16-gauge base, G90 galvanized) by Logan Stamping, Inc./BPS. Each clip is secured to the steel purlins with two 1/4-14 x 1-1/4" HWH SD3 fasteners. The fasteners must be long enough to ensure a minimum penetration of 3 pitches of thread below the purlins. The fasteners must be located at each steel purlin. Panel Seam: Panels are seamed together mechanically along the sides with either a Triple-Lok seam or a Quad-Lok seam. Trims, Closures, and Accessories: Components, such as the eave trim, rake trim, ridge trim, hip trim, and valley trim must be Installed as required by the manufacturer. Note: Keep the manufacturer's installation instructions available on the job site during Instal ation. Use corrosion resistant fasteners as specified In the IRC, the IBC, and the Texas Revisions. Texas Department of lnsuranos I www.tdl.texas.gov Page 3 of 3 0 Product Evaluation RC5661 0118 Engineering Services Program The following product has been evaluated for compliance with the wind loads specified in the International Residential Code (IRC) and the International Building Code (IBC). This product evaluation is not an endorsement of this product or a recommendation that this product be used. The Texas Department of Insurance has not authorized the use of any Information contained in the product evaluation for advertising, or other commercial or promotional purpose. This product evaluation is Intended for use by those Individuals who are following the design wind load criteria In Chapter 3 of the IRC and Section 1609 of the IBC The design loads determined for the building or structure shall not exceed the design load rating specified for the products shown In the limitations section of this product evaluation. This product evaluation does not relieve a Texas licensed engineer of his responsibilities as outlined In the Texas Insurance Code, the Texas Administrative Code, and the Texas Engineering Practice Act. For more Information, contact TDI Engineering Services Program at (800) 248-6032. Evaluation ID: RC-566 Effective Date: January 1, 2018 Re-evaluation Date: January 2022 Product Name: Platinum 16" Wide Steel Standing Seam Roof Panels Installed over Steel Purlins Manufacturer: Rigid Global Buildings 18933 Aldine Westfield Houston, TX 77073 (281) 443-9065 General Description: The Platinum metal roofing panels are steel standing seam roofing panels. The metal roofing panes have a maximum 16" of coverage. The metal roof panels have a 2" rib height and a mechanlca=y seamed side lap. The metal roofing panels are manufactured from either 24-gauge or 22-gauge Galvalume coated steel that conform to ASTM A792, ASTM A755, or ASTM A653 Grade 50 with a minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi. The metal panels can be supplied painted with an optional paint fWsh. Limitations: Roof Framing: The metal roofing panels must be Installed over minimum 16-gauge steel purlins. New Roof Framing Attachment: The roof framing must meet or exceed the uplift requirements of the IRC or IBC and must be installed as required for resistance to wind loads. Design Wind Pressures: The design pressure uplift load resistance must be as specified in Table 1 and Table 3 for panels mechanically seamed with the Triple-Lok Seam System and as specified in Table 2 for panels mechanically seamed with the quad-Lok Seam System. Roof Slope: The metal roofing panels may be installed on roofs with a roof slope as low as 1/4:12 Texas Department of Insurance 1 333 Guadalupe Street I Austin, Texas 787011 (800) 2523439 1 www.tdi.texas gov I eTexasmi Rta86:OJIS Table 1 Attachment of Platinum 16" wide, minimum 24-gauge steel standing seam roofing panels to steel purlins with the Triple-Lok System Deiign Wlhd PrOshtQ Putllns At4achiii' nt af.panarl to Steel Purlins -39.8 pd Minimum 16-gauge; S'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -44.9 psf -50.1 Psf Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-6" on center Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners Clips with Two Fasteners -55.2 psf Minimum 16- u e; 3'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -60.3 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 3'-0" on center Cli s with Two Fasteners -65.0 Psf Minimum 16-gau e; 2'-6'' on