Ordinance No. 8,520990225 -3 ORDINANCE NO. 8520 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF COMPUSA INTEGRATION SERVICES FOR THE CONTRACT LABOR NT SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR FOR HARRIS COUNTY ORGANIZED CRIME AND NARCOTICS TASK FORCE AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, THE SUM OF THIRTY -FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($35,460.00); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown did authorize the Purchasing Department for the City of Baytown to request proposals for the Contract Labor NT System Administrator for Harris County Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force to be received December 21, 1998; and WHEREAS, a request for proposal was published pursuant to all applicable provisions of the Charter of the City of Baytown and state law; and WHEREAS, CompUSA Integration Services timely submitted a proposal satisfactory to the City of Baytown; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby accepts the proposal of CompUSA Integration Services for the Contract Labor NT System Administrator for Harris County Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force for the sum of THIRTY -FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($35,460.00), and authorizes payment thereof. A copy of said contract is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($15,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty -five percent (25 %) or decreased by more than twenty -five percent (25 %) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 25`h day of February, 1999. ,�xc C'- PETE C. ALFARO, Mayor ATTEST: '�P EILEEN P. HALL;..City derk ® APPROVED AS TO FORM: eK(NACIO RAMIREZ, SACi# y Attorney c:\M yDocu ments\Cou nci i\M eeti ngs\ February\ProposalContractNTSystemAdm in.doc TStW�IICAi SE1�1/l><ES Your Corporals so6rltOrrsYrvPidrr. City of Baytown Statement of Work NT Administrator PTvjZ%i ivilliiuCl 70AV— VJ7—jV777 Submitted To: Dennis Wells Siihinitted By: Jeff Brown Eric Chappell ,Orrip u �A integration cervices 101 West Bay Area Boulevard Webster, r TX 77598 . January 25, 1999 This d0'omen' iz ,lie PMP" Of wW is 7fOPriguri to CofnpV$A InloCralon SWvioe_, Il rr Mt to De tl.:,gpg6c7 ;n wnpy y yl y.���l o writ ;an COf138n1 of ComoVSA lntearalmon SorviCOS, 5t:a1 not be dWIiG7TeC or used in whole Or In Pert. ror 9ny purpose other tttFR; to evaluale ComPUSA's p:v?a:al, and snail be resumed Upon foqueaf. EXHIBIT A ''� P. 17 ® Appendix IV • Statement of Work Signature Document An authorized signature below on this page by City of Baytown indicates your acceptance of this statement of work. City of Baytown By: Signature & Date Name Title CompliS A Integration Services By: kT-'~ Signature 8: Date 2.25.11 1I QI ILI, Title LOmpU,)A Integration Services 2/25199 16 mAmb MR i�'r1� - M the Power Behind American Business.,. 820 EAST RECTOR x4. SUITE 120,\\ SAN ANnr mo, TEXAS 78216 DATE TO kx• FACSIMILE NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLIJ]DiNG COVER): I ROAI : LLLU JASSO DEPT. : Llf ^ DEPT. : CORPORATE SALES PHO E : PHOYE : (210) 321 -2543 FAX Z ► (4Z3 F:L.c : i(210) 321 -2598 RE AA-kt.nlr �o csyul, S C.r, r --a i 7:4ci�r•., to ^�S Q 0t�5+,..Nls of i Asa n f A i� LULU JaSSO CORPORATE ACCO(JI"t E.`CECui -m: ® Table of Contents 1.0 Statement Of Work .......................................... ............................. x 2.0 Project Scope .............................. ... ........... ....................... ....................... ............................_.. Y 2.1 project Deliverables.... ....... ... ............................. — ............ ...... x 2.2 Service Descriptions /Acceptance Criteria ............................................................... ............................... x 2.3 project Support ..................................... ..:............................. ..................................... ........................... x 2.4 Optional Sales Support Augmentation .................................••... ...........I................... ... x 3.0 Project Responsibiiities ................................................................................ .. ......................... x �.1 cuilwmn- Re;pauslwuclos ......................... I 11A X �.a •rVa u}/V.J Ca 1 \y��V1aJ1Vla�aal:� ..................................................................... ............................... ...... x A rn....... •.....r . ............. d.l Mrr=4:oc ......, Q. ?_ project Change Order p- nccdure .. -------------------------- ...................... ....... .. 4.3 Project Assumptions ................................ ............................... - •....:::: - ..:................. Y Appendix I - pricing /Invoicing ................ Appendix 17 - Proiect Change Order Form ................................ ............................... x ....................... Appendix Ill - Statement of Work Terms and Conditions .............................................. ............................... x Appendix IV - Statement of Work Signature Document ........ : ............................................. .... ...................... x Appendix V - Complete Projcct Acceptance Signature Document ................................. ............................... x COMTUSi1 i�;77 N 3 CompUSA Technical Resources. • Consultants and Engineers A+ ra..;�td • comr_.nz and Tn:hih_ _n • Windows 95 • Windows NT . • Novell 3.x & 4.x CNE's and MCNE's • Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers — MCSE's and Microsoft Certified Professionals - MCP's • Complete Telephone Based Support • PC Appiications Gperadn- Systems ir'�yiwurw V�JG14tW�f J� �lG1Tl$ • Nenvork Support • ArovTll _ 3_x,- d_r • Windows NT - 3.51. 4.0 • Cabling Services . • Centralized 800# for 1jardware, Software and Network call Logging • National Call Tracking Management System • Managed & Automated Escalation Trees = ,� =:Y.m ... • w� a ...y wYuu .. vyawcs •, i-aCc� »avw i�a•wu w•uc • Lapto❑ Rot Sr ?.re CerVtC4: • Standard Rates Nationwide \u, . I Comp USA Integration Services 2125199 r. G 4 1.0 Statement Of Work This statement of work defines the tasks to be performed by CompUSA Integration Services and City of Saytown. In addition. the specific responsibilities of both CompUSA Integration Semites and City of i,.,a�_4.A Throughout this proposal, references to Customer unless otherwise specified shall refer to City of Ba"o'lvn and those individuals working for City of Baytown who are involved directly with the prgiect. Completion and submittal of the enclosed signature page along with a valid purchase order, indicates agreement and acceptance of project scope, terms and conditions. After acceptance of terms in this Statement of Work, changes to the conditions set forth in this document will be proces,ed in accordance with tilt procedUCC described iti -Appendix H. Pruject Change Order Procedure ". The following are incorporated in and made past of this Statement of Work: • Appendix 1. Project Pricing • Appendix H. Project Change Order Procedure • Appendix III. Statement of Work Terms and Conditions • Appendix IV. Statement of Work Signature Document • Appendix V Project Acceptance Signature Document CompUSA Integration Services 2125199 0 2.0 Project Scope This Statement of Work is in[etiddd to cover the provision of lung -term 13'irrdows JET adminuuoror personnel to ll:� :�C.. '' .r..-. ,.... A �,i:.» �::.• �s fir.. -r-.f . r -.__ i7vrn- r w "'-.1 -"6 �• r•a %%irCh.� �n.- WrcC' 2.1 Project Deliverables The City of Baytown requires an NT System Administrator in the 11000 block of Interstate 10 East, Houston, Texas. The scope shall include the following: Scope of the contract will be; a. Upon acceptance — 31 May 1999 b. 40 hours per week 0800 -1700 daily except City of Baytown holidays. C. Option for an additional year 1 June 1999 — 31 May 2000 tilirtimutn qualifications consist of; a. Ex,:hrzu.ge Server 5.X Server i. Minimum % years NT 5.X Exchange server administration %• LCClI lrl-c 5.;C Ceriincation �preierred) _ LAV1.4•.�C. �..�. Jf�11Ilr Vi 1rllGlilVl CI11411 CaYCrtcncC ClUd -0 ' ♦ i 1' J . a- t trar ACr ir+icc;ritenn b. SMTP /POP Internet Cnnrlestnr c. Recipients Directories d. Public Folder creation and administration b- NT Server 4.0 Server 1 • Minimum 2 years NT 4.0 Server administration experience 2 NT Administrator Class 3. Daily activities -Mll include but not be limited to: a. Administration: User setup, Global Groups, Local Groups, Login Scripts b. He yen,er: Directory structure, sharing and permissions, backup Optiatioas and verification • S crveri It C p rac Flrt yu Cr Vi�riilaw a�yVll, HF JOl Direci ., ......a? zrd e:;tf D rect Print Ser`Jers aonlicatlons C. Other Associated Duties 1 • Working knowledge of unmanaged hubs, bridges, routers and CSU/TSU equipment 2. Knowiedge of TCP /lP and 1PX protocols Z_ . T roubiesnoot twisted pair network connections. 