Ordinance No. 7,592951214 -16 ORDINANCE NO. 7592 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE RENEWAL OF THE CENTRANET ® SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH GTE; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, THE SUM OF NINETY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY -EIGHT AND N01100 DOLLARS ($90,288.00); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes the renewal of the CentraNet Service Agreement with GTE. A copy of said agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown authorizes payment to GTE of the sum of NINETY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY -EIGHT AND N01100 DOLLARS ($90,288.00), pursuant to the Agreement. Section 3: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND N01100 DOLLARS ($15,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty -five (250) or decreased by more than twenty -five (2511") percent without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 14th day of December, 1995. c. PETE C. ALFARO, Mayor ATTEST i' ,r EILEEN P. FALL, City Clerk ® APPROVED AS TO FORM: wvAcio RAMIREZ, S City Attorney legallcoun6lldecember/ 12- 14- 95renewAGREEgte • 951214 -16a - �"��•S� � f ti -.1 --' , .r'�" o-`.-. �5Y �i:r '�•- - _ _ , �- �;Y+:.4 r -J•' - ±::� =• ...- , ®wTelephone Operations .F+"?s ., V. ^� t ,� t a �;�a s. orsra;t3ur►orr't .i, :yF:t°151Q:A •i ii; ;�- ar.n r.ra z+i: - * t: = t�'�'. ,r::11: `r' v � ; - %.izi tft, •:r :L.WMB: -SAIe3 v.'.. !CSC .'� .f��. CentraNet®,SERVICE:AGREEMENT.. _ �' - fru5 -Fae •_v;• „n _y• -1 , s' a •.lrc::g e��:::• {iii t•8c {r .�Y. �`4'3:J ... ^.i 2 -'l, ..._ :? 6 t3 ,..1 ?. .3ii 13i} =7j?„ =;! - _ FOriM9000:3233{3}931, i �.. a i.G_'' -J Y".... -- _ 'J g' ;�._. .� ° • •_ .• >, ` • customer. (subsequently referred to as -Customer):, R:: t - - - B I GTE Entity (subwLientty referred.to - OVERNAME' , - -• : , .• ,. •iY:.. -^ ,; •y:... _.�.. _ {k siLX.�h;_: GTE ENTITY NAME w •J : = .'..`.-' �.� ,t:.]i + ....'FrL _1'::� ._ =.�' -.. _ .. ..:'JG•� -`• �a '?`;tt.:8 }: > ; + ^�Y.:I; Iii: �''.it:•` -:. :yf!_ ;tlA TCITY:`'OF " ~BAYTOWN:. • _ - _. >. ai�GTE-��. - - - .:.. : ' - - - - - - .,-�. _ . .t•, '.1:! ^.'�]'�.. ..1:•�:::i�','i c' STREpSS2+il ,.:� ERVE000ATIONSTREETACDRESS - - •i' , . 2401'''f�SARKET STREET ''= �' C.” '�`` =d, `"�r'z 500' EAST 'CARPENTER-- FRWr-- - STATE ZIP CODE CITY ; - • -. , • STATE - ZIP CODE .. _ - _ �,•: -• �,,,;, �..;::,r- I = =•:a. � _ .... _ . -TX � . ;.75062 - - BAYTOWN- TX �T7520 :,r:.- :.�. IRVING� - e1LUNGSTREET.ADORESS.-. , .�..��, -._7 ... ..�.. 7L. _ CUSTOMER HELPLINE TELEPHONE NUMBER P: 0..` BOX; :424 Y .... _ _~t_•: ;,,,,; ty ;ti�:> 1 `800. 483- 6000 - � -, - ,._STATE,_ ^ ti•(; ZIP CODE =. REPAIR SERVICE TELEPHONE NUMBER_. :'1i a r r� '�:: _ _ T �_ _ BAYTOWN`'.icI: a� �� ... k;� _ .. - .::77522 ,,;,. >r._:. 1:800- r CONTACT NAME. .. •.- •- ' _ - - CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER ' ' GTE REPRESENTATIVE NAME - -. _.. '- DATE _. : DEBBIE -GIRLINGHOUSE , :'::: 7.13_:'420 -6524 : - ;. SARAH .WEAVER Z6A 713338- 8103 ,: .;:: 1:,SERVICE;,,In c- onj6nction�With subsc. ption,to;CentraNet netwoK.serv,ices pursuant to'applicable tariff ,:Cu toriie� orders the.- CentraNet services -set :oat in this Agreement rand = applicable Attachment(s):(the " Service "). This:service :order•becomes -a -bind:. ing coritracf for tli "Service.'when this Agreement• has been- accepted by GTE:::;,. Effective_: °­.T1- 15. -95 �• r�,,:_:.,::...��; h .I ,.. _ 2. INSTALLATION., DATE: - The'-installation: date is'; '- d-ite.;that; is;mutually agreed';upon between-Custotner, and: GTE•. =,The• in- service -date for:the, Service: shalt -commence* on the day= a;GTE' employee notifies :• -„ Ciistomertliafi i6:Service_ requested has, been' made :operational {the. "In :' e6 vtce..Date "), This notification may' , e communlcat- :5th.. r i _ ed in•personTby,J61 p one or in :writing-- ,:_,, ti''1,NnI -��.,� • :,� ss .,_:.Jti�. ���� r,�:fryr a�� -fit C ^� ; ,�`r t;2 3 AGREEMENTi�_TERM. AND TERMINATION:t Customer agrees _ =•to• "purchase ?thWService for:aw.initial_Tdfm. of ... itC' % -� ':E::E1sj7., ICr; F...