Ordinance No. 7,415950928 -3 ORDINANCE NO. 7415 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY ® CLERK TO EXECUTE AND ATTEST TO A CONTRACT WITH KINSEL INDUSTRIES, INC. FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT DIVERSION PROJECT; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF THE SUM OF TWO MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY -EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY -FIVE AND 65/100 DOLLARS ($2,438,995.65) ; MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown did authorize the City Engineer of the City of Baytown to advertise for bids for the Central District Diversion Project, to be received September 12, 1995; and WHEREAS, notice to bidders as to the time and place, when and where the contract for said construction would be let was published pursuant to provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.041; and WHEREAS, all bids were opened and publicly read at City Hall at 2:00 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, September 12, 1995, as per published notice to bidders; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby accepts the bid of Kinsel Industries, Inc., to do the above described work according to the plans and specifications set forth by the City Engineer for the sum of TWO MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY -EIGHT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY -FIVE AND 65/100 DOLLARS ($2,438,995.65), and authorizes payment thereof, and the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest to a contract with Kinsel Industries, Inc., for the above described work, said contract containing the plans, specifications, and requirements of the City Engineer and appropriate bond requirements in accordance with the provisions of Texas Revised Civil Statutes Annotated art. 5160. Section 2: That the administration is authorized to contract for utility adjustments, laboratory testing, and other professional services necessary to the operation and completion of the project. Section 3: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND N01100 DOLLARS ($15,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty- five (250) or decreased by more than twenty -five (25 %) 0 percent without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. 950928 -3a Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from ® and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 28th day of September, 1995. PETE C. ALFAMO, Mayor ATTEST EILEEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: el�ACIO RAMIREZ, ., City Attorney legallcou ncil /september /9- 28- 95engB I DcentralDISTRICT 0 2 950928 -4a ® ATTEST: 2-1-LE-EN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: z Cz0 RAMYREZ, , City Attorney 0 legallcouncil /september /9- 28- 95 a&mAG REEM ENT TAEX Fo: m Cr t I53�) r� EMCIRANGUM OF AGF%EEI. ;ENT AN:D UNDEr ;ST,�rvD1r4G 5ETWE! N� T1 HE TEXAS AGRICU(_TUPAt_ EXTEMS!0N SERVICE ANC. THE TEXAS A6.M UNIVEr S&TY SYSTEM AND City of Baytovn (Grantor) City of Baytown , hereinafter referred to as "grantor." anC ' :-)c Tex:--.,-: Agricultural Extension Service of The Texas A&f4 Universi :y System, hereinatler referred to as "Extcns :cn Service." rereby mutually agree as follow: 1. The grantor will provide a grant in the tot.a: 2mount of S 10,555-98 which includes S 0 !Cr direct costs and 24.5 percent, or S 2,077.48 for indirect costs to be used by the Extension Servic_'a suoYc i Citizens Survey and MAst Pr at an i1puel .ogimpnr for the City of Baytown.' (i ype of work) under the d'uection of Drs. David Scott and Carson Watt (Name) Extersion Asst. Pr es sor a er iat ict-. nereinafter referred to as Principal Investigator (PI), or successors) in the position. These funds will be advanced and deposited %%,ith the Extension Service of The Texas A&M University System upon approvai of this agreement. Checks ccvering the grant are to be made payable :c the: Texas Agricultural Extension Service F!s--al Oft'ice TAMU administration Bldg., Room 104 College Station, Texas 77843 -7102 Checks made payable to TexasA &M Unrvcrsrty or o :her parrs of The TexaS A &M University Sysien are rGn r.