Ordinance No. 5,635900913 -23 ORDINANCE N0. 5635 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE DIRECTOR OF THE HARRIS COUNTY ORGANIZED CRIME AND NARCOTICS TASK FORCE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION TO PROVIDE OFFICE SPACE THROUGH THE HARRIS COUNTY ORGANIZED CRIME AND NARCOTICS TASK FORCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes and directs the Director of the Harris County Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force to execute an agreement with the Drug Enforcement Administration to provide office space through the Harris County Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force. A copy of said agreement is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A," and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, this the 13th day of September, 1990. RMM. O ETT O. HUTT .mm ,, .... � yor ATTEST: EILEEN P. HALL,'City Clerk 42L)C';� q�ANDALL'B. STRONG, ity Attorney C:1:53:26 • • AGREE"NT day of August, 1990, betWeQn Vhis agreement is %ader this mint a iae, Drug Enforcement Admin- the QriiCezi Stat+��. �� City of Baytown, Te~Xas (the City)- i stration (fly) WfMRyAs ttLera is evidence that trafficking in narcotice and dangerous drug% exists in the Houston, Texas, metropolitan area and that such illegal activity has a ubstfntialp and detrimental effect on the health. aril genet ee to the Houston A4txapclitan axea, the parties hereto agr fo�.3ow3nq= 1. To accomplish the Cklnq objectives rea program (HIDTA PrOgr m)ftthe High Intensity Drug assicrri Organized Crime and City, acting th.reugh the Harris County z'g artici- Narcotic Task Farce (HC$ localdlV'V a forCement agencies; patxng Federal a State, ra£f i0xing squads (or task fox'ae+�) a. establish MR]or Drug T corisistihq of Federal, state, and 10C&1 law enforcement agencies for which DMA will provide overall managezent; iavve�fl a1 and fr. target izations in the Houston prosecute majdr d7CUg trafficking or metropoLitan area and to coordinat- with Other R%DT;L regions as appropriate; a, purchase egu�.p'merxt and obtain suit,loffice e alorCDrugx use by the law enforcement personnel tass pgnticipating Federal. Trafficking Squads (task forces) by the state, and, kcal law enforcement agencies. The Magyar Drug Trafficking Squads will perform the activities and duties elescribsd below: a. disrup�.illCit drug traffic in the Houston metropolitan 3. immobilizing targeted major drug traffi.Cki.neg violators area by' xo and Q=iaativna haviris� ulti_ jurisdictional ana internatiO nal ramifi tiari8; b, gather and report intellige�tce data relating to trap" fickinj. in narcotics and dgrgerous drugs; �4 conduct undercover operations where apprap i ate and engage in other traditional methods of f.rtYestigaticn in order ose - that trle Tank Fox' �rourts activities i3n.ted result Btat$s1anci effective stttte of cation lbBfQre the Texas. I-P OP ANIZEI7 CRIME 'UNIT -- P. 2/75 2 To aecompli.sh the objectives of the HIDTA Program, the city will, acting through the HCaCNTF, as set forth more fully below, secure appropriate office space for tho use of the HIDTA Hajor Drug Trafficking Squads and arrange Necessary alterations to that space. 3. The City Vil.l: a. lease a minimum of office Space in the Houston Metro - politan area suitable to house approximatel.y'65 law enforcement officers and supporting clerical personnel. The office space selected is subject to the approval. of SBA and of the HIDTA Coordinttor. DRA understand$ that the City, through the HCaCNTF, i►a negotiating for space in the Texan Building (first floor) , 333 W. Loop Mores, Houston, Texas, 77024. DEA agrees that this space would be satisfactory. b. obtain all necessary architectural drawi.ngS and plans and arrange for the leased space to be built out or renovated to suit the needs of the RI DTA Major drug Trafficking Squads, as determined by DEA, and meeting General Services Aslainistration (GSA) standards. c. obtain all necessary permits. d. award and administer all necessary contracts and super - via* the Conduct of all construction. . e, perform sash other serviaas relating to the office space as DEA. may request. 