•= :-.� �•!i 'R ihr'�Y; r °O,•,c %'(- I'•C:'LrT ?3CF R:)J. J ti •months` #rom the In= Service Date: Uriiess'either of•tFie parties notifies,the other. party, in writing of_its;election not,to renew ,t_hisvAgreernent;ataeast,60 days:prior _ ."t •.end,,ofal e mitt - term; this Agreement' shall-.remain: in, `effect, following;the�bxpiration of the initial-term until• thereafter.termmatedr by, either party u on 60 da s'wrttten notice to the other-1- - ras ottiervirise rovided:fa� in thjs =A reement 'This_A h461iih mayralso`.be'ter- P - y, - party, ° P ,r.iji S•!T ���_:4J 9-CIµ�I�su�- .:�y�s.,r.r1 v mi n' a' itnder;the_provisions entitled. l)& It;;Delayed,Peiformance,or Insolvency;_, 4: CHARGESAND.PAYMENTS:- - Y' _ - b,Sc 9jj PTr S ' (a), -rhe_ Installation ,Charge and MonthlyRecuriing'Clharge are listedi ion °page_2 of, tEiis- Agreement�or- its,Attachment(s):�Tfie- Installation_Charge will,6 _billed whenaheaSeruice : is- established --;The,fvtonthiyj�Recurring ^Charge; wilL,commence,an the�In • Service Date and -willrbe :billed-in• advance each:month.`Rates and charges - :.maybe adj ~usted periodically to reflectchangestin GTE's file an After the-ini #ialYerrnofth'is Agreemen4; GTE rriay`-: adjust '-t1ie"ratesandharges`upon 60 days-: written_notice;t0. CUStonler,;- r, -I : N: ,gb :0 +1. osi V:;: ac,.9y s „2 2 .f... _ +^ -� (b)'- Payment - is�duel-within- 30. days: of -.the bill date::Amounts remaining -unpaid- 15-days, after the datepaymentJs due-will-:be.. assessed a late payment - charge as.specified'in"GTE's tariffs: �� `'j = y � ` ', '` ` ' -''�'sts, ,,:4 a -911? 'rd +c :y; " _ ,•_, �n�••c:Yr; c:-: :Ir,>I� ' %.'_. - ^� :L �:' pt,�4si =; �- •rg;:,� -`.��� 5. TERMINATION. CHARGE:. If pnor.to tfieIn- Service Date, or during_ttie initia{�term�of.tNis Agreement,;Customer =all or any part of the. Service, monetary charges shall apply as stated in the' applicable -tariff (s).- An-explanation of these.charges t_: ., .: .. - - .:. ,• -: ais � ?_ : =i ::'•':: �. .J:!i :•; 1'i ^'.'., :;.,g' �- � •i -. iti:'�3�: Tsslar,: ;_C 1:Yr will be provided upon request:. cn,;^ -^07 *.I�rac•nn5 ? ::'s!...; ..: -.i *. the Service.is subject -to. the' urtsdi6iion.of•the: state'utili -- 6.;PUBLIC.UT1LliY COMMISSION REGULATION: To the extent-that -, 1.. _..1 ....._ ..... _.,.,.:L .,. .. ty regulatory=commission; this Agreement shall -at ail times-be subject to changes-,,:modifications orders,,and, rulings by•thatreg- ulatory age ncy;_If'provision.of -any Service pursuant`to this Agreement is subject to advance`approval`of "the state�ub ity,,egula l. tory commission, this Agreement shall not become effective with respect_to.such,Service,,until. 115 day_s�after-ceceipLby,,gTE.of written notice of such approval. If the state public- utilities- commission accepts this Agreement•in part and•rejects'h %in,part;.either -- :. party may cancel this Agreement without penalty orliability. ;• "� :_,:._,;_ ,_ .•: 7. MAINTENANCE: GTE will maintain the Service at no additional - charge to.Customer,;Customer agrp.._ .,.pay�GTE~itsahen prevailing rates for-time and materials for maintenance service-provided by_GTE:to-Identify or- correct;any;failure: caused by facilities or equipment not furnished by GTE' or to repair . damage -, or interruptions'caus ,d: by` Custome�ror; Customer's equipment. 8. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: Customer will obtain customer premises: equipment, as: necessary;- which, is- compatible with the Service from another vendor or from GTE pursuant to a separate agreement. Except,ask�provided' in that- 'separate agreement, if any, GTE is not responsible for interconnection or compatibility .of any, .'customer,,,premises, equipment;•with• the W ervice. GTE will terminate the Service on Customet's premises at.Customers point of.demarcation._Extension of -the termina- on beyond this demarcation point may be provided by GTE at the request• of- Customer 'for- 'an "additional'charge:;at GTE's pre- vailing time and materials rates. GTE shall retain ownership of all facilities riecessary•to.provide the Service =to_Cu'stomers point of demarcation, including specially constructed facilities. -t''e' '' ^ "� �'� ::F .•• {s.r :' ..W::•, ;:r = -: ti;-:;� = i`r3 "rr i ,r ir.'„ - :S-r7 .,= iRiC.tiF: TO'- -.. *:2L'l; 6 %op t1 . '_R =?C +t; .f• ^. ]i6r:r: The Terms and Conditions printed on the front and reverse side of Page t are part of this agreement. Please read these terms and conditions carefWly, before signing this agreement. 2a TJR254 "�Q K:11TU:10�3fi 1, 'r: '• J T�`f; Zlri�tOFtLj0- 2iT12i::, c`aTl%0? yJ 9�1MA1 Oi 5Tt2�.t? "9a"t'FiCt 1*I I (S) Pop I EXHIBIT A FI� K;` .- . -<.�• ��iS'.!: .. - wt. - •t.7.vt r:.r, .A ;St. .:YS:.ia.4!Crl%; 4 ;:YTqT7Nr I TNFr,-,,"` NFW-RATE L -- See AtLaChmen j( S) I or Ti 11 purchase cno:ce ar3 ' _, U I I aw INMMSOD*14�, —7`—*- -!-Unit Pricing -1. -- --.-.--- - T taI---`.wM: 71 r_O AGREEMENT :,....anti . ......... Item Description :'�;!nstallation'— Monthly' I - Installation ---,,Monthly' -- ------ 418 -- CENTRANET LINES 12.00 - $53 016.00 418 7 SUBSCRIBER LINE CHARGE 6.00 :$L508-'00 DATE TOTAL :1$7,524.00 7- T 3 L -- See AtLaChmen j( S) I or Ti 11 purchase cno:ce ar3 ' _, (The terms and.conditions printed on the front and reverse skies of page 1. are part ..this agreement. Please read these terms and conditions care" before signing this agreement.) Page 2 ATTACHMENTS Attachment: Attachment: -:7777777= Attachment: Attachment: AGREEMENT GTE provides and Customer purchases the Service and installation, shown-on.page 2 and.described more fully on the front.and reverse sides of page I and.refer- enced Attachment(s). This Agreement: includes important provisions concerning limitations of liability. warranties„ and responsibilities for long distance, toll and other telecommunications charges incurred through use of,this Service.: T�isAgreement is effective on the date accepted. b GTE. y :K]::AAggreed to by Customer-7 -- 7 - .Accepted FF by GTE: SIGNATURE . . .... SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME TITLE -DATE-- DATE (The terms and.conditions printed on the front and reverse skies of page 1. are part ..this agreement. Please read these terms and conditions care" before signing this agreement.) Page 2 • • : TY: c� :C: :7.6 Z.,'-r.cZ :.:.ng :7:. :;Z5 nor be given !or in;ehupn:-n czu�ec 0: �r r �c c mz; cr zn!,c, 5 TH.I 3 V.,;, R. j:s �.,rn A2!UT,f F17pj=-33 A P =ATICJLAA pjjppozz. !C.. LI,-AIr4TlOtJ OF Ll--BILITY: v.,iriri -7-sPE,^T TO CLA17.2-S AqISV-.1G OUT CiZ PROViSiC;-i OPT = SERviCE SET': 'T !:•I THIS AOREEME.IjT. iiiiTHER PoATY S LIAFtL17Y. vvriETHER L�! COrITA Art T, TCRT CA CT H, ERV,'137- SHALL BE L!'.1TED TO OIRECT DAI-AACES SHALL .:OT EXCEED THE TOTAL CHA-3GHS .-' 'P-UCAB;-E TO THE SERVICES FOR THE it• :MAL TER%i OF THIS 4,?REELiE%T. OR T;-f-=- SUt.'. OF S500,00. INHICHEVEA IS LESS. li'll THE CASE OF SERVICE I.NITPRRUP- TION. GTE"S LIASil-M.' SHALL BE LIr.I]T=,D TO PRORATED CREDIT -6HA', LE -:I-H=E PERIOD OF FOR Ti,.�- CHARGES -�L�-LJCAB FOR INTERRUP• TION. UN-DER NO C[RCUIASTA.ICES SHALL G =- a=- LIASLE FOR IMCI- DENTAL, CONSEOUENTIA1, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, NOTI.V17HSTAND- ING THEIR FOR' -Sc=�ka[IITY OR DISCLOSURE BY CUSTOMER TO G- 6�� - - GTE. INCLUDING- I -NOT, L!KIIT=O TO. DAMAGES ARISING FROM DELAY. LOSS OF DATA ;-PROFITS. Oct GOOO-AIILL. GTE SHALL BEAR NO LIABILITY FOR USE OF FOUIPMENT Oct SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THE AGREEM;:NT IN CONNECT;ON VdITH LIFE SUPPORT SYS- TEMS OR DEVICES. GTE � NlAl( FROM T110EE TO Tl*p.