Ordinance No. 5,654900927 -18 ORDINANCE NO. 5654 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST TO A LEASE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN FOR OFFICE/ WAREHOUSE SPACE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby approves a lease agreement for office /warehouse space, and authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Baytown to execute and attest to said lease agreement. A copy of said lease agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 27th day of September, 1990. MMETT O. H TTO, ayor ATTEST: d� s EILEE.N P. HALL, City Clerk IZANDALL-15'-. STRONG, y Attorney C:1:54:14 • E STANDARD COMMERCIAL' LEASE ACI;EEl'UNT iSsfatln¢ 8ufJding)37 4,540 s rare feet least Agrermient 4342 weal 121:11 Street Houston, TX 77055 _�____ T1lIl� LEAbE Ap }itEM$N'P, nwdc and n -- �— t terrdrInto by find belwnen CROW— SIf1MONS 614— — --- `herelntllsr referred to 41 "Landlord". and herrfnafter referred W a►'"ienaat "; 1.1'nndser and '['crm• inconaldarullunul'[hrrbhg ■run l "ESSETII: to term,, provtoiunr and covununta hartor, Lrtldlurd herrL' P•Y rnu ss hrruln pruvidrd,and in eonYideratlon of the other prYlnliva Y(tualad wlthin ehr County u! hiarris- dcmfxu■ slid lcasea W Tenant, and Tenant hereby Lakes from [ ndlurd certain morn par0cultiriy described not EXH18IT" " - - " ° -- _ earementa, a A" 'long Y hroreW and incorpuratrd herein by rference, together with all— rl¢hla, prlyIle¢es, What hnpruven cote a(tuatrd or to be rltiunledlupulnts d preen fry laaidfill per pvrty, building and Improvements then¢ hurl "Li"""ed to uxthc "prcmlYV, 'l,Seuparagruph24.A, pertaining to the uildin ea and toerther With the buildings end ntltar TO 1IA�£AN 1199'p 1101,171hrYYn,rfurater,nr mmrucln.,„ rndin� twe ve �11j— __�__�_�_�__ t October 1 1990 — —_ —_ prurnl► efi, andYpeelfirellYtheliUlldln` Y1 11idllllprYy' YIIICn4Cen, llNYlnr( he- wil i•, inthGir' prvYrutevnd; :InnaYtulectedrr(hr to m' "'ehr thc•rcuilrr. 'frnonl ■cknor,9ed¢rs that i( has fnaprcted and fireep(a the which the pren,ineY fire leaned, Taking p ) Y — and rkltt of YYYLYr1Yn b' TrgYll( afYll he drelnrd cunclutivtl W establish that acid bul{din�a and other t»,prnvrmgnta are In (;end and sallYfYclr,ry trndtl;rn re, of when D pose for reprramuch ry Il r tho ket illnn of the prwulYra, nor r'r,.mlgul to ■fool re,n,udrl ur s taken (hc premlrea that been made by Landlord, ready for are unc y, (, {y art ffirth in lhlr iunxr. If thin Irrrc 1, vruc, ryrd bur ON' �xprr, taken, r be o emili Y,tt a o`ckno ledges that and rcfidY fur occupancy, nr If an premiere prior W lhrd +fix ubuvu recited re, lh. rrntmrnrrn' ■n(d■tc of (fir Iruaa, i andlurand 1: no(br dremrd bLt Indofaull hereunder, P lau■nl ur ucrapunl of tl,u prrntiara huIJY over, and Lundlurd cannot ncqulre Doiresfilan of the and Tenant,¢ran W accept pnsrasIon of the prr,niaey YI arch (imr a+ Lutdknrd iY able be deemed lhu °t'ennnr nreenrnt dole "; nid l,rrtdl „rd hrrcby waivcY payu,rnl rd bee c Laude puxseasluu w'fanunt hereunder. Arlvr the cumn,vncculrltt dulc'fenrnl "hull, upon r I eu ,eri v and del rerhtotf a the to Adorn r or aceeptrncenfdehv ,ryuIthuprYrttirrr, = YnY period prior to the tenderint of 4. Dame rtent, AdJw.tmuA( Thorcnf and Sovurlty Depot](. A. Ttnunt at(rcir PuY�jyy lxndlurd 6u 1V roof f„r leer prrMi ■es m ad,'uncr, M'1lhuUl dV n, a,ld, dtducllun tit act e,(1', for 4hr entire term El harauf fit the rrtr ni' ne y.]All and E1 ht Per month. r bt arch monthly mofSa rnl r xlI brdu� and puyaL� Inch, date hrrenf and r tike monthly Inalallmen(+ alit ba du,�d Payable ton or il. th (hr Oral dry of Sac eulundfir month rucrrcding the cr,mntncvment date recited abuv�i— Burin; the hereby doms.ed 7 eaten, a +tLPt lhal the rtnNkpYYntenl fur finy era C(luna! ca lrndarn,onlh al for eunuittneemen for end of the laaet ring PttiQd t than hereby ptoraled. 8, In rddltJeu,'ffm, m(a¢rart W dcpurlt w•ILlt htndiurd utt the dnlr htruurLhe guilt of One !'housrinrJ net —one 00 ]0 e"---- -tyfor firY fit �— __ _ Ez ht H wlunuutabi¢ rllon for Intar NIL, rsarcurilyfurlhrperfurn( auceof1 'enfinl'Ytvvtnan(aYndobli¢ahich underrhea{tor,[l by a+�dlor , end'ar�luud and af;rKtd thnl aurh depoalt la not un advant,t rental deposit ur a turYeurt cf Land ardor manages anlctse , [Tensnl sadedluilY Upon the Provide ru of any Lot Such fund tby Truant, l +ndlerd may, fram Lime to time, without prejudice a any other Tinad heroin or Provided by law, use damage, fund W he etkrnl nacarsYry to make good any arrears of reel or other payment, due Landlord demand th and any refer dama¢t, injury, ""poor nr lixblli(y cawed 6y each even) arrears ears f and Truant that! a Yarldlo provided dantand the ant„un[ iu app{led !n order to ",store the etruritY deposit to Its original amrunh Although the security depotlt shall be dermud the pnrprrly of Landlord, any remaining balance, ursuch deposit chalk be returned by landlord to TtntnfpaL such timlt al1.r urrrilnatl,w of (hex iruar that all Of Tum,nt'a nbl {¢fiLloufi unJur lhlY ireat have been rule Ilyd. motoralsandnerrtti ■gdiia�t, �lin�ordirtrlpu �d6yTenuntandforsluchothe riswfai purposes atn (aybelnrldenullhereto, putslde atnrepa,lucludln g,shlppin¢ and Yalfint IuLher titan retalltproduct., prior written c to nL Te run there al fir own g"n alodotspein Vt, ub"It' anyhand all I'rrnrra and permfu oi ery for any such wt. Trnrnt,foil ternply with all serrrnmrnlal fawn, ordfnanciMand re¢ulatiunr appllcablr to ehr use nof the rmlee prohibited without is such use. comply with rll;turertunrnlal node”, end dlractivea for lha svrrrclinn. prevrntlan And abatement of uaLancci m or upon, or conneeud with, the premlYUa, rllali' rnanPawlceYpenxc .9'enantahfil[nul C(tOo. „n P i andahallprompt }y vibrations hot4lm to alnrnxlr fmm the print lava our take any other acLion which wuuld eunrlituu ■ nuisance ur would disturb or endanpr any With L t l4nr ur .ter building In which the Te cant fire ahualed ur unrrYYrnablytlnlerfereh nuisance lit would ld disturb or e r pr,m it1 r Without l.rndlurd'a Prior wrlttrn tnneenl, 7'enanl chalk not rrecive, hurt at oti(rrwlse handle an which la orploaive or hlphly Inflammable.' K Ill nw p"o"oh ehr prrmlrec W be, used fur on Product -fit4fild Or without Ilmhathn(Yny euuthud nlatnrYgelwhirh a „uIJ rrndur ehr 11'he P I'l thereon rued or the ins n■nos rl +k m�ny Trtt cr fi raeadwr the .Soule Board rr lnvurrnct or other Inrt+ranrr rulh,.rrl Y Purpose or In any manner finriudln� Of the p e Inmos,or,. prreliurnsPaid by Landlordhirehr building fin whfc ■ny fiprinklrr credits, if xny IAcreYht en ehr fir” and extended ofthaprrm��eY, urifT onanlrr efiur atha premlave mild cowa r+ anlncrra Yelnsut 'hpremiuma,thtTenant+htlf fi t In which Ttnanl orcuptea Ypacfi {a crufied by At Ill Tenant's use and Occupancy anuurt( urruch Inrrvucu to l.undlurd, Pay as additional rental the EY,Hil i ii A �1C.e5[• 1.4ptrRlln[ ERpllgti. V . Pre the evtnl the optrALln em calendar year durin { r Ptnaes of Landiord upon she 6utldin Tenanla[retsto a [ he term of salt !tale, exceed ]n 00 project of which the premllta arc r part shat!, (n an term this [a �o P"JcaJ ih llInclude the butlets� park or ommonie 9 T which thlaleuI terminate!, Landiord, En ilea of w Tenaal'a propgrllanakShare o per square foot which I expetsea, het the option to charge ailing unlit the clo t° of the Calendar year In ordertthdekrm isnl'n a pcnaes. Th: expsroperAtin [ Tenant for Tenanl`, proportionate share of the a ryear expenses building part. to thtytar It [rxDenseS. y exc,u operalini t pt see bated upon tat prevfo¢a year', 13, The term "Operating esptn■a" at used ■ Maintenance epairs snelandoperal ►artefthebuildingand/or Project ramlaesArea erl,[neludfn bore Includes all expenses incurred by Landlord With respect to the repair eases, watt,, sewer, +cruelty, trath and snow removal, e :terlorpaintjn ;,eommonatwe¢ell With abin wa p p g, bulnotllmlledto,maln owneuhlp, deities are tonnetttd With [. Wages frlege ben non gin, ncr, mowing of grass, 9tntnl land +npt malnlenan n� • rental t11t opetALlona Ahd maintenance of the building an project In an am D Y blrtoentpioyer, orauth orl2eda9entaofLandlordwhosr to r reotlrrd hereunder Iwhleh'aapenee pertains Orel Tenant's proporllonat, Sharr of excel p y to Tenant's prrmiSCS, and !hell not 6e Prorated but !hall bt added b Dune crud to 37t of the ;rasa annual subcontractors foe work or services Ptratln; exprnrea as described In rervtctm, auppJln ,repalrt,nPJactmeawforothrrn c iaLfor,nith the operrtlonsandrm h [ P LA.n or the r paid to Contractor! and ant and Parking area. The term 'b lint° lningIndoptratingihebulldEng sn�obu pfetg including r�jrrt, all kind nd andperfgrmtheae9rrlcespillreia! psntea "al +olndudtaLandlord'a t kind and nstun wh'taoWar Intludln property cat ts, AS seaa mtnts (x•hrlher;entrelotapeciaJlrCOW mpn tied b Landlord b building ■ndlor projtctorwhieh the mt "Idasa d+ts due to deed restrlctlonl and/or ox required to P +Y or derma neeeaae Dart during the term f nets' A2agtlalipna, which accrue rgainat the Insurancett•ithreapretW n buildin to pay' including without limit of this irate at well as all insurance '0", h remium Jot teplatamenL foundation rtpalrsY�tr �upeljrtp�fn {he exirrfor