Ordinance No. 7,218950126 -4 ORDINANCE NO. 7218 AN ORDINANCE SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR THE . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED UPDATE OF THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED RATES FOR REGULATED CABLE SERVICES SUBMITTED BY TCI CABLEVISION OF TEXAS, INC., ON FCC FORM 1210; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARING; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: On the 9th day of February, 1995, at 6:45 o'clock p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall of Baytown, Texas, the City Council will hold a public hearing giving all interested parties the right to appear and be heard on the update of the maximum permitted rates for regulated cable services proposed by TCI Cablevision of Texas, Inc., described in Exhibit 'All which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: The City Clerk of the City of Baytown is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of each public hearing to be published once in the newspaper having general circulation in the City and in the above described territory not more than twenty (20) days nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 26th day of January, 1995. PETE C. ALFAtZO, Mayor ATTEST: EILEEN P. HALL, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CIO RAMIREZ, SIU, City Attorney . legal/council/ 1- 26- 95pubHEARINGtci • • Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 PnCOAA A Approved by: OMB 3060 -0595 Expires: 4/30/97 MODULE A: TRANSITION RATES AND FULL REDUCTION RATES FROM PREVIOUS FILING OF FCC FORM 1200 OR FCC FORM 1210 Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Al Transition Rate per Tier Previous $6.7297 $12.4025 $0.00 IA2 Full Reduction Rate per Tier Previous $6.8356 $12.7152 $0,001 1 Page 3 Exia T A Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 FCC Form 1210 May 1994 • 0 Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 H0594A 4 Approved by: OMB 3060 -0595 Expires: 4/30/97 MODULE B: CALCULATING CURRENT & NET EXTERNAL COSTS a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Current External Costs BI Current Programming Costs Bla Cost of Old Programming r Tier $2,430,18 $46,829.57 $0.00 Bib Cost ofPgrning. Shifted from other Tiers 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bic Cost of New Programming r Tier $0.00 $6,587.75 $0.00 Bid Cost of P min . Shifted to other Tiers S0.00 $0.00 S0.00 Bic Cost of P min . Dro2ped from System per Tier $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BIf Total P in.Costs perTier rBla+Blb+Blcl $2430.18 553417.32 50.00 $0.00 50.00 B2 Current Retransmission Consent Fees 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 B3 Sum of Current P min . & Retrans. r Tier B I f+ B21 $2,430.18 $53,417,32 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 B4 Margins: P min . & Retrans. per Tier IB3 x.0751 $182.2635 $4006.299 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 B5 Total P min . & Retrans. Costs per Tier [B3+B41 $2,612.4435 $57423.619 $0.00 50.00 $0.00' B6 Taxes jLer Tier $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 B7 Franchise Related Costs per Tier $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 B8 Total Current Ext. Costs per Tier B5 +B6 +B7 S2,612.4435 S57,423.619 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 89 Current Subscribers per Tier 11668, 11292. 0. B10 Current Ext. Costs per Tier per Sub. [B8 / B9] $0.2239 $5.0853 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Previous External Costs B11 Previous Programming Cost Adjustment for First Filing of FCC Form 1210 Blla Programming Costs per Tier from Form 1200 B I I b Margin on 3/31/94 Pro g. Cost [BI la x 0.0751 S0.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 BI Ic Subscribers per Tier as of 3/31/94 Blld Programming Margin Adjustment [BI lb/Bllc $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 B12 Retransmission Consent Adjustment for your Form 1210 Filing for the peri od including October 6 1994 B 12a Previous Retransmission Consent Fees per Tier B 12b Grossed-Up Prey. Consent Fees B 12a x 1.0751 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 50.00 $0.00 B12c Previous Number of Subscribers per Tier B12d Retransmission Margin Adjustment B12b /B12c $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 B13 Previous Ext. Costs per Tier per Sub. [See Instructions] $0.2866 $4.3076 $0.00 B14 Adj, Prey, Ext. Costs [B I 1 d +B l2d +B 131 50.2866 $4.3076 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 Change in External Costs B15 Net External Costs per Tier rSub. BIO -B14 50.0627 $0.7777 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 Page 4 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 FCC Form 1210 May 1994 • 0 K] Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 H0594A 4 Approved by: OMB 3060 -0595 Expires: 4/30/97 MODULE C: NON - EXTERNAL COST ADJUSTMENT FOR CHANNEL CHANGES a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier -2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Cl Previous Number of Regulated Channels per Tier 14. 27, C2 Current Number of Reeulated Channels ner Tier 15. 27. C3 Net Reg, Channel Changes per Tier fC2 - C 1 1. 4 C4 Sum of Previous Channels Sum C I col, a-el 4I g sa � �''�"� ' C5 Sum of Current Channels sum C2 col. a-el 42 C6 Average of Previous and New Channels (C4+C5y2 41 C7 Ad ustment per Channel see tablel $0.02...., „_., o kx, >., , ,,;. ,. �� , ' „... •' E C8 Non - External Cost Adjustment per Tier C3 x C71 S0.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 I 50.00 MODULE D: ADJUSTING TRANSITION RATE FOR CHANGES IN EXTERNAL COSTS AND CHANNEL CHANGES a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 DI Transition Rateper Tier [All $6.7297 $12.4025 $0.00 $000 50.00 D2 Net Change in External Costs per Tier 1315 50.0627 50.7777 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00> D3 Non - External Cost Adjustment per Tier JC81 $0.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 D4 Updated Transition Rate erTier Dl +D2 +D3 $6.687 $13.1802 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 MODULE E: ADJUSTING FULL REDUCTION RATE FOR INFLATION, CHANGES IN EXTERNAL COSTS AND CHANNEL CHANGES a b e d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 El Full Reduction Rate per Tier [A21 $6.8356 $12.7152 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 E2 Non - External Cost Adjustment per Tier [C81 $0.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 E3 Total Previous Ext. Costs per Tier per Sub. rB 141 50.2866 54.3076 50.00 $0.00 50.00 E4 Full Reduction Rate per Tier per Sub. JE I +E2 -E3 $6.569 woo $0.00 50.00 S0.00 E5 Inflation Adjustment Factor See Instructions 1.0215 ifT�� `f'., - 'xs -kE,( - £ ¢ E6 Adjusted for Inflation per Tier E4 x E5 $6.7102 58.5884 50.00 50.00 $0.00 E7 Current Ext. Costs per Tier per Sub. [13101 50.2239 $5.0853 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1E8_ Updated Full Reduction Rate per Tier E6+E7] $6.9341 $13.6737 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 • Page 5 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 FCC Form 1210 May 1994 0 • 4 i Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 H0594A 4 Approved by: OMB 3060 -0595 Expires: 4130197 MODULE F: COMPARISON OF TRANSITION AND FULL REDUCTION RATES Signature TCI CABLEVISION OF NORTHSHORE p�, {.a�M�A D . '-"Q Date Title Scott D. Macdonald 11/16/94 b c d c Line Line Description B I Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Fl Current Subscribers r Tier B9 11668. 11292. 0: 0. 0. F2 Weighting Factor [Fl col. a -e / FI col. aJ 1. 0.9678 0. 0. 0; F3 Updated Transition Rate [D41 $6.681 3)3.1602 $0.00 SO.pO S0.00'. F4 Weighted Transition Rate F2 x 1731 $6.687 '512.7555 $0.00 30.00 50.00'. F5 Aggregate Transition Rate [sum F4 col. a -el $19.4425' F6 Updated Full Reduction Rate [E8] $6.9341 $13.6737 .$0.00 50.00 $0.00. F7 Weighted Full Reduction Rate F2 x F6 56.9341 $13:2331 30.00 SO.00 $0.00 F8 Aggregate Full Reduction Rate sum F7 col a -e 520.1672 COMPARE LINES F5 AND F8. If F5 is larger than F8, enter the tier rates from Line F3 (your updated transition rate) in Line F9 below. If F8 is larger than F5, enter the tier rates from Line F6 our updated full reduction rate in Line F9 below. F9 Maximum Permitted Rate 56.93 I S13.67 50.00 $0.00 50.00 Note 1: The maximum permitted rate figures do not include franchise fees. The amounts billed to your subscribers will be the sum of the appropriate permitted rate and any applicable franchise fee. Note 2: The maximum permitted rate figures do not lake into account any refund liability you may have. If you have previously been ordered by the Commission or your local franchising authority to make refunds to subscribers, you are not relieved of your obligation to make such refunds regardless of whether the permitted rate may be higher than the contested rate or your current rate. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND /OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE TITLE 18, SECTION 1001), AND /OR FORFEITURE (U.S. CODE, TITLE 47, SECTION 503). 1 certify that the statements made in this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith. Name of the Cable Operator Signature TCI CABLEVISION OF NORTHSHORE p�, {.a�M�A D . '-"Q Date Title Scott D. Macdonald 11/16/94 Director of Regulatory Account" 1 TO Cable Management Corporation Page 6 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 FCC Form 1210 May 1994 I-- 6-3 0 Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 H0594A 4 TABLE A. NON - EXTERNAL COST ADJUSTMENT FOR CHANGES IN CHANNELS Average Channels From: To. Adjustment per channel 7 7 $0.52 7.5 7.5 $0.45 8 8 $0.40 8.5 8.5 $0.36 9 9 $0.33 9.5 9.5 $0.29 10 10 $0.27 10.5 10.5 $0.24 I I 11 $0.22 11.5 11.5 $0.20 12 12 $0.19 12.5 12.5 50.17 13 13 $0.16 13.5 13.5 $0.15 14 14 $0.14 14.5 14.5 50.13 15 15.5 $0.12 16 16 50.11 16.5 17 50.10 17.5 18 $0.09 18.5 19 $0.08 19.5 21.5 50.07 22 23.5 50.06 24 26 $0.05 26.5 29.5 $0.04 30 35.5 $0.03 36 146 $0.02 46.5 99 $0.01 Approved by: OMB 3060 -0595 Expires: 4/30/97 FCC Form 1210 Page 7 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 May 1994 0 •