Ordinance No. 8,569990422 -5 ORDINANCE NO. 8569 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING DEDUCT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH ANGEL BROTHERS ENTERPRISES, INC., TO ADJUST THE FINAL UNIT BID QUANTITIES FOR THE 1998 MUNICIPAL STREET. REHABILITATION PROGRAM; AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT OF THE SUM OF THIRTY - TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY -ONE AND 42/100 DOLLARS ($32,321.42) TO ANGEL BROTHERS ENTERPRISES, INC., FOR SAID PROJECT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. *********************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** WHEREAS, the City of Baytown contracted with Angel Brothers Enterprises, Inc., for the 1998 Municipal Street Rehabilitation Program (the "Project "); and WHEREAS, a deduct change order in the amount of FORTY -SEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY -FOUR AND 59/100 DOLLARS ($47,844.59) to adjust the final unit bid quantities is necessary to reflect the actual quantities used in the Project as well as the amount remaining due to Angel Brothers Enterprises, Inc.; and WHEREAS, all of the said improvements, as provided in the plans and specifications heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and as approved and adopted by the City Council have been performed and completed in full accordance with all of the terms and conditions of the aforesaid contract; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer in the manner provided by the terms of the said contract and the plans and specifications thereof, has approved and accepted the 1998 Municipal Street Rehabilitation Program and improvements and has heretofore issued his Certificate of Final Acceptance and has certified same to the City Council and recommended that it accept and receive said work and improvements as constructed and completed by Contractor; and WHEREAS, there remains due and owing to Angel Brothers Enterprises, Inc., the sum of THIRTY -TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY -ONE AND 42/100 DOLLARS ($32,321.42); NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council does hereby authorize deduct Change Order No. I with Angel Brothers Enterprises, Inc., to adjust the final unit bid quantities for the 1998 Municipal Street Rehabilitation Program. A copy of said Change Order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council hereby accepts and approves the above - described work and improvements, and finds and determines that all of said improvements have been completed as is 990422 -5a ® provided in the plans and specifications thereof, and in full accordance with all of the terms and provisions of the aforesaid contract. Section 3: That the Certificate of Final Acceptance heretofore issued by the City Engineer and certified to the City Council is hereby accepted and received. Section 4: That final payment to Angel Brothers Enterprises, Inc., in the amount of THIRTY -TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY -ONE AND 42/100 DOLLARS ($32,321.42) is hereby authorized. Section 5: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 22nd day of April, 1999. /�� c_ 4y!�� PETE C. ALFARO, Mayor ATTEST: EILEEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ICtACIO RAMIREZ, S ity Attorney c:\MyDocuments\ Council\ Meeti ngslApril\Fi.IPayCh.georde,No.l Fo,I 998MunStRehabProgm..doc 0 2 0 : CHANGF— ORDER No.- 1 (Balancing) -- Datcd .... 4- 13_99_.. Owner's Projecr No. ----------- --_._. _..____- ._- ------- _ ........... . Engineer's Project No. .....28-3058. 1 Projccr...•1Ha StreeC Improvement Program Owner _.City_ -of _ Baytown•. - Contractor Angel Bros : _Enterprises.._- .........._... rontrac, Datc ........ LO- ?�- 4_�.•- __ - - -- - - Contracz For ._._Phase I - 1998 Street Improvement Program To: Angel Bros. Enterprises Contractor You arc directed to snake the changes noted below in the subject contract: Ownc- ..... City of w Bayton 3v Date Natur= of the Chansc Overruns & Underruns oa-a dumber of Pay Items Result in a Net Underrun of $47,844.59 to be Deducted from the Original Contract Price Ericlosures: Tae changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Pric_ add Contract Time: Contract Price Prior to This Change Order Net (Decrcasc) Resulting rrorn this Chaeg_ Ordcr Currcot Contract Price Fne:uding This Change Ordc: NSPE 1910 -S -B (1970 Edition) C 1970• National Socicry of Pralcssianal EaZincc EXHIBIT A Page 1 of - -..... pages S. _. 