wallsbnit lydbtano inrl, nce and net p r Landlord (t Ocreaionedbyllre windslormorothrreaeualt it liability does it ,,J, can ! "d extended eaves ;r at ahnll It Include rtpelr� lre,toraLfoon at other work y W the accent of reel inauence proceeds received by Landlord with es sal thereto, income an fr■ncltlse taxes 6f Landlord, erptnsrI Incurred in Jelling p g expenses foe the ranovating of !pare for new Piktklht nordepreelatlonallowanceares % or rocurin of tenants, leasing commiselOna, a�v lenanta, Internal or principal p,ymtnes on any morlpge orothei lndrbttdners of Landlord, penal, ertising expenses, C. TlnenJ'a "proporllOnale share", a used In taco lease, shall m the premllta and the deneminstw of which Is the entire spelt st' Shelf in the building, care ■ fraction, lhs numerator of which Is the spate contained in D, text an osellm uring tat ltrrtt ofthisless,. he preunt method of la,etio p■rtofany taxes, assessmen4 or govtrnrnanLal Chtrges levied ,at mtL d or Imposed aha[Ebe J"I'd,a■aetted orlmpatdon Landlord n shell be Changed ao that In Ilea assessrnent, JtvyOrthar A c+ iW ➢std on real esieteand the Improvements thereon �ther; ge measured b P J levyorother lax dlrecllron the ante received lhcefromand/or a franchise tax, on the promises, then alt such late°, is9,mentanlerlleatorrehuges, or ilea part thereof so mratured or based, chap be deemed lnciudrd wtthln the term "faxes "for the purports hereof. part, upon each tenet for the present or any future building or buildings E. Tenant may audit Landlord's b to be Landlord; nalcost,incur incurred by anoprd.IfCO r;ntili due under om,suchAuditt #nicludin[spit u any additional coSq lncurredbyLandlod. Don reatoneblt notice b P. Any payment to be made puraumnt to thls Paragraph A with roe trt to tF a calendar g elmbuntmenl t0 Landlord for termin■t9ahaJlbeproratrd, D year in which this lease commences or S. Landlord's Repairs, Landlord shall maintain Only the roof, the building In good repair,raaronab] a wear end tear rate led, Paragraph oresu6 act to foundation and the structural soundne &t of the exterior wells of the■ orInnafeB.orpravttlonaofPar ■graph /.Tenantshalirepalrand P All such expenses of Landlord for melntr(nin9 the items set forth In itch or Tenant's employees, agrnt2 or InvlLen, or truaed 6 espectva,aiatdere, to ;Lss, dean, apte1a11torafroh4orolJetanlrles, TenentshallimmtdialtiyglveJimuse written rtin alf MOL fdef Y Trnane'a default hereunder, T payforany damage Caused b Ttnsnl or need for regale!, After re which Landlordaheli hazy rtatonabltopporlunfly tO rrpslr semi or cure tuck defect, Landlord's lab Ihyx• -(th alive Landlord used herein !hall not Include Loth' s0 anydefrc{ °,l" or or Cotalntenance for which Landlord Is responsible under any Of the provisions of this loss° shall be limited b thS coat ofauth rrpaln or malnttnancror the curing rcl g of such defer!. 9• Tenant's Feepair! and OtherCOvsMAnla of-Care and Treatment of Premises. A. Tenant !halt At to own toot and emprtui yrtsponai bltundrrthet trrna afthleleaeljd'keep and m$internal a but not 1J,nittd W, window■, glau.ir and con Platt 9492, doors, any special orrceontry, [n trio, walla and flnfeh x•orkd ripi end lnor covrrin good condi Lion, pomPl}' me king r it nrceuary regale and rsplactmenlL lndl Landlord is temitee d o sttert,heatEngend ■lreondltionln lyuema,doekboards , truckd peel ileac for which Landlord le Alloys A end prat ox,errnirtation, rtgutar remorafot Alloys and the whale of the pram(ara fa a Ciean and sonata Does, dock humps ra, paving, plumbfn w g• trash and condition. dedicated trier line&, and ketping Iles pnrkln h nee, tornado Shoff !tart Casualty Covered b rY conditlen, T [ re& and flewlys, thatTtnantrhalheobli9ated' lorepalcallwlndda magelogl9st xCept With reepeClltotorldvog ho rlcenedamegr, gareas,irlyCIA,d Y the Insurance to be maintained by landlord putsuSnt to rubpair n damage aohly cauatd P ¢ ph 12.A, below, eecrpt B. Tenam shall not d'rna9t any eltrtmldns will or disturb the inlegrfly and sat oat JU 2olt colt and expense, pprom tl Customers, Jnvitees,and/orlicenset� tip■Ir any damage or Injury to Any demising wall demising wall Ind It, trA loyces, a ens. C, In the wenithe premlaee P rtes, agcntt, eonstltult r portion of a multiple occupancy buildin Invitets, and/or licensees ahatl have the "CluslY subject b ■9th reasonable rtilo end regulallona a Landlord may from time t0 tl me Prescribe and subject to rights ¢, Tenant and its employees, agtrtta, cuatomere, other tenenW. Landlord !hall notbe rtapOnslblelor enlorrin 7 parking arras, U any, ■a mtY 6t deal Haled b at its own Cost and expense, keep its [ Y Landiord in welting, through Or Contiguous to the buildin employees, agents, C;gtymeta, I"vitteseindohights licensees front fill), third pAr9rtae and egrets I. L of project of which Lhe premise! ate part thereof Or any y parole°. eenantahipig Tenant does hereby consent W the rrmavtl of any vehicle Jn violation of ilea Fore Din on any °creels tannin; Landlord. y other'real as designated by Landlord. t ir designated greet of parking as established by D. to the event the pramlaea Cron +tltute a Any repalre and other ma(htenena of any rail a Apo ion Of portion oft mulllple occupancy building, Landlord !hall have the light coordinate reimburse Ltndlord from time e0 lima upon demsnd, as additional rant, for a short of the coal! of such reps[rt and other wme tprc[Aed I agreement serving Or to serve the building, and If Tenant wee ouch cal [tacks, light to ■ a which is the s n any In e as Landlord [& a party respecting Such tracks, ouch share to be a friction, the numerator of pen eonlalntd in the remlatt, and the denominator of which is the entire S act rnalnttnancrand any Further, T!n'nt agates to sign and tompfy xlth during the term hereof, a servicing the prtrnlats ,i fee putstedb D occupied by tall users In the building. yther■llromdeornpamy. Joint maintenance agreement with the railroad compsn}' E. Tenant rh+ll, at il. w scheduled nditio i g syste l systems, rrtalnterr•ntetur j�� t6ntrati with i to a Maintenance mt coin full force for pt act w h 4 M and maintain C n full force and tffect during the Cerm hr roof, ■regularly conditioning Cc Contramt'nd a dude It ,tvic, the prentlres, The rrufnttn&net Theservlceeont rectmwt{ ntludtriieervleeseujgettedbytheeQulpmentmanufaeturer And the manual and must became eRecllre land a rgmnrtor and thetontrart muff bra hosting and air Premises. t6PY thereof delivered to L■ndlO approved by USI slid rdl xllhin thfrty (301 days of Litt date Tersrnt takes posseuiah of tht F. Tenant street ttru that no washing of any type (Other than rersonablr restroom or kitchen wlahing) x(II Wks place in th promisee Including the lruckapron■ledpatkingtraat. INITIAL • roofand"'AlipenttratJe 1lxlthcultheotrJo�k�in LANDLORD yelttntlons, addition, or ImprovtrntriLa to the Prem4o fincludln; but not lim[ltd rat and txpanae and in a good ,r p $ten tonstnt of Landlord, Tenant me}•, x- Ithout the cons x'uhout altrrin Oritmanlikt manner treclsuch shelve,, bins, m vi its g lht bait character Of the building machinery &red trade fixtures a' It m■yrdtsm aE Eubir TENANT g or impruvrmrnu mild Without overioading or dama9tn; aura bulditt9-a. ..,. ;v:�a�'�...�riA^�� r„ti" .^+*pr'e','�^,+�w�s,•,.r,. _- W;^ ate .• ..�^a_ �_...g • �r�«�;aa��"���.. ,�ww .-,�. ,',:+' - � ,r"w'" ^.. ^ ,., ._ IC- ivy. >eN .44,yU IZ5.4] N0.UL4 1-'.U4 dmprat4,ni,tta, and in each east cunIplylrt alleralions, hd T addfllohe Imprnrtmenla and partitions +tI ePJ lh rlrlr r,,,ri wrnlal fates ur,iluour feat and TenantehIll, trnl;ss Landlord oherwise tiecir n herein +nee pro'-16t ? Trnall ahnJ1 be and r ts, regulelionr and 00'er reyulrtn+tnts parlltlarrofthekd by ithano%. restart the re rrnel,F lht property ofTrnanf during the lean raeating of the pt +miter provided' h w P rnlsts to their original eonditfodbrentove ell aitaptrt ns, of ih termination any t aid such aktentlons, additions. Improvements and par(Itlons shall become the ro additions, improvements 1, e ever, that ff Landlord to elect, prior to termination of this its At or u Y !ht dale of ktminatlon of this Juar or upon rarll, terminatioh of this taut or upon earlier v shai vas ,bins,mtehlnttYendtradeflxtur vacati gattheasntmt b powearliervac +ling of (6 f of the premises and ahoN be dt{Irerrd u �A Atrt o! as ,lads, and ,hall be esmovtd 6 J t- andlord aspof the isle , upon anY such remora[ Tenant shall dreatorr lheihrtion of this lease or upon ra I er Vaht prior to the trrmin�gl nlofthlt false i6th, Improvements 11tgaodyrn the p ]llttmanner +o aenotiodambe(ther Original condurr , All suralt PrtmJirs if required by Landl„ t,t property O n e sltualyd an the pretnlate. The foregoing shall not a p Are art g y onditdon, Ali lath removal and rettoratlon shall d„ p Y owned by Tanana whkh ma b apply to govt gu+Jltit, orthe bullding +and Debt , default andtftucht ul m Y e removed by Tenon at lhs end able tqulpmenl, f4rnituft at Other moveable Psrsvnai Provided, hawrvu, t , ent,furniture,andJor Penrnal property L not then subject 'In of to any that VanY each moveable equdprnsht, furniture andlor moveable Personal rop[ greemrnt If Tenant i, not lhtu In before fire 18J days oiler wFltkn Holler b Y other r[ghls, !lens and Interests of Lando,,[ proprrlY shaJd be lh ell.thdn :t con'Lot," lydetnd lord to Tenant for T become the ppro e Y mined and establlshrd la br+bendoned such Property, thenithe parties ,r,moved on o, d[tprisitlon oreueh tben onedlO o up °n aueh abandonment. !n n rtGndonand /ordlepo7JUanoftuthpertY ofTenant or Jn any wt o rrent will Landlord be ieit Jn favor of Landlord d e that sure, Y be held liable for conversion pr a^ a andlhall+t one, PersrinaJproparty, Dondblt for the remosal, custody, C. Signs. 