4.. Provide Quvanccd ueip ilcsk support to PC Speciaiist for 4.0 workstations. d. Internet and Web skills I. Minimum 2 vear.c ?r+nn n,•,,,. �,, e 2. Certification, in US (preferred) 3. Web design experience 4. Experience managing a Web site ­v, wiurx vervicas 2125199 __r-4 &__" 2.2 Existing Equipment HCOCWTF is currently operating a trusted NIT domain with the City of Baytown. Servers consist of lBM compatible Intel Pentium, Pentium. II and twin Pentium Il computers. There is curremy one filelapplication server with an HP dat tape backup, an ?exchange 5.5 server providing in -house and Internet email services, M5 Proxy 2.0 server and F rcwall-1 server. hitcntions arc to inswii an US 4.0 server in the near future. Connectivity in -house is accomplished with Cai > Plus twisted pair cabling and 10'106 hubs operating TCP /IP peowc -ol. The majority of printers are connected via HP Jet Direct car:...^. •E;;,cr nal :.on.mectivizy includes a full T -i connection with tlic City of Baytown utiliztn; a Xyp!ex Netwerk 3.000 brid;elrcut-er and Aaren CSU/DSU as \yell as a full T -1 Irtcrrct connection via a Cysco 2540 bridge /router. 3.0 Project Responsibilities The following sections define City of Baytown and CornpUSA's responsibilities prior to and during the PROJECT lifetime. The City of Daytown Project Coordinator and will •York to establi3h a schedule that will Permit rt orc Cc-npUSA �cocc activity at Civ of 3.1 Customer Responsibilities City of Baytown must perform the following at no charge to CompUSA, in order to ensure a successful completion of this project. Failure to meet these responsibilities may result in change orders to this Statement of Work. These change orders could result in additional charges to City of Baytown or changes to the project deliverables. Provide ample work space for equipment setup and testing Provide adequate power for all new equipment. The designated computer room needs a 3u amp dedicated circuit with at leant four (4) outlets near tie file server iocation, identify a City of Baytown Project Coordinator who will perform the following functions: r. ail C : _f _a, t;; 'Vr. Project 'ream mamberc *+a [ir,afir. rs r� !tio ern a ,l fn concert with the CompliSA Protect Min leer, ar!n ir.icter role, t chang�as. Obtain and Drovide information. data decisions and approvals within a mutually agreeable titr=e frame of the project. d Assist in resolution of project issues and escalate problems within the City Baytown organization. Approve Progress Reports V` Provide access to the required hardware and software at the start of the project. v Approve deliverable items. Autilonzc payilielits. Cn:iuiL' wul uu u4ru Vll ii.c i.;Siadiw iv w uYbiaucu ua� V�cir vabn2u url. V_OMpUSA 1J no; "Aable fur any loss of d=ta dur L -)g this pr je Disposal for art;-• packing rnatttrials ass^ciaTcd '•v rh n =•.v G ;i1�S_C?it rrrrph 39�< 3.2 CompUSA Responsibilities The following list identifies the responsibilities that CompUSA will perform in addition to project deliverables: Identify and schedule skilled, professional CompUSA resources who will perform the deliverables listed in '' ,un%.1. Tdcr.tL j a Con 'USLl� Prcj_ ,. 1'i au.ap; : :iv . -T, vC �Iij vi i�aj i0:: i1'J aluuai: �GTiui�a �ompr Jai and --fo m the fi,llnt _no fi_rr ('ri (ant• Management of scope as detailed in Section 2.1 In concert with the City of Baytown Project Coordinator,_ administer *_+reject changes Planning and schedule tracking Schedule and lead status meetings as required 0 CompfiSA Inlegrotian Services 2125.199 1 r `ill! 4.0 Project Assumptions and Operations This section outlines standard operational procedures to be followed during the Project. 4.1 Meetings Status meetings will be held during the course of the project at City of Baytown's facilities or via conference ealI as required. The City of Baytown Project Coordinator and the CompUSA Project Manager will represent their organizations in these meetings and schedule other resources to attend as required. Status meetings will include, but are not limited to, the following topics: • Review project progress against schedule ,ids' °" Cirj ^vf Pad "y'ivWn arld CGn2puJA 4uz:IitVll2i • Vf VJJ Rt,,ie,., or•a ?: pct C: a v��u Yrvj.. .'..n�'STC � d A vs i 1 Ch anges Requ CJt(s) • Review all or I r= ec* Issues :�, •� t_g �.,y new • These meetings /ccnfLrcncL Ca)ls u•il held ?g nPP!�o!{, Prnn *nc: r..,...a , and delivered to document and exchangc project sntus information. 