center CUPS with Two Fasteners Table 2 Attachment of Platinum 16' wide, minimum 24-gauge steel standing seam roofing panels to steel purlins with the Quad-Lok System i?e�tgri SAiln�,t�rel;s� �g Purlins Attalitttent ,f Pa'nl tp Steel Purlins -52.0 sf Minimum 16- auge; S'•0" on center s with Two Fasteners -57.7 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-6" on center _CI' Clips with Two Fasteners -63.4 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -69.2 psf Minimum iCrgauge; 3'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -74.9 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 3'-0" on center dips with Two Fasteners -80.6 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 2'-6" on center dips with Two Fasteners Table 3 Attachment of Platinum 16" wide, minimum 22-gauge steel standing seam roofng panels to steel purlins with the Triple Lok System be40000 hvis Purlins Attach meat Of #;ft, Wig,' g, * 011Hins -54.6 psf Minimum 16-gauge; S'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -60.8 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -67.1 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 4'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -73.3 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 3'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -79.6 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 3'-0" on center Clips with Two Fasteners -85.8 psf Minimum 16-gauge; 2'-6" on center Clips with Two Fasteners Installation Over an Existing Roof Covering: Not permitted. Installation: General: The metal roofing panels must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended Installation instructions and this evaluation report. Steel Purlins: The minimum thickness of the steel and the maximum spacing of the purlins must be as specified in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3. Attachment of Metal Roof Panels to the Steel Purlins: The metal roofing panels must be secured to the steel purlins with either MC-120310 or MC-121310 sliding clips (50 ksl, 22-gauge top, 16-gauge base, G90 galvanized) Logan Stamping, Inc./BPD- Each clip is secured to the steel purlins with two 1/4-14 x 1-1/4" HWH SD3 fasteners. The fasteners must be long enough to ensure a minimum penetration of 3 pitches of thread below the purlins. The fasteners must be located at each steel purlin. Texas Department of Insurance I www.tdi.texes.gov Page 2 of 3 RC566 10118 Panel Seam: Panels are seamed together mechanically along the sides with either a Triple-Lok seam or a Quad-Lok seam. Trims, Closures, and Accessories: Components, such as the eave trim, rake trim, ridge trim, hip trim, and valley trim must be installed as required by the manufacturer. Note: Keep the manufacturer's installation instructions available on the Job site during installation. Use corrosion resistant fasteners as specified In the IRC, the IBC, and the Texas Revisions, Texas Department of insurance I www tdi.texas gov Page 3 of 3 ply waterworks August 22, 2019 Mr. Ajay Shakyaver Assistant Director Baytown Area Water Authority City of Baytown 2401 Market St. Baytown, Texas 77520 Re: CPR No. 40 BAWA 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant BAWA Job No. 1806021 Mr. Shakyaver. Based on the observation of the water level at the Stormwater Detention Pond since the completion of the Stormwater Detention Pond on September 28. 2018, the pond has never had a low water level. Per the Engineer's recommendation, PLW proposes to delete the concrete pilot channel at the bottom of the Stormwatcr Detention Pond. The deletion of the Stormwater Detention Pond concrete pilot channel will result in a credit of $41,966.60. Please find the attached credit details associated with the deletion of the Stormwater Detention Pond concrete pilot channel. If 5 ou have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at 713-301-8637, or kdrown@@plwus.com. Regards. PLW Waterworks zi ty [gown Project Manager Page 1 Ifaytonn Arta %aler Authority 0%%%A6NIGItSurface Nater fre•.rtmtalPlant A %1% k Job %a. IBM21 Slonna'ater Detention Pond Concrete Pilot Channel Credit Brow of t►'9rf, tkltto Stormwater Detention Pond Coturete Pilot Channel 1 Utkit Stolmwattt ntlenlbn Pond Ctmertte Peot < I 1 