7entrttshalJnothavrtherighttolnttallslgnt, negt ,bennersorokhrrornamentellvnu an +n relation to the rema°h aPProveashall tingbylanddordandsu6Jetitoanyappllcabhgovtrnmentaliawe, ordintncrs ,eegulellons and other re ulr TenthlshalJrtmovealleu rhslgns.11aIl banneracrotherornamentatlo^6 rsmovals+hsll be Pon the prrmises until made do such manner a to Y the termdns Lion of this !pu s anylrtJuryordefacrment ,lndu ding withoutlimitationd ( s Oorsclllmi � usrdhebuvlhifjandOther red/ q rrIrid t. Such [beta }lotion, and 8 ndotherlm rovtmrnte,andTenantshallrepaq . Intpectlon ,LtndlordandLsndlord'sa ■n Y Demme, +l. raasonabl .tlmedurIngbuslhess hours ,for the u$g to Ind reprteentalivt, shall have the right may be rtqulttd Or permJtltd to bt made b P prise of dtetrldinlng (St condition o! the premises Drain orders] set the r and of the term here ofendAtany111 ,Tenanti7fedafaulertthedjp shish,ndast.iD A tmistsatand enter the prernlsts stony reteonsble lime duringbuslnns hour? for the purpose ofahowlrnglhe prcmfstt that have the such retain as on the r : Period that i7 six d6l monlht prior to the P emits a suftsblt ilgn Indltttlhg the pramEeq art available, fervent shalt give w Itlen n Prnenujvts shat} have the right to event of Tenenl i fadrurlatpremtsq end shafkarrange to meal alth L+ndlard for a it ne notice t0 Landlord at leastithi�er :n g such Holies or arrange eueh Joint Inspccldon, Landlord's Y 19pi Pr +ml +t+ shat} baeontlwdrrlydterstedtorteetfor ur o pretlonoftheprrmi :gprlvrtovttating In(ht P pusofdeterrnfningTtntnt 'sre+pohsl611dtyfor npalrranderast rithl'nv +rating tht !0, tftlditles. Landlord agrees to Tenenl chap malnladn stmt!, but Tenant 1haU pay for all wake, utlkltlgandssry Arorlde at Ira ewes water, electricity and telephone nrvice tvnneetlon, to m+lntsnanp chat,,, or Omar uldlltlrs and thepdi IL rnlsh all eletlrit if Acs, beet, Ilghl, Power, telephone, Y tales' penallin, surcharges or the 1[k sprinkler ,hart project rand Landlordshail Ineno event be tvasofor an light bulbs and tubes, If en a gas and Diner It Proportion as dettrmined 6 Y such servitn ocarinas pertaining end any YinterruptionorfaiJurtorutildt sedrvlee,an all Charles JaintlJ' mttered with o(hermrtertd to in the event water le not styytrakl Y Premises, A ,mites, :191'1.,.d , Ttnent dot7furlh g Y metered to Tenant, Tenant agrees that it will not use water for asst Diner than normal restroom Tn +n ty ygtet far Uact other, then prmf� �e�lronm lord for entire amount ofrommon water rose ar her than camel if, infect, agnesdnsurht vent toins IJat its tae uillwithout firsto6tainingLthdlord 'avrltknPrrmisslot. Furthermore, P nse, atubmeltrtodetetmineTenent 'sus+ge, Tenant agrstt It wJll not ust sewer cspedty for ■n Tenant xc4*4 over I Othersewer Wt l "exeusstwer us g Y use other than normal, dameallt rtatrvom ma. 7 t'Jandsleos re rstorcl mburs tLandlordforthecoets sadeepen,tsrNntedtoTenant's sees ewer u I. Which shall ineludt, but w raprnNy herein not llmfled t0 the Ttnant'a lease. tnanl further agrees to notiry Cast of Acquiring addiuonel newer capacity Nothing Contained herein shall be deemed to be consent b p y to +,,.vice ar lo Impose Upon Landlord enydutytoconttnttoor provide such eatraordinar etwttOrWaterua Y Landlord to Tenant,, use of water or Be" other than normal'Wroorn wage 11, Assignment and Sublquin Y age• Interest therein., without the prior wrillen content of Landlord. An g. Tenant +hall not have the right to elsign, meet, lrsnsftr or tncumber this lease, or any Tenant in vialtilon a[tht terms and eorenan4 of this Fara r+ Cash Or Other proceeds Y +tlempted uslgnrrrtnl, aubitttin Ofanyaglgnmeht, tuth g ph shall be void, and shall ronetllulr an Event of i]ersult 6 to Other transfer nsfer is orany other trantftrofTenant' +!newest fn lhls irate shell bt paid ka Landlord, whrthrr suehtusdgnmrnby Ten ones by Other tranifar le contented to by Landlord or not, unitat Landlord agrees to the twine icy dnrund,tjr l; the rest of a sublttling and all Cash Y Tenant, All It it 111411 e over h ago ntiq al a the proceeds to Landlord, Any as,ignore contrary I ng or other lrtrufer vften+nt's If na t and Te rah arnountiqual to the then fair market wdue ofsueh inkmet. ruble tang or o t other if& run fainth the la subten ithta Tenant and Tenant" heirs; executers, adth lAlaatan g' red Itatnt hereby 'l thttt all n this rutussora send . interest In this ulgne, Any utE ;nee, euhlenrt or trsnefrrree of Tenant's Interest In this less, [ell such arankrus, aublasstes and Dersonel reprtsenlatdvee, representatives la an ndindshallbdnd trshtfance being btredntlte ►refemd tries "successor+ "7 by assuming Tens Lfr s t log hertundershall ufume liability aOtaldamount +paldtoptra +au etherehenLandlordb Y bankruptcy procerding, otihert+anaftr'w lratherCOnathted to by Landlord or nYSUeh sutcIOWA do conlrovenlion ofthis Aarsrrtph,• \o of a�t �rt" al herrinafter defined, if the re and o "t -ahald rellt�•e Tenant of its Ila6lktl to Landlord rerrtadka heroin provdded,or p Y hertunder, L' +sslgnmtnt, sublstttng or prevlded by Piw, may at lea any pan opllo Collect directlyeTrom �urh aselghee or bttnaht all ones To under+utA'Alignment or'4" bar and a 1 g Y Pon the occurrence of an "event Callesttnn shall be construed addition to any other PA Y+urh rent against ah sums dut to Landlord from Tells hrreundst, and ie such hereunder, � tOnaldluta a novatlan ar + relrue of Tenant from brcomingdurty the further prrformancs of Tenant's obllgatlone !g• ["Ire and Catutity n+magr, A• Landlord egrets to malntadn standard [lrr contents or personal pro standard the pnmrd areas and txtendad torero r ntetestry tocomply witiy,the part in do amount notInjurantn cOv don such bulldln In the ittPlacemtnt host ,the provision orany Co-Insurance Claus ts orahe policy) of the "r g lout not on Tenant', at coverages sad a at, to insult b b �iA to be Eded and ilmJttd in the sl+ndord bureau forma n grtakr percentage as may be jrj& epla nmenlcost 'thcreofassuchtermisdeRn,d ■uthotltyror tFya +t'te in 'which the premises are ldtuattd far use by Insurance companies ad'mlurd In such stet, for the CO $hilran" eh risks IOCated within such state. SubJeek to the t eghtndnp sad Extended Cot,tit. such shall be for the salt beneJ]tof! andlotd and under Its P ascribed by the in,ur +net regulatory Drovlelon,.of subparagraphs 12,C., 12,p, and 12.E, btiow, suchi[n urance tesoleconifal. 13, If ate buienno c#theed uport the premises should be damaged Or destroyed by rite, tornado or other Casualty give lgmrd {+tt wrluennotdrt theraOtto Land Ord. C, Ifthe buildings sll,,,,d upon the premGn should br totafl Y, Tenant th,11 damaged therebyy Cleat rtbufldlh`` ar carious cannot fn should l he uponwhlCh 4 tndiord q notdlltd 6 Ydntroyed by fire, tornado or otter Cal uelly,or Ilthey should be so partlanofthdelaaM , effetilweu YSan'ntofrurhdam■ a utlrnatlonbeeamplttedxlLhlntwo ponthedoltorth g thtr Icase thail lermJnate and the reel shtlhl bb+ red t d d days tftet the teecurtenteofeuehdamaLe, Abated during (he unetplred D. 1f the buildings sdluated upon the premises should be dams Landlord undersubparajr,ph ,.A. obey* within two hundred 1200)d +yt aAer lht date u o gad by any peril Covered by the such and Landiard ,hall, upon which Landlord L na�fiedJby 7rnr�nlPails of such darn diord's ranee to be provided by subst'nlleCJy the t0 dllion n whkhit<h� afprnth thertu on r estlmaldoh of completed rtPlae,an Y sdsled prier to such aim, with reuanable dWrtnet to rtbulld and rep a(� ell not larmdntk, Tenant or nnpT001fiAl', belhalL +Jf the promises sere unlenanueble in M damage, except Thal Landlord shall not lk rt aire ouch budlddnp to during the period d^ which they at romisenArt Unleall b mpravemtntawhichmayhsvebsenPlur�m ,Gneed to rebuild, repair at t rrduttd toe snrh its n�Jeoy log such damage, lktr rent Payable hermd tr tm�ba fait', nd-nesanabl -.... -.._ ., p.. Gy as yI D elreumstante& esdetennintdby La'ndip, In 11, two hundred (200) days after deer GPon wAlrh Landlord I'a�h I r A III) I)nr1b T lease by dollvtring written 0otice of termhut(on la d sh uIJ fell xis d, cig nsit puraueat'chrti) ro and rebuild IngwIthir, htttundetahaileeaseandtermFna le. Landlord Y rnanlofSUrl,dansage,Itnenlma +s Trnent'a txrluslvt remtd wh may It its opl[on terntlnste thh >= NOtwith&tanding anything hrreI Lothrtontr■r , y. treupon Sit lights and obrigal(ons of trust eovering kheppremfses tequlree that tAt Insurance o er r in the event the holder Of any iridebtsdnesssecured b ttrminalethlsluubydellverintwrittsnnollaoftermtnalon10 enantlwlthhfl )teendtbttdneu,then YamortgstoOfdeed such holder, wler& upanallrJ ghtsandobllga tlona