4.2 Project Change Order Procedure • A Project Change Order ( "PCO ") will be the official method for communicating any changes to the project. The PCO will describe the change(s), the reason for the change, the charges for the change, and the effect the change will have on the project timelines. The Project Change Order form is attached in Appendix 1 A written Change Authorization must be signed by both parties to authorize implementation of the research changes. • A mutually signed Change Order must be signed before any work can commence that is outside the deliverables 4.3 Project Assumptions • All pricing in this proposal is based on this Statement of Work document. Any work beyond the Statement of s :4 rr -a ' ai• :: A11Ma L 1 r^ v ✓. ✓... iJ.I :. r • All pricing in this proposal is based on all work being compacted as a continuous effort. Disruptions of this continuous effort beyond the controi of CompUSA may require additional costs in labor and materials. • CompUSA assumes that normal hours of operation will be Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Work may be done on weekday evenings when required. • A full image backup of all data, is to be completed by the Customer prior to the start of installation services; Custom, -r is rYspaosibic far rnP of _11 rat ±. _ • CompUSA will have access to all areas necessary to this installation. Any areas of high security or hazard sliGiiiu bit 7�ad8 1GivwT1 tV CurhP V prior t0 1nStallation_ it rs assumed that there is no asbestos or other s iuiiieriZiJ are (✓rd52;it its uic3 'cnst&uaiivri areas. • CompUSA may, at its discretion, utilize subcontractors for select facets of this project. Any subcontracting will ee accomplished by qualified subcontractors, and subject to the review of the Customer and at all times under the supervision of CompUSA. • CompUSA will ensure that all personnel are fully trained in the necessary hardware and software required to • ConlpUSA Integration Services 212, - 5199 � r 0 4.3 Warranty for Services o • CompUSA makes no warranty for the proper functioning of Customer supplied equipment or cabling. • Uriless otherwise agrccd and documented within this Statement of Work, CompUSA makes no warranty for the proper L%i6 ionin3 of Cwfooier's pruprictary ncework or client workstation software. Proprietary is defined For shu purpose as sof, aro packages that arc riot sold by CompUSA. 4.4 Project Implementation Schedule • Unless otherwise stated, CompUSA will start delivery of services for this project on February 15'', I999. ® CompUS4 Integration Services g' 21'25199 I- . i 0 .Appendix I Project Personnel Pricing Richard Scarborough, Marla Foster, -or- Doug.'" Rerulztl ................... . ........ SiR lO per hour Ronald Pierce, Noorah Panjwani, --or- Cedric. McGee ............................. SV 20 per hour John Brown -or- ruvii "U rnderson ......... .................Shc..i9perhOur Phuona A Nguyen .. ......................S99.IGper hour CompUSA Integration Services 2125199 � IY ® Appendix H PROJECT CHANGE ORDER Foam COMPT434 %rtr,rar.'or SPrrrrrs 2125199 10 r , J 11 ® Appendix III Statement of Work Terms and Conditions ARTICLE 1 - SERVICES 1.1 Customer hereby retains CompUSA to perforrti, or Cause to be p= fertred, i:tegation senices ( "Services ") for Customer as described in the Statement of NYork ( "SOW') to which this Appendix 112 is attached. 12 Additional Services requested by Customer may result in additional charges, -hick shall be mutually agreed to prior to performance of such additional Services in a Project Change Order Form, a form of which is attached to the SOW hereto as Appendix lI. I.3 CompUSA or any Technician (as defined below) may decline to perform any services requested by Customer that are in violation of any applicable law or other obligation or that are not typically associated with Lhu Scrviees. ARTICLE 2 - CONSIDERATION 2.1 In consideration of CompUSA's performance of the Services, Customer shall pay CompUSA the amounts set forth in Appendix 1 to the SOW- CompUSA shall invoice Customer as specified in Appendix 1. Custom.cr shall pay the amounts specified in such invoice within thirty (30) days aft e7 the. date thereof. 22 Customer agrees to accept as correct the invoices provided by CompUSA unless Customer nctifaes CompUSA in writing within ten (10) business days after the invoice date of any item specified in such invoice that Customer disputes in good faith. 2.3 Customer agrees to pay, and CompUSA shall invoice Customer for, any reasonable and necessary travel or other out -of- pocket expenses incurred by any Technician in connection -with performing Services. 2.4 Customer agrees to pay any sales, use, excise or similar taxes applicable to the Services or :t faring to any equipment purchased in connection with the Services. 2.5 If Customer fails to pay timely any invoice, CompUSA may curisider such failure to be a material broach of this A, e °.mert and may ceaze pro id:n y Ser::ccs sr::l approY :ate pa}r,�e nt is received or tennrnate this A, eemerr. ARTICLE 3 - RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES 3.1 For the purposes of this Agreement. "Technicians" shall refer to those Com?)USA employees or third party technicians engaged by CompUSA providing Services. 