Ordinance No. 8,007970626 -5 ORDINANCE NO. 8007 • AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO A CONTRACT WITH TRIMBLE & STEPHENS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR RENOVATION OF THE GOOSE CREEK WETLANDS, EDUCATION AND RECREATION CENTER; AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 REDUCING THE CONTRACT PRICE IN THE AMOUNT OF EIGHTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHT AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($18,508.00); AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTO WN, THE SUM OF FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY -FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY -TWO AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($434,792.00); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown did authorize the City's architect to advertise for bids for the Goose Creek Wetlands, Education and Recreation Center Renovation Project ( "Project "), to be received June 17, 1997; and WHEREAS, notice to bidders as to the time and place, when and where the contract for said construction would be let was published pursuant to provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.041; and WHEREAS, all bids were opened and publicly read at City Hall at 2:00 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, June 17, 1997, as per published notice to bidders; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby accepts the bid of Trimble & Stephens Construction Services, to perform the work on the Project in accordance with the plans and specifications set forth by the City's architect subject to the execution of the change order referenced and incorporated herein in Section 2. Subject to such execution, the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest to a contract with Trimble & Stephens Construction Services for the Project, said contract containing the plans, specifications, and requirements of the City's architect and appropriate bond requirements in accordance with the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 2253. Section 2: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. l with Trimble & Stephens Construction Services for the Project. A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 3: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, authorizes payment to Trimble & Stephens Construction Services of the sum of FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY -FOUR ® THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY -TWO AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($434,792.00), pursuant to the contract and Change Order No. 1. 970626 -5a Section 4: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND NO /I00 DOLLARS ($15,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty -five percent (25 %) or decreased by more than twenty -five percent (25 %) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 5: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 26t°' day of June, 1997. ATTEST: a �J Z��� - EILEEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: e 52 d2 �f � z I C, �W' JC4ACIO RAMIREZ, SR.; ity Attorney c: mydocumentslcounci kmeetingsUun6lAward WetlandsCon tract. 26 C J 2 /�&C_ "_W PETE C. ALFA O, Mayor jU14-!4-J I I Ut I 1 ; Lo fill X- HNUHL! -r'UX) tK° ILLU CHANGE OWNER 0 ORDER ARCAHIT= U CUNTRACTOR -41A 1J0CCii}9GrY7'G701 FIELD C OTHgk 7 PROJECT: Baytown Wetlands Education and (name, addrrss) Recreation Center 1724 Market 5t., P,aytow-i TO CON'I'KgCTgli ifblc s Steohens Construction (name, address) 4701 Gulf Freeway *F -1 la!Marque, Texas 77566 The Contract b changed as follows .-HA lilt. eed J. 4 Lyj3 V. UL CHANCE ORDER N[I.MPER: #I VATF: June 24, 1997 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 961101 -042 CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACT FOR: Wetlands Centel- 1. C:nange all stabilized to 50% sand, 50% stabilized ($ 1,100.00) 2' Plunibzng ($ 3,100.00) 3. HVAC ($ 4,058.00) 4. Cabinets ($ 1,250.00) 5. Electrical ($ 6,900.00) 6. Delete flag pole ($ 2,100.00) TafAL DEDUCTS ($18,508.00) ***SE" ATTACKED BREAKW" OF EACH I` Lkj Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The or;gioll (Contruet Sum) (Gu 1ruucetl htaxiotu(n Prkx) was ........................ s Net chm%gc by hprizud Ciranyu Ot-dCrs ............................... 5 The (CU111rrzt 5trlT1) (GV:IrantGCtl Nla.611U111 1'ri(:t:) prig to this CI1a: ty;l: Cr:.IC- W:LS .......... i The (Contmct Sum) (Guaclnrec(I NI;xirnum }'rice) -W kc (inc•ru&%cd) (dccruascd) (undl:trlLUI) by this Cll:ingc Crticr i❑ the vnuunc of ............................ c The 11m (Con: 5MM) (GLrrrintcc•d Nlxxim ni Price) irchrding tl)is Change Ord_r will he .. f The Cc >n:raet Tirnc will hC ( incrc acrd)(dccrca.cd)(urtcImigcd) h ( } days The dale of RvhsLamW Compl,-rion as of the tl,r :c of Cl):ujgc Cr-Jcr thcrcforc: is 140 days from start date RO i'F.: Tilk „emmery tlUt-�s nur Wn,:Vt Cltal1),1CU in Ll:r G,eellacl Sum, Genenr . Tienc ur <;t1:ir:nr:et•d 6suxinrinn Price wh0.h F,:n•e twmi nwhorirttl by (,:l)11,%1rLi('I10n C.It:U1yc Uirvoivv. r \d;lrt:Kt Atklrt�i :1tltln�ks -- 0Y ILiI'F. _ ----- t7A'1'1: _ DATE 1 i CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G701 • ( :IIAN(il: hfii)t ?K . 19A7 rl)tTt():: • ALAL • V1987 . Tllr•. ANIRRICAN wsi'mnE Or ARoirixcl'S, 1735 NeW YOKK AVE, ' ;,W,, WOrnNGTON, U.C. AwrY, 6701 -1987 WARNING: Urlllc*n"d photocopying violmtrs U.S, oopyrighl ISW3 and Is viNoct to I9940 prosecution. EMBIT A JU11'C' -"0 E I Ur— I , Co hi't :NMUMLL —r•JR 1 c:-v I cc1 -u i H,1 NV, C01 _,J4 CUSJ i . U RANDALL- PORTERFIELD ARCHITECTS, INC. 1006 South Share Drive Y� ~1001 East SouThmore, Suitc 811 C1curTake Shrxr%-texas 77363 Pamdcru%Texax 77302 (281)334.5535 (713)473.91 E8 Fax: (281)33-0.2933 Fax: (713)473.8189 BAY - OWN WETLANDS AND RECREATION CENTER CHANGE ORDER #1 JUNE 24, 1997 The following deducts convlilutc the total deduct of S15,508.00 for Change Order 41: 1. Alternate #2 - Change all stabili7ed to 50% sand, 5096 stabilized ($ 1,100.00) 2. ' Plumbing- ($ 3,100.00) a, Set gas meter by building b. Delete backflow prcvcntion c. Changc. chicago to standard host bibbs d. Delcte vibration isolators C' Delete one floor clean out f. Recessed drinking fountain to surface mount g. TV 1,2,3, to regular trap primers 3. 11VAC: ($ 4,058.00) a. No tonnage chnngc b. Change grilles to steel c. Changc from Carricr to Lennox 4. Cabinets: (S 1,250.00) a. Change phenolic rosins - %" to '/z" b. White melamine interiors - outside color 5. Fie- ctrical: a. Change lay -in fixtures. b. Deduct exterior light pole rough -in c. Change alarm unit - conduit note 6. Delete flag pole TOTAL I)F OUCI'S FOR CHANCY, ORDER # 1 ($18,508.00) 0