Ordinance No. 7,146941025 -7 ORDINANCE NO. 7146 • AN ORDINANCE SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE SUPPLEMENTAL BENCHMARK RATES SUBMITTED BY TCI CABLEVISION OF TEXAS, INC; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARING; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: On the loth day of November, 1994, at 6:45 o'clock p.m., in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall of Baytown, Texas, the City Council will hold a public hearing giving all interested parties the right to appear and be heard on the supplemental benchmark rates submitted by TCI Cablevision of Texas, Inc., described in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: The City Clerk of the City of Baytown is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of each public hearing to be published once in the newspaper having general circulation in the City and in the above- described territory not more than twenty (20) days nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 25th day of October, 1994. de, PETE C. AL O, Mayor ATTEST: 10 ljaz-e� EILEEN P. RAW, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: dwerwIQ glaw� ,ZWACIO RAMIREZo U., City Attorney • b:k1h4 /pubhearing Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 Approved by: OMB 3060 -0601 Expires: 4130/97 • .1 FCC FORM 1200 SETTING MAXIMUM INITIAL PERMITTED RATES FOR REGULATED CABLE SERVICES PURSUANT TO RULES ADOPTED FEBRUARY 22.1994 "FIRST -TIME FILERS FORM" C11kn[ TJnLOAA Community Unit Identifier (CUID) of cable system Date of Form Submission 106/06/94 TX0310 Name of Cable Operator TCI CABLEVISION OF TEXAS, INC. Mailing Address of Cable Operator 14003 FORCE ST. City State 1TX ZIP Code HOUSTON 77015 - Name and Title of person completing this form: OLIVER. O.C. MGR Telephone number Fax Number (713)451-4611 1(713)451-2916 Name of Local Franchising Authority BOBBY ROUNTREE CITY MANAGER Mailing Address of Local Franchising Authority CITY HALL 2401 MARKET ST. City State ZIP Code BAYTOWN ITX 177520- 1. Place an "x" in the appropriate box: A. Is this form being filed for the first time anywhere? YES iC B. Ifyou answered "no" to IA., is this an exact copy of the FCC form 1200 submitted elsewhere? YES C. If you answered "yes" to IB.. enter the date on which the FCC form in III. was filed. (mnJddlyy) 2. Enter the date of the rates you are seeking to justify with this filing: 07/14/94 (mm/dd/yy) 3. Indicate which of the following forms are attached by placing an "x" in the appropriate box(es): FTI FCC Form 1205 "Equipment Form" completed for the fiscal year closing: 12/31/93 (mm/dd/yy) = FCC Form 1205 "Equipment Form" completed for the fiscal year closing: (mm/dd/yy) =FCC Form 1210, "Update Form" covering the period from: to FCC Form 1215, "A la Carte Offerings ". EXHIBIT A NO 2�l (mm/dd/yy) FCC Form 1200 Page 1 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 May 1994 Federal Communications Commission Approved by: OMB 3060 -0601 Washington, D.C. 20554 Expires: 4/30/97 0 Page 2 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 FCC Form 1200 May 1994 Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 Approved by: OMB 3060 -0601 Expires: 4/30/97 • = If you indicated your March 31, 1994 CPS rates included all allowable external costs, an "X" will appear in the box to the left. MODULE B: ADJUSTMENTS FOR CERTAIN EXTERNAL COSTS THROUGH MARCH 31,1994 Line Line Description a Basic b Tler 2 c Tier 3 d Tier 4 e Tier 5 Beginning Date External Cost Data BI Enter Beginning Date mm/d See Instructions 01/31/94 $32,309.71 50.00 777 B2 Programming Cost per Tier on Beginning Date $1.867.52 B3 Taxes per Tier on Beginning Date $0.00 $0.00 50.00 B4 Franchise Related Costs at Tier on Beginning Date 50.00 50.00 $0.00 BS Total External Costs per Tier [B2+B3+B41 51867.52 $32".71 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 116 Subscribers per Tier on Beginning Date 10815.1 10491. 0. B7 Ave. Ext, per Sub. per Tier on Beginning Date BS/B6 $0.1727 $3.0798 1 50.00 50.00 50.00 March 31. 1994 External Cast Data B8 Programming Costs per Tier on 3 /31/94 51.935.15 S33. %1.95 $0.00 B9 Taxes per tier on 3/31194 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1310 Franchise Related Costs per Tier on 3/31/94 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 Bl l Total External Costs per Tier B8 +B9+B10 $1,935.15 533, 961.95 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 B12 Subscribers per Tier on 3/31194 [A21 11162. 10850. 0. 0. 0. B13 Aviz. Ext. Costs per Sub. per Tier on 3/31194 $0.17341 $3.1301 1 $0.001 SO.001 $0.00 Chan a in External Costs B14 Net External Costs per Sub per Tier 13 -137 50.0007 MO N $0.00 50.00 50.00 B15 Net External Costs per Tier 12 x B14 $7.7105 5546.6079 50.00 50.00 $0.00 B16 Total Net External Costs sum B15 col. a-e $554.3184 50.0497 522.5499 $22.5993 B17 Avg. Change in Ext. Costs per Sub. 16B 12 col. a B18 Current Rate without External Costs fAI21 IB19 Current Rate with External Costs 1317 +13 18 • FCC Foes 1200 Page 3 Exce14.0 Win., Version 2.0 May 1994 li Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 If you indicated you qualify as a "Small Operator" an "X" will appear in the box to the left, then skip Module C. Approved by: OMB 3060 -0601 Expires: 4130/97 MODULE C: CALCULATING YOUR BENCHMARK USING MARCH 31, 1994 DATA a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 CI Channels per Tier as of 3131/94 LA l 14. 24. 0. - 0. 0. C2 Number of Regulated Non - Broadcast Channels per Tier 1. 24. 0. C3 Subscribers per Tier as of 3/31194 [A21 11162. 10950.1 0. 0.1 0. C4 Number of Tier Changes in Fiscal Year 93 67. C5 Census Income Level $30,151.00 C6 Number of Additional Outlets in Fiscal Year 93 3125. C7 Number of Remotes Rented in Fiscal Year 93 1273. Were you part of an MSO on 3131/94? ( I =Y. 0 =N) Number of S stems in your MSO as of 3/31/94 1521 Benchmark Rate $19.4673 COMPARISON OF MARCH 31,1994 RATE WITH BENCHMARK RATE If B19 (your 3/31/94 rate adjusted for extemal changes) is larger than CIO (your benchmark rate), skip Module D, and complete Module E. If CIO (your benchmark rate) is larger than B 19 (your 3131194 rate adjusted for external changes), complete Module D, and skip Module E. YOUR CURRENT RATE WITH EXTERNAL COSTS IS ABOVE THE BENCHMARK. SKIP MODULE D, AND GO TO MODULE E. FCC Form 1200 Page 4 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 May 1994 L Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 Approved by: OMB 3060 -0601 Expires: 4/30/97 MODULE D: RESTRUCTURED MARCH 31, 1994 RATES TO BE COMPLETED IF LINE B19 <C10 a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 DI Total Regulated Revenue per Sub. [line Al2 n/a $1.6863 .. tt/a r n/a a n/a D2 Monthly Equipment Cost per Sub. [From Form 12051 D3 Monthly Service Revenue per Sub. 1 -D2 da A D4 Number of Subscribers r Tier as of 3/31/94 A2 DS Total Regulated Service Revenue 3 x D4, col. a we n/a ' tt/a n/a Own n/a D6 Percentage of Subscriber-Channels Tier AS 137 Re ulated Revenue RSr Tier fD5 x 136, col. a e n/a n/a .' da n/a n/a D8 Regulated Revenue per Tier per Sub. 71134 A n/a n/a n/a n/a D9 Net External Cost per Tier per Sub. 14 n/a -' n/a n/a n/a n/a 1310 Restructured 3131/94 Rates D8 + D9 n/a A n/a n/a n/a If you completed Module D, go to Module F, and enter Line D10, columns a -e, on line Fl. MODULE E: RESTRUCTURED BENCHMARK RATES TO BE COMPLETED IF B19>C10 Line Line Description 3 Basic b Tler 2 c d Tier 3 Tier 4 e Tier 5 E1 Benchmark Rate [C101 $19.4673 E2 Monthly Equipment Cost per Sub. From Form 12051 S1.6863 E3 Benchmark Rate minus Equipment Cost EI - E21 S17.781 E4 Number of Subscribers per Tier as of 3131/94 [A21 1 1162. 10850. 0. 0. 0 ES Total Regulated Service Revenue 3xE4, col. a $198.471.1327 0.375 0.625 0. 0. 0. E6 Percentage of Subscriber - Channels Mr Tier [A51 E7 Regulated Revenue per Tier E5xE6, col. a-e $74,435.0105 5124,036.1222 $0.00 50.00 50.00 1E8 Regulated Revenue per Tier per Sub. E71E4 56.6686 $11.4319 50.00 50.00 50.00 If you completed Module E, go to Module F and enter Line E8, columns a -c, on Line Fl. MODULE F: PROVISIONAL RATE a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier S Fl Provisional Rate per Tier $6.6686 S[ 1.4319 50.00 50.00 I 50.00 Page 5 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 FCC Form 1200 May 1994 Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 Approved by: OMB 3060 -0601 Expires: 4/30/97 A MODULE G: CALCULATING YOUR FULL REDUCTION RATE USING SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 DATA EARLIER OF THE DATE OF INITIAL REGULATION OR FEBRUARY 28.1994 Line Line Description a Basic b e Tier 2 Tier 3 d e Tier 4 Tier 5 01 Subscribers per Tier as of 9130192 9910. 9081. 0. H2 Subscribers to the System as of 9130192 G2 Monthly Charge per Tier as of 9130/92 $18.14 $2.91 $0.00 G3 Subscriber Revenue per tier G1 x G2 $179.767.40 $26425.71, : $0.00 $0.00 -5000' G4 Total Subscriber Revenue sum 03 col. a -e 5206193.11 ; 36 G5 Total Equipment Revenue as of 9/30 /92 $17.058.48 50.00 9 $22.5279 $18.6982 519.2591 G6 Any Franchise Fees included in G4 or G5 above G7 Total Regulated Revenue [G4+G5-G61 G8 Aviz. Regulated Revenue per Sub. G7/G 1, col, a G9 Adjusted for I r/o Compc1ifivc Diti G8 x.931 G 10 Avg. Reg. Rev. with Inflation to 9130 /93 fG9 x 1.031 MODULE H: ADJUSTMENTS FOR CHANNEL CHANGES FROM SEPTEMBER 30,1992 TO THE EARLIER OF THE DATE OF INITIAL REGULATION OR FEBRUARY 28.1994 a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 September 30. 1991 Data aye m4 Hl Total Regulated Channels 9/30 /92 30 r " , - °� ;. H2 Subscribers to the System as of 9130192 10322 a. f " ' H3 Total Regulated Satellite Channels as of 9/30/92 21 ` " ' " rim Data from the Earlier of the Date o Initial Re /ation or February 18. 1994 H4 Enter the Start Date See Instructions]: 01/31194 H5 Total Regulated Channels 36 a t >a } H6 Subscribers to the System 11132 s •, a1 `R��"Js H7 Total System Regulated Satellite Channels Adjustment for Channet Changes H8 Adjustment Factor from Benchmark Formula 1.0296 H9 Gross Full Reduction Rate GIO x H91 S19.8289 0 FCC Form 1200 Page 6 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 May 1994 Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 Approved by: OMB 3060-0601 Expires: 4/30/97 0 FCC Form 1200 Page 7 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 May 1994 MODULE 1: RESTRUCTURED FULL REDUCTION RATE a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 11 Gross Full Reduction Rate [1-191 $19.8289 12 Monthly Equip. Cost per Sub. [From Form 12051 $1.6863 $18.1426 13 Full Reduction Rate 0 1-121 14 Subscribers per Tier as of 3131194 [A21 11162 10250.1 0: i 0. 0: IS Rcstulatext Revenue P3 x 14, col. a 5202,508.0979 16 Percentage ofSubscriber- Cltanneis AS 0.373 0.625 0. 0. ? 17 Regulated Revenue per Tier U5 x 16 col. a-e $75,949.042 $126,559.0359 SO OOF $0.00 50.00 18 Regulated Revenue per Tier pEr Sub. RM4, col. a-el $6.8043 S11.6644 5000 1w11 "' $0.00 $0.00 Data from the Earlier of the Dare of !mina/ Regulation or February 28, 1994 19 Enter Start Date nmVd ) see instructions 01/31/94 S1,867.52 532,309.71 50.00 110 Programming Cost per Tier at Start Date I I I Taxes per Tier at Stan Date 50.00 50.00 $0.00 112 Franchise Related Costs per Tier at Start Date $0.00 $0.00 50.00 Ili Total External Costs per Tier P 10+11. 1+1121 $1,967.52 S32,309.71 S0.00 $0.00 $0.00 114 Subscribers per Tier at Start Date 10815.1 10491. 0. 115 Avg Ext Costs per Sub per Tier at Stan Date P 13/1141 $0.1727 $3.0798 $000 50.00 50.00 Change in External Costs 116 Avg. Ext. Costs per Sub. per Tier as of 3/31/94 fB 13 S0.1734 $3.1301 $0.00 `11 $0.00 50.00 117 Net Externals per Tier per Subscriber [116-1151 $0.0007 $0.0504 SO 00 w, $0.00 $0.00 1118 Full Reduction Rate + Externals [18+1171 56.8049 S11.7148, $000 $0.00 $0.00 0 FCC Form 1200 Page 7 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 May 1994 Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 Approved by: OMB 3060 -0601 Expires: 4!30197 MODULE J: COMPARISON OF PROVISIONAL RATE WITH FULL REDUCTION RATE a b c d e Line Line Description Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 J I Subscribers per Tier as of 3!31/94 [A21 11162, 10850. 0. 0. ` 0. J2 Weighting Factor [JI col. a-e! 11 col. a] 1. 0.972 0. 0. 0. J3 Provisional Rate [FI] $6.6686 $11.4319 50.00 $0.00 50.00 J3 Weighted Provisional Rate J2 x 13 $6.6686 $11.1124 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 J5 Aggregate Provisional Rate [sum J4 col. a-e; 517.781 J6 Full Reduction Rate [E IS] $6.8049 $11.7148 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 J7 Weighted Full Reduction Rate J6 x J2 $6.8049 $10874 $0.00 50.00 50.00 J8 Aggregate Full Reduction Rate sum J7 col a-el SI8.1923 COMPARE LINES JS AND J8. I f J5 is larger than J8, enter the amounts from Line J3 (your provisional rate) in Line K I below. If J8 is larger than J5, enter the amounts from Line J6 (vour full reduction rate) in Line K I below. F- -I L---A MODULE K: MAXIMUM PERMITTED RATES BY TIER K1 MAXIMUM PERMITTED RATES $6.80 $11.71 1 $0.00 50.00 1 50.00 Note 1: The maximum permitted rate figures do not include franchise fees. The amounts billed to your subscribers will be the sum of the appropriate permitted rate and any applicable franchise fee. Note 2: The maximum permitted rate figures do not take into account any refund liability you may have. If you have previously been ordered by the Commission or your local franchising authority to make refunds to subscribers, you are not relieved of your obligation to make such refunds regardless of whether the permitted rate may be higher than the contested rate or your current rate. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE TITLE 18, SECTION 1001), ANDIOR FORFEITURE (U.S. CODE, TITLE 47, SECTION 503). I certify that the statements made in this form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith. Name of the Cable Operator Signature G TCI CABLEVISION OF NORTHSHORE Data i ' I I�-t C1 Trtl° NANCY C. URPHY rAISM RATE SPECIALIST FCC Form 1200 Page 8 Excel 4.0 Win., Version 2.0 May 1994 Federal Commmiutimn Commission Wnhimglem, D.C. 205$+ ,. FORM 1205 DCTERMD4IMG REGULATED EQWMEMF AND INSTALLATION COSTS 'EQMPMENT FORM" mmity Unia tdmdw ( ) ofcjbk eves Dome of Forms nriam 7x0710 owa&" area TO CAVt.EVLSION 0F: TEXAS INC. Mrlmg AAdoesso of Cable FORCE ST. M HOUSTON ' Tx MIS. Me ad Tub of Perron ec mpkting thus fam: OL O.C. MGR --I ehghamo err m veer (713051-4611 t9 1 -2"16 1. Tbk form le bdmE flied: 1Eatar om "s" le the appMrims boil QIN eaajonetkm with FCC Form 1200. FCC Fmm 1220, or FCC Form 1225. Anaeh the aomplaad FCC Form 120, FCC Form 1220, or FCC Form 1225 le 60 fiver of this farm. OR r7lm order IN fdrdl FCC W= "amag m mmd filing of this form Enter dcedms No which 5,ss krt Mod do form (tatdddyy) 11 Noce: This sbo%W be the dam oa which the races Tam jmdfiod, by amag a dor FCC Farm 797 or the prior filing of Ibis form, were ce dTaL L Eater she date m which Yee slowed your boots for the fatd Yeer «flamed In this fenm: 12n 1197 (am/ddlyY) Note: Tks will iednale the nod of the 12- th fiscal Year fa whirl ym are fdceg this farm. 7. Indicate Ike corporate stows of yme able sYnem (Facer m "a" IN the terra" beat X C- Capaaom SokkWW S corpaoimt Parceeehip Sok Pmp oews"hip Ocher 1PIwa expleiR belowj Apposed by; OMB 70604M Expirm: V20A7 FCC Fero 1203 Pose I Exact 4 .0 Wier. Vmiao 2.0 May 1994 Federal Cammwmdou Commioion Wmhim m, D.C. 2033+ Appovd by: OMB 7060-392 EWpm: 1130,97 • Specify: Odw 1. Specify: OOtec 2. SCHEDULE H: ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSES FOR SERVICE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF COMMENT A Annaal Op. Eap m foe Sn. lnalap. -d MeinL of E." . A a-diiu I Utilities I Odw Tana 1. S beta. ' ,'o 7299.392,17 $17,9/7.33 70.00 $27.311.07 $26,193.11 $32.732.03 B GRAND TOTAL I of Lie A enrial SM.616M uea J. Spo&y:Oiff 1. CONTRACT LABORKONVERTER MAINTENANCE Spaif!,: odw 2. VEHICLE EXPENSES FCC Form 1203 Pala 2 Eaml 4 .0 Win, Vanioa 2.0 :ter 1991 1I J Fedmal CommucMam Cominum Wmhw4wk D.C. 20334 SCHEDULE C: CAI TAL COSTS OF LEASED CUSTOMER i UIFMENT A Unwired Homo WWimims muck im ex i mioel Remme 1 Rmaae 2 Re-me 3 Curve s 1 Cmvamr 2 Coe•xnm 3 I Odw i. S Tow Mai"wMMswWM Home Ansh emiao D. Awme Hoar w AddiueedCmaatimbMallatim ROMMM SCPAraft Inmallmim mue► a emrnl E Othalawllmin Ixm T• Imm 1. S C TOW 4 of Vain in Service 1754, Hour ger Iamallmim fmwh M ex 1973. 446. d') D GmuBook Valor $31,231,34 hem 3. S $190710.03 1200131.15 A%wmc Haas E IA=muimW Demai ris S28.148.76 S171.816.701 S180371.351 F Defrred Taxes St77.64 1 11072.53 S1,125.341 G NmB -AVde E+Fl 90694 KOO 50.00 SI7730.0 519627,76 SIM 50.00 H Grossed -U Rme of Reuse mm Scholl. A Lim H 41387 I Rehan m leeeamem C—ad-Uo far Tam IG x M SW3.254t $0.00 $0.001 462.4136 1 S2.514,0693 50.00 $0.00 1 Cwrem Peoviriaa far poprMIMM $1191,22 1 S7,274.001 S7,633.361 I K Amend C*W Cam 11 +21 51391.4748 -50.00 5400 - 59,736.1156 510.204221 50.00 $0.00 L GRAND TOTAL paw of l:ae K ends 52/318.7147 i -rra SCHEDULE O. AVERAGE HOURS PER INSTALLATION A. A• Now: w Unwired Homo WWimims muck im ex i mioel B. AwMe Han per PmWimd Home ImtelWiin much e a immiml C. A Howe w Additional Comeedw Iaraltmim m Time of laitid Iamdlmim Mwh a eWmauml D. Awme Hoar w AddiueedCmaatimbMallatim ROMMM SCPAraft Inmallmim mue► a emrnl E Othalawllmin Ixm T• Imm 1. S ,N A%Wnc Hour ger Iamallmim fmwh M ex lure 2. (S d') AverWilmn In"Imim muck M ex Ieation hem 3. S d`1 A%wmc Haas per ImWta►m jetwh M ea —tiara • Pa¢ 3 Excel 4 0 Wm. VM" 2.0 Appm•ed by: OMB 3060-0592 Expiim: 44097 FCC Faw 1203 May 1994 • 0 Federal Co wieaoow Cammlmkn Wnhimg . D.C. 20534 WORKSHEET FOR CA14WTING PERMFFTED EQUIP= AND INSTALLATION CHAR ES 6. Ueifom HSC for all OuaBadow (Fina Sup A.Ime 7) STEP A. Hwrh Semis Ct 9. Avomw Ckwo for laoallea Tsyn L Told CaMW Cmb of Im"a oe cad Maohomm Sehm" A Bw 11 SKU).ggt 2. TaW A..W Oomyot Emm for Irwdiam rd MaWmwoe Ischwals B Box 21 3161 16.09 7. ToW CmW Coo ad Opwaym Eywics for iuWixtiae aad Meimmww 1 + 4im 2 . .OJI 4. Cauamer Beippm ed Ieuallrion attach w ex a7. Cie per Unwed Hama IaumW ne 1a1 x a31 !. Aft"A Cumomar E4w9oHW Mus"now ad Ixu Asks CosM ExcbdialL of L=W EAmimmt lUm 3 x Lim 41 00 6. Total LA. H.. far Memba m and Inwllism of Cumow Emigum wd sawk b1.HSC Lips 71 W. AmW Han va P-d Flame Immlanan d c dulo D, Lim B) 7. Homhr Serriee paw ma ajoe s& w 6 ) 1 MVAI METHOD OF BILLING FOR INSTALLATIONS (plas w "a" i cheapprpriale bex) IWallmi I," by de Jar bmd an da HSC cakdabd i Lie 7. Inadtriao billed m a M.A" STEP B. lsmallo tea Chug 6. Ueifom HSC for all OuaBadow (Fina Sup A.Ime 7) OR 9. Avomw Ckwo for laoallea Tsyn L Unwind Hone lntallm ■1. HSC [Lime 71 dD1VA1 -.. . Q. A. Haw pw Unwvad Fiona IowlWiw (Sandde D, Lis A) a7. Cie per Unwed Hama IaumW ne 1a1 x a31 b. Pmwwed H mo ImWlabm b1.HSC Lips 71 W. AmW Han va P-d Flame Immlanan d c dulo D, Lim B) MAN a t W. Chmppa Pm -caved MomImWWdon 01% b2i e Addiummi Camocum leatakua o Tare of laiva) Inwllatk a cl. HSC Min 71 XXVA1 e2. Amp noun Ad&doed Canaeeooa Inu llmiw m Two of lair lmsidL lSebdek D. Lim C dh c3. Chmp pw Adhho" Caanecbm lnoWaoa m Time of ImAW Inmdlawn le I a o2 d. Addniwai Comccom kmtlalion Itmairiat Sevusc Immilada d1.KSC lUm ? /DIVAP •�,'h� Q. A Han Addimai Cenmcea Imudlmiea Req. Sep. Inldl. Sc6Wok D. Lim D1 R x ,4 g ' M. Chmp pw Addkmel Common laudlmom Sgwme InaWlmiim Id I x d2 e- Other buuHmiem (As 2pectrod in ScUble 0. Line E cl. HSC Moo 71 fWAI - A e2. AvwW Haw pw Imullmim of bm I IScbW k D. Lim E. Ilm 11 C3. Chwp per In"amxoflwml If lxt2 0 HSC J AF - e3. Avemp Hamm p, ImulLmm of Imo 2 IkhWle D. Liao IL bem 2 4 d, per InmeOrno. d Itm 2 d � 431 eT. HSC ILim dD1VAt ed. AvwW Houn par Im W Imma of lum J Sandole D. Liar E, lum 31 0. A. Chwp pa tnmdlaoea of Item 3 e7 a A Pase 4 Eaml 10 Win. Venioa 10 Appm"w by: OMB 70600392 Exprs: VMT FCC Form 1207 Mry 1991 • Fads! Ca Wucsiaae Comsiuioe Wiiagtoa. D.C. 20554 STEP C. Ckrv. for = = mrs GIN.IM fsr earl a HieaMIF dWCVM a Cause I b R, 2 Re.ow 3 10. Tad MimardSavias Hos• C .ohms r 1c C Lisa 81 0: 4 . - - 4 Ii. HSC 101 tDIVAI H>IVA1 12. Tad Mai umacoSavko tat Was 10 x Line I I dDfVA! IMA 1WAP 13. Annul CAWW Can [ConnoWifts cokm fim SdwduN C. Lint KI 31 .1711 50.00 S0.00 14. Tad CopalR ®or Lrasl2 +Lino 13 SOMA. SIXVAI $DIVA* I!. NmhadUnin in Sarviea C tokm firm Liao Cl 1751. - R -' 0. Ib. Uai Caq ' IIILee 15 101 m 340D - 50.00 17. Rae Maa6 [Li. 1641211 PDIVAI - stool ,..> 5400 STEP D. arses for kned Co"crur Sna Cakelmu nomaW for emb dmWkmdv dilkreat a Cause I b Carawr 2 e Caawrw 3 11. Tod MimwanosrSwym Hare fCwmwmWft Mum from Sehedrtle C Liar III 4 IL '' Q. 19. HSC Itim 71 lgvm 1DIVAR ODIVA! 20. Tod MaetngwdSavia Coq iw It x 19 ADIVAN AWN PDIVI01 21. Aced CmPkfil Cam Cane oolrmn frrm Shcedub C. Lire KI JLML41561 31 17.1201 -50.00 U. Tow CON of Iona w Rijn 20+ Lim 211 SUVAN mvAR ` - #MM 23. NPmbar of Umin a Service C aolmn Ors Sdw ivk C Lief C �. 'S 4 21. UPi Coq Lem 22fi in 23 FDIV101 ;Rim -: `- -5400 23. Rue pa Maath Rise 241(124 amml /DIVAI $000 STEP E. O (w Olber Lead ■ .rat 31. Nasal Ckow 26- Tod MaiawamowSavm Heron a eehma from SchWale C Line BI 0. 27. MSC Leo 71 IDIVIM 20, Tai MgmummwSornmCom Mirw 26. Lee 271 NWA! 29. Annual ' Cagr fns Scbe&lo C Lie K $0,00 30. Ted Cod of Ecia4mod Mim 20+Lea 29 6d VA[ 3, . Nmbad i calms km Schedule C Lim C 4 32. UitCm 30hLes3l 36e. Acp woo 33- Paw Momb 32K123 $400 METHOD OF RlL1JNG FOR CHANGING SERVICE lnEMS OR EQUIPMENT Iplare u "e" is the apprpriaw Ma( a a Nosimal Chrp (Bur dw s mml olrgm a Lem 31) a • Usifas Hwmy Saves CMp a -Am (Enw be A%wW Hain for Chwging Smvies Tian it Liao 366.) STEP F.O f*r Cbamdet Smim Tim w gqv l 31. Nasal Ckow for Cbmwft Sariea Ten lfvwsaa erglotims wAk ofckwm 0= m "emdwbwat*A ght. OR 35 U0&mHbmiySwiwCh OR 36. AmwoCbw=rw SwvwTin 36a dD1VA1 -. 36b. Awap Hom w Ckmp Swvm Tire 36e. Acp Ckwr fa Chasms Saga Tien IL- 36a x Lim 36b( Appioved by: OMB 3060-0!92 EVm: IAOr97 FCC Paw 1205 Page 5 F.-I 4.0 Win. Vatic 2.0 May 1991 Fodaal COmm..wAb .a Cammiaioa WM61ppa. D.C. 20334 • WORIL4HEP1' FOR TING AL AND INSTALLATION COSTS _CA L TOW Cokid Can of hmaBrio. and M4irra.a b A Bn l 2 Tad Alta! for J awl P. atl Ma'srr.�p Sebad., B Box 21 W.981 3. Ton! A..P.I C Cam of Iulatktkm mid M ' 3461016.09 1 + L. 2 90Q0)1 4. Cumms ma11 aaaci !. Am" C 0.37n MMWAWm W4IYUIIn m lath. Cand! trod 3197 . S! ' 3aLis1 6. Taal ' ComdLamal Cammer SrM" C Bo.3 ). Amaral Cosomw a.. i.rldla4ie. I Mike s + 6 192 ,. Albaro. F7axiisa - w iva tdWA 1 s23l17 9. ABocmad A.r.l Li..7 P I. Lim t f2 U .! 7 10. Mo.diiv ridfaWiria. MIDI II. N.mbarof Subscri- 31i 7. 29 is Fraaeiiae 12. mondav P.d bPAaB— 10613. Lme 10/ La ! 1 1.6,6) U. IeOatiau Faemr Sac Lmratiaa 14 A " Mod* FAN40mm Pad bmWtapea Car S.bombw " 12 % Lim 13 1.6163 1. AFpavW bv: OMB 30640392 Equa: 4130/97 Pa ;e 6 Ewd 4,0 Wm, Va 20 FCC Far 120s Mr 1994 Federal Commaai AWM CammiSmo Wmhagtaa• D.C. 20331 Ah IM SUMI C■ems Evolpoossat ad laaago ie. Rata Permatad Aemd I Clsocles fa Coble Servies lastoUsti ar a HauN Rte lSwo A. Line T b. Avenac l"Asoua 0—s- I. Installation of Unwired Homo fSft B Line 9a3 2. lepallstion of Pmvead Hares 1Sftq B Lia69b3 3. Tagdlation of Addiaimnl Caanoction trim of laidal Isgdlaticn I B Lies %3 A. TaatdlaAOn ofAddsmssi Caeneetioea gowsoift Separm Imtoll ISMP B Line 903 3. Other lnmalltim+ r f 1 ISwD B Lim 9e3 949 b. C. 2. Morhk Cbsw frr Lear of Rsmre Convah fStap Q Line I7 cobamm ac Remas Coeval Two 1: Remale Coavd T. 2: =0.0 Rsmota Cored T, 3: U00 3. MoathW Cbam for Lome of Cen,ermr Bona D Line 25 cdamm ac Constar Box En 1: 00[VI01 Coatehur On Two 2: MyMI coa.erta Box T, 3: SOB0 r. MoahNr fa Lem of OLbw E Lam 33 Other E i S lA•1 .00 3. Ch ferCha Tim ide-i(Step F Uw34 33 or Mc LABOR COST AND POLICY CHANCES ladies ye r answer u dm fdbwwg duo 9acsiam by placing m'x n Om apprapnme boa I Have yea o¢ladd ale lobar cam w000 med with mbeeaiber esblo dwq we yew da.ga for heal amullatace? 8NO NO v yea apWind the lobe cow a®cuded with subscriber cable dmpa7 YES NO 3. if 5m has fled Ibis farm befoen babe ,You ahaaged any Poiioy, e.s.. coq aaeYmisg af*ou dloeabee Wt eanma se inemma u the oqs iocludad m abe maptaboa of egmpmml mad as lallatiom ckncs? R XYES (Yes moq mash a fall explantno) NO CERTIFICATION STATEMETT • Approved by: OMB 3060-0392 Expua: V30197 FCC Farm 1203 Page 7 Exact 4 0 Wia• Ymaar 2.0 May 1994 Headend Name: RAYTOWN, TX Headend Number. HOS%A FCC FORM 1205 WORKSHEET FOR CALCULATING TOTAL EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION COSTS ATTACHMENT LINE 4 LINE 1. Box I of Schedule A S 56,883.98 LINE 2. Percentage of Line 1 equipment involved in maintenance and installation activities 0.2556 LINE 3. Schedule A customer equipment maintenance and installation dollars (Line I x Line 2) S 14,539.55 LINE 4. Schedule B Analysis End column total $ 183,764.69 LINE 5. Annual customer equipment maintenance and installation costs Line 3 + Line 4) S 197,304.24 LINE 6. Box 1 of Schedule A S 56,883.98 LINE 7. Schedule B Analysis 100% column total S 464,016,09 LINE 8. Total capital costs and operating expenses for installation and maintenance S 520,900.07 LINE 9. Customer equipment and installation percentage. Line 4 (Lire 5 / Line 8) 0.3788 SCHEDULE B ANALYSIS INSTALL/ 100% MAINT % END LINE 10. Technical Salaries S 275,110.68 0.2556 S 70,318.29 LINE 11. Comract Labor S 79,127.19 1.0000 $ 79,127.19 LINE 12. Maintenance/Openaing Material S 17,280.98 0.2556 S 4,417.02 LINE 13. Freight S 706.37 0.2556 S 180.55 LINE 14, Convener Maintenance S 7,065.95 1.0000 S 7.065.95 LINE 15, Vehicle Ex as & Oil $ 19,109.35 0.2556 S 4,884.35 LINE 16, Vehicle Ex Repairs & Tires S 13,622.70 0.2556 $ 3.491.96 LINE 17, Vehicle Rental $ 0.00 0.2556 $ 0.00 LINE 18. Employee Benefits S 24,481.80 0.2556 S 6,257.55 LINE 19. Payroll Taxes $ 27,511.07 0.2556 S 7,031.83 LINE 20. Total $ 464,016.09 192,764.69 Page - 0 • TELE- COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FCC FORM 120 PREPARATION DOCUMENTATION This memo will serve to document, in general terms, the steps and methodologies behind the preparation of FCC Form 1205 for systems owned and /or managed by Tele- Communications, Inc. Documentation will cover only those lines requiring manual or computer input and not those lines that are calculated mathematically or by obtaining information from another line. FCC Form 1205 is being prepared in accordance with the "General Instructions for Attachment of FCC Form 1205, Determining the Costs of Regulated Cable Equipment and Installation," page 9, Form 1200 instructions. Such instructions indicate that if the reporting unit's rates have been restructured to back out equipment and installation at cost based on, a fiscal year for which the books have been closed prior to March 31, 1994 then that data may be utilized to complete a single Form 1205. Accordingly, TCI has utilized the equipment and installation cost data included in the reporting unit's FCC 393 for purposes of preparing the Form 1205 filed in conjunction with the reporting unit's Form 1200. The following schedules and worksheets are not completed for each reporting unit since the Form 1205 has been prepared for the purpose of determining the cost of equipment and installation to back out from rates on Line. D2 or Line E2 and on Line I2 of Form 1200, rather than to establish equipment and installation rates: Schedule D: Average Hours Per Installation Worksheet for Calculating Permitted Equipment and Installation Charges Summary Schedule The cost data, subscriber information and converter unit information included in the Form 393s and utilized in the Form 1205s is included for the period closest to the initial date of regulation for which TCI had closed its books and for which the information is practically obtainable. The dates utilized are as follows: Initial Date of Regulation prior to January 31, 1994: Schedule A: Schedule B: Schedule C: Subscribers/ Converter Units: October 31, 1993 December 31,. 1992 October 31, 1993 September 30, 1993 Initial Date of Regulation after January 31, 1994: Schedule A: Schedule B: Schedule C: Subscribers/ Converter Units: December 31, 1993 December 31, 1993 December 31, 1993 December 31, 1993 or March 31, 1994 • SCHEDULE A - CAPITAL COSTS OF SERVICE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT AND PLANT Line A Represents the types of equipment necessary for installation and maintenance of cable facilities. TCI has identified these items as vehicles (accounts 2310.0000 and 2404.0000) and maintenance equipment (account 2300.0000). Line B Represents the gross book value of the equipment items listed in Line A at either October 31, 1993 or December 31, 1993. Gross book value is taken from the books and records of TCI. Line C Represents accumulated depreciation on the gross book value of the equipment items listed in Line A at October 31, 1993 or December 31, 1993. Accumulated depreciation is calculated using TCI's standard useful lives for the respective equipment items (5 years for vehicles and 10 years for maintenance equipment) on a straight -line basis (with half -year convention). Line D Represents the deferred tax balance associated with the items listed in Line A at October 31, 1993 or December 31, 1993. Deferred tax balances were calculated by multiplying the difference between the net book value and the net tax value by the sum of the Federal income tax rate (35 %) and the applicable state income tax rate (net of the Federal income tax benefit). Net tax value was calculated using gross tax value minus accumulated tax depreciation. Where there is more than one reporting unit in the accounting unit (an accounting unit is the level at which TCI has historically accounted for the accumulation of costs in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles), TCI has allocated gross book value, accumulated depreciation and net tax value based on the proportionate number of subscribers in the community unit (franchise area) to the total accounting unit. Line F Represents the required rate of return of 11.25%. Line G1 Represents the Federal income tax rate in effect during 1993 of 35 %. Line G2 Represents the reporting unit's applicable state income tax rate for 1993. Line G4a Represents 1993 interest expense for the entity (generally TCI) recognized for Federal and state income taxes purposes. Line G4b Represents total net assets of the entity noted in Line G4a. Total net assets equal total property, plant and equipment minus accumulated depreciation, and total intangibles minus accumulated amortization. Line G6b Represents distributions made by partnership or joint venture systems managed by TCI during the year ended December 31, 1993. Amounts are included only for reporting units that are part of a partnership or joint venture. Line G6c Represents contributions received (cannot exceed amounts included on Line G6b) • from those holding ownership interests in partnership or joint venture systems managed by TCI during the year ended December 31, 1993. Amounts are included only for reporting units that are part of a partnership or joint venture. 2 fcc t 205 v 1 6/14/94 • Line J Represents annual depreciation expense for the items listed in Line A. Depreciation expense is calculated using TCI's standard useful lives on a straight -line basis (with half -year convention). SCHEDULE B - ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSES FOR SERVICE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT AND PLANT Schedule B lists all annual operating expenses (excluding depreciation) for installation and maintenance of all cable facilities for the year ended December 31, 1992 or for the year ended December 31, 1993. Annual operating expenses for installation and maintenance of cable facilities are identified as technical salaries, contract labor, maintenance/operating material, freight, converter maintenance, vehicle expense -gas and oil, vehicle expense - repairs and tires, vehicle rental, employee benefits and payroll taxes. Technical salaries, contract labor, main tenance/operatina material, freight, converter maintenance, vehicle expense -gas and oil, vehicle expense- repairs and tires and vehicle rental expense amounts were obtained from the books and records of TCI. Employee benefits were calculated by multiplying the number of full time equivalent technical employees by $2,100 (estimated average employee benefits per TCI employee as calculated by TCI's risk management department). Payroll taxes were calculated by multiplying technical salaries expense by 10% (estimated average payroll tax percentage). SCHEDULE C - CAPITAL COSTS OF LEASED CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT Line A Represents customer equipment for which there is a separate charge. TCI identified remotes, standard converters and addressable converters as those items of equipment which will have a separate charge. Line B Total maintenance /service hours are not included in Schedule C since the monthly charge for remotes and converters is not being recalculated at this time (i.e. not the annual filing of Form 1205). Line C Represents the number of units in service as of September 30, 1993, December 31, 1993, or March 31, 1994. Line D Represents the gross book value of the equipment items listed in Line A at October 31, 1993 or December 31, 1993. Gross book value (account 2110.0000) is taken from the books and records of TCI. Line E Represents accumulated depreciation on the gross book value of the equipment items listed in Line A at October 31, 1993 or December 31, 1993. Accumulated depreciation is calculated using TCI's standard useful life for converters (5 years) on a straight -line basis (with half -year convention). Line F Represents the deferred tax balance associated with the items listed in Line A at October 31, 1993 or December 31, 1993. Deferred tax balances were calculated by multiplying the difference between the net book value and the net tax value by the sum of the Federal income tax rate (35 %) and the applicable state income tax rate • (net of the Federal income tax benefit). Net tax value was calculated using gross tax value minus accumulated tax depreciation. fcc 1205v 1 6/14/94 • Where there is more than one reporting unit in the accounting unit. TCI has allocated gross book value, accumulated depreciation and net tax value based on the proportionate number of subscribers or converter units in the community unit to the total accounting unit. TCI has historically recorded all costs associated with remotes, standard converters and addressable converters in one account (2110.0000). Accordingly, to arrive at the gross book value, accumulated depreciation and net tax value, account 2110.0000 was allocated between remotes, standard converters and addressable converters proportionately based upon estimated fair values. Estimated fair values are calculated by taking estimated costs for remotes ($7), standard converters (S38) and addressable converters ($93) multiplied by the number of units in service. The proportionate fair value for each item to the total fair value was then multiplied by the total gross book value, total accumulated depreciation or total net tax value to arrive at the allocated amounts. Line J Represents annual depreciation expense for the items listed in Line A. Depreciation expense is calculated using TCI`s standard useful life for converters on a straight - line basis (with half -year convention). WORKSHEET FOR CALCULATING TOTAL EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION COSTS Line 4 Represents the percentage of costs and expenses entered on Line 3 (total annual capital costs of installation and maintenance) that relate to the maintenance of customer equipment and customer installations used to receive basic tier services. Calculated as the sum of the total of Box I of Schedule A and Box 2 of Schedule B (multiplied by the percentage of time technical employees spend maintaining customer equipment and performing service installation used to receive the basic service tier) divided by the total of Box 1 of Schedule A plus Box 2 of Schedule B. Line 8 Represents the percentage allocation of Line 7 (annual customer equipment and installation costs) to the reporting unit. The allocation percentage for all TCI Form 1205s is 1.00 since the amounts included in Schedules A, B and C are already allocated to the reporting unit level. Line 11 Represents the number of basic subscribers to the reporting unit as of September 30, 1993, December 31, 1993, or March 31, 1994. Such dates approximate the dates of the information in Schedules A and C. The subscribers shown should generally equal the basic subscribers included in the reporting unit's FCC 393, Line 103. Line 13 Represents the inflation adjustment factor. The factor of 1.00 was utilized since the information included in Schedules A and C (and Schedule B in certain cases) is for a period ending after September 30, 1993 (October 31, 1993 or December 31, 1993). 4 fcc 1205v l 6/14/94 FCC FORM 1215 A LA CARTE CHANNEL OFFERINGS Community Unit Identification Code Date 10 Name of Cable Operator ICY -C 8L V ISind OF TEx t Mailing Address NOOZ FORCE 'S-t9--,ET city / State Zi p Code I o•k t0N 770 1 Person to contact regarding this form: bagius Q. O,. oLiv6p, Telephone: Fax number 13 51- i L/51-2916 Local Franchisin Authority ei� F Mailing Address E T S1 PO. 86X (4caq City State Zip Code &4y4 x. -7 s a a, This form is being filed with respect to: (check one) ❑ Form 1200 Filing ❑ Form 1210 Filing • MU rUMM IZ10 WAN A, pr 1I I First -Sm Miss) Hadwdf The Information required for *Is form {Parts A, B and C) Is to he provided as of both April 1. 1993 and March 31,1994. • Each part specifically refers to one of these dates. Please note, that the FCC uses the term "channel" for whet we would refer to as " programmig". All references to channel are to he interpreted as programming services. 4 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. List the programming carrieden each tier of service offered on April 1, 1993. Place a P.T. next to any service carried part-time. 2 Use the acronyms provided when listing channel Iineupsjsee Attachmsent'A'). Use LOCACC, GOVTACC and EDUACC can signs for PEG programming. include broadcast channels using the appropriate call signs. 3. Place an asterisk next to anychannal carried that is also shown on Attadfinent "B" ;channels in which TCI holds a financial Interest). CHANNEL LINEUPS AS OF APRIL 1 1993 CHANNELS ON BASIC TIER a � CHANNELS ON TIER 2 :1 7- ,T IF TIER 3 d is SET T 6 UNT 1 CNIVA 7 V r SV 8CT P. T, 17 c 7 Etsuacc P. T. a Tw C KU 1A T a V N 0 SNf- A C C27— WGN 1d k&TV MTV a TIVIV TX ► F Nrck 3 SE �q N 3 EsP,v F-- Dsnots: TCI I= a fmsnasl WIN ME channel Conj4j tJUE b N E) r PACE i Fust•da. Rii■s I The information required for Ala form (Parts A. B and C) is to be provided as of both April 1, 1993 and March 31, 1394. Each part specifically refers to sqo of these date& Please note, that the f CC uses the term "channel" for whet we would refer to as "programming ". All references to channel are to be interpreted as programming service& INSTRUCTIONS: 1. List the programming carried on each tier of service offered on April 1, 1993. Place a P.T. next to any s"ce carried part.time. 2 Use the acronyms provided a6m listing channel lineups (see Attadunent'A'1. Use LOCACC, GOVTACC and EDUACC cap signs for PEG programming. bdude broadcast channels using the appropriate call signs. 3. Place an asterisk next to say channel carried that is also shown on Attachment 'B' (channels in which TCI holds a financiai Interest). CHANNELS ON BASIC TIER ' -0mous TCI has a fnandal i damtindiia dwmW fANNEL LINEUPS OF APRIL 1. 1993 CHANNELS ON TIER 2 I FIM-daw Meg I nemosw_L[Q :i i y 44 The information required for tie form (Parts A. 0 and C) Is to be provided as of both April 1. 1893 and March 31, 1994.. • Each part specifically refers to ape of these dates. Please note, that the FCC uses the term "channel" for what we would refer to as "programming". All references to channel are to be interpreted as programming services. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. List the programming carried an each tier of service offered on March 31, 10114. Place a P.T. next to any service carried part.time. 2 Use the acronyms provided when listing channel lineups (see Attachment 'A'). Use LOCACC, GOVTACC and EOUACC call signs for PEG programming. Include broadcast channels using the appropriate call signs. 3. Place an asterisk next to any channel carried that is also shown on Attachment 080 (channeb in which TCI holds a financial interastl. ANN" UNEUPS AS OF MARCH 31.199A CHANNELS ON BASIC TIER CHANNELS ON TIER 2 a 9FTIUER CO Tv SNEPK a q J5 u F S PAI 7 Uluj 6 NN aZ N 9 KTX H a Hsi KPRQ, a9 sc z V McK 13 KT8 L r7 m# 15 x L. N TM b wc I 19 S N � KTF T✓ 37 C 8c -0«wtf TCI RW a MUMS Mt@Md ■ iU CROVIN CoNTINUEt,� lvaxr -PAGF- ( Rrst Vaw Alice 1 f���4A- The Information required for We farm (Parts A, 8 and C) is to he provided a: of he & Apra 1. 1283 and March 31, 1094. Each part specifically refers to one of then dat*L Please note, that the FCC ttan the term "channel" for what we would refer to as "progrananW. All references to channel are to he iaterp"W as pre2ramming servicaa. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. fist the programming carried m each tiar of service offered an Mardi 31, 1994. Plan a P.T. text to any service Carried part•tima. 2. Use the acronyms provided when listing dismal Gnwnps (see Attadunent VA.). Use fOCACC, GOVTACC and EDUACC call signs for PEG programming. Include broadcast Channels using the apprapdsts cad signs. 3. Place an asterisk next to any dams! Carded that is also shown on Attadnmwit "B" (Channels in which TCI holds a finandal intarestl. CHANNELS ON BAZ 71ER ' -Owwus Tri hu a fran" inurm Liss thane✓ ' CHANNEL LINEUPS AS OF MARCH 31.1224 CHANNELS ON TIER 2 NR TIER 3 DURTTV Tien/ vc -I- M E-U Tv AI V TS A/ uE ARTSAND ENTERTAINMENT ANE AMERICAN MOVIE CLASSIC AUL AMERICA'S TAUQN4 ASSOCIATED PRESS A ASPff_ . ARIZONA SPORTS PROGRAMMING NETWORK BET BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION BLAZER SwLZER %SION BONJOUIL_ BOIl10UR BRAVIL— PERFORMING ARTS CAL SPAR_ CALIFORNIA LEGISHATURE CARIBSIEAN_ CARIBBEAN SATELLITE NETM NK CARTOON_ CARTOON NETWORK CN . CHARACTER GENERATED CHAHIB CNBQL=_ aBCAGOLANO TV CLASSAO_. CLASSDFO AD CHANNEL CSIGYII COUNTRY MUSIC TV CIIIW � CONSUMEN NEWS AND BUSINESS CHANNEL C111— CAKE NEWS NETWORK C IB _ CABLE NEINS NETWORK 2- HEADLINE CUM -- COMEOT CENTRAL CSPAN CONGRESSIONAL NEMAK- HOUR OF REPS. CSPANL_ CONGRESSIONAL NETWORK - SE RTE COUfTTY_ THE LEGAL CUIDIEL DISNEY— THE ODSS 0 CHANNEL 02C THE DIBINIVENTCHANNIM EDUACC_ E0UCA711NAL ACCESS C HANNORM ENIlPw _ -- EMPIRE SPORTS NETWORK ERG_ ENCORE EM ELECTRONIC PROGRAMMING SURE ESPR2 am EW=_ ETERNAL WORLD TELVISION NETWORK FAM FAMILY CHANNEL FASW_,.,...- FAMtLV CHANNEL FOOOCNAR_ THE FOOD CHANNEL FOX111 FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY F -- -- - -FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY GEMS<TV_ SPANISH LANGUAGE NETWORK COVTACC_ GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHAN119UP GI NBQ HOME BOX OFFICE NBOL_ BOOK BOX OFFICE 2 HBO!_ HOME BOX OFFICE ? IIBO•St__ HOME BOX OFFICE - SPANISH NS HOME SPORTS ENTERTAINMEiB NS ROME SHOPPING NETWORK NSB2_____- HOME SHOPPING NETWORK 2 NT HOME TEAM SPORTS w**+ THE INTSLRNATIONAL CIANIEL ITAUAIL_ THE ITALIAN CUIOO:L JADE__ THE JADE CHAMla KK_ KJSI. SPORTS NETMRK KCC_ DENVER DEwtu DOVOI INIA_ 23M KWCB_ DENVER li UFETaw usTIN6 OF CHANNELS AND THEIR ACA01IYM3 LOCAcr. _ LOCAL ACCESS CHANNEL WfGI LlU LSU TISERYISION MA CINEMAX MUX4 -- CINEMAX- SPANISH Mm — . MIND EXTENSION UNIVERSITY MONSTOx THE MONITOR CHANNEL MRN —� MEADOWS RACHIG NETMIORK MSC_ � MIDWEST SPORTS CHARNEL Mme--- MADISON SQUARE GARDEN NETMIDAX Mole MADISON SNARE GARDEN NEiMIORK 2 :iY� MUSIC MUSIION MR -LAT —• MUSIC TELEVISION • LATINO NASA.,_ RASA NATV, ASIAN LANGUAGE NETIINORX BE NEWL_ NEW ENGLAND CABLE NEWS CHAD SSBX- -- NEW ENGLAND SPORTS NETWORK BG-- � NIPPON GOLDEN NETWORK Bec -- , IdcMOOEON WO We CHANNEL Lff-- RATIONALJEWNTV fOSTCN_ NOSTALGIA CHANNEL L PA*L— PRO-AM SPORTS I IS I par CABLE NM CHANNEL PLAYBOY OWNEL /ORTUOESE_ THE PORTUGESE CHANNEL MYPRE4L_. BUDGET UARKER MVPREL_ LOCAL PPV PMIME•i, NUSTAR PPY MEIWE FREYUE GLIDE CHAIM MlSM— SPORTS C AIOIEL PHNADELMDA P=4W PRIME SPORTS RETWOM KiERMOUNTADI WEST P=-MW PRIME SPORTS NEIWORK-AGOWEST P=4(W— PRIME SPORTS NETM 1111(4 MITHWEST P1114M PRIME SPORTS KTWORK• 1OCKY MOUNTAIN P='VNL— PRIME SPORTS NETWORK-UPPER IOOWEST PTL-- PRIME TICKET NETWORK Oyt QUALITY. YAWE & CONVENIENCE OYCFC� OVC FASHION CHANNEL Ww"EY REQUEST PREVIEW aUNNEI W SPORTS OMM AMERICA W CIL SPORTS CHA = CHCAGO lc,COIL_— SPORTS CHUM amm"TI S,_—. SPORTS CHANNEL FLOmuA E SPORTS NEW on" Y SPORTS CHAMtl R NEW SOAK $"N -- SPORTS owm ONO SuAC SPORTS CHANNEL PACIFIC SMFFT__ SCSENCE FICTION NETWM WOLA ,, SC01A SHOWTIME SBENT THE NLENT NETMI K CAE SNEAK PREVUE Sl SPORiSOUTH NETWORK SSARZ -- STARZ PAT SNRVICE SIU10=L— SUNS WRE NETWM TM— TRSMTT BROADCASTING NETWORK TCK— TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES TMMUL— TELEMUNOO To. THE INSPIRATIONAL NEiM rx nC.__ THE LEA uo au w a TMc __ THE MOVIE CHANRa TNN__ THE NASHVILLE xmNX M— TURNER NETWORK TE WSION TRACK SPORT TRACKER "c__ THE TRAVEL Cum T1NC— THE WEATHER CHANNEL IIBL._ WpVISION UPL_ UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL w%.__,. USA NETWORK VNL,.,,. VIDEO HITS T VWL— V WON HTIEAFAITH SATELM NETWORK VA _ VIDEO JUKEBOX NETWORK MIGL_ CHICAGO WWOR— NEW YORK WTlB&_ ATLANTA OTNM 0%fte sk my odd ohami Nt 6 A4 1. 7v iFN - Tv Fop D N S=Tµ:, K I� L 2. 4L 0 ATTACHMENT B .t 1N WHICH TCI HAS A FINANCLALL LNUREST (If tlr-W chancels appear on FCC Form 1215 Part A pages 1 and/or 2 PLI= an asterisk n= to tho appropriate acronym on those castes) I. AINIC 17. TNT 2. BET 18. VJN 3. CARTOON r 19. HSE 4. CNN 20. HTS 5. CO[JIZTTY 21. KBL 6. bSC 22 PRISM. 7. El 23. PSN IW S. ENC 24. PSN MW 9. FAM 25. PSN RM 10. CNN2 26. PSN NW 11. HSNI 27. PSN UM 12. HSM 28. SUNSHDM 13. QVC 29. SC-CH 14. QVCFC 30. SC-PAC 15. TES 31. SS 16. TLC • 0 FCC FORM 1215 (Part B, page 1) ( First4ime Filing) INSTRUCTIONS: Headend# H052 Y & yfow n 1. Add any a la carte channels) carried that are not listed. Include each multiplexed version of a single channel (for example, HBO, HB02 and HB03). 2. List the number of subscribers and charge for each a la carte channel. To avoid double counting Include only those subscribers taking the individual service. Count subscribers as you would for the MSR (for example, if a bulk account has 250 units taking HBO add those 250 units to your residentlal subscriber count). Exclude franchise fees from the rates. If a listed channel Is not carried enter N/A In the appropriate boxes. 3. Place an wAw in the Equipment Column next to any channel that requires an addressable converter. CHANNELS OFFERED A LA CARTE APRIL 1.1993 Channels EQUIP.* Subscribers Charge 1. HBO 1739_ S 1j. 7$ 2. DISNEY 3 1 8 $ 102.0 9 3. MAX a $ 1a.33 4. SHO 6 a 0 s 3 s. TMC s 1 6. ENCORE a o y s . q6 7. PLA NIA s NIA 8. STARZ A s Others: 9• $ 10. $ 11. $ 12. $ 13. $ 14. $ 15. _ Tiaw de A ae uie r-qurpmem Loiumn next to any channel requiring an addressable converter. Indicate the rates for the following: Upgrade (truck roll -out) �9 C), cO Upgrade (no truck roil -out) A JL Downgrade (track roll-out)-A41&— Downgrade (no truck roll -out) 12&— fCC FORM 1215 (Part B, page 2) Headend*jjo � • INSTRUCTION (First -time Filing) BAyfo W,') S: i1. Add any a la carte channel(s) carried that are not pre- printed on this form.listed. Include each multiplexed version of a single channel (for example, HBO, HB02 and HB03). 2. List the number of subscribers and charge for each a la carte channel. To avoid double counting Include only those subscribers taking the Individual service and not those who will be counted In Part C of this form (a la carte package subscribers). Count subscribers as you would for the MSR (for example, If a bulk account has 250 units taking HBO add those 250 units to your residential subscriber count). Exclude franchise fees from the rates. If a listed channel Is not carried enter NIA In the appropriate boxes. 3. Place an "A' In the Equipment Column next to any channel that requires an addressable converter. CHANNELS OFFERED A LA CARTE ON MARCH 31,1994 Channels EQUIP.- f Subscribers 1. HBO s 2. DISNEY l 9 $ 1 Q 3. MAX $ a. 4.SHO —953--s 5. TMC 59 $ . 3 8. ENCORE a s f� y 7. KA N s A 8. sTARZ 7 s 14. 7 _S 1. 3. 14. Ej S • 'Place an W in the Equipment Column next to anyy channel requiring an addressable converter. Indicate the rates for the following: Upgrade (truck roll- out) / r�S(v Upgrade (no truck roll -out) Downgrade (truck roil- out) / >f-6-_ Downgrade (no truck roll -ot t) FCC FORM 1215 (PART C, page 1) Headend#-BD aly (First4ime Filing) INSTRUCTIONS: BA Y +own • 1. Add any other a Is carte packages not listed. Do not Include packages that contain only multiplexed versions of a single channel ( for example. Include a package of HBO, H802 and Disney but do not Include a package consisting of HBO, HB02 and H803j i 2. List the number of subscribers and charge associated with each package. For example, add together all subscribers taking any 2 Pay Package such as HBO/SHO, H80/TMC, HBO/DtS etc., and enter the total subscribers. Exclude franchise fees from the rates. If a listed package is not offered enter "WA' In the apropriate boxes. 3. Place an "M" in the Equipment Column need to any package that may require an addressable converter. This will occur when a package Is made up of various programming services and at least one of these services requires an addressable converter (for example, if a systems a Is carte channel offering consists of HBO which Is addressable and SHO and TMC which are hard - trapped the system would place an 'M" In the 2 Pay Equipment Column and an 'A' In the 3 Pay Equipment Column). If all combinations of a Is carte services making up a Pay Package require an addressable converter enter an W In the Equipment Column. (FEO:NA CKAGE S OFFERED RIL 1.1993 Packages EQUIP' Subscribers Charge 1.2 Pay Package SSa $ 2. 3 Pay Package s . Ti 3. 4 Pay Package s . 4. 5 Pay Package 5. 2 Pay with Encore 5 GLi $ 19.q0 6. 3 Pay with Encore 7. 4 Pay with Encore CIO a S $ 0 $ CkLaL 8. 5 Pay with Encore 5 = j 9. HBO with Encore :535 s 1 A.79 10. SHO with Encore 11. DIS with Encore ) 7 $ 9 1 s 3 s 12. TMC with Encore a9 s 13. MAX with Encore c0 $ $ Others: (Attach additional bt if necessary) 14. $ 15, $ 16, s 17. s 18. $ 19. $ 20. $ 'Place an M n the u pmerst Column next to any package that may require an addressable converter. 'Place an "A' In the Equipment Column next to any package requiring an addressable converter. Indicate which individual services are offered in the Packages listed above (Not Combinations of Services): FCC FORM 1215 (PART C, page 2) ( First-time Filing) INSTRUCTIONS: Headend#-� '9q 6Ay +oLon 1. Add any other a la carte packages not listed. Do not Include packages that contain only multiplexed versions of a single channel (for example, include a package of HBO, H802 and Disney but do not Include a package consisting of HBO, H802 and HB03). 2. test the number of subscribers and charge associated with each package. For example, add together all subscribers taking any 2 Pay Package such as 1-18061-10, HBOITMC, HBO/DIS etc., and enter the total subscribers. Exclude franchise fees from the rates. If a listed package is not offered enter "WA" In the appropriate boxes. 3. Place a "M' in the Equipment Column next to any package that May require an addressable converter. This will occur when a package is made up of various programming services and at least one of these services requires an addressable converter (for example, If a systems a is carte offerings consist of HBO which Is addressable and SHO and TMC are hard4rapped the system would place an "W In the 2 Pay EquipmenfColumn and an "A" in the 3 Pay Equipment Column). If all combinations of a la carte services making up a Pay Packe ere uire an addressable converter enter "A" in the Equipment Column. A LA CARTE PACKAGES OFFERED CH 31 1994 Packages EQUIP.* Subscribers Charge 1. 2 Pay Package W IRO s 1 2. 3 Pay Package Lo 1 = . 3. 4 Pay Package ao $ a 4. 5 Pay Package 16 s , y S. 2 Pay and Encore $ sy 0. 3 Pay and Encore 1 $ A 1 7. 4 Pay and Encore ll ! $ , 8. 5 Pay and Encore o $ 9. HBO and Encore 5 a 0 $ , 10. SHO and Encore 11. DIS and Encore 3 $ . 3 $ 1 12. TMC and Encore CAS $ 13. MAX and Encore a s L-33 14. STARZ and Encore Others: Attach additional list If necessary) S Q $ q.9:57 15. $ 16. $ 17. $ 18. s 19• s o. s -mace an nn rn ine r-quip6mm Column nexi to any pacKage that MU require an addressable converter. `Place an W in the Equipment Column next to any package requiring an addressable converter. Indicate which a la carte services are available in the Packages listed above (Do not list combinations of services): I_ n, i L' r.... r%ic%m 44 so krart 0, Pagel) Headend7x_tjQ,-U1j ( First-time Filing) BAy%pu t1 INSTRUCTIONS: coun4 g y 1. Add any a la carte dhannel(s) carried that are not listed. Include each multiplexed version of a single channel for example. HBO, H802 and HBO3). 2. List the number of subscribers and charge for each a la carte channel. To avoid double counting Include only those subscribers taking the Individual service. Count subscribers as you would for the MSR (for example. If a bulk account has 250 units taking HBO add those 250 units to your residential subscriber count). Exclude franchise fees from the rates. If a listed channel is not carried enter WA in the appropriate boxes. 3. Place an W In the Equipment Column next to any channel that requires an addressable converter. CHANNELS OFFERED A LA CARTE ON APRIL 1 9993 Channels EQUIP.* Subscribers Charge 1. HBO 77 s IS. is 2. DISNEY $ /ca. y 5 3. MAX ! 0 $ l a. 7 4. SHO $ . 70 5. TIVIC $ 1 8. ENCORE $ . y 7. PLA $ 8. STARZ $ Others: 9. $ 11. $ 12. S 13. _ 14. 3 15. ..,._� __ .. ._ . . _ r aw an n M too r-quipmern c:owmn next to any channel requiring an addressable converter. Indicate the rates for the following: Upgrade (truck roll -out) Downgrade (truck roll- out)�j4_ Upgrade (no truck roll-out) /t)/14 Downgrade (no truck roll - out) _& / - - • - %. -.. r. rw� &I neaoenaw i r LD 7 Y ( First -time Filing ) b INSTRUCTIONS: 'y n — C, O u n Ty • 1. Add any a la colts channei(s) canted that are not pre- printed on this form.listed. Include each multiplexed version of a single channel (for example, HBO, H802 and H803). • 2. List the number of subscribers and charge for each a la carte channel. To avoid double counting Include only those subscribers taking the Individual service and not those who will be counted in Part C of this form (a la carte package subscribers). Count subscribers as you would for the MSR (for example, if a bulk account has 250 units taking HBO add those 250 units to your residential subscriber count). Exclude franchise fees from the rates. If a listed channel Is not carried enter WA In the appropriate boxes. 3. Place an W In the Equipment Column next to any channel that requires an addressable converter. HANNEt.3 OFFERED A LA CARTE ON M111arm �� �oa� n °I ..ec "UIPI]ern 4.owmn next to any channel requiring an addressable converter. Indicate the rates for the following: Upgrade (tnx* roll -out) 1( � Upgrade (no truck roll -out) Downgrade (truck roll- out) —LLj(n Downgrade (no truck roil -out1 ,v Cho e Channels EQUIP.* Subscribers 1. HBO 5 S 1A. 15 2. DISNEY i . y S 3. MAX S . 7 4. SHO s % .70 S. TIMC O s O S. ENCORE s 7. PIA N s 8. STARZ 0 s j Others: 9. s 10. $ 11. _ 12- $ 13. $ 14. _ 15. _ *019fy an .e" In 4k- n °I ..ec "UIPI]ern 4.owmn next to any channel requiring an addressable converter. Indicate the rates for the following: Upgrade (tnx* roll -out) 1( � Upgrade (no truck roll -out) Downgrade (truck roll- out) —LLj(n Downgrade (no truck roil -out1 ,v C7 ( First -time Filing) INSTRUCTIONS: C. o LA (1 I. Add any other a Is carte packages not listed Do not include packages that contain only multiplexed versions of a single channel ( for example, Include a paeka�go of H80, H802 and Disney but do not Include a packago consisting of H80, H802 and H803). 2 Ust the number of subscribers and Burge associated with each package. For example, add together all subscribers taking any 2 Pay Package such as HBOMHO, HBOf MC, HBO/DIS eta, and enter the total subscribers. Exclude franchise tees from the rates. If a listed package is not offered enter'WA' in the apropriate boxes. 3. Place an 'W In the Equipment Column nod to any package that may require an addressable converter. This will occur when a package Is made up of various programming services and at least one of these services requires an addressable converter (for example, if a systems a to carte channel offering consists of HBO which is addressable and SHO and TMC which are hard - trapped the system would place an 'M' In the 2 Pay Equipment Column and an 'A' In the 3 Pay Equipment Calumn). If all combinations of a Is carte services making up a Pay Package require an addressable converter enter an 'A' In the Equipment Column. A LA CARTE PACKAGES OFFERED ON APRIL 1, 1993 Packages E EQUIP.* S Subscribers C Charge 1. 2 Pa Package I I S S 1 q0 2. 3 Pay Package S S a 3. y 0 3. 4 Pay Package s s as. i3 4. 5 Pay Package O O S S . 5. 2 Pay with (Encore t t S S i Is 8. 3 Pay with Encore 7. 4 Pay wish Encore S S 9• y0 S. 5 Pay with Encore j j s s . y0 9. HBO with Encore a a s s ! V. % 5 10. SHO with Encore S S /3.70 11. DIS with Encore = = 3. y5 12 TMC with Encore 0 0 $ $ 1 . 70 13. MAX with Encore $ $ 3.70 Others: (Attach additional list If necessary) 14. s s 15. _ _ is. $ $ 17. $ $ 19. $ $ 20' ` $ P ` C Anent olumn now to any package that may require an addressable converter. 'Place an 'A' in the Equipment Column next to any package requiring an addressable converter. Indicate which individual services are offered in the Packages listed above (Not Combinations of Services): !n _\ n FCC FORM 1219 (PART C, page 2) ( Fimt4ime Filing) INSTRUCTIONS: Headend#_aQ,Y COUn� y • 1. Add any other a to carte packages not listed. Do not Include packages that contain only multiplexed versions of a single channel (for example, Include a package of HBO. HB02 and Disney but do not Include a package consisting of HBO. HB02 and HB03). 2. Ust the number of subscribers and charge associated with each package. For example. add together all subscribers taking any 2 Pay Package such as HBOMHO, HBOITMC, HBOMIS etk., and enter the total subscribers. Exclude franchise tees from the rates. If a listed package is not offered enter "WIA" In the appropriate boxes. �. 3. Place a "M' in the Equipment Column next to any package that Ma require an addressable converter. This will occur when a package is made up of vadow programming services and at least one of these services requires an addressable converter (for example, if a systems a Is Corte offerings consist of HBO which is addressable and SHO and TMC are hard - trapped the system would place an `M' in the 2 Pay Equipment Column and an OR in the 3 Pay Equipment Cotumnj If all combinations of a to carte services making up a Pay Package require an addressable converter enter "A" In the Equipment Column. A LA CARTE PACKAGES OFFERED ON MARCH 31,1994 Packages EQUIP.* Subscribers Charge 1. 2 Pay Package s 2. 3 Pay Package S a 0 3. 4 Pay Package S 'a . 140 4. 5 Pay Package 0 s 3 a. y0 5. 2 Pay and Encore AO S 19. q0 8. 3 Pay and Encore $ ag. q0 7. 4 Pay and Encore 3 $ 01 9. q0 a. 5 Pay and Encore 0 $ 9. HBO and Encore 1 10. SHO and Encore 3 f , 11. DIS and Encore $ ' . qS 12. TMC and Encore $ . 70 13. MAX and Encore S 1. 70 14. STARZ and Encore 1 7 s q. 9 S Others: (Attach additional list K necessary) 15. $ 16. $ 17. $ 1a. S 0. $ viFaGi7 Fall m 41 U16 V-14uloll -ai[ %oulumij nc;a to any pacrcage (hat MU require an addressable converter. `Place an 'A' In the Equipment Column nerd to any package requiring an addressable converter. Indicate which a to carte services are available In the Packages listed above (Do not list combinations of services): . 1n_ - , • -