3.2 At all times during the term of this Agreement, CompUSA and all Technicians are, and shall at all times be, independent contractors with respect to Customer. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed zo create any partttership, joint venture, agency or similar relationship between Customer and CompUSA or any Technician. CompUSA and Technicians are fret: to provide integration or other similar services to others during the lean of his Agr_tinent_ CcmpUS:; and Technicians shall use their own uiscretioa in periortning the tasks assigneci or requested by Customer. 3.3 CompUSA shall provide Customer with Technicians in accc:"--.e :.:ut: Corrp;TSA's understanding of Customer's requirements subject, however, to Customer's right to reject any unsatisfactory Technician and to availability (including, without limitaron, absences of Technicians resulting from incapacity, illness, vacation or similar occurrences). Tf any Technician is reasonably rejected by Customer, CompUSA shall use - reasonable efforts to furnish to Customer a suitable replaccment Technician. 3.4 Neither CompUSA nor any Technician shall be eligible for any of Customers employee benefits programs. C ARTICLE 4 - CONTUSA'S OBLIGATIONS 4.1 CompUSA shall, at all times during the term of this Agreement, comply with all applicable laws, Statutes, .regulations, ordinances 3rd directive$ of 30t'etnrne ntal authorities in the perfc.rmylce ^,f Sen; ices. 4,2 CompUSA shall report and pay, or cause to bee reported and paid, in a timely manner, (i) all n�ag,s, salary, health and welfare benefits, social security: unemployment and workers' corrmnsation and state disabiliR' insurance, if any, to which the Technicians employed by CompUSA are entitled, and (ii) a]) applicable federal. state Comp USA Integration Services 2/75/09 12 ® and local employment taxes required to be withheld or paid with respect to all compensation paid to such Technicians. 43 CompUSA shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, appropriate workers' compensation and other insurance forTcchnicians employed by CompUSA, as required by applicable law. 4.4 CompUSA shall, appoint a project manager (th6 "Project iYianager ") to be Customer's primary contact and :a (i) manage the pert :m:: ^ce of the Sr icy, 0j) work with Cus-,ome?s Project Nfanager, to monitor progress and administer any required Cl!an4;es (iii) sche .ale =d� lead any 5 meeting v) (Ii-ii) y .. ...6,, a:.d (i.� prc.idc periodic progress reports. ARTICLE 5 - CUSTOMER'S OBLIGATIONS 5.1 Customer shall provide, at its cost and expense, appropriate facilities for Technicians to perform the Services, including adequate power for equipment setup and testing. The minimum power provided shall be a 30 amp dedicated circuit with tour (4) outlets near the file server location. Customer shall promptly report to CompUSA any accidents or injuries involving any Technician. 5.2 Customer shall appoint a Projet:t ivIanager to be CompUSA's primary contact and to (i) work with CompLSA's Project Manager to manage progress and administer any required chwiges, (ii) promptly obtain and pro`: ids infcrunation, data, decisions =d Oppro al- Icclat'.ng to the Se,- ic%S, (iii) assist. ill resoi11Lion of project issues within Customers organL?aT_on, (iv) approve any pro -ess reports, (v) provide access to required hardware and soft,are as needed, (vi) :approve the scope of Services to be performed, and (vii) acthorz_ p3,yments a dire:wd by CompUSA. 5.3 Customer shall comply, and shall ensure that all facilities comply, with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances and directives of governmental authorities applicable to Customer and the Technicians in the performance of Services, including, without limitation, those relating to health and safety. 5.4 Customer shall not pay any direct or indirect compensation to any Technician performing Services. 5.5 Customer snali, at its cost and expense, dispose of any packing materials associated with equipment purchases. 5.6 CU^N, n SR A-1 r r ns T ri XP vie t�n� ;s r ., 1 ,.. r` ST V t.li.a� 3 �cfaJai 3ii �.4L A AxG L V:� I` V R< .'7 M DATA OR LY'F'M�LgTION STORED LN OR ON Ain' cr,rrrvar -, T mall. !,"V. ��^�yyA Al I Sr...CGS Ana +-�G •••• •`t UPON •a11 i..I'a Al PERYOMMIED, AND IT SHALL BE SOLELY RE,SPONSIBr' FOR 1~A.' -KE \C "E ACL_ -UP" OR SECURITY COPIES OF SUCH DATA OR fNFORMATION. 5.7 Customer's failure to satisfy any of its oblientions hereunder could result in additional charges andlor delay the completion of the services. ARTICLE 6 - PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS AND OPERATIONS 6.1 if CompUSA determines any status meetings are necessary-, they shall be held durin- the course of the project at Custoilizes faculties or vin conzeremce Cali. Customer's Project Manager and trompUSA's Project i:Zai-ager shall rrprewie t their rzspective orjanizauon5 ail utesc ruecti;igs anal scneduk- other personnel to attend as I :T n`.s may be held t^ r s r.