4. DEA will: a. reimburse the City for costs in=red in building out and renovating the leased space and perforating other requestOd services, in an amount not to exceed $4751000.00. b. reimburse the City for costs incurred in le&ging the space tor the months of August and September 1990, in an amount not to exceed $33,332.00. c, subject to the availability of appropriated funds in fiscal-year 1991, reimburse the city for costa incurred in leasing the space during fiscal year 1991, in an amount not to exceed $200000.00 for the fiscal year. S. in ho event will the city charge any indirect cost rate to DL'A for the adminiatrution or implementation of this agrea- math . s, The City *hall maintain on a current basis complete and accurate records and accounts or all ouiigativno and +axpond3- 90115:22 H RGANIZED CRIME UNIT r 3 - P.3/7 Lures of funds =der this agreement in accordance with ganerally accepted accounting principles and instructions provided by DEA to facilitate on -site inspection and auditing of such records and accounts. 7. The City shall germit and have readily available for examination and audits hg bO DEA, al t e'�h iteA states. Department nyoof Zustiee, the Comptroller their only authorizad agents and,repxesentatives, any and all regards, document$, account$, invoices, receipts or expenditures relating to this agreement. The city sh all matairi all such reports and retards until all o�dtithrea and �3j $yeaxsi2►i'ter are term�nated and resolved, or for a period tion of this agreement, whichever is 840ner• S. The city shall comply with Title V1 of the CiVtltaithes Act 'Of 1964 and all requirements imposed by or pursuant i regulations of the United States Departwent o>r mplem�nt- ing that law, 28 CPR Dart 42, subparts C and D. 9. The City agrees that are authorized officer or employee will execute and return to DEA the attached o0JPForm therlcertif itati.on Regarding Delbarment, sugps Respon- sibility Matters- The City acknowledges that this agreement will not taX& effect and no Federal funds will be awarded to the City by DRA nntzl the completed certification is received. 106 The city agrees that an authorized officer or cmplayeA Will execute and return to DEA the attached WP Form 4461/3, certification Regarding Drug -Free Wdrkpiace *requirements. The city acknowledges that this agreement will not take effect and no Federal funds mill be awarded to the City by DEA until the completed certification is received. ll. The city agrees that an authorized officer Or employee will execute and retU.z''A to IDEA. the attached Certification Regard - ing Lobbyinq. The City acknowledges that this agreement will not take effect and no Federal funds vill be.avarded to the City by DRA until the completed certification is received. 12. When issuing Statement$, press releases, requests for proposals, bid soliCitRtions, and other documents describing prc�ects or programs funded in whole orintpart pert nt Federal the money, the City Shall clearly state; total lost of the program or project which will al financed wlhe Fader ae money and (2) the dollar amount of Fe�dero�, funds for the pro j aC or Prcg rata . 23 The tee of thia egreemetit shall- be from the date of signature by representatives of both parties to gcpte�abeo 3t, 1991. days' dyal' 4 written nnOtICe. terminated Billi.ng$ f0V either d�eys a "MM - 71AM 4 SO H AO W0;4!I A _2 : 9 L es. z:2 Vnis �. �.r.� n1 in_nkk r,IF I 1Tr T.•, I - .---SEP 1 '90 i5.22 H C ORGANIZED CRIME UNIT n c P.4i7 q gbjjgations must be received by nEA within 90 days of the date-of teminaticm of this agrsament. DLA will be responsible only for obligations incurred by the City during the terra of this agres- ment . Far the Drug Enforcement Administration: Date Ruben nson special A4ent in Charge xaustort Field Division For the city Of Baytown: Charl ei Shatter Airectar Harris Countyy organized Crime and Narcotic Task Force nzA Aporopriations Number: • Date I