hereunder Shall class andtermint la. LhrequdstAtntI made right rx (tell days siege such requlrtmtnl h made by any P. Anything in this least to the contra any and all rights afreeovsry, claim, salon ocause erection, against each and Tenant lhnt + tnta, damage that may g. 4andlord and Tenant hereby waive and release each othsrofand tram Y ortur to the y real a, Improvements to ihr building or which the premises ere a part, Or personal pro ere contents) within the c,r&ang, 6y ploy gel, of lire arthe rlemnts regardless of ce s offp&tt, and employees, for any and their agenu,omtarsand employaes,b� ton! p Y loss or the property, Bacaust th[ssub sea a Ytoths extent orthe Insurance p ocerdag Payable Origin., Including nrg]Ignce of Landlord or Terana to an insurance perlole}O�i�hdtr�eaulgnmtntoran u &der thepokiclteoflnsure Ate cove fine Issued to It policies of Art and estand P Y t0 this lease agrtnlmmed #etttl(od in it by way of subrogation (orOtherw•lsel tY rear+gr+ph, and t td eoveraga lnsurancr, written notlte of the terms of the each Insurancetom sn which o have"'ti0■Granee po{t I. properly endorsed, If netessIry, to prevent the IAvalldal(an of the ins contained coverage, d in hi bYreatonartistMutualw■ IventontsInedinthlasnbparsgreph. mutual welvers contefned trs 1111 !3, Liability, Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant or Tenant's employete, a whomsoever, for any liable to Person or, damag, to proptn%, on or Ta buildings andImpanduvtof? errant, i4agenls ,S■n7nyorempJoyeer,orofanyother grnta,palromOr visitors, ortoany electrandnatingfromth)oratede thePrtmisttbete outlheptem# sea, resulting from &A&Oruuledlnparterwhtrperson electricity arnanllfng from the located e,Ordut Person tinkering u Ole by the indemnify inir out of repair, or caused 6y [eskagr pontheprtmisea.orrawedbythr y and hold safe and harm],,, the rt SAY taunt khataotver, end Tenant hereby covenants end ' oil, water Or steam or by 1S a trust!, Landlord. gate Agents and em [ properly, the Landlord (including with and the trustee end b, that It w,a if Landlord feetandd P d. arifromanyrant, lleblllty ,eZelms,suits,costs,exprnats, Including without1lrnFlelesirtandl to 11 at all umi, cause Df which Mkin aln hereunder r ithindlordaor the allure of Landlord eo or r in) ors repair and mnkntalrt wlth[n a red +oeablt time J yi txcept Injury Yto per■amardamageto property the tole rocure and m &Ines(& Y Rert of the Premises which Landlord Is obligated eo e after the receipt of written notice from Tenant of n t&IAltS lCl the term O[this Jesse a policy, or policies of insurance, at fig sole tort end expense, insuring both rernlste; (1111) Tenant's operation, in anddemands or ctind s origin p� ceded rrpslrt. 3enant shall hmlts of such o h out of or In connection with: (l) the prem[sca;illrthe condition of the Palle or polities to be to the amount of not It lh��t Ott at end fly) Tenant-, Jl,blfity Sesumrd under this hest, the death], and !n !hr amount of not la at than 8100,000 per oeeurrthan n50e7000t of thereof. AllauchpahelSlghtllbe ro Per oaurrence in rgprcl or injury to persons (lnrlud#ng such policies, tageth clef h elf be pe [u red by TananI [torn responilble Inturann cPoroperly dsmage or destruction, Including 1 date ofthls lease. Kot lean 1110l1fleen fldi diY +aPr or0to0 her, Plitelloh due a an pen #el satlafactory to Landlord. Crrtlfged ca of use 6earin p mslherefore, sheilbtdtllveredtoLandlordprrortath ,commrnctmso g nDtetlons,videncing the p +Ytnenlofrenewal Prrtnlume shall be delivered to Landlord. Such pa][rltt shall further provide that not less than thirty written whaila of ce sh&11 be giten to Landlord before suchP such polities, certified copies Ofthe renewals thereof, provided red Plr' Llo thtP shakl not be liable to Ten &n1 for !Oasts dut to theft or burglary, or for damages or redo eS unauthari :edpersonstOthrpersonorprcm (liable oan polls may Ybetenrelledorehsngtdloreduce lnsurancr Y proprrtyofTenani located in, upon,or to the pre,I,cs, ll, Condemnation, done by A-lft by A- hottar any substantial Part 49dstermin rdby Landlord orthe re use uxtder governmental law ,Drdlnance or regulation, or 6y right of eminent domain, or b _ would Prevent Or materially intrrfare with the use of Ihr r m Premises should be taken for any u takintof this ]rage shall term and the rant 11'11 be a Pler during the unexpired portion of they Jre b y P bl#c or d the taking takln P e Para for the purpose for ullsreoflsndlheuking gofsa[dPromises$halloccur, g used, as determined by 8, lfpartoftheprom (trsshallbe'takenfor■n efftctfve when the phyticsI Or above, this Jieaa shall not t iaabt� but eaten& els a in Ilbtutthereof rend this lease s not terminated as Ygovornmencalprovided dinenee u regufstivn . eatenta& maybe f +irandreasanahlru0dereren'hr frrlunhereu dderduringtheunexp(red lease hojJbeesubpora Portion of this shall be reduced � +Ph C, In the event of any such taking ouch retain outh Separate awards as may be allocated to their respe In l eu therto In any lordernd Tenant n proceeding■. Purchase In ilea thereof, Landlord end Tenant shall oath be entitled to receive and 16, }L, ding ps err Tenant vs111,1t the termination ofthis least b Landlord, s"Wilt ford ag willing let writing that Tenant may hold over after the rxplretlon or irrmin■tlon pf this leaser unless th hereto Dtharwt,t egrea in wrlt]ng on t1t terms of such holding over, the hold iover terrartcy shall h b IlubJ tit to ttrminatlon b Landlord any time upon not Its' that 11ve i5t days advance wrftltn notice, or b P Immediate pone „Ion to w Asian notlte, and"Of the other terms and prevlNons of the lease shat! bent at a bet during s panlet Y Tenant a! any time upon no! lass then thirty f301 days adance l ehdlerd (ham time to time upon demand, a+ rants) for the period of any hold over, bl amount equal m double the rent In Ant shall ftstft&tfon doer tompitted on a dally buts for each day of the hold over period, , A holding over by Tennt, whether with or without co0sentafLtndiord &hallo rratetoextendthisItastreet PL regal gthelpulod,exltthehuTeneffect on the ” Ahefrnetbe tonstruedconsentforTtnsnitoholdover, P ontht P YProvided. The Pre ceding provision, ofth(aparagraph !0, omi e , free an n l Landlord t,, 2 ntsthstItnw- has, or will acqui re befaltTenant1 +krtposses ■lonotherpremises, to the promises, Brew and clear of all !Jena and encumbrances, excepting only she tin for current spite not yet due, each mange t or ordi "011eagtl as lira Permitted b the terms or this regttlat(ont r4l0tln y 1a lease, zoning !food elite hitlleau, then Tenanstra aato take tht pro subJeet to tilt prey triont of the prior Ire neslnLe dlof reco d, In nonce, the a d d g end that P P Y, ssu jectto th ' rovilio tors■ and other i, ,,, lane o1 record, I0 khe event this leue is s hoe full right and authorft to t governmental covenants and agreemnkS hrrt[eaellfol thhshal peaceably andnanL upon a hindrance or molestai60n, fromLlndlord ,tubJecttothelermsand PYingthe rentnl herein set forth and Performing k�thatll Quietly hive, hold and enjoy the premises for the term hereof wit out 17. Events a[ 17elault. The fallowing events Shall be dttmed to bt torrents ofdtfoull by Tenant under th[s leaae: taptnals hereunder fail or my alher�limsnet of the rent hereto rtetrved wren due, or an con lFnGa for aperiodarrive( 6) daysfromthedaleau thatre lmburatmnitoL ■ndlordrequ[redherelnwltnd �lt�r,dhp,�eh �IJUrerahat (b) Tenant &hill] become insolvent, or &hall maktya transfer �n fraud of creditors, creditor (b) or shall make an assigmm�t for the bentfii of (tl TSnanl shall flit a petition under any section or Chapter of the National Bankruptcy lax Or I1&lult Of thl united Slakes or any Stole thereof; or an order for rNational be entered Code. against Tenant In en against Tenant thereunder, Cade, as amended, or under any similar ( d) Arecelvtror trustee Shalibe appointed for 41] Ora ub sl &ntlal]y all ofthe SAW, ofTtnanl- ) Proceedings filed IS) Tenantghail gtnerlilyeot payitsdtbtt lssuch debts become due, (1) Tenant Shall vacate All orasubstantial ortlonofthe remises, who( htrornotTeA ,AIislndefaultafthrrental undrrthiaJesas. P p [g! Tenant n shall umbr ncehargt any lien patted upon the premises In viola lion of Paragraph 31 hereof within twenty 201 days POLYMIJILA due After any lint Or ae 1411 to discharge the Placed ,,pins, Q ,.-- a..W- :�.m...•+.::�aw»�w.a -gin �:�,,,�.�, ;ri�'e;.„`„ -. a ',a.- m�, r�t"��w�,. � _`�. _. IhlTenreSuc IrlHurEwmplyw ilhanyter"%N1,tl■h•r firrovrnnnlorthislrasc tolhrrthonlhr fore end shall not cure such h pure trhhln lxYUt)• fyllr days ohrr w r,i i,-n uu" h ► I hrrrnf to Ttna nl. 16, Mmedlet. 