Ordinance No. 6,842ORDINANCE' NO. 12,291 AN C)RI-->INANCY` OF CC)UNC11- Of,' IAAY'I'C)WN, -l'EXAS, /\.r\4L- -'NDiN0 "I `III OF-ulClAI- ZONINO N/lAP 01-- Cl'[-"Y C)T;" FIAY']'(.-)WN CONCER-NINCY Al"PROXIMATEL.,Y A 10.01 -ACIZE' PARCE'L, 01" 1,AND I.-OCATE-1-LD 2,0C)O FEL-1-1- WI---'S-l- C)F SUI 146 YNDJACEN-l- -YC) -rHF- IN-1'ERS-f'A'f'l-,-1 10 EASTBOUND ROAD, BAYTOWN, 1-1AP-RIS couN,t,y, EX S, T'O SUCH l"R,C)PER.'YY FROM C)PEN (C) R) ZONING; I'DISTRIC-1, YO C!ENl.L'RAl, C,C)MN4FP,-C'1/\,-I.- (GC) ZC)TjlNC! F)IS-1-RICT" PRESCRIBINC, Y-,, MAXIN41JN4 PtENA.1-TY OF 'I-WO '-lTIOUSA-ND .NI) T-JO/100 1-3C)1-1-,A�12..S ($2,000.00)- PIZOVII31-NG A R'F1l-"l--'.AL.IN0 CL,ATJSL,; C-7,C)NI'AI1`*.TINC-1 A SAVIXG.� Cl,,ALJSfH--1 AND PROVIOI-NCI FOIZ PUBEICATIC)'NT ANL--') FFFI.CTIVI-1' * I. P * * * I. .41. -.J,' '44: * .a. .r. *.r: * * * * * It * J� -44 -4< I. Jr J: * I,- * 4' * * 4. W- :f- lj: * Ift lfc *, q: at. It I, I J� q, I� Iw a4, * * §-, * '4= I, J, J: 'a: J: 4- xp * * xJ: * * * 't- * 1, 4. I * 'j; :P 13E I-Y I-IV Cl'l'Y CC)UNCH, (-)➢ CY➢Y O,t-' 13AY'I'ONN/N, 'I'l,"XAS: Section I That the City Council of` the C'ity of` Baytown, 'I'exas, hercE.)y a--urwnds,- the official zoning; rnal',) of the City of Baytown to effect-Liate zoning district changes for approxin-lately a 10,01-ucl-c Parcel of land located 2,000 O feet west of'SH 146 ad ' jaccult to tl,ie, Interstate 10 eastbound Ceeder road, Playtown, I-larris C.7ounty, 'I'exa-S, to rezone such property frorn C)I-.)et-i Space/F,1'-ecreati(:-)ri (OF-,) 7-c.ming District tc--) Gieneral Corni-nercial (GC) Zoning E)istrict. The an-vended portion of the oft-Icial zoning 1-11ap is attached hereto as Exhit)it '-A" mid incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: Any person who Fails to cornply vvith any 1-.)rovision of this ordinance shall be guilty of inisderneanor and, UP0,11 conviction, shall be 1-.mnished by a fine not exceeding T"NN 0 111OUSAND /A-NID NO/100 DO1-I-APS ($2,000.00)- ➢--'arch act ol-violation and each clay upc)n which any SUCh Vi0kAti(--.)n shall OCCUr shall cc.mStitUtC LI separate off-crise. In addition to the penalty prescribed above, the city vriay IDUI•SLIC other rel-k-ledieS SUCh as abaternent Of FILli.Sal-ICCS, in.junctive reliel, achninistr:.ltiVC ad-jUdication and revocation of licenses or perm -nits. :Section 3: All ordinances or parts c-)f ordinances inconsistent with the torn-is this ordinance are heret-)y repealed; lic-)vvever, that such repeal shall be only to the extQnt of such inconsistency and in all other t-esl-.)ects this ordinance shall be CLll17Uh:ltiVC of other. Ordil-ULIFICCS I-CgUlating and governing the :subject nuatter covered by this ordinance. Sectiorl 4: If any prt,-)visik-.)vi, section, exCCl--)ti0l-1, SL1I-)SCCti0Fl, paragral-.)h, sentence, ClaUSC or phrase of this ordinance or the application of sarne to any person or the set of cirCLll-l-lS1al-1CC.S, shall Cor any reason be held Ul1C0l-kStitUtio1lL11, VC)id C-)F illValid, SLICII ilivaliclity shall 1-1(--)t Affect the validity Or ti-IC Fell lai Yli Flg I.-317CWiSiOns of this ordiviLmee or their al-.)plicatioil to other persons or sets of ci rC L111-1 SUI [ices and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are -Jeclared to be sevcrabdc. Section 5: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be PUblished in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least. twice within ten (10) days after passage o fthis ordi nan,(;e/ INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the City of Baytown, this the 25'�' day of.luly, 2013. ATTLIST: LETICIA 14 APPROVED ASTO FORM: ric"NACIO RAMIREZ, SR., 0 Attorney RAKarcnkFi1cs\qty 0 ative vote ofthe City Council of the NCARLOS, Mayor iii = 11=11=11 MIM =Ilt City Limits Streets ETJ - Extraterritorial Jurisdiction MF2 (Mind -Rise Mixed Res.) IVIF3 (High Density Mixed Res.) MU (Mixed Use), Zoning Districts DISC (Neighborhood Serving Commercial) ACE (Arts, Cultural and Entertainment) I;V OR (open Space/Recreation) GC (General Commercial) HI (Heavy industrial) LC (Livable Center) Ll (Light industrial) MF1 (Med. Density Mixed Res.) SF1 (Low Density Single-Fam. Res.) SF2 (Mixed Res. Low/Med. Density) SFE (Single-Fam. Estate) UN (Urban Neighborhood) W i(010 I'r "II/P =Ilt City Limits Streets ETJ - Extraterritorial Jurisdiction MF2 (Mind -Rise Mixed Res.) IVIF3 (High Density Mixed Res.) MU (Mixed Use), Zoning Districts DISC (Neighborhood Serving Commercial) ACE (Arts, Cultural and Entertainment) I;V OR (open Space/Recreation) GC (General Commercial) HI (Heavy industrial) LC (Livable Center) Ll (Light industrial) MF1 (Med. Density Mixed Res.) SF1 (Low Density Single-Fam. Res.) SF2 (Mixed Res. Low/Med. Density) SFE (Single-Fam. Estate) UN (Urban Neighborhood)