Ordinance No. 7,782960912 -5 ORDINANCE NO. 7782 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO' AN ANIMAL RESPONSIBILITY AGREEMENT WITH THE HOUSTON HUMANE SOCIETY; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, UP TO THE SUM OF TWENTY -ONE THOUSAND TWELVE AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($21,012.00); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Baytown to execute and attest to an Animal Responsibility Agreement with the Houston Humane Society. A copy of said contract is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown authorizes payment to the Houston Humane Society, of the sum of TWENTY -ONE THOUSAND TWELVE AND NO/ 100 DOLLARS ($21,012.00), pursuant to the Agreement. Section 3: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated 252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($15,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty -five (25 %) or decreased by more than twenty -five (25 %) percent without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 12th day of September, 1996. xc e xf"4, PETE C. ALFARO, ayor ATTEST: EIi,EEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACIO RAMIREZ, M., City Attorney 6klh2ftity counciAordinanceAl-IFls.ord ® SAL IJ VOISSWILITY AGREEMENT is THIS A1`INIAL RLiSPONSIBILITY AGRE:E=MENT ( "Ag.reement ")'i, entered into -this 3rd day of Septc inber, 1996, by and between the City of 13aytowm, Texas, a municipal cotporation of the State of Texas (hereinafter also called "City ") and the HOUSTON ITl iMANE SOCIETY for the purposes and on the terms as hereinafter provided. NYME- EAS, Cily collects Animals from its jurisdictional boundfirics for which it is tnnablc to Provide care., adoption facilities or proper disposal for; and Wl))`RJ::AS, City has colieiled the lielp of T-THS in caring for, adopting out and disposing of Animals; and WIIFRI•:AS, TIMS, has agreed to accept Animals froin City at a fee of scven dollars (ST00) per Animal to care for, adopt out and dispose of tlic A.ninial. NOW - nTEREFORE, in consideration of dic preiniscs herein, and otlier good and valuable consideration, the rrccipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parlirs hereto agree as follows: 1.1 Animals. The Wrni "Aninial" incstis dogs and cats held by City for ut least tliree (3) days prior to Deliver), to ITHS for care, adoption or disposal. 1.2 Dangerous AnimuLs. The term "Dangerous Animals" means any dog or cat which the City knows is inCccte;d with the rabies disease or an Animal which the City knows has bitten any pers3r). 1.3 Delivery. The tcrin " I)clivciy" means die process of City by wluch Animals arr. to be dropped off to 1-1115 for care, adoption or disposal. 1.4 Fec. 711L Lt:TM "Fee" means the charge of seven dollars ($7.00) per Animal payable to the H13S by City for accepting; Animals for care, adoption or disposal. City Agrccs a.• follows: 2.1 Fee. To pay the Fre in accordaticc with 111-15 nomial account Policy which arnocrnis shall he due in fig ll on the fifteenth (I Sth) day of the month following the Jest day of the culendar month during; which ] cliverics have been made. EXHIBR A 2.2 Animal Drop -Off. To Dclivcr the HHS Animals vin City's ovm dclivcry equipment cacti Tuesday and Friday which is not a recognized legal holiday of either City of 11115. City agrces to present to the properauthorized agent of HHS an accounting of all Asiimals delivered on arch day which accounting shall be verified by the agent of IiHS and retained by 11115 for purposes of billing the Fcc to City. At Delivcry, the Animals are to be unloaded from the City's delivery equipment by II11S personnel, dimocted and Supervised by 1 HIS personncl. City shall not have any obligation or re.ponsihiliry for the unloading of the Animals. 2.3 Dangerous Animals. To hold all Ddrigerous for ten (10) days Prior to Delivery to be sure such Dangerous Animals arc not infected with the rabies disease. Any such infected aninial sliall not be delivered to tltc YIHS. 11115 Agrees as follows: 2.4 Huatattc Services. To provide its normal humanc services to flit Animals, including but not limited to the care, adoption and disposal of Animals, in accordance with 11iiS's establishLd policies regarding such matters. 2.5 Acceptance at Delivery. To acccpl all Animals delivered pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 11HS agrees to unload all Animals and accept all responsihilities and obligations for the Humane care of such Animals af1cr such Dclivaxy. 3.1 City Authority. City rupresents and warrants that it has the authority to Deliver the Animals to MIS and that City is nut aware that the Animals arc subject to any clnim in accordance with its own politics by any resident within its jurisdictional boundaries. 3.2 independence of Agencies. City and I4HS reeognixe that each agcncy is a separate !coal entity, subject, to its oven mamgemcni, day - today operations and policies and that this Agreement is the only relationship between the two agencies. Neither agtttcy has any power, ability or authority to direct the other agencies' politics, day -to -day operutions or management. 3.3 Delivery Agent. City represents and warrants that the Delivery agent is an agcnr of City for till purposes anti at no time shall I- LIPS have the ability, authority or right to control any aspect of the Delivery agent's duties. 3.4 Animal Responsibility. Ill-IS represents and warrants that it has the authority to receive the animals from city wid that it will he responsible for [lie cart, adoption and disposal of all Auimuls delivered pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. :7 3.5 UU102ding. 1.11-15 represcats and warranLs that it will be responsible fcir the unloading of all dclivercd Animals, and shall only cause it own agents to be involved in the proccss of unloading all Aiiimals. WW"91 31 ►: a a► 4.1 Payment of fee, The Fee provided for in Articic 2.1 of this Agrecment shall be due: and payable ov, the thirtieth (30111) clay of each month or within thirty (30) days after the City receives an invoice for the services of HHS covering all Animals Dclivcred during the preceding month, whichever is later. A late charge of one percent (1%) per month maybe assessed by 1-U TS for cacti day past the thirtieth (30th) day of the month that billed Fees remain unpaid. 4.2 Term. 'Phis Agrecment shall be effective for the one (1) year period begiiming on the date first written above (the "Execution Date "), suhiect to early termination as provided herein. 4.3 Termination. phis Agrecment may be terminated before t.iic one (1) year anniversary or the Exec>.titioii Bate hureof for any of the following reasons: a. Any default in payment or late payment by City; b. Any wrongful Delivery, including but not limited to Delivery of Dangerous Animals; or c. Any complaints directed at THIS from residents within City's jurisdictional boundaries which cannot be resolved by City. d. Either party providuig written notice of termination, for any reason, 11irty (30) days prier to such termination date. V- iHt .I.T.exc_QjL$ 5.1 Notices. Ali notices and communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be decided given when sc-rit by registered or certified United States mail, postage prepaid, and, if intended for IH IS, shall be addressed to it, to the attention of its Executive Director, at P. 0. Dox 450529, Houston, Texas 77245 -0528, and if intended for the City, shall be addressed to it a the address wi-illen below its naine, or at such other address of which City shall have given notice to MIS in the manner herein provided. City or Baytown Attn: City Mmiager Post OfFcc: Box 424 Baytown, Texas 77522 53 Law. 113is Agrcemcnt shall be subject to and governed by the laws of t}ic State orT'exas and the parties hereto agree that venue is proper ire I•I "arris cotuitj,. " 5.4 Entire Agreement.. This Agrcc:rne -nt constitutes the entire agreement of the parties relating to the matters Contained herein, superseding all prior contracts or agreement,, whether oral or written. 5.5 Headings. The headings in this ugrcemcnt are inserted for convcnicttcc and ickntification only and arc not attended to desCrihe, interpret, define or lialit the scope, extent or intent of this agreement or any Provision hereof 5.6 Terr.uinnlogy. Whenever the context rcoin:s, the gender of all worths used in this Agrecitscm shall include the masculine, feminine., and neuter, and the number tff all words shill included the singular and the plural. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have set their Jimid a_s orthe date first written above. CITY OF BAYTOWN L6-M A'1-TEST: APPROVED: AI)DRL'SS, HOUSTON IIUMANL: SOC:IEJ'Y (HHS ) D Y: Sherry FergusUi Exccutivc Director A, ADDRESS: P. 0. AOX 450528 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77245 -0528