101ng in Lhfs Paragraph 171 A Uor,ort oceurrenceo]' anyouchevtnt,ofde4ulldtcrribedtnPara r any one or more the C ollOwingrcmad lerwlihoutanynoticeordemondwho Paragraph [7 hereof, Landlord shall htvr the option to pursue (lo rer,.,, a th(a ittae, In whlth event?rnentahall immedlelrl lur t nd do, Landlord enay, without prejudlte to any other remedy which fl may have for Do+sgelon Ofthe prtmisesandexpel or remove Tanentand an Y defender the ion or a tv Landlord, and If Trnenl fails to to lorcelfnroeeaary, wlthout being llabItfor prosecution 0aanyoil lAer atman who m� aarsalon or errraragt [n read enter u take Ybe occupying euchpremisesoran DOnandrby lb) linter uPoa and tskt po++esslon of the prtmiste and expel or remove Tenant and any Y part thereof, by prrmlaeaorany Part the reo(;6 force prtmLq ■ndrecelva therthtthsrefere necnaary, without being :,or for proserution or any claim for damages ihertforrcan relel the DyJngeuch (c) oEnter Upon the Pfemirta, by farce flnesraearyy w d whatever Ton nt Is obligated to do under the terms of this lent; Snd Tenant agrees ilhout being liable for pracecutlon or any claim for damage therefore, and do whkh Landlord may liable o thus eRe&,,# tomphanI I with Tenant's antagre s under ur least, end Tenant demand agree, Landlord shall not be 1(ebh for any dame e g tea to rrlmbursa Lendlord on demand for any sapsnea otherwlrt, t rrtsnll[ng to the Tenant from such action, wh ether cawed by the atgligenct of Lndlord or ld) Alter @11 locks and other Security deviate at the premises without terminating this )taco. Lendlord hat no due to P Y YTtn+ nluntila ]lerenlaofdeluullhava6tencured. In the evtn(Landlord may elect b re yin Y provide a M'alvtoenyatuulo n g pouedlonOflheD remleesbyafarsiblodelatnrrproteeding ,Tenenthere6 rY olietwhlch ma }' 6rtrquJred prior to any such proceeding, and agrees that Landlord's execution atlhia lode 11. in Dart, tonsldsratlon for lh(a waiver, y aprtlfinity In the event Landlord falls co Day any Installment of rent hereunder as Ind when such Installment if eddllionafcorltoLandl0rd lorproraafngsuchlata s to five pereen1(5%)Otaurh Installment. and chests payment, Ch amounll pay 10 Len due. n an a defray Ofdefault hereunder, T pay to Landlord on demand a Iatt charge (n an amount dual Jawand rhatJnot be cv �trveduli tivd"lyddatm�ga hafff3h a lIm ihn edditlon to all of Lendlord'!olherrlights and thercrort rtmedits her)runderor al In the event Tenant fails to a gLandlord'aremcdlro in Any mannor. connection therewith, then all ouch amounts shat) bear interasl at the under Y any amounts due to Landlord under the terms hereof, Including snr inro[ces sent to yermJ[ted by taw, Or (iO Two percent t74r) above the ,prime interest rate,, In effect el cluck elm: sa trtabl(ahr p��gaJ rate of lnterbt d Sndle o In Iumston, Texas, for Ile best commercial customers. NOlwllhaundln g ( Tenant In under no slrcumstencel shall any amount, due hereunder that might constitute interest t f or under e amount OrInttreatpetmltttdby applicablt Iow a 8 tier foregoing + bank dedgnurd by d 8 g, It l the lntoe.tion to the DMaxi that making ouch payment, ue hereunder,odr, LfOuch non•lnterestlamaounts cancel and have p id In lr lea• tscred the mazlmum making tuck PSYment y and Iftherrtnfore Y. have barn paid In full, refundeddto the p fey so D, Exercire a Landlord !any one Tenant, r more ether by hereunder granted or otherwise evallab]e:kola not be deemed to be a SeetDknes of surrender otter promisee 6 can b■ elFrrltd only cl the written a ferment of Landlord ondgrFe enI t Vn such at of locks or other :county device" and removal or other eatrelst O written ta0n b y operation ON11 w, it beln n canedtuteatonyrrelon,' f�nsnthtreby�nsrntlndovarthspropertyorTensntorothrrsatShepremlresrhalab�d odthetsuchsurrtnder device thr premises, All claims for dams rtelOn fs eventofdefaoil, etmed unouthorlxed or devices areherebywalvtd,a get r rraton of such re•entfy and)or �opodealon and/orffrofdor oniof Jorka or other security Proceedings or othher Je al s art '& cl"lma fordama is by reason stony dlttrnc we property detainer pprocetdl ngtorOtherlegalpoceedingsorwiLh utthenrressibf Landlord maybatD�rawntcoiner shall not be liable in trespass or othrrwlse, Procetdingt, Begin forcible y or any legal Proceedings, b JuoMent obtained in forcible B as Landlord may +Jett, and Landlord C. In Lhrtvent Lendlardelect, LO terminala the leant by rruon of an event of default, then notxJtlutanding much termination, t Ten ontohe,llballablerorandahsli r hereunder ar orator b date of 11 itrminaliert, Plwe"a damages, an am ib hereunder for the remolnln P titled for notice to Lendlord herein, the c stated [n Paragraph g Donlon of the lease term Thad such term not been telrminaRed by bet+rren (iJ the locate tntaJ Landlord. 1) and (11) the titan heeIc value of the then felt rental values of the t Prior to the date of expiration P tmJSa for such period as determined by I% In end Landlord Atthe Landlord Address 1pfelp, seeps+tga the preen lads withauttermina(ung the l coat, then Tenant shell ht llabltlorand she ll pay tp Landlord,at the lddrau"ptt[Asdfor notice to Landlord herein, al) reveal And other team" then Tenant +ant shall to e l date o ry thpoueasion, Plus rental requlrtd to be old b she term as stated In Paragraph P Y Tenant to Landlord during the remelnder of lha lease term until the date of ttlate a(on of I diminished by any netsums thereafter received 6y Landlord through n' until ch sold period falter deducting erptnses incurred 6 enlltledtoanyexcesrofany renta)Obtainedb yLendlordasprovided insubparagraphl(LE.belowl. In Tenant to Landlord under this subpare grs Y relatiln= over and above the rental herein rase below). ). In o to ollett amount t be Landlord's waiting until ettplrallan Ott rah term. ay be brought from time to time, on one or more std, i, t o M1 the smou- is u E. In cameofaayet •entofdefeultOrbrrachb T for and "half Pct to Landlord, It the Connect opetllitd far nOtlte to Landlord herein , In cry breach h any sum Arena Tenant to be Paid liable Y Brunt, orlhreatrnedoranticlp +torybreathardefault Trnantshali"1so6eilsb)r brokers'lter Incurred by iandlordineonneetfon w[th relettln Tenant's or other Oseupant's property; the Iowa or repairing, Ilk rinole or any P+rl of the premises; the tor, of removing and storing sereptablr to a new tenant Of tenants and all reasonable tapuo 6 incurred by Landlord in enrarN Putting or defending Landlord's rights t odfor l rrd who tnelu, n rrawneble attorneyy lees which shall be not lac hadn filteeh Percent l(16%j o! al] yarns then Premiers fe Landlord whether au It lr Celuatly pied ornoi,or any: ich $ s ll be oL Jess enkru u �t Ading a Into e', righ s F. ]n the t10 ro e%the pro rise , r IMy epf0n of lhr premicea for an event of dtfarultc Land)ordeshall n76tlhavelany Obligation to re nay Or to attempt b stet the promises, or any parilon thereof, or to collect rents I after reletting; and In the n ant may rtlet the• whole Or any portlen"i'tht premfrer for any period to any tenant and for a ny use and purpose, 4. If7lnantehould f,ll remake any of rtlrttlnp, Landlord beingunder■nyobiigationtodoel andwphvutLhe► eborcureanydefau lthereunderwithinthetimeherrin for the account ofTen"nt (And in ter the Y Slvingauthdefault,ma m /or re odysu hothtrdefe without Such Landlord. ue,lon. snd, all tests, txPrniganddlabuttem�nips ((ndudnthareu oY okeauch paymrntandiorremrdyauchotherdehu It remedlSlatllon. P ttTenantshaJIbeObligatedco ,andherebyagreer,loPey g reasonable Attorney 'a fees)lncurrtd by Landlord In taking such K. Inlhr event ofanydefiullby theprd, Tenant' aexclusive remedy she 11 brenaetionfordamagts1Tenanlherebywa ivingthe will live a n lawn grltig ng its specipon the propsftyofLandlord and/or upon rent due ac ionfo 1, but prier an wit) give Landlord written noi[te speclfying ruch default with porticularlty, and Landlord shalt chorea ore have cure or Initiate a cure stony ruch dehu)t Ilnlep and until Landlord falls to so cure or lnEHase a curt of any default after each notice, Ttrtsat Shall not Y such action Tenant covenant,, notaondlllo s -a d a l mu habllligt n action 1 ae bindle whereof, All obit obligations P thirty drys In which to andnotthereafter,Theterm "Landlord'ohsllmeanonbebl owatuponthedlorbean g or Landlord hereunIf' will be n such not u g pan Landlord only during the period offu such owner of its inters, In the pnmteta, Cush Owner shall thertupon be released end discharged from all cot enema and oe III&Ploas el the Landlord thattalkruerulnp, but Such covenenyand ebliguionoshall be banding during lhr least t rmlu the seveniloflhe lranaftr by durstl0n of such owner's Ownership. NotwltlutFndtn an hereunder. Ir the event of an breach of drfauli 6y Landlord In any term or provision of this least, Tenant � roes h new w equltyorinttrrsl thenewned � breacho f dens It by Landlor In an prevision hereof, Landlord shall not hat a o l 119bl the anyklndbesoughlerobtalrudsgalsulo t "y Personal ]y 4Iiy nypa►tyLandlord. et, In noerent,chahanydr8clenc ud m g look solely to the yj g rnt_or_anymOnryJudgmtatof �� ... ..ter -.. .. .. .. !. In the even' lhsilhndlord ■hall hav uhsp La ndlordthanhavetherighttokeepInpl aeeandusealln,,Ihrfurhii "t fixtureaandt 1 owned by or less$ t° 'he' utetand purauanl to IS t atrlhorlty herein grarrled, Ihtn third tr M wa rant, a lltn,thtr onilLa Ilftlta Landlord shall Blau hnee Olu►i h areoh b 4u Pn+ehl a t the premises, Inckuaing that u�hirh is dcateda herran an t1tefsequea rstlonorothat ]e ai r o Landlord or repoasesslon thartof b located thereon and to g P oceul all otrnto remove from the pramtta {wlthput the nenu[tyr of of Lhtrengo► Tenant $hall be ]table place line In storage at anY prtrnises wi Y Dorti°n °!such furniture, fisturn, aqua m the right to r,lfa toLandiardforCostoIncurredb Ih,n the County in which the Pr p tnttndother r qulah Possession of ail or an Y Landlord in connection with such Petrov■! and errs P Opera} f 'Claimant "lehlmin tm4als,outed: and I^ such ertm, Y portion of rush furniture, listurrS, tquipmedl and other Claimant to have bee to D dT poneulOnthtraorx'hopretents to La other Landlord,hall also here Lake pou essl on grouch furniturt, ftftLLrte,+ elotaRyprtd$ ctuOr of Tenant) grintlna copy crony [not rumenttrpropertdtoAny erkbr Authenticity of Aid instrumentm copy of ere equipment or other g Claimant the right under varlo oe 7tnanI" Pledscer Olri slgnuu t thereon and art or to r any nature of lnvlly an ton or Inquiry ■t to the vai[di{y of the factual ?errant agrees l0 lhdemnl Inquire into the . Landlord her gin of po +session of l] or �h Porno harmless tom all cost, ea or legal basis upon w Y of Landiord Landlord heedh stated $hell be In addltfaR ale °n f Dsnst, lose, demo hick ClalmanL purports to art; and Tenant Stipulate$ and (bill thatched h O such furniture, fie{urs, a of m ge and liability incident to Landlord's y and all othu tights which Landlord - UI en a other property t6 Claimant. The ri h event OfdafiLL]ltmrriedletelyupon Its oecOf* h e,ein ranted Landlord art Comm erclally rea,0 eble.eFi[i ha Of Lala Ord to derlart an a waiver of the default, but Landlord ahell have the fight $I Y 1n tekJn a a t law yr in equity; and under this ghttodeclare the default atsaylemeonWith n event Ofdefau lt,s hall n°LconstltuLt lwau, P18tw t teshy one or mart of the remedies it forth herein then not preclude purouft of an remedies Provided el$ewhere !n this Least a suchactlon as is lawful orauthori :ed Of any tent'or darn$jes stressing t the Landlord 6 ntor provided by law, nor than pursuit Preclude an a duet by the Landlord to y re,S6n of the violation °fan Y reined constitute Y one or more of the other one eonttltute t walytr or the defeutL or orenn'ort of the p p y ortht terms, pr °vlalpn ovenaetture Or weaver romtdin rovldrd u on en even{ of dehull $boll not br deemed or construed t0 Agreement. The raeelptofapartial Y other r101atlon or breach of any t of his Lease• S not bt deemed an accord and S�tl lertion or o am Y terms, provlsions, end covenent contained in thls Least terms,provld deemed addeovsnad4e °nteined in thEe LetatAgre men ut under the Ltrms of this Leetr Agreement b r ohtr manner a waiver of defsultcr an Y Landlord from Terns 10, Landlord's Llen, In addition to an Y Other violation or breech of any of thr grants to Landlord t continuing security lnterast for ail tre�lite nd other Surma of m goods, warts, equipment fixtures, furnitur , Landlord's favor, Landlord shall have and Tenant hereby Altus Led on the r e inventor only btcOmin d D premises, end such property shell not bt removed therefrom without the consent of Landlord until all property or In real Y, accounts, contract right, chattel a aSwrtkaS,nytndtliOther@urnsofm p per andatherpuaortel Pon oil the event of a default under this least Landlord Ut Or hb erome du property of TtRant remedies under the URlform tto Landlord hereunder shall first have been paid and discharged. Paragraph ID at public or Prlva r salelupCo Rae (fill days notfeeatodTt1nan{ any other remedlts pr6v,ded herein or by few, al[ rights n g thaul"'n'tatlOntherightlopoutss and /or'ell'heprOPtrty described fr his and Other inatrumentsnere,Sa C a d eohstuate Landlord io i rY ordt ate an Jn Tenant,, belt distretl6n to Tenant heptby agree to exeeutt Such fin,ncln stn 4 agent to rateute on y statutory behalf any and all such financing riattment and Other [nsltumente nectssan i0 effrctuste the Provision of chi$ era raph, Any Statutor lien far rent It not hersb ,wslvctd,ttherst hereb g lament being In addition end suppltmeq{aryt hereto. Y aerated. Tenant does hereby r Y express eontractual if,, herein granted 20, Mortgages. Trnsnt $tee heroafter constituting A4thio leas subject and Subordinate W an mortragee, trwtee, or holder Of tnY Such upon prtmfaes or the Improvement sttua geq, and/or detdlal of tt Instrument In whol$Or in part, then b r ga or deed of trwl elects to have Tenant,, Interest In this lease unox' or ac anY time Provided. such klen, w la notice W Tenant from such mortgage,, trustee or holder, this lease ehll btod� +m td Superior to hSdher Ihl$ ieaawae exsrultd beforreraRrrssid morl , sue" any instruments, reiratq or parlor to shy such auberd[notin other docum$nt which may gage' rdied oftrust, Tenant than at any Llme h deemed on demand g this least or making this lease euper[Or to the ich a squired by a^ YOuchmortgage, Y mortgagee for the purpose oraVbjfcLInr and 4. 14fachanle't Liens and Tenant's personal Property Tasas. A. Tenant shall h,ve no authorlt ; x'hatoevarupon,orinsn Y expresssd or implied, to Pratte or place an for any Claim in favor ofan manner Lo bind,thelhterestelLa ndlord OrTrmntlnthepreml ,tsort0th,�umbnnca of an orreplrs. Tenantsovenriiandagrte ,ta<,twlll a, t,lnrltflnjhoae who m, Y kind ar nature Performed or materials furnished In conntctlil with in r Mau,e t° per paid all wmis legally durr�a l jr the rentals payable n8I?0C der ejelfy asserted against Its Interest in DSbIrb ltonIcranyconsirunor harmlts$from an t Y ark performed On the premflos on +which Any b l is o scan be (a dl labor the tight, title and in terra'tlofths Landlord In th the prenr$H or htT &alert meat thereon and that !t will save and hold daddl0rd ➢ease based on or Premises Y lien is or can ht mildly and x'rllttn tt a premises or under the terms o d hi�l,e: or Iff Tenant against they `lvehLsdrdlord lmmedistr Otis$ of the Placing of my ifen or eruthe pr ere against the pnm4e,, 8• nd any then Sg ll$bit for all taxes lt%'led or aase,Std ■ ► Promises, andanyothersele$, use ,rrnllOr other slmiletastcagain out g Inst prreonal Property. islon, re or tix{urrs plated by Tenant in the a Such the for whits Tenant la 1461e ter Property td or i ne,srd t same orJfthrasae $sedvalue6ll,tadJord's ro . Oordor t.pO,sesslon,orrtn {al oflhe it' the promise$, and Landlord elect, D Party 10 tnrreased by inelus[on of personaldproperty, furnlLure or fixtures placed o pay Lassa. loDaYthelaxasbtsedOnsuc�elneru [on a t Pert and fLxtures byTena t 22.Notices, Each pay LendlordupondemandLh ,tParLoftuch requlremeg4 with rtfartnt to the lending Instrument or Of g^ a with pliadtwito the n Each It malfn r very mallin o or deliver Y 01 anDPllesb]e governmental 1ews, ordinance,, regulations and other becomplladwtthwhensndl [thrfollogxj�deJlrrryoJid 1 )hol'"Ofthe making ofan gatep$are talon 011te or the making Of any payment by Tenant sent b; Landlord to Tenant or W All tent and other a $hall be deemed la addrele for Landlord her alnbaloxict farthora sass hobher, ddressa, Lsndtordmayrprrilyfromllmetotimebyv ,Patten ^oticede[!ve In accordance herewith, Tenant's obligation to a made by Tenant to Landlord hereunder ,hell be payable dasmedeatGl3tduntilauchrentand lIgatimooPay"ebSrnanwtyrramou tstoLandlo to LandlordatIhr P Y rake end shy other ■ ived b to Landlord under the terms of this lent shelf not rbt set larthbor a All t such ether address l Within Matto he continental L:nitrd Suter, as ien,nt me e PY q Y Landlord l0 7ensnt hereunder shalt be Payable to Tenant at the address herein brle- delivered f h, In ace6rd men hrrowllh, frl With the t: eepllpn6fParagraph22[alabove,An Y pacify from time to time by written notlrt deemed to be Mail, ad red whether aelusflY received or not Then depos,ttd aid the URlted 8tetrs M Registered d to rnolire° rdorumenlrequiredOrpermltledlobidr ]iveredhereundeshlibt tly elofore pecllledbywrltdlenReli edt liveredinAccord&netherewl{h; respective addresser eel Out below, or at aluchOr4ge prepaid, Certified Or LANDLORD; Other address as they have UNANT• HARRIS COUNTY ORGANf.ZED CHIME e T m el w AND NARCOTIC TASK FORCE n 4342 West 12th StxeeL ' w s U Ito o0 s xfta p27 [rand when Included A.Ith, lh 4111 jointly • t d+nn "Landlord ", as used In this Instrument, there arc more than p 10 Y fringe $man th f tin$$ Ives(° rthefrlol n{ aetcatlonOfsuthanotirerpeeefyln INITIAL. mo receipt of notices end payment to Land lord; if Ind x•htn Included x not, the term' T one errann, firm more thanonaprssDQ nrmoreorpOrstloh ,A11shalljointlyarron tamonjthemuevesforlh °rcorporatfon,$N ` g some Individual al some sP"Ifle address for LANDLORit i some Lndlvldual at some apetlfft address xlLhih the tonlfnertUl Unitrd Stele for ehr,receipl OI no{leas and payment to Tenant. All part,?