-!;-: PROVIDE ADVICE. RFcOI.1%IFN1D.4TIC,.1!S OR SUPPLY OTHER ANALYSIS RELATED TO i,H= SYSTEM. EGUIF,-.I=-NT AND SERVICES DESCRIBED lN THIS AGR=-Em.FMT, AND WHILE GTE SHALL USE REAS(XIABLE EFFORTS IN THIS REGARD. CUSTOMER ACKNOV& EDGES AND AGREES THAT THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL APPLY TO PROVISION OF SUCH ADVICE, RECOr-.1MENDATIONS AND ANALYSIS. ii. RESPONSIBILITY FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS CHARGES: The Service is intended to be connected 10 the public swiich,.,d witiphone net- work. Cus:onier is solelyrespans;ble for se!aciion, andmain- lenanCe of SaMffiY features for defense against unauthorized long distance calling. Customer is sof responsible for payment of long distance. toll and other telecommunications charges incurred inrough use of the Service, 12. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES: Except as disclosed to and acknowl. edged in writing by GTE. Customer certifies that it is not aware of :he pies . ence of any asbestos or other hazardous substance (as defined by any applicable state, federal or local hazardous waste at environmental law or regulation) at any locrliipn where GTE is to perform services under this Agreement. 1: during sucri performance GTE employees or agents encounter any such substance, Customer agrees to take all necessary steps. at its oven experts&• to remove or cCmairi the asbesics or other hazardous substance and to les; the premises :a ensure that ex ' o:s-ire does no; exceed the lo,,esL exposure unit for the prc;2ciioh at workers. GTE may Suspend p?-normanco under this Agreement unlit the removal or containment has been completed and approved by the appropriate governmental agency and GTE. Performance obligations under this AgrLemeni shall be exiercitio for the delay caused by said cleanup or removal. Customer's failure to remove or contain hazardous substances shall entitle GTE jo terminate this Agreement without lunher liability, It GTE so terminates. Customer shall reimburse GTE for expenses incurred in penoirning this Agreement until termination. 13. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW: The specifications and requirements of the Service. its price and installation are based on cornpliance-im applicable laws. regulations and orc:aances in elleCt or) the date the price is quoted to Customer: 14-DELAYED PERFORMANCE: if perlormance under this Agreement is interfered with by acts of Gcd. war, riot. embargo. acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity, labor cliVicuit(es, unavailability of equipment or parts from vendors, changes requested by Customer. or any other circumstances beyond the reasonable c;:Inirol and without the fault of the Pany affected. such party. upon giving prompt notice to the other party. shall be excused from sucn performance on a day to -bay basis io the extent at sucn inierler- ence tend the other pa ;y sra!l ;ikevise be excused from its performance). provided !hat the party so affected shall use reasonable efforts :o remove such causes at nonperformance ane Doin parties Shall pfocee-3 whenever Such caustis art) rennovec at cease- 15. DEFAULT: It either parry fails to perform any material obligation under this Agreement or viala:es any material term or condition of This Agreement. and such failure of viola;iorr is not cured within 30 days lotlowing receipt ol a default notice front, the c.:, a, party, then the other party shall have the right to ietminate this Agreement upon vnktern notice to the defaulting party. 16. INSOLVENCY: Either pany may terminate this Agreement by notice. in wroing, it the other party admits insolvency. makes an assignment tot the benefit at creditors. or has a trustee or receiver appointed over all or any substantial can of its assets. 17. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES: (a) The parties desire to resolve disputes a.ising out of this Agreement 7 7 a-4 its breach. azc�, 7%i L t;nce: ni t Tn- Tr!e :uv;iak, J-J'a:40n, anr tr,-25-� 'na dZrd(ron of the 1JPC:r. d:Sz_:a Z=Ce- a3 'o assist In • ;h•_ CC! - a.-.Ionc r,,PfeSa111a6-.,es for of st'all �e as zs C: . -10: -e ac;;;isSib!u n, :r-:Inl cfiscole-y and Shah � in iha a;o;ra:,Cn ctiscr•b-.d im%siovi or in on,., :a,.-sui; wi;",--t me concur.-?nn-1 of ,;I caries. Documents sclenii'iac in or provicar, ai:n such camrnnvnica- iicrs. .,;Nch are not prepared 1C1 QL]rpcsi Of zrie riec:z:ia:ions. are not so ex rnctad and may, :1 oine.%visa adrntss ca aomizzaa in it•;iJarce in :"a ainiultJon c., lawsuit, c) 1: the negotiations do not resolve the dispute •:. thin AG nays 0: :'N; in;[jal vidt• - e to tincinz: _1 request. a 'iSpU:e Shall a singie a.,bir;aic: pursuant to the Commercial Arbitrazicn Rules of the Awe,ican Arbitration Association. A panty may C01,14-10 such itoilraliOn in accordance with inu procedures Sut i;ut in those rules. Disco,",t., shall ta by the arbitrator and steal! be perni;:;ed to the extent Set --ij: in vits section. Each parry may submit in vaning to a party. anC party Shall so respond, to a maximum of any combination 0: 35 (none at ----'rI:Ch may have subparts) of the icilowifig: irverroga:oties, oemancs to produce documents. and requests tar admission. Each party is also eri'iflad to take Ine oral cep::- saicin of one ind;vccual of another party- Additional discovery may be pert-ni:- led upon muiuia! agreement of the parities. The arbiira;,cn heanng shall be commenced valrun 50 days of the dehiand for wbivalion. The arbitration shall op heid in the city where this Agreement was accepted by GTE. Tnj arbitrator shall control the scheduling so as :a process ;he mailer expedi• liously- The parties may Submit writien briefs. The arbitrator shalt rule on file dispute cq issuing I written epinjon v.-ithin 30 days af:er ine close of hear- ings. The times Specified in the section -nay be ex:9nded upon mutual agreement of the parties or by the arbitrator upon a shcv.-ing of good cause. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be emered in any coon having jutisdiction- fd,I Each party shall bear its own costs of these procedures. A party seeking discovery shall reimburse the responcing party the costs at prcdLC. Iran of documents (to include search time and teproclu0ion costs!. The par- ties shall eq.:ally split the fees of the arbitration and the abi;r;ac,- IS. MISCELLANEOUS: (at No action or demand for arbaraiion arising out of Z:IiS Agre-2men; may be oroughi by a party more than r•.-o (2) years altar ;he cause of aci:Dn has accrued. The parties waive the right to invoke any citfereri; hinnita:icri on the bringing of actions under state to-. - . (ol GTE may assign ;his Agreement wiftcl rus:ri--tion. but Cusiorne. may not assign this Agreement ithou; GTE's written consent. Extended warranties are nor assignable or irainslarrable. fc) Either party's failure to enforce any at the provisions of ;his Agree- ment. of to exercise any right or option is not a waiver of any such provision. riot or option, and shall not allect Ina valiaily at this Agraerpaq!, (d) Notices required by this Agreement shall be in wr:ting and shall be sent by a method which obtains a written receipt. Notices shall be sent w ;he address listed on the front of this Agreement until sucn address is changed by Yrrinan notice. (a) This,Ag.eeniani is to be govemea erij cons;ruer according ;c, ;"e subsiantive law of the state in which this Agreement is aiceolecl by GTE. Customer consents to personal juriscictior. in that State, add the names agree trial. exclusive