^.�0. ;. ^.b5 } .... v any tvNi:., iu:.ii+%A 5 (i) prVjzct aro; ess against scledule, (ii) addressing Custorn r or CompT -TSA questions (iii) any open PrOjcct Change (:ruSr3 as defined below) and addressing new Project Ch;tnocs Order(s), and (iv) review .ng any open projecr issues and addressing any new issues. Prog ess reaortg may also be prepared and delivered to document and exchange project status information. - 6.2 A "Project Chance Order" shall be the official method for communicating any changes to the Services. The Project Change Order shall describe the change, the reason for the change, the charges for the change, and the effect the change shall have on the project schedule. The project Change Order form is attached as Attachment C. A written Project Change Order must be signed by both parties to authorize implementation of the requested Chan03 before any work can commence that is outside the SOW. 5.3 CompUSA'; agieement to WfOrm the Services and the tstabli-&lrmcnt of the price therefor are hared on all of the prOvrsrons of th' Agreem.-nt. u.clud:a^ the follow- r_ r r y Lowing assumptioru, the raiiure: of any of which to be true could delay the performance of the Sr'-v - an.3far result to additic n al char—Cs to CuStoir er: • A full imnme backup of all data must be completed by Customer bef: re. the start of Seryires, • All pricin, in this Agreement is based on all work being completed as a continuous effort . • CompUSA assumes that normal hours of operation shall be Monday - Friday. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, but CompUSA Integration Services 2125/09 ��l 13 ® that work may be done on weekday evenings when Technicians deem it to be necessary. • CompUSA shall have access to all areas necessary to perform the Services, including any existing Customer equipment to be utilized in connection with the Services. Any areas of high security or hazard should be made known to CompUSA prior to installation. No asbestos or other bwzw sous materials are present in the installation areas. + All environmental systems shall be ini place bC vre the star of the Sc'r�7cas. ARTICLE 7 - PERFORMANCE STANDARDS CompUSA warrants that all Services to be provided corder this Agreement shall be performed with reasonable care and diligence and in accordance with good workmanship. COMPUSA EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTTES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO ANY SERVICES. ARTICLE 8 - OWNERSHIP OF INVENTIONS Customer agrees that all inventions, ideas or processes developed or conceived by CompUSA or any Technician in con.-ieCU :ti`it:i tric pe b ma:.cc of Services shall be the sole property of Con.,-USA and -gall nct be deemed a "work made for hire ". ARTICLE 9 - CONFIDENTIALITY 9.1 CompUSA and Customer shall use reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality of all information relating to the business and affairs of the otber party that is identified in writing as being confidential and that may be acquired in connection with CompUSA's performance of Services (collectively, "Confidential Information "). During the term of this Agreement and for a period of one year following the expiration or termination hereof, neirher Compi-iSA nor Customer shaii, without the prior written consent of the other, disclose in any a►auncr to aiy thud patty qty Coucideutial Irifa-:nati:,,l. '" 17 _ u :_ L r.._ (' ..G�` ! T-1 .. .:n« 11 .. - A�.ln «rv, uu « mat: `.x �lii3n w u,�. av, :6v,u5, Con niiaa —or ,auuu „iau nor uac-,a.a,a. any u,a t7v. 1 :�.r t hQ- rt—iV. n o at the �e of dirt -nru the rnnnivi h naa y by Qhc- iscl i 6 n r h. IC^.O o L . :ap party t:!t._ on_._ to t..• rp r-r'`� J d',�.os -no r3S{`" (ii} . as become publicly lmown rh_rough no wronofttl act of the receivinb nary; (iii) has beer. riahtfnlly received by rbr receiving n.rh from a third party; (iv) has been irdeperdently devefoped by the receiving party; or (v1 is required to be disclosed by the receiving party pursuant to a requirement of law, regulation or legal process. 9.3 The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be kept confidential and shall not be disclosed by either party. Customer shall not make any press release or public disclosure, either written or oral, regarding the Services without the prior written consent of CompUSA, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. ARTICLE 10 - NON - SOLICITATION AND NON- EMPLOYN'IENT OF TECHNICLkNS Without the prior written consent of CompUSA, Customer shall not employ, attempt to employ or solicit far cinploy-rauent, di:ect:y or indirectly, any Technician perfa --iny, Scr- This pruhibi..cn s: s]1 —main in tM Ct as tc !