$ included within the terms 'Landlord" and ' "' used In Shit instrument, there are tU Jolnl ese I and Ofauth a Store specifying L A prorisiona $(this paragraph to the sama ndlord "a Ind -7ehed freely �lueh hyena, iENANI Y. ,hall be bound by notice Ilven in accordance with the 43. k l$OjjIanaous,' A. words or a ni hum bar shall be hel dbineludeLhrplurai ,unlrJlthehallh to held an tender used in this 'else shall he held area runatrutd to Include ■n $. The terms,p srrtyuiret. Y other gender, and words In the singular And otherwise upon, the partlto h4i and upon their art active hers, IegaL repreaenLtives, auetnsors and Permitted 4 and conditions p contained In idle h■sr,hail apPIY to, Inure to the benefit of, end be atharwlse herein expressly Provided. Landlord h In the bulliI and Ptoptrly that are the Subject eve the right la it-niter and aaalgn,,h whole or In n party teres ofution ,proalofdueauthorisallonbo or this lease, Each art s P mllLed assigns, except ■s p +rtytorntrrintoLhialeast, YPartntra,or other a party gteettoturJhwhol o P rL,JtsrlghLjAndobligation, pP prtntedorumrn, atlonrvldtneEngth�dueatuthorixataanofsuth C, The captions Inserted In thin least Are for eonvt Entemo tthlateare,oranyprovlaionht 1, or In en w nlenre onl y and In no S■ Y +Yetreetthtlnte preLalionofthu defJne, limit or otherwise deetribe the leapt or D. Tenantagutahom Lima totlmt within LenL10)da itste, . 1.1andsuchotiea4+4tln that sa rt'rre9utstarL■ndlord,todsliver to an 91 objs and such other tnatteri Pertaining at this ]�ase,a In full torts and to obligation W rurnhh such ntopP rllAelea Inaaltlmelyf■thlan h temateer alllnductmtnt for Landlord's execu a or Lanirid t s 1 mey be requested b ah'ch rent hall been paid, the unexpired termetlgntt, y L+rtdlord. It is understood and a of this E. ThlsitaeemaynDtbesltered,ehart edorem greed that Tsnent's F. A1Job11g, tloaylotbeAlthed ,0hantedoramondtifII b ■ onvflhie,etar, Y nlnurumenllnxritingrignadb LD to survive the expiration or es Plitt terntlhaLlonofthe term hereof, En f the g without limitation alt Y both partlseherato. la taxes and insurance and ail obligations concerning Lhe condition , htlht txpttauon or tenter termination of the term item hereof, end prior to Tenant vaeatin Or [hla leur necessary to AnL tht premises. ]ncludf?, Without lamilet Tenant shall a Premise Upon the explreiiOn or earlier Lerm! Edon of the with respect condition and rtpalr, Tenant shall also, prior t vsraatlo lhs pay to Landlord my amount reason e Tenant's Obligation hereunder for real 1' prior and insurance pttlmeu and sir conditioning systems and a estimated by Landlord as such amounts shall b Prtrnlaes, pay Lo Landlord the Amount, ea estimated y Lan, En additional sosis therefore upon d� @red Landlord roe a ms (or the ytar In which the Rase expires Or termJnatrt.gAll P Ymrnl Crouch obligations of Ienant hertund c, w Y Landlord, of along determined andoelfa0td• aJLhetase may be. Landlord, n the year Inlwh[rh this xcess t the Ttt nt, Landlord,t a tau ofwaenant being hAble to, any ta,rndar Y excess to be returned to Tenant aRrr all such obligations have been the oparal[ng spent, b led upon they excess operatl D q +h ail b" tredlted a n g expenses has the option to charge Tenant for Tenant's Pr POrtlonsleashare of g In,tlhaamounlpayablsb Yeu'so etatingetpeneeeplustenPercent 110%1.An G, it any On andrear Provision of this ]tape'a illegal. Invalid or untntorttablr under r Y 1eCUrl; de thtolealer, than and i^ ihalerent, It Es Lhe lnttnlion afthe patties hereto that Lht remainder o(lhit tease shall Y Poeil held 6y Landlord !t to also the , he, Intention P esef for luture lowsen'tctive durlrtg lhrterm of unenforceable, there be royiji parties �rlatpart at this lease�torttrelrt a trlAUSe or provision ei simo Li In term unenfarcttb,rt,auseorprovleIois a ° nth Clause or provision °lJnolbeefrrttedehrreby,and al Ybeposslbleand6elegAl ,velidandentarcesblr Il shit lease that is Illegal, Inval id or lt. Because the r to such illegal, invalid or aceeptancr b P emiset art on the apt marketandare presently dtiivered yy Landlord, and ,hR,l not be valid or binding unless andyuntiil accepted. 6 k 6olh pJrtles hereto, \otwllhetanding the foregoing, Tenant ag set . by Landlord in writalled As enoflersub he ginal"I'"OLtastAgrtement, Landlotdnhallfarapertodor ( r i Lsndlardinwrllin )cettvnom ]rave the ability but not the obligation to Lender to Landlord ale in, lei full xxe led Copy no ad, Tenant nt vflts g review and return an exrcu��d Sd of the Leese Agreement Least and tendered sum sceeptaneeorreturnanasewI dor,turn i texec r original Ptrlod, then idea Least Agince or return be bindtn u to the Tenant during or before the erplrallon orsuch time by Tenant and a g temtnt g eni to Tenant, 1f Landlord shall PplysutheumatoemounlsdutandowingunderlhetetmaoftheLeastAgrumtnt. Tensnit trees chal,q the premises wall 6 g Fan bold r t e to Upon such oerauon, Landlord may retain such soma so deposited e irrerocalI lertopen during the time period necessary for Larldlordtoconsider [he ot7er. ], Ail references o this le Levi .the deer hsrrvf or tlmiker references shall be deemed to reter to he last dal Offer to Mete which all parties hereto dare estculed this ltue. J. Tenant represents and "IftitntJ that it ht■ dealt w to In point of time, on no broker' of alder Person brought about this transaction raker, agentorather olherthen — Personlneonnetelon with this transaettonorthel armles,ftom and agalnu;..... ms b an- ---- - - - - -_ . _' -- wort © —_ _,__ _ vlriue4rhavingdealtkithTenaniwith egudLaariel aUngtranncthll and Ytnant s€reu to lndemnlf and h— ^ - - - -- g ntosolherperaondafm] ngatommis slanorotherformotcompeMaltaM1ab4 K. This Lease Agreement shall be construed underthe lacy erthe $tats ofTnu. (at1., Landlord +red Tenant espreuly agree that there artand,ha,l be na implied a•arranllq atmerrhorytablltt for a particular Purpose or an ' re articul expressly d Y other kind ariaing out or I Lease Agreement and that all express or 1 P Y InclRlmrd. y, habitability 1V,, I'll asproI egrredby Tenant, es ■ materlli rvneld :ration for the ear mP11ed warranties in co Y, fitness novsrbe] repraaentettans ,w&rr■Mitt,uaderelandlnp, ontlifsttvnsn r nneatlon tuuon orthls Lease Agreement, that there are, and were, g/, Additional prorslonr g etmonta or promises Perishing to thisleart, EX ECLfTED By LANDLORD, this say or ,19 Attest/ tnsaA Title: EX£Cllia':D $yTEXANT,this day a! Attestltt'1tne" • Title: CIiOW —S IMMONS f! ] y By: Title; AgeilL ,19 HARRIS COUNTY ORCANIZED CRIME AND !'NARCOTIC py. Title; I L.. U:,-- 24A. Approximately 4,540 square located in a buildin containing feet of office and warehouse situated on a g,49 g ntaining approximately 29,6pz square space Survey, Abstract 642 acre tract of land out of the JohnRein feet and being , in the city of Houston, Harris County, eexas Houston, Texas 7705 particularly described as 4342 West 12th street, West 12th Street Cent' anters shown in Exhibit A. 12th Street 12 situated within a Further described as Center 11 & 12 consisting of 64 pro GCt known as West 24B. HA2 s9Qare feet, ARDOUS WASTE, The term "Substances " lease shall mean as used in this wastes or pollutants, contaminants, toxic or disposal, transportation Substances? r the use hazardous restricted removal ' storage, handling, prohibited or penalized b of which is regulated, Which term shall mean any federal, state or local law, ordinance or Y any "Environmental Law," Other statute of relating to pollutionovxrnmental or quasi- governmental authority specifically rotection o£ the environment and s substance'' Y include, but not be limited hall as that term is defined under toy any 'hazardous Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability any amendments the Comprehensive or successors in function thereto Act of 1980 and agrees that (i} no activity will be conducted on the Tenant hereby will produce any Substance Part of the ordinar xcePt for such activities m that that "Permitted Activities") course for Tenant's business activities ctivities ") provided said Pe (the conducted in accordance with all Environmental Laws and have been approved in advance in Permitted Activities are responsible for advance i writing by Lessor• and providing n obtaining any required permit6�andenant shall be the premises gwill testing required an y any governmental agency; any fees Substances a not be used in y manner for are In for the temporary storage o the storage of any used the ordinar g f such materials that "Permitted Materials,, Y course of Tenant's Properly stored in a ma provided such Permitted business (the Laws and a manner and location Materials are be responsible approved in advance i n meeting all Environmental, P nsible for obtaining any wrre u r by Landlord; Tenant shall fees and providing any testis required q eyed permits iii y an and Paying y ( ) no portion of the premises g aired b y governmental agncy; dump; (iv) Tenant will n stall an be used as a landfill or a type; (v) Tenant will not allow an underground or of any conditions to exist or come into existence that constitute, or with Y surface or subsurface the passage of time ma (vi) Tenant will not Y constitute a public or premises Permit any Substances to ber brought nonto nthe upon written Pert for the Permitted Materials described below or located thereon Permission he same shall immediately removed, With disposal, rought or found undertaken and all required cleanup procedures shall be diligently Pursuant to all substance being brought upon Environmental Laws. Environmental into the Lease with Landlord's written prey, h any Landlord any applicable Permission safety not, Premises, whether Tenant will provide to substance as well as a written descripiontofsthets regarding said common and recognized tive al name of such Substance. Landlords