Dekte ptbt e)1tttlMl o0rcrtle trutetlal 1.2 Dtltaepootthaarclrt:itforeemmt 12 tklete PF 1 Chwrl wnkwotk 13 Ikltte PUot I fotttwotk ud torrrni S tabor 1 ♦ Del to pflot ehuml torcretals ogngnnpa ) 1 1 1 1 CPR No 40 Date: OW22119 PI%%Job NO PSr :her a tlwtr}at Submit*"_ Tolyd ylat'ut.ga,� 1 ali Ioto'y Umt 'foal Lnb Tad 1 nit TUA 4 it co" t_otr Celt rl _ _LL(tin _ C al (7- Ls S (q,s05 10) ^S ( I s.sos 10 LS S 12151) 00) S (2,311 0(11 IS S (3.000oo) S 0,000W1 1 LS S 011m$0) S411,050.30) LS $ (9,00000) S (7,(a10 Wl 1)arr.Coil 5010ta7 ty, N( ftll Shill Took g DEN• na t4v,(..neta Rotden•a ner na SltMolal _ -- - J 464(01 0.,hra7 S Plotil n Q(r. •AID _ - . _.. ,. . _.-.. 58t,toul ... J J' 41, n.ir%b -A fnsutantc .) M. _ (.mud IulalLredlt 141,966.60) I'a64 2 PIW waterworks July 18, 2019 Mr. Ajay Shakyaver Assistant Director Baytown Area Water Authority The City of Baytown 2401 Market St. Baytown. TX 77520 Re: CPR No. 41 Rev I BAWA 6 MGU Surface Water Treatment Plant BAWA Job No. 1806021 Mr. Shakyaver, Per the minutes of the meeting with City of Baytown I CS and Allcon, PLW proposes to delete the listed SCADA System Hardware and add the additional cable and wire in accordance with the RPC 0 005. PLW will furnish all labor, material and equipment to perform the required electrical and controls modifications as per the RFP B005 upon an approval of the current Proposed Change Order Request. 1'he SCADA Hardware and Cabling Nfodification will result in a cost increase of $6,584.64. Please find the attached PLW cost summary and associated reference material for your review and acceptance. Please be noted, should any additional costs be incurred as a result of this Work clue to clarifications, changes or unknown scope, PLW will seek reimbursement. Please refer to the attached Subcontractors quote for further clarification. Ifyou have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call nnc at 713-301-8637, or kdrox%n@p1wus com Regards, PLW Waterworks /6�-�& Katy g--- rown Project Manager Page 1 Ra7topn vireo Water %utharlt) CPR No it R \W,%6 Mta1Surface Haler Treatnwnl Plan hat': 071MI9 1t %%,s Job No. 1906021 111 !t Job No 9li SCADA Symem Har(ssarc and Cabling Madirecations Scope of s1 urk Mlete three (]) TV screens, one (t) server nick the KVM, the pnnterand server leads from lighting panel 20-LP-UPS, moclifythe UPS powered receptacles in the terver Room to be non UPS rcmpacles, add ddhiala! cable and wire as per the RFP N005. \�. IieifHSIMX i PI,W Management I t Plofeet �tanaga t 2 Project bolear 1.3 Project SYperhtendmt 2 SCADA Haid"m Mdifleatiat 2 1 SCADA hardware &ikmion J SCADA$)aces Additions) Cabliag sad Wirlog J 1 SCADA Sylicm "Wonal cablatg ad wrong --- .�Y � T� \on•t red '- - -,--.. ! tiM.r M.terlal. _iaacuMnu _ ' Txt,asl.trsgp�_ n., IMJI Unie legal Ia11 lot. 1 nil Tna'.9 (ow 2 IM $ 121.00 s N kl i f i LS IS $ 0.1moo) S Am,.'oo S 10.268.00 S M.26300 rn R.(Lar.: Ihralai 4'1, 00 J S,t l SPnit cool," kyuipnlc.t tlYdcn urP, ^• ns Suhto1a11 I..i: S.1it. �� F tsecAl.tda Rof(iulG.0 • _ .. ... _ _ ... _ pt.yte � ai8 tU J,i 13.tt N-•.nq llwurrt30'�- _.. _. 1e3• 117.J1 t v'c1 Y' >•� Wltuetp r� t.l a.a Grant) Total Cost 6,SSJ.b1 JONESICARTER RFPNO.:005 W'_r REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) 1. PROJECT NAME: 6 MGD Surface Water Treatment Plant 2. J&C PROJECT NO.: 09986-0001.00 3. CONTRACTOR: Pepper Lawson Waterworks 4. SUBMITTED TO: Dennis Wang S. SUBJECT: SCADA System 6. REFERENCE: Submittal Nos. 89 & 100 7. REF. DWG. NO.: 20-E-14 S. REF. SPEC. NO.: N/A 9. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: (The Contractor Is requested to furnish a price proposal for the below described work Please complete, sign, date, and return a proposal at your earliest convenience. Please attach a detailed cost breakdown to your proposal. Per meeting minutes with City of Baytown ITS and Allcon, provide a cost for the following items: Deduct: 1. Removal of three (3) TV screens from Submittal No. 89. City of Baytown ITS to provide TV mounting hardware Contractor to provide installation 2. Removal of server rack from Submittal No. 89, 3 Removal of KVM from Submittal No. 89 4. Removal of Printer & Server loads from lighting panel 20-LP-UPS. S. Modify the UPS powered receptacles in