Ordinance No. 8,615990624 -9 ORDINANCE NO. 8615 ® AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF SOUTHWESTERN LABORATORIES TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION PHASE TESTING FOR THE 1998 MUNICIPAL STREET REHABILITATION PROGRAM — PHASE II AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, THE SUM OF TWENTY -FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY - ONE AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($24,391.00); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown did authorize the Purchasing Department for the City of Baytown to request proposals for construction phase testing for the 1998 Municipal Street Rehabilitation Program — Phase 11 to be June 7, 1999; and WHEREAS, a request for proposal was published pursuant to all applicable provisions of the Charter of the City of Baytown and state law; and i WHEREAS, Southwestern Laboratories timely submitted a proposal satisfactory to the City of Baytown; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby accepts the proposal of Southwestern Laboratories to provide construction phase testing for the 1998 Municipal Street Rehabilitation Program — Phase 11 for the sum of TWENTY -FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY -ONE AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($24,391.00), and authorizes payment thereof. A copy of said proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($15,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty -five percent (25 %) or decreased by more than twenty -five percent (25 %) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 24th day of June, 1999. PETE C. ALFARO, Mayor ATTEST: Cl y Clerk e y My ha" 3 eYtA e.r • APPROVED AS TO FORM: e1GKACIO RAMIREZ, SLCAy Attorney cAMy Docu mentsTouncinmeetingsv uneW cceptProposalFor98Municipa lStRehabProgram.doc SOUTHWESTERN -LABORATORIES ® 2522 Texas Avenue • Texas City, Texas 77590 Tel 2BI -4ae -4824 • Tel 409 - 948 -8494 • Fax 409 -94B -4321 June 7, 1999 City of Baytown 2401 Market Street P. O. Box 424 Baytown, Texas 77522 -0424 Attn: Mr. Carl J. Contella, Jr., P.E. Project Engineer Manager Re: Construction Materials Testing Services For: 1998 Municipal Street Rehabilitation Program -Phase II SwL Proposal No. CS99 -068 Dear Mr. Contella: Southwestem Laboratories, Inc. (SwL) appreciates the opportunity to submit our detailed proposal to provide construction materials testing and inspection services for the above referenced project. Upon your favorable review, we would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the details of our proposal, as well as answer any questions you may have regarding its content. As always, our proposed scope of services and estimated quantities are negotiable as they are based upon information available to us at this time. We appreciate your consideration of our firm for this project. If we may be of immediate assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHWESTERN LABORATORIES, INC. Philip D. Gnce, CET Office Manager Construction Materials Services • PDG /PMS /srh k( Paul M. Scott Senior Account Manager Construction Materials Services EXHIBIT A HOUSTON FORT WORTH TEXAS CITY 9=11' I. INTRODUCTION City of Baytown SwL Proposal No. CS99 -068 Page 2 SwL understands the importance of this project to the City of Baytown and the special needs associated with construction of a project of this type. Of particular importance is for the overall project team to be comprised of experienced professionals working together toward a common objective. This objective is to obtain a quality project, meeting the intent of the project specifications, as well as completion on schedule and within budget. From our Texas City laboratory facility located at 2522 Texas Avenue, we will provide experienced engineering technicians to perform the on -site testing and inspection services. Additionally, we meet the requirements of ASTM E -329 "Standard Practice For Inspection and Testing Agencies For Concrete, Steel and Bituminous Materials Used in Construction" regarding qualifications of the testing laboratory. WORK PLAN SwL's approach to providing materials testing services is to assign qualified engineering technicians, directed by Senior Professional Engineers, experienced in their respective disciplines. Our assigned Project Administrator will provide communication, service direction, and overall project coordination. It is presumed that the contractor and ready - mixed concrete producer will be encouraged to provide their own formalized quality control program separate and apart from our acceptance inspection /testing program stated herein. We anticipate providing the majority of the required testing services for this particular project on a "call -out' basis. The anticipated services required on this project are as follows: A. Earthwork Inspection/Testing B. Cast In -Place Concrete Inspection/Testing C. Hot Mix Asphalt Inspection/Testing All reports of materials tests and inspection services provided will be issued to appropriate members of the project team. In the event individual reports indicate potential problems or items of non- conformance to the project specifications, you will be contacted as soon as possible. • III. SCOPE OF SERVICES City of Baytown SwL Proposal No. CS99 -068 Page 3 The specific materials engineering services and laboratory tests anticipated for this project are as