representative shall Premises and the obligation, to enter the have the right, butannotrdthe the storage, use and disposal sog for the purposes of compliance with all Environmental Laws. Permitted Materials to Pectins in Landlord's Sole o Should it be determined, improperl opinion, that said Permitted Materials are being immediatel stored, used, or disposed of then Tenant s Y takefailsuch to take action as required b hall Should Tenant twenty -four 24 take such corrective actionanwithin ( ) hours, Landlord shall have the right to perform such work and Tenant shall all costs associated with Saidtworkeimburse Landlord for an after the term oP the lease If at any time during aor contaminated or sub the premises is found to be se institute proper jest to said conditions, Tenant shall diligently cost, and ena agrees rto h cleanup procedures at Tenant's sole from all claims, demands, actions,ify and hold Landlord harmles damages, fines, reimbursement, liabilities, costs, expenses uP costs, and obligations reStitution, response costs, INITIAL attorneys fees) of any 6 (inc ud (including investigative responses an • a result of the TENANT use of the premises by Tenant. The foregoing indemnification and the responsibilities of Tenant shall survive the termination or expiration of this Lease. Permitted Materials: None 24C. Landlord.and Tenant agree that this Lease is to be altered to • be a "full service" Lease. As a result it is agreed that the Lease is to be amended as follows: Para a "o r t EXPenseslt For purposes of this Lease and in addition to those expenses included in Paragraph 4.B., operating expenses shall include those expenses paid or incurred by the Landlord for maintaining, operating and repairing the real property described in Exhibit "A ", the Building, the Premises, and other improvements thereon and the personal property used in conjunction therewith (hereafter collectively referred to as "project ") including but not limited to the cost of ad valorem taxes assessments, electricity, natural gas, ventilation heating and ai r conditioning, water, sewer, window cleaning, janitorial service, insurance, including but not limited to, fire, extended coverage, liability, workmen's compensation, elevator or any other insurance carried in good Landlord and applicable to faith by the customary property m the Project, painting, uniforms, use taxes anagement fees, supplies, sundries, sales or all person" erson on supplies or services, cost of wages and salaries of s engaged in the operation, mainte Project and so- called fringe benefits nance and repair of the laries and (such wages, salaries fringe benefits are not herein limited to three percent lar gross annual rental to be received hereu nder), or rovide benefits for any other cost of the expenses which the Landlord pays or incurs to p or employees so engaged in the operation, maintenance and repair of the Project, the charge of any independent contractor who, under contract with the Landlord or its representatives, does any of the work of operating, maintaining or repairing the Project, legal and accounting expenses, including but not limited to such expenses as relate to seeking or obtaining reductions in and refunds of real estate taxes, or any other expense or charge, whether or not herein before mentioned, which in accordance With generally accepted accounting and management principles would be considered as an expense of maintaining, operating or Landlord at repairing the Project. expense to more re sole option, may elect to allocate any project than one year, Notwithstanding any other provision herein to the contrary, it is agreed that in the event the building is not fully occupied during any year of the lease term, an adjustment shall be made in computing the operating Expenses for such year so that the Operating Expenses shall be computed for such year as though the building had been fully occupied during such year. In addition to the expenses of Landlord included as "operating Expenses" in the Paragraph 4.B.it is agreed that the following services shall be furnished by Landlord and the expense thereof shall also be included as "Operating Expenses ": (a) To furnish the electricity, water and sewer utilized in operating the facilities serving the Leased Premises according to Paragraph 10 of the Lease, except as otherwise provided havin. (b) To furnish Tenant while occupying the premises: and generaltuse of other tenants in the building, cof supply provided for conditioning in season, routine maintenanc and nelectrictlighting service for all public areas and special service areas of the building in the manner and to the extent deemed by Landlord to be standard. Landlord will furnish janitorial service on a one (1) ELAINQUI:� JA1 day per week basis at no extra charge for all common areas. Failure by Landlord to any extent to furnish these defined services, or any cessation thereof, resulting from causes beyond Ni 0 • the control of Landlord, shall not render Landlord liable in any asrespect an damages to either of Tenant, nor person work �nroperty, nor be construed relieve Tenant from fulfillment abatement of rent, nor hereof. Should any of the equipment £ any enaytbz r agreement reasonable diligenceeto to function repair same rom Properly, Landlord shall use no claim for rebate p p p y, but Tenant shall have interruptions in service coccasioned rtherebyeor resulting therefrom. (ii)Proper electrioal facilities to furnish sufficient typewriters, voice writers, calculating power for machines and other machines. When heat generating machines, equipment, fixtures or Other devices of any nature whatsoever are used in the Tenant which affect the temperature otherwise maintained by the sair conditioning system, Landlord shall have the right to install Supplementary air conditioning units in the premises, and the cost thereof, shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord upon demand by Landlord. Tenant agrees to purchase from Landlord all replacement lamps and bulbs used in the premises and to pay Landlord's standard charge for furnishing and replacing such lamps and bulbs. (c) To furnish Tenant, free of charge, with two keys for each corridor door entering the Leased Premises, and additional keys will be furnished at a charge by Landlord equal to its cost plus 15% on an order signed by tenant or Tenant's authorized All representative. such keys shall remain the property of Landlord. No additional locks shall be allowed on any door of the Leased Premises without Landlords permission and Tenant shall not make, or permit to be made, any duplicate keys, shall except those furnished by Landlord. Upon termination of this Lease, Tenant surrender to Landlord all keys to the Leased Premises, and give to Landlord the explanation of the combination of all locks for safes, safe cabinets Premises, and vault doors, if any, in the Leased 24D. RENEWAL OPTION. While this lease is in full force and effect, provided that Tenant is not in default , option o covenants and conditions of any Of the terms exercises such thereof, either at the time Tenant r at the commencement of the renewal term, Tenant shall have the right or option to extend the original term Of this lease for one further term of twelve (12) months. Such extension or renewal of the original term shall be on the same terms, covenants or conditions as provided for in the original term except that the rental during the extended term shall be at the fair market rental then in effect on equivalent properties, of equivalent size, in equivalent areas with the length of the lease, the length of the renewal term and the credit standing of the Tenant to be taken into account. Notice of However, in no event shall the rental in he renewal term be below the rental in the primary term Of the lease. Tenant's intention to exercise the option must be given to Landlord in writing not less than four (4) months nor more than six (b) mouths prior to the expiration of the original term of this lease. to reach In the event Landlord and Tenant fail an In on such rental rate and execute the corresponding renewal lease, four (4) months prior to the expiration of the initial term hereof, then the exercise of the renewal option shall be deemed withdrawn and this lease shall terminate at the stated expiration of said initial term. In the event the premises is sublet ox assigned, this renewal Option will be null and void and of no further effect. 24E. Landlord will add the following improvements according to Trammell Crow Company Houston Industrial standard specifications: 1. Carpet or the the office portion of the facility. 2. A portable ramp for he overhead door in the rear of the facility. INMAL LANDLORD TENANT ate_.. Z.,._ , 24F. Tenant agrees to prepay, prior to the commencement of the above referenced improvements, the twelve monthly rental payments or twenty -two thousand Six Hundred Ninety -two and no /loo dollars ($22,692.00) to Landlord. 0 ELANDIO�R� x`� =��m x���ca ccia 3 t $as.�o �m CD CD ticn a� mm m r� U . N fl. rt N � O � Cm c� a LXKIBIT "A" NORTH ANT qsT ARV I c� X0,4 ArE kwy 610 lw.s r L oop) _C r Z IOE w C f O x O O Z m