the Server Room to be non -UPS receptacles. Addition: 1 Addition of three (3) coaxial cables from Server Room to each of the three TVs. 2 Provide LC terminations in lieu of SC terminations for all Fiber Optic cabling from Submittal No. 100 3. Addition of two (2) 240V - 2P/60A breakers in 20-LP-202, two (2) 240V - single phase receptacles in Server Room and aP associated conduit/wire from 20 LP 202 to Server Room. Location of receptacles shall be installed on the North wall of the Server Room. 4. Addition of conduit/wire to monitor status for the 8kVA UPS (located in Utility/Storage room) to the server rack (located in Server Room) S. Addition of four (4) Cat 6 Ethernet cables from Server Rack to Wi-Fi Hardware One located in future SCADA Control Room and three located in 2"1 floor hallway (evenly spaced out). A minimum of twenty feet (20') of additional slack must be provided for each Ethernet cable. Provide a list of all addition/deducts required to meet the City of Baytown Structured Cabling Specifications (attached). Please provide credit information for the changes to the SCADA system. 11. Requestor's Name & Signature: Larry Weppler Date: 5/29/19 The Contractor acknowledges that this RFP is to be used to request pricing information only, and does NOT constitute a contract modification. The Contractor is NOT AUTHORIZED/DIRECTED to perform this work UNTIL/PRIOR TO written notification that a contract modification is approved. I wP\docs\comlVorms\rf$ w rfArfoloi *• do RFV 9+11100 r City of Baytown Structured Cabling Specifications 1.1 Warranty A. Contractor responsible for providing CommScope 25-year Extended Product Warranty and Application Assurance within 2 weeks of job completion. 1.2 Testing and Documentation A. Certification Test Reports shall be submitted in electronic format using the appropriate software supplied by the test equipment manufacturer. The data format should be that of the test report software (i.e. *.flw files for Fluke). 1.3 Equipment Room Infrastructure Products A. Racks, Horizontal and vertical cable management to be provided as represented on equipment room drawings. B. Racks to be attached to ground and grounded to TGB using appropriate hardware provided by the contractor. C. Ladder rack to be installed using appropriate attachment hardware. 1.4 Horizontal Network Cabling A. Category 6 blue cable for all drops- CommScope CS34P (blue) B. Category 6 OSP rated for all drops outside of building- CommScope CS34O C. 20' Figure 8 slack loop required in ceiling for all WAP locations. D. 6' Figure 8 slack loop required in ceiling for every other drop location. E. Cables in equipment room to be terminated on modular outlets to match color of cable. 1. Category 6 cable on UNJ-600BL (blue) outlets F. Modular Outlets will be installed in CPP-UDDM-M 24 and 48 port panels G. Cable at work area will be terminated on information outlets. 1. In building- UNJ-600BL (blue) outlets 2. Outside of building- MIR-RJ45 H. Faceplates at work area will be LE type flush mounted Faceplates. I. Faceplates exposed to weather will be IR style, stainless steel. J. Faceplates in ceiling will be 1 port surface mount box- K. Ceiling Connector Assemblies may be used, in lieu of surface mount box, for camera and wireless access point connectivity. Pagel 0 City of Baytown Structured Cabling Specifications L. Quantity of cables per work outlet: 1. Typical office desk- 2 category 6 drop 2. Wireless Access Point- 1 category 6 drop 3. Cameras- 1 category 6 drop 1.5 Closet to Closet Connectivity A. Fiber will be CommScope Singlemode OS2 plenum armored distribution fiber. B. Fiber to be terminated on each end with SM Qwik II LC Connectors C. Fiber to be mounted in CommScope Splicing Cassettes (no pigtails) D. Fiber to be mounted in CommScope SD fiber sliding panel. E. Interlocking armor will be bonded and grounded per CommScope instructions. F. Fiber patch cords will be uniboot riser -rated Singlemode LC patch cords. 1.6 Inter -Building Connectivity A. Fiber will be CommScope Singlemode OS2 IndooriOutdoor Plenum Armored. B. Fiber to be terminated with SM Qwik II LC connectors. C. Fiber to be mounted in CommScope Splicing Cassettes (no pigtails). D. Fiber to be mounted in CommScope SD sliding panels. E. Interlocking armor will be bonded per CommScope bonding and grounding instructions. F. Fiber patch cords will be uniboot riser rated Singlemode LC patch cords. 1.7 Cable Labeling Standards A. Closets 1. MDF 2. IDF-(room number) Page2 r City of Baytown Structured Cabling Specifications B. Patch Panels 1. Number start from 001 - xxx (no A's and B's) C. Faceplate 1. IDF location upper middle (top) 2. IDF location lower middle (bottom) 3. Start with 001 - 004 (no A's and B's) AI N j A 1 Cal 1• ' IDF-28 045 046 r. i as �d e� Typical label for faceplates 1.8 Copper Patch Cords A. Equipment Room- Length TBD based on patch panel/ switch mounting location. 1. Voice- Gray 2. Data- Gray 3. Security Related- White 4. WAP- Blue 5. WAN connections- Yellow 6. Other Vendor Connections- Green B. Workstation Locations will be gray- Length to be determined Page3 r City of Baytown Structured Cabling Specifications EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS Based on the current City of Baytown structured cabling standards, the following products should be used to provide for technology support in all MDF and IDF closets (note that these products may change as the manufacturer updates their products. This is a guideline for selection). 1.1 Cable Products Category 6 Plenum UTP UN874049914/10 CS34P BLU C6 4/23 U/UTP CPK 1 KFT Category 6 OSP UTP UN884019904110 CS340BLK C6 4/24 U/UTP RL 1 KFT Modular Patch Panels 760207274 1 CPP-UDDM-M-lU-24 760207282 1 CPP-UDDM-M-2U-48 Facep!ates 760181941 j M12LE-266 (single -gang, 2 port, Pro -White) 107984015 M101SMB-13-262 (single -gang, 1 port, white) 760042994 IR11 SP (Stainless, single gang, 1 port) 760067207 IR12SP (Stainless, single gang, 2 port) Information Outlets 760237778 J UNJ600-SL (blue outlet) 760092361 MIR-RJ45 (M-series ruggedized receptacle- RJ45 Category 6 Patch Cords CPC3312-OZ GS8E-BL (blue) CPC3312-08 GS8E-WH (white) CPC3312-04 GS8E-GN (green) CPC3312-09 GS8E-YL (yellow) CPC3312-OC ( GS8E-SL (slate) CPCC312 GS8E-IP-C (ruggedized plug assembly) Connector Assembly 760235587 1 CCA-CAT6-PLENUM-BLACK-N018 Page4 PFEIFFER & SON, LTD. TEfectricaf Contractors PHONE - (281) 471-4222 • FAX - (281) 471 6856 116 N. 16TH ST * P_O BOX 1116 LA PORTE, TEXAS 77572 CHANGE ORDER BID DATE: June 28, 2019 TO: Pepper Lawson Waterworks do Qiang (Dennis) Wang PROJECT: BA WA SCADA System Modifications Gentlemen: We are pleased to offer for your consideration our lump sum quotation for the Electrical and Controls construction of the above referenced project, according to our interpretation of the plans and specifications We propose to furnish all material, labor, equipment, and supervision in a safe and skillful manner for a complete and functioning system as specified and shown on the drawings for S5,143.00- I'o avoid confusion, we offer the following clarificatrons- I. Price includes a deduct of (55,125.00) for the three 55" TV Is, three HDMI Amplifiers, Two Netshelier Enclosures, Two Rack PDU, One Vertical Cable Organizer, One Horizontal Cable Organizer, One MG Hardware Kit, Two Fan fray with Six Pans and I'wo 18 5" LED KNIM Console 2. Price includes the following. A) Additional coaxial cable to the three T.V locations, two 60A/240V/2P receptacles with conduit, wire and breaker in Server Room B) Additional conduit, wire, 1/0, Ethernet Modules, HIM Modifications for monitoring of the 8 KVA UPS. C) Additional IRItcrnci Cables with associated conduit from Server Rack to Wi-Fi Hardware locations. D) Additional Ir0 and I-IMI modifications for UPS status monitoring. 3 Rond is included. 4 We will provide insurance coverage in accordance with the specification;. Additional coverage specifically required by the contractor may necessitate additional premium charges. We appreciate this opportunity to quote on this project If you have any questions or need additiun.d clarifications, please call me at (281) 471.4222. Sincerely, PFEIFFER & SON, LTD. Mark Antley Estimator al.dli luau Q\ 111E IF."iS III P%kINIL% I Or1.IC1;\NNr,.W Ni ci'1a 111/� C(/.\ ra \rrows I ICI ♦sr /107t0 rIl a11C 12157, ll'CTI\, 7CC.t G,TMtI /1001 N7J•0j09. I51:1 4014N9 li ll 11 1111 Y.1 Y)t 1\I:111 01XV'rill •111\IIY15 (AM lI:F NL'111 175I 1(.li'le4 INA Al CI>,\la•It I,-$gr 511�.'4(1 u,111111