follows: A. Earthwork Inspection /Testing The technician will obtain samples of soil, borrow material and/or base materials and deliver them to our laboratory facility for testing. Laboratory testing will include Moisture /Density Relationships, Atterberg Limit determinations and sieve analysis. • The technician will perform field gradations on pulverized base mixture and lime stabilized subgrade, as well as percent solids of lime -slurry if applicable. • The technician will perform in -place compaction testing (nuclear method) at the frequency required by the project specifications to determine the moisture content and degree of compaction. B. Cast In -Place Concrete Inspection /Testing The technician will sample the concrete in order to perform standard field tests and prepare test cylinders and /or beams in accordance with project specifications. The frequency of sampling will also be as directed by the project specifications. Standard field tests include slump, air content and temperature for normal weight concrete and will also include unit weight on all samples of lightweight concrete. • The concrete temperature, ambient temperature, mixing time and placement procedures will be monitored by the on -site technician. The technician will also sample concrete at the frequency specified in the project specifications. • The technician will record detailed information regarding the location of the placement, date of the placement, concrete mixture strength requirement and all other pertinent information. • The technician will visually estimate the slump of each load of concrete delivered and perform actual slump tests and other standard field tests when test specimens are prepared, or as necessary to control concrete consistency. • SwL will cure the test specimens and perform compressive /flexural strength tests at the age designated by project specifications. • Drilled concrete cores will be obtained from the completed pavement section and measured for length. City of Baytown SwL Proposal No. CS99 -068 Page 4 • C. Hot Mix Asphalt Inspection and Testing • The technician will establish rolling patterns at the jobsite and will monitor temperature and placement of asphalt for roadway. • The technician will conduct batch plant inspection and obtain samples from the plant at the frequency required by the project documents. Laboratory tests will be conducted in accordance with applicable TxDOT or ASTM standards at the frequency required by the project documents. • The technician will core the in -place asphalt at the frequency required by project documents and return cores to the laboratory for bulk specific gravity to be used in density calculations. IV. BUDGET ESTIMATE In this section of the proposal you will find our budget estimate and summary. Additional services or tests requested and not specifically addressed in Section III of this proposal will be invoiced per the standard fees set forth in our 1998 -1999 l=ee Schedule. Our budget estimate does not include contingencies for technician overtime that may be required to complete our proposed scope of services. Based on our preliminary review of the project documents and information provided to us at this time by Mr. Carl Contella with the City of Baytown, we have established what we believe is the most realistic budget estimate possible for this project. Since our services are provided in support of others and are scheduled by others, the actual cost of our services may vary from the estimated amount. You will only be invoiced for the actual services performed and/or as authorized by our designated representative for this project. You will be notified in writing when we have reached 75% of the budget amount. We will not exceed the budget amount without proper written authorization. We estimate the total cost of the construction materials testing for our proposed Scope of Services will be $24,391.00 as detailed below. We would suggest an additional 10% - 15% be added to our cost estimate for budgeting purposes. C FROM : SOUTHWESTERN LRBS FRX NO. : 409948432 '-' Jun. 21 1599 10:osAM P2 City of Baytown SwL Proposal No. CS99 -068 Page 5 BUDGET ESTIMATE SUMMARY 5ER5 i DBE 0 3P S -['T- °AT TC3' L y iM..., wj.>..., o, Y+ s- 2+»°.....,: r.'.. re... ws;.. w :e'.e;- ,w.r.x..:'�::;..;r..,:w. �.. .,,.,..... ,.:r- .v.,..:.,'...w:..,,.i::: � ........... :.i....�.,...w... .... 5 .......... ., r-.. Concrete, Soils, and Asphalt Inspection/Testing Engineering Technician, Hr. (Sro 287 $ 35.00 $10,045.00 Vehicle Charge, Per Trip ---- NO CHARGE --- Moisture /Density Relationships, Ea. 7 $120.00 $ 840.00 Atterberg Limits, Ea. 7 S 40.00 5 280.00 Concrete Test Cylinders, Ea. 80 $ 11.00 $ 880.00 Concrete Beams, Ea. 36 $ 15.00 5 540.00 Asphalt Tests, Set 1 $326.00 $ 6,846.00 Asphalt Cores, Ea_ 48 $ 35.00 s 840.00 Bulk Specific Gravity of Asphalt Cores, Ea. 48 $ 15.00 S 726.40 Concrete Cores, Ea. 12 $ 70.00 $ 840.00 Length Determination & Compressive Strength of Concrete Cores, Ea. 12 S35-00 $ 420.00 Project Manager, Hr. 20 $ 65.00 $ 1,300.00 BUDGET ESTIMATE TOTAL $24,391.0 V. GENERAL NOTES A minimum 4 hour labor equivalent charge is applicable for all trips to the project site for the performance of testing, inspection, consulting, and other services_ All labor, equipment, and transportation charges are billed on a portal -to- portal basis from our laboratory facility. Weekly or monthly rates can be quoted on request. Overtime rates of 1.5 times the quoted hourly rates will be applicable to any and all hours worked in excess of 8 per day, weekends, and holidays. Engineering consultation and evaluation in connection with any laboratory testing service will be charged at the appropriate rate referenced in the Personnel Fee Schedule. Project Management services will be charged at the rate of 1 hour for every 20 hours of field services invoiced. The test results will be reported in U-S. Customary Units (e.g., inches, feet, psi, pcf). Add 510.00 per report for conversion of the test results to metric units. 