�aclr Tcch_nman for a reriod of one Year after the date on which such Tethrii.13si last rendered Services. Should Customer violate this provision; Customer shall pay to CompUSA, as liquidated d=azes, an amount equal to the annual salary paid by CompUSA to such Tech_rtician plus any costs or expenses (including reasonable - attorneys' fees) incurred by CompUSA in enforcing this provision.. CompUSA Insegrarion Services 2125199 )4 ARTICLE 11 - INDEMNIFICATION 11A Subject to Section 13.01, CompUSA hereby agrees to indemnify and defend Customer, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their rssYectivc officers, directors, shareholders, employees, represeritative� and agents (collectively, the "Customer Indemnitees "), from and against, and hold the Customer Indemnitees harnlsss ft m, any and all third party claims suits, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and costs and expenses incurred in investigation, defense or settlement) (collectively, "Actions"), asserted against or incurred by the Customer Indemnitees, to the extent such Actions arise out of or result from (i) any material breach of Articles 4 or 9 by CompUSA, or (ii) CompUSA's failure to comp_ ly with any applicable law, statute, regulation, ordinance or directive of any govemmental authority. 11.2 Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and defend CompUSA, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, shareholders, employees, representatives and agents (collectively, the "CompUSA Indemnitees "), from and against, and hoid the CompUSA Indemnitees harmless from, any and all third party Actions asserted against or incurred by the CompUSA Induninitces, to the extent such Actions arise out of or =ult from (i) any material breach of this Agreement by Customer, (ii) any acts; omi;;ions, misrepresentations by or PenliiarnrP of customer or =y of Customer's employee-S, agents or contractors, (iii) any injury or illness, including death., of aay Technician, or the loss of or damage to any property of any Technician, occiurinb on Customer's premises or otherwise in the performance of CompUSA's obligations under rhis agreement (other than as a result of CornpUSA's gross neelipcnce or willful misconduct), (iv) any actions by Customer that usurp CompUSA's status as employer of any Technician, or (v) Customer's failure to comply with any applicable law, statute, regulation, ordinance or directive of any governmental authority. ARTICLE 12 - INSURANCE 12.1 Customer shall obtain and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement: (i) comprehensive general liability insurance covering operations iiabill `y, completcd vperativas and persuuai injury with limits not less t,':an $1,400,000 cc nbinc. ;:ng;e limit c` liability and (if) comprchcrsivc automobile liability insurance covering all c'1i':! _d, h:.red or non -o,,%-n?d vehicl °S, wiih fl-�iL no less than an $ 1,000,000 corn :red s' :ble ]:emir of li�nili ^r auromohile bodily injury, personal liability and automobile property damage. All such insurance sh -H b- carried with insurers reasonably satisfactor to CompUSA and licensed to do business in the states in x-hich, Sertii -'cC5 ar' to be performed. 12.2 Customer shall provide CompUSA with certificates evidencing the insurance required hereunder. Such certificates of insurance shall (i) name CompUSA as loss payee (with respect to property insurance) and as additional insured (with respect to liability policies) and (ii) provide at least thirty (30) days advance written notice to CompUSA prior to cancellation or modification, Customer shall provide notice to CompUSA of Customer's intent to cancel or modify the insurance policies maintained as of the date hereof on or before thirty (3U) days prior to the proposed cancellation or modification. ARTICLE 13 - MISCELLAiNEOUS 13.1 Limitation of Liabilitv: No Consequential Damages. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary. CompUSA's total liability to Customer under this Agreement for any losses, claims, costs or damages arising out of any cause whatsoever, whether at law, in equity or otherwise, shall in no event exceed the total amount actually paid by Customer to CompUSA in respect of Services performed by CompUSA hereunder. IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPUSA BE LiARLE TO CUSTOMER FOR ANY SPECIAL, livDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES INCLUDING, WMIOUT LI- MIT ATION, LOSS OF STORED MEMORY OR DATA OR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUES OK GOODWILL. EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE jFO35iuB1L iii THEREOF. REOF. 13.2 Assignment This Agreement is not assignable by Customer wiibout prior written consent of Cer.:r>rUSA. 1—cr::pt7SA may assign G`r deltg ^te it3 rights :end �bli r. red, �l �' -d • 6—Q 5 `z Va `-` Agrc°.ment to i1auu p?u Li Service *,3r v idarg financial entities or to a subs, mry or er?