535,.470.:00 -.. ................ S. _... 47, 844. 59 _.... -- - -- . • -- S_ . 487, 62.5-.-4,t _..... _. . rV -31 'ac: Time Prior to This Change: Order 180 Calendar Days. ,'Inc-ca=) (Decrease) Resulting From This Change Order --.-0 ..... .... . ........... Calendar Days. ........ t Contract Time Including This ChanSc Or-der -- — 180 Calendar Days. -------------- - --- - --- - .. . ....... A Busch, Hutchison Assoc,,..Lrkq.-. p�� bovc Chauges Are Approved: .. ......... tN�t by ------------------------ - ---- . .. . ...... Angel Bros. ter ses Above Changes Are Acccpted: ............... . .. .................................. CONTRA o Date----------------------- - -- - ----- Pagc -- --- - -- of ........ pages s Angel Brothers Enterprises, Inc. 5210 West Road P.Q. Box 570 Baytown, Texas 77522 -0570 281.421.5721 281.471.6730 Fax 281.421,2344 www.angelbrc)thers.com :1998 MUNICIPAL OWNER CITY OF BAYTOWN ENGINEER: BUSCH, HUTCHISON & ASSOCIATES. INC. 1209 DECKER DR.. SUITE 100 BAYTOWN, TEXAS 77520 ATTN: MR. JIM HUTCHISON APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO.: THREE & FINAL RAM AOT AngelBrothers Paving and Uhho,Conaamrs CONTRACT AMOUNT: $535,470.00 CONTRACTOR: ANGEL BROTHERS ENTERPRISES. INC. P.O. BOX 570 BAYTOWN. TEXAS 77522 -0570 INVOICE DATE: 4 -13 -99 PERIOD: 3 -1 -99 THRU 3 -31 -99 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE ( WORK THIS PERIOD PREVIOUS WORK ITOTALWORKI TO DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 0.00 0.00 1 ASPHALT MILLING 19460 SY 53.50 17805.00 17805.00 562,317.50 2 REMOVE BASE MATERIAL 3751 SY 6.50 351T00 3517.00 22,860.50 3 8- BLACK BASE 1640 TN 60.00 1781.58 1781.58 106.894.80 4 LIME SLURRY @ 38#/SY 177 TN 50.00 0.00 0.00 5 6- LIME STABILIZED SUBGRAOE 9217 SY 2.00 0.00 0.00 6 MC 30 PRIME @.25 GAUSY 2755 GAL 1.50 1900.00 1900.00 2,850.00 7 TYPE 'D' HMAC SURFACE 4280 TN 46.00 61.05 4342.04 4403.09 202.542.14 8 ADJUST MH, VALVE BOXES, ETC. 35 EA 150.00 31.00 31.00 4,650.00 9 REM. CURB & GUTTER 219 LF 10.00 255.00 255.00 2.550.00 10 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 265 LF 25.00 295.00 295.00 7,375.00 11 REPLACE INLET TOP (KENTUCKY ST) 1 EA 750.00 1.00 1.00 750.00 12 REPLACE GRATE TOP (KENTUCKY ST) 1 EA 750.00 1.00 1.00 750.00 13 HMAC LEVEL -UP COURSE 50 TN 70.00 0.00 0.00 14 REM. CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER 160 LF 10.00 127.00 127.00 1.270.00 15 6' WIDE VALLEY GUTTER 160 LF 25.00 127.00 127.00 3,175.00 16 REM, 4- WHNELLOW THERMOPLASTIC 60 LF 5.00 60.00 60.00 300.00 17 REM. 24' WHITE THERMOPLASTIC 50 LF 20.00 50.00 50.00 1.000.00 18 4'& 12' YELLOW THERMOPLASTIC 154 SF 4.50 963.00 182.00 1145.00 5.152.50 19 4', 8'& 24- WH. THERMOPLASTIC 1354 SF 1.75 695.00 1332.00 2027.00 3.547.25 20 IN -PLACE RECYCLING -MABRY 5360 SY 3.50 5360.00 5360.00 18.760.00 21 PORTLAND CEMENT ® 38x /SY 95 TN 110.00 100.19 100.19 11.020.90 22 TACK COAT 2773 GAL 1.50 1356.00 1356.00 2,034.00 23 REM.IREINSTALL MAILBOX. SIGNS, ETC 1 LS 2000.00 1.00 1.00 2,000.00 24 CRUSHED STONE -MISC, USE 80 TN 22.00 77.31 77.31 1.700.82 25 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS 21000.00 1.00 1.00 21.000.00 26 CONCRETE GUTTER -W, JAMES 25 LF 30.00 25.00 25.00 750.00 I 27 SOLID SOD @ H.C. -CIVIC CIRCLE 1 LS 1500.00 1.00 1.00 1,500.00 281 EXCAVATION @ H.C. -CIVIC CIRCLE 29 CEMENT STAB. SAND SUBGRADE < 9' APPROV BY: DATE: APPROVED BY ENGINEER: I ER BY: VYIQO L • `,\a�-(-r�Zryo DATE: 4--t3-S)-9 L 25 CY 500 TN 35.00 52.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 875.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED 5487,625.41 LESS 5% RETAINAGE 50.00 SUBTOTAL $487,625.41 LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS $455,303.99 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $32,321.42 APPROVED BY OWNER: BY: DATE: