Ordinance No. 5,701901120-1 ORDINANCE NO.5701 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THECITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO AN AGREEMENT WITH POLICE EXECUTIVE RESEARCHFORUM TO PERFORM A POLICE RESOURCE UTILIZATION STUDY;AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1:That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas,hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Baytown to execute and attest toan agreement with Police Executive Research Forum to perform a police resource utilization study.The tasks tobe performed that will be included in said agreement are attached hereto,marked Exhibit "A,"and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2:The City Council hereby authorizes payment of THIRTY-NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE AND NO/100 ($39,783.00)DOLLARS to Police Executive Research Forum to perform a police resourceutilization study. Section 3:This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED,READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown,this the20th day of November,1990. STT O.HUTTO,Mayor ATTEST: or. EILEEN P..HALL,City Clerk RANDALL B.STRONG,C^y Attorney C:l:58:l I I I I I I I I 1 PROJECT METHODOLOGY The following pages outline specific tasks to be accomplished during the study of the Baytovn Police Department.The tasks were developed based on review of the RFP as veilas PBRP's experience in completing studies of this type.The tasks cited in the following pages reflect objectives established in the RFP.They address study of the patrol function;units and divisions;allocation of resources;the Department's organization and management structure;and,other areas. PERP will successfully perform the three primary activities cited in the Work Program section of the RPP.They are: 1.Review and evaluate present police department operations; 2.Define needs and formulate preliminary recommendations;and, 3.Prepare recommendations and final report. To avoid duplication in explaining methods and Intended output,the nine objectivescited in the Request Por Proposals (listed under Work Plan,Task tl)are grouped into five primary task areas.Response to each task area is divided into three sections: 1.The task 2.Method for accomplishing the task 3.Intended output or product The efforts cited under each taskas well as the intended output will be clarified during the Initial days of the project to ensure that the goals of the Baytovn Police Department are beingmet and clarify support and information-sharing efforts. I TASK fl -Revlev.analysis,and assessment of current and future service needs,operations,and,flcBflnds for service,with consideration tQ lines of authority,operational stvle.relationship to the I community,alternative strategies,and methods for determining 'agency programs and progress. Hethod for Accomplishing Task 1.Toward accomplishment of this task,the Police Executive Research Forum will review the following documents,drawing together those items thatset forth philosophy,direction and functions of the ■Baytovn Police Department: a.Baytovn City Charter _b.Baytown Police Department Policy and Procedures Manual r"c.Baytown City Code EXHIBIT A I I I I d.Agreement of Understanding vlth State lav enforcement agencies e.Agreeaents of Understanding vlth other municipal police agencies f.Agreement vith employee organizations g.Existing contracts vith other agencies and organizations h.Previous studies and/or audits of the Police Oepartaent 2.The PBRF teaa vill conduct intervievs vlth the folloving officials to deternine their vievs tovard the philosophy and functions of the Baytovn Police Department,present and future: a.City Manager b.Blected officials c.Baytovn City Attorney d.Chief Prosecutor for the City of Baytovn 3.Intervievs vlll be conducted vith a representative saaple of adalnistrators,supervisors,and officers serving in patrol, Investigations,and other units vithin thePolice Department. These people vill identify and assess theduties they perform and relate them to service needs vithin the coaaunity.The Information gathered from Police Department personnel vill be compared to information generated through data analysis. Both consensus of agreeaent and differences betveen expectations of officials and actual functions performed vill be cited.Intervievs vill also help to assess the nature of the duties performed,vith particular emphasis on positions to be filled by svorn or civilian personnel.It should be noted that the intervievs of personnel vlll also be used in the accomplishment of other project objectives. 4.Through a reviev of tasks performed by Department personnel,PERF vill identify those functions that can be perforaed successfully by civilians,contractual personnel,reassignment of operations and/or administrative staff,or other resources.Particular emphasis vlll be placed on examining the degree of specialization vithin the Department.The folloving efforts vill be included: a.Differentiate the duties of various operational units vithin the Department and assess communication,coordination,cooperation, and sharing of resources among them. b.Summarize and assess the call response and investigation activities of the Department based on data reviev,comparison to innovative and accepted practices in use by comparable agencies, and input from Baytovn Police Department personnel. c.Summarizeandassess the Department's crime prevention and community relations activities based on direct observation,data reviev,comparison to innovative and accepted practices,and input from Baytovn Police Department personnel.Cite the impact these efforts have had on community perceptions and attitudes tovard the police and their impact on crime and calls for service. -7 - d.Review existing Oepartaent procedures governing operations and support unit activities with attention to response to calls for service,use of support agencies and services,use of private nonprofit support organizations,andreporting of incidents. e.Identify Innovative and alternative approaches to traditional lav enforcement services,particularly those that have met vith I success in comparable agencies. 5.Identify and assess methods currently used by the Police Department •to evaluate its activities and units and report them to the CityIgovernmentandcitizensofBaytovn. 6.Review Police Department practices through direct observation in I patrol and other operations and support units during various shifts and in a cross-section of geographical areas of the City. 'Intended Output Or Product I The output of this effort will be a detailed report based on legal mandates,consensus among authorities and officials,and employee interviewresults to include: 'a.&written mission statement and/or consensus of support forthe existing mission ofthe Police Department. I b.Primary responsibilities and functions ofthe Baytown Police Department. 'c.Comparison of services required by lav,regulation,and procedure to the operational,administrative,and technical services actually performed. 'd.Description of the line of authorityand rationale for existing and future systems such as decentralization,specialization, ■staffing,and beat configuration. e.Detailed overview of crime,calls for service and other issues impacting the Police Department. Another result of this task will be a summary of units and functions in the Department with consideration,where appropriate,to: J -Personnel alternatives ■-Technological alternatives -Alternative approaches or procedures -8 - i -Reassignment of tasks to other units -Reassignment of tasks or units to other agencies -Elimination of tasks or units -Contracting of tasks to external agencies Alternative strategies (differential patrol strategies,burglary investigation tanagement,civillanization of traditional functions,crime classification and prioritizing systems,managing special populations,and others)that have applicability tothe Baytovn Police Department will be explained in detail and placement vithin the agency's organizational structure will be Identified. -9 - jp*\TASK 12 -Recommend the noat efficient organization structure to ^accomplish the functions and responsibilities of the Police Department.Consider Issues such as lines of authority, internal communications,foraal and Informal systems,and relationship to City government and other agencies. Hethod for Accomplishing Task 1.Compare the Police Department's organizational structure to its stated mission,goals,and objectives and daily operational and support functioning. 2.Analyze the organizational structure within the Department to assess the flow of coaaunication,unity of command,coordination of vork, span of control,and general efficiency in the performance of assigned tasks.This vill Include a review of the relationship among administrators,field managers,unit leaders,and supervisors based, in part,on interviews with employees In each vork group.It will also include an assessment of the Department's current rank structure to determine its Impact on the organization and effectiveness in providingday-to-day manageaent to the agency's delivery of police services to the public. 1 3.Analyze the organization structure of the Department as it relates to accepted standards of organizational theory and practice. |4.Review interaction among units within the agency and the relationship of the Department to other agencies serving the residents of Baytovn including,but not limited to,the courts,prosecutor's office, I public works,and fire and emergency medical services. I I \ Intended Output or Product In completing this task,the PBRF team vill have gathered a broad, general knowledge of the organization structure,patterns of operation, formal and informal relationships among units,and impact of the organization structure on operations and support functions within the Police Department. The existing organization structure will be examined in light of the Department's services and interaction among its units and employees. Recommendationsregarding the agency's structure vill be prepared,with the goal being improved efficiency and maximizing of available resources. Based on findings,and if deemed appropriate,a recommended organizational chart vill be presented.Comparison of the recommended structure to the existing organization vill be provided. -10 - i I I i I TASK #3 -Review allocation of personnel andresources in the Police Department and their impact on delivery of police services. Conalder issues such as calls for service bv time of day and day of week,geography,population density,projected orovth, etc. Perhaps the most criticalarea of concern to modern police managers is the allocation of human resources.It is not unusual for a police department to expend in excess of 65 percent of Its annual budget to salaries and benefits.Therefore,Itis Imperative that managers take steps to ensure that human resources are used In the most effective, efficient manner possible. Effective useof human resources is particularly important in the area of field operations,where as much as 75 percent of the agency's personnel nay be assigned and where most of the direct service to the community is provided. Method for Accomplishing Task 1.Reviev Uniformed Crime Reports of the Pederal Bureau of Investigation,County/City Data Book (Bureau of Census),and membership information of the Police Executive Research Forum to identify comparable agencies to the Baytovn Police Department. These agencies will be Identified according to population served, number of personnel,and index crime rate. 2.Identify relevant activities conducted in or by coaparable jurisdictions,particularly those focusing on alternative methods for allocation of resources.Programs and activities will be screened for applicability to the Baytown Police Department. 3.Reviev crime analysis and/or crime summary reports.An assessment will be made of the use of crime and other activity/response data In assigning personnel to operations and support activities within the Police Department. 4.Reviev statistical and demographic data compiled by the Department and City to assessprojected workload and trends.The way in which the Department usesthis data to determine future staffing levels will be assessed.Planning and forecasting data will be researched according to items such as: a.Population growth b.Population breakdown by race,sex,income,etc. c.Commercial/Industrial growth d.Crime projections e.Service projections f.Public works/planning (housing,roadways,etc.)projections i 0^5.Review the Police Department's work schedule and current allocation plan.The current method used by the Department to allocate resources,particularly in the areas of patrol and investigations, will be evaluated. 6.Examine the Department's available workload data for the years 1988, 1989,and 1990.Greatest emphasis will be placed on detailed ,analysis of the 1990 data since it is the most recent and, therefore,the best indicator of actualpatrol activity.The data from 1988,and 1989 will be reviewed to identify workload trends. \a.Determine amount of time required to handle currentworkload with focus on identifying committed time (time devoted to handling calls for service,self-initiated activity,and I administrative activity)and non-committed time (amount of time available to personnel to engage in discretionary activities). .b.Assess workload demands on a temporal basis,focusing on how i closely staffing patterns are matched to workload demands by both time of day and day of week. |c.Review the Department's beat plan and other assignment plans to determine if methods used to allocate personnel to geographic areas coincidewith workload demands and community needs. I 7.Summarize current work strategies and compare them to agency goals and objectives and tasks set forth by the PoliceDepartment's i administration. 8.Assess primary investigation and case follow-up practices and equate them to current state-of-the-art activities within the profession.j Case closures,time spent in follow-up activity,interaction with other enforcement agencies that provide support in case follow-up activities,and efficiency In reporting and summarizing j investigative Information will be reviewed and summarized.TheIdegreeanduseofspecializationwithintheInvestigativefunction will also be assessed. |9.Review policies,procedures,planning efforts,management Involvement,and workload data relating to other operational services and activities (traffic,crime prevention,communications j and records,etc.)and determine the effectiveness and efficiency of 'resource allocation In these areas. |10.As needed,apply computer models (such as the Patrol Car Allocation !Model)to workload data to provide summary results.In all cases where computer models are applied,additional hand tally will occur I to ensure that data is not distorted and accurately reflects the I nature of the work being performed by the Police Department.It should be noted that.In most cases,the application ofa computer model is not necessary to the analysis of workload. -12 - i i i i In completing this and other tasks,one output vill be the identification of comparable jurisdictions,their staffing patterns,and other resources (facilities,vehicles,equipment,etc.)foe comparison to the Baytovn Police Department.Initially,PERP has identified the following agencies for coaparison:(*) Locale Asheville,NC BAYTOVN Carrollton,TX Longviev,TX Lynchburg,VA Port Arthur,TX Westminster,CO Aoencv Comnarlson Table Pooulatlon 61,902 67,634 65,206 71,744 67,741 60,919 67,336 UCS Index Crime 5,190 4,271 5,137 6,114 3,581 5,133 4,695 Officers 128 95 119 125 137 102 104 Civilians 38 32 50 22 17 26 47 *Data taken from Uniform Crime Reports,U.S.Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation,1988.PBRF recognizes that actual data foe the City of Baytovn varies (staff of 143,vlth 104 svorn personnel);however,UCR data vas used for consistency in comparison. Intended Output or Product i A detailed summary of the allocation systemvithin the Police Department vill be provided.Existing and future allocation needs vill be cited.Alternatives to existing plans vill also be provided vhere appropriate.Through review of vorkload data and intervievs with personnel,information vill be gathered on allocation practices in field service and operations support units and the relationship of these practices to agency goals and objectives.Work practices vill be summarized,from initial call for service through case closure. Comparison vill be made torecognized standards,including guidelines set forth in Solving Crimes (1983)and ManagingCase Assignments;The Burglary Investigation Decision Hnrt»i (1979),both PERF publications.If used,a summary of the computer models applied to the analysis of vorkload and allocation of personnel vill be provided. -13 - #\The summary of needs will consider various demands for lav enforcement