Ordinance No. 4,79970910 -2 ORDINANCE NO. 4799 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, PROVIDING THAT A UTILITY EASEMENT BE VACATED, ® ABANDONED AND CLOSED; PROVIDING FOR THE EXCHANGE OF EASEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE QUITCLAIMING OF THE CITY'S INTEREST IN SAID PROPERTY; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. ************************************************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** WHEREAS, there is a certain dedicated utility easement which runs along the east part of Lot 55 Country Club Oaks, Section 8; and WHEREAS, J. Neal Chastain and wife Madeline S. Chastain are the abutting land owners and have made application that it be discontinued,. closed and abandoned as a utility easement; and WHEREAS, J. Neal Chastain and wife Madeline S. Chastain have made in exchange for such easement, an easement along the west part of Lot 55 Country Club Oaks, Section 8 and have offered EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY -TWO AND 28/100 ($842.28) DOLLARS to equalize the value of the exchanged easements; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED.BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: The utility easement to be abandoned is described as a ten (10) foot wide and one hundred twelve and 09/100 (112.09) foot long utility easement. A map of such easement to be abandoned.is attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A." Section 2: That the dedicated utility easement described above is hereby closed, abandoned and permanently vacated as a dedicated easement. Section 3: That the City of Baytown hereby accepts in exchange for such easement, a five (5.) foot wide and ninety -six and 54/100 (96.54) foot long easement along the west part of 'Lot 55 Country Club Oaks, Section 8, as shown in Exhibit "B" and payment by J. Neal Chastain and wife Madeline S. Chastain the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY -TWO AND 28/100 ($842..28) DOLLARS to equal.ize the value of the exchanged. easements. Section 4: That the interest or interests of the City and /or public in the above described easement (and as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto) is hereby quitclaimed to­ the adjacent owner for.and in consideration of such exchange for equal or greater value. . ® Section 5: That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute such instruments, if any, necessary for such abandonment and sale. 70910 -2a C� Section 6: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, this the 10th day of September, 1987. ATTEST: EILEEN "P: HALL, City Clerk , F'ARANDMAL-L •, , 4 EMMETT 0. HUTTO, Mayor C Ll lu o 70910 -2b G n � � 1 oar 2 0 u+ � �- T� � O I I 2 o I� Qi I I(p � O I � r• � I °n T! r , ,z Q r I am cUl b � Fno. iir 'R i C) c7 mry cn •w. sir r.n. N i C WEST 112 LOT 54 Ma 91 w u a I U -J�, N 3B' SB' 29'E 119.61' SE *vr �R I i � I EAST 112 LOT 54 I w p ca i m N z N 3d' SB' 29' E 120.00' "'V I/r tL Q .6 , - m < m v ; ' I O � I • C N 38 58' 29" E� 120.00' u Q Z r i ti l w Cn j I i T ! EXHIBIT A IL a rl �J n aZ 70910 -2c � ps a Z. ' o � I I p V 38 58' 29 "E 112.54' o � n - O X6.5 5`' � I mow. yr ,R I N a m N N 3'.58 9" E A8 09' I 1 gn, . „ O WEST 112 LOT .54 � � U y I N 3B' 58' 29'E d9.6J' e • � I � se * vt r� < I EAST 1/2 LOT 54 I m o • N � v 3d' 58'29' E 8 r m a m Fi r f ^ `' U) Z I ! v 38' S,, 29' E� y 120.00' ' O O n i Ln C ; o: � � I t EXHIBIT