40 Our prices include up to 5 copies of the report distributed and mailed in accordance with your instructions. Additional copies mailed at $0.35 per page. Direct expenses incurred in connection with the project will be invoiced at cost plus 10% for handling. SOUTHWESTERN LABORATORIES • 2522 Texas Avenue • Texas City. Texas 77590 Tel 281- 4BB -4B24 • Tel 409 -94B -8494 • Fax 409 -94B -4321 1998 -1999 PERSONNEL FEE SCHEDULE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND TESTING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL Senior Materials Engineer, PE, per hour ....................... ............................... $ 95.00 Materials Engineer, PE, per hour ................................ ............................... $ 75.00 Project Management, per hour .................................... ............................... $ 65.00 Secretarial Services, per hour ..................................... ............................... $ 35.00 TECHNICAL PERSONNEL Technical personnel to perform field sampling and testing of soils, concrete and, asphalt. The quoted rates are all inclusive for standard test equipment (slump cone, air entrainment meters, sieves, scales); Senior Engineering Technician, per hour ....................... ............................... $ 45.00 Certified Engineering Technician, per hour .................... ............................... $ 40.00 Associate Engineering Technician, per hour .................... ............................... $ 35.00 TRANSPORTATION CHARGES NuclearGauge, per trip ..........................:............................... ..............................$ 30.00 Local Vehicle Charges (within Harris County) for all field services;. HalfDay, up to 4 Hours ........................................... ............................... $ 16.00 FullDay, over 4 Hours ........................................... ............................... $ 32.00 Vehicle Charge, outside Harris County, per mile ............... ............................... $ 0.50 1 HOUSTON FORT WORTH TEXAS CITY • sw� 1998 -1999 TEST FEE SCHEDULE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND TESTING SERVICES CONCRETE TESTING Cylinder Compression Test, ASTM C39, each ................ ............................... $ 11.00 Beam Flexural Test, ASTM C78 or C293, each ............... ............................... $ 15.00 Reserves Not Tested (includes processing, curing, storage and disposal) Cylinders.................................................... ............................... $ 11.00 Beams........................................................ ............................... $ 15.00 CONCRETE MIX DESIGNS Time spent computing mix portions, mixing trial batch and reporting concrete mix design. Regular Aggregate, each .................................. ............................... $ 225.00 Lightweight Aggregate, each ............................. ............................... $ 275.00 Laboratory Confirmation of Mix Designed by Others, each ....................... $ 175.00 Mix Design Review Submitted by Others (Statistical Method) .................... $ 150.00 Design Confirmation Cylinder Test, ASTM C39, each ............................. $ 11.00 Design Confirmation Beam Test, ASTM C78 or C293, each ...................... $ 16.00 AGGREGATE TESTS - SAMPLES F.O.B. LAB Sieve Analysis, ASTM C136, each .............................. ............................... $ 37.00 Sieve Analysis, Finer Than No. 200 Sieve, ASTM C117, each ............................ $ 50.00 Unit Weight, ASTM C29, each .................................. ............................... $ 25.00 2 0 S"FL • Water Absorption, ASTM C127 or C128, each ................ ............................... $ 25.00 Organic Impurities, ASTM C40, each ............................ ............................... $ 40.00 Los Angeles Abrasion, ASTM C131 or C535, each .......... ............................... $ 140.00 Sulphate Soundness, 5 cycles, ASTM C88, each MagnesiumSulphate ...................................... ............................... $ 250.00 SodiumSulphate ........................................... ............................... $ 225.00 Specific Gravity, Each Fine Aggregate, ASTM C128 ............................ ............................... $ 30.00 Coarse Aggregate, ASTM C127 ......................... ............................... $ 45.00 CORING SERVICES Concrete Core Drilling, Minimum per Trip (locally), each .. ............................... $ 250.00 Concrete Pavement Cores up to 7 inch Thickness (max. 4" diam.), each ................. $ 100.00 Additional Thickness, over 7 ", per inch ......................... ............................... $ 8.25 Core Capping and Testing, ASTM C42, without sawing, each ............................. $ 30.00 Core Length Determination, ASTM C174, each ............... ............................... $ 20.00 Standby Time, Equipment & Operator, per hour .............. ............................... $ 75.00 NOTE: Charges for coring structural concrete quoted on request. 