�er entity cot! *rol!eLf by 1 *_ t`T t0 2'ty sLTCCes$pr (by me-Pr or otherwise) to all or substantially all of its assets. 13.3 Amendment. This Agreement may not be added to, mod=ified, superseded or otherwise altered except by a written instrument si;ned by all the parties hereto. 13.4 Parties In Interest; No Third party, Beneficiaries. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the parties CompUSA Integration Services 2125/.99 r . I J 15 hereto. This Agreement shall not be deemed to confer any rights or remedies upon any Technician or any other person not a party hereto. 13.5 ]:-afire Agreement. This Appendix 113, the '>'OW to which is attached and the attaclaments thereto (ecIle:tively, tt:e "Ag a ter:t "), and any agreements contemplated hereby constitute the entire agreement of the p:*tles nvarding the subject matter hereof, and supersede all prior aa. "e °tnrrs and under�rdm,s, both t- %ritten and oral, among the parties, or any of them, with respect to the subject matter here-of. 13.6 Severability, If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be fully severable and this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised a part hereof, and the rcmainina provisions hereof shall remain in fall force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance. Furthermore; in lieu of such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision, there shall be added automatically as part of this Agreement a provision as similar in its terms to such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal, valid and enforceable. ;3.7 Waivw- T'i,r waiver by a party hcrctu of any dcfauit hereunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver of subsequent de cults of the same or different kind. The failure of any patty to act or to enforce any of its rights sh�!I not ?n a,Wd Cf. its°'f be cc ^.Mud as a waiver. 13.3 Im ro er lQavments_ With respect to any transaction arising from tit ='s a� eernen, rite part±.s agree M to make any illegal offer or make, or commit to the making of. a transfer of anything of value (in the fore of compensation, gift; contribution or otherwise) to any employee, representative, person or organization in any way connected with the other parry or any customer of the other party. Nothing in this section is intended to prevent ordinary and reasonable business entertainment or gifts not of substantial value, customary in local business relationships and not violative of applicable law. 13.9 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws (but not the rules governing conflicts of laws) of the State of "texas. 13.10 Captions. The captions in this agreement are for convenience of reference only and shail not limit or Otherwise affect wiy of the terms or provisions hereof. 13. i I ;`d ;:.n:brt. `•,! z cn ncc rCy4irc5, u is number of all words includes ha singular and plural. 1-.1') R- Pf'ar�n_v to _�o�r_rnPnt I-iCP of t$N ..drag " re oL:,�� " ereof" " eret�" a.:w flue l:ke cTi this Agreement refer to rh -slt?o e:f!mert as a whole and nor to any particular paragraph c_* provision. of this Ag- °grunt, unless otherwise noted. 13.13 Notice. Any notice or communication hereunder or in any agreement entered into in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby must be in writing and given by depositing the same in the United States mail, addressed to the parry to be notified, postage prepaid and registered or certified with return receipt requested, or by delivering the same in person. Such notice shall be deetned received on the date on which it is hand delivered or on the date received. For purposes of notice, the addresses of the parties shall be: If to CcmpUSA: CorupUSA Inc. 14Q5 North Dallas Parkway Dallas, Texas 75240 Attention: Vice President- Integration Services If to Customer: Any party may change its address for notice by written notice given to the other party in accordance with this sA r•r ;nom 13.11 Survival of Terms. The provision- of Articles R o, i n 1 1 and 1_ of th�c Aora a..t at,all c•r.., ;.,e .' termination or expiration of this Agreement. 13.15 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument Comp USA )nregrarion Services 2125199 1w