services vithin the City of Baytovn as veil as the goals administrators hope to achieve.Guidelines will be offered for both svorn and civilian personnel requirements.This assessment vill provide plans for the Department to pursue in areas such as shift scheduling, beat/zone design,and alternatives to standard patrol practices.If needed,suggestions regarding employee work schedules,in patrol as veil as support units,vill be provided.This effort vlll also consider tasks being performed by the Department that areno longer neededand tasks not being performed that should be implemented. -14 - TASK 14 -Assess kev management and support services Including (but not United to)training,planning.Inspections and Internal affairs,records and information systems,identification and evidence collection services, communications,prisoner processing,and personnel services (time keeping,recruiting,selection,evaluations,career enhancement, promotionSf etc.).Determine the efficiency and quality of service being provided in each of these areas and others.Review the relationship of the Police Department to other Cltv agencies in providing these services. Method for Accomplishing Task 1.Through direct observation,interviews,and review of data, assess the following support functions to determine their role in accomplishing the Police Department's mission and daily activities.(It should be noted that the number and nature of support functions to be studied may be changed during the refinement of project tasks): a.Personnel services such as recruitment,selection promotions,time keeping,and evaluations b.Crime Analysis c.Records and Information Processing d.Identification and Evidence Collection Services e.Communications/Dispatch Services f.Crime Prevention g.Traffic h.Youth (juvenile)Services i Detention/Lockup 2.Review innovative support programs in use in comparable jurisdictions to determine applicability to the Police Department. 3.Assess the relationship of recruit and in-service training to operational needs within the Department and to mandates of the State of Texas. 4.Compare support functions within the Department to guidelines established in the Standards of the National Commission on Accreditation for Lav Enforcement Agencies,Inc. 5.Assess overtime generated within both operational and support functions and methods used by management to use,monitor,and control this expenditure. 6.Review the role of supervision in meeting basic managerial and support functions such as (but not limited to)monitoring employee activity,directing resources,identifying needs, conducting inspections and evaluations,and participating in decision-making. -15 - Intended Output or Product &summary of support functions,units and practices vlthin the Police Department vill be provided vith regard to their neetlng current and future needs of the community.Inhibitors to providing effective support to operations vill be cited.The relationship betveensupport and field operations units vill be summarized. Employee perceptions tovard support services,as veil as summary information gathered from reviev ofdata,vill be provided.Where appropriate,recommendations for alternative approaches vill be provided for support functions. TASK 15 -Analyze the Police facility and related equipment,with emphasis on present and future needs. Method for Accomplishing Task The PERFteam will review capital budgets for the past three fiscal years (1988-1990).Methods used by the Police Department to determine thenature of these expenditures will be reviewed.This will be done to determine the relationship betveen expenditures and Identified operational and support activities. In addition to reviewing the capital budgets,team members will interviewPolice Department officials responsible for preparation of the budget,public works officials responsible for capital development,and budget officials responsible for purchasing and monitoring agency budgets.Significant capital expenditures relating to the facility,its furnishings,and upkeep,will be the focus of this effort. The PERF team will assess the adequacy of the physical facilities of the Police Department.Focus of this review will be on: 1.Location and accessibility to employees and the public, including disabled people; 2.Ability to adequately aeet current and future needs; 3.Employee assessment of usabilityand adequacy for both operational and support functions; 4.Space allocation/storage/safety; 5.Conformance to Texas State standards as well as nationally recognized standards; 6.Security of police lnfornation and equipment; 7.Maintenance andupkeep of primary facilities and major equipment;and, 8.Costs. In assessing the adequacy of the physical plant,PERP will review past reports,studies,and assessments prepared by State inspectors, consultants,and others.Study team members will visit each Police Department unit while on-site to directly observe and monitor facilities use and interview employees assigned to specific space. -17 - Intended Output or Product A summary report on the Police Department's facilities anduse of major equipment will be provided.Focus will be on the Department's currentand future needs.The reasonableness of current and future facilities plans,as they relate to agency goals, objectives,and needs,vill be summarized. This report vill also reflect employee concerns,opinions,and suggestions regarding physical plant needs.Their input on needed improvements vill be provided.Conformance of physical plant to State standards and nationally recognized standards vill also be cited.Specific unit needs,as they relate to space and placement, vill be provided. I -18 - 1