3 • SOUL TESTS Moisture /Density Relationship of Soil Standard Proctor, (ASTM D698, AASTHO T99) Methods A and B (4" Mold) each .............. ............................... $ 120.00 Methods C and D (6" Mold) each .............. ............................... $ 140.00 Modified Proctor, (ASTM D1557, AASTHO T180) Methods A and B (4" Mold) each .............. ............................... $ 135.00 Methods C and D (6" Mold) each .............. ............................... $ 150.00 Atterberg Limits Determinations Liquid Limit, ASTM D4318, each ...................... ............................... $ 22.00 Plastic Limit, ASTM D4318, each ...................... ............................... $ 18.00 Plasticity Index, ASTM D4318 (LL and PL), each ... ............................... $ 40.00 Note: For flexible base material add $30.00 for sample preparation time. For microwaved moisture contents requested to expedite test results, add $50.00. Soil Strength & Characteristics Tests 5 Point Lime Determination Curve, TEX 112E, each ............................... $ 280.00 Optimum Cement Content, F.C.A. "Quick Test" Method, each ..................$ 360.00 Molding Stabilized Soil Compressive Strength Samples Fine Grained Soil (4" Mold), ASTM D1633 Method A, each ............ $ 26.00 Base Materials, (6" Mold), TEX 12013, each . ............................... $ 36.00 S1 • X"/L Compressive Strength of Stabilized Soil Samples Fine Grained Soil, (4" Mold), ASTM D1633, each ........................ $ Base Materials, (6" Mold), TEX 120E, each . ............................... $ 20.00 30.00 Cement Content of Hardened Soil /Cement Mixtures, ASTM D806, each ....... $ 250.00 Minus No. 200 Sieve Analysis, ASTM D1140 each . ............................... $ 20.00 Sieve Analysis of Flexible Base Materials, TEX 101E and 110E, each .......... $ 30.00 Moisture Content of Soil, ASTM D2216, each ........ ............................... $ 5.00 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE TESTS Molding specimens, ASTM D1559 or TEX 206F, set of 3 specimens ........... $ 41.00 Bulk specific gravity of lab molded specimen, set of three specimens............ $ 40.00 (includes methods ASTM D1188, ASTM D2726 or TEX 207) Bulk specific gravity of core specimen, TEX 207F, each .......................... $ 15.00 Maximum theoretical density, ASTM D2041 or TEX 227F, each ................ $ 45.00 Hveem stability, TEX 208 -F or ASTM D1560, set of 3 specimens ............... $ 65.00 Extraction (percent asphalt w /gradation) TEX 210F or ASTM 2172 ............ $ 135.00 Extraction (percent asphalt only) ASTM D -2172, each ............................. $ 120.00 Asphalt recovery (Abson method), ASTM D1856, each ........................... $ 120.00 FIELD AND LABORATORY GENERAL NOTES Tests not listed can be performed at either a quote price or an hourly basis at personnel rates shown in Personnel Fee Schedule. Rush test assignments requiring unscheduled overtime are subject to a 50% surcharge. P * SwL A minimum 4 hour labor equivalent charge is applicable for all trips to the project site for the performance of testing, inspection, or consulting services. The minimum charge is not applicable for trips to the project site for sample pick -up only. All labor, equipment, and transportation charges are billed on a portal -to- portal basis from our laboratory facility. Weekly or monthly rates can be quoted on request. The minimum charge for invoicing field or laboratory testing services is $100.00 per month. The minimum invoicing charge is not applicable for C.O.D. sales. Overtime rates of 1.5 times the quoted hourly rates will be applicable to any and all hours worked in excess of 8 per day, outside of our normal daylight hours of 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, weekends and holidays. Engineering consultation and evaluation in connection with any laboratory testing service will be charged at the appropriate rate referenced in the Personnel Fee Schedule. Project Management services will be charged at the rate of 1 hour for every 20 hours of field services invoiced. The test results will be reported in U.S. Customary Units (e.g. inches, feet, psi, pco. Add $10.00 per report for conversion of the test results to metric units. Material samples should be submitted in a form that complies with the applicable ASTM requirements for size, geometry, quantity, surface finish, etc. Unless otherwise indicated, the unit price for laboratory tests includes routine sample preparation. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Our prices include up to 5 copies of the report distributed and mailed in accordance with your instructions. Additional copies mailed at $0.35 per page. Telefax report transmission is available upon request. Charges, including long distance costs, are $1.00 per page with a 5 page minimum. Direct expenses incurred in connection with the project will be invoiced at cost plus 15% for handling. Travel and lodging expenses for out of town assignments will be invoiced at cost plus 15 % or $75.00 per day, whichever is greater. 40 2