� pc ;i3Lre to TAEX and must be returned :o :he grantor for re,'ssue. The Work to be performed will be: (arse altachrnert rf mare space is requ +red) (see attached) 2. The Extension Service will keep his !und in a restricted specific account and expend it as needed far -nater'a :;. supplies, equipment, repairs, labor, travel and other operating costs in connection with the demonstrations or c!her educational activities as described above. It is specifically understood that the fund provided through this grant by the grantor is restricted in the interest of carrying out this project, and is not necessarily limited to the restriclions;.faced on general income as to expenditures for materia!s, supplies, equipmen: or other operating expense. The ur expended balance a, any unused supplies or equipment r9maining at the completion of the protect shall remain in the name of and become the sole property of the Extension Service. This form has been approved by The Texas A&M University Legal Council. Any alteration to the wording of this form must be approved through The Texas A&M University Legal Council before being considered valid. 3. This fund will be administered .'trough the Extension. Service with the program of work to be under the dire_i supervision of the PI or successor(s). The Pf will submit through the Director (as required) of the Extension Service a report(s) to the grantor on the work carried on under the terms of this agreement. a. The Extension Service reserves the right to make public the results of the investigations supported by this grant as • it may consider desirable. Acknowledgement of support received from the grantor will be made in any published results if desired. Any advertising pertaining to the results of these investigations shall be so worded that It will not irtply the endorsement of any product of the grantor or i!s subsidiaries by the Extension Service but shalt reflect credi: upon tie Extension Service. (Submit In trrp!1cs :e.) (Refer to Fiscal Orrice Procedure 10.010 forinstructlons.) EXHIBIT A CO3c I._`IQN3I;�_l `?X31 `]hJl',iJEdS 4.2:z�f • L� TA£X Fcrm CC., (5193) 5. This agreement shall be a -lecdve as of October 1 , 1995 and :t,o,l t retinal^ _.-April 30, 1996 . . bu; may be-renewed annually or otherwise me�,li!'ed ar revised upon the wri ?ten consent al both par-ies. APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: �ssoclate Depa-tment Head /?rog:&m Leader Head of Deoadhrn rit - Assts ant Director /State Program LEe�er Associate Director (Atlach eslima,ed budget it grant is 1c be S500 or more.) Approved- General Counsel -9 161 SO'c APPROVED: Grartor By Date TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE vuec,or Data ),1CN31�d SUXE]i 9HlAd3dS �LZ:ZZ %IST- 9T -J33 0 -- Baytown Park and Recreation Master Plan Project We will assist the City of Baytown (Parks and Recreation and Planning Departments) in the preparation of a Citywide Parks and Recreation Nfaster Plan. A planning team with representatives from the key departments and contributing entities will be formed to carry out this planning process. The various elements of the plan are identified on the attached time line and list of tasks. This time line will be adjusted as per the date of the signed agreement. Texas A &M (Extension) will accomplish the following elements: I. Determine Master Plan Elements (Determine elements of planning process, park and recreation issues & concerns, and responsibilities) Cost: $1368.50 Assist the Planning and Community Development and the Parks and Recreation Departments in initializing the master planning process with key leadership and identifying and sequencing the important elements that should be in the master planning process, This element will require a one day workshop of invited community representatives and will identify piaster plan elements and community park and recreation issues and concerns. Findings from the workshop will be presented in report form to the planning team. 11. Prepare Process Plan With Baytown Staff Cost: $295.00 A one day workshop via conference call or at Texas A&M with representatives of the Baytown PARD and Planning Department. This work session will organize and assign responsibilities to the master plan elements. This will result in a master plan program management task list, responsibility assignments, and time line. It will be the responsibility of the Baytown staff to prepare this report and manage the process. 111. Citizens Survey Cost: $4446.00 Conduct a household survey of residents and a survey of youths (including 7th graders to 12 graders) to determine recreation needs in Baytown. These surveys will collect data on residents and youths': (1) recreation participation patterns, (2) expectations and aspirations, (3) barriers to recreation participation, and (4) priorities for programs and facilities. The survey, analysis and reporting process will require throe to four months and ME result in a report prepared by Texas A&M. IV. Gap Analysis and Plan Development Cost: $2370.00 Assist in developing the methodology for determining the "gap" between what is and that which citizens view as needed. Assist in designing the review and feedback process on the preliminary plan. The City of Baytown will assign one individual the responsibility of overall coordination for the development of this plan. That person will be the principle contact for the A &M investigators. -This individual will coordinate all involvement of local entities and be responsible for preparing the final plan. The total costs (including a 24.5% agency overhead) for our (Texas A &M) contribution to the process is $10,556.98. A detailed budget is attached. The proposed beginning date is October 1, 1995 with an ending date of April 30, 1996. These dates will be adjusted based on the signing Odate to accommodate the full time projected in the time line. cc: Peter Witt g- tmx1projcau&a)iow(V9ropouJ.003 Upterr6cr 19,1995.8:26 am 90 , d Al IaN316 -3 S)JX31 JN t AU3dS 8c :21 S66 £ti -d3S 0 • Baytown Master Plan Budge Summary 1. Determine Master Plan Elements Conduct Community Workshop Supplies (Baytown) Personnel Q TEAR: 2 Baytown) 5 Extension Specialist l Extension AAssistant 2 Prepare Workshop Report, Personnel (1 person) 1 Travel Mileage Per Diem Lodging # of Items Unit CostfUnit Total (TEAX) IL Prepare Process Plan With Baytown Staff Conduct Workshop with PARD and PLANNING Staffs Persoannel Principle investigators ] 1 days $255.00 Graduate Assistant 1 1 days 540.00 Prepare Report (Baytown) Sub Toraifor Workshop # of items Unit CostfUnit S l 00.1)0 2 days 7 days 2 days $255.00 2 days $100.00 2.5 days $65.00 200 miles $0,28 3 days 525,00 3 night S55.00 Sub Toral for Workshop # of Items Unit Cost/Unit TIT. Citizens Surrey Pcrsotuiel Principle Investigators 1 7 days Graduate Assistant I 25 days Support Staff (1 Baytown staff who acts as courdinat(y) Services and Supplic:.s - Mrsilittg Costs (Baytown) First mailing (Baytown) 800 surreys Reminder letter (Baytown) 600 surveys Final tnai]ing (Baytown) 600 surveys Business reply postage (Baytown) 700 surveys Services and Supplies - Printing (Baytown) 2600 surveys Services and Supplies - Miscellaneous Data entry 1300 survcyc Telephone communic: bun Report% (Baytown) Travel Lo,6 One round trip O 200 milt, Per diem meals Lodging t I2, m 50.50 $0.38 $0.30 $0.50 50.20 11 200 miles 50.28 2 days $25.00 1 night $55,00 Sub Toial for Cnrruwnity and Youth Survey 11 ! to $162,50 $56.00 $75.00 S165.00 S1,368-50 Tots) (TEAX) $255.00 $40.00 $295.00 Total (MAX) S1,795.00 S1,000.00 S1,100.00 S2110.00 556.00 $50.00 S55.00 $4,446.00 Page 1 .1,111J31Z�d SdX31 1NlN)d3dS 6Z:ZZ • • Baytown Master Plan Budgc Summary 1V. Gap Analysis and flan Development # of Items Unit Cost/Unit Total (TEAR) Personnel Principle Investigators 2 3 days $255.00 51,530.00 Graduate Assistant I 3 days $40.00 $120.00 Computer Specialist 1 5 days $105.00 $525.00 Support Staff 1 3 days $65.00 $195.00 Sub Toiat for Uata Analysis & Plan Preparxion $2,370.00 Total for all Elements 513,479.50 Agency Overhead 24.5% $2,077,48 GRAND TOTAL $10,556.98 Page 2 80'd A-ICIN3163 S)dX31 nNIAU3dS S66T- 81-d3S 0 • n • 1 N .... ..... ............................... ..... ......................... ............................................ ................. N a �e mI Y T.YI N O m h O �1 . .... ................. _ .... ............... .,...... ...... .- .................. _ ... ... ...... .. ................ ............ ._............... C x " r f a b E � �N 11 _ .................................... ............. .................. ..........._ .... .................................................. ......_ ...._._.... .....................__... - - - -. 0 �1 �r. �n ✓i v� h vl in o �(f Vf �A � � � � �i � �2 � R � K' Q � � a p m m mm po e t z a �S IL * 9 F F F F IL ci LL K li LL ; t'�L i- 6L a a _ _ � w S .0 ' ` c c o ` E a g a $ '� �'� a y r 8y m I 3 3 Ctr E� u'_ Cp en S Li EQQ P u 4 EC V fi I LL u t� $ S (a w a 8 C `j I m w n mm I a C r7 L� I m n S e m c }Y }Yff S I D I n cc E Q a° w m a a` I r I!I O 60' d A-IGN31 X13 SdX31 ON : Atf3d S Sc :21' S66 i — 8l -d3s • N� . ............ ........................... ..._...._.............. ... ............................... ................ __..._..... n M1 N r A N N C, m 7 rn Co h G {`n ._ .................... ............ ... _ ............................................................... ..... ..................... x a s r � ? N a s C all m . ..... ............... ......... ....... E E cnn ul of Vl o to tG m m b e r- a r m Y I Q LL s o iII c c d$ a [j a _ ¢ U Q, I 9 r c7 L a II w e g3 OL ' d A-IQ l3I tl3 SUX3 i Jul: >iN3dS OZ Z' S6h : -O i -d3S NmQ p d II'd A-ION3I?'d SdX31 ONIA13dS 02:2 S66T- $I -d3S 0 • zi'd -ld101 FT 'd ),-lGN3ldJ SJX31 OWNd3dS !C :zz S66:- ST -d3S TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE CONTRACTS AND GRANTS SYSTEM Transmittal Memorandum (Peter to Fiscal Office Procedure 40.010 for instructions.) To: Philip G. Pearce Manager, Contracts & Budgets TAlv1U Administration Bldg.. Room 144 Coi;age Station, Texas 7 ?643.7102 Through: - (Narne) Department, Head From: (Title) (Name) TAEX Form CG (5193) Dr. Chester Fehlis (Name) (Title) (Name) (Title) (Title) tiSee Fiscal Office Procedure 40.010 for appropriate review and approval routing.) David St -ottr Carson Watt (P.1, Name) (RI. Name) Ex tens i on Spec._& Asst Prof. Associate Head fox Hx - >nsion (Title) (i I ►:e) (If additional P.I.s, attach a list with titles) Enclosed please find the toi:owing document of aoraenent L7 ?raProposal F9 Memorandum of Agreement (A) Contribution Fcrm (G) Interagency Cooperation Contract (C) I� Intrasystem Cooperation Contract (C) ❑ Other: The sutriect document is with: J Proposal J Extension for Memorandum of Agreement (A) (Arlach copy of oage I of orig;nal MCA) '7 Gift Form (G) J Amenoment to lnlerasency Cooperation Contract (C) Amendment to tnvp.system Cooperation Contract (C) Sponsor Name: r ty of Raytown Sponsor Address: P. 0. Bpx 424 9a4 t0dn.T'e_xa�q _77522 ❑ Dr. :R Mr. ❑ Mrs. p his. Sponsor Contact: _ David On d r i x s Contact Title: Director. ?arks k RonrPat.i nn Contact Telephone: (71)3 420 -6591 Fax:(71)3 420 -9847 Grant Amount: s 10 556-98 Funds received for this document should be credited tc: Account Number: 0 Establish New Account Title: Project title and description _Ba_y t• own MA G r P rr _ P 1 a p - f t i z P n s__ 51icvP)z and Ma.S+-Pr Plan development- Project Term: October 1, 1995 Though: April 30, 1996 (continued) E0 ' d A-113H3 i dd SoX31 014 I >1a3dS 9E : 2 SSS T -B T -d3S • "Includes all non -Texas state sources. The key word(s) that categorize this document is /are franked in order of importance;: TAEX Form CG t {5I4]) The budget for this document includes trio following items: 24-5 ®Salaries wages L Indirect Cost %< ® Fringe Benefits Travel I:Z Matching Required - In -Kind LIZ Other Costs (includes supplies, U Equipment U Matching Required - other materials, repairs, contractual _ Plant Pathology Animal Breeding _ services, etc.) _ Poiicy Analysis Animal Nutrition _ The nature of funding for this project will be as follows: _ Production Economics Pay Source Pa T e _ spay Frequency U Federa! ❑ Front Money r Front Morey D Slate of Texas ❑ Reimbursable ❑ Monthly ❑ Local Government- ❑ Installment ❑ BOAcnthly ❑ Private Pass - through ❑ Quarterly ❑ Foundation Cl O:her ] Seml•Annuat Cl Other International Trade Annual _ Crop Production Systems Marine Sciences 7 Other • "Includes all non -Texas state sources. The key word(s) that categorize this document is /are franked in order of importance;: J Agribusiness Management _ Entomology Physiology and Reproduction, Animal Agricuilural Policy _ Envircnmental Soil Science _(slant Biotechnology Anatomy _ Family Sciences Plant Breeding and Genetics Animal Behavior Fiber Processing, Anima! Plant Nutrition and Soil fertility Animal Biotechnology _ Finance _ Plant Pathology Animal Breeding _ Food Processing _ Poiicy Analysis Animal Nutrition _ Food Science _ Production Economics Animal Pathology _ Food Science and Engineering _ Production Systems _ Animal Production Systems _ i urnan Development ^ Renewable Natural Resources Biochemical Engineering _ Human (Nutrition Resource Economics Biochemistry Hydrology _ Sociology Biornefrics/Modeling Lmmunology _ Soil Science Biosystematics in:ormation Technology Stress Physiology, Animal Clinical Pharmacology J International Trade Suess Physiology. Plant _ Crop Production Systems Marine Sciences Sustainable Agriculture Demography _ Ma.-keting _ Tox:cofogy Developmental Biology and Physiolocy _ Meteorology Y Urban Systems Ecology — Microbiology and virology water Quality Economic Development _ molecular Biology � Weed Science _ Endocrinology _ Natural Resources Policy Youth Development Engineering Parasitciogy Tourism/ Recreation The reporting required by the grantor is as follows: Community Services/ Fa c i l i t Date Description Report Please process through the appropriate administrative channels and contact me when the processing is completed. detachments 20'(:1 ),1JN3 t �d SUX31 ON I AUEIdS G661- ST-d35