jurisdiction shall 00 in such state.: (1) Any wo,;aion 61 this Agreement pronio;ied by applicable law shall be ineffective without invalidating the remaining provisions of this Agree- ment. unless the general intent at Lots Agreement wCulo b? neaa:ecl, (g) The section heacings in in,, Ag,ceriricnt are i3r convenience Only and shall not be consmderiitcl in its interpre;atton- (n) No Subsequent agreerneni Shall Change, modify Or discharge IniS Agreement, in whole or in part. unless such ag.reemeni is in writing ling aha signed by the party against whom enforcement Of Me icnzin-.e. mod:iicat:cn Cr discharge is sought, (i) This Agreement. including Airachmenl's). cons;itu:es the en!i;v agreement of the parties pertaining to the subject matter herein and super- sedes all prior agreements. proposals. nagolia;ions and representations whether written or oral. concerning such subject mailer. No representations or warranties. express or implied, have been made a., relied uoc-i in the making of this Agreement other than those Specifically comatned in :n1S Agreenteril. ATTACH M ENT 1 GTE / CITY OF BAYTOWN . CENTRANET SERVICE AGREEMENT REVISED TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Attachment 1 Is accepted by both Parties and is hereby incorporated as a part of the original Agreement. The paragraphs which are revised herein, supersede the corresponding paragraph in the original "CentraNet Service Agreement"_ 1. Paragraph 4(b), entitled "Charges and Payments "; Revise this paragraph as follows: "Amounts remaining unpaid 30 days after the date payment is due will be assessed a late payment charge as specified in Texas Govt. Code Ann. 2251.001 et seq." 2. Bottom of page 1, untitled paragraph, Revise this paragraph as follows: "The Terms and Conditions printed - on the front and reverse side of Page 1, Contract Amendments, or as otherwise stated or incorporated as part in this Agreement, are part of this Agreement.' 3. Paragraph 10, entitled "Limitation of Liability ", should be revised as follows: "The liability of the parties will be limited only to the extent required in accordance with the taws of the State of Texas." 4. Paragraph 17, entitled "Resolution of Disputes," shall be deleted In Its entirety. 5. Paragraph 18(b). Revise this paragraph as follows: "Neither Party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party." 6. Paragraph 18(c). Revise this paragraph as follows-* "This Agreement is to be governed and construed according to the laws of the State of Texas. Both Parties consent to personal jurisdiction in Baytown, Harris County Texas, and the Parties agree that exclusive jurisdiction shall be In that State." Accepted: GTE Southwest Incorporated: City of Baytown: Name Title 0 Date Name Title Date z00 TbT8 8££ £TL- 153MHIFIGS 919 9S *. 9T 56 /VTizT AI= FIDAVIT Before me the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared who, after being duly sworn, stated as follows: I KV authorized to make this affidavit on behalf of City of Baytown. for City of Baytown, am City of Baytown currently subscribes to CentraNet& Service offered by GTE Southwest incorporated ("GTE "). City of Baytown has decided to renew this service with _ a� R lines of GTE's CentraNetg) Service. Before agreeing to subscribe to CentraNet® Service, City of Baytown considered acquiring the same, equivalent or substitutable services from sources other than GTE, including vendors of PBX equipment. After due consideration of available alternatives, City of Baytown chose CentraNetO Service provided by GTE. Among the many reasons for this decision were the following: Cost Maintenance Reliability City of Baytown Subscribed and sworn to, before me on this day of , 1995, to certify which witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public - State of Texas is My commission expires: